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185936 05/26/2010
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350596 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RIETH -RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO INC s CHECK AMOUNT: $2,017,319.12 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po BOX 276 :o� INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 CHECK NUMBER: 185936 CHECK DATE: 5/26/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 920 R4470304 19808 1 2,017,319.12 116TH BASE BID CITY OF CARMEL PROJECT NO. 47 -08C Keystone Parkway and 116th Street /Carmel Drive Progress Estimate Summary Sheet Et Signature Page Progress Estimate No 13 Partial X Final Earned to date 17,180,508.39 Previous payments 15,009,839.59 Earnings this estimate 2,170,668.80 Retainage 1 53, 349.68 Amount due Contractor 2,017,319.12 CONTRACTOR: r DATE: M06-Riley Construction Co., Inc. Phone: (317) 634-5561 751 West Minnesota Street P.O. Box 276 Fax: (317) 631 -6423 Indianapolis, iN 46206 CONSULTANT: .A &�e DATE: AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. Phone: (317) 547 -5580 7260 Shadeland Station Fax: (317) 543 -0270 Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 -3957 APPROVED BY: DATE: CITY OF CARMEL Construction Pay Estimate Report 5/17/2010 1:38 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4.5a Contract: _07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street/Carmel Drive Estimate Estimate Entered Estimate Managing No. Date By Type Office l 13 5/14/2010 Melissa L Walker MONTHLY American Structurepoint, Inc. All Contract Construction Prime Contractor Work Completed Started Date Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. 1751 West Minnesota Street P.O. Box 276 Indianapolis IN 46206 Comments Curren adjustment for thi estimate is to hol a dditional reta on contract. Final retain amount is Item Usage Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Item Description Unit Item Code Ln. Line No. Type No. quantity Item Price Dollar Amount Clearing Right of Way LS _0004 0003 0015 00 000 0.100 112,567.40 $11,256.74 Pavement Removal SYD _0299 0005 0025 00 000 1,855.340 7.18 $13,321.34 Excavation, Common CYD _0008 0007 0035 00 000 18,170.000 11.00 $199,870.00 Excavation, Unclassified CYD _0301 0008 0040 00 000 72.580 10.00 $725.80 Borrow CYD _0009 0009 0045 00 000 1,370.000 0.10 $137.00 Temporary Ditch Inlet Protection EACH 0303 0012 0060 00 000 3.000 85.00 $255.00 Temporary Silt Fence LFT _0014 0014 0070 00 000 349.000 1.15 $401.35 Subgrade Treatment, Type I SYD _0306 0016 0080 00 000 8,365.840 3.90 $32,626.78 Structure Backfill, Type 1 CYD _0307 0017 0085 00 000 464.000 18.50 $8,584.00 Compacted Aggregate, No. 53, TON _0021 0019 0095 00 000 1,624.810 20.89 $33,942.28 Base Subbase for PCGP CYD _0309 0020 0100 00 000 164.670 42.82 $7,051.17 Compacted Aggregate No, 53, TON _0310 0021 0105 00 000 119.740 83.18 $9,959.97 Temporary for Driveways Widening with HMA, Type C TON _0311 0022 0110 00 000 61.690 91.72 $5,658.21 HMA Intermediate, Type C TON _0318 0029 0145 00 000 633.290 48.43 $30,670.23 HMA Intermediate, OG, Type C TON _0319 0030 0150 00 000 742.110 62.65 $46,493.19 HMA Base, Type C TON _0320 0031 0155 00 000 1,728.480 47.08 $81,376.84 HMA Intermediate, OG, Type D TON _0321 0032 0160 00 000 807.420 58.57 $47,290.59 HMA for Temporary Pavement TON _0322 0033 0165 00 000 2,018.160 68.79 $138,829.23 HMA Intermediate, Type D TON _0324 0035 0175 00 000 721.230 51.00 $36,782.73 HMA Base, Type D TON _0325 0036 0180 00 000 2,066.620 43.57 $90,042.63 Asphalt for Tack Coat TON _0327 0038 0190 00 000 2.480 647.80 $1,606.54 PCCP Truck Apron, 7 in. SYD _0330 0041 0205 00 000 245.550 42.46 $10,426.05 PCCP, 4 in. SYD _0332 0043 0215 00 000 36.260 41.60 $1,508.42 D -1 Contraction Joint LFT _0333 0044 0220 00 000 1,952.500 10.48 $20,462.20 Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate: 13 Page 1 of 6 Construction Pay Estimate Report 5!17/2010 1:38 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4.5a Item Usage Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Item Description Unit Item Code tn. tine No. Type No. Quantity Item Price Dollar Amount Concrete Imprinting SFT _0335 0046 0230 00 000 2,745.330 4.50 $12,353.99 Guardrail, Steel Curved Terminal EACH _0336 0048 0240 00 000 1.000 67.60 $67.60 End Section Impact Attentuator, R2, W1, TL -3 EACH _0337 0049 0245 00 000 1.000 13,950.00 $13,950.00 Guardrail, VV-Beam, Nested EACH _0339 0051 0255 00 000 2.000 2,973.00 $5,946.00 Guardrail End Treatment, OS EACH _0030 0053 0265 00 000 2.000 2,129.00 $4,258.00 Guardrail, W Beam, 6 ft. 3 in. LFT _0341 0054 0270 00 000 1,100.000 16.81 $18,491.00 Spacing Curb Ramp, Concrete, C SYD _0346 0060 0300 00 000 26.700 123.70 $3,302.79 Curb Ramp, Concrete, H SYD _0350 0064 0320 00 000 16.890 123.70 $2,089.29 Curb Ramp, Concrete, K SYD _0351 0065 0325 00 000 59.110 123.71 $7,312.50 Curb Ramp, Concrete, L SYD _0352 0066 0330 00 000 18.440 123.70 $2,281.03 Sidewalk, Concrete, 4 in. SYD _0357 0071 0355 00 000 591.130 42.35 $25,034,36 Curb, Integral, Concrete LFT _0358 0072 0360 00 000 392.000 31.90 $12,504.80 Curb, Integral, B, Concrete LFT _0359 0073 0365 00 000 1,351.000 13.89 $18,765.39 Curb, Concrete, Modified LFT _0360 0074 0370 00 000 290.000 26.84 $7,783.60 Curb and Gutter, Concrete, Roll LFT _0364 0078 0390 00 000 335.000 23.91 $8,009.85 Geotextiles SYD _0038 0082 0410 00 000 267.660 2.15 $575.47 Riprap, Revetment TON _0039 0084 0420 00 000 17.910 28.00 $501_48 Mobilization and Demobilization EACH _0040 0085 0425 00 000 1.000 400.00 $400.00 for Seeding Erosion Control Blanket SYD _0370 0087 0435 00 000 2,128.590 1.13 $2,405.31 Fertilizer TON _0042 0088 0440 00 000 0.200 1,375.00 $275.00 Seed Mixture, U LBS _0371 0089 0445 00 000 60.000 2.56 $153.60 Mulching Material TON _0372 0090 0450 00 000 0.780 340.00 $265.20 Top Soil CYD _0374 0092 0460 00 000 550.020 625 $3,437.63 Sodding, Nursery SYD 0375 0093 0465 00 000 990.000 2.88 $2,851.20 Irrigation Conduit LFT _0376 0094 0470 00 000 463.000 12.00 $5,556.00 Reinforced Concrete Moment SYD _0379 0097 0485 00 000 798.000 92.50 $73,815.00 Slab, 12 in. Modified 33 in. Bridge Rail Type LFT _0380 0098 0490 00 000 1,995.500 92.50 $184,583.75 1 Modified 33 in. Bridge Rail Type LFT' _0381 0099 0495 00 000 88.500 132.50 $11,726.25 II Cut Wall, H SFT _0386 0104 0520 00 000 3,292.000 48.00 $158,016.00 Cut Wall, I SFT _0387 0105 0525 00 000 3,543.000 49.00 $173,607.00 Surface Seal SFT _0389 0107 0535 00 000 15,181.000 0.32 $4,857.92 Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate: 13 Page 2 of 6 Construction Pay Estimate Report 5/1712010 1.38 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4.5a Item Usage Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Item Description Unit Item Code Ln. Line No. Type No. Quantq Item Price Dollar Amount Pipe, Circular, 36 in. LFT _0392 0110 0550 00 000 153.000 71.00 $10,863.00 Pipe, Type 4, Circular, 6 in. LFT _0393 0111 0555 00 000 1,887.000 3.65 $6,887.55 Pipe, Circular, 12 in. LFT _0395 0113 0565 00 000 74.000 32.00 $2,368.00 Pipe, Circular, 15 in. LFT _0396 0114 0570 00 000 114.000 40.00 $4,560.00 Pipe, Circular, 18 in. LFT _0397 0115 0575 00 000 158.000 42.00 $6,636.00 Outlet Protector, 1 EACH _0403 0121 0605 00 000 4.000 815.00 $3,260.00 Outlet Protector, 2 EACH _0404 0122 0610 00 000 2.000 485.00 $970.00 Aggregate for Underdrains CYD _0406 0124 0620 00 000 108.600 32.00 $3,475.20 Geotextiles for Underdrain SYD 0407 0125 0625 00 000 2,122.360 1.00 $2,122.36 Inlet, M10 EACH _0417 0135 0675 00 000 4.000 1,750.00 $7,000.00 Catch Basin, K10 EACH _0419 0137 0685 00 000 2.000 1,700.00 $3,400.00 Manhole, C4 EACH _0420 0138 0690 00 000 3.350 1,700.00 $5,695.00 Masonry Coating SFT _0431 0149 0745 00 000 12,396.000 1.15 $14,255.40 Concrete Staining SFT _0432 0150 0750 00 000 5,399.000 7.70 $41,572.30 Coarse Aggregate, No. 8 TON _0433 0154 0770 00 000 112.970 19.61 $2,215.34 Temporary Pavement Marking, LFT _0436 0158 0790 00 000 3,980.500 0.70 $2,786.35 Removable, 4 in. Temporary Pavement Message EACH _0437 0159 0795 00 000 3.000 40.00 $120.00 Marking, Removable, Lane Indication Arrow Temporary Transverse Pavement LFT _0439 0161 0805 00 000 12.000 5.00 $60.00 Marking, 24 in. Temporary Pavement Marking, LFT _0440 0162 0810 00 000 923.000 2.00 $1,846.00 Removable, 8 in. Temporary Traffic Signal EACH _0445 0173 0865 00 000 1,000 10,300.00 $10,300.00 Sign Post, Square, 1, Reinforced LFT _0446 0174 0870 00 000 35.500 13.00 $_461.50 Anchor Base Sign, Sheet, Encapsulated Lens SFT _0449 0177 0885 00 000 22.000 15.00 $330.00 with Legend, 0.080 in. Sign, Sheet, Encapsulated Lens SFT _0450 0178 0890 00 000 5.260 16.00 $84.16 with Legend, 0.100 in. Conduit, Steel, Galvanized, 2 in. LFT _0461 0188 0940 00 000 382.000 11.00 $4,202.00 Handhole, Lighting EACH _0463 0190 0950 00 000 8.000 925.00 $7,400.00 Light Standard Foundation, 3 ft. EACH _0464 0191 0955 00 000 18.000 990.00 $17,820.00 DIA x 8 ft. Wire, No. 4 Copper, In Plastic LFT _0466 0193 0965 00 000 1,484.000 7.25 $10,759.00 Duct, In Trench, 4 11C Cable Interduct LFT _0478 0205 1025 00 000 523.000 14.00 $7,322.00 Handhole EACH _0479 0206 1030 00 000 1.000 925.00 $925.00 Contract I D: _07 -08C Estimate: 13 Page 3 of 6 Construction Pay Estimate Report 5/17/2010 1'38 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4.5a Item Usage Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. item Description Unit Item Code Ln. Line No. Type No. Quantity Item Price Dollar Amount Line, Paint, Broken, White, 4 in LFT _0496 0223 1115 00 000 690.000 0.15 $103.50 Line, Paint, Solid, White, 4 in. LFT _0497 0224 1120 00 000 5,667.000 0.15 $850.05 Line, Paint, Solid, Yellow, 4 In. LFT _0070 0225 1125 00 000 4,903.000 0.15 $735.45 Line, Remove LFT _0499 0226 1130 00 000 2,723.500 0.40 $1,089.40 Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, White, LFT _0502 0229 1145 00 000 79.000 1.00 $79.00 6 in. Formliner, Modified 33 in. Bridge LFT _0522 0249 1245 00 000 2,073.800 10.50 $21,774.90 Rail, Type I II, Rear Face Concrete Imprinting SFT _0335 0257 1285 00 000 6,318.000 4.50 $28,431.00 Dynamic Pile Load Test EACH _0527 0262 1310 00 000 1.000 6,000.00 $6,000.00 Test Pile EACH _0529 0264 1320 00 000 1.000 1,000.00 $1,000.00 Concrete, C, Superstructure CYD _0049 0271 1355 00 000 25.000 350.00 $8,750.00 Surface Seal SFT _0389 0274 1370 00 000 9,230.000 0.50 $4,615.00 Masonry Coating SFT _0431 0276 1380 00 000 7,300.000 1.25 $9,125.00 Construction Engineering LS _0001 0283 1415 00 000 0.150 6,336.03 $950.40 Test Pile, Restrike EACH _0528 0295 1475 00 000 1.000 3,000.00 $3,000.00 Pile Tip, Steel H EACH _0530 0297 1485 00 000 23.000 115.00 $2,645.00 Pile, Steel H, HP 12 x 74 LIFT _0532 0298 1490 00 000 1,300.750 50.00 $65,037.50 Curb and Gutter, Type it LFT _0545 0323 1585 00 000 1,565.000 12.37 $19,359.05 Curb and Gutter, Type Ili LFT _0546 0324 1590 00 000 899.000 17.66 $15,876.34 Concrete, A, Undistributed, For CYD _0549 0328 1605 00 000 1.000 1,569.29 $1,569.29 Abandoned Utility PCCP, 10 in. SYD _0551 0329 1611 CO 001 3,462.850 38.53 $133,423.61 Excavation, Common CYD _0008 0336 1618 CO 003 11140 20.00 $262.80 HMA Surface, Type C TON _0,316 0341 1623 CO 003 132.820 78.34 $10,405.12 Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, White, LFT _0494 0366 1648 CO 003 96.000 0.55 $52.80 4 in. Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, LFT _0504 0387 1669 CO 003 480.000 0.55 $264.00 Yellow, 4 in. Transverse Markings, LFT _0506 0388 1670 CO 003 40.000 7.50 $300.00 Thermoplastic, Solid, Yellow, Crosshatch, 12 in. Transverse Markings, LFT _0507 0389 1671 CO 003 39.000 10.00 $390.00 Thermoplastic, Stop Line, 24 in. Pavement Message Markings, EACH _0509 0390 1672 CO 003 3.000 150.00 $450.00 Thermoplastic, Lane Indication Pavement Message Markings, EACH _0511 0391 1673 CO 003 2.000 217.00 $434.00 Thermoplastic, Word (Only) Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate: 13 Page 4 of 6 Construction Pay Estimate Report 5117/2010 1:38 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4.5a Item Usage Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Item Description Unit Item Code Ln. Line No. Type No. Quantity item Price Dollar Amount Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, LIFT _0514 0392 1674 CO 003 189.000 2.00 $378.00 Yellow, 8 In. Line, Thermoplastic, Broken, LFT _0566 0394 1676 CO 003 18.000 10.00 $180.00 White, 4 in. (3' Line, 3' Gap) Milling, Asphalt, 1 112 in. SYD 0312 0402 1684 CO 003 843.560 2.30 $1,940.19 Portland Cement for Subgrade TON _0660 0410 1692 CO 004 297.640 40.55 $12,069.30 Stabilization Colored Concrete for Truck Apron CYD _0661 0411 1693 CO 004 16.750 66.00 $1,105.50 Bridge Acceleration Costs DLRS _0701 0416 1698 CO 004 130,005.860 1.00 $130,005.86 Additional Cost for Asphalt LS _0816 0419 1701 CO 005 1.000 1,726.71 $1,726.71 Removal Crack Sealing for 10 in. PCCP LS _0817 0420 1702 CO 005 1.000 5,979.62 $5,979.62 Repair /Replace Decorative Street LS _0818 0421 1703 CO 005 1.000 3,132.01 $3,132.01 Light Extra Work at Starbucks LS _0819 0422 1704 CO 005 1.000 7,325.07 $7,325.07 Entrance LED Ornamental Light Fixtures LS 0820 0423 1705 CO 005 1.000 56,840.85 $56,840.85 Winter Maintenance /Striping LS _0821 0424 1706 CO 005 1.000 1,594.08 $1,594.08 Mobilization Subtotal for Category 1: $2,333,401.86 Subtotal for Project 07 -08C: $2,333,401.86 Total Estimated Item Payment: $2,333 ,401.86 Stockpile Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Line Line No. Type No. Stockpile Type Price Payment Qty. Dollar Amount Cumulative Qty. 0104 0520 00 000 MIS1 $1.00 98,314.800 98,314.80 0.000 0105 0525 00 000 MIS2 $1.00 73,506.200 73,5 06.20 0.000 0151 0755 00 000 STU $1.00 74,125.440 $74,125.44 152,940.170 0298 1490 00 000 STU $1.00 65,037.500 65,037.50 125,127.700 Subtotal for Category 1: 162,733.06 Summary for Project 07 -OBC: 162,733.06 Total Estimated Material Allowance: 162,733.06 Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate: 13 Page 5 of 6 Construction Pay Estimate Report 5117/2010 1:38 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4.5a Time Charges Site Site Description Site Method Days Charged Liq. Damages 00 Overall Contract Site Completion Date 42 $0 Total Liquidated Damages: $0 Pre Voucher Summary Stockpile Project Voucher No. Item Payment Adjustment Dollar Amount 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street 0013 $2,333,401.86 162,733.06 $2,170,668.80 Voucher Total: $2,170,668.80 Summary Current Voucher Total: $2,170,668.80 Earnings to date: $17,180,508.39 Current Retainage: $0.00 Retainage to date: $999,999.99 Current Liquidated Damages: $0.00 Liquidated Damages to date: $0.00 Current Adjustments: $153,349.68 Adjustments to date: 26 7, 569.0 1 Total Estimated Payment: $2,017,319.12 Net Earnings to date: $15,912,939.39 Payments to date: $13,895,62027 Net Earnings this period: $2,017,319.12 Estimate Certification RPR American Structurepoint, Inc. (Date) Rieth -Riley Constructio;/, Inc. (Date) City of Carm i (Date) Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate_ 13 page 6 of 6 Prescribed by Stale Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Rieth -Rile Con structio n Co., Inc. Purchase Order No. 19808 1751 West Minn esota Street, P.O. Box 276 Terms Indianapolis IN 46206 Date Due T Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 05117!10 P ay Ap 13 Key stone Reconstruction Project $2,0 Ke Parkway 116th St/Carmel Dri Interchange Construction Project 07 -08 Retainage He $1 53,349.6 8 Total $2 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT N0, Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. ALLOWED 20 1751 West Minnesota Street, P.O. Box 276 IN THE SUM OF Indianapolis IN 46206 2,017,319.12 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# 19808 Pay Ap 1 4470304 $2,017,319.12 I hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 24 -May 20 10 Total $2,017,31 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Cit En claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title