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182694 03/02/2010
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352600 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE ALT WITZIG ENGINEERING, INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 4105 W 99TH ST CHECK AMOUNT: $12,799.35 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 182694 CHECK DATE: 312/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4460807 11,113.55 T080041009 902 4460807 1,685.80 T090821009 L) Alt Witzig Engineering, Inc. 4105 West 99th Street •Carmel, Indiana 46032 (3 17) 875 -7000 Fax (317) 876 -3705 Involc TD8004 -1009 11/2012009 Page:1 Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Attention: For October 2009 Project No. TD8004 Parcel 7A, Regional Performing Arts Center -Job# 2695 Reg. Reg. OT OT Rate Item Cost Date Tech. Service Description Mrs. Rate Hrs. Rate Miles Miles Quan. Unit Total 10/01/09 016 Senior Technician MortarlGrout 8.00 23.50 1.00 32.90 0 0.00 220.90 Masonry Inspection 10101/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/01/09 016 Grout Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/02/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Masonry 8.00 23.50 1.50 32.90 0 0.00 237.35 Inspection 10/02/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/05/09 1042 Senior Technician Grout/Masonry 0.00 23.50 6.50 32.90 0 0.00 213.85 Inspection 10/05/09 1042 Grout Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/05/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 4.50 32.90 0 0.00 336.05 Masonry Inspection 10/05/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/05109 016 Grout Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/06/09 1042 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 0.00 23.50 5,00 32.90 0 0.00 164.50 10/06/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 4.50 32.90 0 0.00 336.05 Masonry Inspection 10/06/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/06/09 016 Grout Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/07109 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 4.00 32.90 0 0.00 319.60 Masonry Inspection 10/07 /09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/07/09 016 Grout Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/07/09 1042 Senior Technician Site Inspection 0,00 23.50 5.25 32.90 0 0.00 172.73 Offices: Subsurface Investigation and Foundation Engineering Cincinnati, Ohio Dayton, Ohia Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Indianapolis Evansville Ft..' 'x° Lafayette South Bend Terre Haute, Indiana Environmental Services /f O Alt Witzig Engineering, Inca 41.05 West 99th Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 (317) 875 -7000 Fax (3 17) 876 -3705 10/08/09 16 Senior Technician Mortar /Masonry 7.00 23.50 0.00 32.90 0 0.00 164.50 Inspection 10/08/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/08/09 1001 Senior Project Masonry Letter 2.50 72.00 0.00 72.00 0 0.00 180.00 Manager 10/09109 016 Senior Technician Mortar 3.00 23.50 0.00 32.90 0 0.00 70.50 10/10109 016 Senior Technician MortarlMasonry 0.00 23.50 10.00 32.90 0 0.00 329.00 Inspection 10/10109 016 Mortar Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/12/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 4.00 32.90 0 0.00 319.60 Masonry inspection 10/12/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/12/09 016 Grout Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/12109 1042 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 0.00 23.50 5.50 32.90 0 0.00 180.95 10/13/09 1042 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 0.00 23.50 5.25 32.90 0 0.00 172.73 10/13/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Masonry 8.00 23.50 4.00 32.90 0 0.00 319.60 Inspection 10/13/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10114/09 1042 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 8.00 23.50 0.00 32.90 0 0.00 188.00 10/14109 016 Senior Technician Mortar 100 2150 0.00 32.90 0 0.00 70.50 10/15/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 3.00 32.90 0 0.00 286.70 Masonry Inspection 10/15/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/15/09 016 Grout Cylinders 8 5.00 40,00 10/15/09 1042 Senior Technician Site Inspection 0.00 23.50 5.00 32.90 0 0.00 164.50 10/16/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 4.00 32.90 0 0.00 319.60 10/16/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/16/09 016 Grout Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10116/09 1042 Senior Technician Site Inspection 0.00 23.50 5.00 32.90 0 0.00 164.50 10/17/09 2004 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 0.00 23.50 8.50 32.90 0 0.00 279.65 10/17/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar 0.00 23.50 10.50 32.90 0 0.00 345.45 10/17/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/19/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 4.00 32.90 0 0.00 319.60 Masonry Inspection 10/19109 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/19/09 016 Grout Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/19/09 1042 Senior Technician Site Inspection 0.00 23.50 4.50 32.90 0 0.00 148.05 10/20/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 4.00 32.90 0 0.00 319.60 Masonry Inspection 10/20/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/20/09 016 Grout Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/20/09 1042 Senior Technician Site Inspection 0.00 23.50 4.50 32.90 0 0.00 148.05 Offices: Subsurface Investigation and Foundation