HomeMy WebLinkAbout183212 03/16/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 359584 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE BRENNTAG MID SOUTH INC 4 0 CHECK AMOUNT: $986.50 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3796 RELIABLE PARKWAY 'y.oN CHICAGO IL 60686 CHECK NUMBER: 183212 CHECK DATE: 3116/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 W09152 790429 350.50 CHLORINE 601 5023990 790430 139.50 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 W091S2 790431 496.50 CHLORINE BT,Qnntag Mid South, Inc. B R E N NTAG 1.405 Hig =way 1.36 W P.O. BOX 20 Henderson, Kentucky 42419 -0020 INVOICE BMS790429 INV DATE: 2/23/10 PAGE 1 OF 1 DUE DATE: 3/25/10 SOLD TO: SHIP TO: CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL WATER, PLANT 3 3450 WEST 131ST STREET 4425 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD IN 46074' CARMEL IN 46032 FEDERAL ID 61'0504545 DATE SHIPPED: 2/2`3/10 TERMS NET 30 DAYS _B /L 443130 -00 SHIP WHS: 29 SALESPRSN: 294 CUSTOMER 4 U 542 S H P V I A 0IJR P KG CUSTOMER PO VERBAL FOB DELIVERED TAX EX# 35600972 -001 -9 UNITS SHIPPED PROD WGT /GAL TOTAL QTY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED 7.0000 873311 11.870 1050.0000# .3100 325.50 150.0000 CYL CHLORINE, LIQUID (BMS ONLY) >A RPK QUESTIONS, CALL 317- 898 -8632 REMIT TO ADDRESS: BRENNTAG MID SOUTH, INC 3796 RELIABLE PARKWAY CHICAGO IL 60686 -0037 MERCHANDISE 325.50 INS SEC SURCHARGE 25.00 PAID ON OR PRIOR TO 3/25/10 INVOICE TOTAL 350.50 PAID AFTER 3/25/10 INVOICE TOTAL 357.51 Original Document Atlanta, GA Columbus, OH Indianapolis, IN Miami, FL St. Louis, MO Bartonville, IL Georgetown, KY Kansas City, MO Nitro, WV Tampa, FL Calvert City, KY Greeneville, TN Kennesaw, GA Orlando, FL Terre Haute, IN Chattanooga, TN Henderson, KY Louisville, KY Springfield, MO Valdosta, GA Clearwater, FL Huntsville, AL Memphis, TN St, Albans, WV ALL SALES SUBJECT TO AND GOVERNED BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE TE RMS AND CONDITIONS L CanHictitlC Provisions Seller', IcnIIS fund Conditions soled in this Document "Terms and Con ddiuns shall be deemed controlling noIWi Ill sla aIing auv prior or ski bsaqucnt purchase order or Similar document Boor Purchaser. Iurchaser by taking delivery of Lill or any portion of the mans shown on the reverse side shall he eu11elusively clCCntcd w have ueecptal Lind asSCItteci to Seller's Terms and Conditions. Putbhn_c Prio :C iL P :l 'mc-nl I'hc puss husr poke 101 all item, Shown kill ate reverse side excludes Sales, use nccupmion- license. CXase mid other laze, and face in respect of nruudacturc. sale. Storage, consumption or delivery. all OI which Shall he paid by Pa1LhaSCI. purchase price lot all items is payabla in lawful money 0f the hriled States. Acceptance lay Seller of drafts, cheeks or other merlin 0f payntem wifl be provisional only and ,uhjacl to intnicdinle collection of the full lace annum thereof. SelIC, reserves the right to Charge a title Ice and /or ;interest. if Purchaser tails to tlmiic any payments to Scllcr wherl s,une heconic due 3. D elivery /Porcc A9: 11cure Delivery OTpondS to the Purchaser's location Shall c011SUIL11c dclivety to the Purchaser; and all risk of loss or damage shall thereupon pass to and he assumed by the Purchaser. Any Time nr date [sled for delivery is an esiimac only and the Seller shall not be liable for failure lu deliver at the specified lime or Lin the Speciticd date, nor shall Such failure on the part of the Scllcr he dccntcd uti 1w n hrcnch of this Agrecutcnt or ally terms and conditions or part tltCrcof. Pl11ChaNCr Stall not be entitled to aureal or rescind this sale nor Shall Sealer be liable in danrtgeN or olhcnaise. in the case of delay or impairment or t'ailurc of perfonnatme by Seller by reason of causes beyond SCller S Control, including, without limitation, chinas of force majCwt: by Sellers supplier,, Strikes.. labor dill'icullies, shortages