HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorthview Christian Life Church (N) 10030036-37Northview Christian Life Church (V-8-01; V-9-01; V-10-01) i
Petitioner seeks a Developmental Standards Variance of Section 25.7.02-5(b) of
the Sign Ordinance in order to establish two additional institutional identification
signs. The petitioner also seeks Developmental Standards Variances of Section
25.7. 02-5(d) of the Sign Ordinance to allow these signs to stand six feet tall rather
than the five permitted.
Filed by Mark C. Thomas for Northview Christian Life Church.
Scott Senefeld of Senefeld & Associates Architects, with offices at 935 Logan Street,
Noblesville, Indiana appeared on behalf of the petitioner. Mr. Mark Thomas, business
manager for Northview Christian Life Church, was also in attendance.
The requested variances are for two signs with permanent text, ,one to be located at the
property corner, adjacent to the intersection of 131st and Hazel Dell Road. The second
sign would be located at the new drive entry off Hazel Dell Road, giving a total of three
ground signs, the existing sign is located at the entrance of 31 st Streel, the original
entry. Northview would also like to request an additional one -foot of height for each sign
in order to increase visibility. The church site is large, and the building sits a significant
distance from the road. The two property entrances are separated by a major intersection
and are on different streets. For these reasons, the Church is requesting additional
signage to aid in the direction of visitors to the site. Due to the large setback distance of
the sign, and the rate of traffic along Hazel Dell Parkway, Northview is requesting one
foot of additional height in order to make the signs visible. Elevations of the proposed
signs were shown. Mr. Senefeld offered apologies to the Board for not submitting
informational packets in a timely manner.
Sign one at the intersection of 131St Street and Hazel Dell Road sits approximately 75 feet
from the curb. Sign two at the entry off Hazel Dell Road is 25 feet from the right of way.
The existing sign is located at the entrance off 131st Street, the original entry.
Members of the public were invited to speak in favor of or opposition to the petitions.
No one appeared and the public hearing was closed.
Kelli Hahn reported the Department is recommending favorable consideration of these
Earlene Plavchek asked if the increased height is requested for the existing sign as well as
the two new signs. Mr. Senefeld was not sure if a variance was needed for the original
sign, but the current request is for the two new signs only.
Mr. Mohr expressed a real concern about the request and need for the large sign,
particularly at the roundabout location. Mr. Senefeld responded that the Church desires it
for increased visibility from all directions. With the slope of the land and distance from
the curb, the petitioner feels it should enhance the property rather than be an obstruction.
s:\BoardofZoningAppeals\Minutes\2001 feb 11
Ms. Rice was concerned about not having information packets to review prior to the
meeting, and the lack of ability to depict exactly where the signs are to be located. If
there were a re -design of the roundabout, Ms. Rice did not want to approve something
that would later be a problem. Mr. Senefeld explained the new ent off Hazel Dell Road
has been approved. He assumes th roundabout to ne sign' ins -at least
Chuck Weinkauf said he understands the signage off Hazel Dell Parkway, but he is
ed about allowing any_signage on the roundabout because there are enough
potential problems inherent in safety concerns. Granting the additional sign on Hazel
Dell seems to gain no practical purpose.
Mr. Senefeld said it was the intent of sign one at the intersection to maintain a 45 foot
visual triangle at the intersection; we surpassed that with the 75-foot. The concern was to
make the sign a visual obstacle to reach the people who are not familiar with the Church
site. Within a 45 foot visual triangle there could have been a problem; hence the proposal
of 75 feet.
Kelli Hahn explained the variances being requested. The petitioner is allowed one
ground identification sign; the variance is a request for two additional signs. If the board
wants to approve only one additional sign, there are procedures to accomplish this. The
Chairman asked the petitioner if they would consider amending the petition for fewer
than two signs. Mr. Senefeld asked to amend the petition. Mr. Senefeld explained that
the Church would like the opportunity to erect two signs, but would prefer at least the
sign at Hazel Dell be approved rather than no additional signs.
Mr. Weinkauf quizzed the board members on what they would and would not be willing
to support. Mr. Mohr was concerned regarding a sign on the roundabout; Ms. Rice would
at least want the sign moved back farther. Ms. Plavchek and Mr. Dierckman concurred
with Mr. Mohr's and Ms. Rice's comments.
Mr. Senefeld formally requested an amendment of V-8-01 to Stablish one additional
at the entrance to tlWhurch on Hazel Dell Parkway.
Leo Dierckman moved for the approval of Northview Christian Life, V-8-01, as
amended, to provide for one additional identification sign on Hazel Dell Parkway,
seconded by Michael Mohr. The motion was APPROVED 5 — 0.
At this time, the petitioner formally requested withdrawal ofl-9-01 which is now
unnecessary with the elimination_of one sign.
Following a motion by Leo Dierckman and a second by Pat Rice, V-10-01 Northview
Christian Life Church, to ermit a height of six feet for the newly approved sign
located off Hazel Dell, was APPROVED by a vote of 4 in favor, 1 opposed (Plavchek).
s:\BoardofLoningAppeals\Minutes\2001 feb 12