HomeMy WebLinkAbout185487 05/17/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 357378 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE NEW WORLD SYSTEMS CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 888 W BIG BEAVER, SUITE 600 CHECK AMOUNT: $945.00 TROY MI 48084 ;o CHECK NUMBER: 185487 CHECK DATE: 5/17/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 210 4357000 67344 945.00 DELONG New World Systems' Invoice The Public Sector Software Company Page: 1 888 W. Big Beaver Suite 600 Troy, MI 48084 Number: 0000067344 (248 )269 -1000 Date: 1/2/2010 Customer: HAM 1237 low Mr, Kevin Trotter Fishers Police. Denartment c/o Hamilton Co.. IN 4 Municinal Drive Fishers, IN 46038 USA Per Contract Aegis 2010 Executive Customer Conference Each 1.0 945.00 945.00 Kristy DeLong LAST ITEM Aegis 2010 Executive Customer Conference, De Long Subtotal 945.00 Payment due 15 days from receipt of invoice Sales Tax 0.00 0 Payment/Credit Amount 0.00 I Him= 45 ARZTCOOI Xpi M O R E T H A N E V E R B E F O R E o, See why you cannot afford to miss the 2010 Aegis Executive Customer Conference! fIIIIILEIpgI CC[Lt L' €Eut;6111I Thq�fqjli is a full list of conference sessions that focus on products, topics, and industry issues for Aegis /MSP add Aegis Mobile customers: In To register for the 2010 Exe uRe(usto�mer Conference, please visit: www, newworldsystems .com /2010confer`ee PublicSafety To schedule a Consultation Support Meeting after you have registered, please visit: www. newworldsystems .com /2010conference /consultation C f, I`.► C(.jC. To review what Hands -on Labs are being offered and how to sign up, please visit: www. newworldsystems. com /201 Oconference /publicsafety /hands- on_lab.pdf NA /6 To review the conference agenda and to start planning your schedule, please visit: www.newworidsystems. com/ 2010conference/ publicsafety /10_Aegis_Agenda.pdf New Wor Systems` vomber One YuhlirSafer gf1wareSvhirlion SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2010 What's New in Mobile Messaging Data Analysis Mapping Tips Hints Fire Records Management Tips Hints Field Reporting What's New in Corrections Technology Focus Group: Fire CAD Eire Mobile Lab Infrastructure Networking Law Enforcement RMS Property/ Evidence Mobile for IT Administrators 615 Basic Topics Room Direction What's New in CAD IBRIUCR Compliance Focus Group: Fire RMS Investigations Fire RMS Tips Hints Data Analysis Mapping Tips Hints Focus Group: Corrections inmate Tracking Focus Group: Law Enforcement RMS Accidents Technology: GIS Advanced Topics Bar Coding Corrections Lab CAD Configuration Tips Hints GIS Q &A Workshop Lab CAD Configurations Tips Hints Orientation: Getting the Most Out Mobile Device Integration What's Coming in Fire RMS of cite Conference CAD Mapping Direction Recent Improvements Focus Group: Corrections- Incident Module Technology: Web Services Focus Group: Corrections Jail Billing Technology Lab Technology: GIS User Group Fire Records Lab Maximizing Mobile 7 Customer Participation: How to Get Involved Maximizing Mobile 7 Technology Focus Group: Virtuaiization Hardware Upgrade Recommendations Focus Group: The RMS Scheduling Reporting Law Enforcement RMS Citizen Reporting Corrections Management Tips Hints Law Enforcement Rh1S Security Management R Business Analytics for Public Safety Enhancements Corrections Tips Hints MONDAY, MAY 1 201 Focus Group: Mobile Real -Time Analyiks Police Mobile Lab hdhat's Nev, in CAD Decision Support CAD Web View What's New in Law Enforcement RMS Technology: System Administration What's New in Lair Enforcement RIVS What's New in Fire Rh4S Technology Lab GIS Basic Topics What's 14ew in Corrections Technology: Tech Rollout Update Technology: Web Services Police Mobile Lab What's Coming in Corrections Management Fire Records Lab Introducing Fire Mobile Fire Mobile Lab NG911 [AD WebUiew IBR /UCR Compliance Law Enforcement Records Reporting l TUESDAY MAY 1 8, 2010 Technology: GIS Advanced Topics Statistical Analysis What's New in Mobile Messaging Fire CAD Business Analytics for Public Safety Field Reporting Hardware Upgrade Recommendations Corrections Management Lab Accounting in Lav,- Enforcement Records What's New in Fire RMS GIS Q &A Workshop Lab ms.. -a.' -t `y ki, s "t i'? Y iE2 xw -.5x, y W... *aa._. ar.: .<;i ei.� r•;'R Zellers, Timothy V From: ihor .diachenko @newworldsystems.com Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9 :53 AM To: Zellers, Timothy 'V Cc: ruthann .hines @newworldsystems.com Subject: FW: NWS Advisory Groups Importance: High Attachments: image.gif image.gif (8 KB) l'un per youi request: Tuesda% l\iav 18 MOBTLE .;1DVISORY GRP 2 pm; Ves&V eMayA8 Coxrections ADVISORY GRP :,22 Tuesdav, i1-Iay 18 `t'cchnoiog), ADVISORY GRP 9 -11 W e',dnesday., Nlav 19 CAD ADVISORY C�KP 8a 1? iM Wednesdny, 'May 19 .RlN9S ADVISORY CRP: 82- 12pm? "edtiesday, May 19 FIRE ADVISORY GR Ihor Drachellko Director of llarkemag 0 1c 1d:333287397( 10820571 nc.t-Wc:,xlclsysre.lns.con) 1 248 269 11)00 P 1 248 434 3148 Foi.Av irded Message Front: "Hines, Ruth Ann" <ruthann.hinesCne�x �votlds stems.rcuxl= Date: Nfon, 29 N-11ar 1 011109:43:03 -0400 TO: "Zellers, "finlothy V" <'l'Zellers ?�.carniel.itl.got7> Cc: "Diachernko, Thor." ihor. diachenko @new worlds pstems,.c-oni> Subject: RE: NWS Ad-visory= G.rotlps I -[i Tim! 1. will have l.hor send rnu ulfulnzation on the advisor. group meetings because I am not slue I have die latest schedule. I will make the hotel reseivations for all nights, inclu6ig the extra nights. 'I`liat \vav you will get: ctur discounted roam rate under- our group contract. 'That's 5225 plus 5.75 tax. Fm looking .fiuivard to seeing you in San Diego! Rurh �nit 0 1 From,: Zellers,'l'itntjrhy� [mailtc,: I'lellers�?cnrmel.in.�;ov� Sent: Thursday, Much 2S, 2010 12:27 I'M To Hines, Rutli Inn 0 Suhjccr: NViS Advisory Groups Ph there, Scarring ro get pumped for San Diego! I'm in the process of finalizing all ncc plains including submirung invoices and such. Along those lines, 1 need sorrrcone at NWS cc) sand me a schedtrlc of the advisory> group tnee.unns on Tucsda�.' L is Uirlt rind Wcdncscbiy the 19t.h. Can you 11SO prOVidc r71e vVit_h a contact. person at the conference hotel so iliac i can obtaili the necessary inforniaurut to get the arrangcmenes for our extra dabs there taken cart. of? Thanks... see You in San Diego. 'firr, End of Fonva.rded Message 2 Prescribed by Stata Boartl of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Aev. 't 995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee New World Systems Purchase Order No. 888 W. Big Beaver, Suite 600 Terms troy, MI 48084 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 1/2/10 67 44 payLnent for Aegis 2010 Executive Custome for Kristy DeLong on May 16 2 2010 in San Diego, CA Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer 0 uvv�.n�n rvv. vrnnnnry r rvv. ALLOWED 20 N ew World Systems IN SUM OF #9 W. Big Beaver, Suite 600 Troy, MI 48084 945.0 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR cons ed fund Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT DEPT, I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 210 67344 570 945.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 0 April 27 20 10 Signature Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund