HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes TAC 09-22-04CARMEL CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes September 22, 2004 REPRESENTING THE CITY OF CARMEL: Matt Griffin, Planning Zoning Bill Akers, 911 Communications Scott Brewer, Environmental Planner Steve Broermann, Cnty Hywy Ron Booher, Cinergy Greg Hoyes, County Surveyor's Nick Redden, Engineering Chuck Shupperd, Vectren Energy Jim Blanchard, Building Code Enfcmt Candy Feltner, Clay Regional Waste Gary Hoyt, Fire Department Via e -mail: Jim Blanchard, Building Code Enfcmt Via e -mail: Candy Feltner, Clay Regional Waste Via hand delivered copy: Gary Hoyt, Fire Department Page 3. Docket No. 04080049 Z: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Docket No. 04080050 PV: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Docket No. 04080051 DP /ADLS: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Page 4. Docket No. 04080055 PP: Brightleaf Subdivision Primary Plat Page 5. Docket No. 04080059 PP: Saddlebrook at Shelborne Primary Plat Page 7. Docket No. 04080038 ADLS Amend: Weiss Company, Inc Addition Page 8. Docket No. 04080054 ADLS Amend: East 96th Street Auto Park, lot 3 Tom Wood Jaguar Page 9. Docket No. 04080060 DP /ADLS: 116th Street Centre Page 11. Docket No. 04080052 PP: West Carmel Market Primary Plat Page 2 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee iNlinutes September 22, 2004 Docket No. 04080053 SW: SCO 6.03.15, 2 Docket No. 04080044 PV: West Carmel Center, Block F, lot 1 Page 13. Docket No. 04080042 DP Amend /ADLS: Kentucky Fried Chicken /Long John Silver's Page 14. Docket No. 04060026 Z: Carey's Addition, Lot 9 (pt) Page 14. Docket No. 04090006 SP: Cherry Creek Estates, Sec 6A Secondary Plat Docket No. 04090007 SP: Cherry Creek Estates, Sec 6B Secondary Plat Page 16. Docket No. 04090014 SP: Townhomes at Guilford Secondary Plat Page 17. Docket No. 04090008 DP /ADLS: Companion Animal Hospital Page 18 Docket No. 04090012 TAC: Village of WestClay, Sec 3004, Blk E Brenwick Realty Building Page 19. Docket No. 04090013 TAC: Mayflower Park, Block 1, lot 7 Bell-Horn Page 20. Docket No. 04080056 PP: Villas at Morgan's Creek Primary Plat Docket No. 04080057 SW: SCO 6.03.07 Street Layout Design Standards Docket No. 04080058 SW: SCO 7.05.07 Woodlands Page 21. Docket No. 04080047 Z: Elliott's Mohawk Place Page 3 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Docket No. 04080049 Z: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Docket No. 04080050 PV: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Docket No. 04080051 DP /ADLS: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Filed by Dan Barkes of the Lauth Property Group. REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Michael Hartman, LAUTH PROPERTY Jeff Clayton, AMERICONS Come now North Meridian Medical Pavilion Rezone, Plat Vacation, Development Plan, Architectural Design, Lighting and Signage Applications. The applicant seeks to rezone approximately 4 acres from S -2 /Residence and B -3 /Business Classifications to B -6 /Business within the US 31 Overlay. The site is located northwest of Old Meridian Street and Meridian Street (US 31) and to vacate part of lots 410 -12 within Williams Creek Farms. We have increased this from a one building scenario to a two building to show the complete build -out. The two buildings are identical they are both 88,900 square feet. Parking is in accordance with the ordinance. We are in the process of working with Vine and Branch and Scott Brewer on the reforestation and landscaping. Hoyes: Sent a comment letter. We still need an Outlet Permit and offsite easement. The orifice detail has changed and we made comment on that. Shupperd: We have Gas there call Jerry Breech for approvals and equipment. He will also need Customer Data Sheet, Metering and Location. Booher This falls in Dean Groves' area. We will need Auto -cad 2004 version, set of prints, and phone call for new service. Call Tom Ordway for landscape coordination. Redden: Sent comment letter, no further comments. Akers: How many tenants? Barkes: Unsure. Akers: When you do know you will need to supply the Permits Department with layouts of the tenant spaces to assign suite numbers. I do have an address for the south building I will get one for the north building. They will have the same address and different letters like A, B etc. Brewer: Landscape plan looks good waiting on letter from Jud Scott. Barkes: We made a mistake and we will get those to you. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those that are absent today and respond to them directly. Barkes: On the sign I need clarification on what part of the sign is square feet? The base, the whole sign, the letters? Please verify sign dimension. Griffin: Okay, I will get back to you with that. Blanchard: A Demolition Permit will be required. Demolition Permit applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the 1 St floor of City Hall. No earth moving is to take place until a Demolition Permit is on file and /or Morris Hensley has been contacted: (317) 571 -2673. You had an old farmhouse on this site that has since been removed. Are there any abandoned wells, septic tanks, or fuel tanks? Will there be a construction trailer? If so, it will need a Temporary Use Permit. Applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the 1St Page 4 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 floor of City Hall. Each required accessible means of egress shall be continuous to a public way. What is the total square footage? Will there be an elevator? If so, please contact Morris Hensley at (317) 571 -2673 for a possible Well Permit. This will need a Fire and Life Safety Plan showing the location and rating of building elements such as area separation walls, smoke barriers, fire- resistive corridor walls, stair enclosures, shaft enclosures, and horizontal exits. A pre submittal meeting will be required. No Building Permit will be issued before the pre submittal meeting. You may get a copy of the pre submittal checklist and commercial procedures on our website: www.ci.carmel.in.us Make sure you have all agencies' approvals prior to contacting Sarah Lillard for your pre submittal meeting: Slillard@ci.carmel.in.us After your pre submittal meeting it is normally 10 days before your company will be issued a permit. *Please contact Jim Blanchard at (317) 571 -2450 or at Jblanchard(cr�,ci.carmel.in.us for any additional comments or concerns in regards to this project. Feltner: Revisions will be needed along with more detail on the Sanitary Sewer Lines. District application needs to be completed. District sewer connection permit will be required. ...END... Docket No. 04080055 PP: Brightleaf Subdivision Primary Plat Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Steve Pittman, PITTMAN PARTNERS Neal Smith, PITTMAN PARTNERS Comes now Brightleaf Subdivision Primary Plat. The applicant seeks to plat a residential subdivision of 64 lots on 40 acres. The site is located at 14407 Shelborne Road. The site is zoned S1 /Residence. This will meet the ROSO and along with that Frontage Place Ordinance. City Council has made a mistake on the Ordnance, which said they needed a setback of 75 feet when the intensions were 200 feet and we need to change that frontage mistake. Also we are considering doing a different layout than originally thought like an attached product, maintenance free environment. Hoyes: We sent you a comment letter in August. We know you are in the process of contacting downstream property owners. I made comments on some private tiles through there. Also Landscape Plan shows the easements with all the trees planted in the easements. We want to start addressing this at the Primary Plat stage. Pittman: So no trees at all in the 30 feet perimeter easements? Hoyes: You can in a swale not in the flow line of the Swale. If there is a pipe in the easement then that will determine landscaping proximity. Pittman: Do all of your easements need to be 30 feet wide? Hoyes: Yes. Shupperd: Gas off of Shelborne and 136 Street. Will Sewer and Water come the same way? Pittman: Yes from the east temporarily. Page 5 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Shupperd: Moving dirt yet? Pittman: Next fall. Booher: I am passing to you a form to fill out. We need Service Request, Auto -cad, and prints. Touch base when you get close to design. Also get in touch with Tom Ordway in our Landscaping Division for clearances. Redden: I sent you a comment letter. We would like to have a -cell/d -cell on the left side of Shelborne at the entrance and a Passing Blister on the west side of Shelborne. Akers: I have a street name list I will pass down. It looks like six names where approved and I will need six more names. The main thoroughfare off of Shelborne Road that runs back to the northeast that street will have to split after and between Lots23 /24. Stub street back to the south will need a name for future development. Brewer: Since you are making changes to the development I will hold comments for later. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those that are absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: No plans. No comments. Feltner: Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans need to be submitted for review by the District's Engineers. A District Project Application must also be submitted. An off -site sewer extension may be needed to service this development. Please submit two sets of plans to the District for review by the District's Engineers. District Project Application needs to be completed and sent to the District. An IDEM Construction Permit will be needed. All IDEM submittal information should be provided following the District's Plan Review. Hoyt: Our office needs a set of plans showing fire hydrant locations throughout the project. Our office, in conjunction with the Department of Community Development, are requesting in newly platted subdivisions, fire hydrant makers be installed in the street pavement perpendicular to the Fire Hydrant. This will allow the Fire Department to more easily spot Fire Hydrants during an emergency. ...END... Docket No. 04080059 PP: Saddlebrook at Shelborne Primary Plat Filed by Matthew Snelling: of Bingham McHale LLP REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Matt Snelling:, BINGHAM MCHALE Kevin Roberts, PAUL I CRIPE David Lach, PAUL I CRIPE Michael Stikeleather, LEEDS LLC Roger Tucker, LEEDS LLC Comes now Saddlebrook at Shelborne Primary Plat. The applicant seeks to plat a residential subdivision of 77 lots on 61.21 acres. The site is located at 11901 Shelborne Road. The site is zoned S1 /Residence. We are Prosing 76 custom home sites with one existing home to remain. We are aware that the J. W. Brendle is under a moratorium for study. The streets have been discussed with the City on coordinating our improvements for Shelborne Road. Page 6 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Lach: The site is adjacent to LongBranch Creek and will incorporate a drainage detention pond in the northwest corner of the "L" shaped parcel. Drainage will be piped to the pond with an anticipated Four -bay for water quality treatment to discharge into the creek. The looped roads internally with the stub road to the north. Sanitary based on extension of an interceptor sewer. Internal sewers are gravity extend along the access road drive then north to the interceptor. The existing home will be incorporated into this development. The existing lake will become an amenity and an outlet for the legal drain for the south properties. Hoyes: J. W. Brendle Study is underway ending sometime in November 2004. That should not affect you. I sent Rick a comment letter and since talked with him. One of his questions was if the current Water Shed restriction would be held? Unless the Study comes back different, yes it will hold. It is likely to get more restrictive. It will need to be included in the plans. There will need to be some work along Oak Tree Regulated Drain. Lash: This is a Regulated Drain Subdivision? Hoyes: Yes. Shupperd: We have Gas out there, Jerry Breech in your contact. Booher: I will pass a form to you. Give me a call at the office. I will need a set of Secondary Plans and Auto -cad. Tom Ordway is landscaping for our company you will need to address that too. Redden: We sent you a comment letter. We would like a -cell/d -cell lanes on the east side of Shelborne and a Passing Blister on west side of Shelborne. Is there any development to the north where you could provide another stub street? Lash: Another stub? There is a neighbor there that is disinterested in selling. Akers: The house remaining is the homeowner staying? Are they aware that the address will change? Tucker: I am the owner and that is acceptable to me. Akers: I have some street names there were approved and I need five more. I will pass the list to you. The main street from Shelborne and intersects with Lawsprings Road that will be one east /west street without the split it will have the Copperfield naive all the way through. Lach: Can we coordinate our Shelborne Road improvement efforts with the City? Redden: I think we can. Brewer: No letter out yet. Who is your LA? Roberts: Charlie Bridenthal. Brewer: I will have species comments on the buffer yard. Street trees needed along the main thoroughfare Copperfield. Look at tree protection to save existing along the fencerows. Lach: How do you want us to landscape in the drainage easements? Hoyes: Not in the flow lines. Pull the swales inside the buffer yard. Lach: Forty feet of unusable around the development? Hoyes: Overlap the buffer yard /easement by ten (10) feet. Which will cut you down to 30 feet. Lach: Just for orientation, the drainage easement can be on the inside, buffer yard on the perimeter, then drainage easement and oncoming drainage? Hoyes: Are there situations that will have drainage coming through your development? Page 7 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Lach: Maybe. Brewer: We want to work through this for a solution and will provide you comments. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those that are absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: Builder will be required to give elevations on the Plot Plans indicating that the lowest opening in any basements will be above the 100 -year Lake Elevation. Will there be a construction trailer, model home, and /or temporary sales office? If so, it will need a Temporary Use Permit. Applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the 1S floor of City Hall. All lots will need to be identified before we can issue any permits. This can be lot numbers on and /or a sign on the lot itself. Feltner: Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans are currently being reviewed by CTE. An off site sewer extension is needed to service this development. An IDEM Construction Permit will be needed. Revised plans and currently IDEM submittal information should be provided following the District's Plan Review. Hoyt: Will this project include an amenity building? If so, our office will request the installation of a Knox -box for emergency access. An application for the Knox box can be obtained through our office. Our office, in conjunction with the Department of Community Development, is requesting fire hydrant makers be installed in the street pavement perpendicular to the Fire Hydrant in newly platted subdivisions. This will allow the Fire Department to more easily spot Fire Hydrants during an emergency. ...END... Docket No. 04080038 ADLS Amend: Weiss Company, Inc Addition Filed by Dave Barnes of Weihe Engineering REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Dave Barnes, WEIHE ENGINEERING Mike Weiss, WEISS COMPANY INC Comes now Weiss Company, Inc. Addition, Architectural Design, Lighting and Signage Amendment. The applicant seeks approval for site and building modifications. The site is located at 320 South Range Line Road. The site is zoned B -1 /Business. There is an existing home and business. Parking and gravel areas shown are in place. We are asking to add a 7' x 12' room addition onto the existing structure and expansion of the parking lot. Utilities are in place and there are no new curb cuts. Hoyes: I sent a letter. How deep is the water going to pond in the parking lot? Carmel allows up to six inches. Looks good and we still need an Outlet Permit. Shupperd: We have Gas there. Will you add another furnace? Wiese: Not sure? Shupperd Contact us with the existing load and if it changes let us know. Booher: Dean Groves is the contact person. He will need Load Information, and Service Request. Will the meter move? Page 8 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Wiese No. I would love to remove the pole at our location. Booher: Make a request to Dean. Redden: I sent a comment letter, no further comments. Akers: No comments. Brewer: No review letter yet. You need to increase the landscaping. I do not see any shade trees or buffering on the north side. Weiss: We do not have the room due to the building next door. Brewer: I understand that but for storm water absorption we would like to see some buffering. We can discuss that onsite maybe next week. In the Old Town area we are decreasing the impervious surface and need to change that for drainage purposes. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those that are absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: A pre submittal meeting will be required. No Building Permit will be issued before the pre submittal meeting. You may get a copy of the pre submittal checklist and commercial procedures on our website: www.ci.carmel.in.us Make sure you have all agencies' approvals prior to contacting Sarah Lillard for your pre submittal meeting: Slillard@ci.carmel.in.us After your pre submittal meeting it is normally 10 days before your company will be issued a permit. ...END... Docket No. 04080054 ADLS Amend: East 96th Street Auto Park, lot 3 Tom Wood Jaguar Filed by Mike Hoff of Falcon Engineering. REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Mike Hoff, FALCON ENGINEERING Comes now East 96 Street Auto Park, lot 3 Tom Wood Jaguar Architectural Design, Signage and Lighting Amendment. The applicant seeks approval for a parking lot expansion. The site is located at 4620 East 96th Street. The site is zoned B -3 /Business. Hoff: We have amended this plan. We did add a BMP for water quality. Griffin: Ron Booher wanted me to tell you that this will be serviced by IP L. Hoyes: No comments. Shupperd: No comments. Redden: I sent you a comment letter, no further. Akers: No comments. Brewer: Best management practice (BMP) where will that go? Hoff: In the corner of the parking lot near the existing Inlet pipe with a concrete cap. Hoyes: Which product? Hoff: Aqua Squirrel. There is a Forced Main off the back curb owned by Clay Regional. Brewer: You show several plat schedules with aquatic plants. Hoff: There are no aquatic plants. Page 9 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those that are absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: No comments. ...END... Docket No. 04080060 DP /ADLS: 116th Street Centre Filed by Joe Calderon of Ice Miller REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Ben Kuhn, MELTON PARKARD ASSOCIATES Craig McCormick, ARCHITECTS FORUM Jeff Butz, LANDSCAPES UNLIMITED Joe Calderon, ICE MILLER Comes now 116 Street Centre, Development Plan, Architectural Design, Signage and Lighting Application. The applicant proposes to construct two Mixed -use office /retail buildings. The site is located at the northwest corner of 116th Street and Guilford Road. The site is zoned B- 2 /Business. This petition consists of two buildings pushed up against the street. Featuring single story and two -story elements. About 30,000 square feet off predominately office with retail intermixed. We have had some logistical issues due to the size of the site consisting of 2.6 acres. No surface detention it is an underground system. We have tried to incorporate landscaping and sidewalks to implement a gateway for this corner. Hoyes: Your plans came in late and I did not get a comment letter out to you yet. Shupperd: Will you be using Gas? Ben: Not sure. Shupperd: Jerry Breech is your contact person he will need Meter Bank locations. Redden: We sent you a comment letter. Our comments mostly center on the location of entrances and we will probably have more discussion on that. We would like you to incorporate 116 Street Plans into the Construction Plans for this project. We are requesting the appropriate right -of -way for the City of Carmel Twenty -year Thoroughfare Plan be dedicated for I I6 Street and Guilford Road. Calderon: There was a significant Deed of Dedication made last year. Redden: I can look into that. Akers: Which building is two story? Calderon: The one on the corner. Akers: How many tenants? Small: Whatever the market demands, estimate 15,000 square feet. Akers: Submit plans downstairs in Permits when you do know. They will need suite numbers. Both will be addressed off of Guilford Road. The entryway to the tenant spaces is in the back? Small: Entry will be made either from the back or front with the main through the parking area in the rear. Akers: We will need to talk about suite numbering later. Small: Can we get the 116 Street address since the Centre's name is 116 Street Centre? Page 10 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Akers: Maybe the smaller building but the other will be addressed off Guilford. I will get with G. Hoyt about the addressing. Brewer: Something that leaped out at me is the small ornamental trees in the front of the larger building are they Washington Hawthorns? Calderon: Winter King. Brewer: I do not recommend any thorn varieties near the street or parking areas. So we can discuss a change of species there. We would like to get some larger shade type trees in the front of the building. We can get together at the site. I will get you a letter. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those that are absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: Will there be an elevator? If so, please contact Morris Hensley at (317) 571 -2673 for a possible Well Permit. Each required accessible means of egress shall be continuous to a public way. The means of egress, including the exit discharge, shall be illuminated at all times the building space served by the means of egress is occupied. Will there be a construction trailer, model home, and /or temporary sales office? If so, it will need a Temporary Use Permit. Applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the Is floor of City Hall. A pre submittal meeting will be required. No Building Permit will be issued before the pre submittal meeting. You may get a copy of the pre submittal checklist and commercial procedures on our website: www.ci.carmel.in.us Make sure you have all agencies' approvals prior to contacting Sarah Lillard for your pre submittal meeting: Sliffard@ci.carmel.in.us After your pre submittal meeting it is normally 10 days before your company will be issued a permit. Feltner: Revisions will be needed along with more detail on the Sanitary Sewer Lines. District sewer specification need to be included in the plans. District Application needs to be completed. District Sewer Connection Permit will be required. Comments have been faxed to the Project Engineer. ...End... Page 11 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Docket No. 04080052 PP: West Carmel Market Primary Plat Docket No. 04080053 SW: SCO 6.03.15, 2 Docket No. 04080044 PV: West Carmel Center, Block F, Lot 1 Filed by Mary Solada of Bingham McHale LLP REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Greg Ewing, BINGHAM MCHALE Greg Snelling, WOOLPERT Comes now West Carmel Market Primary Plat, Subdivision Waiver and Plat Vacation. The applicant seeks to plat a commercial subdivision of 11 lots on 61.609 acres. The petitioner also seeks the following Subdivision Waivers: Street Layout and Design Standards. The site is located at 9901 Michigan Road. The site is zoned B2 /Business and B3 /Business, and is within the US 421 Overlay. We had submitted ADLS and a Development Plan and received approval last night at the Plan Commission. We continue to have the same issues as last time but are working with the City to resolve them. Hoyes: Sent a letter to M. Solada. No objection to the Vacation. We do have some Break- away Drainage you will need to show on that plat. Please show Regulated Drains around the ponds and trunk lines. Snelling: What portion of the trunk lines do you want to regulate? Hoyes: The main 48 inch that goes (interrupted)... Snelling: That is in the right -of -way. Do you need anything in the parking areas? Hoyes: No, I will look it over and send you a letter if I have comments. Shupperd: We have Gas on Michigan Road on Retail Parkway. What is your timeframe? Snelling: This fall. Broerman: No issues with Vacation. Will there be another plat to replace this one? Snelling: Yes. Broermann: Monday we are selecting a firm to design Commerce Drive. Our plan is to have that started by the first week of next month. Snelling: Duke is reviewing the geometry we got from CMT too. Broermann: We hope to have an alignment within 6 weeks after Monday's meeting. Redden: This project is outside our jurisdiction. Akers: Retail? Snelling: Yes. Akers: Number of buildings? Snelling: Five or six. Akers: Separately reviewed? Snelling: Yes. Akers: I will assign addresses later. Brewer: Secondary Plat for Block F, Lot One, that is part of the Retail Centre? Prior approval has already been made for the whole project, no further. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: Are there any abandoned wells, septic tanks, or fuel tanks? If so, a Demolition Permit may be required. Demolition Permit applications are at the office of Page 12 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Building and Code Enforcement on the Is' floor of City Hall. Also, no earth moving is to take place until a Demolition Permit is on file and /or Morris Hensley has been contacted: (317) 571 -2673. Will there be an elevator? If so, please contact Morris Hensley at (317) 571 -2673 for a possible Well Permit. Each required accessible means of egress shall be continuous to a public way. The means of egress, including the exit discharge, shall be illuminated at all times the building space served by the means of egress is occupied. Will there be a construction trailer, model home, and /or temporary sales office? If so, it will need a Temporary Use Permit. Applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the 1s floor of City Hall. A pre submittal meeting will be required. No Building Permit will be issued before the pre submittal meeting. You may get a copy of the pre submittal checklist and commercial procedures on our website: www.ci.carmel.in.us Make sure you have all agencies' approvals prior to contacting Sarah Lillard for your pre submittal meeting: Slillard@ci.carmel.in.us After your pre submittal meeting it is normally 10 days before your company will be issued a permit. Feltner: Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans need to be submitted for review by the District's Engineers. A District Project Application must also be submitted. Please submit two sets of plans to the District for review by the District's Engineers. District Project Application needs to be completed and sent to the District. An IDEM Construction Permit may be needed. If necessary, all IDEM submittal information should be provided following the District's Plan Review. Comments were faxed to project engineers. West Carmel Center, Block F, Lot 1 Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans need to be submitted for review by the District with detail of sewer connection. District application needs to be completed. District Sewer Connection Permit will be required. Hoyt: Will this building be protected by an automatic fire suppression system? If so a meeting will need to be scheduled to discuss the location of the Fire Department Connection and additional Fire Hydrants for this project. We are requesting the installation of a Knox -box for fire department access. If the building is sprinklered, we will be requesting the Knox Fire Department Connection Cap(s). An application for Knox Products is available online at www.knoxbox.com If the building is equipped with a fire alarm system, we are requesting that the Enunciator Panel be located at the main entrance. What is the height of the building and will the building have a basement? Our office is requesting fire lanes be installed to allow fire department access to be building in the event of an emergency. ...END... Page 13 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Docket No. 04080042 DP Amend /ADLS: Kentucky Fried Chicken /Long John Silver's Filed by Ryan Oyster of the GPD Group. REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Ryan Oyster, GPD GROUP Comes now Kentucky Fried Chicken/Long John Silver's. The applicant proposes to construct a Fast Food Restaurant building. The site is located at 1331 South Range Line Road. The site is zoned B -8 /Business. We are essentially constructing a new building at the same location. Hoyes: I sent you a comment letter. This is outside of our jurisdiction. Shupperd: I need to kill the service and rerun it. Dave Catron is Load Service Manger you will need to get him you information. Redden: I am passing you a copy of my comments, no further. Akers: No comments we will use current address. Brewer: No letter yet. You need more landscaping, specifically shade trees. Who is your LA? Oyster: Mike Rubino of GPD Associates. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: Each required accessible means of egress shall be continuous to a public way. The means of egress, including the exit discharge, shall be illuminated at all times the building space served by the means of egress is occupied. Will there be a construction trailer? If so, it will need a Temporary Use Permit. Applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the I' floor of City Hall. A pre submittal meeting will be required. No Building Permit will be issued before the pre submittal meeting. You may get a copy of the pre submittal checklist and commercial procedures on our website: www.ci.carmel.in.us Make sure you have all agencies' approvals prior to contacting Sarah Lillard for your pre submittal meeting: Sliffard@ci.carmel.in.us After your pre submittal meeting it is normally 10 days before your company will be issued a permit. ...END... Page 14 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Docket No. 04060026 Z: Carey's Addition, Lot 9 (pt) Filed by Carl Jennifer Hartmann. REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Jennifer Hartmann, Petitioner Comes now Carey's Addition, Lot 9. The applicant seeks to rezone this lot from R -3 /Residence to B -1 /Business within the Old Town Overlay Character Sub -area. The site is located at 105 First Avenue NE. I would like to have Massage' Therapy, acupuncturist, and aesthetician on site. Hoyes: I mailed a comment letter to you. No changes being made to structure? Jennifer: No. Shupperd: No comments. Redden: This is a conversion from single family to business will require re- approval of a curb cut or driveway on First Street by our Board of Works. This approval will be necessitated by the curb cut from residential to commercial use. Akers: Will you have a sign up front on the building? Jennifer: Yes on the building. Brewer: I may ask for more trees in open areas to bring you closer to meeting the Ordinance. No right -of -way outside the sidewalk on First Street, and three feet on First Avenue and a little space behind the garage we can look at. Griffin: Are you meeting the parking requirements? Jennifer: Yes and there is parking in the alley access. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: No comments. ...END... Docket No. 04090006 SP: Cherry Creek Estates, Sec 6A Secondary Plat Docket No. 04090007 SP: Cherry Creek Estates, Sec 6B Secondary Plat Filed by William A. Bryant of Stoeppelwerth Associates REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Bill Bryant, STOEPPELWERTH ASSOCIATES Tim Walter, PLATINUM PROPERTIES Comes now Cherry Creek Estates, Section 6A B— Secondary Plats. The petitioner seeks to plat 33 residential lots on 13.81 acres The site is located northeast of Hazel Dell Parkway and Cherry Tree Road. The site is zoned S -1 Residence Low Intensity. The Petitioner also seeks to plat 45 lots on 14.031 acres The site is located northeast of Hazel Dell Parkway and Cherry Tree Road. The site is zoned S -1 Residence Low Intensity. Hoyes: Sent you a letter. This will be Carmel's Storm Sewers. Page 15 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Shupperd: We will come off of Cherry Creek Boulevard and then tie it back in at Cherry Tree Road. Booher: Dean Groves is your contact person. He will need a New Service Request, prints, and Auto -cad. Redden: Passing comments to you, no further. Akers: I have approval sheets for this section. Salt Creek was not approved. We need another name. Brewer: Same comments as last time. No changes have been made. I need graphic planting details and notes on the plan. Need graphic tree preservation details shown. I suppose you are dealing with Mr. Smalstig? Walter:Yes we are getting him a letter today or tomorrow. Brewer: No Ash trees at all should be planted please remove those and exchange them for another species of tree. Walter: The comment letter from DOCS says to align the entrance along Cherry Tree Road with the opposing subdivision. We currently have it align so the left turn lane is aligned so it appears to be shifted south. Is that going to work? Griffin: Typically the curbs line up but I will run this by J. Dobosiewicz. Walter: Then, provide through and left turn lanes along Cherry Tree Road. Please add pavement along Cherry Tree Road 15 feet from centerline along the east side. Are we doing this in lieu of an a -cell/d cell? What are you looking for? Griffin: Three lanes and again I will speak to J. Dobosiewicz. Brewer: It has come up that plantings in the median along Cherry Tree maintenance questions have come up. It was my understanding that Platinum was going to maintain those plants. They were going to file a Right -to- encroach I do not believe that has happened. Walter: We will do that with the Board of Works? Brewer: Yes through Engineering. Akers: Is Section 6B private drive, if so I would like to see that go away and named. If you want to name it Freemont we can. Walter: It would not be right -of -way it will be common area similar to 284 and 5 with ingress /egress and concrete drive. They will be accessing it that way. We did that according to the Frontage Place Requirements. Akers: We will address Lot 296 off Freemont. Freemont Lane is turning into Arcadian Circle we will split that between 286 7. The eyebrow will be off of Arcadian too. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: No comments. Hoyt: Our office, in conjunction with the Department of Community Development, is requesting fire hydrant makers be installed in the street pavement perpendicular to the Fire Hydrant in newly platted subdivisions. This will allow the Fire Department to more easily spot Fire Hydrants during an emergency. ...END... Page 16 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Docket No. 04090014 SP: Townhomes at Guilford Secondary Plat Filed by Brandon Burke of The Schneider Corp. REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Brandon Burke, THE SCHNEIDER CORP Neal Smith, PITTMAN PARTNERS Comes now Townhomes at Guilford Secondary Plat. The petitioner seeks to plat 90 residential lots on 9.54 acres The site is located at 1224 S. Guilford Road, northwest of 116th Street Guilford Road. The site is zoned PUD /Planned Unit Development (pending). We are proposing 18 Townehome buildings with a total of 90 units. This falls in the Regulated Drain Watershed with an allowable release rate of 0.24 CSF per acre. Hoyes: I sent a comment letter to B. Burke. Storm sewers will not become part of Carmel if the streets remain private. You need to make some provision that somebody will maintain the Storm Drains. Shupperd: We will extend our service up Guilford. They are working on the layout currently. Timeframe? Smith: Spring. Booher: Dean Groves is your contact person. He will need a call and so will Tom Ordway our landscaper we have a 3 -phase line down Guilford. Redden: Passing comments down to you. Give us a call if you have questions. Akers: Three of the four names were approved. We will need another name. Brewer: Minor species comments you have 66 Maples on the plan, which is the highest percentage. Change the species on the Linden and pick Dawn Crabapple. Hawthorns those with thorns should not be planted with ten feet (10') of a walk or road. The thornless variety is not healthy. Need planting details added to the plan and show utilities on plans as well. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: No comments. Feltner: Revised Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans need to be submitted for review by the District's Engineers. A District Project Application must also be submitted. Please submit two sets of plans to the District for review by the District's Engineers. An IDEM Construction Permit will be required, all IDEM submittal information should be provided following the District's Plan Review. Comments were sent to project engineers by the District's Engineers. ...END... Page 17 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Docket No. 04090008 DP /ADLS: Companion Animal Hospital Filed by Jim Shinaver of Nelson Frankenberger REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Jim Shinaver, NELSON FRANKENBERGER Eric Gleissner, ROGER WARD ENGINEERING Spero Pulos, GRUBB ELLIS COMMERCIAL BROKER Shawn Curran, CURON ARCHITECTURE Debbie Shoemate, GRUB ELLIS Tony Buzzetti, PETITIONER Comes now Companion Animal Hospital Development Plan, Architectural Design, Lighting and Signage. The applicant proposes to construct a Veterinary Hospital. The site is located at 1425 South Range Line Road. The site is zoned B -8 /Business. Hoyes: No comments. Shupperd: We will need to kill the service there. Jerry Breech is the contact for future needs. Booher: Dean Groves is your contact person. He will need Auto -cad, and prints. Redden: Passing comments to you, no further. Akers: No comments. Will look forward to the new building. Brewer: Section 26.8 and .4 Buffer Yard Requirements apply. Who is your Landscape Architect we will want to coordinate the tree preservation. Detention area and overhead lines need to be added to the plans. We need planting details and specifications shown on the plan. I would like to see more shade trees added. I will get you a letter or we can meet at the site. Not sure if you want to keep apple trees out front but you will have to replace them with something if you do not. Curran: They are close to the building. We probably will not keep them. Griffin: Checking on the Variances did you apply for those Variances? Shinaver: We will be getting those to you. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those absent today and respond to them directly. Curran: Did you get the revised lighting plans and cut sheets? I will leave a copy of those today. Blanchard: Will there be a construction trailer? If so, it will need a Temporary Use Permit. Applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the 1 St floor of City Hall. Each required accessible means of egress shall be continuous to a public way. What is the total square footage? Will there be an elevator? If so, please contact Morris Hensley at (317) 571 -2673 for a possible Well Permit. This will need a Fire and Life Safety Plan showing the location and rating of building elements such as area separation walls, smoke barriers, fire- resistive corridor walls, stair enclosures, shaft enclosures, and horizontal exits. A pre submittal meeting will be required. No Building Permit will be issued before the pre submittal meeting. You may get a copy of the pre submittal checklist and commercial procedures on our website: www.ci.carmel.in.us Make sure you have all agencies' approvals prior to contacting Sarah Lillard for your pre submittal meeting: Slillard@ci.carmel.in.us After your pre submittal meeting it is normally Page 18 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 10 days before your company will be issued a permit. *Please contact Jim Blanchard at (317) 571 -2450 or at Jblanchard(cr�,ci.carmel.in.us for any additional comments or concerns in regard to this project. Hoyt: Is the building going to have fire alarm systems installed? If so we are requesting the Enunciator Panel be located at the main entrance of the building. Will the building be provided with a fire sprinkler system? If so, a meeting will need to be scheduled to discuss the location of the Fire Department Connection. Will the building have a basement? We are requesting a Knox -box for the building. Also we are requesting Knox Fire Department Connection Caps if the building is protected by a fire sprinkler system. Knox products can be purchased online at www.knoxbox.com ...END... Docket No. 04090012 TAC: Village of WestClay, Sec 3004, Blk E Brenwick Realty Building Filed by Brandon Burke of The Schneider Corp. REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: John Mosrle, JOHN MOSRLE ARCHITECTS Brandon Burke, THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION Kevin Krulik, BRENWICK Comes now Village of WestClay, Section 3004, Block E Realty Building. The applicant seeks to construct a building within the Village of WestClay. The site is located just northwest of the intersection of Horseferry Road and Bird Cage Walk primarily retail and light office. The site is zoned PUD /Planned Unit Development. This building is not planned to be sprinkled but will have a Knox -box. Hoyes: Sent a comment letter we still have some outstanding permits. Shupperd: We have Gas out there get with Jerry Breech for Load Requirements and Sizing. How many tenants in the building: Mosrle: Two. Booher: We will need New Service Request, Auto -cad, and set of prints. Redden: Passing comments to you, no further. Akers: You mentioned two story? Tenant on each floor? Mosrsle: Yes, address yet? Akers: 12750 or something like that, I will get one to you. Brewer: Is street tree in? Mosrle: not yet. Brewer: Graphic planting detail and notes on the plans. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those absent today and respond to them directly. Blanchard: No comments. Feltner: Building permit should NOT be issued unless the District has issued a Connection Permit and any work on the sewer connection will require a District Permit and Page 19 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Inspection. A District Project Application needs to be submitted along with Construction Plans for review. ...END... Docket No. 04090013 TAC: Mayflower Park, Block 1, lot 7 Bell -Horn Filed by Mark Settlemyre of Foresight Engineering REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Mark Settlemyre, FORESIGHT ENGINEERING Comes now Mayflower Park, Block 1, Lot 7 Bell Horn. The applicant seeks to construct a building. The site is located just northwest of the intersection 99th Street and Mayflower Park Drive. The site is zoned I -1 /Industrial. We are proposing a 15,000 square feet building with 3,000 square feet of office and 15,000 of warehouse. Seventy -five percent of the Lot is concrete the drainage on that Lot is two existing dry wells. We are proposing to cut out a portion of the concrete for landscaping and drainage using the rest for the building pad. Hoyes: I sent comment letter to you. This is outside our Regulated Drain. We have concerns about the dry wells. Recessed loading docks? How will you get the water out? Settllemyre: Sump to the dry wells. I would like to leave the dry wells, run pipe and connect them north to the swale. Booher: I think this is IP L but send me an Auto -cad to verify. Redden: This is outside of our jurisdiction. Akers: One tenant space? Settlemyre: Yes. Brewer: Who should I sent comments? Settlemyre: Me. Brewer: The plan is inadequate for us. The large area of trees in the back is that staying? Settlemyre: Yes. Brewer: I will need tree preservation detail and tree protection fencing. Show the extent of the woods and where you are placing said fencing. Also this is covered under Section 26.4 Buffer Yard Requirements. The Woods takes care of a lot but make sure the other areas will cover the requirement. You will probably need plantings along the south and along 99 Street. For the planting area in the parking lot do you have your soil specs? What are you infilling in the parking lot and green space? Settlemyre: Not sure yet. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those absent today and respond to them directly. Settlemyer: I will get the dumpster enclosure on the plans. Will I collect approval letters from you or each department? Griffin: From each department and we are copied on those. Blanchard: Please contact Morris Hensley at (317) 571 -2673 regarding the dry wells. Will there be a construction trailer? If so, it will need a Temporary Use Permit. Page 20 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the 1St floor of City Hall. A pre submittal meeting will be required. No Building Permit will be issued before the pre submittal meeting. You may get a copy of the pre submittal checklist and commercial procedures on our website: www.ci.carmel.in.us Make sure you have all agencies" approvals prior to contacting Sarah Lillard for your pre submittal meeting: Slillard@ci.carmel.in.us After your pre submittal meeting it is normally 10 days before your company will be issued a permit. *Please contact Jim Blanchard at (317) 571 -2450 or at Jblanchard(cr�,ci.carmel.in.us for any additional comments or concerns in regards to this project. Feltner: Building permit should NOT be issued be issued unless the District has issued a Connection Permit and any work on the sewer connection will require a District Permit and Inspection. A District Project Application needs to be submitted along with revised Construction Plans. Comments have been faxed to project engineer. ...END... Docket No. 04080056 PP: Villas at Morgan's Creek Primary Plat Docket No. 04080057 SW: SCO 6.03.07 Street Layout Design Standards Docket No. 04080058 SW: SCO 7.05.07 Woodlands Filed by Adam DeHart of Keeler Webb Associates REPRESENTING THE PETITIONER: Adam Dehart, KEELER WEBB ASSOCIATES Jerry Corbier, COVENANT GROUP Come now Villas at Morgan's Creek Primary Plat; Street Layout Design Standard Waiver and Woodlands Waiver. The applicant seeks to plat a residential subdivision of 11 lots on 6.39 acres. The petitioner also seeks the following Subdivision Waivers. The site is located at 14309 Gray Road. The site is zoned Sl /Residence. DeHart: I need to get with DOCS on the alignment for the streets. Hoyes: I sent a comment letter. S. Brewer and I have discussed the clearing along the Regulated Drain. Our Ordinance, top of bank to top of bank, the Ordinance requires thirty feet (30') both sides. I need you to show the actual flood plain based on your elevations. You have part of the detention pond on the lot it needs to be in common area. Need Construction and Floodway Permit for the DNR crossing. I would like to see a revised Primary with the new flood lines shown. Booher: This is Dean Groves' area. He will need Auto -cad. Please call Tom Ordway our Landscape Architect for conflicts with overhead lines. Redden: I sent you a letter. You mentioned there was approximately sixty -eight feet (68') separating the centerline proposed Morgan's Creek Court from the centerline of Oakbrook Drive. We would like for you to align those entrances. Akers: There is an existing house on Lot eleven (11) will that stay? The address will change. Dehart: Okay. Page 21 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Minutes September 22, 2004 Akers: I will get you a copy of the approval sheet. Brewer: Tree survey when will it be completed? Corbier: I authorized Judd Scott to do this by early Oct. Brewer: This is a ROSO subdivision? DeHart: Yes. Brewer: I will need an Open Space Plan and Worksheet, then a Landscape Plan as soon as possible. Griffin: Please take any comment letters before you from those absent today and respond to them directly. The biggest point is the alignment of the street can we get together on this? Blanchard: A Demolition Permit will be required. Demolition Permit Applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the 1S t floor of City Hall. No earth moving is to take place until a Demolition Permit is on file and /or Morris Hensley has been contacted: (317) 571 -2673. Are there any abandoned wells, septic tanks, or fuel tanks? This will need DNR approval for road crossing the I00 -year line per FEMA Flood Map. What is the approximate size /cost of the homes to be built? Will there be a construction trailer, model home, and /or temporary sales office? If so, it will need a Temporary Use Permit. Applications are at the office of Building and Code Enforcement on the 1S t floor of City Hall. Hoyt: Our office, in conjunction with the Department of Community Development, is requesting fire hydrant makers be installed in the street pavement perpendicular to the Fire Hydrant. This will allow the Fire Department to more easily spot Fire Hydrants during an emergency. ...END... Docket No. 04080047 Z: Elliott's Mohawk Place Filed by the Carmel Department of Community Services. The applicant seeks to rezone 1 parcel from the I -1 /Industrial District to the C -1 /City Center Zoning Classification. The site is located at the northwest corner of Range Line Road and Center Drive (126th St). Hoyes: No comments. Booher: No comments. Redden: No comments. Akers: No comments. Brewer: No comments. Blanchard: No comments. ...END OF TRANSMISSION.