HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes SpecStdy 04-02-09G\ P 4 RTNERy
FoRT�n� City of arme
APRIL 2, 2009
CARMEL City Hall
One Civic Square
Carmel IN 46032
6:00 PM
Members present: Wayne Haney, Woody Rider, Rick Ripma
Susan Westermeier (late arrival)
Members absent: Madeleine Torres
DOCS Staff Present: Christine Barton- Holmes, Rachel Boone;
John Molitor, Legal Counsel
Also Present: Ramona Hancock, Secretary, Carmel Plan Commission
The Special Studies Committee considered the following items:
1. Docket No. 09030005 ADLS Amend: Payless Liquors Signage. The applicant seeks
approval for internally illuminated channel letters. The site is located at 9609 N. College Ave.
and is zoned B -3 /Business. Filed by Charles Key of Payless Liquors, Inc.
Present for Petitioner: Roger Reagan for Payless Liquors, 9609 N. College Ave.
Request is for internally illuminated channel letters
Wall signage on storefront
Sign size is 72.5 square feet
Department Report, Rachel Boone:
Previous ADLS for Center did not allow illuminated signage
Dept is in support of illuminated sign
Size fits within the Sign Ordinance
Sign is illuminated, white lettering during day and night with black returns
Motion: Woody Rider "to approve Docket No. 09030005 ADLS Amend, Payless Liquors Signage,"
seconded by Wayne Haney, approved 3 -0 Motion Carried
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2. Docket No. 09030012 ADLS Amend: Midwest Eye Institute (Springmill Medical Office
Building Phase II) The applicant seeks approval for an amended wall sign and for a new
directional ground sign. The site is located at 200 W. 103 St. It is zoned B -3 /Business. Filed by
Charles Hunt of United Sign And Awning.
Present for Petitioner: Charles Hunt, United Sign and Awning, 1857 Shelby Street,
Indianapolis; Barbara Bernhardt, Midwest Eye Institute
Requesting Approval for Amended Wall Sign
Wall Sign is 73.78 square feet
Sign is constructed of aluminum, individual back -lit letters painted white
Proposed wall sign being relocated closer to center section of building
Request includes Directional Ground Sign at rear of building
Intention is to have ground sign match the brick color in the buldg
Sign is at the entrance to the north parking lot
Will change out existing sign at some future date to match propsed sign
Department Report, Rachel Boone:
Proposed Ground Directional is 24 square feet in area and 4 feet tall
Ground Directionsal Sign requird a variance fos gins size, height, and sign not facing a public
right -of -way
Sign Letters made of white cutout PVC—background of textured brick
Design of proposed directionals should better match existing ground sign
Dept is OK with font change
Proposed sign does not fit aesthetically
Dept questions placement of the sign to center of buidiing
Dept is recommending approval of the Wall Signs
No Director Signs on site
Dept would almost recommend two directional signs —south end and cose to entrance
Committee Comments:
Wall sign being moved —why?
How many tenants in bldg? (up to 4)
Percentage of Space? (45% of bldg is occupied by Midwest Eye Institute)
Barbara Bernhardt said the placement of the sign is for patients to readily identify and is on the west
side of the bldg— street side is east. Through signage, trying to get patients around to the west side of
the building.
Motion: Woody Rider "to approve Wall Sign Only for Docket No. 09030012 ADLS Amend, Midwest
Eye Institute (Springmill Medical Office Bldg Phase II") seconded by Sue Westermier, approved 4 -0
Motion Carried
Motion: Woody Rider to Table the Directional Sign for Docket No. 09030012 ADLS Amend,
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Midwest Eye Institute (Springmill Medical Office Building Phase II) seconded by Sue Westermeier,
approved 4 -0 Motion Carried.
3. Docket No. 09030006 ADLS Amend: Old Meridian Plaza Building 2 VFW (RA Franke
Addition, lot 8B). The applicant seeks approval for exterior building and site plan
modifications for Building 2. The site is located at 12863 Old Meridian St. and is zoned
OM/MU- Old Meridian, Mixed Use. Filed by Ersal Ozdemir of Keystone Group, LLC.
Present for Petitioner: Charlie Frankenberger, attorney, Nelson Frankenberger; Ersal Ozdemir and
Joe Peters, Old Meridian LLC; Jon Dobosiewicz, Land Planner, Nelson Frankenberger; Les Olds,
Carmel Redevelopment Commission.
Subject Site is 2.5 acres
Located between 131 Street on the north and East Carmel Drive on the south, on the east side
of Old Meridian Street
Two buildings previously approved on this site to allow a 4- story, 60,000 square foot building
immediately adjacent to Old Meridian and occupying the majority of frontage on the site
The second building approved is smaller and located east of and behind the Old Meridian
Subject of current petition is the smaller, off street building—initially intended as a Veterinary
Currently determined that the off street building site provides opportunity for the re- location of
the existing VFW Post currently located at 34 First Avenue NW in the Carmel Arts Design
Re- locating the VFW Post will allow the development of the existing VFW building in a manner
consistent with the ambiance of the Old Town District
Re- locating the VFW Post will also provide a comfortable and more attractive place for the
VFW site
The petitioner is requesting ADLS Amendment approval from the Special Studies Committee
and a Variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals /Hearing Officer for height, occupiable floors,
and the sign
Proposed Site Plan allows the VFW to own some additional land beyond the foot- print of the
Per the Original Site Plan, the owner of the off street building owned only the land directly
beneath the building
Original off street building was split level/2- stories; revised building is all one story
Petitioner requesting Committee approval of ADLS Amend allowing the revised building that
allows relocation and redevelopment of the VFW site.
Department Report, Christine Barton Holmes:
Majority of outstanding issues in published Dept Report have been addressed
Up -dated Landscape Plan received
Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer to hear tomorrow regarding reduction in height to one
Plans also received for bike parking and connectivity
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Request Petitioner confirm that mechanical equipment will be located behind the building and
screened with shrubbery
Signage —signs will be before the BZA on April 27
Department Recommends positive consideration
ADLS Amend may be approved by Committee rather than returning to Plan Commission
Charlie Frankenberger confirmed that the mechanical equipment will be located behind the building and
screened with shrubbery
Committee Comments /Questions:
Any shared parking?
Is Committee approval contingent on BZA approval?
Not necessary, but don't see why you would not
Motion: Woody Rider "to approve Docket No. 09030006 ADLS Amend, Old Meridian Plaza
Building 2, VFW (RA Franke Addition, lot 8B, contingent upon BZA approval on March 27th,"
seconded by Sue Westermeier, approved 4 -0 Motion Carried
4. Docket No. 08120012 ADLS: Carmel Executive Suites. The applicant seeks design
approval for a 3 -story office building. The site is located at 11708 N College Ave and is zoned
B -2 /Business. Filed by Scott Yeager of Yeager Properties, Inc.
Present for Petitioner: Scott Baldwin, Baldwin Brothers on behalf of Scott Yeager, Yeager Properties.
Most all comments and concerns addressed
Samples of Materials Distributed
Entire Building Front had more stainless steelit is now more tinted glass
Materials are bright yellow EIFS, (now pale yellow) glass, stainless steel architectural features,
bottom of building is gray, cast stone
Department Report, Christine Barton Holmes:
Outstanding issues from Urban Forestry Engineering currently being worked out
Issues with landscape plan —some plantings over utility lines and must be moved
Dept of Engineering has received revised plans and still working on reviewing
Final Issue is the number of signs total sign square footage
Petitioner has submitted two signs —due to street frontage, only one sign permitted
If petitioner goes forward with two signs, will need a development standards variance filed
Building is unique and will be a nice addition to the corridor
Recommend forwarding to full Commission with favorable recommendation
Committee Comments /Questions:
Any architectural restrictions?
Bright Yellow is somewhat offensive
Aesthetics—broken up
Recommend continuing at Committee level
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Uniqueness is good
Overall design of building is not a problem
Can't warm up to the building
Surrounding area?
Building will definitely stand out —good or bad
Petitioner states the yellow is more pale than actually shown and petitioner will commit to pale yellow.
Surrounding area includes an office building, the back -side of a pseudo /flex office building, and College
Avenue—predominantly low -rise office.
Additional Dept Comments, Christine Barton Holmes:
No architectural restrictions in this area—outside Home Place and outside Meridian Corridor
A couple of issues outstanding, but almost resolved at this point
Aestheticsa lot of materials being used, colors are not the same tones but are the same hues
and help tie the building together visually
Cast -stone is similar to what is being used on the strip center
Proposed building will be noticeable because it is different, but will not be 'Jarring," especially
since the yellow is paled -down.
Motion: Woody Rider "to send Docket No. 08120012 ADLS, Carmel Executive Suites to the full Plan
Commission with a negative recommendation," seconded by Wayne Haney, approved 3 -1 (Ripma)
Motion Carried
5. Docket No. 08110006 DP /ADLS: Greyhound Commons, Phase III Key Bank (Kite
PUD) The applicant seeks site plan design approval for a bank. The site is located at the
southeast corner of 146 St. and Lowes Way. The site is zoned R -4 /Residence, pending a
PUD /Planned Unit Development rezone. Filed by Kite Greyhound III, LLC.
6 -7. Docket No.s 08110007 OA 08110008 Z: Kite PUD Rezone, Expansion (Key Bank). The
applicant seeks rezone and ordinance amendment approval to expand Kite PUD Ordinance Z-
344-00 to include 1.7 acres at the southeast corner of 146 St. and Lowes Way and to modify
text. The site is currently zoned R -4 /Residence, pending a PUD/ Planned Unit Development
rezone. Filed by Kite Greyhound III, LLC.
8. Docket No. 09030014 ADLS Amend: Hilton Garden Inn. The applicant seeks approval for
wall sign color change from bronze to red during day /white at night. The site is located at 13090
N. Pennsylvania Ave. and is zoned B -2 within the US 31 Overlay. Filed by Linda Poore of
Hilton Garden Inn.
Present for Petitioner: Linda Poore, General Manager of Hilton Garden Inn at Main Street and
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Hotel Originally opened with white signage on a white building
Initial signage amended approx two years ago
Signage compromised to bronze during day and white at night
Guests and Carmel residents say they do not know Hilton Garden Inn is in being and at this
Standard for Hilton Garden Inn is a continuous red sign
Would like a red sign day and night but willing to compromise
Petitioner willing to go red sign during the day, white at night
Department Report, Rachel Boone:
Petitioner compromised initially with the bronze
Petitioner returning for red sign and is compromising with red at night
A number of other hotels along corridor that have a color sign during the day /white at night
Department is in support of the request for red sign during the day, white at night
Committee Comments /Questions:
Signage is needed —hotel is difficult to find
Motion: Sue Westermeier "to approve Docket No. 09030014 ADLS Amend, Hilton Garden Inn,"
seconded by Woody Rider, approved 4 -0 Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 PM.
Rick Ripma, Chairperson
Ramona Hancock, Secretary
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