HomeMy WebLinkAbout184371 04/14/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 362444 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MATT LEBER CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 768 EAST 93RD DR. APT A CHECK AMOUNT: $321.39 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 CHECK NUMBER: 184371 CHECK DATE: 4/14/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1091 4343000 321.39 TRAVEL FEES EXPENSE Event Details !c�tt!t rl�x?i }it slit:; it Time: January 20 2010 at fpm to Ja nuary 22. 20 10 at 2pm L "ovation F'a' Cre' ia emonatU nion Street: Grant Street City /Town: Lafayette, IN Website or Map: Fit :fl °vJr .acain iiGna.oroieve.._ Phone: 574 457 -4379 Event Type: professional develoC meat conference Organized By: Sria Adkins Latest Activity: May. 14, 2009 Event Description Indiana Parks Recreation Association and American Camp Association, Indiana are partnering together for a fantastic conference targeting park, camp and youth professionals. There will be something for everyone: Liability Issues, Budgeting, Grant Sources and writing, Staff evaluation/ development/ retention, State Board of Accounts- the next level, Capital Campaigns, Be an Effective Board Member, Legislative Update, Employee Motivation, The Art of Disciplining Your Staff /Managers, Stuff Happens- your response counts!/ Talking To The Press, Leadership, The Power of Persuasion, Emails- benefits, drawbacks, etiquette, legal implications, Marketing In The 21st Century, Ecofriendly Solutions To Resource Management, Trends in Trails, Renovation: Design /Budget/Multi- Use /Future, Going Green On Any Budget, Emergency Action Plans, Training and Motivating Teens (specifically in aquatics- lifeguards), Portable Challenge course/Teambuilding Activities, Conflict Resolution Anger Mgmt in Youth Programming, Day Camp Staff Training /Development, Programs for Teens, How To Solicit Major Sponsorship, Camper Trends- urban youth/ immigrants /etc, Youth Development/Outcomes, Trends In Youth Activities- bullying, Supergirl Dilemma, Nature Education, Reconnecting Nature Children, Trashy Art (Recycled materials Art/Crafts) Additional opportunities: Exhibit Hall with 70+ vendors, Pinewood Derby, Evening Social, Networking Lunch, Awards Banquet. Pre Conference options include: Camp Facility Tour, New Director Orientation, ACA Standards Course, Points Of Light, Recreational Facilities Tour and more. Indiana Parks and Recreation Association Date 1 212 2/2 009 269 West Jackson Street Invoice 970 PO Box 888 PRA Cicero IN 45034 a 3 1 Bill To Carmel Clay Parks and Rec 1411 E. 116th Street Carmel, rN 46032 Quantity Description Price Each Amount 2 2010 Annual Conference 225.00 450.00 Lindsay Atkinson Matt Leber 1 i l cU l0 Cv�- Purchase Description L, A 4 YAS kA 1,41. P.O. A -a L,� P r F Bud et C- Line Descry Purchaser 4 Data Approval Date t I t l i 1t" i Q tJ Make all checks payable to [PRA. Your cancelled check will act as your paid receipt. Tot 6450.00 THANK YOU P t U FOR YOUR PARTNERSHIP WITH IPRA. r Carmel Clay Parks &Recreation Employee Expense Reimbursement Request Date of Fund Account Account Receipt Vendor listed on receipt Line Budget Description Amount Purpose of Expense l 20 b o U1 U11 t oJ1 C- r� 1 .i Lon r` j 2r_ 11b u rl, Vr✓ S lUo t oCl `t 0 l rev f �d 1 Gt r�=- Z- l l 0 u� C. oG 22 v��t Do'U 1 Z2 O Lo r(c, L ueic). All receipts should be attached in the same order as listed above.1 w No sales tax will be reimbursed. TOTAL: l JI Employee Name (print) r tt Address H �ZW GC'f Ar t Nof e Ch eck BY payable to: City, St, Zip Sh Q� Signature. Approved b Date: V ;g: Date: 1 Business Services Division, Revised 7 -7 -08 FILE: Shared \Administrative\Forms\Staff Forms\Employee Exp Reimb Request Milton h arden Inn® 356 East State Street West Lafayette, IN 47906 Phone (765) 743 -2100 Fax(765)743-6520 West Lafayette Wabash Landing Reservations Name Address www.hiltongardeninn.com or 1 877 STAY HGI LEBER, MATT Room 413/K1 11824 GARDEN CIRCLE WEST Arrival Date 1/20/2010 5:19:OOPM FISHERS, IN 46038 Departure Date 1/22/2010 US Adult/Child 110 Room Rate $116.00 RATE PLAN L -AA HH# AL BONUS AL CAR Confirmation: 3371529263 1/22/2010 PAGE 1 DATE REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1/2012010 670076 GUEST ROOM $116.00 1/20/2010 670076 STATE TAX $8.12 1/20/2010 670076 LOCAL TAX $5.80 1/21/2010 670385 GUEST ROOM $116.00 1/21/2010 670385 STATE TAX $8.12 1/21/2010 670385 LOCAL TAX $5.80 WILL BE SETTLED TO VS "6144 $259.84 EFFECTIVE BALANCE OF $0.00 ..K ESTIMATED CURRENCY TOTAL 7� DATE OF CHARGE FOLIO N0. /CHECK NO. Zip Out Check—Out' 190818 A Good Morning We hope you enjoyed your stay. With Zip -Out Check -Out® AUTHORIZATION INITIAL there is no need to stop at the Front Desk to check out. Please review this statement. It is a record of your charges as of late last PURCHASES SERVICES evening. For any charges after your account was prepared, you may: TAXES pay at the time of purchase. charge purchases to your account, then stop by the Front Desk for an updated statement. TIPS MISC. or request an updated statement be mailed to you within two business days. If the statement meets with your approval, simply press the "Lip -Out Check -Out TOTAL AMOUNT 0.00 button on your guest room telephone. Your account will be automatically checked out and you may use this statement as your receipt. Feel free to leave your key(s) in the room. Please call the Front Desk if you wish to extend your stay or if you have any questions about your account. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF'CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly Itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 362444 Leber, Matt Terms Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or biil(s)) PO Amount 1126110 Reimb. Conference expenses 321.39 Total 321.39 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 362444 Leber, Matt Allowed 20 In Sum of 321.39 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #MTLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1091 Reimb. 4343000 321.39 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 8 -Apr 2010 Signature 321.39 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund