HomeMy WebLinkAbout184984 04/27/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350370 Page 1 of 1 O ONE CIVIC SQUARE WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER CHECK AMOUNT: $366.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P o BOX 6292 ro ,,o• CAROL STREAM IL 60197 -6292 CHECK NUMBER: 184984 CHECK DATE: 4/27/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 4469000 820406285 366.00 LIBRARY REF MATERIALS SUBSCRIPTION INVOICE SUMMARY WEST, A Thomson Re. ters business Bill To: From: CARMEL LAW DEPT Thomson West DOUGLAS HANEY P.O. Box 64833 1 CIVIC SO St. Paul, MN 55164 -0833 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 Page 1 of 1 04 IMPORTANT NEWS Go Green with West!!! Help the environment. Make this the last paper invoice you receive from us. Sign up for eBilling now and receive an a mail notification when your invoice is available. Logon to myaccount.west.thomson.corn to register or call Customer Service at 1- 800 -328 -4880. Thank you for your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit west.thomson.com. Customer Service: 11800- 328 -4880 See reverse side for contact and payment information 131LL13� ACCOt3NT INdO1C'# 3PIVQICE DATA 61LLIN{s: PERIOD P.AYMiYT D1JE TOTAL INVOICE 00359094 82044685 04 {0412010 MIA R 05 20114 05104f2010 ANlOU1VT.: EN IISD ASR .14.,;:2010 X66 _0 01: 1; D£SCRIP lON.. PRJ41 N fJSD'I TAX 1111 U$0 TOTAiL -1111 USD, SUBSCRIPTION PRODUCT CHARGES 366.00 0.00 366.00S TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT 366.00 T REMITTANCE INSTRUCTIONS: Q Terms: Net 30 0 Catiaclian Registration Nuunbers 0 Else the cticlos'Ud CPN'e.lope to send your payment. Caruula (.is] I3o�1t84 0 Dmich and rerun the remitlance portion anti make payment payable to ''Well British Columbia PSI R375653 Federal Empkuyer Identification Number 41 1426973 Quebcc OST 1021623993 0 DO 1101 enclose casl.t or fureiLn cut'rencv. Ontario i'ST 5002 -0560 0 Remember, checks must be ttrawn from ri U.S. bank account. Saskatclte-wau PST 1895663 0 Write your accoun[ number on the. troni of your check. 0 Do not fold or stopte your check or rcmimmkn e portion, WEST RETURN POLICY: �tiynu are not couglletcly satisfied with the prnducts* you purchase or Iicensc from West, yott may return them within 415 days of the uri.inal invoice (West ship dam? for full credit or refund. Pack securely and return all merchandise, insuring contents for its value-. Ali expenses associated ivith returns lire the responsibility of the cumome', Customers will forfeit any applicable di.ccouuts when returning part of a promotional sale-. TO ensure accurate processing, always enclose with your return a ca15y of the original delivery or hilling, document. including a brief explanation of the reason for the return. *This West policy sloes not apply to online ;t:rvices, such as Westlaw. Subscriber is responsihte (or any applicable chap cs associated with online products. please refer to your''Albscribet gi vement for spocific terms and conditinli". ONLINE RESOURCE: To access rimy of the accumit information ?q hauls /day: 0 Access online at Nly Accoutil at west.thomson.com. 0 Make payments b Room products 0 Password mana<,emenf Check order Status o Make addteS', ebonies Request duplicate biding documents o lnfmmatinn ilbout last payment rcceiN'ccJ and credits po,�tcd 0 Access by Telephone at 1/800/328/4880! o Account Payment ittformiuion a Payment History information o make payments o Return information o Sates Training Contact i nformation FOR ASSMANCE 14'17'11 BILLING_, SUBSCRIPPONAND GENERAL INQUIRIES: 7clephone 1 /fx E-mail 0 Customer Senice: 1!800/328 -4880 118001340.9378 west cu5tomer.sra ticcCaCl'ion�son.com t'7:00AM 7:un PM -c<•, i M -r 0 Sales 1/800/328-9352 wcstsales a +tErumsnn.com 0Federal Go%emmeW Accounts: 11800/328 -2781 1/6511 687 -6857 west.f (td,t @thomsowooni !7 lb AV-1 3:00 PM -Ce TimI NIT) 0 Bookstore Accounts: 1/800/328 -2209 116511687 6857 +est.huuE stare ��'thi�mson.com 17:90 AM 5:00 Pix7 Coa .d 1 ,14) b International Accounts: 1/651/687-6857 west.imterraional acccruntserviccCrthomson.c0m 0 West Nlain Web Site: west.thomsoit.eom Yrtr moy wrile us cut— lou mcry avail pct yrnerus to )''ltr nary return merchondise to West West Payment Center West P.D. Box 64833 nO. Box 6292 Returns Bldg* B St. Paul, MN 55164 -0833 Carol Stream, IL 60197 6292 525 Wescott Road Eagan, MN 551.23 e -iii :nil: West.A(ti'a e-mail: West.A RReturnCenter@)thomson.com e -mail: NVcst .ARRefundCenler(!�ttio)rtsoii -con FOB 'shipping Point WEST® SUBSCRIPTION INVOICE DETAIL A Thomson Reuters business Bill To: From: CARMEL LAW DEPT Thomson West DOUGLAS HANEY P.O. Box 64833 1 CIVIC SO St. Paul, MN 55164 -0833 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 Page 1 of 1 04 Customer Service: 11800-328-4880 BIl1.ING R COU�+1T If+111UIC1. .INV.O,ICE DATE 611 LING PERIOD' P1IYNIENT 17UE TOTAL <INVOICE 2Q�0 59 94 820 06 85 04�04f201O IVI4R 05 2 ?14 APR d4 2010 a ANIOUIU... IN, USD <SHiP/PL15T i�ATE D.ELIVI±RY ::DESCRIPTION QTY UNET TAX;; T.OTAE:: POSTING; NUMBER h1111VIBER> FRiEE IN USO 1N #J$D< FOR PAYimpN"r REF�RENC� .j IN EJ$D SUBSCRIPTION PRODUCT CHARGES 04/02 6065436097 683816514 IN CODE T25 Q BKS) IN ANNO CODE T25 SECTIONS 25 -1 -1 TO 1 183.00 1 183.00 25 -22.5 -END PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS IN ANNO CODE T25 SECTIONS 25 -23 -1 TO 1 183.00 183.00 25 -END PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS Subtotal 366.00 0.00 366.00 S SUBSCRIPTION PRODUCT CHARGES TOTAL 366.00 T f I Thank You INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT PAGE C i t y o Carmel CERTIFICATE NO.003120155 002 0 �i PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER I. FEDERAL 5X 0 0972 EXEMPT J�`3 ONE CIVIC SQUARE THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES, A/P CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 -2584 VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE. FORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL 1997 PURCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION SHIP f VENDOR �y TO n 17,E CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT PAYMENTTERMS FREIGHT QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION L ��C .•C.�,..�G•�- `e.,:w`�`f >-L't"- .f.!''`a A a 1 7 c m..tia all Send Invoice TO: r PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECT ACCOUNT AMOUNT PAYMENT Q� f d AIP VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND t VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED, SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN SHIP REPAID. THIS.APPROPRIATIOWSUFFICIENT TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. C.O.D. SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. B PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL ORDERED BY SHIPPING LABELS. I j THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99, ACTS 1945 TITLE AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. 2 1 CLERK TREASURER DOCUMENT CONTROL NO A.P.V. COPY SIGN AND RETURN TO CLERK'S OFFICE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. 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