August 21, 2002
Jon Dobosiewicz Carmel DOCS
Steve Broermann Hamilton County Highway
Gary Hoyt Carmel Fire Department
Jenny Milano Hamilton Co. Surveyor Office
Bill Akers Carmel Communications Center
Scott Brewer Dept of Community Services
Chuck Shupperd Vectren
Laurence Lillig Carmel DOCS
Steve Cash Hamilton Co. Surveyor Office
John South Hamilton County Soil Water
Dick Hill Carmel Engineering
Jim Blanchard Dept of Community Services
Mike McBride Carmel Engineering
Ron Farrand Carmel /Clay Schools
West Carmel Center, Block B, Lots 1 2 (Secondary Plat) 108 -02 SP
The applicant seeks approval of a Secondary Plat for a 2 -lot subdivision. The site is located on
the southeast corner of Commerce Drive and West 106 Street. The site is zoned B -5 /Business
and is subject to the US 421 Overlay requirements. Filed by Paul G. Reis of Drewry Simmons
Pitts Vornehm for West 106 Properties, LLC.
Mark Monroe, Drewry Simmons Pitts Vornehm, introduced the owner /developer Frank Swiss.
We sent out the Secondary Plat document the end of July for your review. We received a few
comment letters in return; we have addressed those. We are prepared to appear before the
Hamilton County Commissioners next Monday for their signatures. Shortly thereafter, the
construction on the office buildings on the site will commence.
Steve Cash, Hamilton County Surveyors, everything is okay on our end. Just a reminder, please
plan on talking with Kim. Also, before you begin construction, please apply for the appropriate
driveway permit. You can apply for the permit through Rob Chadwell our permit inspector.
Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy, we have gas on 106 and Commerce Drive. Please call in
with load requirement and size of meters.
Scott Brewer, Urban Forester, I have reviewed the landscape plan you sent over June 25 The
only comment I have is regarding the species. I would suggest an alternative to the pin oaks
because they won't do well in the soil. Almost any other type of oak will do. I will send you a
letter with suggestions for replacement.
Gary Hoyt, Carmel Fire Department, offered the Fire Department official letter (a faxed copy
had already been received by Mark Monroe).
Bill Akers, 911 Communications, asked about the number of tenants in Building
One /Commercial Office. Mark does not have the number of tenants at this time, but feels there
will be no more than six. Bill will need to assign suite numbers and will need a layout of the
inside of the building identifying the tenant spaces.
John South, Hamilton County Soil Water Conservation District, after looking at the Secondary
Plat (I did not look at original construction plans), it appears you do not have any cross
easements for drainage and utilities. Mark notes that those were added per the request from the
Highway Department. John gives Mark Monroe the official letter from the Conservation
Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services, notes this project is atypical in that the
department has already received the plat and all the letters and concerns have been addressed.
We have the director's signature on the plat. The owner will take the plat to the Hamilton
County Highway Commissioners on Monday. The letters from other agencies have been
reviewed. Most of the comments today are regarding the construction plans on the site. It
appears all items are in order.
Meridian Corners Professional Building #1 (Development Plan)
The applicant seeks development plan approval to construct an office building. The site is
located at the southeast corner of Meridian Corners Boulevard and Shakamac Drive. The site is
zoned B -5 /Business. Filed by Mike DeBoy of Mid States Engineering for Thomberry
Investment, LLC.
Mike DeBoy introduced Mila Slepaya of Mid States Engineering and Bob Lunsford for RDJ
Construction. We are presenting an estimated 8,200 SF building on a parcel across the street
from the doctors' office we just constructed- Meridian Corners Professional Building. It is going
to have a partial basement under approximately 1,200 SF. It is going to be similar to the
building across the street. Security Home Inspection is planning on occupying the building. The
site in general has two access points for parking. Parking will be along the north edge of the
property with a larger parking area to the west. It will be landscaped and architecturally look
likes the project to the north (dental office). We have received some letters stating there are no
comments. We welcome any feedback at this time.
Petitioner has not sent a request for an outlet permit on this particular project. That will be done
as soon as possible.
Steve Cash has no comments.
Chuck Shupperd notes that gas is at the street. The load requirement sheet needs to be
Scott Brewer, I have not received your letter on this project, but I have reviewed the plans. A
copy of my notes will be given to you today. One concern: it looks like all the perimeter buffer
requirements have not been met (26.4). This is especially true along the east side where the
driveways come right up against the property line. On the north building, we required each plot
to have buffer yards on each side. Jon will address the building line setback of the side rear
yard. Along the entry drive on the original plans, there were trees to be planted after the building
is complete, please note that those trees need to be all one species. My recommendation is that
the trees be Ash. If Ash is not possible, please talk with me before you make your purchase. On
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the general notes, there should be a staking detail on your tree planting. Your notes should
include a statement that the stakes will be removed within one year. The American standard for
nursery stock should list the 1996 edition or list the latest edition. Petitioner notes a different
landscaper will be used for the new building. Again, petitioner thanks DOCS for its feedback
Jim Blanchard, prior to our department issuing a permit, we would like to schedule a pre
submittal meeting. I have a copy of the procedure for you to complete prior to the permit.
Gary Hoyt, I hope you have received our departmental letter. Gary asks the petitioner if they
plan to sprinkle the building. Gary notes that the basement is under the 1,500 SF requirement
and notes that the petitioner does not plan to sprinkle. Petitioner also adds that this is a 1 -story
building. A Knox Box will be needed for the exterior of the building. You may obtain an
application at our office. Please have the application complete before construction.
Dick Hill, Carmel Engineering, will be looking at the plans and have comments for you soon. A
right -of -way permit will be needed. It appears you have some work in the ROW at Meridian
Corners. When the project comes around, please have the permit in place. Dick asks about the
absence of a sidewalk noting he understands it is a private access street.
Bob Lunsford recalls it was requested that they have it on one side or the other. What will
happen when we construct the property, a water line will go back to CMC Properties. The water
line is going to be on the east side, the sewer line is going to be on the west side. This will be in
front of Dr. Peet's office. The sidewalk will be installed at that time.
Bill Akers talked with Mila recently about the tenants who will occupy the building. At this
time, 2 tenants will have offices in the building. Prior to construction and prior to tenants
coming in, a layout will be needed to show placement of tenants. Permits have to be assigned
suite numbers. Will there be a ground sign similar to the dental office?
Bob Lunsford would like to have signage on the building. Bill notes as long as the address is on
the building for the fire and police departments. One address is fine for the building and suite
numbers will be inside.
John South faxed a letter yesterday. No comments.
Jon Dobosiewicz notes the Primary Plat for this site was for CMC's parcel and these 2 parcels.
The plat needs to be recorded prior to the issuance of a building permit. This will identify the
dedication of ROW on Meridian Corners as well as the parcel sold to the doctor. The doctor's
signature will need to be on the plat. The lot line that runs along the south side of the drive was
shown on the north side on the primary plat. Will there be a proposal to modify the lot line?
The ingress /egress easement is in a separate tract of which there are 3 lots. Before our
department signs the secondary plat and before the secondary plat is recorded, it must be
determined whether it will be shown as a drive or an easement. The site plan will have a revised
layout showing the building setback line and buffer yard along Meridian Corners Boulevard as
15 If the drive out of the parking lot encroaches into that, it will have to be reduced.
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Bob anticipates removing the parking lot on the east side of building. The building will be
moved to avoid conflicts. This pulls the drive area out of the 15 Other adjustments have been
made with regard to the parking lot. Currently there are 32 parking spaces. One curb cut may be
Jon suggests reducing the width of island. It would be best to have the space less than 18
Bob also suggested moving one of the drives to the green space again moving the building back.
The revisions will be forward to engineering as well as any comments made today. Jon and Bob
to go over numbers, ratios, and modifications. After the meeting, a fax will be sent to confirm
the revisions. On another note, will there be any requirements from the Special Studies
Committee? As an example on the previous building, the committee requested I attend three
meetings. At this time, all the materials have been chosen for this project.
Jon would like to see photographs of adjacent buildings. This would give SSC an opportunity to
see the others building. Also, it might be best to have Scott sign off on the landscaping before
you get to the committee.
Aberdeen Bend (Secondary Plat and Construction Plans)
The applicant seeks Secondary Plat Section 1 approval to plat 26 lots on 24.23± acres. The site
is located on the north side of West 131 Street, 1 /2 mile west of Towne Road. The site is zoned
S -1 /Residence Estate. Filed by Doug Corey of Mid States Engineering for the Jones
Chris White present for the Jones Company who is the builder and developer for this project.
Aberdeen Bend is located just west of Hayden Run a Centex Homes community. Phase I will
include the pond and infrastructure.
Steve Cash is complimentary about the way the piping was handled. It tied into the system
properly. The requirement from the county surveyor wanted the lots to have access to
subsurface drains and you have done this well. The pipe on the lower end needs to be extended
to the property line. It goes through a grove of trees to a low spot. The swale needs to be
extended out as well. In addition, the county surveyor would like to see the utility plan and the
grading plan in your design. Regarding Lot 46, also mentioned as a major concern on the
primary plat, this area drains right through the path where the houses will be built. I understand
you will grade the area. However, the soil types and basic contour of the land, suggests there will
continue to be ground water flow. This lot will always have a sump pump. Water will always be
underneath. My recommendation is to have this intercepted or shifted so the low area in not
under the house. You might be trading some common area or green space to accommodate this
Steve Broermann, Hamilton County Highway Department, sent out his letter. Steve asks
whether petitioner is seeking approval for Sections 1 and 2 at this time. It is noted only Section
1 at this time and Section 2 in September. The construction plans are the same and construction
will begin mid September. The eastbound lane of 131 Street needs to be widened and it is not
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shown on the plans (3' needed). The location of the entrance will need additional property
acquired for the ROW. Perhaps it can be acquired off from the west or we might suggest you
relocate your entrance, as the taper does not fit. Steve and petitioner will check the plan. Also,
the storm sewer that runs from structure 39 to 19 underneath the pavement will not be permitted.
It will need to be done through manholes in the drainage utility easement. All other items in my
letter to you are standard. One additional comment; please have a detail showing ADA ramps to
be concrete not asphalt paths or ramps.
Chuck Shupperd, will bring gas to the other subdivisions. Gas will be ready for your property.
Chuck gave petitioner his business card.
Scott Brewer did not receive a set of landscape plans. Scott will need all the plans as soon as
Jim Blanchard, DOCS asks if this subdivision will be opened to other builders. It is noted that
the Jones Company will be the only builder. We would like to get permits out in 2 to 3 days
once we have received your information. The homes around the retention pond need to be 2
above the base flood level. Lots will need to be marked at the curb or signs out front on stakes.
Gary Hoyt faxed a letter to Chad. My first comment was that we would like to see a temporary
cul -de -sac on the south. I would like to move that up now since you are only developing Section
One. This will give us a chance to turnaround with our apparatus. The petitioner notes that the
information is on the erosion control plan. The development plan did not have a clear marking
according to the petitioner. Gary confirms that there will not be an amenity building, thus a
Knox Box is not needed. Only a gazebo will be placed on common grounds.
Bill Akers, the Street that connects with Hayden Run is incorrect on the plan. Tuscany Drive
should be Tantera Bend. Bill asks if a monument will be placed where the two sections connect
at Tantera Bend. Petitioner has not been finalized this detail. Bill comments that this is
especially good for the fire department to see where the two connect.
John South passed a letter of comments to the petitioner. Some of the comments are: Your
erosion control plan needs to reflect what you are constructing. You will need to show Section
Two as temporary seeding. I suggest you show this on a separate sheet; the sequence goes along
with that and needs to reflect what you are doing with this section. How will this construction
proceed and what will be done to prevent erosion in a sequential manner; the perimeter sediment
control will be handled at the pond basin. The diversion swale will help get the storm water into
the pond. It is advised that you again look at the North, East, and West, as it might not be the
best for the site.
Jon Dobosiewicz At the intersection of Birkenstock Street and Aberdeen Bend we would like to
see you pick up the north corner along the south end of the street with an approach so it will be
all four corners thus it will not promote crossing in the middle of the intersection. In addition,
next to Hayden Run, it is advised you construct approaches at either end of the two trails where
you are creating a crossing. We would like for you to get a letter from Stoeppelwerth indicating
that you are connecting both trails and that they match grades. A copy of the Secondary Plat is
S TechnicalAdvis oryCommitte e \Minutes \tac2002august
needed. The construction plan is in the file. It is noted that petitioner will be at TAC in
September and will go through the plat information at that time. We also need a letter with an
estimate on road improvements to be received prior to signatures. Regarding drainage, where do
you pick up water from this far north? It is noted that it drains from the south at the landscape
mound and gets into the swale behind the homes. The grades show the contour but they should
be better defined. This crosses the pedestrian trail and flows over to the other side. The
sidewalks should be identified as 5' as they do in the Primary Plat. Additional comments will
be given when the Secondary Plat is submitted. Most of the construction plan issues are going to
be resolved. A follow -up call will outline the things that need to be done before signatures are in
place. You will also need to contact Cripe for an updated set for relocation of the entrance. You
can reference it as "Lacy Properties" a city project.
Laurence Lillig asks if Model Homes are planned in the subdivision. Model Homes will require
a temporary use permit and you can apply for that through the Building and Code Enforcement
Division. This permit will also cover temporary sales offices. Model Home signage will be
addressed later. Regarding easements, the trails that are located within the common areas, also
need to be within public pedestrian access easements. We will need documentation from you.
The Department of Community Services will be putting together information that can be adopted
as a standard that you might use. Similarly for the temporary cul -de -sac and temporary ROW
easement, the Hamilton County Highway Department should receive documentation from you.
It is especially important for the fire department so that they may have unobstructed access. The
annexation of Aberdeen is not known at this time. The subdivision signage appears to have gone
through with the Primary Plat and has Plan Commission approval. The signage will be located
on the eastside. We will need to see a landscape signage easement. You will need the approval
of the surveyor's office since it will be placed in a utility drainage easement.
Laurelwood /Henderson Maintenance Building (Site Construction Plans)
The applicant seeks to construct a maintenance building within the Floodway. The site is located
at 10211 Ditch Road, 1 /4 mile south of 106 Street. The site is zoned S- 1/Residence Very Low
Density. Filed by R. J. Klein Associates for Richard Henderson
Bill Butz of Mid States Engineering introduced Mr. R. J. Klein, and Mr. Mark Graber
(representing Mr. Henderson the owner of the property). We are proposing a 20' X 30'
maintenance building on a 10+ acre lot within the floodway of Spring Mill Run. The purpose of
the project is to create a small building for Mr. Henderson to keep maintenance equipment such
as lawn mowers, etc. The reason to build on the current location is to block from the rear of the
home an existing sewage lift station about half way down the property line toward Ditch Road.
As it is now, if you stand at the back of the home and look in the direction where the
construction is proposed, you can see the lift station. Mr. Henderson wishes to block that view.
The building will be constructed of high quality stone and cedar shake shingles, which match the
existing home. A picture of the home is circulated for viewing.
Steve Cash confirms that petitioner has received his letter. My first comment is that Spring Mill
Run is not a regulated drain. The usual permits will not be needed for Hamilton County
Surveyor's Office. The placement of the building in the floodway would require DNR approval.
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DNR approval has just been received. We typically do not recommend building in a floodway.
If this were a regulated drain, it would not be permitted. We will need to see the finished floor
elevation showing that it is 2' above the 100 year. It is noted that the DNR has raised the 100
year by .3 thus setting the project above the 2 The plans vary. We must receive a revision
noting the DNR change. A copy will be faxed and a digital file will be sent.
Steve Broermann notes he sent a letter to Bill. It is my understanding that there will not be an
access from Ditch Road.
R. J. Klein further comments about Laurelwood. This is ground Mr. Henderson purchased
behind his lot in Laurelwood. As the developer, R. J. Klein originally acquired this ground when
we built Laurelwood. It exchanged hands several times. Mr. Henderson then decided he would
prefer nothing else be built behind him so he purchased the 10+ acres and was going to use it as
a landscape area with a lake. Since the lift station was an eyesore, Mr. Henderson thought a
building architecturally matching his home and used for landscape equipment would be an asset
to the area.
Chuck Shupperd We understand that no utilities will be used such as gas for heat. Only a small
amount of power will be used to connect battery adaptors and water to clean the equipment.
Scott Brewer would like a copy of the information you will be sending to Steve Cash. As for
landscaping requirements, I have none. My only thought is it might be simpler to plant some
trees to block the view. Building outside the floodplain would also be desirable. I will look at
the DNR report
R. J. Klein notes the ground is down in a "hole In order to accomplish covering the lift station,
a small forest would need to be planted. The next -door neighbor states he has owned his
property for 40 years and has never seen the creek out of its banks.
Jim Blanchard, before issuing a permit, I will need the same information you are submitting the
Steve Cash. I will need the elevation on the plan.
Gary Hoyt faxed a letter to Bill. No further comments.
Bill Akers has no comments.
John South noting that there are 9 acres, it is difficult to understand why another area could not
have been picked. I would like to see the structure out of the floodway. I would rather see the
lift station hidden by trees. This is a copy of my letter previously faxed to you.
Laurence Lillig Steve Cash and Gary Hoyt noted their letters were received today. The
Department of Community Services will support the request for the accessory building without a
principal building as we previously discussed. We will, however, be opposed to the
construction in a floodway. There are alternatives as we have heard from the various
departments. It would be best to meet with the property owner and to pursue one of those
alternatives rather than placing the building in the floodway. It appears you have everything in
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order for the hearing. We will see you on Monday.
R. J. Klein, we would like to reiterate that this does protect the land from future development. If
we were to put the building on another part of the land they might loose the potential to do
something else with this site. It degrades the property to view the lift station. What if the
family wants to sell the property 20 years from now? The ground could have less value.
Laurence notes that if the building were to be put somewhere else on the site and and if the land
was subdivided sometime in the future, the building could be used as a community center. Of
course, you are encouraged to bring your comments to the meeting on Monday.
Evangelical Baptist Mission (Use Variance Development Plans)
The applicant seeks development plan approval to construct an office building.
The site is located on the east side of Shelborne Road, 1/8 mile north of West 96 Street. The
site is zoned R -1 /Residence. Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson Frankenberger for
the Evangelical Baptist Missions.
