June 1, 2010
4. Docket No. 10050008 ADLS Amend: Tharp (Silver) Convenience Centers Signage
The applicant seeks approval for an amended sign package. The site is located at 808 W. Main St. and is
zoned OM /MU Old Meridian Mixed Use. Filed by Brian Cross of Civil Site Group, Inc. on behalf of
Convenience Centers, LLC.
The Petitioner is requesting a new sign package for this center, to allow for colored signs instead of the current
black face with back lit illumination. The proposed colors are red, blue, yellow, green, black and white. The new
sign package would limit the width of the sign to 80% of the storefront dimension and limit the logos to 25% of the
total sign area. These are common requirements in sign packages across Carmel. The sign package also proposes
that the illumination style be both either face lit, back lit, or both. The Department is not in support of allowing
all three types of illumination in one center. The purpose of a sign package is to determine which lighting
method a certain center would like. This helps for the signs to be uniform, even if they are not the same fonts or
face colors. Petitioner, please pick one lighting style for the center.
After all questions and concerns are addressed, the Dept of Community Services (DOCS) recommends that
the Committee approves this item.