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HomeMy WebLinkAbout184158 04/14/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350562 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE AMERICAN STRUCTURE POINT, INC t CHECK AMOUNT: $120,591.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 7260 SHADELAND STATION INDIANAPOLIS IN 46256 -3957 CHECK NUMBER: 184158 CHECK DATE: 4/14/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 206 R4340100 19813 43351 10.00 106TH CULVERT REPLACE 920 R4470303 19812 43396 X115,861.00 116TH CONST INSPECTIO 920 R4470203 18327 43397 2,083.75 KEYSTON RECONSTRUCTIO 920 R4470403 18327 43397 723.75 KEYSTON RECONSTRUCTIO 920 R4470303 19803 43398 X223.75 116TH /CARMEL DR CONST 920 R4470603 19804 43399 ,,-1,488.75 136TH /KEYSTONE CONT E :j Remit to: 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 -3957 AMERICAN TEL 317.547.5580 FAX 317.543.020 E STRUCTUREPOINT INC. Federal Tax ID: 35- 1127317 April 9, 2010 Invoice No: 43399 Mr. Mike McBride City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Total Due This Invoice (see breakdown below): $9,488.75 Project OIN2008.01274.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 136th Street, Interchange Construction Cl, Carmel, INAdditional Services 2007.24P.O. 19804 (IN) Services from March 1, 2010 throuizh March 31, 2010 Professional Services Hours Rate Amount Resident Project Representative Machala, David 16.00 90.00 1 Intern Walker, Melissa .75 65.00 48.75 Totals 16.75 1,488.75 Professional Services Total 1,488.75 Billing Limits Current Previous Total Total Billings 1.488.75 852,723.01 854,21 1.76 Maximum 1,136,370.00 Under Maximum 282,158.24 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $1,488.75 Very truly yours, Todd Rutledge Fiall payment of this invoice is due within 30 days from invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month ($25.00 /month minimum) plus anylan collection co"attorney costs may be charged if payment is not received within 60 days from the invoice date. Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 3:34:36 PM Employee DMACHALA Machala, David P. Signed Machala, David P. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03/02 03103 03104 03105 03106 03107 03108 03109 03/10 03111 03/12 03/13 03114 03115 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st CI Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 32.00 2.00, 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1 1 4.00 4.00 4.0 4,00, 3.0 3.00 Resident Project Representative 03101 Onsite Erosion Control Meeting 03/02 Weekly Progress Meeting 03103 Onsite Project Supervision 03104 Onsite Project Supervision 03/05 Onsite Project Supervision 03108 Onsite Project Supervision 03/09 Weekly Progress Meeting and onsite supervision 03110 Onsite Project Supervision 03111 Onsite Project Supervision 03112 Onsite Project Supervision 03115 Onsite Project Supervision ti x5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115/10 (Mach ala, David P.) Monday, April 05, 2010 3:34:36 PM Total Mon I Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun MMon Wed Thu Fri Sa t Sun Mon Hr 03101 03/02 03103 03104 03105 03106 03107 03110 03/11 03/12 03113 03114 03/15 OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue CI IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 8.0 4.0 2.0 2.00 Resident Project Representative 03/01 Paperwork for FCR 03108 Paperwork for FCR 03/15 Paperwork for FCR 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection 1N090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 31.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00, 6.0 4.00 400 3.00 2.00 Resident Project Representative 03101 Weekly Progress Meeting 03103 Onsite Project Supervision 03/04 Onsite Project Supervision 03105 Onsite Project Supervision 03108 Weekly Progress Meeting 03/09 Onsite Project Supervision 03110 Onsite Project Supervision 03/11 Onsite supervision and Morphey meeting 03112 Onsite Project Supervision 03115 Weekly Progress Meeting OIN2008.01274.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 136th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 136th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 16.00 4.Oq 4.00 4.00 4.00 Resident Project Representative 03102 Paperwork for FCR 03/03 Paperwork for FCR 03104 Paperwork for FCR 03105 Paperwork for FCR v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) r Page 2 of 3 Deta Timesheet for the period ending 31151 (Mac hala, David P.) Monday, April 05, 2010 3:34,36 PM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03!01 03102 03103 03/04 03105 03106 03/07 03108 03/09 03/10 03!11 03112 03!13 03114 03!15 0000000.00000.0010 Overhead General (Time) 00300 Field Inspection Central Team 00 Reg 1.00 1.00 Resident Project Representative 03/15 Annual Review 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 7.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03/03 Onsite Project Supervision 03104 Onsite Project Supervision 03105 Onsite Project Supervision 03106 Work on progress pay estimate 03/15 Onsite Project Supervision 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 7.0 1.0q 1.00 1.00 2.00' 2.00 Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03/03 Onsite Project Supervision 03104 Onsite Project Supervision 03/05 Onsite Project Supervision 03110 Onsite Project Supervision 03/11 Onsite supervision and Morphey meeting DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.0 8.00 8.00 8.00, 8.0 8.09 8.0 10.00 8.00, 8.00 6.00 8.0 Ovt 14.0 2.00 2.Oq 20 2-Oq 2.00' 2.00 2.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monda April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 3:34:36 PM Employee MWALKER Walker, Melissa L. Signed. Walker, Melissa L. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03!02 03!03 03104 03/05 03!06 03!07 03/08 03109 03110 03111 03112 03113 03114 03115 Overhead Overhead Reg 4.5 1.50 1.50 1.5 03106 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 03107 Drive time from field office to Lafayette 03/12 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 21.50 1 1.09 1.00 4.50 3.00 2.Oq 5.00 1 5.00 Intern 03101 Ran preliminary estimate and emailed to project manager 03/02 Worked on stockpile 03/06 Entered stockpile, entered dailies, scanned dailies, ran pay estimate and created cover sheet 03107 Entered comments into dailies, updated summary spread sheets 03/08 Finished entering comments on daily reports, updated p drive 03112 Scanned dailies, red checked tickets, entered dailies into FieldManager 03/15 Entered dailies, made copies, scanned, red checked tickets v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/15110 (W Melissa L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 3:34:36 PM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03102 03103 03104 03105 03/06 03107 031D8 1 03109 03!10 03111 03112 03/13 03114 03115 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131 st CI Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IND90 Inspection Department 00 Reg 10.50 1.00 3.50 2.00 1.0 1 3.00 Intern 03103 Exported contract to FieldManager and updated info 03106 Entered dailies, ran pay estimate, created cover sheet. 03107 Finished entering comments into dailies 03108 Updated scanned dailies on p drive 03112 Scanned dailies, entered dailies into FieldManager OIN2008.01273.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 116th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1 1.50 .50 75. Intern 03/06 Entered dailies, scanned dailies, ran pay estimate and created cover sheet 03/07 Updated estimate summary sheet and change order summary 03115 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info OIN2008.01274.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 136th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 136th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 75 .75 Intern 03/15 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg Intern 03115 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Wa lker, Melissa L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 3:34:36 PM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03102 03103 03104 03105 03!06 03107 03/08 03109 03110 03/11 03112 03113 03114 03115 OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00101 126th Street Keystone Avenue CI IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg .75 79 Intern 03115 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, ennailed info DAILY TOTALS Reg 41.5 1.00 1.0q 1.00 11.0q 7.00, 3.00 9.50 8.O v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 3 Prescribed by Staie Board of Accounts city Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995♦ ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Americ S tructur e poin t, I nc. Purchase Order No. 19804 7260 S hadeland Station Terms Indianapolis IN 46256 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/09/10 43399 Keystone Reconstruction Project $1,488.75 Construction Engineering Services 136th Street Project 07 -08, Additional Services 2007.23 To tal $1,488.75 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. American Structurepoint, Inc. ALLOWED 20 7260 Shadeland Station IN THE SUM OF Indianapolis IN 46256 1,488.75 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR American Structurepoint, Inc. PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# 19804 43399 4470603 S1 ,488.75 I hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except April 12, 20 10 r��✓ —lam Total S1,488.75 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if City En claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title Remit to: 7260 Shadeland Station 0 Indianapolis, IN 46256 -3957 AMERICAN TEL 317.547.5580 FAX 317.543.020 STRUCTUREPOINT INC. Federal Tax ID: 35 -1 127317 April 9, 2010 Invoice No: 43398 Mr. Mike McBride City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Total Due This Invoice (see breakdown below): $223.75 Project OIN2008.01273.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads, ClCarmel, INAdditional Services 200722P.O. 19803 (IN) Services from March 1, 2010 through March 31, 2010 Professional Services Hours Rate Amount Project Engineer Maurovich. Michael .50 90.00 45.00 Intern Walker, Melissa 2.75 65.00 178.75 Totals 3.25 223.75 Professional Services Total 223.75 Billing Limits Current Previous Total Total Billings 223.75 199,841.64 200,065.39 Maximum 246.296.00 Under Maximum 46.230.61 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $223.75 Very truly yours, Todd Rutledge Full payment of this invoice is due within 30 days from invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1 5% per month ($25.001rnonth minimum) plus anylall collection costsfattorney costs maybe charged if payment is not received within 60 days from the invoice date. Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05, 2010 Am St r uctu repoint, Inc. 3:33:28 PM Employee MMAUROVIC Maurovich, Michael J. Signed Maurovich, Michael J. Approved Posted Parks, Craig M. Organization A1:A1:A1:A3:A6 Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03102 03103 03104 03105 03106 03/07 03/08 03109 03110 03111 03112 03113 03114 03115 Overhead Overhead Reg I 8.00 03110 Road School OIN1994.00137.0012 Hammond Res. #2816 169th Street Corridor Client: City of Hammond 00300 Road Design Plans INO30 IN Road 00 Reg 8.00 2.00 2.00 .50, 3.50 Project Engineer Ovt -2 .50 .50, OIN2002.00259.0006 Maplecrest Road Construction Support Client: Allen County 00901 Construction 00100 Road 00 Reg F f2 2l 5.00 Z0q 2.00 .5 1.00 1 4.00 6.00 1 -50 1.25 Project Engineer Ovt -2 2.0 .50 1 1 1 1 1 1.50 0002009.00688.0001 East Access Road, Westfield, Indiana Client: Westfield Public Works Department 00301 Road Design 00301 Road Design 00 Reg 1 1.00 4.00 5.0 3.50 6.5 4.0 2.017 Project Engineer Ovt -2 Z7 1.50 1.0 1.25 1 1 .50 1.50 2.00 1 OIN2003.00661.0038 Keystone Ave Express 131 st Street Fina Client: City of Carmel 00201 131st Street Retaining Wall INO30 IN Road 00 Reg Project Engineer v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Maurovich, Michael J.) Monday, April 05, 2010 3:33:29 PM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu I Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03!02 03!03 03(04 03105 03/06 03!07 03108 03109 03/10 03111 03!12 03!13 1 03114 1 03!15 OIN2003.00661.0038 Keystone Ave Express 131 st Street Fina Client: City of Carmel 00312 131st Street Final Interchange Road Desi INO30 IN Road 00 Reg 1.00 .50, 5D Project Engineer OIN2008.01273.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 116th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads INO30 IN Road 00 Reg Project Engineer 03!11 Answering Questions for Ken DAILY TOTALS Reg 8 8.x0 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8.00j 8.00, 8.0a 8.0 8.00 8.00 8.0 8.0 Ovt -2 10.25 1.00, 1.50 1.00 1.25 2.00 1.5 f 2.aa v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 3:33 :29 PM Employee MWALKER Walker, Melissa L. Signed Walker, Melissa L. Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03102 03/03 03104 03/05 03/06 03107 03108 03109 03110 03111 03/12 03113 03114 03115 Overhead Overhead Reg 4.50 I 1.5 0, 1.5 i 1.50 03106 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 03107 Drive time from field office to Lafayette 03112 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 21.5 1.00 1.00 4.5 3.00 2.OE?� 5.00 5.00 Intern 03/01 Ran preliminary estimate and emailed to project manager 03/02 Worked on stockpile 03/06 Entered stockpile, entered dailies, scanned dailies, ran pay estimate and created cover sheet 03107 Entered comments into dailies, updated summary spread sheets 03108 Finished entering comments on daily reports, updated p drive 03112 Scanned dailies, red checked tickets, entered dailies into FieldManager 03115 Entered dailies, made copies, scanned, red checked tickets v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Walker, Melissa L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 3:33:29 PM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat L03/07 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03/02 03!03 D3104 03!05 03106 03108 03!09 03110 03111 03112 03!13 03114 03115 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131 st CI Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 10.50 1.00 3.5 2.00' 100 3.00 Intern 03103 Exported contract to FieldManager and updated info 03106 Entered dailies, ran pay estimate, created cover sheet 03/07 f=inished entering comments into dailies 03108 Updated scanned dailies on p drive 03112 Scanned dailies, entered dailies into FieldManager OIN2008.01273.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 116th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 2.7 1.50 .50 .75 Intern 03106 Entered dailies, scanned dailies, ran pay estimate and created cover sheet 03107 Updated estimate summary sheet and change order summary 03115 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info OIN2008.01274.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 136th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 136th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 7r .75 Intern 03115 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 75 .7 Intern 03115 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Walker, Melissa L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 3:33:29 PM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri I Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03!01 03102 03103 03104 03!05 03106 03107 03108 03109 03110 03!11 03!12 03!13 03114 03115 OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00101 126th Street Keystone Avenue Cl 1 N09 IN Inspection 00 Reg 7 Intern 03!15 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info DAILY TOTALS Reg 41.5 1.00 1.00 1 .Ocq 11.00, 7.00 3.0 9.50 8.0 v5.0.27 (LPAMCOAST) Page 3 of 3 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee American Stru Inc. Purchase Order No. 19803 7260 S hadeland Station Terms Indianapolis IN 46256 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 04/09/10 4339 8 Ke Re Project $223.75 Cons truction I nspection Services 116th Street Project 07 -08, Additional Services 2007.22 Total $223. 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Cleric- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO American Structurepoint, Inc. ALLOWED 20 7260 Shadeland Station IN THE SUM OF Indianapolis IN 46256 223.75 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR American Structurepoint, Inc. PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# 19803 43398 4470303 $223.75 I hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except April 12, 20 10 Total $223.75 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Cit En claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title Remit to: 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 -3957 AMERICAN TEL 317.547.5580 FAX 317.543.020 0® STRUCTUREPOINT 1 N C. Federal Tax ID: 35- 1127317 March 23.2010 Invoice No: 43351 Mr. Mike McBride City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Total Due This Invoice (see breakdown below): $290.00 Project 0002009-00536.0001 106th Street Culvert Replacement 1400' West of Keystone Parkway Carmel, Indiana (IN) /-101 Additional Services 9 2007.26 (Keystone), P.O. 19813 -401 Services from February 1, 2010 through February 28, 2010 Fee Percent Fee Prior Current Phase Fee Complete Earned Billing Fee Environmental Services 7,000.00 100.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 Field Survey 3,250.00 100.00 3.250.00 3,250.00 0.00 Culvert Design Plan 10,500.00 100.00 10,500.00 10,290.00 210.00 Preparation Total Fee 20,750.00 20,750.00 20,540.00 210.00 Total Fee 210.00 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE 5210.00 Very truly yours, Craig Parks "GEIVED co M A R 2010 GARMEL ti EN WEER n LI.01•�� r 1 Full payment of this invoice is due within 30 days from invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month ($25,00Imonth minimum) plus any /all collection costsrattomey costs may be charged if payment is not received within 60 days from the invoice date. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee American Structurepoint, Inc. Purchase Order No. 7260 Shadeland Station Terms Indianapolis, IN 46256 -3957 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 03/23/10 43351 106th St. Culvert Replacment $210.00 Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 American Structurepoint, Inc. IN SUM OF 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 -3957 $210.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for 19813 43351 206 -R401 210.00 which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 �12 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Remit to: 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 -3957 0. AMERICAN TEL 317.547.5580 FAX 317.543.020 1:]® STRUCTUREPOINT i N C. Federal Tax ID: 35-1127317 April 9, 2010 Invoice No: 43397 Mr. Mike McBride City of Carmel One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 Total Due This Invoice (see breakdown below): $2,807.50 Project OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th Street 126th Street ClCarmel, INAdditional Services 2007.8P.O. 18327 (IN) Services from March 1, 2010 through March 31, 2010 Phase 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue CI Professional Services Hours Rate Amount Resident Project Representative Machala, David 8.00 90.00 720.00 Construction Inspector Grimstad, Heather 8.00 80.00 640.00 Margraf, David 6.00 80.00 480.00 Intern Walker, Melissa 3.75 65.00 243.75 Totals 25.75 2,083.75 Professional Services Total 2,083.75 TOTAL THIS PHASE $2,083.75 Phase 00101 126th Street Keystone Avenue Cl Professional Services Hours Rate Amount Construction Inspector Margraf, David 6.00 80.00 480.00 Intern Walker, Melissa 3.75 65.00 243.75 Totals 9.75 723.75 Professional Services Total 723.75 Full payment of this invoice is due within 30 days from invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month ($25.00/month minimum) plus any /all collection costslattorney costs may be charged if payment is not received within 60 days from the invoice date. Project OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th Street Invoice 43397 126th Street ClCarmel, INAdditional Services 2007.8P.O. 18327 (IN) TOTAL THIS PHASE 5723.75 Billing Limits Current Previous Total Total Billings 2 2,718,072.19 2,720,879.69 Maximum 2,750,104.00 Under Maximum 29,224.31 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $2,807.50 Very truly yours, Todd Rutledge Full payment of this invoice is due within 30 days from invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month ($25.00) month minimum) plus anyl all collection costs(attomey costs maybe charged if payment is not received within 60 days from the invoice date. Pa .ue 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/15/10 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 2:57:93 PM Employee HGRIMSTAD Grimstad, Heather L. Signed Grimstad, Heather L. Approved Posted Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun on Tue F03/10 d Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03103 03104 03/05 03106 03107 03/08 03/09 03111 03/12 03113 03114 03115 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 80.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8 1 i 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Construction Inspector 03/02 gradex and ditch work 03103 gradex and ditch work 03104 grades ditch cutting 03/05 gradex pavement removal and grading 03/08 gradex grading and pavement removal 03/09 pavement removal and grading Gradex 03/10 pavement removal and grading Gradex 03111 office related paperwork Gradex left early due to rain 03112 ditch cut and fill work Gradex OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue CI IN090 IN inspection 00 Reg 8.00 8.00 Construction Inspector 03101 office related paperwork x5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/15/10 (Grimstad, Heather L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 2:57:13 PM Total Mon Tue Wed I Thu I Fri I Sat I Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03102 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 03/15 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 19.00 1.50 2.50' 2.50 2.5 2.Oq 3.50 3.50 1.00 Inspector (Ovt) 03/02 gradex and ditch work 03/03 gradex and ditch work 03/04 grades ditch cutting 03/05 gradex pavement removal and grading 03/08 gradex grading and pavement removal 03/09 pavement removal and grading Gradex 03/10 pavement removal and grading Gradex 03/12 ditch cut and fill work Gradex DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.00 8.00 8.00 8.0 1 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8.0q 8.00 8.00 1 1 8.00 Ovt 19.00 I 1.50, 2.50, 2.50 2 1 2.00i 3.50,' 3.50, 1.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 2:57:13 PM Employee DMACHALA Machala, David P. Signed Machala, David P. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed I Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed FThu Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03102 03103 03104 03105 03106 03/07 03/08 03109 03/10 1 12 03113 03114 03115 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 32.00 2.00 i 4.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 4.0 4.00 4.00 i 3.00 3.0 Resident Project Representative 03101 Onsite Erosion Control Meeting 03102 Weekly Progress Meeting 03103 Onsite Project Supervision 03104 Onsite Project Supervision 03105 Orisite Project Supervision 03108 Onsite Project Supervision 03109 Weekly Progress Meeting and onsite supervision 03110 Onsite Project Supervision 03111 Onsite Project Supervision 03112 Onsite Project Supervision 03115 Onsite Project Supervision v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Machala, David P.) Monday, April 05, 2010 2 :57:14 PM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03102 03!03 03/04 03105 03!06 03107 03!08 03/09 03/10103/11 03/12 03/13 03114 03/15 OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 8.0 4.00 2.00 2.60 Resident Project Representative 03/01 Paperwork for FCR 03108 Paperwork for FCR 03115 Paperwork for FCR 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 31.00 2.00, 3.06 3.00 2.00 2.Oq 6.Oq 4.00 4.00 3.Oq 2.0 Q Resident Project Representative 03/01 Weekly Progress Meeting 03103 Onsite Project Supervision 03/04 Onsite Project Supervision 03105 Onsite Project Supervision 03/08 Weekly Progress Meeting 03109 Onsite Project Supervision 03110 Onsite Project Supervision 03111 Onsite supervision and Morphey meeting 03/12 Onsite Project Supervision 03/15 Weekly Progress Meeting OIN2008.01274.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 136th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 136th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 16.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.0 Resident Project Representative 03/02 Paperwork for FCR 03/03 Paperwork for FCR 03/04 Paperwork for FCR 03/05 Paperwork for FCR v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115!10 (Machala, David P.) Monday, April 05, 2010 2:5714 PM Total FM Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hr 03l01 03102 03l03 03/04 03!05 03/06 03!07 03108 03109 03110 03!11 03112 03113 0000000.00000.0010 Overhead General (Time) 00300 Field Inspection Central Team 00 Reg 1.00 1.00 Resident Project Representative 03!15 Annual Review 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131 st CI Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03103 Onsite Project Supervision 03104 Onsite Project Supervision 03!05 Onsite Project Supervision 03106 Work on progress pay estimate 03!15 Onsite Project Supervision 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 7.0 1.00, 1.00" 1.00 1 2.00 2.00 Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03103 Onsite Project Supervision 03104 Onsite Project Supervision 03105 Onsite Project Supervision 03110 Onsite Project Supervision 03111 Onsite supervision and Morphey meeting DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.00 8.0 a 8.00 s.oa s.oa 8.0 8.00 10.0 8.00 8.00 6.00 8.0 Ovt 14.00 1 2.00 2-Oq 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00, 2.0 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/15/10 Monday, April 05, 20 10 American Structurepoint, Inc. 2:57:58 PM Employee DMARGRAF Margraf, David C. Signed Margraf, David C. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 03/15 OIN2008.00195.0006 Crwf Dist (BG6) Mich. St. Traffic Stdy Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 Traffic Counting IN090 Inspection Dept 00 Reg F 12.00 6.00 6.00 Construction Inspector Ovt r 5.00 5.00, 03/02 Counted Traffic 03/03 Counted Traffic 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1 8.00 8.0 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 2.00 8.0 Construction Inspector 03/04 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/05 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/08 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/09 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/10 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/11 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/12 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/15 Light base foundations v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/15/10 (Margraf, David C.) Monday, April 05, 2010 2:57:58 PM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I Sun I Mon I Tue F03/10 ed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 03/15 OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 6.00 4.00 2.00 Construction Inspector 03/01 Scanning Tickets 03/02 Scanning Tickets OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00101 126th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 6.00 I 4.Oq 1 2.00 Construction Inspector 03/01 Scanning Tickets 03/03 Scanning Tickets 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 6.00 6.00 1 Construction Inspector 03/12 Clearing 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt I 2.Oq 2.Oq 3.00 3.OQ 2.Oq 1.O0 Inspector (Ovt) 03/04 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/05 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/08 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/09 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/10 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/15 Light base foundations DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00, 1 1 8.00 8.00 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.00 Ovt 23.00 5.Oq 5.Oq 2.00 2.00 1 3.00 3.Oq 2.00 1.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/15/10 Monday, April 05, 20 10 American Structurepoint, Inc. 2:57:58 PM Employee MWALKER Walker, Melissa L. Signed Walker, Melissa L. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 1 03/15 Overhead Overhead Reg I 1.5q 1.50 1 1 1.50 03/06 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 03/07 Drive time from field office to Lafayette 03/12 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 21.50 I 1.00 1.0q 1 4.50 1 1 1 5.00 1 1 5.00 Intern 03/01 Ran preliminary estimate and emailed to project manager 03/02 Worked on stockpile 03/06 Entered stockpile, entered dailies, scanned dailies, ran pay estimate and created cover sheet 03/07 Entered comments into dailies, updated summary spread sheets 03/08 Finished entering comments on daily reports, updated p drive 03/12 Scanned dailies, red checked tickets, entered dailies into FieldManager 03/15 Entered dailies, made copies, scanned, red checked tickets v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/15/10 (Walker, Melissa L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 2.57:58 PM Total i Mon Tue Wed Thu I Fri I Sat I Sun I Mon I Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 03/15 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131 st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 1 1.00 1 3.5q 2.Oq 1.Oq 3.00 Intern 03/03 Exported contract to FieldManager and updated info 03/06 Entered dailies, ran pay estimate, created cover sheet 03/07 Finished entering comments into dailies 03/08 Updated scanned dailies on p drive 03/12 Scanned dailies, entered dailies into FieldManager OIN2008.01273.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 116th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1.50 .50, .75� Intern 03/06 Entered dailies, scanned dailies, ran pay estimate and created cover sheet 03/07 Updated estimate summary sheet and change order summary 03/15 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info OIN2008.01274.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 136th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 136th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 75 .75 Intern 03/15 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 75 .75 Intern 03/15 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/15110 (Walker, Melissa L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 2:57:58 PM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 03/15 OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00101 126th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 75 I I .75 Intern 03/15 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info DAILY TOTALS Reg 41.50 j 1.00 1.00 1.0q 11.00 7.00 3.Oq 9.50 8.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/31/10 Tuesday, April 06, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 9:37.27 AM Employee MWALKER Walker, Melissa L. Signed Walker, Melissa L. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1 :A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed Thu I Fri I Sat I Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 1 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 1 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 Overhead Overhead Reg 4.50 1.50 1 1.50 1.50 03/19 Drive time from field office to Lafayette 03/27 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 03/28 Drive time from field office to Lafayette 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1 7.00 7.5 3.00 2.50 4.0 5.0 3.0 3.0 Intern 03/16 Inspected pipe installation, entered dailies into Fieldmanager, updated P drive 03/17 Entered dailies into computer, red checked tickets, updated P drive 03/18 Entered dailies, red checked tickets 03/19 Entered dailies, scanned, updated p drive, red checked tickets 03/27 Entered, scanned, and filed dailies 03/28 Red checked tickets, entered dailies 03/29 Entered dailies, worked on stockpile 03/30 Entered dailies, ran preliminary estimate and balance report, updated stockpile v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/31/10 (Walker, Melissa L.) Tuesday, April 06, 2090 9:37:27 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat S Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03117 03118 03119 03/20 03/21 03122 03123 03124 03/25 03126 03127 03/28 03129 03/30 03131 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 10.5 1.00, .50 1.00 2.00 6.0 0, Intern T 03116 Updated P drive 03117 Entered dallies into computer 03/18 Entered dailies, ran preliminary estimate, emailed out contract totals 03/19 Entered dailies, scanned, updated p drive 03127 Entered, scanned, and filed dailies OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 3.00 2.00 1.0 Intern 03/18 Entered dailies, ran preliminary estimate, emailed out contract totals 03/19 Ran balancing estimates, made coversheets, emailed totals OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00101 126th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1 2.00 1.00 Intern 03118 Entered dailies, ran preliminary estimate, emailed out contract totals 03119 Ran balancing estimates, made coversheets, emailed totals DAILY TOTALS Reg 1 8.00 8.0q 8.Oq 8.00 11.50 6.50 3.00 3.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 City Form No 201 (Rev. 1995) Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized mutt show: kind of s-ervice, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate her hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purch +se Order No. 183 27 Americ Structurepoint, Inc 7260 Shadeland Station Term. Indianapolis I N 46256 J Date'?ue Invoice Invoice r ascription Amount Date Number (or note attac ed invoice(s) or bill(s)) $2,807.50 04109/1 43397 Keystone F Proje Construction ispection 106th 126th Project 0 -08, i dditional Services 2007.8 Total $2 ,807.50 I hereb y Y certif that the attached invoice(s), or ),ills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER N0. W ARRANT NO. American Structurepoint, Inc. ALLOWED 20 7260 Shadeland Station IN THE SUM OF Indianapolis IN 46256 2,807.50 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR American Structurepoint, Inc. PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# 18327 43397 4470203 $2,083.75 18327 43397 4470403 $723.75 I hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except April 12, 20 10 Total $2,807.50 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Cit En claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title Remit to: O N 7260 Shadeland Station El Indianapolis, IN 46256 -3957 TEL 31 AMERICAN 7.547.5580 FAX 317.543.020 E STRUCTUREPOINT I NC. Federal Tax ID: 35- 1127317 April 9, 2010 Invoice No: 43396 Mr. Mike McBride City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Total Due This Invoice (see breakdown below): $915,869.00 Project 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th Street& Carmel Drive Interchange Construction ClAdditional Services 92007.25(Keystone)Carmel, Indiana (1N)PO 19812 Services from March 1, 2010 through March 31, 2010 Professional Services Hours Rate Amount Resident Project Representative Lenglade, Jon 6.00 90.00 540.00 Machala, David 65.00 90.00 5,850.00 Olson, Kenneth 184.00 90.00 16,560.00 Reeves, Jeffery 7.50 90.00 675.00 Resident Proj. Rep. (Overtime) Lenglade, Jon 2.00 103.50 207.00 Machala, David 20.00 103.50 2,070.00 Olson, Kenneth 47.00 103.50 4 Construction Inspector Backus, Dwayne 143.00 80.00 11,440.00 Barkat Masih, Anjam 160.00 80.00 12,800.00 Grimstad, Heather 17100 80.00 13,840.00 Margraf, David 154.00 80.00 12,320.00 Ray, Shawn 144.00 80.00 11,520.00 Selby, Ryan 4.00 80.00 320.00 Construction Inspector (Overtime) Backus, Dwayne 47.50 92.00 4,370.00 Barkat Masih, Anjam 40.00 92.00 3,680.00 Grimstad, Heather 32.00 92.00 2,944.00 Margraf, David 28.50 92.00 2,622.00 Ray, Shawn 52.00 92.00 4,784.00 Selby, Ryan 3.50 92.00 322.00 Sundling, Phillip 5.00 92.00 460.00 Fullpayment of this invoice is due within 30 days from in'roice date. Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month ($25.00 /month minimum) plus anylall collection c o sts�attomey costs maybe charge d if payment is not re c eive d within 60 days from the invoice date. Project 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: l 16th Invoice 43396 Street& Carmel Drive Interchange Construction ClAdditional Services 92007.25(Keystone)Carmel, Indiana (IN)PO 19812 Intern Walker, Melissa 56.50 65.00 3,672.50 Totals 1,374.50 115,861.00 Professional Services Total 115,861.00 Billing Limits Current Previous Total Total Billings 115,861.00 1,010,929.44 1,126,790.44 Maximum Under Maximum 47,493.56 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE $115,861.00 Very truly yours, Todd Rutledge Fullpayment of this invoice is due within 30 days from invoice date. Interest at the rate of 1.5% per month ($25.00 /month minimum) plus any /all collection co"attorney costs may be charged if payment is not received within 60 days from the invoice date. Page 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115/10 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 11:59:23 AM Employee DBACKUS Backus, Dwayne A. Signed Backus, Dwayne A. Approved Tucker, John J. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon I Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03102 03103 03104 03/05 03106 03107 03108 03109 03110 03111 03112 03113 03114 03115 0000000.00000.0010 Overhead General (Time) 00350 Field Non Op Facilities Team 00 Reg 25.0 a-00 3.00 3.00 3.0 q 8.00 Construction Inspector Ovt 4.0 I 4.06 03/01 Took scale to Olio Rd., cleaned chairs at 7240, set -up conf. rooms, replaced ceiling tiles, replaced light bulbs 03102 Set -up conf. rooms, delivered chairs cleaned yesterday 03103 Bring recycle bins at into office, got computer case for Dan Osborn, Updated my resume info 03/04 Swept out garage, stocked supply of soda 03105 Cleaned chairs, put ink in Todd's printer, patched asphalt in parking lot 03106 Took 5 desk and 5 chairs to Brownsburg for Scott Sumner OIN2008.00195.0006 Crwf Dist (BG6) Mich. St. Traffic Stdy Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 001.00 Traffic Counting IN090 Inspection Dept 00 Reg 15.0 1 5.00 5.00 5.00 Construction Inspector Ovt I 5.00 5.Oq 5.00 03102 Traffic counts at IUPUI, Barnhill Dr. at New York St. 03103 Traffic count at IUPUI, White River at New York St. 03104 Traffic counts at IUPUI, University Blvd. at New York St. 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 48.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Construction Inspector 03108 Installing reinforceing bars for approach slabs v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Backus, Dwayne A.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:24 AM Total Mon Tue I Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon [03/09 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03!02 03103 03104 03/05 03106 03107 03/08 03!10 03111 03112 03!13 03!14 03115 03/09 Installing reinforceing bars for approach slabs on East side, and pouring concrete for approach slabs on West side 03110 Poured approach slaps East side, formed curb on approach slabs on west side 03111 Placed reinforcing bars in median, and poured curb on all approach slabs 03112 Formed curbs in median, and formed for rail on South side 03/15 Finished forming, and poured South rail 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 1 16th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection DO Reg f Construction Ovt 1.00 1.0O Inspec tor (Ovt) 1.50 3i .00 1.00 6.00' 1.50 Inspector 03/08 Installing reinforceing bars for approach slabs 03/09 Installing reinforceing bars for approach slabs on East side, and pouring concrete for approach slabs on West side 03/10 Poured approach slaps East side, formed curb on approach slabs on west side 03111 Placed reinforcing bars in median, and poured curb on all approach slabs 03112 Formed curbs in median, and formed for rail on South side 03/13 Continued forming for rail on South side, poured curb for median 03/15 Finished forming, and poured South rail DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.0 8.0 8.00 8.00; 8.00 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8.0 8.Oq 8.0 a l 8.00, Ovt 34.0 5.00 5.00 5.00 I 4-00 1.00, 1.00 1.5 3.00 1.00 6-09 1.50 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/31/10 Tuesday, April 06, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 7 :42.29 AM Employee DBACKUS Backus, Dwayne A. Signed Backus, Dwayne A Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed Thu I Fri I Sat I Sun Mon I Tue I Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03117 03118 03/19 03/20 03121 03122 03/23 03/24 03/25 03126 03/27 03128 03129 03130 43!31 0000000.00000.0010 Overhead General (Time) 00350 Field Non Op Facilities Team 00 Reg 1.00 Construction Inspector 03/19 Employee performance review 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 95.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 8.0a 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.0 0 B.00 Construction Inspector 03/16 Removed forms from South Rail, and started forming North Rail 03/17 Finished forming North Rail and poured Rail, and used concrete as fill behind cut wall 03/18 Removed forms from North Rail and cleaned site to open bridge, also used concrete as fill behind the cut wall 03/19 Formed and poured wedge on South side of bridge. 03122 Recieved reinforcing bars, paperwork in office 03123 Flowable fill behind cut wall A, cleaned and dressed rails, moved reinforcing bars to where they are needed 03/24 Placed reinforcing bars for South side walk path, set cut wall panels 03/25 Placed reinforcing bars for North side walk path, started forming for South side walk path 03126 Framed and poured curb band on south side of bridge, formed copping 03/29 Removed forms from curb bands on north side of bridge, and started forming raidal bands 03/30 Finshed forming raidal bands on north side of bridge, and started forming curb bands on south side of bridge, poured copping under bridge 03131 Removed forms, and formed more copping, finished forming curb bands on south side of bridge, poured concrete as fill behind cut wall 'B'. Poured and stamped concrete for bridge path, and raidal bands on south side of bridge. v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3131110 (Backus, Dwayne A.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42.30 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue T Wed Hr 03116 03117 03/18 03/19 03120 03121 03/22 03123 03/24 03125 03/26 03127 03128 03129 03/30 03131 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 32.50' 2.50 3.00 2.00 8.00 I I 1.00 01 0, 9.50 J 1.00 2.00 2.50 Inspector (Ovt) 03/16 Removed forms from South Rail, and started forming North Rail 03!17 Finished forming North Rail and poured Rail, and used concrete as fill behind cut wall 03/18 Removed forms from North Rail and cleaned site to open bridge, also used concrete as fill behind the cut wall 03/20 Formed and poured wedge on North side of bridge. 03/23 Flowable fill behind cut wall A, cleaned and dressed rails, moved reinforcing bars to where they are needed 03/24 Placed reinforcing bars for South side walk path, set cut wall panels 03127 Formed and poured last two curb bands on south side of bridge, set D -1 joint basket 03/29 Removed forms from curb bands on north side of bridge, and started forming raidal bands 03130 Finshed forming raidal bands on north side of bridge, and started forming curb bands on south side of bridge, poured copping under bridge 03131 Removed forms, and formed more copping, finished forming curb bands on south side of bridge, poured concrete as fill behind cut wall '13'. Poured and stamped concrete for bridge path, and raidal bands on south side of bridge. DAILY TOTALS Reg 96.00 8.0 0, 8.00 8A 8.00, 8.00, 8.00 8.00; 8.0 0, 8.00 8.0 8.00 8.00, Ovt 32.50 2.50 3.00 2.00 8.00 1.0 1.00, I 9.50, 1.00 2.00 52 0 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:24 AM Employee ABARKAT Barkat Masih, Anjam Signed Barkat Masih, Anjam Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03/02 03103 03104 03105 03/06 03107 03/08 03109 03110 03111 03/12 03113 03/14 03115 Overhead Overhead Reg 1 8.00 8.00 8.0 03102 IWEA Construction Inspection Course 03/03 IWEA Construction Inspection Course 03104 IWEA Construction Inspection Course 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 1 16th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 64.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Construction Inspector 03101 Inspected Gradex: They are installing box culvert at west side of keystone sta: 525 +95. 03/05 Rieth Riley: Inspected on Subgarde Treatment, Type 1 116th street Keystone pwy, NW, NE, SW,SE, Corners Ramps. 03/08 Inspected Rieth -Riley on pccp ramps at 116th street Keystone pwy. 03109 Inspected Rieth -Riley on pccp ramps at 116th street Keystone pwy. 03110 Inspected Rieth -Riley on pccp ramps at 116th street Keystone pwy. 03/11 General job- Related paperwork in the office 03/12 General job- Related paperwork in the office 03/15 Inspected gradex installing top soil at 116th street keystone pwy v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/15/10 (Barkat Masih, Anjam) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:511 AM Total Mon Tue Wed I Thu I Fril Sat I Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun I Mon Hr 03101 03102 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03110 03/11 03112 03/13 03/14 03115 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 22.5 L 3.00 2.50 9.00 1.00 1.50 4.00 I 1.5ti Inspector (Ovt) 03101 Inspected Gradex: They are installing box culvert at west side of keystone sta: 525 +95. 03/05 Rieth Riley: Inspected on Subgarde Treatment, Type 1 116th street Keystone pwy, NW, NE, SW,SE, Corners Ramps. 03106 Rieth Riley: Inspected on PCCP ramps at 116TH st Keystone pwy. 03/08 Inspected Rieth -Riley on pccp ramps at 116th street Keystone pwy. 03/09 Inspected Rieth -Riley on pccp ramps at 116th street Keystone pwy. 03110 Inspected Rieth -Riley on pccp ramps at 116th street Keystone pwy. 03115 Inspected gradex installing top soil at 116th street keystone pwy DAILY TOTALS Reg 88700 8.00 8.00, 8.0q 8.o0 8.00 8.00, 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00, Ovt 22.50 3.00 2.50 9.00 1.00 1.50 4.00 1.50 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/31/10 Tuesday, April 06, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 7:42:30 AM Employee ABARKAT Barkat Masih, Anjam Signed Barkat Masih, Anjam Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed Thu I Fri I Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I Sun I Mon I Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03130 03/31 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.Oq 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Construction Inspector 03/16 Inspected Rieth- Riley: they are installing curbs at ramps on 116th street keystone pwy 03/17 Inspected Rieth Riley: They are installing no.53 stone at 116th street Keystone pwy Truck Aprons 03/18 Inspected Shephed: Installing colored concrete and Imprinting at 116th street Keystone pwy 03/19 Inspected shpherd forming at center island 03/22 General -job related papperwork in the office 03/23 Inspected Shephed: Installing concrete, C, superstructure and Imprinting at 116th street Keystone pwy 03/24 Inspected Gradex: They are grading for moment slab at SER and SWR 03/25 Inspected Gradex: They are grading for moment slab at COL -W 03/26 Inspected Rieth Riley: They are installing no.8 stone at 116th street Keystone pwy COL -E, SER SWR for moment slabs 03/29 Inspected Rieth Riley: They are grading no.53 and no.8 stone on COL -W for pccp at 116th street Keystone pwy 03/30 Inspected Rieth Riley: They are undercuting subgrade treated subgrade at lift line E and right of line E 03/31 Inspected Rieth Riley: They are undercuting subgrade treated subgrade at right of line E 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 17.50 3.0 2.00 1.0 2.50 2.50 1.00 2.5 3.0 Inspector (Ovt) 03/16 Inspected Rieth- Riley: they are installing curbs at ramps on 116th street keystone pwy v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/31110 (Barkat Masih, Anjam Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:30 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat l Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03116 03117 03/18 0 3/1 9 03120 1 03/21 03122 03/23 03124 03125 1 03/26 03/271 03/28 1 03/29 1 03/30 03/31 03118 Inspected Shephed: Installing colored concrete and Imprinting at 116th street Keystone pwy 03119 Inspected shpherd forming at center island 03/24 Inspected Gradex: They are grading for moment slab at SER and SWR 03126 Inspected Rieth Riley: They are installing no.8 stone at 116th street Keystone pwy COL -E, SER SWR for moment slabs 03/29 Inspected Rieth- Riley: They are grading no.53 and no.8 stone on COL -W for pccp at 116th street Keystone pwy 03130 Inspected Rieth Riley: They are undercuting subgrade treated subgrade at lift line E and right of line E 03131 Inspected Rieth- Riley: They are undercuting subgrade treated subgrade at right of line E DAILY TOTALS Reg 96.00 8.00 8 00, 8.00 8.004 8.00 8.0 8.08.0 0 8.00 8.00,' 8.00, 8.00 Ovt 17.50' 3.00 I 2.00 1.00 2.50 2.50 1.00 2.50,' 3.00[ v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:24 AM Employee HGRIMSTAD Grimstad, Heather L. Signed Grimstad, Heather L. Approved d. Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total i i Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon I Tue I Wed Thu I Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03/02 03/03 03104 03105 03106 03/07 03/08 03109 03110 03/11 03112 03/13 03114 03115 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 80.00 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.0 8.00 8.00 8.0 1 8.00 8.00 8.00, Construction Inspector 03102 gradex and ditch work 03103 gradex and ditch work 03104 grades ditch cutting 03105 gradex pavement removal and grading 03/08 gradex grading and pavement removal 03109 pavement removal and grading Gradex 03/10 pavement removal and grading Gradex 03111 office related paperwork Gradex left early due to rain 03112 ditch cut and fill work Gradex OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 8.00 8.00 Construction Inspector 03/01 office related paperwork v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Tinnesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Grimstad, Heather L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:24 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fr7 Tue Wed Thu Fri l at Sun Mon Hr 03!01 03!02 03103 03104 03105 03106 03!07 03108 03109 03/10 03111 03112103113 03114 03115 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 1 16th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 19.00 150 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00,' 3.50 3.50' 1 1.00 Inspector (Ovt) 03!02 gradex and ditch work 03/03 gradex and ditch work 03104 grades ditch cutting 03105 gradex pavement removal and grading 03108 gradex grading and pavement removal 03109 pavement removal and grading Gradex 03110 pavement removal and grading Gradex 03112 ditch cut and fill work Gradex DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.00 8.00 8.00 8.09 8.01 8.0q 8.0 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 Ovt 19.00 1.50 2.5 2.50 2.50 2.00 3.50 3.50 1.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3131110 Tuesday, April 06, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 7:42:30 AM Employee HGRIMSTAD Grimstad, Heather L. Signed Grimstad, Heather L. Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03116 03117 03118 03119 03120 03/21 03/22 03123 03124 03125 03126 03/27 03128 03129 03130 03/31 Vacation Vacation Reg 3.00 3.00 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St. Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 93.0 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 I 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.00' 11.00 Construction Inspector 03/16 ditch 03117 pavement removal 03/18 pavement removal 03119 Grading 03/22 office related paperwork 03123 grading and excavation Grades 03124 Grading and excavation Gradex 03125 office related paperwork 03126 office related paperwork 03129 grading of NER 03131 Stone PCCP for NER x5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3131/10 (Grimstad, Heather L.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7.42:30 AM Total Tue We Thu Fri Sat Sun I Mon I Tue I Wed Thu Fri I Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03116 03117 03118 03/19 03/20 03/21 03122 03123 1 03124 03125 03/26 03/27 03!28 03129 03130 03131 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg I xD.N.U.- Construction Ovt 13.00 .50 8.50 3.00 1.O 11 Inspector (Ovt) 03/19 Grading 03/20 Grading and common es 03/23 grading and excavation Grades 03124 Grading and excavation Gradex DAILY TOTALS Reg F 96.00, 8.00 :8: 8.00 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10.0 100 11.00 Ovt 1 13.00 5q 8.50! I 100 1.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 311 5110 Monday, April 05, 2010 A merican Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:24 AM Employee JLENGLADE Lenglade, Jon R. Signed Lengiade, Jon R. Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri ll Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03102 03103 03/04 03 /05I 03106 03107 03108 03109 03/10 03111 03112 03113 03/14 03/15 0002009.01415.0001 Fry Road Reconstruction Cl, R -29436 Client: City of Greenwood 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Construction Inspection Task 00 Reg 31.00 I 7.00 8.00 8.00, 2.00 4.00 1 2.00 Resident Project Representative 03/01 Talked with Calumet, setting up P drive and started on Pre -Con minutes 03/02 Completed Pre -Con minutes and talked with Calumet 03103 Set up utilty meeting agenda and had the meeting 03104 Meet with Calumet and walked the site 03112 Utility relocation inspection, coordinating 730's 03115 Utility relocation inspection, coordinating 730's 0002009.00679.0001 Madison Michigan Road Reconstruction Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 Construction Inspection IN005 Non Billable time and expenses 00 Reg 20.00 I 1.00 8.00 1 1 8.00 3.00 Resident Project Representative 03101 Set up water line meeting 03105 Meeting to go over water line plans 03/08 O'Mara returned to work. Transitioning Laura Hemming 03112 Travel time v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 3 D Timesheet for the period ending 3115/10 (Lenglade, Jon R.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51 :24 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03105 03106 03107 03108 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03113 03/14 03/15 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 6.00 6.00' Resident Project Representative 03/04 Construction inspection, grading stone on all four ramps from 116th street to Keystone OIN2008.00518.0001 Seven Hills Road CR 750 N over Pigeon Client: Warrick County Commissioners 00100 Construction Inspections IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 18.OQ 5001 8.Oq S.Od Resident Project Representative 03/09 Worked on Seven Hills Final 03/10 Worked on Seven Hills Final 03/11 Worked on Seven Hills Final OIN2008.00518.0001 Seven Hills Road CR 750 N over Pigeon Client: Warrick County Commissioners 00101 Non billable Mileage IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 6.00 3.00 3.00 Resident Project Representative 03109 Travel time for seven Hills 03111 Travel time for seven Hills 0002009.00679.0001 Madison Michigan Road Reconstruction Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN inspection 00 Reg 1.00 1.00, Resident Project Representative 03112 Travel time v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Lenglade, Jon R.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:24 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03102 03/03 03104 03105 03106 03/07 03 /08 03/09 03110 03!11 03112 03!13 03114 1 03!15 0002009.00679.0002 Madison Michigan Road Resurfacing Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 Construction Inspection 00110 Construction Inspection 00 Reg Resident Project Representative 03115 Working on fixing FCR 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 2.00 Prof Rep. (Overtime) 03104 Construction inspection, grading stone on all four ramps from 116th street to Keystone OIN2008.00518.0001 Seven Hills Road CR 750 N over Pigeon Client: Warrick County Commissioners 00100 Construction Inspections IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 9.Q F 71 I 4.00 3.Od 2.00 Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03/09 Worked on Seven Hills Final 03110 Worked on Seven Hills Final 03!11 Worked on Seven Hills Final DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.0 8.09 s.00 8.00 8.Q0 8,00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.0 8.0 Ovt 11.0 2.00 1 4.00 3.00 2.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 3 Detailed Time$heet for the Period Ending 3115/10 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:24 AM Employee DMACHALA Machala, David P. Signed Machala, David P. Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AAM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu FriSat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03102 03103 03104 03/05 03106 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03111 03/12 03113 03114 03115 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 32.00 2.00 4.Oq 1.0 1.Od 2.9)O 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 Resident Project Representative 03101 Onsite Erosion Control Meeting 03/02 Weekly Progress Meeting 03/03 Onsite Project Supervision 03104 Onsite Project Supervision 03/05 Onsite Project Supervision 03108 Onsite Project Supervision 03109 Weekly Progress Meeting and onsite supervision 03110 Onsite Project Supervision 03/11 Onsite Project Supervision 03/12 Onsite Project Supervision 03115 Onsite Project Supervision v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115/10 (Machala, David P.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:24 AM Yo ta 17 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I Sun Mon I Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03/02 03/03 03(04 03/05 03106 03107 03108 03109 03110 03111 03112 03113 03114 03115 OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 8.00 4 6 V, 2.00 L 2.00 Resident Project Representative 03101 Paperwork for FCR 03108 Paperwork for FCR 03115 Paperwork for FCR 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg J 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 6.0 0, 4.00, 4.00 3.00 2.00 Resident Project Representative 03101 Weekly Progress Meeting 03103 Onsite Project Supervision .03104 Onsite Project Supervision 03105 Onsite Project Supervision 03108 Weekly Progress Meeting 03/09 Onsite Project Supervision 03/10 Onsite Project Supervision 03111 Onsite supervision and Morphey meeting 03/12 Onsite Project Supervision 03115 Weekly Progress Meeting OIN2008.01274.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 136th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 136th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1 4.00 4.00 4.Oq 4.00 Resident Project Representative 03/02 Paperwork for FCR 03103 Paperwork for FCR 03104 Paperwork for FCR 03105 Paperwork for FCR v5.0.27 (1_PANCOAST) Page 2 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115/10 (Machala, David P.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11 :51:24 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat n Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03103/04 03/05 03/06 03/07103/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 0 Su 3/13 03/14 03/15 0000000.00000.0010 Overhead General (Time) 00300 Field Inspection Central Team 00 Reg 1.00 1.00 Resident Project Representative 03/15 Annual Review 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 1 1.00 1.00 1.Oq 2.00 Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03/03 Onsite Project Supervision 03/04 Onsite Project Supervision 03/05 Onsite Project Supervision 03/06 Work on progress pay estimate 03/15 Onsite Project Supervision 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg F I xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 1 1.00 1.00 1.00, 2.00 2.00��� Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03/03 Onsite Project Supervision 03/04 Onsite Project Supervision 03/05 Onsite Project Supervision 03/10 Onsite Project Supervision 03/11 Onsite supervision and Morphey meeting DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.0 8.00 1 8.00 10.00 8.00 8.00, 6.0 8.0 Ovt 14.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/31/10 Tuesday, April 06 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 7.42:30 AM Employee DMACHALA Machala, David P. Signed Machala, David P. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed Thu I Fri I Sat Sun Mon I Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 Vacation Vacation Reg 24.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 03/22 Vacation 03/23 Vacation 03/24 Vacation 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131 st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 36.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4. O 4.00 4.00,' 4.00 4.00, 4.00 Resident Project Ovt -2 1.00 I�� 1.00 Representative 03/16 Project supervision and progress meeting 03/17 Project supervision 03/18 Project supervision 03/19 Project supervision 03/25 Project supervision 03/26 Project supervision 03/29 Project supervision 03/30 Project supervision and progress meeting 03/31 Project supervision v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/31/10 (Machala, David P.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:30 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I Sun I Mon Tue I Wed Hr 03/16103/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 34.00 2.06 4.00 4.00 4.O0 1 1 1 1 1 4.00 4.00 I 1 4.00 4.00 4.00 Resident Project Representative 03/16 Project supervision 03/17 Project supervision 03/18 Project supervision 03/19 Project supervision 03/25 Project supervision 03/26 Project supervision 03/29 Project supervision and progress meeting 03/30 Project supervision 03/31 Project supervision OIN2008.00309.0001 Towne Road from 131st Street to 146th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 2.0 2.00 Resident Project Representative 03/16 Review change order claims by Calumet 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 13.00 2.00 2.00 2.Oq 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03/16 Project supervision 03/17 Project supervision 03/18 Project supervision 03/19 Project supervision 03/29 Project supervision and progress meeting 03/30 Project supervision 03/31 Project supervision v5.0.27 (LPANCOAS7) Page 2 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3131/10 (Machala, David P.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:30 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon I Tue I Wed I Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03118 03/19 03/20 03121 03122 03/23 03124 03125 03126 03127 03128 03/29 03/30 1 03131 DAILY TOTALS Reg 96.0 8.00 8.00 a.o0 8.00 8.00 8.00, 8.00, 8.00 8.0 8.00 8.00 8.00 Ovt 13.0 2.00 2.00 2.00, 1.00, I I 2.00 2.00; 2.00; Ovt -2 1.0 1.0 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05, 2010 Amer Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:24 AM Employee DMARGRAF Margraf, David C. Signed Margraf, David C_ Approved c� Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed I Thu I Fri I Sat I Sun Mon Tue Wed I Thu Fri Sat I Sun I Mon Hr 03101 03102 03103 1 03/04 03/05 03106 1 03107 03108 03109 03110 03/11 03112 03113 03114 03115 OIN2008.00195.0006 Crwf Dist (BG6) Mich. St. Traffic Stdy Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 Traffic Counting IN090 Inspection Dept 00 Reg 12.00 6.00 6.00 Construction Inspector Ovt 10.0 I 5.00 5.00 03102 Counted Traffic 03103 Counted Traffic 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 58.00 8.00 8.00 1 1 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 2.00 1 8.00 Construction Inspector 03104 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03105 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/08 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03109 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03110 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03111 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03112 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/15 Light base foundations v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/15/10 (Margraf, David C.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:24 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun P Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14/15 OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 6.00� 4.00 2.00 Construction Inspector 03/01 Scanning Tickets 03/02 Scanning Tickets OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00101 126th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 6.00 4.00 2.00 I I 1 Construction Inspector 03/01 Scanning Tickets 03/03 Scanning Tickets 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st CI Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 6.00 6.0 Construction Inspector 03/12 Clearing 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt I 2.oq 2.00 1 3.0 3.00 2.001 1.00 Inspector (Ovt) 03/04 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/05 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/08 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/09 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/10 Storm Pipe Carmel Drive 03/15 Light base foundations DAILY TOTALS Reg 8.0 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.Ot7 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.00 Ovt E! 3.00 5.00, 5.Oq 2.00 2.00 1 3.00 3.Oq 2.00 1 1 1 1 0, v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/31110 Tuesday, April 06, 2010 American S Inc. 7:42:30 AM Empioyee DMARGRAF Margraf, David C. Signed Margraf, David C. Approved Poste Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed I Thu I Fri Sat Sun Mon I Tue Wed l Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon T Hr 03/16 03117 03/18 03119 03120 03121 03/22 03123 03124 03/25 03/26 03127 03128 03129 03130 1 03131 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 1 16th St Client: City of Carmel 11 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 96.00' 8.00 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 B.OD 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00, 8000 Construction Inspector 03116 Light Foundation 03117 Light Wiring 03/18 Light Conduit 03/19 Light Conduit 03/22 Paperwork 03/23 Lime Stabilization 03/24 Lime Stabilization 03125 Light Wiring 03126 Storm Sewer Pipe 03/29 Concrete Median 03130 Underdrain 03131 Underdrain 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD. N. U. -Construction Ovt 15.5 L I 1.00' 3.00 150 3.00 1.50,' 3.50,' Inspector (Ovt) 03/18 Light Conduit v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3131/10 (Margraf, David C.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:30 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 03/23 Lime Stabilization 03/24 Lime Stabilization 03/26 Storm Sewer Pipe 03/30 Underdrain 03/31 Underdrain DAILY TOTALS Reg 96.00 8.00, 8.0 8.01 8.00 8.0 s.00 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00, Ovt 15.50 i 1.00 I 3.Oq 3.50 3.00 1.50, 3.50, v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/15/10 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:25 AM Employee KOLSON Olson, Kenneth R. Signed Olson, Kenneth R. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu l Fri Sat Sun I Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04103/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 1 03/15 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 88.00 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.Oq 1 1 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.Oq 8.00 Resident Project Representative 03/01 Project supervision, progress meeting, prepwork for road closure 03/02 Project supervision, road closure prepwork, tie -in prepwork 03/03 Project supervision, road closure, lighting for 116th, approach slab prepwork 03/04 Project supervision, pay estimate review, lighting, change order review 03/05 Project supervision, pay estimate review, lighting, change order review 03/08 Project supervision, nuclear density gauge testing, lighting, progress meeting, project related paperwork 03/09 Project supervision, lighting, field concrete testing, project related paperwork 03/10 Project supervision, field concrete testing, project related paperwork 03/11 Project supervision, lighting, change order review, project related paperwork 03/12 Project supervision, lighting, project related paperwork 03/15 Project supervision, progress meeting, quantity review, project related paperwork 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt 22.0 1.50 2.00, 2.00' 2.0 3.50 1 2.00 2.00 2.Oq 2.00 1.00 1 2.0 Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03/01 Project supervision, progress meeting, prepwork for road closure 03/02 Project supervision, road closure prepwork, tie -in prepwork 03/03 Project supervision, road closure, lighting for 116th, approach slab prepwork v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Olson, Kenneth R.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:25 AM Total Mon Tue Wed I Thu I Fri Sat Sun Mon I Tue I Wed I Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03102 03103 03104 1 03105 03106 03107 03/08 03/09 1 03/10 1 03111 03112 1 03113 03114 03115 03/05 Project supervision, pay estimate review, lighting, change order review 03106 Pay estimate review 03108 Project supervision, nuclear density gauge testing, lighting, progress meeting, project related paperwork 03/09 Project supervision, lighting, field concrete testing, project related paperwork 03/10 Project supervision, field concrete testing, project related paperwork 03111 Project supervision, lighting, change order review, project related paperwork 03112 Project supervision, lighting, project related paperwork 03115 Project supervision, progress meeting, quantity review, project related paperwork DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.00 8.00 8.0 8.00 8.00, 8.00 1 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Ovt 22.00 1.50 2.0 2.OD 2.00 3.50 2.00 2,00 2.DD 2.00 1.00 2.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3131110 Tuesday, April 06, 2090 American Structurepoint, Inc. 7:42:30 AM Employee KOLSON Olson, Kenneth R. Signed Olson, Kenneth R. PaSteal Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03!16 03117 03198 03119 03120 03121 03!22 03123 03124 03125 03126 03127 03128 03129 03130 03131 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 96.00 1 8,0 0, 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 i 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Resident Project Representative 03/16 Project supervision, surface seal bride approach, project related paperwork 03117 Project supervision, quantity checks, project related paperwork 03/18 Project supervision, pavement markings, road open, project related paperwork 03/19 Project supervision, quantity checks, preliminary pay estimate review, project related paperwork 03/22 Project supervision, progress meeting, quantity checks, project related paperwork 03123 Project supervision, utility coordination, quantity checks, project related paperwork 03124 Project supervision, quantity checks, preliminary pay estimate review, project related paperwork 03125 Project supervision, quantity checks, pay estimate overview, project related paperwork 03126 Project supervision, change order review, quantity checks, project related paperwork 03129 Project supervision, rested for moment slab, change order review, project related paperwork 03130 Project supervision, resteel for moment slab, change order review, project related paperwork 03/31 Project supervision, field concrete testing, pccp 10 project related paperwork 0002009.00347 0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Resident Ovt I 2.50 2.50 4.0 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.0 1.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 Proj. Rep. (Overtime) 03117 Project supervision, quantity checks, project related paperwork 03/18 Project supervision, pavement markings, road open, project related paperwork v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/31/10 (Olson, Kenneth R.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:31 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed I Thu I Fri Sat Sun I Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 1 03/17 03/18 i 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 1 03/26103/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 03/20 Project supervision, preliminary pay estimate review, project related paperwork 03/22 Project supervision, progress meeting, quantity checks, project related paperwork 03/23 Project supervision, utility coordination, quantity checks, project related paperwork 03/24 Project supervision, quantity checks, preliminary pay estimate review, project related paperwork 03/25 Project supervision, quantity checks, pay estimate overview, project related paperwork 03/26 Project supervision, change order review, quantity checks, project related paperwork 03/29 Project supervision, resteel for moment slab, change order review, project related paperwork 03/30 Project supervision, resteel for moment slab, change order review, project related paperwork 03/31 Project supervision, field concrete testing, pccp 10 project related paperwork DAILY TOTALS Reg 96.0 8.00 8.0 8.00 8.00; 8.0 8.00, 8.00, 8.00 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8.0 0, Ovt 25.00 2.50 2.50 4.00, 1-00, 1.50 2.00,' 2.00,' 1.50 2.00 3.00, 3.00, v5.0.27 (LPANCOAS7) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:25 AM Employee SRAY Ray, Shawn T. Signed Ray, Shawn T. Approved Poste Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03108 03109 03/10 03/11 03112 03113 03/14 03/15 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 72.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 1 8.0 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.09 8.0 Construction Inspector 03101 Storm Sewer Inspection Carmel Dr. 03102 Storm Sewer Inspection Carmel Dr. 03103 Storm Sewer Inspection Carmel Dr. 03105 116th Street Bridge Approach Inspection 03/09 116th St. 10" PCCP 03/10 116th St. 10" PCCP 03111 116th St. Modified Curb 03112 116th St. HMA Paving, Base and OG 03/15 116th St. Curb and Gutter Inspection 0002009.00679.0006 York Ridge Road from SR 1 to North Dearb Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 York Ridge Road HMA Overlay Assign #8 IN090 Construction Inspection 00 Reg 16.00 8.00 1 8.0 Construction Inspector 03/04 Project Supervisionlinspection 03108 Project Supervision /Inspection v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Ray, Shawn T.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:25 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed n Mo Thu Fri Sat Sun Hr 03/01 03102 03103 03104 0310 03/06 03107 03/08 03/09 03110 1 03111 03112 03113 03114 03/15 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IND90 IN inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 25.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 S.OD 2.00' 2.00 1.00 I I 3.00 Inspector (Ovt) 03/01 Storm Sewer Inspection Carmel Dr. 03/02 Storm Sewer Inspection Carmel Dr. 03/03 Storm Sewer Inspection Carmel Dr. 03105 116th Street Bridge Approach Inspection 03106 Common Excavation /Fill Carmel Dr. Line E Rt 03109 116th St. 10" PCCP 03111 116th St. Modified Curb 03/12 116th St. HMA Paving, Base and OG 03115 116th St. Curb and Gutter Inspection DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.0 8.00, 8.00" 8.00 8.00 8.00 B.Do 8.00 8.OD 8.00, 8.00, 8.00 Ovt 25.0 E 3,00, 2.00, 2.001 2 .00 8.0� 2.00 I 2.00 1.00 3.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3131/10 Tuesday, April 06, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 7:42 :31 AM Employee SRAY Ray, Shawn T. Signed Ray, Shawn T. Approved P, 0 1 11 Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue I Wed I Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03116 03117 03/18 03119 03120 03121 03122 03123 03124 03125 03126 03127 03/28 03/29 03130 03/31 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 72.00' 8.00 8.00 8.00 1 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 Construction Inspector 03/16 116th St, HMA Paving Inspection 03117 116th Site Cleanup and MOT 03119 116th St. Temp Pavement Removal 03122 116th St Project related paperwork 03123 1 16th St. Moment slab inspection 03/24 116th St. Moment slab inspection 03/25 116th St. Moment slab inspection 03/26 116th St. Moment slab inspection 03131 116th St. Moments Slabs 0000000.00000.0010 Overhead General (Time) 00300 Field Inspection Central Team 00 Reg 8.00 I 8.00 Construction Inspector 03118 INDOT Subdistrict Meeting in Madison v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3131/10 (Ray, Shawn T.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:31 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03116 03117 03118 03119 03!20 03121 1 03122 03123 03124 03!25 1 03126 1 03127 03128 03129 03130 1 03131 0002009.00679.0006 York Ridge Road from SR 1 to North Dearb Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 York Ridge Road HMA Overlay Assign #8 IN090 Construction Inspection 00 Reg 16.00 8.00 8.00 Construction Inspector 03129 Field Office Setup and project related paperwork 03/30 Field Office Setup and project related paperwork 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 1 16th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg �I xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 27.00 3.00 1.001 �1.0Di 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.OD B.00 3.00 Inspector (Ovt) 03/16 116th St. HMA Paving Inspection 03/17 116th Site Cleanup and MOT 03119 116th St. Temp Pavement Removal 03/20 116th St. /Carmel Dr. Earthworks and Bridge Inspection 03123 116th St. Moment slab inspection 03/24 116th St. Moment slab inspection 03126 116th St. Moment slab inspection 03/27 Carmel Dr. Fine Grading 03/31 116th St. Moments Slabs DAILY TOTALS Reg 96.00 8.00 1 8.0 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.0 D' 8.00 s.o0 8.00 Ovt z7,00 3.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 I� 1.oa 1.00 1.0 8.00; 3.09 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:25 AM Employee JREEVES Reeves, Jeffery R. Signed Reeves, Jeffery R. Approved Approved lS Snyder, Charles J. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu I Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed I Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03103 03104 03105 03/06 03/07 03108 03/09 03/10 03111 03/12 03/13 03/14 03/15 0000000.00000.0010 Overhead General (Time) 00300 Field Inspection Central Team 00 Reg 29.00 TOY .0 3.00 1 8.00 4.00 8.00 1 3.00 Resident Project Representative 03/09 Road School 03110 Road School 03111 Managers Meeting 03115 employee reviews 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 4.00 1.00 1 3.00 Resident Project Representative 03108 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/15 Project supervision and construction inspection 0002009.00890.0001 On -Call Inspection Services for Aqua Ind Client: Aqua Indiana, Inc. 00903 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 3.5 2.00 1.50 Resident Project Ovt -2 1.0 I 1.00 Representative 03/08 Project supervision and construction inspection 03112 Project supervision and construction inspection v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Reeves, Jeffery R.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11 :51:25 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I Sun I Mon Tue Wed I Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03103 03104 03105 03106 03107 03108 03109 03110 03111 03112 03/13 03/14 03115 0002009.01344.0001 Cl Services for Main Street Client: Speedway Redevelopment Commission 00100 Main Street Reconstruction Cl IN090 Construction Inspection 00 Reg 19.00 100 5.00 1.50 4.50 1 5.00 Resident Project Ovt -2 20.00 I 1.000 2.09, 3.50` 5.00 2.09 1.50, 2.00 3.00 Representative 03101 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/04 Project supervision and construction inspection 03105 Project supervision and construction inspection 03106 Project supervision and construction inspection 03107 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/08 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/11 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/12 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/15 Project supervision and construction inspection, SRC meeting OIN2007.00369.0004 Exit 59 Wastewater F Construction -Phas Client: Hendricks County Regional Sewer District 00901 Construction Administration Observatio IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 4.50 2700 2.50 Resident Project Representative 03/01 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/02 Final construction records OIN2007.00642.0002 Leonard Park Intersection of 16th and L Client: Speedway Parks Department 00600 Limited Constr Inspect Add Services 06100 Construction Inspection 00 Reg 50 .5O Resident Project Ovt -2 I 1.5q 1.00 2.0 Representative 03102 Project supervision and construction inspection 03112 Project supervision and construction inspection 03115 Project supervision and construction inspection; parks board meeting v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115/10 (Reeves, Jeffery R.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:25 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03105 03106 03107 03108 03109 03110 03111 03/12103/13 03114 03115 OIN2008.00343.0005 Olio Road over 1 -69 Construction Insp Client: Hamilton County Highway Department 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1.0 1.00 Resident Project Representative 03108 Project supervision and construction inspection 0IN2008.00716.0006 Gerrard Allison Cl Client: Town of Speedway 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Construction Inspection -Cl 00 Reg 7.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2,00 Resident Project Ovt -2 3.50 2.5 1.00 Representative 03101 Project supervision and construction inspection 03102 Project supervision and construction inspection 03105 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/10 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/15 Project supervision and construction inspection OIN2008.01393.0001 Reconstruction of Sixth Street US 24 to Client: White County Commissioners 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 4.50 4.50 Resident Project Ovt -2 2.5 2.50 Representative 03/03 Utility Meeting OIN2008.01410.0001 Cl Services for Reconstructions of Third Client: City of Bloomington Engineering Department 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 6.00 3.00, 3.00 Resident Project Representative 03/10 Project supervision and construction inspection 03/12 Project supervision and construction inspection v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Reeves, Jeffery R.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:25 AM Total Mon I Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat I Sun I Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03102 03103 03104 03/05 03107 03/08 03/09 03110 03111 03112 03113 03114 03115 DIN2008.01430.0001 Cl for Reconstruction of Sixth Street Client: City of Monticello 00100 Construction Inspection IND90 IN Inspection 00 Reg Resident Project Ovt -2 2.00 2.00 Representative 03110 IDEM Complaint 0002009.01257.0001 2009 -2010 SRF Funded Obsolete Water Main Client: Indiana American Water Company 00100 Kokomo District PT Cl SRF Replacement 00001 KOK -2 North Street at Korby 6" main inst 00 Reg 1.50 1.5D i Field Manager 03/05 Project supervision and construction inspection 0002009.01257.0001 2009 -2010 SRF Funded Obsolete Water Main Client: Indiana American Water Company 00100 Kokomo District PT Cl SRF Replacement 00002 KOK -5 Redwood Ct. at Webster Install 6" 00 Reg 1.50 1.50, I Field Manager 03/05 Project supervision and construction inspection 0002009.01257.0001 2009 -2010 SRF Funded Obsolete Water Main Client: Indiana American Water Company 00100 Kokomo District PT Cl SRF Replacement 00003 KOK -9 Union St. from Defenbaugh to Wheel 00 Reg 1.50 1.50 Field Manager 03105 Project supervision and construction inspection OIN2008.00195.0006 Crwf Dist (BG6) Mich. St. Traffic Stdy Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 Traffic Counting IN090 Inspection Dept 00 Reg 1.00 1.09 Resident Project Representative v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 4 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Reeves, Jeffery R.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:25 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03104 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 03/15 0002009.01415.0001 Fry Road Reconstruction Cl, R -29436 Client: City of Greenwood 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Construction Inspection Task 00 Reg 3.50 3.50, Resident Project Ovt -2 I 3.0 Representative 03/03 Utility Meeting 03/09 Greenwood RDC Meeting DAILY TOTALS Reg 88.00 8.06, 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00' 8.00 8.00 8.0 8.00 S.Oq 8.00 Ovt -2 36.50 3.50' 1.50 2.50 2.00' 3.50 5.00' 2.00, 1.50 3.00 2.00' 2.00 2.00 6.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 5 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/31/10 Tuesday, April 06, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 7:42:31 AM Employee JREEVES Reeves, Jeffery R. Signed Reeves, Jeffery R. Posh Approved ed Snyder, Charles J. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 1 03/30 1 03/31 0000000.00000.0030 Overhead Vacation (Time) 00300 Field Inspection Central Team 00 Reg 24.00 8.00, 8.00, 8.00 Resident Project Representative 0000000.00000.0010 Overhead General (Time) 00300 Field Inspection Central Team 00 Reg 18.0 4.00, 4.00, 1 4.00 1 1 1 1 1 5.00 1.00 Resident Project Ovt -2 4.50 1 2.50, 1 2.00 Representative 03/17 Pick up scales from Lafayette 03/18 Managers Meeting 03/19 Interviews in Lawrenceburg (Schmetzler and Rowe) 03/23 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/31 DPW RFP 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1.50 1.50 Resident Project Ovt -2 2.00 I 1.00, I I 1.00 Representative 03/16 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/31 Project suprevision and construction inspection v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/31/10 (Reeves, Jeffery R.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7.42:31 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun I Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 0002009.00890.0001 On -Call Inspection Services for Aqua Ind Client: Aqua Indiana, Inc. 00903 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 2.00 1.00 1.00 Resident Project Representative 03/16 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection 0002009.01344.0001 Cl Services for Main Street Client: Speedway Redevelopment Commission 00100 Main Street Reconstruction Cl IN090 Construction Inspection 00 Reg 4.50 2.00 1.Od .50 1.00, Resident Project Ovt -2 9.50 4.00 1.50 I 4.00, Representative 03/18 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/23 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/24 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/31 Project suprevision and construction inspection 0002009.01415.0001 Fry Road Reconstruction Cl, R -29436 Client: City of Greenwood 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Construction Inspection Task 00 Reg F 4 0 0 1 2.Oq 1.00" 1 1.0 Resident Project Ovt -2 2.0 2.00 Representative 03/16 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/17 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/31 Project suprevision and construction inspection v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/31/10 (Reeves, Jeffery R.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:31 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon 1 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22103/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/30103/31 OIN2007.00642.0002 Leonard Park Intersection of 16th and L Client: Speedway Parks Department 00600 Limited Constr Inspect Add Services 06100 Construction Inspection 00 Reg 5.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 Resident Project Ovt -2 1.0 1.00 Representative 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/31 Project suprevision and construction inspection OIN2008.00343.0005 Olio Road over 1 -69 Construction Insp Client: Hamilton County Highway Department 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 2.00 1.00, 1.00 1 Resident Project Representative 03/16 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection OIN2008.00716.0006 Gerrard Allison Cl Client: Town of Speedway 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Construction Inspection -Cl 00 Reg 10.50 1.00 1.00, 1.00 4.00 2.00, 1.50 Resident Project Ovt -2 4.00 I 4.0 0 Representative 03/16 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/17 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/18 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/23 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/31 Project suprevision and construction inspection OIN2008.01393.0001 Reconstruction of Sixth Street US 24 to Client: White County Commissioners 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg F 4 5b, 1 1.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.50 Resident Project Representative 03/16 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03124 Project suprevision and construction inspection v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/31/10 (Reeves, Jeffery R.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:31 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri at Sun I Mon I Tue I Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 1 03/22 1 03/23 1 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 OIN2008.01410.0001 Cl Services for Reconstructions of Third Client: City of Bloomington Engineering Department 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 11.00 1.00 7.00 1.00 2.00 Resident Project Representative 03/16 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/17 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection OIN2008.01430.0001 Cl for Reconstruction of Sixth Street Client: City of Monticello 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1.00 1.00 Resident Project Ovt -2 3.50 I 3.50 Representative 03/16 Project suprevision and construction inspection 0002009.00679.0006 York Ridge Road from SR 1 to North Dearb Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 York Ridge Road HMA Overlay Assign #8 IN090 Construction Inspection 00 Reg 2.00 2.00 Resident Project Representative 03/19 Project suprevision and construction inspection 0002009.00679.0005 SR 48 Bridge Deck Replacement over Lau Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 SR 48 over Laughery Creek Cl IN090 Construction Inspection 00 Reg 4.0 2.00 2.00 Resident Project Representative 03/18 Project suprevision and construction inspection 03/19 Project suprevision and construction inspection v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 4 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/31/10 (Reeves, Jeffery R.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:31 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun I Mon I Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 0002009.00447.0001 Ronald Reagan Pkwy US36 to CR100S Cl Client: Hendricks County 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1.00 1.00 Resident Project Representative 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131 st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg Resident Project Ovt -2 1.0 I I I 1.00, Representative 03/22 Project suprevision and construction inspection 0002009.00679.0002 Madison Michigan Road Resurfacing Client: Indiana Department of Transportation 00100 Construction Inspection 00110 Construction Inspection 00 Reg Resident Project Ovt -2 3.5 3.5q Representative DAILY TOTALS Reg 96.00 8.0q 8.00, 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00, S.Oq 8.00, 8.00, 8.00 8 8.0q 31.0 I 2.00, 4.50, 4.00 2.00 2.Oq 4.00 5.00, 3.50, 4.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 5 of 5 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/31/10 Tuesday, April 06, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 7.42:31 AM Employee RSELBY Selby, Ryan A. Signed Selby, Ryan A. Posted, Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 1 03/26103/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 Vacation Vacation Reg 16.00 8.00 8.00 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 76.00 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 J 8.Oq 8.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 Construction Inspector 03/16 Storm Pipe Installation 03/17 Storm Pipe Installation 03/18 Storm Pipe Installation 03/19 Project Related Paperwork 03/22 Project Related Paperwork 03/23 Storm Pipe Installation 03/24 Storm Pipe Installation 03/29 Storm Pipe Installation 03/30 Excavation for Wall C 03/31 Excavation for Wall C leveling pad 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1 1 4.0 Construction Inspector 03/30 Finish Grading NWR v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/31/10 (Selby, Ryan A.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:31 AM Total Tue Wed I Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Hr 03/16 03/17 03/18 03/19 03/20 03/21 03/22 03/23 03/24 03/25 03/26 03/27 03/28 03/29 03/30 03/31 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 6.00 1.50, 2.00 2.00, I I 50, Inspector (Ovt) 03/16 Storm Pipe Installation 03/17 Storm Pipe Installation 03/18 Storm Pipe Installation 03/29 Storm Pipe Installation 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 3.5 3.50,� Inspector (Ovt) 03/30 Finish Grading NWR DAILY TOTALS Reg 96.00 8.0 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, 8. 0 8.00; 8.00, 8.00, 8.00, Ovt 9.50 I 1.50 50 2.00 50 3.50 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3/15/10 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:25 AM Employee PSUNDLING Sundling, Phillip A. Signed Bundling, Phillip A. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun I Mon I Tue I Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 03/15 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 1 8.00, 8.Oq 8.O0, 8.00, 8.00 1 8.O0 8.00, 8.00 Construction Inspector 03/01 Pre -Con Pictures onsite; met with John Thomas onsite to discuss ECM 03/02 Began clearing ROW and started construction of sediment trap on "NWR" 03/03 Finished sediment trap on "NWR" and continued clearing ROW along "NWR" 03/04 Continued clearing ROW and ECM 03/05 Continued clearing ROW and ECM 03/08 Continued clearing ROW and ECM 03109 Continued clearing ROW 03/10 Continued clearing ROW; installed AT &T temporary poles 0000000.00000.0010 Overhead General (Time) 00300 Field Inspection Central Team 00 Reg 24.0 8-00 8.0 8.00 Construction Inspector 03/11 Decorative Concrete Class 03/12 Decorative Concrete Class 03/15 Site Manager training in Fort Wayne v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115/10 (Sundling, Phillip A.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:25 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03/01 03/02 03/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 03/13 03/14 03/15 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 2.5 50 1.00 1.00 J Inspector (Ovt) 03/04 Continued clearing ROW and ECM 03/05 Continued clearing ROW and ECM 03/10 Continued clearing ROW; installed AT&T temporary poles 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg —4-7— xD.N.U. Construction Ovt 5.00 5.00 Inspector (Ovt) 03/13 Curb and PCCP at 116th Street DAILY TOTALS Reg F 88.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00, 8.00, 8.00 8.00, 8.00 8.00 8.00 Ovt 7.50 .50 1.00 1.00, 5.00, v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the Period Ending 3115110 Monday, April 05, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 11:51:25 AM Employee MWALKER Walker, Melissa L. Signed Walker, Melissa L. Approved Posted Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Mon I Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun M on Fir 03/01 03/02 03103 03104 03/05 03106 03107 03108 03/09 03110 03111 03/12 03113 03114 03/15 Overhead Overhead Reg 4.50 1.5 1.50, 1.50 03/06 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 03107 Drive time from field office to Lafayette 03112 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 21.50 1.0 1.00 I 4.50 3.0 2.00 5.00 5.00 Intern 03101 Ran preliminary estimate and emailed to project manager 03/02 Worked on stockpile 03/06 Entered stockpile, entered dailies, scanned dailies, ran pay estimate and created cover sheet 03/07 Entered comments into dailies, updated summary spread sheets 03108 Finished entering comments on daily reports, updated p drive 03112 Scanned dailies, red checked tickets, entered dailies into FieldManager 03115 Entered dailies, made copies, scanned, red checked tickets v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3115110 (Walker, Melissa L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:25 AM Total Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed I Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Hr 03101 03102 03/03 03/04 03/05 03!06 03107 03108 03/09 03110 03111 03112 03!13 03114 03/15 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131 st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 1 1.06, 1 3.50 2.00 1.00 1 1 3.00 Intern 03103 Exported contract to Field Manager and updated info 03/06 Entered dailies, ran pay estimate, created cover sheet 03/07 Finished entering comments into dailies 03108 Updated scanned dailies on p drive 03112 Scanned dailies, entered dailies into FieldManager OIN2008.01273.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 116th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 215 1.50 .50, 7 Intern 03/06 Entered dailies, scanned dailies, ran pay estimate and created cover sheet 03107 Updated estimate summary sheet and change order summary 03/15 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info OIN2008.01274.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 136th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 136th Street Carmel Drive Access Roads IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg I7� .7 Intern 03/15 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 7B 75 Intern 03115 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 3 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3/15/10 (Walker, Melissa L.) Monday, April 05, 2010 11:51:25 AM Total Mon Tue i Wed Thu Fri Sat I Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Hr 03/01 03/02103/03 03/04 03/05 03/06 03/07 03/08 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/12 0 n Mo 3/13 03/14 03/15 OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00101 126th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 75 .75 Intern 03/15 Looked up overall contract cost and new cost, emailed info DAILY TOTALS Reg 41.5 1.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 7.00 3.00 1 9.50 8. 00, v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 3 of 3 Detailed Tirnesheet for the Period Ending 3131/10 Tuesday, April 06, 2010 American Structurepoint, Inc. 7:42:31 AM Employee MWALKER Walker, Melissa L. Signed Walker, Melissa L. Posted Approved Reeves, Jeffery R. Organization A1:A1:A4:AC:AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun on Tue Wed Hr 03116 03/17 03118 03119 03/20 03121 03122 03/23 03/24 03125 03126 03127 03/28 03129 03/30 03/31 Overhead Overhead Reg 4.50 L 1.50 1.50 1.50 03119 Drive time from field office to Lafayette 03/27 Drive time from Lafayette to field office 03128 Drive time from field office to Lafayette 0002009.00347.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 116th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 1 7.00 7.50 3.00 2.50, 4.00, 5.09 3.0 3.00 Intern 03116 Inspected pipe installation, entered dailies into Fieldmanager, updated P drive 03/17 Entered dailies into computer, red checked tickets, updated P drive 03118 Entered dailies, red checked tickets 03/19 Entered dailies, scanned, updated p drive, red checked tickets 03127 Entered, scanned, and filed dailies 03/28 Red checked tickets, entered dailies 03/29 Entered dailies, worked on stockpile 03130 Entered dailies, ran preliminary estimate and balance report, updated stockpile v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 1 of 2 Detailed Timesheet for the period ending 3131/10 (Walker, Melissa L.) Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:42:31 AM Total Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun I Mon I Tue Wed Hr 03116 03/17 03/18 03/19 03120 03/21 03/22 03/23 03124 03/25 03126 03/27 03/28 1 03129 03130 03/31 0002009.01658.0001 Keystone 131 st Cl Services Client: City of Carmel 00100 Construction Inspection IN090 Inspection Department 00 Reg 10.50 1.00 .50 1.00 2.00 6.00 Intern 03116 Updated P drive 03/17 Entered dailies into computer 03118 Entered dailies, ran preliminary estimate, emailed out contract totals 03/19 Entered dailies, scanned, updated p drive 03/27 Entered, scanned, and filed dailies OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00100 106th Street Keystone Avenue CI IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 3.00 Intern 03/18 Entered dailies, ran preliminary estimate, emailed out contract totals 03119 Ran balancing estimates, made coversheets, emailed totals OIN2008.00349.0001 Keystone Avenue Reconstruction: 106th St Client: City of Carmel 00101 126th Street Keystone Avenue Cl IN090 IN Inspection 00 Reg 3.00 F 2.00 1.00 Intern 03/18 Entered dailies, ran preliminary estimate, emailed out contract totals 03/19 Ran balancing estimates, made coversheets, emailed totals DAILY TOTALS Reg 56.00 I 8.0q 8.0q 8.00 8.00 1 11.50 6.50 3.00 3.00 v5.0.27 (LPANCOAST) Page 2 of 2 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee American Structurepoint, Inc. Purchase Order No. 19812 7260 Sha deland Station Terms Indianapolis IN 46256 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/09/10 43396 Keystone Reconstruction Project $115,861.00 116th Street/Carmel Drive Inspection Services Project 07 -08 Additional Services #2007.25 Total $115,861.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. American Structurepoint, Inc. ALLOWED 20 7260 Shadeland Station IN THE SUM OF Indianapolis IN 46256 115,861.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR American Structurepoint, Inc. PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# 19812 43396 4470303 8115,861.00 1 hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except April 12, 20 10 Total 8115,861.00 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Cit En claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title