HomeMy WebLinkAbout183441 03/16/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350596 Page 1 of 1 o ONE CIVIC SQUARE RIETH -RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO INC CHECK AMOUNT: $411,111.10 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 1751 WEST MINNESOTA STREET PO BOX 276 CHECK NUMBER: 183441 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 CHECK DATE: 3/16/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 920 R4470304 19799 10 201,844.26 116TH STREET 920 R4470304 19808 11 209,266.84 116TH BASE BID CITY OF CARMEL PROJECT NO. 07 -08C -1 Keystone Parkway and 11 6th Street /Carmel Drive Advanced MOT Progress Estimate Summary Sheet Et Signature Page Progress Estimate No 10 Partial x Final Earned to date 2 ,132,8 67.47 Previous payments 2,131,428.22 Earnings this estimate 1, Retainage (200,405.01) Amount due Contractor 201,844.26 CONTRACTOR: DATE: 3 D Rie -Riley Construction Co., Inc. Phone: (317) 634 -5561 51 West Minnesota Street P.O. Box 6 Fax: (317) 631 -6423 Indianapolis, IN 46206 r CONSULTANT: DATE: 3 o AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. Phone: (317) 547 -5580 7260 Shadeland Station Fax: (317) 543 -0270 Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 -3957 APPROVED BY: DATE: CITY OF CARMEL 100 Construction Pay Estimate Report 3/7/2010 1:59 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4.5a Contract: _07- 08C -1, Keystone Parkway Advanced MOT Estimate J Estimate Entered Estimate Managing No. Date By Type Office 10 3/5/2010 Melissa L Walker MONTHLY American Structurepoint, Inc. All Contract Construction Prime Contractor Work Completed Started Date Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. 4/4/2010 1751 West Minnesota Street P.O. Box 276 Indianapolis IN 46206 Comments Item Usage Summary Project: 07- 08C -1, Keystone Parkway Advanced MOT Category: 01, Contract Items Prop. Project Item Mod. Item Description Unit Item Code Ln. Line No. Type No. quantity Item Price Dollar Amount Compacted Aggregate, No. 53, TON _0026 0015 0075 00 000 224.570 35.00 7,859.95 Base Subbase for PCCP CYD _0027 0016 0080 00 000 25.120 55.00 $1,381.60 GeoteAles SYD 0086 0025 0125 00 000 17.000 2.20 -37.40 Top Soil CYD _0094 0034 0170 00 000 201.350 13.00 $2,617.55 Pipe, Type 4, Circular, 6 in. LFT _0114 0039 0195 00 000 125.000 5.80 $725.00 Aggregate for Underdrains CYD 0134 0047 0235 00 000 12.000 31.00 $372.00 Geotextiles for Underdrain SYD _0135 0048 0240 00 000 131.000 1.20 $157.20 Subgrade Treatment, #53 Stone LS _0705 0081 0397 CO 003 1.000 4,083.25 $4,083.25 Subtotal for Category 01: $1,439.25 Subtotal for Project 07 -08C -1: $1,439.25 Total Estimated Item Payment: $1,439.25 Time Charges Site Site Description Site Method Days Charged Llq. Damages 00 Overall Contract Site Completion Date NIA $0 Total Liquidated Damages: $0 Pre Voucher Summary Stockpile Project Voucher No. Item Payment Adjustment Dollar Amount 07- 08C -1, Keystone Parkway Advanced MOT 0010 $1,439.25 $0.00 $1,439.25 Voucher Total: $1,439.25 Contract ID: _07 -08C -1 Estimate: 10 Page 1 of 2 Construction Pay Estimate Report 3/7/2010 1:59 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4,5a Summary Current Voucher Total: $1,439.25 Earnings to date: $2,132,867.47 Current Retainage: ($200,405.01) Retainage to date: $10,547.63 Current Liquidated Damages: $0.00 Liquidated Damages to date: $0.00 Current Adjustments: $0.00 Adjustments to date: $0.00 Total Estimated payment: $201,844.26 Net Earnings to date: $2,122,319.84 Payme to date: $1, Net Earnings this period: $201,844.26 Estimate CertM io t0 RPR American Structurepoint, Inc. (Date) Rieth -Riley Ccnstructi C Inc. (Date) City of Carm (Date) Contract ID: _07 -08C -1 Estimate: 10 Page 2 of 2 A M I, RICAN 7 Shadeland St► iuu.- lii�i��nar��� .lndi iva 4�i�..5.t TE L,, 3 1T54T55 0 FAX :7.5410270; POINT N C. 4VH' tk ':?:Eff1UEl11`t,h�llf1li(:E)01 a ELI E. M 0. R A N D U M DATE. March 5;; TU: Mike,McBride,. City En giileer City of C�@4nel r-RoM: David Machala LSE: Retainago release for Contract 0 r 08C "l oo: Jeremy Kashman, Skip Teii anoo.0 Prciject. File. Miles, American Structuropojnj Inc,shas:rec(oved: a Ietter f Ern Rlethi .R loy Construction Co Ilic. dated December '14,,2000 roquesting the release of a port c►n of :the Withheld' ratrinage for the work cnnpletecl on the above rnentionecl contract The: total amount of ret ainage being withh is $2 52 G4: T City of Carinel,;Engii eoririg: Department has. verbally authorized 95 tit: the withheld :reta _nage- to be released to: Rieth =Miley lie. reason for withliolding ,the. remaining 5 %v is fof the, work remaining to bri the topsoil brOrrght to site to be modified by: Grad x, Inc. to krring tl�e n�ater`iai within specifications of the, contract. American ,Stmt- tu repo int, .lnc. agrees that the �raject lids niet the regdirernents of Substantial combletion End supports the release of .95 of the withheld retainage in ,tire amaur�t `of �217rJ;. IJ5,01.. liae ren 5% 0111e withl eld retainage :1,Q, 47.G;0) will be released: after the :c9pipletipp of the full but ld projects. for 110 Street Mid arrriel Drive, f 'ietl7 I iley.'has agi`eed to coIIIplete any LL:l?u116hlis0tenis for the collector road portion of the project under contract- 07 -08C': Thanks, David Machala RPR American Structurepoint, 111c, IN POST 01 =MCI•; BOX:276 INb1ANAPOL1S,,INDIANA.46306 wtiYW.R11vTMULLYCOM r tvmo r,. Doccinber. 14 2009 `4?aat e�stl! JN1ctortruc.k uu str3icttue,�giuf otta Josh Mc.0 qrm ek lea x� iu�c�t;5truat c3c)�ui3 t, Inc. 7260'Sh dietancl ;SLation Inrlimapol.is 46.2.5 IM: City, of Carmel Pro -08CI th Keystuatc Parkway dpi D6 treet'MOT Retain a Reduction lltegdte0 Mt. Mcconl ickt l ctlt- :Haley bas completed con Tact work for Ahe above a'eferer► ecl rojcct, Per scctioiz I3. a, "Re>taitwge of the cu utrad. docuaricfi ts,'Rieth- lCilcyrequests that the 'held retainago'be:red 1. If you Ita ve my. -(juv st ons ar require addi tional infon- nation please• do ta.n.t: lm ilatc to ,call:. nic Ott 317/634 -5561, ext. 21248. RespectiV.11y subinitted IttC l ['1 -1 ILLY CONSIA, UC *lt N t"O., INC. IC' r f J.. 7 Jc�kul Wiscltilicyer project lv Mager .imw /lp Cc; Jolt file 3200366 Kenny:Nroorhearl Mike. Ruth 1751 IV. MINNESOTA INDIANAPOLIS, .INVIAN.A 46221 'TEL1iI'IiQNE; (313) 634 =5561 TAX: (:317) 631 -6423 M 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 AMERICAN TEL 317.547,5580 IME STRUCTUREPOINT FAX 317.543.0270 INC www.structurepoint. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Toy 3 "',4 e 1 134 fin 'G''' u p Katie Neville 03/12/10 OIN2003.00661.0033 't PC City of Carmel, Indiana Protect N g One Civic Sq. Carmel, IN 46032 IN20030661 00504 yjPrnfect N W7 esc Keystone Financial Management ��A r e ,rS 11 d 6`6 A k� N Ep" OR e ing,y 1;� Mail As Requested Time: Enclosed via Messenger For Your Information Date: F Separately F Overnight For Your Review Comment Hand Delivered For Action Quantity Type Description 1 5 0 W- 6 V-3 1 Ea Voucher for Claim period March 15, 2010 1 Ea Disbursement Sheet to be delivered to Clerk Treasurer t b U N 0 Aerhar'ks �C� z z' 'e- 5 Enclosed is a voucher to be signed and delivered to Cindy Sheeks by Monday, March 15. Attached is the disbursement sheet for the Clerk Treasurers Office. Thank you. x C Very truly yours, American Structurepoint, Inc. Please return copies to this office. Skip TennanCOUr Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee R ieth -Riley Construction Co., In Purchase Order No. 19799 1751 West Minnesota Street, P.O. Box 2 76 Terms Indianapolis IN 46206 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 03/08110 Pa Ap 10 Keys R Project Keysto Parkway 11 6th St/Carmel Drive Interchange Construction Project 07 -08 Retainage He -0- Rele of Retainage $200,405.01 Dut From Contract $1,439.25 Total $201,844.26 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 T Clerk Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. ALLOWED 20 1751 West Minnesota Street, P.O. Box 276 IN THE SUM OF Indianapolis IN 46206 201,844.26 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# 19799 Pay Ap V4470304 $201,844.26 I hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 15 -Mar 20 10 Total 201,844 .26 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Cit En T claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title i f CITY OF CARMEL PROJECT NO. 07 -08C Keystone Parkway and 116th Street /Carmel Drive Progress Estimate Summary Sheet Et Signature Page Progress Estimate No 11 Partial X Final Earned to date 13,867,6 Previous payments 13,658,379.44 Earnings this estimate 209,266.84 Retainage Amount due Contractor 209,266.84 CONTRACTOR: 4), DATE: 3rd 7-D Rie -Riley Construction Co., Inc. Phone: (317) 634 -5561 1 51 West Minnesota Street P.O. Box 6 Fax: (317) 631 -6423 Indianapolis, IN 46206 CONSULTANT: DATE: 3 -9 /0 AME JOAN STRUCTU REPO I NT, INC. Phone: (317) 547 -5580 7260 Shadeland Station Fax: (317) 543 -0270 Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 -3957 APPROVED BY: DATE: CITY OF CARMEL Construction Pay Estimate Report 3/6/2010 5:29 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4.5a Contract: _07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street/Carmel Drive Estimate Estimate Entered Estimate Managing No. Date By Type Office 11 3/512010 Melissa L Walker MONTHLY American Structurepoint, Inc. All Contract Construction Prime Contractor Work Completed Started Date Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. 1751 West Minnesota Street P_O. Box 276 Indianapolis IN 46206 Comments Item Usage Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Item Description Unit Item Code Ln. Line No. Type No. Quantity Item Price Dollar Amount Construction Engineering LS 0001 0001 0005 00 000 0.100 93,900.00 $9,390.00 Pavement Removal SYD _0299 0005 0025 00 000 168.890 7.18 $1,212.63 Excavation, Common CYO 0008 0007 0035 00 000 690.000 11.00 $7,590.00 Subgrade Treatment, Type I SYD _0306 0016 0080 00 000 318.110 3.90 $1,240.63 Structure Backtill, Type 1 CYD _0307 0017 0085 00 000 549.000 18.50 $10,156.50 Structure Backfill, Type 2 CYD 0308 0018 0090 00 000 561.000 30.00 $16,830.00 Compacted Aggregate, No. 53, TON _0021 0019 0095 00 000 57.950 20.89 $1,210.58 Base PCCP, 4 in. SYD _0332 0043 0215 00 000 602.780 41.60 25,075.65 Guardrail, Steel Curved Terminal EACH _0336 0048 0240 00 000 1.000 67.60 $67.60 End Section Fence, Farm Field, 47 in. LFT _0345 0059 0295 00 000 275.000 5.40 $1,485.00 Geotextiles SYD _0038 0082 0410 00 000 86.890 2.15 $186.81 Riprap, Revetment TON _0039 0084 0420 00 000 82.410 28.00 $2,307.48 Irrigation Conduit LFT 0376 0094 0470 00 000 16.000 12.00 $192.00 Culvert, Precast Box, Reinforced LFT _0390 0108 0540 00 000 190.000 640.89 $121,769.10 Concrete, 8 ft. x 8 ft. Pipe, Circular, 18 in. LFT _0397 0115 0575 00 000 349.000 42.00 $14,658.00 Pipe, Circular, 24 in. LFT _0398 0116 0580 00 000 297.000 50.00 $14,850.00 Manhole, J10 EACH _0409 0127 0635 00 000 2.000 3,300.00 $6,600.00 Manhole, C4 EACH _0420 0138 0690 00 000 1.000 1,700.00 $1,700.00 Manhole, J4 EACH _0426 0144 0720 00 000 1.000 3,800.00 $3,800.00 Flashing Arrow Sign WDAY _0075 0166 0830 00 000 1.000 6.00 $6.00 Maintaining Traffic LS _0065 0167 0835 00 000 0.100 187,47164 $18,747.36 Conduit, PVC, 2 in. LFT 0457 0186 0930 00 000 63.000 5.25 $330.75 Conduit, Steel, Galvanized, 2 in. LFT _0461 0188 0940 00 000 233.000 11.00 $2,563.00 Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate: 11 Page 1 of 3 Construction Pay Estimate Report 3/6/2010 5:29 PM City of Carmel FieltlManager 4.5a Item Usage Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Item Description Unit Item Code Ln. Line No. Type No. Quantity Item Price Dollar Amount Handhole, Lighting EACH _0463 0190 0950 00 000 4.000 925.00 $3,700.00 Cable Interduct LFT _0478 0205 1025 00 000 89.000 14.00 $1,246.00 Handhole EACH _0479 0206 1030 00 000 2.000 925.00 $1,850.00 Construction Engineering LS 0001 0251 1255 00 000 0.150 6,335.00 $950.25 Concrete, A, Undistributed, For CYD _0549 0328 1605 00 000 1.000 1,569.29 $1,56929 Abandoned Utility PCCP Patching, 12 in. SYD 0552 0330 1612 CO 001 95.340 155.00 $14,777.70 Subtotal for Category 1: $235,9 Subtotal for Project 07 -08C: $23 Total Estimated Item Payment: $235,911.03 Stockpile Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Line Line No. Type No. Stockpile Type Price Payment Qty. Dollar Amount Cumulative Qty. 0108 0540 00 000 MIS3 $1.00 66,975.120 -66,975.12 0.000 0151 0755 00 000 STL1 $1.00 10,080.930 $10,080.93 10,080.930 0208 1040 00 000 LGT2 $1.00 30,250.000 30,250.00 30,250.000 Subtotal for Category 1: 26,644.19 Summary for Project 07 -08C: 26,644.19 Total Estimated Material Allowance: 26,644.19 Time Charges Site Site Description Site Method Days Charged Liq. Damages 00 Overall Contract Site Completion Date 28 $0 Total Liquidated Damages: $0 Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate: 11 Page 2 of 3 Construction Pay Estimate Report 3/6/2010 5:29 PM City of Camel FieEdManager 4.5a Pre Voucher Summary Stockpile Pr oject Voucher No. Item Payment Adjustment Dollar Amount 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street 0011 $235,911.03 S- 26,644.19 $209,266.84 Voucher Total: $209,266.84 Summary Current Voucher Total: $209,266.84 Earnings to date: $13,867,646.28 Current Retainage: $0.00 Retainage to date: $999,999.99 Current Liquidated Damages: $0.00 Liquidated Damages to date: $0.00 Current Adjustments: $0.00 Adjustments to date: $0.00 Total Estimated Payment: $209,266.84 Net Earnings to date: $12,867,646.29 Payments to date: $12,658,379.45 Net Earnings this period: $209,266.84 Estimate rtific i n 3 to RPR American Structurepoint, Inc. (Date) Rieth -Riley Construction Co., /C. (Date) City of Carmel (Date) Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate: 11 Page 3 of 3 t t0 INVOICE Gr%ftaR-. 317- 821 -5700 12431 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 -2431 Invoice Not 945105889 Invoice Date: 02/1212010 Account Number: JP8400069 Account Name: MORPHEY:KEYSTONE PKWY Bill -To: MORPHEY CONSTRUCTION MMORPH: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ORPHEY:KEYSTONE PKWY 116TH ST 1499 N SHERMAN DRIVE INDIANA HERM DRIVE INDI INDIANAPOLIS IN 46201 NDIANAPOLIS IN 4fi201 USA USA Page 1 of 1 Order Number: 3741 De1.DOC. PRO I Routing Date 8hiDped Ship From F.O.H. Rt. To 328630365 02/04 12010 FACTORY W He o Quantity Catalog Description Unit Price Unit Amount 1 LOT SPRINGCITY SPRING CITY ELECTRICAL MFG CO 76,725.00 1 76,725.00 31 Consisting of FLATGLASS COLUMBIA FIXTURES 162W LED SPRING CITY ELECTRICAL MFG CO Terms of Payment Sub Total: 76,726.00 Net 30 Days Freight: 0.00 As a condition of the sales agreement, a monthly }dandling: 0.00 service charge of the lesser of 1 -1 /2B or the maximum Tax: 0.00 permitted by law may be added to all accounts not paidl Total DLLs: 76,725.00 by net due date. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards are accepted at point of purchase only. Terms and Conditions of sale: 1 Baat CCC sfa A EPTAF ta OF DER; TERMTION t p, —e a of ra ce m Buyer without hta i iry order is s tq credit, al �d acce{wce of order by Seller arid, when applicable, Seller's appliera, if Buyer's credit bourns uucry m Seller. OR er reserves the INA right to ur mttrate upon to Seller 2. PRICES AND SHIPMENTS Unless otherwise quow, prices shall be those in effect of time of shiptsnt which shill be amde F.Q.B. shipping point, prepaid and bill. 3. RETURN OF GOODS Credit will be allowed for goads returned with prior approval. A deduction will be made f cat credits issued to corer cost of ltudlbrg. 4 TAXES shown a P'�� not include, salWr o*.r taxes o sale art. soots. Taxes mw cc hereafter impmxd upon sales or shipments will be added m the agnees retmlxuac Seller for air tac er w[th toe inn a tficate. m S. DELAY IN DELIVERY Seller is not to be accountable for delays in dtJiwry aceaswned by acts of God, faihae_of its tsotq7plien m ship or deliver on time or other tirct�stancn beyond Seller's reasonpble control. Factory shipment or delivery dates art the best e s our argtlhers, and in m cam shall Setter be lhable for airy comequeraial special damages arising from say ddq m sbtpmmt trr del[v5crytu. e p g,G p .t g s �p ��pµ p���� qr� p u y' p, 61 L �j+pp�y Cra„ {y Cf FAf -ill �17xN fT1 B AU�IORIZElR CRF�A IV �OF E�R �O�I1CiS FE� AR�� L� L•�O� tN OR� WIT 5 7. LIMITATION OF LIABII.�r77 y B rf'g nertc�dits r is contract are sub" t to Eu'n�Wt�ttiatt c m facturer's terms pad ��y�w�s m Seller, a d wh'a:h will b Won written request. Fturlrr�mr 5el�e 's 1 Itty shall be imt "m either rcp�r or n actor of .floe ttr.refwxl ttte wn hsm oLtce. all ai Seller's gx{oq a�m case seal! Seller�le'[a special or conuqucruui e ta =tin �n addi[mn., clattr� for s) s. attar [pan loss In n trmsiwr. G ma .1`1111% WA tl rPncthan five f5y tlays after reCetp at cat. 8. WAIVER rh failure pa{ Seiler m insist upon the perfomhatce of arty of the terms or cordtiorts of this contract or m exercise arty right beretader shall m be deennd m be a waiver of such tetras, co[ditions or in the Polure. not shall it be deer[tcd to be a waiver of any other enn, cadhim. or right under this coraract. 9. MQDIFICATION OF, TERMS AND C 1)rfl NS No terms and conditions other than stated herein and m 2 Ifleru or nrderstgd cap in way to iry{ rrndr'fv tlse tqt� or cadi[tons, shat yy�r bitdutg on Her without the Seller's wrinen caesent. Any additional or difterem tert[ts in ific Buyer's rm are hereby dxmedm bei userol�alratiats and noise oblation to item and rejectan of thdem is hereby given. lo. REELS When the Seller ships returnable reels, a real deposit will be included in the invoice. The Buyer should contact the nearest Graybu service location to mt%L m reeh. 11. CERTIFICATION We Isrebv certify dnt these goads a rodtrced m,rundmrce +Ytth ail applicable axpuerrcnts of sectiaa 6, 7, and l2 of the Fair Lahr Staaderds Att, as atnatrled, and of regulations std orders of the United States D€paninem of r h order sectra 4 tsteot. Return this copy with your payment. Remit to L9 GmybaM_ }v MM9 INVOICE 317-821-5700 12431 COLLECTEONS CENTER DRIVE CHICAGO IL 60693 -2431 Invoice No: 945853789 Invoice Date: 01/28/2010 Account Number: JP8400069 Account Name: MORPHEY:KEYSTONE PKWY Bill -To: Ship -To: MORPHEY CONSTRUCTION MORPHEY .KEYSTONE PKWY 116TH ST ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1499 SHERMAN DRIVE 1499 N SHERMAN DRIVE INDIANAPOLIS IN 46201 F INDIANAPOLIS IN 46201 I �TER�D r i 2019 USA USA L Z Pager 1 of 1 Order Nur�'Sber: 3741 Del Doa., 0'"# 2outin S=ate Shi ed Shi ed From F.0 B. Rt. To 328630285 0101/2010 FACTORY W "e Quantity Catalog Description Unit Price Unit Amount 1 LOT SPRINGCITY SPRING CITY ELECTRICAL MFG CO 19.800.00 1 19.800.00 8 Consisting of FLATGLASS COLUMBIA FIXTURE 125W LED SPRING CITY ELECTRICAL MFG CO Terms of Payment Sub Total: 19,800.00 Net 30 Days Freight: 0.00 As a condition of the sales agreement, a monthly Handling: 0.00 service charge of the lesser of 1 1/211, or the maximum Tax: 0.00 permitted by law may be added to all accounts not paid Total Due: 19,800.00 by net due date. visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards are accepted at point of purchase only. Terms and Conditions of sale: I- ACCEPTANCE OF ORDER; TERM6NATION Acceptance of any order is subject to cnedi[ aporeval and acceptance of order by Seller and. when applicable, Sellers suppliers. If Buyer's credit becomes naosauus actory to Seller. Setter reserves the right to terminate upon ice to Buyer and without liabillity to Scaler. 2, PRICES AND SHIPMFM'S unless otherwise quoted, prices shall be chose in effect at time of shipment which shall be made F.O.H, shipping pom prepaid and bill, 3. RETURN OF GOODS Credit will be allowed fur goods rewrited with prior approval A deduction will be made frown credits issued to cover cost of tondling. 4. TAKES Pries shown do not itclude Sal or otter taxes imposed on the sale of goods Taxes now or hereafter imposed upon sales or skuprm riet will be added to the purchase price. Buyer agrees to reimburse Seller or any such lax or provi Seller with acceptab lax exemption cent tcaic. 