Carmel Ambulatory Surgery Center Endo Center (Development Plan)
The applicant seeks construction plan approval for a medical office building. The site is located
at 13421 Old Meridian Street. Filed by Becky Feigh of BSA Design for St. Vincent Hospital and
Health Care Center, Inc.
Becky Feigh, Rick Berger, Rob Schoeck, and Jane Everett of BSA Design are here to present the
project. The property is adjacent to the Spine Institute. This facility will share 9.62 acres with
the Spine Institute. It will house an outpatient surgery and endoscopes center. The 2 -story
building has 52,000 SF. The first floor has 32,000 SF, which will contain 6 operating rooms and
a 2- procedure endo suite. The site is currently zoned Old Meridian Office and OM Single
Family. We are currently in the process to rezone to OM Mixed Medical. We are at the Council
level with that rezone. We submitted plans approximately 3 weeks ago. Utilities have been
contacted. The proposed use, building square footage, and parking are subject to approval by the
Planning Department.
Jon has the August 1 St letter from Kelli Lawrence responding Becky's request
Steve Cash, this project is located within the city limits of Carmel. It does not discharge into a
county regulated drain. Therefore, no permits are required from our office. We will defer to the
city engineer's office. I would like to request that you send us a copy of your drainage
calculations. A copy will be sent. The pond outlet pipe is missing.
Steve Broermann, spoke with Becky by phone regarding the ROW of Old Meridian. Any work
done there will require permits from our office.
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Chuck Shupperd, we have gas on Old Meridian and Guilford. You chose to come off Old
Meridian but we will most likely come off Guilford. Please complete the appropriate sheet so
we can size the meter. It is my understanding that your start date is the middle of November. If
we use Guilford service we will be okay. Otherwise, we will use conduit under the street. Stone
will be the material used near the meter area.
Scott Brewer has not had a chance to get a letter out. The species alternatives for pine, other
evergreens, and crabapple will be covered in my letter. There are two parking lot islands that I
would suggest you add two of the parking spaces as green spaces.
Becky notes that the future parking area down to the south will be taken so those spaces will be
Scott also adds that the 6 oaks that are now in the island will eventually be a problem because of
size. If you bridge that area, I can give you soil information to expand the rooting volume then
you can still keep the oaks. Otherwise, I would suggest smaller species. The planting graphic
detail 1 needs to be changed. I will describe this further in my letter. Also, I would like to see
a written tree preservation plan. Because you are going to affect a lot of trees during
construction, a written plan will let me know that they have the best chance possible. I would
also like to see the tree roots pruned carefully in the areas where construction is taking place. I
have not checked the turnaround island where the 42" sycamore is located. I understand you
will be forwarding revised drawings showing the change to the turnaround, and detention area.
Jim Blanchard, there have been some changes in electrical code with regard to health care
facilities. I would like for your electrical contractor to meet with Jim Ochs prior to estimates.
Also, before a permit can be issued, we have a pre- submittal checklist. Jim passes his letter to
Gary Hoyt sat down with Becky and several others and worked out most of the details.
Everything is okay with the fire department. We will need a set of revised plans. The Knox Box
location and fire hydrant locations should also be noted on the revised plans.
Bill Akers notes Becky has received his letter. There will be 12 doctors office as previously
communicated. When built, we will need a layout of the floors so that I can get suite numbers
for the permits. Also, I noticed the address is going on the building and will be illuminated.
This will be great for the fire and police departments.
Dick Hill has drafted some comments but has not yet sent them out. This will require BPW
approval of sewer and water. In talking with John Duffy, he had a conversation with Bob
Whitaker and they have come to a conclusion on connection fees. In looking at the drawings,
there seems to be a significant difference. The figures I received from John are18 examining
rooms and 5,000 SF of office space. We need to check on the plans that have been submitted
and obtain correct figures. At this time, Old Meridian is in Hamilton County Highway's
jurisdiction but by the end of the year it will be in the city of Carmel. Another item you will
need is the dedication of the ROW. We would also like to see some drain taps.
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Becky is in the process of doing that at this time. The rezone adds an additional 10'.
Mike McBride also would like to see the ROW dedicated. I have not had a chance to look at the
site thoroughly. It appears you do not have any additional parking proposed.
John South, will send a better copy of the letter faxed yesterday. Besides the normal details on
the plans, it appears the detention pond is missing. Please forward a revised plan. On this type
of commercial project, I would like for you to add to your construction sequence, "seeding will
not take place until everything is fine graded Because this building will be ongoing for about a
year, we will need some temporary seeding. With your timetable, it looks as if this should be
done in mid October. We could also suggest mulch from the ground up trees. The inlet
protection spec needs to be shown on the plans.
Jon Dobosiewicz, the zoning should be finalized and approved for the site by September 3rd
when City Council meets. There appears to be no conflicts. Regarding the Old Meridian Street
existing entrance, does that line up with the hospital's entrance across the street?
Becky notes it is very close.
Jon, the advice we had given in a previous review letter was that the property be combined into
single tracts. Is there residual to the south or is it still part of the tract?
Becky explains that it is going to be included in that tract.
Jon, notes we will be receiving revised building elevations. A meeting will be scheduled before
the end of the week to be sure of consistency. We want to see the effect along Old Meridian
more as an "urbanscape A corridor that is bound by taller buildings as opposed to a campus
type setting. We would like to see greater enclosure along Old Meridian Street. With respect to
the traffic along Old Meridian, we would like for the owner to consider access on Guilford as a
means of ingress /egress.
Becky and Kelli Lawrence have planned a meeting for Friday. Jon will be meeting with Becky on
Carmel Clay Historical Society (Use Variance Development Plan)
The applicant seeks approval to construct an additional structure. The site is located at 211 First
Street Southwest. The site is zoned R -2 /Residence within the Old Town Overlay Zone.
Filed by Balay Architects for the Carmel Clay Historical Society.
Carmel Junior High School (Special Use Construction Plans)
The applicant seeks approval of additions and renovations to an existing school facility. The site
is located at 300 South Guilford Road. The site is zoned R -1 /Residence.
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Filed by Jeff Bolinger of Fanning /Howey Associates for Carmel /Clay Schools.
Bill Payne and Jeff Bolinger of Fanning /Howey along with Mark Obergell and Ben Knoop of
TLF Engineering presented the Carmel Junior High School project. The primary modifications
to the exterior of the CJHS building are the addition of a new auditorium and support spaces on
the north end of the building. Expansions of the existing entrance to better accommodate visitors
in a more secure way on the eastside facing Guilford. We are making some improvements to the
On another note, at the next TAC meeting you will be seeing the new College Wood Elementary
next to the new middle school.
We will be resurfacing the track, adding a paved walk, and an emergency exit drive that will
connect with Old Meridian district. We are not doing anything with the existing swimming pool.
The parking lot areas will be resurfaced or repaved. One entrance will be improved extending a
deceleration drive, which is causing us to extend the culvert in the creek area. We are adding a
new sidewalk along Guilford and adding new landscaping. On the south end of the building we
are changing the configuration so that we can bring all the students in at the south end closer to
where all the academic rooms are located. We are creating a new bus queuing area, a larger
turnaround area, and an exit back out to Guilford. We are realigning the College Way Drive on
the opposite side of street to provide a safer exit. We are making some improvements to the ball
diamond. New tennis courts will be added to the west and we will be using the existing tennis
courts as a construction staging area. There will also be work on the interior of the building.
Steve Cash, the discharge point is not a Hamilton County drain. You will not need to file
permits with us. We are going to defer drainage comments to the city engineer's office. We
would like for you to forward a copy of the drainage calculations for our files.
Chuck Shupperd, there might be some concerns on the services back to the area. During our
meeting planned for the 28', we can go over these projects and future projects. The service
entrance might change subtly but will remain a mechanical services entry.
Scott Brewer, my letter will follow with my comments. I have received the plans. I have some
species questions and some tree preservation detail comments.
Jim Blanchard has not seen the construction plans. Would like for you to know it was great
working with you on the Towne Road "school" project. We will need to schedule a pre
submittal meeting.
Bill Payne notes that Bill Skillman is the construction company on all of these projects.
Gary Hoyt has sent letters to Chris and to Mr. Schneider. Mr. Schneider gave me an updated
copy of the water distribution around the property that shows the fire hydrants. On note 21 on
the water plan it mentions the Siamese connections should be removed. Could that be on the
front of the building? Please provide new information for hookups.
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Dick Hill has not completed review of this project. You will need BPW approval since you are
modifying the drives on Guilford. Regarding sewer and water availability, please direct your
comments to John Duffy. Are your new sewer and water lines going to be dedicated or private?
Can you make the paving of Guilford more definite? It was not clear on your plans. Also, show
the new water line area. The drainage calculations were also omitted.
Bill Payne shares that presently there are 1550 students. When all the work is done, the capacity
of this building will be 1200. The internal reorganization in some of the specialty spaces will
change. We are confided in the numbers with regard to reduction.
Mike McBride asks about time frame for construction.
Bill notes by the end of the year to early next spring; then for about 2 -1 /2 years construction
duration. This spans several summers.
Bill Akers, please forward the address of the ground signs. Bill Payne will get the information to
Bill for both schools
John South, no letter at this time. I have looked at the plans; everything seems to be covered.
Regarding the grading, it appears you have an existing inlet at the NE corner of the softball field.
It needs to be shown as protected. As for the duration of the project, I would like to see the
sequencing of your seeding or temporary seeding. It needs to be made clear with the contractor
that he cannot walk away and leave the site undisturbed.
Jon, the city is in the process of preparing plans to address connectivity with an older district
You have indicated you will provide an APT trail that would connect. In addition there is a
ROW along the South property line. The ball diamond would need a 60' setback from the
property line. Currently there is a 45' half. Would the diamond need to be reconfigured
(bleacher, dugout, etc.)? Perhaps the curve of the outfield could proceed north. Also, the
Guilford crosswalk does not have a defined turning lane, curb or sidewalk.
Laurence Lillig noted that the label on the plan shows it as Guilford Avenue when in fact it is
South Guilford Road. Within the ROW, you are showing a 5' concrete sidewalk. It needs to be
a 10' asphalt path. Also regarding the sidewalk, on your plans you are showing a drainage
swale on the NE side, it encroaches into the ROW of Guilford and it is causing the sidewalk to
divert east at that point. Can that be pulled back?
Jeff Bolinger comments on the drainage. They are trying to maintain the Swale. The sidewalk is
flat. Further north it is a combination pavement and curb edge.
Laurence Lillig, we will ask the engineering department to take a look at the south drive, College
Way, to review the alignment. Currently there are 1550 students and the projected number will
be 1200. It is noted that the new middle school will pick up the additional students. Aside from
the new auditorium and the new entrance, there are no additions to the building. A designated
path will serve as an emergency access and will be designed in such a way to handle emergency
vehicles. The drive that is presently graveled will be improved to handle light vehicles.
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Gary Hoyt, questions whether the 10' wide path would accommodate the weight of the fire
department trucks? The fire department would not want to damage the path. There will be a
gate to the area that can be secured by a Knox Padlock if necessary.
Bill Payne, the path would be used by emergency vehicles only. The original idea was to
accommodate pedestrian movement from Old Meridian district.
Jeff Bolinger will address the concrete swale in a later plan.
Laurence, the signage for Carmel Junior High has been briefly discussed. All of the schools will
have signage completed separately. The ground signs have good detail. However, we will need
dimensions for the sign on the wall that say "Carmel Junior High As I see it, the sign package
is 3 directional signs, 1 ground monument sign, and 1 building wall sign.
Jon would like to see coordination with the fire department on building exits. As an example,
those could be labeled 1 West, 2 West, etc. We don't have a preference. A meeting with Gary
Hoyt might be in order to work this out.
Laurence, as for the sign ordinance, a variance must be filed. The board recognizes the need for
the signs. It is important to use the same standard as is used for the high school signs.
Clay Junior High School (Special Use Construction Plans)
The applicant seeks approval of additions and renovations to an existing school facility. The site
is located at 5150 East 126 Street. The site is zoned S- 1/Residence Low Density.
Filed by Jeff Bolinger of Fanning /Howey Associates for Carmel /Clay Schools
Bill Payne and Jeff Bolinger of Fanning /Howey Associates introduced Engineers Andy Cash and
Rick Durham of Fanning /Howey. Andy and Rick are performing civil engineering design
services for Clay Junior High School. This program is similar to Carmel Junior High. Clay
Junior High has never had a major renovation. The structure is 30+ years with the original
design of an open plan school. The interior renovation is going to be much more extensive. It is
a smaller building than Carmel Junior High. We are adding 65,000 SF. The hatched areas are
new construction areas. The reason we are adding on to multiple sides is to add new spaces
where they are needed. On the west end is a new auditorium. On the north end are new science
classrooms. The south side has a new media center, administrative offices and special education
classrooms. A third gymnasium will be on the east side. This brings Clay into a comparable
facility as is Carmel Junior High and the new middle school. In regards to the site plan, we are
resurfacing the southwest lot. The southeast lot will be reconstructed. We are modifying the SE
lot for a better drop off and pick up for the students. We are leaving the existing entrances in the
middle of the building. On the west end, we are constructing preschool spaces and eliminating
the mobile units that are now used. The play areas as well as the drop off /pick up areas will also
be changed. The tennis courts will be reconstructed and one new court will be added. (All three
middle schools will have 8 tennis courts) Some improvements will be made to the Baseball and
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Softball diamond areas, also adding concession buildings. Resurfacing the track, adding more
concessions, and restroom facilities.
Steve Cash, the City of Carmel has annexed this property. This does not appear to be in a
watershed for county regulated drains. The site bypasses the drain and heads down to Carmel
Creek. I would like to request a copy of drainage calculations. No permits are required from our
office. I will defer other comments to the city engineer's office.
Chuck Shupperd At our meeting next week, we can discuss the meter set and service relocation.
Scott Brewer gave a copy of his comments to petitioner.
Gary Hoyt sent a letter to Mr. Payne and Mr. Karns. This is a sprinkle building. I would like to
talk with you about the hookups. The building has an existing standpipes system. We would
like to see that system remain in its current location. The hoses are already in the cabinets. It is
understandable that the administrators might want to change this. The Knox Box location can be
discussed later.
Dick Hill received the plans for Carmel Junior High but did not receive the plans for Clay.
Laurence gives Dick an extra set of plans.
Jon Dobosiewicz As nothing has changed at Clay for 25+ years; it is my hope that we look
farther into the future with this project. Access and efficiency are very important and should be
addressed. The backups at Gray Road are an issue. The crown of the hill creates a visibility
problem. It is advised that you sit down with our engineering department and discuss solutions.
I have a concern about the two entrances, drop off areas, and 4 movements.
Bill clarifies that this is a one way. Signs would be needed for the flow.
Jon, if this is what the school believes will work, logistically some alternatives might work just
as well. There might be one new entrance farther up the hill that could replace two entrances.
There is a loop arrangement (in /out) in one spot. Currently, this does not seem optimal for the
flow of traffic.
Jeff and Bill have relied on the administrators as to how their buildings function. In this case,
the administrators have been there quite a few years and feel this is what works for them with the
improvements we have made. People generally follow the instructions they have been given in
the past. There is a police officer at the west drive in the morning. This helps the movement of
buses and automobiles.
Jon, this is the only opportunity we have to make these comments. We do not know what the
Board of Zoning Appeals will do as far as approval. If this were a new project coming in, we
would look at it and ask what is the appropriate layout because we are not going to do this again
for 25 years. This isn't anything we would look at and say, "this is the right way to do it We
have a public safety issue. Typically, we don't design things this way. It might do well to get
with the engineering department to determine how it can be improved. This is marginal as far as
the cost of the overall project.
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Laurence will need dimensions on the wall sign. Three directional signs, one ground sign, and
one wall sign is what I see for this project. The fire department will want to see the sign
package. Regarding the site plan, the thoroughfare plan today calls for 126 Street to be a 45'.
The existing plan calls for 40'. We need to see the dedication of that additional 5' of ROW
Bill would like to know the timing on the dedication.
Laurence, we will continue through the special use project. The board will make the dedication
of ROW a condition. Again on the thoroughfare plan, a 10' asphalt path is required. Your plan
shows a 4' sidewalk.
River Road Park
Troy D. Thompson, AIA
Director, Historic Preservation Services
HNTB Architecture
Troy is looking at some overall development master planning and some immediate PHASE I
work at the River Road Park/Hamilton County Parks and Recreation. There are several issues
that they will be working on with some of the City of Carmel agencies. The park is located at
126 Street and River Road at White River. Currently, there is a paved parking lot with wooden
fence, bumpers, and some fields scattered throughout. We would like to add a small playground
and wooded area. The master plan calls for some ball fields. At some point in the future, a canoe
launch down the river to tie several parks together. To make nature walks, they will add more
gravel to their current and future paths and landscape areas. We are picking up on the existing
drive into the parking lot. We would like to extend a new drive with additional parking
(approximately t /2 acre). A new restroom facility. The city will be picking up our water service.
In the future, there is talk of a small water feature near the playground. The sewer will be
forced to the north. We are attempting to locate that sewer. The manhole has not been found at
this time. We need to determine what size water line will be needed (a 4" line). Pieces of the
park are isolated thus there is a cost issue.
Laurence notes that Prairie View is annexed. A 45' dedication will be needed
Jon asks that the ROW be identified on the site plan. It is critical that we know how close the
ROW will be. You will need to update the driveway cuts with the Hamilton County Highway
Department. You are showing 3 cuts at this time. The department will also discuss the
accel /decel lane taper.
Laurence, 126 Street T's into park. Have you looked at an option that would align the main
Troy feels such changes might cause them to loose part of the site.
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Scott Brewer did not receive a set of plans. Troy will forward those immediately. Scott asks if
they have an existing land use plan.
Laurence, Current plans call for a 10' asphalt path along River Road.
Troy notes there is an existing path they will be flipping.
Steve Cash had the following comments: show vestal drain; need a set of plans; a drainage plan
including drain report and calculations; storm water runoff (to vestal drain); permits needed are:
1. outlet permit, fees waived for parks 2. crossing permit, foot path; more detail on crossings;
clear span foot bridge; no obstruction in flow line; flood plain addressed in drainage report;
topography line to be followed and referenced; note elevations; detention proposed; runoff for
Laurence South of 126 ROW is 40
North of 126 ROW is 45
The Director and Long Range Planner confirms that the path along River Road needs to be 10
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