HomeMy WebLinkAbout185949 05/26/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350177 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE SEARS HARDWARE CHECK AMOUNT: $633.95 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 689134 DES MOINES IA 50368 -9134 CHECK NUMBER: 185949 CHECK DATE: 5/26/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4467099 T064132 633.95 OTHER EQUIPMENT Sear Page 1 of 4 Sequence -2723 COmmercialOwW ACCOUNT NUMBER 5405 5340 0749 1408 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1 -800- 599 -9712 Account Total Available Billing Cycle Payment Minimum Balance Credit Line Credit Closing Date Due Date Payment Due $633.95 $5,000 $4,366 05/06/10 05/31/10 $633.95 Account Summary Payments Received (Payments received since the last statement period.) Previous Balance $514.98 Post Date Check Number Amount Payments -$130.82 04105 183938 -$130.82 Returns/Exchanges/Adjustments -$449.99 Total 130.82 Purchases 8 Debits $699.78 Account Balance $633.95 Purchasing Account 5405 5320 0108 0128 Current Purchases and Debits Detaii enclosed for new purc hase items since last statement. Trans Post Sears Purchase Date Date Purchase Location Invoice Customer PO Order Amount 04/26 04126 SEARS HARDWARE 5340 FISHERS IN T064132 SHOP $633.95 20100426005340 *500R3635 Total Purchases and Debits for Account Number 5485 5320 0108 0128 $633.95 Retu rnslExchangeslAd justments Detail enclosed for new credit items since last statement. Trans Post Sears Purchase Date Date Purchase Location Invoice Customer PO Order Amount 03/08 03108 SEARS HARDWARE 5340 FISHERS IN T002139 SHOP STEWART -$449.99 20100426005340 *900R1666 Total Returns/Exchanges/Adjustments for Account Number 5405 5320 0108 0128 -$449.99 Total Account Activity for Account Number 5405 5320 0108 0128 $183.96 Purchasing Account 5405 5340 0749 1408 Current Purchases and Debits Detail enclosed for new purc hase items since last statement, K05/O Post Sears Purchase Date Purchase Location Invoice Customer PO Order Amount 05!04 DEFAULT NUMBER FOR ADJ DEERFIELD IL $65.83 In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Bill Payment Information If you think your invoice or billing statement is wrong, Payment must be mailed to us at the payment address or if you need more information about a transaction shown on the reverse side. Payments that are received thereon, write us on a separate sheet at the inquiry in the mail at the designated address before 9:OOam (CST) address listed on the reverse side as soon as possible. on any Monday through Friday that is not a holiday will be We must hear from you no later than 30 days after we credited as of the day of receipt. It payment is not made first sent you the invoice or billing statement on which as provided herein, crediting may be delayed up to 5 days. the error or problem appeared. You agree not to send us partial payments marked You must contact us in writing in order to preserve your "paid in full "without recourse or similar language rights. In your letter, give us at least the following information: unless such payments are marked for special handling Your name and account number and sent to the inquiry address on the reverse side. The dollar amount of the suspected error The Sears Commercial One Account is issued by Describe the error and explain, if you can, why Citibank (South Dakota), N.A.. you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are unsure about. Sears, Page 2 of 4 1 Sequence A -2723 COmmercialfner ACCOUNT NUMBER 5405 5340 0749 1408 CUSTOMER SERVICE 1- 800 599 -9712 Total Purchases and Debits for Account Number 5405 5340 0749 1408 $65.83 Total Account Activity for Account Number 5405 5340 0749 1408 $64.99 SEND BILLING ERROR NOTICES TO: SEND INQUIRIES TO: CALL 1- 800 -599 -9712 PO BOX 689132 PO BOX 689132 FAX 1 -800- 599 -9711 DES MOINES, to DES MOINES, IA 50368 -9132 50368 -9132 Please contact us at: 1- 800 599 -9712 with account reconciliation instructions. Purchases, returns and payments made just prior to the generation of this account statement may not appear until the generation of next month's account statement. In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Bill Payment Information If you think your invoice or billing statement is wrong, Payment must be mailed to us at the payment address or if you need more information about a transaction shown on the reverse side. Payments that are received thereon, write us on a separate sheet at the inquiry in the mail at the designated address before 9:00am (CST) address listed on the reverse side as soon as possible. on any Monday through Friday that is not a holiday will be We must hear from you no later than 30 days after we credited as of the day of receipt. It payment is not made first sent you the invoice or billing statement on which as provided herein, crediting may be delayed up to 5 days. the error or problem appeared. You agree not to send us partial payments marked You must contact us in writing in order to preserve your "paid in full', "without recourse or similar language rights. In your letter, give us at least the following information: unless such payments are marked for special handling *Your name and account number and sent to the inquiry address on the reverse side. The dollar amount of the suspected error The Sears Commercial One Account is issued by Describe the error and explain, if you can, why Citibank (South Dakota), N.A.. you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are unsure about. PLEASE ENTER NEW ADDRESS. TELEPHONE NUMBER OR E -MAIL ADDRESS BELOW: NAME ADDRESS CITY 11 STATE ZIP NOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE E -MAIL ADDRESS SCOGBG Rev. 11109 Seams SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE Page 3 o(4 CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT Commercial ���W PO BOX 630859 ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE IRVING, TX 75063 0859 3400 W 131 ST ST WESTFIELD IN 46074 -8267 Inforrrtation Trallsacfion 1 of 2 Payment Due Date: 05/31/10 1 Purchase Location: FISHERS Statement Date: 05/06/10 Name: CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT Customer PO SHOP STEWART Invoice T002139 Invoice Amount: $449.99 Sears Order Invoice Date: 03/08/10 1 Cardholder Name: CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT Purchase Card 5405532001080128 Ship to Address: CARMEL CARMEL STREET DEPT WESTFIELD IN Quanttyr SKUl�escription Unit Price Total Pr €ce CREDIT *CREDIT MEMO` 1 00961931000 40" 14DRW, BI -K PREM MBL C -$449.99 -$449-99 Payment Address: SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE Total Price: -$449.99 PO BOX 689131 Tax: $0.00 DES MOINES IA 50368 -9131 Delivery: $0.00 For Customer Service Call: 1- 800 599 -9712 Grand Total: -$449-99 In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Sill Payment Information If you think your invoice or billing statement is wrong, Payment must be mailed to us at the payment address or if you need more information about a transaction shown on the reverse side. Payments that are received thereon, write us on a separate sheet at the inquiry in the mail at the designated address before 9:00am (CST) address listed on the reverse side as soon as possible. on any Monday through Friday that is not a holiday will be We must hear from you no later than 30 days after we credited as of the day of receipt. If payment is not made first sent you the invoice or billing statement on which as provided herein, crediting may be delayed up to 5 days. the error or problem appeared. You agree not to send us partial payments marked You must contact us in writing in order to preserve your "paid in full "without recourse or similar language rights. In your letter, give us at least the following information: unless such payments are marked for special handling Your name and account number and sent to the inquiry address on the reverse side. The dollar amount of the suspected error The Sears Commercial One Account is issued by Describe the error and explain, if you can, why Citibank (South Dakota), N.A.. you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are unsure about. PLEASE ENTER NEW ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER OR E -MAIL ADDRESS BELOW: NAME ADDRESS (CITY STATE ZIP 1 1 HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS SCOGBG Rev. 11109 S ear, SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE Page 4 of 4 CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT Commercial OwW PO BOX 530859 ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE IRVING, TX 75063 -0859 3400 W 131ST ST WESTFIELD IN 46074 -8267 Information.... Transaction 2 cif Payment Due Date: 05/31/10 Purchase Location: FISHERS Statement Date: 05/06/10 Name: CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT Customer PO SHOP Invoice T064132 Invoice Amount: $633.95 Sears Order Invoice Date: 04/26/10 Cardholder Name: CITY OF CARMEL STREET DEPT Purchase Card 5405532001080128 Ship to Address: RON WILLIAMS WFSTFJELD IN Qtaar tlty. SKUf,�escription Unit Price.:.:.:.:... 6WFI?rlce 1 00959624000 BB CART,14DR $619.99 $619.99 4 00926352000 HEX ADAOTOR, SET $3.49 $13.96 Payment Address: SEARS COMMERCIAL ONE Total Price: $633,95 PO BOX 689131 Tax: $0.00 DES MOINES IA 50368 -9131 Delivery: $0.04 v For Customer Service Call: 1- 800 -599 -9712 Grand Total: $633.95 o. 1 In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Bill Payment Information If you think your invoice or billing statement is wrong, Payment must be mailed to us at the payment address or if you need more information about a transaction shown on the reverse side. Payments that are received thereon, write us on a separate sheet at the inquiry in the mail at the designated address before 9:00am (CST) address listed on the reverse side as soon as possible. on any Monday through Friday that is not a holiday will be We must hear from you no later than 30 days after we credited as of the day of receipt. If payment is not made first sent you the invoice or billing statement on which as provided herein, crediting may be delayed up to 5 days. the error or problem appeared. You agree not to send us partial payments marked You must contact us in writing in order to preserve your "paid in full "without recourse or similar language rights. In your letter, give us at least the following information: unless such payments are marked for special handling Your name and account number and sent to the inquiry address on the reverse side. The dollar amount of the suspected error The Sears Commercial One Account is issued by o Describe the error and explain, if you can, why Citibank (South Dakota), N.A.. you believe there is an error. If you need more information, describe the item you are unsure about. PLEASE ENTER NEW ADDRESS. TELEPHONE NUMBER OR E -MAIL ADDRESS BELOW: NAME ADDRESS (CITY ll STATE ZIP 1 J C HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE E -MAIL ADDRESS SCOGBG Rev. 11109 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Sears IN SUM OF P. O. Box 689131 Des Moines, IA 50368 -9131 $633.95 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 T064132 2201-670.99 $633.95 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except h l 7huIrsd�a�ilay 20, 2010 Street Commissioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/26/10 T064132 $633.95 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer