HomeMy WebLinkAbout184999 04/28/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 053750 Page 1 of 2
t, CHECK AMOUNT: $116,623.12
CHECK DATE: 4/28/2010
902 4460807 39791 27,418.50 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE
902 4460807 39796 3,329.38 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE
902 4460847 39802 3,928.64 GARAGE
902 4460847 39808 56.44 GARAGE
902 4460933 39827 195.00 MIDTOWN
902 4460873 39828 2,363.52 PARCEL 5 STREETSCAPE
902 4460886 39829 742.50 UTILITIES S OF PARCEL
902 4460807 39830 2,880.27 VILLAGE GREEN WEST
902 4460847 39831 3,982.50 UTILITIES
902 4340200 39834 4,192.67 ARCHITECTURAL FEES
902 4460847 39835 165.00 SITE DEMO
902 4460807 39836 3,905.00 ENER CENT TENANY
902 4460935 39837 4,965.00 VETERANS WAY EXTENSIO
?a CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 D PO A 60695 DEPT 94
1N 46206 6069
CHECK DATE: 412812010
902 4460851 39839 6,296.12 NATIONAL CITY BANK
902 4460807 39840 52,202.58 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE
CSO Architects Inc.
Carmel Redevelopment Commission Regular Invoices Submitted for February 2010
Invoice No. Invoice Date Project No. Parcel /Description Invoice Amount
39834 2/26/2010 4340200 CRC Matters 4,192.67
39830 2/26/2010 4460807 Parcel 7131 Village Green West 2,880.27
39836 2/26/2010 4460807 Parcel 7C Energy Center Tenant Energy 3,905.00
39802 2/26/2010 4460847 Parcel 47 Garage 3,928.64
39808 2/26/2010 4460847 Parcel 47 Garage 56.44
39835 2/26/2010 4460847 Parcel 47 Site Demolition 165.00
39831 2/26/2010 4460847 Parcel 47 Utilities 3,982.50
39839 2/26/2010 4460851 Parcel 51 National City Bank 6,296.12
39828 2/26/2010 4460873 Parcel 73 Parcel 5 Streetscape 2,363.52
39829 2/26/2010 4460886 Parcel 86 Utilities S of Parcel 7C 742.50
Qr 'F 1 WIMP 49
x 39827 2/26/2010 4460933 Parcel 9 -33 Midtown (3rd Avenue SW Plan) 195.00
39837 2/26/2010 4460935 Parcel 9 -35 Veterans Way 4,965.00
Total for March 2010 34,086.23
CSQ Architects
February 26, 201,0
Project No: 26163G
Invoice No: 39834
Sherry Mielke
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
Project 26163G CRC MATTERS
For professional, services rendered for.the.period January 23,.2010_to February 19..2010.for the
referenced project
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Erikson, Robert 214110 2.00 165.00 330.00
Research Gateways.
Olson, Robert 1125/10 2.00 135.00 270.00
Visit sites and review staining issues at all the Gateways for
the city engineer's office.
Olson, Robert 1126/10 1.50 135.00 202.50
Payment request review.
Olson, Robert 1126110 2.25 135.00 303.75
Review and letter to city engineer for Brighthouse proposed
fiber along Monon Trail_
Olson, Robert 1/27110 2.75 135.00 371.25
Payment request review.
Olson, Robert. 1128/10 4.00 135.00 540.00
Final payment request review.
Olson, Robert 212110 2.00 135.00 270.00
Coordination with engineering.
Olson, Robert 213110 2.50 135.00 337.50
Progress mtg. wLPedcor CRC.
Olson, Robert 215110 2.00 135.00_ 270.00
Duke Energy and locks on gate coordination.
Olson; Robert 2/10110 1.75 135.00 236.25
PedcorlCRG progress mtg.
Olson, Robert 2/15/10 2.50 135.00 337.50
Aerial survey for PAC.
Olson, Robert 2/17/10 2.50 135.00 337.50
Meeting with Duke Energy overall utilities.
Olson, Robert 2117110 2.00 135.00 270.00
Pedcor /CRC progress mtg.
Totals 2935 4,076.25
Total Labor 4,076.25
Unit Billing
24 X 36 BONDS 714
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO. Box 6069, Dept 44; Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Project 26163G CRC MA T T ERS I nvoi ce3 983 4
8.5 X 11 COLOR COPY 42.00
11 X 17 COLOR COPY 28,73
6.5Xi1 B/W COPIES 1,53
8:5 X 11 BIW COPIES 18.53
11 X 17 BIWCOPIES 0.51
30 X 42 BONDS 2
CDROM 15.00
Total Units 116.42 116.42
Total this Invoice. $4,192.67
Billings to Date
Current prior Total
Labor 4,076.25 209,781:25 213,857.50
Consultant 0.00 2,881.25 2,881.25
Expense 0.00 3,053.26 3,053.26
Unit 116.42 6,666.59 6,783.01
Totals 4,192.67 222,382.35 226,575.02.
Please remit to CSO Architects, PQ Box 6059, Dept 94, Indianapolis, I'N 46206 -6059. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject page 2
to 1 112°/6 monthly interest charge.
Billed Detail Friday, February 26, 2010
CSD INC. As of 2119 9 :54 :27AM
Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing
Status Data /Account Reference Description Units Rate. Amount
Project Number: 26163G CRC MATTERS
B 2 /13/10 COL11 000000000017 B1.0 COPY 2.21 1.000 2.21 2.21
B 218/10 COP11 000000000017 B :1.0 COPY 0:17 1.000 .17 .17
B 218110 COP8.5 000000000017 8:41.0 COPIES. 0.17 41.000 .17 6.97
9 2112110 BL2436 OD000DO00037 8:1.0 BOND 1.02 1.000 1.02 1.D2
B 2/12116 BL3D42 000000000037 8:1.0 BOND 1.49 1.000 1.49 1.49
0 2112110 COL11 000000000037 B:1.0 COPY 2.21 1;000 2.21 2.2.1
B 2112/,10 COL8.5 000000000037 B:18.0 COPIES 2.10 16.000 2:10 37:80
e 2112110 COP8.5 000000000037 8:324GOPIES 0..i7 32.000 v .5.44
8 W9110 CDROM DD0000000081 8:5.0 CDROMS 3.00 5.600 3:00 15,00
B 2/19110 BL2436 000000000083 B1.0 BOND 1.02 1:000 1.02 1.02
8 2119110 BL3042 000000000083 8:1.0 BOND 1.49 1.000 1.49 1.49
B 2119110 COP11 000000000083 BZ0 COPIES 0.17 2.000 .17 .34
B 2119/10 COP8.5 000000000083 13:28.0 COPIES 0.17 28.000 .17 416
8 1125110 BL2436 606000DO0105 8:510. BONDS 1.02 5.000 1.02 8.10
B 1125/16 COL11 00000600D105 8:4.0 COPIES 2.21 4.000 2.21 6.84
6 1125110 COL8,5 000000000105 8:2.0 COPIES 2.10 2.000 2.10 4.20
8 1125110 COPB.5 040000000105 6:8.0 COPIES 0.17 8.000 .17 1.35
B 1/26/10 COL11 000000000167 6:7.0 COPIES 2.21 7,000 2.21 15.47
B 1126110 COP8.5 000000000167 8t9,0 COPIES 0.17 9.000 .17 1,53
Total Billable Units 116 42
Total Units 116.42
Total for RE 116.42
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 26237G
Sherry Mielke Invoice No: 39830
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel IN 46032
For rofessional services rendered for the period Januarv 2010 to February 19 2010 for the
referenced project.
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Moody, Kirt 1/25/10 2.00 125.00 250.00
Construction documents for grading and drainage.
Moody, Kirt 1126110 3.00 125.00 375.00
Construction documents for grading and drainage.
Moody, Kirt 2/12110 3.00 125.00 375.00
Notes to layout plan.
Moody, Kirt 2115110 8.00 125.00 1,000.00
Notes to layout plan.
Moody, Kirt 2116/10 7.00 125.00 875.00
Work out subgrade details and draw.
Totals 23.00 2,875.00
Total Labor 2,875.00
Total this Phase $2,875.00
Unit Billing
11 X 17 B/W COPIES 0.17
8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 5.10
Total Units 5.27 5.27
Total this Phase $5.27
Total this Invoice $2,880.27
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 2,875,00 42,921.25 45,796.25
Please remit to: G50 Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112 monthly interest charge.
Project 26237G CCC- PARCEL 7131 VILLAGE GREEN Invoice 39830
Consultant 0.00 54,184.86 54,184.86
Expense 0.00 790.00 790.00
Unit 5.27 100.05 105.32
Totals 2,880.27 97,996.16 100,876.43
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis. IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject page 2
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Billed Deta rl Friday February 26, 2414
CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 2/19110 8:38:40 AM
Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours! Billing Billing
Status bate lAccount Reference Description Units Rate Amount
Phase Number: 09 REIMBURSABLE
B 2112/10 001 000000000037 8:1.0 COPY 0.17 1.00p .17 .17
B 2112110 COP8.5 000000000037 8:9.0 COPIES 017 4.000 .17 .68
B 2119110 COP8.5 00000000003 $:26.0 COPIES 0.17 26,000 .17
Total Billable Units
Total Units
Total for 09
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 26239.2E
Invoice No: 39836
Sherry Mielke
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
For professional services rendered for the period January 23 2010 to February 19 2010 for the
referenced nroiect.
Phase 06 Construction Administration
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Gault, Mary 211110 .50 70.OD 35.00
Administrative; Correspondence.
Totals .50 35.00
Total Labor 35.00
Total this Phase $35.00
Phase 09 Reimbursable
Reim. Consultants
2112110 L'Acquis Consulting 100% CD 3,870.00
Engineers, LLC
Total Consultants 3;870.00 3,870.,00
Total this Phase. $3,870100
Total this Invoice $3,905.00
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 35.00 140.00 175.00
Consultant 3,870.00 34,830.00 38,700.00
Totals 3,905.00 34,970:00 387875.00
Olease.remit to; CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206-&069_ Unpaid anrtounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112 0 1w monthly interest charge.
Billed Detail Friday, February 26, 2010
CSQ ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 2119110 9:50:34 AM
Billing Labor Code Employeel Hours/ Billing Billing
Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount
Phase Number: 09 Reimbursable
B 2112110 515.OD OODOOD054071 UAcquis Consulting Engineers, LLC 100% CD 3,870.00
Total Billable 3,870.00
Total Consultants 3,870.00
Total for 09
P.O. Box 6069 -Dept. 191
Indianapolis, Indiana 46206 -6069
January 13, 2010
Invoice No. 005150.070 3996
Brandon Bogan
CSO Architects, Inc.
280 East 96th Street
Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Project 005150.070 Carmel Energy Center energy modeling for possible tenant
Encilneerin4 Services Blllina Period January 1,_Z01 0 to January 39. 2010
Fee Prior Current
Fee Complete Earned Billing Fee
Construction Documents 38,700.00 100.00 38,700.00 34,830.00 3,870.00
Total l=ee 38,700.00 38,700.00 34,830.00 3,870.00
Total Fee 3,870.00
Total this invoice $3,870.00
P10ject Manager Use
Project 2C P2
Project Naine
Gircie One
1rc;Uocd in rce OR „'rnou.rs
Mark Up? Yes/No
Aacouolrng Use
DIG Task Code B/s
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 28099E
Invoice No 39802
Sherry Mielke
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
Project 28099E CCC,- PARCEL 47 GARAGE
For professional services. rendered for the period February 1, 2010 to February.28, -2010 for the
referenced proiect.
Percent Previous Fee Current Fee
Billing Phase Fee Complete Earned Billing Billing
Schematic Design 58,929.68 100,00 58,929.65 58,929.65 0.00
Design Development 78,572.87 100.00 78,572.87 78,572.87 0.00
Const. Documents 172,860.33 100.00 172,860.33 172,860.33 0.00
Bidding 3,928.64 100.00 3,928.64 3,928.64 0.00
Const, Administration 78,572.87 100.00 78,572.87 74,644.23 3,928.64
Total Fee 392,864.36 392,864,36 388,935.72 3,928.64
Total Fee 3,928.64
Total this Invoice $3,928.64
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Fee 3,928._64 386,935.72 392
Expense 0.00 600.06 600.00
Unit 0.00 672.44 672.44
Totals 3,928.64 390 394,136.80
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 28099E
Invoice No: 39808
Sherry Mielke
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
Project 28099E CCC- PARCEL 47 GARAGE
For Professional services rendered for the period February 1 2010 to February 28 2010 for the
referenced project.
Unit Billing
15 X 21 BONDS 6,29
24 X 36 BONDS 45.90
8.5 X 11 B!W COPIES 4.25
Total Units 56.44 56.44
Total this Invoice $56.44
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Fee 0.00 392,864.36 392,864.36
Expense 0.00 600.00 600.00
Unit 56.44 672.44 728.88
Totals 56.44 394,136.80 394,193.24
Please remit to- CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be
subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Billed Detail Thursday, February 25, 2010
CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 2/12110 11:26:44 AM
Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing
Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount
Project Number: 28099E CCC- PARCEL 47 GARAGE
Phase Number: 09 REIMBURSABLE
B 2/12110 BL2436 000000000037 13:12.0 BONDS 1.02 12.000 1.02 12.24
B 2/12/10 COP8.5 000000000037 8:12.0 COPIES 0.17 12.000 .17 2
B 2/12110 BL1521 000000000038 8:17.0 BONDS 0.37 17.000 .37 6.29
B 2112/10 BL2436 000000000038 13:33.0 BONDS 1.02 33.000 1.02 33.66
B 1/25110 COP8.5 000000000105 8:5.0 COPIES 0.17 5.000 .17 85
B 1126/10 COP8.5 000000000167 B:8.0 COPIES 0.17 8.000 .17 1.36
Total Billable Units
Total Units
Total for 09
CS4 Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 28109G
Sherry Mielke Invoice No: 39835
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
For professional services rendered through Februant 78 20 for the mfernnr d Rrni�
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Erikson, Robert 1129110 1.00 165.00 165.00
Contract admin Storm.
Totals 1.00 165,00
Total Labor 165.00
Total this Phase $165.00
Total this Invoice $166.00
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 165.00 46,725.00 46,890.00
Consultant 0.00 1,144.00 1,144.00
Expense 0.00 96.00 96.00
Unit 0.00 396.03 396.03
Totals 165.00 48,361.03 48,526.03
Please remit to- CSO Architects, PO Box 6469, Dept 94, Indianapolis. IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be
subject to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
CSQ Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 25363G
Invoice No: 39831
Sherry Mielke
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
For professional services rendered for the period Januanr 23, 2010 to February 19, 2010 for the
referenced proiect.
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Olson, Robert 2/8110 2.50 135.00 337.50
Coordination of all utilities.
Olson, Robert 2119110 2.50 135.00 337.50
Sending out letters to set up meeting with Les and the Duke
Totals 5.00 675.00
Total Labor 675.00
Total this Phase $675.00
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Olson, Robert 2/1110 1.00 135.00 135.00
Coordination of mtg.
Olson, Robert 2111110 2.00 135.00 270.00
Mtg. w /Keystone and the CRC value engineering of the
Olson, Robert 2112/10 6.00 135.00 810.00
Coordination, utility requirements on Parcel 47 with Lace,
Duke and Keystone.
Olson, Robert 2115/10 1.50 135.00 202.50
Reviewing value engineering with Kirt.
Olson, Robert 2/19/10 2.25 135.00 303.75
Review number of conduits with Lace and then contacting
Sun Communications giving them directions.
Totals 12,75 1,721.25
Total Labor 1,721.25
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthty interest charge.
Project 25363G CCC- PARCEL 47 UTILITIES Invoice 39831
Total this Phase $1,721.25
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Olson, Robert 1/25110 2.75 135.00 371.25
Progress mtg.
Olson, Robert 1/27110 175 135.00 236.25
Progress mtg. w /Signature and the CRC.
Olson, Robert 1/28110 1.75 135.00 236.25
Construction changes mtg. w /Keystone and Lace.
Olson, Robert 2/1110 1.50 135.00 202.50
P47 Progress mtg.
Olson, Robert 2/2/10 1,50 135.00 202.50
Coordination of utilities w /Keystone.
Olson, Robert 2/15110 2,50 135.00 337.50
P 47 progress meeting.
Totals 11.75 1,586.25
Total Labor 1,586.25
Total this Phase $1,586.25
Total this Invoice $3,982.50
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 3,982.50 55,062.50 59,045.00
Expense 0.00 544.50 544.50
Unit 0.00 449.88 449.88
Totals 3,982.50 56,056.88 60,039.38
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 2
to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge.
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 24352G
Sherry Mielke Invoice No: 39839
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
1_ or professional services rendergo through February 19 2010 for the referenced.p or iect
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Brueggert, Daniel 2/3110 4.00 95.00 380.00
Parking garage and retail layout.
Brueggert, Daniel 2/4110 8.00 95.00 760.00
Parking garage and retail layout.
Brueggert, Daniel 215/10 4.00 95.00 380.00
Parking garage and retail layout.
Totals 16.00 1,520.00
Total Labor 1,520.00
Total this Phase $1,520.00
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Brueggert, Daniel 2/9/10 4.00 95.00 380.00
Revise site plan, garage plan, retail plan.
Brueggert, Daniel 2/10/10 4.00 95.00 380.00
Revise site plan, garage plan, retail plan,
Brueggert, Daniel 2112110 4.00 95.00 380.00
Revise site plan, garage plan, retail plan.
Brueggert, Daniel 2/15/10 6.00 95.00 570.00
Revise site plans and floor plans.
Brueggert, Daniel 2/16110 7.00 95.00 665.00
Revise site plans and floor plans.
Brueggert, Daniel 2/17110 4,00 95.00 380.00
Revise site plans and floor plans.
Moriarity, Daniel 219110 1.00 195.00 195.00
Project review w /Les Olds.
Moriarity, Daniel 2/10110 1.00 195.00 195.00
Design layout.
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Project 24352G CCC- PARCEL 51 NATIONAL CITY BANK Invoice 39839
Moriarity, Daniel 2/15/10 1.00 195.00 195.00
Meeting w /Matt Worthley.
Moriarity, Daniel 2116/10 1.00 195.00 195.00
Library addition.
Moriarity, Daniel 2/17110 2.00 195.00 390.00
Design, mtg. w /Kevin Rider.
Moriarity, Daniel 2/19110 1.00 195.00 195.00
Design sketches.
Olson, Robert 2/8/10 2.50 135.00 337.50
Review utility easement information for development of
Totals 38.50 4,457.50
Total Labor 4,457.50
Total this Phase $4,457.50
Professional Personnel
Flours Rate Amount
Olson, Robert 2/4110 2.00 135.00 270.00
E -mail for information from CRC.
Totals 2.00 270.00
Total Labor 270.00
Total this Phase $270.00
Unit Billing
24 X 36 BONDS 2.04
8.5 X 11 COLOR COPY 35.70
11 X 17 B/W COPIES 8.84
18 X 24 BONDS 2.04
Total Units 48.62 48.62
Total this Phase $48.62
Total this Invoice $6,296.12
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 6,247.50 28,152.50 34,400.00
Expense 0.00 672.89 672.89
Unit 48.62 516.68 565.30
Totals 6,296.12 29,342.07 35,638.19
Please remit toc CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 2
to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge.
Billed Detail Friday, February 26, 2010
CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 2119110 &43: 12 AM
Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing
Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount
Project Number: 24352G CCC- PARCEL 51 NATIONAL CITY BANK
B 2/8110 COL8.5 000000000017 B :2.0 COPIES 2.10 2.000 2.10 420
B 2/8/10 COP11 000000000017 6:19.0 COPIES 0.17 19.000 .17 3.23
B 2112/10 COP11 000000000037 6:19.0 COPIES 0.17 19.000 .17 3.23
B 2119/10 BL1824 000000000081 6 :4.0 BONDS 0.51 4.000 .51 2.04
B 2119110 BL2436 000000000081 B:1.0 BOND 1.02 1.000 1.02 1.02
B 2119110 COL8.5 000000000083 6:13.0 COPIES 2.10 13.000 2.10 27.30
B 2/19110 GOP11 000000000083 B :14.0 COPIES 0.17 14.000 .17 2 38
B 1/23/09 BL2436 000000000159 B:1.0 BOND 1.02 1.000 1.02 1.02
B 1/23109 COL8.5 000000000159 B:2.0 COPIES 2.10 2.000 210 4 -20
Total Billable Units 48.62
Total Units 48.62
Total for RE 4&62
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 26225G
Sherry Mielke Invoice No: 39828
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
For professional services rendered for the period December 19 2009 to February 19 2010 for
the referenced protect.
Reim. Consultants
2112110 WEIHE Engineers Inc. 26.25 Hours 2,362.50
Total Consultants 2,362.50 2,362.50
Unit Billing
24 X 36 BONDS 1.02
Total Units 1.02 1.02
Total this Phase $2,363.52
Total this Invoice $2,363.52
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 0.00 138,573.75 138,573.75
Consultant 2,362.50 0.00 2,362.50
Expense 0.00 85.00 85.00
Unit 1.02 337.92 338.94
Totals 2,363.52 138,996.67 141,360.19
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, itY 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Billed Detail Friday, February 26, 2010
CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 2/19/10 8:33:09 AM
Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hoursl Billing Billing
Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount
Project Number: 26225G CCC- PARCEL 73 PARCEL 5 STREETSCAPE
Phase Number: 09 REIMBURSABLE
B 2112110 515.00 000000054100 WEIHE Engineers Inc. 26.25 Hours 2,362.50
Total Billable 2,362.50
Total Consultants 2,362.50
B 2119110 BL2436 000000000083 BA.0 BOND 1.02 1.000 1.02 1.02
Total Billable Units 1.02
Total Units 1.02
Total for 09 2,363.52
V I Ii3ltV IV V0.0 r/G111G GII %rnnly &#v via-to r.vvrlvvt
Lend Surveying I Chill Engineering
Landecapa Architecture
Dulfd with cdnf1 *dcn F 7
CSO Inc. January 6, 2010
280 E:-96th Street Invoice No: 571.92 A
suite 100 Project No: W090682
Indianapolis, IN 46240 PO No:
Attn: Bob Olsen
RE: Contract work
Project Manager Use
Services rendered for December, 2009 Project i (eaS S
Project Name p
Carmel Parcel 73 26255 26.25 hrs $90/hr.....$2,362.50 Circle One
12 -07-09 Eric Carter 8.75 hrs various details included in ee Reimbursable
12 -08 -09. Eric Carter 12 hrs various details and plans Mark Up? Yes /No
12 -09 7 09 Eric Carter 2.5 his finish parcel 73 details Remarks
12 -10 -09 Eric Carter 3.0 hrs Additional addendum work
�1 roved
Carmel: Parcei. RPAC 2531 55 hrs $90/hr......$4,950.00 Accounting Use
12- -09 -09 Eric Carter 6.0 hrs start on Carmel RPAC oM Task Code B!S
12 -10-09 Eric Carter 5.0 hrs working on plans set
12 -11-09 Eric Carter 10.6 hrs working on plan -set
1212 -09 Eric Carter 9.0 hrs working on plan set
12- 14 -09. Ede Carter 14.5 hrs working on plan set
12-157-09 Eric Carter 9.0 hrs finishing up plan set
12 -16 -09 Eric:Carter 1.0 hr- .reviewing plans; with.Bob Olson
Invoice Total $7,312.50
10505 N. Collegc Avenue I Indianapolis, IN 46280 1 3171846 6611 317 1 843 0546
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 2716OG
Sherry Mielke Invoice No: 39829
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
For professional services rendered for the period December 19 2009 to February 19 2010 for
the referenced proiect.
Phase 03 Design Development
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Olson, Robert 2/4/10 3.00 135.00 405.00
Surrey and utility coordination.
Olson, Robert 2/10/10 2.50 135.00 337.50
Coordination of easement for utilities.
Totals 5.50 742.50
Total Labor 742.50
Total this Phase $742.50
Total this Invoice $742.50
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 742.50 28,34125 29,083.75
Consultant 0.00 1,875.00 1,875.00
Expense 0.00 41.20 41.20
Unit 0.00 376.00 376.00
Totals 742.50 30,633.45 31,375.95
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46205 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 1!2% monthly interest charge.
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 29013G
Sherry Welke Invoice No: 39833
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, 1N 46032
For rofessional services rendered for the period January 23 2010 to February 19, 2010 for the
referenced proiect.
Phase 06 Construction Administration
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Dickinson, Debra 1/27/10 .50 70.00 35.00
Administrative; Correspondence.
Moody, Kirt 2/17/10 2.00 125.00 250.00
Meet and prepare report of found conditions at aqua -swirl
southeast of bldg.
Moody, Kirt 2/18/10 1.00 125.00 125.00
Meet and prepare report of found conditions at aqua -swirl
southeast of bldg,
Totals 3.50 410.00
Total Labor 410.00
Total this Phase $410.00
Phase 09 Reimbursable
Unit Billing
11 X 17 BW COPIES 0.17
8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 3.40
Total Units 3.57 3.57
Total this Phase $3.57
Total this Invoice $413.57
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 410.00 24,972.50 25,382.50
Consultant 0,00 1,000.00 1,000.00
Expense 0.00 32.00 32.00
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 1 /2% monthly Interest charge.
Project 29013G CCC- PARCEL 9 -13 GARAGE/PARKING Invoice39833
Unit 3.57 162.76 166.33
Totals 413.57 26,167.26 26,580.83
Please remit to: C5O Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject page 2
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Billed Detail Friday, February 26, 2010
CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 2119110 8:50:15 AM
Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing
Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount
Project Number: 29013G CCC- PARCEL 9 -13 GARAGE /PARKING STRUCT.
Phase Number: 09 Reimbursable
B 2119110 COP8.5 000000000083 6:2.0 COPIES 0.17 2.000 .17 .34
B 1/25110 COP11 000000000105 13:1.0 COPY 0.17 1.000 .17 .17
B 1125110 COP8.5 000000000105 B :9.0 COPIES 0.17 9.000 .17 1.53
B 1/26110 COP8.5 000000000167 13:9.0 COPIES 0.17 9.000 .17 1.53
Total Billable Units 3.57
Total Units 3.57
Total for 09 3.57
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 29158G
Sherry Mieike Invoice No: 39827
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
Project 29158G CCC- PARCEL 9 -33 MIDTOWN (3RD AVE SW PLN)
For professional services rendered for the period January 23 2010 to February 19 2010 for the
referenced protect.
Phase 02 Schematic Design
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Moriarity, Daniel 2/11110 1,00 195,00 195.00
Design review.
Totals 1.00 195.00
Total Labor 195.00
Total this Phase $195.00
Total this Invoice $195.00
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 195.00 9,957.50 10,152.50
Unit 0.00 75.67 75.67
Totals 195.00 10,033.17 10,228.17
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 10025G
Sherry Mielke Invoice No: 39837
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
Project 10025G CCC- PARCEL 9 -35 VETERANS WAY
For professional services rendered for the period January 1 2010 to February 19 2010 for the
referenced, prooect.
Phase 03 Design Development
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Brueggert, Daniel 1/26110 8.00 95.00 760.00
Carmel Masterplan graphic.
Brueggert, Daniel 1/27/10 8.00 95.00 760.00
Carmel Masterplan graphic.
Brueggert, Daniel 1128/10 8.00 95.00 760.00
Carmel Masterplan graphic.
Moriarity, Daniel 1/14/10 2.00 195.00 390.00
Duke easement and street relocation discussion.
Olson, Robert 1/18110 235 135.00 371.25
Road redesign.
Olson, Robert 1/19/10 125 135.00 438.75
Design of new Veterans Way.
Olson, Robert 1/20/10 6.00 135.00 810.00
Coordinate and redesign road.
Olson, Robert 1/21110 3.00 135.00 405.00
Coordinate road design.
Olson, Robert 2/8/10 2.00 135.00 270.00
Review easements.
Totals 43.00 4,965.00
Total labor 4,965.00
Total this Phase $4,965.00
Total this Invoice $4,965.00
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Labor 4,965.00 0.00 4,965.00
Totals 4,965.00 0.00 4,965.00
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
C s o Arc lt cc+_5 Purchase Order No.
1 e gox 6 6q. �eb qq Terms
2 hdfd (spa i T y �2U6- 00 Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6.
Clerk- Treasurer
Inji4n(l k 6I ►s 942 —6669
Board Members
DEPT. I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
6 2010
)IyeGtor of Redevelopment
Cost distribution ledger classification if Title
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund
CSO Architects Inc.
Carmel Redevelopment Commission PAC Invoices Submitted for February 2010
Invoice No. Invoice Date Account No. Parcel /Description Invoice Amount
39791 2/26/2010 4460807 Carmel PAC 2005 27,418.50
39796 2/26/2010 4460807 Carmel PAC 2005 3,329.38
39840 2/26/2010 4460807 Carmel PAC 2005 FF &E 52,202.58
Total for March 2010 82,950.46
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 25310E
Sherry Mielke Invoice No: 39791
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
Project 25310E CARMEL PAC 2005
1. Schematic Design Fee is based on project budget of $115,000,000.
2. Design Development Fee is based on project budget of $101,5501,000.
3. Construction Documents, Bidding and Construction Administration Fees are based on "Projected"
project budget of $101,550,000.
4. The of total fee" values are adjusted to reflect updates to project budget while maintaining the
actual fee amount for prior phases.
For 12rofessiionat services rendered for the period February 1 2010 to February ,28 2010 for the
referenced nriect.
Percent Previous Fee Current Fee
Billing Phase Fee Complete Earned Billing Billing
SCHEM DSGN 776,250.00 100.00 776,250.00 776,250,00 0.00
DSGN DEVEL. 913,950.00 100,00 913,950.00 913,950.00 0.00
CONST DOC'S 1,827,900.00 99.00 1,809,621.00 1,809,621.00 0.00
BIDDING 228,487,50 95.00 217,063.13 217,063.13 0.00
CONST. ADMIN. 913,950.00 78.00 712,881.00 685,462.50 27,418.50
Total Fee 4,660,537.50 4,429,765.13 4,402,346.63 27,418.50
Total Fee 27,418.50
Total this Invoice $27,418.50
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 25310E
Sherry Mielke Invoice No: 39796
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
Project 25310E CARMEL PAC 2005
For professional services rendered for the period February 1 2010 to February 28 2010 for the
referenced proiect.
Reimbursable Expenses
Models /Renderings /Photos 809.80
Delivery/Shipping 89.46
Total Reimbursables 899.26 899.26
Unit Billing
24 X 36 BONDS 158.40
24 X 36 COLOR PLOT 404.46
8.5 X 11 B/W COPIES 35.36
18 X 24 COLOR PLOT 3372
8.5X 11 COLOR COPY 1,698.00
CDROM 3.00
11 X 17 BIW COPIES 56.64
36 X 48 BONDS 19.20
FAXES 0.54
Total Units 2,430.12 2,430.12
Total this Invoice $3,329.38
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Billed Detail Thursday, February 25, 2010
CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 2112110 8:28:55AM
Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing
Status Date !Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount
Project Number; 25310E CARMEL PAC 2005
B 2112110 517.00 000000054145 Above All Photography LTD. Aerial Vertical 809.80
Progress Shot Od09
B 2112110 518,00 000000054079 SBLD Studio, Inc, Federal Express 89.46
Total Billable Expenses 899,26
Total Expenses 899.26
8 218/10 BL2436 000000000017 B :5.0 BONDS 0.96 5.000 .96 4.80
B 2 /8 /10 BL2436 000000000017 13:1.0 BOND 0.96 1.000 .96 .96
B 2/8110 COL8.5 000000000017 812.0 COPIES 2.00 32.000 2.00 64.00
B 2/8110 COP11 000000000017 6:2.0 COPIES 0.16 2.000 .16 .32
B 2/8/10 COP8.5 000000000017 8:17.0 COPIES 0.16 17.000 .16 232
B 218110 COP8.5 000000000017 B:86.0 COPIES 0.16 86.000 .16 13.76
B 218110 BL2436 000000000018 8:26.0 BONDS 0.96 26.000 .96 24.96
B 218110 CDROM 000000000016 6:1.0 CDROM 3.00 1.000 3,00 100
B 2/8110 COL8.5 000000000018 B:144.0 COPIES 2,00 144.000 2.00 288,00
B 218110 COPT 1 000000000018 B:260.0 COPIES 0.16 260.000 .16 41.60
B 218110 CPL18 000000000018 13:1,0 PLOT@ 11.24 1.000 11.24 11,24
B 218110 CPL24 000000000018 13:5.0 PLOTS 22.47 5.000 22.47 112,35
B 2/8110 TABS 000000000018 B:2.0 TAB SETS 0.40 2.000 .40 ,80
B 218110 BL2436 000000000021 6:2.0 BONDS 0.96 2.000 96 1,92
B 2/12/10 BL2436 000000000037 8:11.0 BONDS 0.96 11.000 .96 10.56
B 2112110 BL2436 000000000037 BA.0 BOND 0.96 i.000 96 96
B 2/12110 BL2436 000000000037 13:82,0 BONDS 0.96 82.000 .96 78.72
2112/10 BL3648 000000000037 6:1.0 BOND 1.92 1,000 1.92 1.92
B 2112110 COL8.5 000000000037 B:3.0 COPIES 2.00 3.000 2.00 6.00
B 2112/10 COP11 000000000037 BA.0 COPIES 0,16 4.000 .16 ,64
B 2/12/10 COP8.5 000000000037 B:1.0 COPY 0.16 1.000 .16 .16
B 2112110 COP8.5 000000000037 B :86.0 COPIES 0.16 86.000 .16 13.76
B 2112110 BL2436 000000000038 B:30.0 BONDS 0.96 30.000 .96 28,80
B 2112/10 BL2436 000000000038 8:2.0 BONDS 0.96 2.000 .96 1.92
B 2112/10 BL3648 000000000038 B:2.0 BONDS 1.92 2-000 1.92 3.84
B 2112/10 COL8.5 000000000038 13:8.0 COPIES 2.00 8.000 2.00 16.00
B 2/12110 COP11 000000000038 B:87.0 COPIES 0.16 87.000 .16 13,92
B 2/12110 FAX 000000000039 B :2.0 FAXES 0.27 2.000 .27 .54
B 1122110 BL2436 000000000104 8:3.0 BONDS 0.96 3.000 .96 2.88
B 1122/10 BL3648 000000000104 B:10 BONDS 1.92 3.000 1.92 5,76
B 1122/10 COL8.5 000000000104 13:2.0 COPIES 2,00 2.000 2.00 4.00
B 1/22110 COL8.5 000000000104 6:660.0 COPIES 2,00 660.000 2.00 1,320.00
B 1122/10 COPS.5 000000000104 B:3.0 COPIES 0.16 3.000 .16 .48
B 1122/10 CPL18 000000000104 B:1.0 PLOT 11.24 1.000 11.24 11.24
B 1/22110 CPL18 000000000104 B:1.0 PLOT 1114 1.000 11.24 11,24
Billed Detail As of 2112110 Thursday, February 25, 2010 8 :28:58 AM
Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing
Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount
B 1/22110 CPL24 000000000104 6:13.0 PLOTS 22.47 13.000 22,47 292.11
B 1122110 TABS 000000000104 13:35.0 TAB SETS 0.40 35.000 .40 14.00
B 1122/10 TABS 000000000104 6:15.0 TAB SETS 0.40 15.000 4D 6.00
B 1/25110 BL3548 000000000105 B:2.0 BONDS 1.92 2,000 1.92 3.84
B 1125110 COP11 000000000105 B:1.0 COPY 0.16 1.000 .16 .16
B 1125110 COP8.5 000000000105 6:26.0 COPIES 0.16 26.000 .16 4.16
B 1/25/10 COP8.5 000000000105 6:2.0 COPIES 0.16 2.000 .16 .32
B 1122/10 81-2436 000000000118 6:2.0 BONDS 0.96 2.000 .96 1.92
B 1/22110 BL3648 000000000118 B:2.0 BONDS 1.92 2.000 1.92 184
Total Billable Units 2,430.12
Total Units 2,430.12
Total for RE 3,329.38
Oblique Aerials Vertical Mapping
uOYE AL L Ground a Interior Exterior Photography
Airplane 0 Helicopter i Bucket'R uck
AERIAL SPEC %A�Ty P/iOTOGRAf�Iiy Broadcast HD Video m Aerial Capture
Video Editing Production
2/10/2010 11646
CSO Architects CSO Architects
Attn: Accounts Payable Attn: Bob Olson
280 E. 96th St., #200 280 E. 96th St., #200
Indianapolis, IN 46240.3845 Indianapolis, IN 46240 -3845
Authorized by Terms Due Date SP Reference
per Bob Net 15 2/25/2010 JRG W09115
Aerial vertical progress shot of phase 2 of Carmel City Gtr shot Oct 20 '09.
1 Vertical Photography single site (Straight Down) 660.00 660.00
140 Digital Files $1 .00 /MB includ scale CD /Email ($25.00 minimum) 1.00 140.00T
Additional El rnailed Bob Olson a PDF of image for CSO use T no charge
7% Indiana Sale Tax 7.00% 9.80
We work for the best!
Thanks Again! Total $809.80
We do accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express
Above All Photography, Ltd. 8677 Bash Street Indianapolis, IN 46256
Tele 317 -845 -9898 0 Fax 317 -845 -5656 4 www.aboveallphoto.corn info@,,aboveal!photo.com
SIBLD Studio, Inc. Invoice-Reimbursable Expenses
132 West 36th St Invoice Number:
I Oth Floor
New York. NY 10018 Invoice 0 ate:
Phone: 1-212-3,9.1-4230 11281 VO
Fax: 1 -212- 391 =4231 Page:
E-Mail: rd elucid@sb1clstudio. corn
Bill To:
CSO S chenkel Shultz Project Information:
Dan Moriarity PROJECT #20733
280E 96th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46240 CARMEL PERF ARTS CENTER
TOTAL FEE $140,000.
Customer PO Payment Terms Customer ID: Due Date
20733/EXPENSES Net 30 Days 20733 ?127110
DesSri ion_ Amount
FEDEX 47.21
FED EX 12.44
FED EX 29.81
Project Manager Us
Project f_5 3
Project Name tky
Circle One
;rcWed sn Fee priTe-Irnbursab
Mark Up? Ye
�Accounting. Ust-
;DX Tm Cody 84
Project Projec Name
Date Description Amount Billed
12/10/2009 FEDEX 47.21
11118/2009 FEDEX 12,44
11/9/2009 FEDEX 29.81
Page 1
Invoice Number invoice Date Account NumbeE Pege
9- 401 -56407 Nov 16 2009 1765-1617 4 of 5
FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payor Type (Original)
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Fuel Surcharge FedEx hotsppUed a fuel surchargo of e.W% to this shl
01%Unce Breed Prfofng, Zona 4
Your revenue throthnld for this ship date was not met, therafora no Eame Iscounis warn appliod.
Automation MET der Recipient
Tracking 10 798121668780 Zen gwei Fu Stefan Morikaws
Service Type FedEx Express Sever SBLD Studio Crenshaw Lighting
Package Type Customer Packaging 132 35th St 10th Floor 592 PARADISE LN SE
Zone 04 NEW YORK NY 10018 US FWYD VA 24491 US
Packages 1
Paled Weight 1S_0lbs, 6.9 kgs Transportation Charge 2115
Declared Value USD 100.00 Declared Value Charge 0,00
Delivered Nov 12,WN 11:22 WrectSlgnatura 275
Svc Araa PM Courier Pickup Charge 4.00
Signed by D.WHITIKER Delivery Area Surcharge Commercial 1.60
FedEx Use 0%00Mf0M7171L Fuel Surcharge 1.53 t
Automation Bonus Discount
Tout Charge USD
Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page
g 4�i0 -68008 Dec 21 2009 i 765 -1 617 -8 4 0 5
FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payor Type (Original)
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Automation INET Snt►tler
7r2cldng10 793079460143 At* Uysel Benjamin Bradley
Service Type FedEx First Dvemight SBLD STUDIO AE1 Meted Enginears, Inc.
Package Type FedEx Pok 132 WEST 36TH STREET 1414 RALEIGH RD STF305
Packages I
Hated Weight 2.0lbs,0.9 kgs
Do{ivarod Dec Co. 2OU9 U7:41
Svc Area A2 Transportation Charge &085
Sig nod by A.OLMOS FuelSurchar a
FedEx Use OOOOOOD00�]DU0010 Total Chnige ra: 5.17 eA
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Distance Based Pdcing,long 5
Yourravenuo threshold for this ship date was not mat, therefore no Earned OTscountswere appliod.
Automation INET Sender Rsci°i °nt
Tracking ID 793091464974 Zongvvei Fu Randy Robison
Service Typo FedEx Standard Overnight SBLD STUDIO CSD Architects
Package Type Customer Packaging 132 W38 ST, IOFL 280 E90TH ST STE 200
Packages I
Ratad Weight 6.0lbs, 27 kgs
Declared Value USO 99.00 Transportation Charge 46.35
Delivered Dec 11,200910:02 Declared value Charge
Svc Area Al Fuel Surcharge 000
Signed by S.MSE Automalton Bonus Discou 3.70
FedEx Use QODODQQODl0001349!_ Total Ciftai e
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Fuel Surcharga” FedEx gstppGoda fuel xurohergoofam to this sh mint k•.:
Distance Based Pdcing,Zong 2
Packsgs sent from: 19M7 zip code
Your revenue threshold for this ship darn was not met therefore no Eerned Ulscoonttwere appEad.
Automation INET Sender gpp ipinnt
'Cracking ID 7 9 8 2134 31 9 06 Susan Duinion Consumer Service
Sarvice Type FsdFxStandard Overnight SBLO STUDIO Ponnolranla Dept. of Banking
Package Typo FedEx Fnvolope 132 WEST30TH STREET 17 N 2ND ST FL 1.3
Zane 02 NEW YORK NY 10016 US
Packages 1 HARRIS$UR8 PA 17101 US
Rated Weight NJA
Declared Value USD 1,40 Transportation Charge
DaGverad Doc 14, 2009 08:48 Automaton Bonus Discount 1385
Svc Area A3 -1.411
FuaiSurcharga 1,07
Signed by T.BRAWLEY Declared Value Charge
FedEx Use DOODOM1000020Q1_ Total 'Charge 0,00
113Q 313j51
ecltx Invoice Number Invoice Date account Number Page
9- 424 -39818 Dec 07 2�9 1765- 1697 -8 40
FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payer Type (Original).
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01atenca Barad Pfting, Zone 8
Package sontfron:10MI2lpcode
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Automation USA$ smndas RecIRIent
Tracking 10 870903338025 BETHTUROMSHA TOM URBANSKI
Service Type FedFxStanderdOvemight SBLO STUD 10 WAITING TURNEY
Package Type FedEx Box 132 W 36TH ST FL 10 474 GRAND CENTRAL PKWY
Zone 08 NEW YORK NY 10018 -SM US LAS VEGAS NV 89105 US
Packages 1
Hatedwaight 1.0bis,0.5kgs
Da&vared Nov 17, 2009 09:59
Svc Area Al Transportation Chetge 37.15
Sight d 0 A-148SKY FuslSutcharga —2,23
FedEx Use 032014030!0001415 Total Charge USD 33938
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Distance Based Pricing, Tone 3
Package sentimm:10001 tip coda
Package Delivered to BaclplentAddress Release Authodrad
Automation INET Sender $et RlaIIt
Tracking 10 7930307MM Zangwei Fu Susanna Ackamann
Service Type FedEx First Overnight SOLD STUDIO Elkus Manfred[ Architects
Package Type FedEx Box 132 W36 ST, 10FL 300 A ST
Packages 1
RatedWeight 4.0lbs,1.8 kqe
Declared Value USD 99.40
Delivered Nov le, 200007:31 Transportation Charge M15
Svc Area Al Declared Value Charge 0
Signed by see above Fuel Surcharge r' 3.37
FedEx Use D000D00 QW00008/02 Total Cbargi# F Use E59S2
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Foal Surcharge FedFxhos applied a fuel turoharpa ofli.M%to thirsh t ^i:' 1'r• `s. G'�.. u,•
Distance Based Pricing, Zone 5
Package sent from” 10001:3p cede
FadEKhos audited thk 94manti[r)r correctpackagas,welgh4 and service, Any changes mode are reflected In the Involca amount
Your revanuo ftoshofd for thk ship data was not mot, therefore no Earns d 01ocounta wa ra epppad.
The peokage welght awoodc the mDAm m for the peokaging typo, therefore, FedEK Envolope wss ratad ac FedEx Pak
Automation INET Sender $E �inl�nt
Tracking ID 796150554812 zengwel Fu Randy Robison
Service Type FadEx2Dey SBLDSTUDIO CSO Architects
Package Type FadEx Pak 132 W36 ST, 10FL 260 E 96TH ST STE 200
Packages 1
Rated Weight 7 -0lbs, D.9 kgs
Declared Value USD 93.00 Transportation Charge 13.05
Delivered Nov 21), 200913:25 Automation Bonus Discount 1,31
Svc Area Al Declared Value Charge p;
Signed by D.DIMNSON Fuel Surcharge
Fad Ex Use 000D0000o/DoDBo461_ TatoI Charge USD
CSO Architects
February 26, 2010
Project No: 25310.3E
Invoice No: 39840
Sherry Mielke
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 W. Main Street
Suite 220
Carmel, IN 46032
Project 25310.3E CARMEL PAC 2005 FF &E
For professional services rendered for the period January 23, 2010 to February 19, 2010 for the
referenced project.
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
DeSmit, Geoff 211/10 8.00 75.00 600.00
Presentation plan coordination.
DeSmit, Geoff 2/2/10 8,00 75.00 600.00
Presentation plan coordination.
DeSmit, Geoff 2/3/10 4.50 75.00 337.50
Presentation plan coordination.
DeSmit, Geoff 2/9/10 5.00 75.00 375.00
Presentation plan coordination.
King, Jennifer 2/1/10 .25 165.00 41.25
Project admin.
King, Jennifer 2/2/10 .25 165.00 41.25
Project admin.
TerHorst, Dawn 1125/10 7.00 75.00 525.00
Rental capacity plans.
TerHorst, Dawn 1126110 1.50 75,00 112.50
DMS review comments and obtain pricing on their
TerHorst, Dawn 1/26/10 3.50 75.00 262.50
Fabric pricing and FOH review w /Dan.
TerHorst, Dawn 1/27/10 3.00 75.00 225.00
CRC mtg. setup /teardown.
TerHorst, Dawn 1127/10 5.00 75.00 375.00
Pricing on DMS Furniture/Mtg. w /Steve Knight.
TerHorst, Dawn 1/29/10 .75 75.00 56.25
Recap to do list for Monday w /Mary.
TerHorst, Dawn 2 /1 /10 2.25 75.00 168.75
Prep for CRC meeting Wed.
TerHorst, Dawn 2 /1 /10 2.00 75.00 150.00
Retail plans redlines.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/2/10 1.50 75.00 112.50
Prep for mtg. w /Steven.
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Project 25310.3E CARMEL PAC 2005 FF &E Invoice 39840
TerHorst, Dawn 2/2/10 .50 75.00 37.50
Retail plans.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/2/10 5.00 75.00 375.00
Update budget for CRC mtg. /Samples for FFE.
TerHorst, Dawn 213/10 1.50 75.00 112.50
CRC mtg.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/3/10 4.00 75.00 300.00
Mtg. w /Steven Libman.
TerHorst, Dawn 213/10 5,75 75.00 431.25
Prep for mtg. w /CRC budget updates.
TerHorst, Dawn 214110 2.50 75.00 187.50
DMS plans.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/4/10 1,50 75.00 112.50
Mtg. w /Scott Group and Walter.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/4110 4.00 75.00 300.00
Mtg, w /Steven Libman.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/5/10 5.00 75.00 375.00
Update Retail plans.
TerHorst, Dawn 215110 3.50 75.00 262.50
Updates to plans per DMS /send to DMS.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/8/10 4.50 75.00 337.50
Catering Retail plans.
TerHorst, Dawn 218110 1.50 75.00 112.50
FFE samples coordination.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/9/10 8.25 75.00 618.75
Pkg. for DMS.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/10/10 9.00 75.00 675.00
Prep for mtg. w /DMS Retail plans.
TerHorst, Dawn 2111110 8.00 75.00 600,00
Prep for mtg. w /DMS.
TerHorst, Dawn 2112/10 9.00 75.00 675.00
Prep and mtg. w /Steve Knight DMS.
TerHorst, Dawn 2115110 6.25 75.00 468.75
Updates to plans from DMS /Order samples.
TerHorst, Dawn 2116110 6.00 75.00 450.00
Update budget prices /DMS plans.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/17/10 5.00 75.00 375.00
Furniture re- selections from DMS mtg,
TerHorst, Dawn 2118/10 6.50 75.00 487.50
Furniture re- selections and updates to plans.
TerHorst, Dawn 2/19/10 7.25 7500 543.75
Furniture re- selections and updates to plans.
Totals 157.00 11,820,00
Total Labor 11,820.00
Total this Phase $11,820.00
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 2
to 1 112 /o monthly interest charge.
Project 25310.3E CARMEL PAC 2005 FF &E Invoice39840
Bogan, Brandon 1125110 1.00 125.00 125.00
Team coordination,
Bogan, Brandon 1127110 2.50 125.00 312.50
Reviews with DMS.
Bogan, Brandon 1128110 ,50 125.00 62.50
Meeting follow up.
Bogan, Brandon 1129110 1.50 125.00 187.50
Presentation coordination.
Bogan, Brandon 2/1/10 .50 125.00 62.50
Team coordination.
Bogan, Brandon 2/2110 .50 125.00 62.50
Bogan, Brandon 2/3/10 4.00 125.00 500.00
Meeting w /Steve Libman and CRC.
Bogan, Brandon 2/5110 .50 125,00 62.50
Plan coordination.
Bogan, Brandon 2/8110 1.00 125.00 125.00
Team coordination.
Bogan, Brandon 2/12110 4.00 125.00 500.00
Work session with DMS.
Bogan, Brandon 2/16/10 1.00 125.00 125.00
Team Coordination for Wed,
DeSmit, Geoff 1/28/10 6.25 75.00 468.75
FIFE pricing boards for CRC.
DeSmit, Geoff 1129110 8.50 75.00 637.50
FFE pricing boards for CRC.
Dickinson, Debra 1/25110 1.50 70.00 105.00
Administrative; Correspondence.
Inchauste, Mary 1125110 6.00 135.00 810.00
Mtg, w /Brandon, minutes, team coordination.
Inchauste, Mary 1/26110 8.00 135.00 1,080.00
BOH arch finishes FIFE finishes w/Tiffany.
Inchauste, Mary 1/27/10 10.00 135.00 1,350.00
Prep for presentation at CRC.
Inchauste, Mary 1128110 4.75 135.00 641.25
Coordinate presentation for CRC for next week.
Inchauste, Mary 1129/10 6.00 135.00 810,00
Electrical conflicts, minutes, BOH finishes, mtg. w/Wenger
Inchauste, Mary 2/1110 6.00 135.00 810.00
Electrical coordination, plan review, budget review.
Inchauste, Mary 212110 8.00 135.00 1,080.00
Presentation prep, budget review, DMS design follow up,
Inchauste, Mary 213110 11.00 135.00 1,485.00
Review w /Steven, CRC budget review, proposal, minutes.
Inchauste, Mary 2/4110 8,00 135.00 1,080.00
Review w /Steven, mtg. with custom carpet artist Waiter
Inchauste, Mary 215/10 5.00 135.00 675.00
Value engineering, BOH finishes, misc. follow up to week's
Please remit to: GSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 3
to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge.
Project 25310.3E CARMEL PAC 2005 FF &E invoice 39840
Inchauste, Mary 218/10 5.00 135.00 675.00
Prepare fabrics furniture for DMS mtg.
Inchauste, Mary 2/9/10 8.00 135.00 1,080.00
Prepare for DMS.
Inchauste, Mary 2110/10 6.00 135.00 810.00
Prepare for mtg. w /DSM, budget.
Inchauste, Mary 2/11/10 8.00 135,00 1,080.00
Prepare for mtg. w /DMS, budget review, site visit for public
Inchauste, Mary 2112/10 7.00 135.00 945.00
Set up mtg. w1DMS.
Inchauste, Mary 2/15110 9.00 135.00 1,215.00
Minutes from ISMS presentation.
Inchauste, Mary 2116110 9.00 135.00 1,215.00
Implement budget changes in plans specs.
Inchauste, Mary 2/17110 9,25 135.00 1,248.75
Prepare for budget presentation /CRC.
Inchauste, Mary 2118/10 6.00 135.00 810.00
Team coordination,
Inchauste, Mary 2119/10 3.50 135.00 472.50
Kimball International mtglemails/Wenger mock -ups.
King, Jennifer 212/10 6,50 165.00 1 ,072 50
Retail redlines.
Moriarity, Daniel 1/26110 1.00 195.00 195.00
Matrix preparation.
Moriarity, Daniel 1127110 3.00 195.00 585.00
Meeting prep, mtg. with committee.
Moriarity, Daniel 1128/10 1.00 195.00 195.00
Schedule, cost updates.
Moriarity, Daniel 211110 1.00 195.00 195.00
Project admin /design review.
Moriarity, Daniel 212/10 1.00 195.00 195.00
Budget review and comment.
Moriarity, Daniel 213/10 3.00 195.00 585.00
Mtg. with committee, matrix preparation.
Moriarity, Daniel 2/9/10 1.00 195.00 195.00
Budget review.
Moriarity, Daniel 2/11110 1.00 195.00 195.00
Budget review.
Moriarity, Daniel 2/15/10 1.00 195.00 195.00
Team /budget revisions.
Moriarity, Daniel 2116/10 1.00 195.00 195.00
Budget review.
Moriarity, Daniel 2117110 1.00 195.00 195.00
Special committee.
Winters, Rachel 1/27/10 4,75 75.00 356.25
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 1128110 2.25 75.00 168.75
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 1/29/10 5,50 75.00 412.50
Material research and selections.
Please remit to: CSO Arch1tects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject page 4
to 1 112% monthly interest charge.
Project 25310.3E CARMEL PAC 2005 FF &E I nvoice 3
Winters, Rachel 211/10 6.25 75.00 468.75
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 212110 7.25 75.00 543.75
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 2/3/10 3.75 75.00 281.25
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 214110 3.25 75.00 243.75
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 2/5/10 1.50 75.00 11150
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 2/8110 .50 75.00 37.50
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 2/9/10 2,50 75,00 187.50
.Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 2110/10 2,25 75,00 168.75
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 2/12/10 .25 75.00 18.75
Material research and selections.
Winters, Rachel 2/15/10 3.00 75.00 225.00
Material research and selections.
Writers, Rachel 2117/10 .50 75.00 37.50
Material research and selections.
Totals 241.75 29,968.75
Total Labor 29,968.75
Total this Phase $29,968.75
Professional Personnel
Hours Rate Amount
Grapnel!, Daniel 1/7110 3.50 75.00 262.50
FFE room furniture approval binder.
Erikson, Robert 2/10/10 1.00 165.00 165.00
Hauri, Tiffany 1/25/10 8.00 75.00 600.00
Room Data Sheet revisions.
Hauri, Tiffany 1/26/10 6.75 75,00 506.25
BOH textile selection FFE specs.
Hauri, Tiffany 1/27110 535 75.00 431.25
FFE specs, BOH FFE item finish selection.
Hauri, Tiffany 1129/10 3.00 75.00 225.00
Wenger rep mtg. Room Data Sheet finish revisions.
Hauri, Tiffany 211/10 4.50 75.00 337.50
Room Data Sheets /budget changes /FFE spec info.
Hauri, Tiffany 212/10 9.25 75.00 693.75
Budget/Mirror Meeting Editions Limited /book updates.
Hauri, Tiffany 2/3/10 9.00 75.00 675.00
Budget/plans for FFE rep/BOH product research /CRC
meeting/Team meeting.
Hauri, Tiffany 214110 7.50 75.00 562.50
Custom rug rep mtg. /BOH FFE finish selection specs.
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 5
to 1 112% monthly interest charge,
Project 25310.3E CARMEL PAC 2005 FF &E Invoice 39840
Hauri, Tiffany 2/5/10 4,50 75.00 337.50
FFE rep mtg. /BOH FFE finish selection specs.
Hauri, Tiffany 218/10 4.75 75.00 35625
FFE spec sheets product research.
Hauri, Tiffany 2/9110 7.50 75.00 562.50
Rep mtg. for BOH furniture, Room Data Sheets, FFE
finishes budget.
Hauri, Tiffany 2111/10 6.00 75.00 450,00
FOH FFE boards for Steve Knight mtg.
Hauri, Tiffany 2112110 1,75 75.00 131.25
Budget BOH FFE finishes.
Hauri, Tiffany 2115110 7,00 75.00 525.00
FFE budget, Room Data Sheets, sample requests, FFE
spec sheets.
Hauri, Tiffany 2/16/10 7.25 75.00 543.75
Budget revisions.
Hauri, Tiffany 2117110 7.50 75.00 562.50
Budget revisions.
Hauri, Tiffany 2/18110 7.50 75.00 562.50
Room Data Sheets, enlarged plan updates, budget updates.
Hauri, Tiffany 2119/10 7.75 75.00 581.25
Room Data Sheets, budget/enlarged plan updates.
Ryan, Vanessa 212/10 5.00 85.00 425.00
FFE index pricing.
Ryan, Vanessa 215110 1,00 85,00 85.00
BOH FFE finish selections.
Totals 125.75 9,581.25
Total Labor 9,581.25
Total this Phase $9,581.25
Unit Billing
11 X 17 B/W COPIES 47.04
18 X 24 BONDS 9.12
11 X 17 COLOR COPY 18.90
8,5X 11 B/W COPIES 222.08
8.5 X 11 COLOR COPY 498.00
24 X 36 BOLDS 25.92
36 X 48 BOLDS 11-52
Total Units 832.58 832.58
Total this Phase $832.58
Total this Invoice $52,202.58
Billings to Date
Current Prior Total
Please remit to: CSQ Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject
to 1 112% monthly interest charge, page 6
Project 25310.3E CARMEL PAC 2005 FF &E lnvoice39840
Labor 51,370.00 150,881.25 202,251.25
Expense 0.00 468.71 468.71
Unit 832,58 2,525.64 3,358.22
Totals 52,202.58 153,875.60 206,078.18
Please remit to: CSO Architects, PO Box 6069, Dept 94, Indianapolis, IN 46206 -6069. Unpaid amounts over 30 days will be subject Page 7
to 1 1/2% monthly interest charge.
Billed Detail Friday, Februery 26, 2010
CSO ARCHITECTS, INC. As of 2119110 12:16:36 P M
Billing Labor Code Employee/ Hours/ Billing Billing
Status Date /Account Reference Description Units Rate Amount
Project Number: 25310.3E CARMEL PAC 2005 FFBE
B 2/13/10 BL2436 000000000017 B:4.0 BONDS 0.96 4.000 .96 3.84
B 218/10 COL11 000000000017 13:9.0 COPIES 2.10 9.000 2.10 18.90
B 218/10 COL8.5 000000000017 8:71.0 COPIES 2.00 71.000 2.00 142.00
B 218110 COL8.5 000000000017 13:16.0 COPIES 2.00 16.000 2.00 32.00
B 2/8/10 COP11 000000000017 8:88.0 COPIES 0.16 88.000 .16 14.08
B 2/8110 COP11 000000000017 6:54.0 COPIES 0,16 54.000 .16 8.64
B 218110 COP8.5 000000000017 B:87.0 COPIES 0.16 87.000 .15 13.92
B 2/8110 COP8,5 000000000017 8:123.0 COPIES 0.16 123.000 .16 19.68
a 218110 BL1824 000000000021 B-11-0 BONDS 0.48 11.000 .48 5.28
B 2/12110 BL1824 000000000037 13:1.0 BOND 0.48 1.000 .48 .48
B 2112110 BL2436 000000000037 13:2.0 BONDS 0.96 2.000 .96 1,92
B 2/12110 BL2436 000000000037 6:5.0 BONDS 0.96 5,000 .96 4.80
B 2/12110 BL3648 000000000037 13:6.0 BONDS 1.92 6.000 1.92 11.52
B 2112110 COL8.5 000000000037 8:69.0 COPIES 2.00 69.000 2.00 138.00
B 2112110 COL8.5 000000000037 B:22.0 COPIES 2.00 22.000 2.00 44.00
B 2/12/10 COP11 000000000037 13:29.0 COPIES 0.16 29.000 .16 4.64
B 2/12110 COP11 000000000037 13:2.0 COPIES 0.16 2,000 .16 .32
B 2/12/10 COP8.5 000000000037 6:81.0 COPIES 0.16 81.000 .16 12.96
8 2112110 COP8.5 000000000037 13:77.0 COPIES 0.16 77.000 .16 12.32
B 2119/10 COL8.5 000000000083 B:12.0 COPIES 2.00 12.000 200 24.00
B 2119110 COP11 000000000083 B:35.0 COPIES 0.16 35.000 .16 5.60
B 2119110 COP8.5 000000000083 B:5.0 COPIES 0.16 5.000 .16 .80
B 1/25110 COP11 000000000105 BA8.0 COPIES 0.16 48.000 .16 7.68
B 1/25/10 COP8.5 000000000105 8:194,0 COPIES 0.16 194.000 .16 31.04
B 1125/10 COP8.5 000000000105 13:24.0 COPIES 0.16 24.000 .16 3.84
B 1125110 COP8.5 000000000105 B:483.0 COPIES 0.16 483.000 .16 77.28
B 1126/10 BL1824 000000000167 B :7.0 BONDS a@ 0.48 7.000 .48 3.36
a 1125110 BL2436 000000000167 B:6.0 BONDS 0.96 6.000 .96 5.76
5 1126/10 BL2436 000000000167 B:10.0 BONDS 0.96 10.000 .96 9.60
B 1126/10 COL8.5 000000000167 9:59.0 COPIES 2.00 59.000 2.00 118,00
B 1126110 COP11 000000000167 B COPIES 0.16 26.000 .16 4.16
B 1126/10 COP11 000000000167 812.0 COPIES 0.16 12.000 .16 1,92
B 1/26110 COP8.5 000000000167 6:211.0 COPIES 0.16 211.000 .16 33.76
B 1126/10 COP8.5 000000000167 8:103.0 COPIES 0.16 103.000 .16 16.48
Total Billable Units 832.58
Total Units 832,58
Total for RE 832.58
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
C S o Fl rc h i fc J 5 Purchase Order No.
Po B O X 6 I Pot qq Terms
Yldi6Ilgt� ',s,ZIV Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s))
P 5 2�'�J�,SO
h 2 005 3 1 52q i 3$
b -10 �gB�kO Mc 1W U E 52 D2 .5�
Total S2 9S 0
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6.
Clerk- Treasurer
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Board Members
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claim paid motor vehicle highway fund