5. DELAY IN DELIVERY Seller is to be accountable for dellys in delivery occasioned by acts of Gad, failure of its suppliers to ship m deliver on tirne, or other circurnistances beyodd Seller's reasonable control. Factory shipment or delivery dates are the best esianates of our suppliers, and in no cast shall Seller be liable for any consequential or special damages arising from any delay in shipnrru or delivery. n. WARRANI IFS Sellecx'arranrs duu.uif tnAs sn[t :ue f of aatte� u iryry me ltd will avail Ee [o er transfera w ant' s rr1L��TtopS�tlerlT Is r'}S�S facNro the �¢Qo�oEd�$SEI_i_ER M iblcRWNF 1�R1'IIINr 4 13Y 1JTIIOR11 tU) REPRE ENTA VE OF PRODUCTS SULD HER ARFE NOT INTENDED FORK USE F IN R IN CONNECTION WITH A. N[l3l,Ll ±dR F,tC11.1'1'1', 7. LIMITA7[ON OF LIABILITY •Buyer's remedies nrt�r this. contract are subject to an limitations caaaired in m�wfacmrer's terms and conditions Boller, a copy of which will be famished upon written regnnest. Funfterrtore, Setter's liabilitryy shall be limited to either repair or re transit. of the goats or refund of the purchase prttt, all Seder's option ltd ui no case slap Seller be liable for special or etmsequenna7 damages. In additigd, claims for shortages, other Iran loss m trarrst[ must he made ri writing not rrtme if= 1 {51 da ys alter receipt of shlparv, S. WAIVER The failure of Seller to insist upon the perforrnancce of any of the terms or conditions of this contract or to exercise any right hereunder shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such tenons, co ditions or rights in the futa ham n m amt e nor s be deemed to be a waiver of any other condition, or right Harder thus contract. 9. MODIFICATION OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS No terms and conditions other than dr� stated he and no ag rmni or unde in a ty rdy pvport to mod fy there terms or condinpexs, shall he binding on Seller without the Seller's written consent- Any additional or dt'fferent terms m rlx Buyer's at om are hereby e�to he rrWertal aflera[norhs and rnttcs of objection to them asd =16 of them is hereby given. 10 REELS When the Seller ships rwrmable reels. a reel deposit will he included in the invoice- The Buyer should contact the nearest Graybar service location to return reels. 11. CERTIFICATIOPI We here%q certify that these goods were jux:hxed in corTliace with all applicable requirements of section 6, 7, and 12 of the Fair m Labor Sunxiards Act, as amended, and of regulations and orders of the United States Department of labor issu under section 4 reof_ Return this copy with your payment. Keystone /Carmel Dr Stored Materials Beaty Construction, Inc Stored Materials for March 10 Estimate Item Invoice Invoice Date Amount Wall H, I Face Panels RECO 55743 2/18/2010 55,546.64 Wall H, i Face Panels RECO 55614 1/31/2010 23,268.09 78,814.73 ease Page 2 of 2 041990 The Reinforced Earth Company ®ea® Feb. 18, 2010 8614 Westwood Center Drive Vienna, Virginia 22182 -2233 (703) 821 -1175 Project information Purchase Order /Contract: KEYSTONE 001 DD 3/27/09 Project Manager: Akers, Mr. Brian Project: KEYSTONE PRKWY 116TH, IN our Reference: 13850 Summary of Previous Invoice COPING Unit Price Descrpiion Item Qu Units Invoiced Amount COP PRECAST PRODUCTION PRECAST PANELS- LF 4,260.40 LF $49,418.00 CGM COPING PRECAST PANELS- LF 170.00 LF $1,972.00 COP PRECAST DELIVERY FREIGHT PRECAST LF (EX) 2,930.00 LF $84,970.00 COP CGM FREIGHT PRECAST LF (EX) 170.00 LF $4,830.00 COP ENGINEERING ENGINEERING (LF) 6,920.00 LF $50,170.00 Total Previously invoiced for this Product $191,458.00 RLA LARGE PANEL WALL Unit Price Item Quantity Units invoiced Amount Description SPECIAL ADD'L BILLING $2'500'00 C D PRECAST PANELS SF 19,478.10 SF $104,886.98 A B PRECAST PANELS SF 34,573.10 SF $186,349.01 H, I PRECAST PANELS SF 4,316.90 Sr- $23,268.09 C D FREIGHT PRECAST SF (EX) 21,397.62 SF $98,108.09 A B FREIGHT PRECAST SF (EX) 34,583.00 SF $158,553.07 RLA ENGINEERING ENGINEERING (SF) 69,051.20 SF $281,642.69 RLA MOCKUP MISC OTHER EXP BILLABLE (EA) .00 EA -$1,500.00 RLA LINER FORM LINERS (LS) 1.00 LS $10,000.00 Total Previously Invoiced for this Product $873,917.91 Total Previously Invoiced $1,055,375.91 EK luding Taxes Unpaid Amount from Previous Invoices $4288.09 Including Taxes Current invoice Detail Invoice Numbe 55743 Invoice Llne Number 1 RLA LARGE PANEL WALL Description Item Qua Units Date Reference Invoice Am H. 1 PRECAST PANELS SF 3,448,80 SF 12- FEB -10 P170112 $16,433.03 H I PRECAST PANELS SF 1,346,00 SF 04- FEB -10 P169755 $7,254.94 H. I PRECAST PANELS SF 2,529.00 SF 12- FEB-10 P170135 $13,631.31 H, i PRECAST PANELS SF 3,381.70 SF 04- FEB-10 P169734 $16,227.36 10,305.50 Subtotai (Excluding Taxes) S55,546.64 Total for current invoice (Excluding Taxes) 555,54 &64 ease Page 2 of 2 ®e®ee The Reinforced Earth Company sees 8614 Westwood Center Drive Jan. 31, 2010 Vlanna, Virginia 22182 -2233 (703) 621 -1175 Project Information Purchase Order /Contract: KEYSTONE 001 DD 3/27/09 Project Manager: Afters, Mr. Brian Project: KEYSTONE PRKWY 116TH, IN Our Reference: 13850 Summa of Previous Invoice COPING Unit Price Description Item Quantity Units Invoiced Amount COP PRECAST PRODUCTION PRECAST PANELS- LF 4 LF $49,416.00 CGM COPING PRECAST PANELS- LF 170.00 LF $1,972.00 COP PRECAST DELIVERY FREIGHT PRECAST LF (EX) 2,930.00 LF $84,970.00 COP CGM FREIGHT PRECAST LF (E)q 170.00 LF $4,930.00 COP ENGINEERING ENGINEERING (LF) 6,920.00 LF $50,170.00 Total Previously Invoiced for this Product $191,458.00 RLA LARGE PANEL WALL Unit Price Description Item Quantity Units Invoic Amount $2,500.00 SPECIAL ADD'L BILLING C D PRECAST PANELS SF 19,478.10 SF $104,986.96 A B PRECAST PANELS SF 34,573.10 SF $186,349.01 C D FREIGHT PRECAST SF (EX) 21,397.62 SF $98,108.09 A B FREIGHT PRECAST SF (EX) 34,583.00 SF $158,563.07 ALA ENGINEERING ENGINEERING (SF) 89,051.20 SF $291,642.69 RLA MOCKUP MISC OTHER EXP BILLABLE (EA) .00 EA $1,500.00 RLA LINER FORM LINERS (LS) 1.00 LS $10,000.00 Total Previously Invoiced for this Product $850,649.82 Total Previously invoiced $1,042,107.82 Ewluding Taxes Unpaid Amount from Previous Invoices $23,393.58 Including Taxes Current Invoice Detail Invoice Numbe 55614 Invoice Line Number 1 RLA LARGE PANEL WALL Description Item Quantity Units Date Reference Invoice Amount H I PRECAST PANELS SF 193,60 SF 29- JAN -10 P169277 $1,043.60 H. 1 PRECAST PANELS -SF 4,123.30 SF 29-JAN -10 P159251 $22,224.59 4,316.90 Subtotal (Excluding Taxes) $23,268.09 Total for Current Invoice (Excluding Taxes) $23,268 09 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc.' Purchase Order No. 19808 1751 West Minnesota Street, P.O. Box 276 Terms Indianapolis IN 46206 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 03/08/10 P ay Ap 11 Keyst Reconstruction Project $209,266.84 Keystone Parkw 11 6th St/Carmel Drive Interchange Construction Project 07 -08 Retainage Held: -0- Total $209,266.84 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. ALLOWED 20 1751 West Minnesota Street, P.O. Box 276 IN THE SUM OF Indianapolis IN 46206 209,266.84 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# 19808 Pay Ap11 4470304 $209,266.84 1 hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except March 15, 20 10 Total s209,266.84 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Cit En claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title