Engineering Cincinnati, Ohio Dayton, Ohio Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Indianapolis Evansville Ft. Wayne e Lafayette South Bend Terre Haute, Indiana Environmental Services 1 M= Aft Witzig Engineering, Inc. 4105 West 99th Street o Carmel, Indiana 46032 (317) 875 -7000 Fax (317) 876 -3705 10/21/09 16 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 3.50 32.90 0 0.00 303.15 Masonry Inspection 10/21/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/21/09 016 Grout Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/21/09 1042 Senior Technician Site Inspection 0,00 2150 4.50 32.90 0 0.00 148.05 10/22/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Masonry 8.00 23.50 4.00 32.90 0 0.00 319.60 Inspection 10122109 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/22/09 1042 Senior Technician Site Inspection 0.00 23.50 4.50 32.90 0 0.00 148.05 10/23/09 016 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 3.00 23.50 0.00 32.90 0 0.00 70.50 10/23/09 1042 Senior Technician Site Inspection 0.00 23.50 5.00 32.90 0 0.00 164.50 10/24/09 016 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 0.00 23.50 8.00 32.90 0 0.00 263.20 10/24/09 997 Senior Technician Mortar 0.00 23.50 6.00 32.90 0 0.00 197.40 10/24/09 997 Mortar Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/26/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Masonry 8.00 23.50 4.00 32.90 0 0.00 319.60 Inspection 10/26/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/26/09 1042 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 0.00 23.50 5.00 32.90 0 0.00 164.50 10/27/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Masonry 8.00 23.50 3.00 32.90 0 0.00 286.70 Inspection 10/27/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/28/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar Masonry 8.00 23.50 4.00 32.90 0 0.00 319.60 Inspection 10/28/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/28/09 1042 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 0.00 23.50 5.00 32.90 0 0.00 164.50 10/29/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Grout 8.00 23.50 2.50 32.90 0 0.00 270.25 Masonry Inspection 10/29/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 10/29/09 016 Grout Cylinders 4 5.00 20.00 10/29/09 1042 Senior Technician Masonry Inspection 0.00 23.50 5.00 32.90 0 0.00 164.50 10/30/09 016 Senior Technician Mortar /Masonry 8.00 23.50 1.50 32.90 0 0.00 237.35 Inspection 10/30/09 016 Mortar Cylinders 8 5.00 40.00 Total Amount Due: 11,113.55 Please refer to invoice number TD8004 -1009 on payment Offices: Subsurface Investigation and Foundation Engineering Cincinnati, Ohio Dayton, Ohio Construction. Materials Testing and Inspection Indianapolis Evansville Ft. Wayne Lafayette South Bend Terre Haute, Indiana Environmental Services December 23, 2009 Mr. Les Olds Carmel Redevelopment Commission One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Carmel City Center Performing Arts Center Shiel Sexton Project #2695 EMERGENCY WORK Alt Witzig Invoice No. TD 9082 -1009 Dear Mr. Olds: Based upon on -site observations and the data comprised in the billings, Shiet Sexton Company (Construction Manager) certifies to the owner that, to the best of their knowledge, information and belief, the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment of the amount requested ($1,685.80). Sincerely, Warren David Brewer Project Manager cc: Don Cleveland Mike Anderson Tony Eisenhut File W4* 0 P Alt Witzig Engineering, Inc. 4105 West 99th Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 (317) 875 -7000 Fax (317) 876 -3705 16ww Invoice T66082-1009 n n n 11/20/2009 Page: 1 Carmel Redevelopment Commission ��v x`12009 One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 BY Attention: For October 2009 Project No. TD9082 Carmel PAC Structural Steel Modifications Repairs Reg. Reg. OT OT Rate Item Cost Date Tech. Service Description Hrs. Rate Hrs. Rate Miles Miles Quan. Unit Total 10/05/09 01 Structural Steel Structural Steel 2.50 85.00 0.00 119.00 20 0.59 224.30 Inspector Level II 10/14/09 01 Structural Steel Steel 2.00 85.00 0.00 119.00 20 0.59 181.80 Inspector Level II 10/15/09 01 Structural Steel Structural Steel 5.00 85.00 0.00 119.00 20 0.59 436.80 Inspector Level II 10/16/09 01 Structural Steel VT Inspection 2.00 85.00 0.00 119.00 20 0.59 181.80 Inspector Level II 10/19/09 01 Structural Steel Structural Steel 5.50 85.00 0.00 119.00 20 0.59 479.30 Inspector Level II 10/21/09 01 Structural Steel Structural Steel 2.00 85.00 0.00 119.00 20 0.59 181.80 Inspector Level II Total Amount Due: 1,685.80 Please refer to invoice number TD9082 -1009 on payment Offices: Subsuiface Investigation and Foundation Engineering Cincinnati, Ohio Dayton, Ohio Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Indianapolis Evansville Ft. Wayne Lafayette South Bend Terre Haute, Indiana Environmental Services IN IM11 11 RMIII ini Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee tZ 1 9 E i f) e e r! h�, h C Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11 2fl rDB -!oo I s' fji) s n -5;+ m c �J 13.5s Mtr9 Grp c MA Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 F-ng i nee, r�1. Lnc J IN SUM OF C�rme�� �N '603 12 79 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 902- Board Members Pots or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1 6og0 7 6�5.�o materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except r 1 20 l Dir ector d�� Fddd Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund