HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 10-19-99CARMEL /CLAY PLAN COMMISSION
OCTOBER 19, 1999
The regularly scheduled meeting of October 19, 1999 of the Carmel /Clay Plan
Commission was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at approximately 7:00 PM
in the Council Chambers of City Hall, Carmel, Indiana.
Members present were: Marilyn Anderson; Kent Broach; David Cremeans; Leo
Dierckman; Madeline Fitzgerald; Ron Houck; Kevin Kirby; Norma Meighen; Bob
Modisett; James T. O'Neal, Sr.; Pat Rice; Rick Sharp; Chris White; and Tom Yedlick.
Steve Engelking, Director, Terry Jones and Mike Hollibaugh were present representing
the Department of Community Services.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted.
Mike Hollibaugh announced that Docket No. 82 -99 CPA, Old Meridian Comprehensive
Plan Amendment discussion that was to take place this evening has been moved back for
one month due to intensified public interest in that area. This item does not need to be re-
noticed and will be heard at the November meeting.
Also, the Department has received draft copies of the 96 Street corridor report that is a
joint study between City of Carmel, City of Indianapolis, the MPO and Hamilton County,
with Pat Rice sitting in. There are copies of the Draft available at the Public Library and
the Department.
Kevin Kirby reported that last evening, the City Council had voted a six month
moratorium on building permits on Range Line Road from 136 Street to 116 Street and
only those properties abutting Range Line Road and /or new construction permits. The
main concern was developing properties that may not fit within the character or any
properties developing along that corridor that would not fit with the "vision" for the area.
Dave Cremeans announced that the Old Meridian discussion would take place at the
November meeting; also, the Duke Rezone, 14 -99 Z for property located at 96 and
Meridian has been tabled for this evening.
Mark Kulkowski with the Parsons Transportation Group addressed the Commission. Mr.
Kulkowski stated that the Parsons Group was hired by the Indiana Department of
Transportation to conduct an Environmental Impact Statement for US 31 from 96 Street
(I -465) north to State Road 38. Also, 431 (Keystone) will be looked at from the
interchange with US 31 south to 96 Street. Mr. Kulkowski gave a brief overview of
Parsons' scope of services that will highlight problems and the scheduling of solutions.
The Federal Highway Administration must sign -off on the prepared Statement. The first
public hearing on the proposals will probably be in about one year from now.
H. Public Hearing:
lh. Docket No. 83 -99 DP /ADLS, Development Plan and Architectural Design,
Lighting Signage applications for Landmark Properties, Inc. The petitioner
seeks approval for two professional office buildings known as Old Meridian
Professional Center on 2.53 acres. The site is located on Block 17, Lot 2 of the
Carmel Science Technology Park. The site is zoned M- 3/Manufacturing.
Filed by Brian Pahud of Landmark Properties, Inc.
As a preliminary to hearing this Docket, there was discussion regarding public notice and
the date stamp on the Certified Mail letters by the Post Office. It was determined that the
statute had been met, but not the Rules of Procedure. The Affidavit of Publication from
the petitioner is on file with the Department.
Rick Sharp moved for the suspension of the rules in order to hear this item; APPROVED
13 -0.
Murray Clark, attorney, One Indiana Square, Suite 2200, Indianapolis appeared before
the Commission representing the applicant, Landmark Properties. Also in attendance
was Brian Pahud.
The property is one -half of the Old Meridian Professional Center located on the southeast
corner of Carmel Drive and Old Meridian, Lot 3, Block 17 of Carmel Science
Technology Park, zoned M -3.
There is a main ingress /egress point from Carmel Drive into the parking lot. Other access
points are along Old Meridian and to the east along the ATAPCO property. ATAPCO
has executed a formal ingress /egress easement.
The architectural style being constructed will be the same as all four buildings in the
Center with brick on all four sides of the building. The development is an "L" shape.
The petitioner has agreed to wrought iron fencing along the front of both lots in the
Center. The rendering does not reflect the fencing.
Mr. Clark reported that all TAC issues had been resolved and the petitioner is requesting
approval at this time.
Members of the public were invited to speak in favor or opposition to the petition; no one
appeared and the public hearing was closed.
The Department confirmed that most elements of this site were discussed at the Plan
Commission and Special Study Committee. The architectural style is identical with
block 2 and the basic layout and internal circulation was taken into consideration in the
event that the present site developed. The technical issues have been resolved and any
vote would require a suspension of the rules.
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There were comments from the Commission regarding the landscaping. Brian Pahud
reported that the landscape plan either meets or exceeds those standards set forth by the
City. The current project will be a continuation of lot 1 with a combination of 4 foot high
brick columns, 3 foot wrought iron fencing running between the columns, and
landscaping on either side. In addition, there will be landscaping around the buildings
and in curbed islands in the parking lot; the landscaping will be irrigated.
Rick Sharp questioned the specifics of the landscape plan such as species and caliper of
trees. Also, the initial development plan for lot 1 showed an amenity area for the office
workers in the project. Mr. Pahud responded that the plan is not fully built out and the
area referred to was left open as a "courtyard type" area. The petitioner is looking to the
courtyard area to accommodate any expansion from a tenant's standpoint, however there
are no plans at present.
Whether or not the Development Plan required amendment was discussed, since the
original plan did not show the courtyard area as proposed expansion. Rick Sharp felt that
this was an issue that should be revisited.
Madeline Fitzgerald was concerned about the mature trees that were considered a part of
the development when lot 1 came before the Committee.
Terry Jones responded that within the M -3 District, if there is a "substantial" change in
the plan, the plan would be required to come before the Commission again. The
determination of "substantial" would be left up to the Department and /or the Director.
Unless a specific commitment to a specific plan was being required, it could not be
considered substantial for several reasons: one is that it is less than 20% or 15 and to
the rear of the building.
Rick Sharp thought that there were enough questions that it should go to the Special
Study Committee for further review.
Kevin Kirby did not feel that the orientation of the building needed to be revisited, since
it is off of Old Meridian.
Leo Dierckman questioned the placement of the curb cut onto Carmel Drive and asked to
explore alignment at Committee.
Ron Houck moved to send Docket No. 83 -99 DP /ADLS, Old Meridian Professional
Center, to Special Study Committee that will meet on Wednesday, November 3 rd in the
Caucus Rooms of City Hall at 7:00 PM.
I. Old Business:
Ii. Docket No. 84 -98 CPA, Amendments to the Carmel/Clay Comprehensive Plan,
Specifically Chapter 6, the Thoroughfare Plan.
Filed by the Plan Commission.
Michael Hollibaugh appeared before the Commission and gave a brief overview and
explanation of the text changes to the Thoroughfare Plan. The salient points of the 31
Task Force Study and the 96 Street and Westfield Study were incorporated into the
Thoroughfare Plan as well as some new language related to Alternative Transportation to
strengthen that particular part of the plan.
The five year Thoroughfare Plan map is a new addition to the 20/20 Comprehensive Plan.
Previously, there was only a 20 year Thoroughfare Plan and an alternative transportation
component. The five year plan was added in an attempt to place some priorities on
improvements to the Thoroughfare Plan so that citizens and officials would have some
sense of where the Plan Commission felt improvements needed to be made.
The Committee approved 10 recommended improvements; these are as follows:
1. Towne Road Parkway from 96 Street to 146 Street;
2. 131 Street Boulevard, including above or below grade crossing at US 31;
3. Various intersection improvements to raise the level of service, primarily on
intersections west of Springmill Road, although there were some recommended
improvements along 146 Street in the eastern portion of the township.
4. Recommended improvement or expansion of 116 Street from Springmill Road
to Pennsylvania Street;
5. 116 Street expansion from College west to Keystone;
6. Range Line Road improvements from 136 Street to 146 Street;
7. Old Meridian Boulevard improvements;
8. Illinois Street Parkway;
9. Improvements to 96 Street, pursuant to the 96 Street corridor study; and
10. Pennsylvania Parkway.
The recommended improvements are referenced on the 20 year plan as far as right -of
way and general character of the recommendations. A number of the recommended
improvements are already on the drawing board or in some semblance of progress to
Michael Hollibaugh highlighted the recommended changes in the 20 year plan.
Rick Sharp reported that the Special Study Committee had labored over the Thoroughfare
Plan at a number of meetings. The Thoroughfare Plan is a much needed planning tool
and the amendments need to be put into place. The Committee had voted unanimously to
recommend approval to the full Plan Commission.
The approach taken in Committee was that the Committee was not primarily concerned
with road design; decisions were made in the planning process to preserve options for the
future. The building and design of roads and the funding is innately a political process
and that is not the role of the Plan Commission.
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The US 31 Task Force is working with John Meyers on a land use and transportation
study; the goal is to ensure that infrastructure is consistent with recommendations. The
Task Force will be looking at Springmill Road and Illinois Street.in terms of anticipated
According to Kevin Kirby, Illinois Street is the western edge of the Overlay Zone for the
business district. Illinois Street is seen as the buffer between commercial and residential,
much in the way that the logical extension of Illinois Street close to Lilly Industrial and
Thomson Electronics buffers between commercial and residential. The function of this
body and politicians is to look toward the future. As the corridor develops out, the small
subdivision to the east between Meridian and the proposed Illinois Street extension
probably will be redeveloped someday into commercial buildings. Kevin Kirby stated
objection to removing any part of the Illinois Street extension on the plan.
Kevin Kirby moved for the approval of the amendments to the Carmel /Clay
Comprehensive Plan, specifically Chapter 6, the Thoroughfare Plan. DOCKET No. 84-
98 CPA, Chapter 6, the Thoroughfare Plan was APPROVED 10 in favor, 3 opposed
(Kent Broach, Ron Houck, and Bob Modisett).
2i. Docket No. 14 -99 Z, Rezone application for Duke Realty Investments.
NOTE: Items 3i. and 4i. were heard together and voted on separately.
3i. Docket No. 70 -99 DP /ADLS, Development Plan and Architectural Design,
Landscaping, Lighting, Signage applications for Park Place Centre, LLC. The
petitioner seeks approval to construct 14 professional office buildings and
condominium suites to be known as Park Place Centre on 7.393 acres. The site is
located on the northeast corner of Adams Street and West Carmel Drive on Block
2 of the Carmel Science Technology Park. The site is zoned M-
Filed by Adam DeHart of Keeler -Webb Associates.
4i. Docket No. 71 -99 SP, Secondary Plat application for Park Place Centre, LLC.
The petitioner seeks approval to plat two lots to be known as Park Place Centre on
7.393 acres within the Carmel Science Technology Park. The site is located on
the northeast corner of Adams Street and West Carmel Drive. The site is zoned
M- 3/Manufacturing.
Filed by Adam DeHart of Keeler -Webb Associates.
Adam DeHart of Keeler -Webb, 486 Gradle Drive, Carmel, Indiana, appeared before the
Commission representing the applicant. Frank Cosmas was also in attendance. Park
Place Centre consists of 14 buildings on 7 acres and is a commercial, professional office
park that will function as a condominium -type project with individual owners of office
space. An owners' association will help maintain both limited and common areas in and
around the park. The buildings are designed to have a maximum of 6 or 8 units in each
individual building. The petitioner has appeared at Committee for general review of the
project and review by both planning and engineering of the traffic operations analysis.
The traffic conclusions are that once City Center Drive is in place, Park Place Centre will
have a minimal impact on the roads and streets surrounding it.
One item of concern was the bicycle path along the western portion of the property. The
petitioner is completely willing to work with the Department in the location of the bike
path. Another item mentioned was the appearance or orientation of the project itself.
The project is oriented toward an internal business park atmosphere. The two dormers
shown on the interior or front elevation of the structure will be installed along Carmel
Drive and Adams Street. Additionally, the two exterior doors will be provided along
Adams Street and Carmel Drive. The doors can be used for egress, whether they are
pedestrian traffic or not. The doors will probably be used extensively by those persons
who park to the rear and allow for customer parking to the front of the buildings.
Rick Sharp reported that the petitioner had worked well with the Committee in order to
give the buildings a presence on both Adams and Carmel Drive.
Terry Jones commented that the overhead signage being requested by the petitioner will
require BZA approval.
Rick Sharp stated that the pendant signs contemplated by the petitioner will require a
variance from the BZA, and the Committee unanimously supported and passed by motion
the use of the pendant signs.
Kevin Kirby moved for the approval of Docket No. 70 -99 DP /ADLS, and Docket No. 71-
99 SP. APPROVED 12 -0 AND 13 -0 respectively.
5i. Docket No. 72 -99 DP /ADLS, Development Plan and Architectural Design,
Landscaping, Lighting, Signage applications for Moench Engineering. The
petitioner seeks approval to construct a retail oil lube service station on 1.439
acres known as Valvoline Oil Lube. The site is located at 10400 North Michigan
Road on Lot 15 of the Park Northwestern Subdivision. The site is zoned I-
1 /Industrial and is located within the U.S. 421 (Michigan Road) Overlay Zone.
Filed by Brian Moench of Moench Engineering.
Brian Moench of Moench Engineering appeared before the Commission representing
Don Berger of B.I.G., Inc. The Valvoline Oil Lube site is located approximately 10400
North Michigan Road in the Park Northwestern Subdivision, within the 421 Overlay
The site has some design limitations in the form of a 150 foot pipeline easement with
Panhandle Eastern Pipeline. Stacking for vehicles is at the rear of the facility.
Diane Cox, registered landscape architect, commented that the site constraints centered
around the pipeline easement; no trees or shrubs were permitted in the easement. Also,
the height of the sign was reduced to 6 feet from 8 feet.
Nick Quintana of Sebring Associates, Architects, stated that the petitioner had appeared
before the Special Study Committee and had agreed to bring samples of the materials
being used. Glass shingles, dryvit material and brick samples were displayed for the
Commission. The building will be a Federal style; the overhead doors and the store front
will be a white, duranotic finish. Also, the amount of brick being used on the building
was approved by the Committee.
Rick Sharp reported that the petitioner had included a lattice trellis on the southwest
corner of the building to further obscure the view of the service bays from north bound
traffic. In the landscaping area to the northeast, the petitioner will be adding additional
spruce trees to effect year -round screening. The petitioner has agreed that the lighting on
the monument sign out front will be muted -the level of illumination is completely at the
Department's discretion. In regard to the pipeline easement, if, at some time, the
easement holder is agreeable to planting, the petitioner has agreed to comply with the
Overlay Zone landscaping plan. In view of the commitments from the petitioner, the
Committee recommended approval.
Terry Jones reported that the Department had received a letter from Panhandle Eastern
Pipeline explaining their position on plantings in the easement way. Terry Jones stated
that there is still some room for discussion on "tree -like growth." The concern is
obviously over tree roots that could damage the pipeline.
Kevin Kirby moved to approve Docket No. 72 -99 DP /ADLS, Valvoline Oil Lube.
APPROVED 13 in favor, 0 opposed.
NOTE: Items 6i. and 7i. were heard together.
6i. Docket No. 76 -99 CA, Commitment Amendment application for Browning
Investments, Inc. The petitioner is requesting to terminate the 1991
Commitments Concerning the Use and Development of Real Estate. The site is
located in the 10900 block of North Pennsylvania Street. The site is zoned B-
6 /Business and is within the U.S. 31 (Meridian Street) Overlay Zone.
Filed by Greg Snelling of Mid States Engineering, LLC.
7i. Docket No. 77 -99 DP /ADLS, Development Plan and Architectural Design,
Landscaping, Lighting, Signage applications for Browning Investments, Inc.
The petitioner seeks approval for two corporate office buildings totaling 108,200
square feet on 8.07 acres. The site is located in the 10900 block of North
Pennsylvania Street. The site is zoned 13-6 /13usiness and is within the U.S. 31
(Meridian Street) Overlay Zone.
Filed by Greg Snelling of Mid States Engineering, LLC.
Jim Nelson, attorney, with Nelson Frankenberger, appeared before the Commission
representing Browning Investments, Inc. Following the public hearing in September, the
petitioner appeared before the Special Study Committee in October for further review.
The three story office building will be located on a ten acre parcel of real estate at 10900
Pennsylvania Street.
The Special Study Committee unanimously approved the DP /ADLS application subject
to the petitioner presenting a sample of the glass, vistian blue. The glass has a 7 to 8%
solar reflectant rating.
In respect to the Commitments, PIA Indianapolis Inc. prepared certain commitments in
1991 that now encumber the real estate. The current commitments will not be terminated
until the commitments made by Browning Investments become effective, i.e. the date
Browning acquires the land.
Rick Sharp reported that the Special Study Committee had looked at the new landscape
plan and determined that it is in compliance with the changes required. The Committee
had unanimously recommended approval.
Terry Jones reported for the Department that the Development Plan includes both
buildings; the applicant will be returning for ADLS approval for the second building.
However, the Development Plan is inclusive of both buildings. In the event that the
Ordinance with respect to the boundaries is in place by the time the petitioner is to appear
before the Board of Zoning Appeals, the petitioner will not require the variances.
Leo Dierckman questioned the existence of a small maintenance building on the Delta
Faucet property; Terry Jones stated that the building will most likely be removed when
Pennsylvania Street is constructed.
Rick Sharp moved for the approval of Docket No. 76 -99 CA and Docket No. 77 -99
DP /ADLS, Browning Investments, Inc. APPROVED 13 in favor, 0 opposed.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was
adjourned at 9:20 PM.
David A. Cremeans, President
Ramona Hancock, Secretary