of labor.. fuel. power, materials or supplies, inability to ohtain shipping space, transportation delays, lire. Floods. accidents. riots. WIS of Coil. Will. governmental imerlerence or emhateo. In any such event. Seller reserves the right, in its solo. discretion, to allocate its inventory between Purchaser and Sellars other C19t0111CIS. and Purchaser WaiveS any ri ,hl to asserl a claim against Seller therefor: 4. Su,11Lmsiou o Cre dit Lit Sh t> clo ut Seiler may m any lints allcr or .suSPCIIJ Ccdit lu PurehaSL slop shipineml to Purchaser in tonsil, or delay or refuse to Ship to PluCIIttSCI. it amcol anv or all unfilled order when, in Seller's sole opinion: a. the financial condition Of Purclizwer is urisalisl ;iciory w Scllcr; h. dclircn is delavcd by ate klmh of I'urcha"l: c Purcttnscr is dclinyuanV in payment of any ohlig.tnion owed LO ,Scllert or d. sale of products or materials to Purchaser may result in euvironnrcncd. safety or health danger Or hazard. i. LL'arriuuv Scllcr Wfu'ranls thal the products in' materials dChITred hereunder meet the stand.0 d Specil icmiom5 of the nwnufacturer(s) flu the products or such other specil lCati0ns as may have been CvPW1'ly agmed to in wlitin.• by Purchaser and Scller..SEIJ -ER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION- ANY WARRANTY OF MERCI IAN [ABIIXIY OR H TNFSS I;OR A PARTICCLAR PURPOSE. DCEenuinatiIll of the suitability of the Product Supplied hereunder for the uses and appli- cation, con Wntplaled by Purchaser and OtherS shall he the sole respots ibility of Purcha,u Purohascr assumes all risk turd liability resullin, Bunt the handlnlg. use. Storage. Orresule of the products dCiivcrrd IMCLIndcr. whedtci used. handled. stored or resuld singly or in combination with other prOduclS. load Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless against Lilly and Lill LOSS. dana�zcS. liability. cost and czpcnSC (fucluding reasonable. anomcys' Ices), arising out of Such use, handlin_ storage or resale. Scllcr assumes no obligation or liability for the technical advice given by Sellcr with rclerCnce to the use 01'1110 Products 0r results obtained Iherefrom, and alt such advice is given and accepted ill Purchaser's risk. 6. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILI a. PURCHASER HEREBY WAIVES ANY CLAIM AGAINST SELI.ER FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGLS. LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO GOODWILL. OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL. DIRECT. INDIRECT OR INCIDENTAL DANIIAGES, EVI-N IF SELLER HAS BEEN ADVISED 01' OR HAS NO'T[CE OP THE POSSIBILITY OP SUCI I DAMAGES AND PURCHASER'S EXCLUSIVE REhIFDY' W[TII RESPECTTO ANY CLAIM, WIIFTHI7R IN CONTRACT, TORT OR STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, IN RESPECT 01:'1 11F PRODUCTS SOLD HEREUNDER SHALL BE EXPRESSLY LIMITI -I)TO THF, AMOUNTOI'THE PURCHASE PRICE OF SUCH PRODUCT OR HIE REPLACEMENT OF SUCH PRODUCT. h. FAILURE 13Y PURCIIASER'TO GIVE WR1'1'1'LN ,NOTIC'E OF SIJC'H CLAIM TO SEI -LER WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF DFLIVFRYOF SUCH PRODUCT SHALL CONSTITUT13 A WAIVER BY PURCHASER OF ALL CLAIMS IN RESPECT OF SUCH PRODUCT_ NO PRODUCT SOLD HEREUNDER SHALL BE RFTURNFD TO SELLER WITHOUT SELLER'S PERMISSIO N`. NO CLAI \•I SHALL BE ALLOWABLE AFTER ANY SUCH PRODUCT HAS 13FPN PROCISSSFD IN ANY MANNER. 7. Containers /C liy n(ICIS a. Ali returnable collwincn and QVIM11CrS tCmaiu the properly of the SCller and must be rcnullcd to SCller: I Cordamcr and cylinder dcpositS will be IO2TCIICC1 it containers Lin 1101 ICIIIrIICd within 90 days of shipment, unless other vise agreed to in writing by Seller. In addition to the lbrfCAUIc of any such dep0.sit. Purchuscr shall remain liable for ant amount atual to Lhe difference beLWCCII the deposit and the rcpluccntcnt cost of any relurnahlc container or cylinder which is not returned to Seller. C. Purchaser a_recs to accept full respnnsibilily and liability 101' the dlSpbsal of non-returnahke containers and Cylinders in strict compliance with al[ laws and rcgutmionS. tl, Perrclta ,chaff indemnify ;md hnl<! $el ter h:von la: ir�ai nsi -inv ¢tai nt, loss-- damirgn ur cx pence ansm, -from Puroh. scrs handL u� a tic -st orn�e- oo-dinh..vt�l- of-any comnincror— ex lindct: Q. SCller rescnc., the rich) lu charge Pal ChUSCI with dC11101 age 101 tun' rolurnahle container or cylindcl Nu eredit Skill be issued fur malcliul rclurncd unless Scllcr has riven wrigen consent to such return. All rclurncd 11WIC11al rs sul)jccl toil 10slucking chal ,"C 9. C_r cdiis Any credit issued by SCI[Cr Lit Purchaser, Italy only he applied against ate future purhhase 01 Products by PUtClhaSar and will not be paid in cash. Any such credit will expire one year dies the date of issuance, and Scllcr Will have 110 ohiigalioIt Will respccL IIICICI r ill the cycnl that PUNIMSCr does nut apply the credit against the cull of Product purchased by it prior (0 Such expiry date. .x, s It) G cn_c_ru l a. Phis DOCLn11811t Shall nut bC assiguablc in whole or iIt part b Purchaser without the prior written consent of Sellcr, h. Unlcs stated to the colu ar y clsCwhere in o LIU, DOCUILICId. naction, regardless Of loom. arising Out Of the stly or delivery of product hereunder, may be commenced more than one year Ldlcr the cnnsC of action has accrued, cxccpt Lhal am action for nonpaynicnl or Tor failure tO 10010 containerS and cyllnderS may he br0ughl al any time. C. Scllcr', waiver of any breach, or failure to enforce any of the terms and cotx11601Is of this Auncentent, at any time, shall not in any way sheet, [unit of waive Seller's right there- :tiler to enforce and compel strict compliance with each and CVCIy term and condition hefCOf. The acceptance by the Sellerol ally paynrenl atler the specified due date shall not COustlttne a'A afvcr of the Purchaser's obligation w make further payments on the specifcd dales. d. This Agrcenterif ,hall he g0verned by and enliuccd in accordance With the IaWS of file Stale lit which the Seller's corporate Office IN located without reference to itS conflict of taw rules. Purchaser by raking delivery of Lill Or any iletns shall be conclusively deemed to have consancd to personal JurisdfClium in the ahovo-utcntioncd Sung. C. Tho.• terms amt condition, herein constitute the entire agrucntent het WCCrI Seller and Purchaser and nuty riot he modified or amended except by a Writing executed by Lilt authorized ofTiccr of Scllcr and no mociilication shall he effected by the panics' course of or the acknowledgmcnl or acceptance of purchase order Tomas containing terms or condL- lions in addition to or at variance with those scl forth heroin. 1. If Limy provision or provisions of lhis DOCnmenl shall be heldto be illegal or uncnfoiceahle the legality and enlo[Ccability of the remaining provisions shall not in any Way he alfCCt- ed or impaired. Product: shall be dclivcrcd 10 Pm'chaSCl' as indicated on the face hereof, and unlesS otherwise indicaed. Purchaser Shull he responsible for the payment of all height and l ransportaiiun charges lhonl Seller's point of loading to the d0hvery address specified on the face hereol. Delivery dates arc uppruxintLUC and arc prrdicatcd oil the prompt receipt by Scllcr of all necessary inlornwlion and docwnelualion from Purchaser. h. Unless Purchaser is milhOrizcd to distribute the products dclivcrcd hereunder pursuanL to a wrfacn agrwmcnL With Seller. Seller agrees that the product is supplied to PIRCI r for Purchasers' internal use only. and Purchaser may not repackage. resell or otherwise distribute the product to third parties Without the express written consent ol' Sellcr. i. In the event that Purchaser and Seller engage in any electronic transactions, including, but 1101 limited to, electronic daLa interchange or facsinlle exchanges, such electronic Qxchunt.c, shall be considered as valid and lCu'ally binding and shall he subject 10 the terms and conditions of this AgrccmenL. Brcnntag Mid- South, Inc. BRENNTAGANIE 1405'Hig .way 136 W P.O. BOX 20 Henderson, Kentucky 42419 -0020 INVOICE BMS790431 INV DATE: 2/23/10 PAGE 1 OF 1 DUE DATE: 3/25/10 SOLD TO: SHIP TO: CITY OF CARME UTILITIES CARMEL WATER, PLANT 4 3450 WEST 131ST STREET 10675 N. GRAY ROAD WESTFIELD IN 46074 CARME IN 46032 FEDERAL ID 610504545 DATE SHIPPED: 2/23/10 TERMS NET 30 DAYS _D/L 4_43129 -00 SHIP WHS 29 SALESPRSN 294 CUSTOMER 407542 SHIP VIA: OUR TRUCK CUSTOMER PO VERBAL FOB DELIVERED TAX EX# 356000972 -001 -9 UNITS SHIPPED PROD WGT /GAL TOTAL QTY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED 1.0000 253418 11.870 2000.0000# .2250 450.00 2000.0000 CYL CHLORINE, LIQUID (BMS ONLY) >A RPK 1.0000 873311 11.870 150.0000# .3100 46.50 150.0000 CYL CHLORINE, LIQUID (BMS ONLY) >A RPK QUESTIONS, CALL 317- 898 -8632 REMIT TO ADDRESS: BRENNTAG MID SOUTH, INC 3796 RELIABLE PARKWAY CHICAGO IL 60686 -0037 MERCHANDISE 496.50 PAID ON OR PRIOR TO 3/25/10 INVOICE TOTAL 496.50 PAID AFTER 3/25/10 INVOICE TOTAL 506.43 Original Document Atlanta, GA Columbus, OH Indianapolis, IN Miami, FL St. Louis, MO Bartonville, IL Georgetown, KY Kansas City, MO Nitro, WV Tampa, FL Calvert City, KY Greeneville, TN Kennesaw, GA Orlando, FL Terre Haute, IN Chattanooga, TN Henderson, KY Louisville, KY Springfield, MO Valdosta, GA Clearwater, FL Huntsville, AL Memphis, TN St. Albans, WV ALL SALES SUBJECT TO AND GOVERNED BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE Brenntag Mid South, Inc. BRENNTAG 14:05 Highway 136 W P.O. BOX 20 Henderson, Kentucky 42419 -0020 INVOICE BMS790430 INV DATE: 2/23/10 PAGE 1 OF 1 DUE DATE: 3/25/10 SOLD TO: SHIP TO: CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES CANNEL WATER, PLANT 5 3450 WEST 131ST STREET 5484 E. 126TH STREET WESTFIELD IN 46074 CARMEL IN 46032 FEDERAL ID 610504545 DATE SHIPPED: 2/23/10 TERMS NET 30 DAYS B/L 443124 -00 SHIP WHS: 29 SALESPRSN: 294 CUSTOMER 407542 SHTP 'VI'A: OUR'TRUCK ^PKG CUSTOMER PO VERBAL FOB DELIVERED TAX EX# 356000972 -001 -9 UNITS SHIPPED PROD WGT /GAL TOTAL QTY UNIT PRICE EXTENDED 3.0000 873311 11.870 450.0000# .3100 139.50 150.0000 CYL CHLORINE, LIQUID (BMS ONLY) >A RPK QUESTIONS, CALL 317- 898 -8632 REMIT TO ADDRESS: BRENNTAG MID SOUTH, INC 3796 RELIABLE PARKWAY CHICAGO IL 60686 -0037 MERCHANDISE 139.50 PAID ON OR PRIOR TO 3/25/10 INVOICE TOTAL 139.50 PAID AFTER 3/25/10 INVOICE TOTAL 142.29 Original Document Atlanta, GA Columbus, OH Indianapolis, IN Miami, FL St. Louis, MO Bartonville, IL Georgetown, KY Kansas City, MO Nitro, WV Tampa, FL Calvert City, KY Greeneville, TN Kennesaw, GA Orlando, FL Terre Haute, IN Chattanooga, TN Henderson, KY Louisville, KY Springfield, MO Valdosta, GA Clearwater, FL Huntsville, AL Memphis, TN St. Albans, WV ALL SALES SUBJECT TO AND GOVERNED BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ON THE REVERSE SIDE Prescribed by State Board of Accounts Form No. 301 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER TO ADDRESS Invoice Date Invoice Number Item Amount I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Mo. Day Yr. Signature Title I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. Mo. Day Yr. Officer Title Voucher No. Warr No. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DETAILED ACCOUNTS MUNICIPAL WATER DEPT. ACCT. 3g5� vo. CARMEL, INDIANA Favor Of gird 1 C AA O 11< 0(08 0037 y a zj Total Amount of Voucher Deductions qp 3 0 431 q 15; b 50 '790 4 0 g I5a 3�0 50 Amount of Warrant Q Month of Yr Acct- VOUCHER RECORD No. No. Source of Suppl Water Treatment Transmission and Dist Customer Accounts Administrative and General Operation-Maintenance Utility Plant in Service Constr. Work in Progress Materials and Supplies Customers Deposits Total Allowed Board of Control Filed Official Title ROYCE FORMS SYSTEMS 1.800- 382 -8702 325