JUNE 28, 1999
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Zoning Appeals was called
to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at approximately 7:00 PM in the Council
Chambers of City Hall, Carmel, Indiana.
Members present were: Earlene Plavchak; Pat Rice; Charles Weinkauf; and Tom
The minutes were not yet available for approval.
Mark Monroe announced that items lh. and 2h. continue to be tabled by the Board; these
will likely be on the Agenda for July.
Items 3h. through 5h. were tabled by the Petitioner and will likely be heard at the July
Items 6h. and 7h. have been withdrawn by the petitioner and will no longer appear on the
Charles Weinkauf announced that Mark Monroe will be moving into the private sector
and no longer with the City; tonight is his last BZA meeting.
H. Public Hearing:
Note: Items 8h., 9h., and 1Oh. were heard together.
8h. Omnipoint Telecommunications Tower (SE- 32 -99)
Petitioner seeks Special Exception approval to allow a telecommunications tower
in a residential zoning district. The site is located at 2135 West 141 Street. The site is
zoned S -1 /Residence.
Filed by James Burroughs of Ice Miller Donadio Ryan.
9h. Omnipoint Telecommunications Tower (V- 33 -99)
Petitioner seeks approval of a developmental standards variance of Section 26.1.4
of the Carmel /Clay Zoning Ordinance to allow an increase in the allowable height of the
tower in a residential zoning district from 120 feet to 150 feet. The site is located at 2135
West 141 Street. The site is zoned S -1 /Residence.
Filed by James Burroughs of Ice Miller Donadio Ryan.
10h. Omnipoint Telecommunications Tower (V- 34 -99)
Petitioner seeks approval of a developmental standards variance of Section
265.2.17 of the Carmel /Clay Zoning Ordinance to allow the tower to be located within
100 feet of a parcel used for residential purposes. The site is located at 2135 West 141
Street. The site is zoned S -1 /Residence.
Filed by James Burroughs of Ice, Miller Donadio Ryan.
In response to questions and comments from Charles Weinkauf and the petitioner, Mark
Monroe reported that the Department has not been furnished with any information,
written or graphic, that shows that there are no suitable locations for these two tower
proposals. The Department has provided the petitioner with information for alternative
sites and those alternative have not been presented to the Department or the Board. The
Department's recommendation is to table.
Jim Burroughs of Ice, Miller Donadio Ryan, One American Square, Indianapolis,
appeared before the Board representing the applicant. The applicant agreed to table items
11h. and 12h., and decided to proceed with items 8h., 9h., and 10h.
Mr. Burroughs was representing two clients: Omnipoint Communications, and Unisite.
Unisite is a company that builds, manages, and leases space on telecommunications
towers. They are not in the business of providing wireless communications services,
rather, they are in the business of building towers in such a way that they will
accommodate the antennae of multiple users. Omnipoint provides telecommunications
service, wireless, pcs, and digital telecommunications service. Omnipoint has an
agreement with unisite that it will lease space on this tower once it is built.
One tower will be located at 141 Street west of Towne Road. The tower will be located
in a heavily wooded area. Omnipoint is located at various points within Hamilton
County, mostly on roof tops, but also on towers of other service providers such as water
towers, grain elevators, etc.
Over 50% of Omnipoint towers are located on existing structures. Over 60% of the
Omnipoint sites are located within areas that zoning already permits tower without public
hearing approval. A tower in an S -1 zoning requires a Special Exception.
A variance for height is also being requested. Under Carmel's Ordinance, the height
limitation at this location is 120 feet; the petitioner is requesting 150 feet. Also, the tower
is located within 100 feet of a property used for residential purposes.
Mr. Burroughs stated that the petitioner has made a diligent effort with the City of
Carmel to locate on an existing structure. According to Mr. Burroughs, there are no other
structures of any significant that can be used for the purpose intended.
The tower would not generate any traffic or any other kind of activity surrounding the
property. There are currently 11 sites within Hamilton County where Omnipoint towers
are located. The proposed tower will be of sufficient size and strength capable of
accommodating six service providers. Cellular One has expressed an interest in locating
their antennae on this tower.
Mr. Burroughs explained that the service tower needs to be located at this site in order to
provide continuous service to its customers; if the towers were located closer together, it
would cause interference farther apart would cause gaps in service. The tower needs to
be a certain height for radio frequency purposes. Mr. Burroughs stated that if the
proposed tower is denied, it will cause an unnecessary hardship. There are no other
structures in the area tall enough to accommodate this use. The approval of the Special
Exception does not interfere substantially with the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Burroughs stated that public properties, i.e. properties owned by any governmental
entity, is not subject to the zoning requirements for cell towers. According to Mr.
Burroughs, the Fire Department and the Parks Department were not interested in co-
location. Also, the ordinance contains a requirement that there be at least 4 service
providers to locate on a tower.
Will Stump, real estate appraiser, appeared before the Board and explained that the tower
would have no adverse effect on property values. There are two issues with regard to the
tower; the effect of the tower on other uses within the neighborhood and the effect on
property values. Homes within the Geist area that have a clear view of an existing tower
have sold in comparatively the same amount of listing time and competitive prices as
those without the view of the tower. Mr. Stump cited several instances where homes
have sold at competitive prices within the same subdivision in an equal amount of time,
and still within view of radio or communications towers. After looking at six residential
areas, the conclusion is that the cell towers have no adverse effect on property values.
The public has accepted the towers as a part of today's technology.
Members of the public were invited to speak in favor of the cell towers; no one appeared.
Members of the public were invited to speak in opposition to the proposed cell tower; the
following appeared:
Claudia Pryor, 3525 West 141 Street asked for clarification as to the exact address fot
the proposed tower. Ms. Pryor stated that she had received a letter solociting use of her
property for a cell tower at a price of $25,000. for placement of a tower. Mrs. Pryor's
husband is an electrical engineer and very concerned about the potential hazards. The
Pryors certainly do not want the tower now, with no compensation. Ms. Pryor stated that
she had done research that shows their property value could be reduced 30 to 40% with
the addition of a cell tower. As the value of the land increases with the installation of
infrastructure, the loss will be even greater. Mrs. Pryor also cited a possible health
hazard associated with towers. In addition to the health issues, the tower would soar 15
stories in an area where most of the homes are single story. The diesel generators that
provide power to the tower would create air and noise pollution. Mrs. Pryor requested a
postponement on this case to provide more time for persons to research and review the
tower proposal. Mrs. Pryor asked if the Communications company would guarantee that
the property owners will be compensated for their loss in property value and agree to
compensate area property owners for any medical bills as a result of the tower. Also,
there are grain bins in the area that could perhaps be used to locate the towers.
Mrs. Pickram, West 146 Street, stated that she has four acres just north of the tower
structure area. The primary focus is on the health concerns rather than property value. At
this point, there is quite a lot of documented evidence linking cancer deaths in children to
power frequency fields. Ms. Pickram asked that this be postponed.
Bon Boone, 3121 West 141 Street, was surprised that he had not received public notice.
The current proposal makes no mention that the tract does not have 200 foot street
frontage; it is an undersized tract, less than 12% of the size required by ordinance. The
petitioner is also requesting permission to build an accessory building on the site; Mr.
Boone did not think this was possible without any main building on the site. Also on the
agenda, the petitioner intends to build a similar structure in east Clay Township -the site
at that location has an elevation of 750 feet -the proposed site has an elevation of 900
feet. Mr. Boone did not understand why the petitioner had to appear before the Board.