HomeMy WebLinkAbout186010 05/26/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350370 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER CHECK AMOUNT: $395.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P.O. Box 6292 <ION O CAROL STREAM IL 60197 -6292 CHECK NUMBER: 186010 CHECK DATE: 5126/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 4469000 820601674 395.00 LIBRARY REF MATERIALS SUBSCRIPTION INVOICE SUMMARY WEST, A Thomson Reuters business Bill -To: From: CARMEL LAW DEPT Thomson West DOUGLAS HANEY P.O. Box 64833 1 CIVIC SO St. Paul, MN 55164 -0833 CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 Page 1 of 1 04 IMPORTANT NEWS Go Green with West!!! Help the environment. Make this the last paper invoice you receive from us. Sign up for eBilling now and receive an e mail notification when your invoice is available. Logon to myaccount.west.thom son. corn to register or call Customer Service at 1- 800 328 -4880. Thank you for your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit west.thomson.com. Customer Service: 1/800-328-4880 See reverse sid for con tact and payment information SILLIN(3 ACCOUf11T. INVOICE';# 1NVOICB Df\ FE B3lL[NG,.PER[OD,..< PAYMENT;; DUE TOTAL INVOICE 1 D0035.9004 $20601£74 05/04t201 P APR 05, ;20111.. O6t03f2010 AMOUNT 1N SO: NI A Y 04 2010 9:6 00.. DESCRIPTION.. PRICE iN EiSD;. TAX IN USD TOTAL: IN .USD.; SUBSCRIPTION PRODUCT CHARGES 395.00 0.00 395.00 S TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT 395.00 T REMITTANCE INSTRUCTIONS: A Tertns: Net 30 0 Canadian Registration Numbers 0 1 1Se the CPCIOsed enve}ope to send your paymetlt. Can. d:i GSE' 13041 S4SO 0 Delach and return the remittance ponitm ,ancl make 1?ay1?1e11 payable to `West Prttish Go4vnbi t PST 107 Federal Employer Mollification R`trrrzber 41- 1426973 Quelbec. QS`f 102 t623993 0 too not enclose ctutl or 1'o.rei'2n cuerenev. olltario PST 51002 0560 0 Rcllwmher.ehccks mn;;t be drawn from a U.S. bank seCj+unt, SaskwchewLm PST 1845663 6 yVrik. your account number on the front of your Check. 0 Do not foil or siaple Your check or rpmiMolce purOwl. WEST RETUR N POL,ICY.- If ynu are not completer <Nticlitid with the products^ you purchase or iiceusa from you may return Lhen widlin 45 dav` of the Original invoice (tilted ship datr') I'utl credit or refund. Pack Securely and return Al merchandise, HIL',U ing COWeIIts IW its value. All Cxp:nscS :[SSOCiated with returns ar the l cspmi ibility or the cusunner. Customers will rorfeil any,Ipplk:ahle discounts when remnime part of u promotional sai c. 7b unsure msurtie proce-,shtg. always enclose with your return a copy of the original delivery or hiHing drzcumenL inclnditag- n bricE'cxp3iinatil,>tt of the rcwmm Cor the return *This West policy does neat apply to online Scrvic�s, such as Westlaw. Suhwriber i, responsiHe fol am: opp]icab]c charms .associated with online products. Pic ;ISC refer to aottr subsc-ribor a�-teelncnt for specific terms and condition,. ONLINE RESOURCE: 'fa acctsS toy oCihC account information 24 hnursidac: :Acct.ss online .at AIj Account at vkCA.0mmson.com: 0 Nhkc• paytnettrs 0 RePurn products o P:ISSwtlyd management 0 Check orderstattls 0 Mdke addrOSS ch¢mrcS 0 ReL I UeSt duglir_ate billinf dn =ins d I_iLli7rrr .uion ahont laa p: naunl rcceiy cf aM(9 CR%liB potiicd 6 Acccss h_v Tclaphonc at 1 /800132814880: 0 Account Ptiyment uafornr,uion 0 P't meni l listnry information 0 Make payments 0 ketom intormaomi 0 Sala Troinin g Contact information FOR ASSISTANCE WITH BILLING S URSCRIPTION AND G ENERAL iNO UIRI E S: Tedephwic FAX L' Mail' 0 Cosfonter Servict�: 11800/338- 4880 11800 /340 -9378 wr5l. cusinmer.se- rviccC tlto n <nn. gm t 7800 Awl 700 I'M -G: nmd tit F7 0 Sales 1/800/328 9352 w'estsxlcsctElomsan cnm SD Federal C:overnmcot Accounts: 1/800/328 2781 1/65'1/687 6857 horwwln.cow i� :I)n :1M SOI PM -Cc lIt'll M -1 0 Bookstore Accounts: 1/800/328 -2209 14i5t/687.6857 westbuokmore6rthomson.ct,n 1!.30 A.Ai 5:00 I',A9 1.'., n trn l ,M 4, 0 tnternatimial accounts: 1/651/687.6857 weSl.inrerootional.dccl�unE erviceC� ?thomsoat -cum 0 lYcst Main Will Site: vveNt.thomson.com )'net rncll' Wt'ttec Its ur— Yrnt mm- wail poywewt [u )'Oil rnrty reltnzt trterelacotd'ise 10 4lest Nvest Payment Center livest P.O. Box 64833 P.O, Box 6292- Returns Hldn R St. PauL NIN 55164 -0833 Carol Stream. 1L 60197 -6212 525 Wescott. Road Eagan, ,MN 55123 e -ma& 1Lest.ARPavmenWenter ,4h mson.cmn e -mail: West. Ali Return C vitter(a)thomson.com c -mail: t4�esLARReFundCenter rslturmson.cmtt FOB ShI ppinp- Point VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 West Payment Center IN SUM OF P. O. Box 6292 Carol Stream, IL 60197 -6292 $395.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Law Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #ITITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1180 820601674 44- 690.00 $395.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, May 20, 2010 erector, Law Department Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No_ 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 05/20/10 820601674 $395.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer