HomeMy WebLinkAbout186827 06/23/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 1 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CHECK AMOUNT: $4,608.60 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 PALATINE IL 60038 -0001 CHECK NUMBER: 186827 CHECK DATE: 6123/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4350100 9248374333 -"74.76 BUILDING REPAIRS MA 2201 4350100 9248374341 /355.41 BUILDING REPAIRS MA 2201 4350100 9249545477 /454.50 BUILDING REPAIRS MA 2201 4350080 9265152885 /190.50 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 2201 4356001 9266151563 /82.31 UNIFORMS 2201 4237000 9266151571 X148.05 REPAIR PARTS 651 5023990 9267104843 1128.40 OTHER EXPENSES 1125 4237000 9267496751 X291.92 REPAIR PARTS 1125 4239000 9267496751 X174.40 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIE 1125 4239000 9267496769 22.23 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIE 651 5023990 9267725258 /15.24 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 512183 9267725266 ✓948.23 CONTACT KIT, MTOR STA 1205 4350100 9270872527 x/938.96 BUILDING REPAIRS MA CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 2 of 2 g ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CHECK AMOUNT: $4,608.60 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 PALATINE IL 60038 -0001 CHECK NUMBER: 186827 CHECK DATE: 6123/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 9271271752 —'124.07 OTHER EXPENSES 1205 4463000 9271523483 X659.62 FURNITURE FIXTURES G R AI N GER PAGE 1 OF 1 j jr GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 INVOICE NUMBER 9267496751 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 06/03/2010 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 07/03/2010 AMOUNT DUE 466.32 SHIP TO MAINT. PO NUMBER. 23616 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC PROJECT /JOB: 23616 1427 E 116TH ST REQUISITIONER: 23616 CARMEL, IN 46032 CALLER: COURTNEY SCHLAEGEL o CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 573 -4026 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133195355 e INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034372 1 MB 0382 "i� III' 1 1�11� 'I�II "1'1 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411E116THST CARMEL, IN 46032 THANK YOU FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ThiIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877 202 -2594 �e e n e e e k* e�e e 000001 1ECKI 7 BLE, DISPENSER,SS 2 145.96 291.92 IECKI 000002 4GC51 NITRILE,TEAL,XL,PK100 10 17.44 174.40 92 -600 z JU g 1010 u Purchase Description i s Be P.O. #t P r G.L. IIAS 91. )A TP Dis EP. B udget Line �escr Purchaser Date Approval Date L4 GL- a NUMBER OF PKGS 0 VVEIGHT: 35.80 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 466.32 DATE SHIPPED: 06/03/2010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO 1Z6533410330027303 1Z6533410330029123 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export co ntrols PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 466.32 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Manufacturer's Warranty. 1. wholesale Only. For infol or a specific war ainy plfos, conthii-t zhe larval Gfjmcjor of,roch of call 7 G rainger In tl ii l'G sl poodurlis fo r a asir els aae I s z:usccoliers villh i) to pe i but i ntrss cleinnituabrin Cus rlar li of 1 -86 -36, -5649_ lid ig r equired 110111 all costrl 10 fill 5. Product Comiallanco and Suitability. 2_ Prmis hav morilng lava, -,ode and regulators ij,-ve❑ rig corsfruction, installation, a use of I for sa�� in, a listed are whatiesait, so nal liz!jde freight. �acaioq fats, ifxfot. ruill duties, and af subj to prcI far a �arllcajlnr puipa5e, CerlJm pmoifcv; may not up av3i'30' 11 areas 6fainget does co rec 11 of change wifliout ril I'Al arse scril iramollitv prodn cl (Js will be priced aco t current out guarantee hoii l of sulbahili1v ut ul products it sells vill any lav's, nodes or rebillanions, 1101 marl ci: rolitions Cus shouhf fautacf the C,:iI Grainger bracAl crcack offlinrl at for does Gil0giz ;vu:liol rusounsibiLly for r-'Onsll irata flida ard use of a product. It is customer current orithng. Expor rtrlus may be subject :0 it: e" special prifla g C, 'A' Tait li t ramper res"fvqh r "i accept r raspoosiblihiv to risvie product app iratirnr and all alerlicible lw nfl� cs and regulations l totoati for ialrelevant l nn order to be stirs that the Cen SlrtlG 0 II1Stadffiiefi. andrer use I fivolvinp the It are :Q�opvami. 3. Sales Tax. Crisim are respon"iNe for piu;rl nl all applicable state mw loyal saxes tl for piovidmif a valid stinis, tax D, PRODUCT INFORMATION exf!rrolivi ceni l pi,icint) an arser cilsimill'o shall i i laic al, ir;I lab prolil aim tax sxirnpt. 1. Catalon"welbsbe Information, 4. Payment and Credit Tmol Grsiiig(tr ipm the i,int'll to coloact publislefiq el In its catalogs or any of L, Clinger accepts cash, cracks, money oidc!s, V.sa. MasterCard, and Arcelr,caii Express. For customers vt1l I the Gahill or ir are to illus pinfooses onli Possession of or soccss to any Gi-cringe r established rira!rpei C,ediL, payniert Lalirs are net Uiiriy [SC firm the date of 5I at pick -up. All loe'al of websites dirl out lconsuluht ilic r to purci)ise pl el exiliml I), Grsncer to custncaar and the limits of such efa(ilt is at Sol wee lisclirlian. and inay 2. Product Substitution. aii redul revirklo! bv GiJrmor at any hint Isr any ii Gnurrg,;r frail the right to charge a produvlfs ia"d country of i.'r1gin) [flay he substialted and a"1 not Lic dc"al"a: to cal of publi-h-"i scriveri'licr fro for late Pal Gfoingel t;l re serves the r,qht t charge clishmierr a late havinilut fec at descrifnigns and /or ilnsrjss the rate of one and one half pencill if of the amc€ll 1:1 for each month or PI thereof than the 3 Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA") Hazardous Subalamda, i nl out, remains vipaid, or soon ailicunt as iFy the perwated cinder applicable L au_ Anticipation d c 11 Ii Safe!, Data Safi& for UST denied h azardous sutstan zs c e poll and si—prilill t, dial are not alkwrl l oTlie"s fif' sil to ej)eielal eypaft pa turns and conditions, Ali the foarl aelrs. GhAINC- R MAKES NO WARRAN NES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIUS ALL I IA8 Y JUANY pa',l llartrs oust be rruade in li'lS. dol Glaulu6rr S'%all ;lava the r]Ll of s. t Land d�rjucuero for any r1tirl" 1 0 USER VVILF Pf"IFFCT TO THE AGCljFA(,Y OF THE INJTCRlil OR T HE SiLl A9111TY OF f)vaod by customer to Glairlyer. THE RECOMM IN ANY NIS GUS IS SOLE-Y ,FSI E FOR ANY R PL ANCE ON OR it colstomer tells to siala; pa l lent kl ilhirtv f30i (lavil, of shipitl or pick-up, or lails is �Jftil USE OF ANY INFORMATION. AND FOR USE OR, APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests, Clairmer's credit tell or fail to suppIr aoolutlwo assurance of full malfalmanco to Grainger within `ISOrs and a I'M of Proposition d5 p"aducts are avaihitly: (i) et the al Grainger JDricich; (q) fo�. �:ontachng leasoofb Ilm u� o after ferifiesicril by Glairiffer (such firm as stafified in Giangfir's request). Grainger may defer �oflrlgeir, Dept BI ;.5 Aan. Eriv;torinvealal Health and Safety Dept 100 Grainger Piari Lake totall He 0ifirl wifij such Payeiew or coriziiunto is al revitife cash In advance to any further shir,oraints, tj,S,. flif) 1) 1 :01419 Graintpar 5 LISPS ftc"-ssT Llfie at 1 877 -28C- 0900 or fri) ov lagging so to demand immal payril of alt arlalai:s itapil av,,,ad rile;:t to pur,lae ;ollfrrtion action fincludritf vvilli,rill Q'iifilife-roont I and c I li;khno orf the 'Resources tab at the tap of tile hmilittion at less and any and all cill .Issoialfld isl� let colle0ion) and"Dir may at ills option, 5, Important Notice to Federal Customers Rill Country of Oril ancof all or pall at an vi.hi aide, While all prol listel on GSA Advawsge! mael: 11v of the Trade AiL ilrp-rrienl Act as Cusiolni!r agrees to assufne for and -usto lier nalleb" uncou l dhior guarantees guarantees Pj"l 4A as impleminited Iry Federal Acquisition Regulations Part 25). other products sold Lv Grainger onay our Ml vr Ill ail plirctiaslas mace by Cl its fri I id iffilha'c$ Each of I sibsid arias Inc isQuffl At too lin 0 evrrhaL;-- Grainger .vill acl ousforieFs .viflh 'draper ioallddi -aeon as an and a purshasing from Grairl will be j oirtflv and srverPillv fiale.fe for purchases •iith Customer, and authored schl custurier viliclhor of not a product is "TAR -cool Arw f ederal costal Ptidnasing a 9 �fa fleas will he rroK;np in. 'Diecr. cu s tomer o aQ*rm a� qg�rrf far sil i jimf Jerdif naHist' purchase that is 1 is* srr%.�ered by any curtail Federal 5. credit Balance. customers are advised that the riper market onol are NOT GSA i-I purchases. By ptlr any CusicimD awl that jow cisallf bil Millio rfl� Granger wrill No applied to custoirtll�r's arc —fit whliin one ofnnu:1 oil the el market. illP UstoiTler d has auth)oov to surJi full and has (1) yea of is isswill IF I CUSTOtVIER 7-.AS OCT REQUES THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE ill YEAR, ANY f:Q[1q, with a aprii procurement ru, I kEfAAIN:lrG G' BALANCE WILL 3E CANCELLED AND GRAINGER SHALL "WE NO FURTHER LiAbil-I LY. 6. ARRA Orders. it is the customers responsibility to ativise Grainger "'IlleMef this moll is hj. Ill any sajr h looll of B. FREIGHT POLICY rififioto to the Ant '_an and Recovery Act ('AIR.4' i 4r,os. fen i i- l sll: ll Pr cd a 0 s ar s Lit ads d F. C R, a I; fi i g p i 1* v1 tr I rei" ants and hand fees pai bv G ange r A r J h at qed In t4ul Ff f ormer s i a i ng K ri i F ovid i n ai i fit iti r D I f) rig 1 if 1 m o too at i l) r fln af i to n lay de tar n i It �o i 1) 1 Li ic- rostricler. orders ever U S $1590 hCfore tax ard fl ci3hr if ic'mille ?Vi bachourdars) rl Shipped I'l free. CA C. v.rth any apphr: requfrernelvs uad APRA Section IF*.9 u any othar aihrfjcablc shrill sce nor Vr1r1liell DflrP.r tefl•ls 3.10 conditions 013y Latl ter adlit fil services Addinorial r`regh i Sir,vice inclsm-g llhojl: froilation expEcifull rasr,e l del :very, air freighlL freight tcl expert E. GENERAL TERMS ord is i azardfltl�� jIsjoltI13 Cial s r3n,;I, Sliplaelliq OutaJp tie condil LIS of ULIfel STeMill handling 1 Limitation of Liability. by the coi neir Any exva hIaval mcirr-at fair Addi Height Sef Aces oust be paid bv custonier- FueL surol GRAINGER rXPPFSSILY PISl ANY LiABIL-HY WR CONSEOUENHAL, 1 4101`14TAL, SPECIAL, I May no applied Age and risk of loss pass to customer Ligon Ligon tender at shipment if) the corder. If the hml is FXFtilriARY.OfI PUNITIVE D TO Wo'-D denua,W6 in transit. Gus'll ortiv lern-il is fife a marm with the cal QHAL NOT EXCEED. THE F PRICE PAID FOP THE PRODUCT HAT GIVES R TO ANY 2. Force Malcom- C. WARRANTY POLICY Grainger stall net be, liable for any delay Ill. at unpailflent 01, performance rtszOog in whob or in pall tiorr 1. Limited Warranty- firry all tot rija 0vfnI iWil !An: act limited to ruAr, uf G d Iabi G r disruptions, ams of var jets: of ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY 0A1 ONLY '10 "USTONEEPS FOR. If! RESALE.: OR N) U Itilrill (Whether actual or lbioaerl gaverrtvlei al covet S Ilr contl insure nians epitleflirrs, IN BUS'NE'SSL GOVERrINIENT OR OPIC EORIPMENT MANUH)CTURE GRAAGERVARALANTS PRODUCTS Quarantines, sholl communication or povvei ttl fire acfnl axplmifrn, fitabilty to procaine or Shia AGAINST DEFECTS IN IvlA7ERlALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PFROD OF ONE (1) larcritticf of riatain permit, and il lluaIrilily io Pouial Supplies or fsfv; materials. severe wea !her YEAR AFTER THE )AlE O FU`413HASIE FROM GRAiNGEP. UNLFSS 0HlLT 0 iAlED, PROVIDED THAI Conditions, cirastl el,pris, of any other or :;.Wse aleyond the fesuffable control of GrForigel GRA Al THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE 1.1f WARRANTY PERIOD, GRAINCHR in ifie cuill of its business. Ii AT ITS OPTION if) FFPAlH rjj) F PLACil OR (iii) REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOIAEP, 3. Grainger's Performance of Sell CUSTOMER MUST FF'0ltd THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZ Customer will held r3rnrilp" and I ndemndh Grinil its officers, dircbars t 3citanis, sijitcoillracifirs SLPVIU 1 -00ATIOIN, AS DESIGNATED BY GRAINGLA, SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. CiPAINGIER'S PIF`4rR, or representatives Itom and against any and all ;i3irns, 1pc loorliv inifiny, diLsibc of damage to personal RLf OR 8EFU%l) OF AMOUNTS FA:) BY CUSIOVER FOR !HE PITODUCL SAA: L BE CITSFOMER",", property, and :I A losses liabilities. oblganmv, Jell a tiofis and experl wlhealrir ifteQ'i or 01 F AND FXC�-ISIVIF K-1,1FIV, indil kro,vir, or ijilknown. abs011110 or GDorlacEPI, ifliAlil by f ainf)et remind iu lfie perlarrmitce, of 2. Warranty Disclaimer- serv *•)r ^w find l Wil llrflfalo0n. F8tfleil Ailoine"'s i And aril and cl'h,r it NO .Y c2 ira OF FACT, L q%SS 0�? I PLIED OTHE `HAND Sl F FOR rh IN THE mpol far occilding any actions or flimal"Lluo act ons) 'llisiliff "ilit DI in t or n part. v If LiMl TLO Str"TILVIf I ABOVIL. iS NIALK (}P ilUTKRiZ D f3Y F GRAINi li 'm1sq13a 't G irloyr—. el ,Lth 'Qrn .)T LI!SCA AIMS ANN LA 1 LY )'OR CLAIT"A"', ARIS 01 01 IRCHOU V;S k1PROPLk "ROOK) 4. Cancellation, S IVIPPIVE.P, N9 L cl ON PROQJCi MiODIFICA1 10P). TAISR OR VISA I CA)ION, All pr 'fur I fiviroj musl il" ;,Ellfuc,etj LV Gill c1'j ;rl,ly b. ..lay er ir? full :mr: J GR t4 N -ER EXPRESSLY DF AN' WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS It) ARE MERCHAleTABI (;I� F1 5. Product Return, PARTICULAR PURPOSE: OR (lit) DO NOT AND W111 NOT INFRING UPON OTHER NIELLECTUM. PROPERTY RIC,111i Pio(iucl returns i be made within No [If year fiVa. date of 00chasl]. LOUSS Liu rouse 111mrateri GRA 'AAKES NO WARRAIi 10 140SE DIFINLID AS CONSUMERS N Hfll MA(jrA)SON-MOSS Cusal should call the loca Grainger branch, or so is rss v.grair 7 i cna.tar'rnsuudions Returned pfirltsct WARRANTY-FL TRADE CONTIOISSUPtJ Rv'Prf AC i C VEAIF N I A T jllul1 be in original pacIlf3ging, unused, rn ianr,gefi, elrfd ill saleable roollition Proof of purchase is •equired 151 3. Warranty Product Return. all cases Bata" raturiling ny vloduct. cus shall fin write or call the local Griinol Trstico all wlilf:h the p ro cj= was pt ..tin fii; in the case air Intel artier. cell ,�wv,�,tjralng�ccona find providle the date. F. EXPORT SALES rue original l nw di stac nurnbir. ;l ifscnfaton (it the defact or ifi) call G�Jsl(ul Cate, it Orders for exnart .ales are silb,"CA III t leans coedit ill 'Olirici et xLril and can 1) aci:esl;ea b; Jld fill da!a, the origin ak invL injoibur, Ilia stark nurnti andl a reso'llpIlLill of the Clicking Cal ilia 4LJl of t ale' defter. Proof of plardia5e ie rej,fte0l in sit cases. A If I qTATPr0Pr,;T i f4R. 1 Trnlou` etto, r."Mr)ITinN.q 1S wviad Ash P nto www.rurninifer. ram A•In IS INCORPORATF11 RY RFF-'RFtJf',F G X%ZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 i GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 /III INVOICE NUMBER 9267496769 502 E. 40TH ST. INVOICE DATE 06/03/2010 LUBBOCK, TX 79404 -2816 DUE DATE 07/03/2010 AMOUNT DUE 22.23 SHIP TO MAINT. PO NUMBER: 23616 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC PROJECT /JOB: 23616 1427 E 116TH ST REQUISITIONER: 23616 CARMEL, IN 46032 CALLER: COURTNEY SCHLAEGEL CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 573 -4026 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133255153 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034372 1 MB 0382 l�llll�l�ll���llllll��l�llll�llllllll�l��lll�l�llll�lllllllllllll CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 806 747 -3594 i F Z 000004 3RNL4 GLOVES,GENERAL UTILITY, BLACK, L, PR 1 22.23 22.23 MANU C FI G1 55 y -75 -010 I h f. tr- 7 I JUN 0 ,y 2010 Purchase Description m P.O.# G. L. I A. Bud Line Descr [w5 Purchaser Dat ApprovaL Dat NUMBER OF PKGS: 1 WEIGHT: 0.20 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 22.23 DATE SHIPPED: 06/0312010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 1Z7717700390100743 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for com pliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS 1 AMOUNT DUE 22.23 s ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must s ow-, kind d of s ,price performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of h rat r Payee Purchase Order No. Terms 319510 Grainger Date Due Dept 847517521 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 Invoice Invoice Description PO Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 23616 291.92 6/3/10 9267496751 Restroom dispensers 23616 174.40 6/3/10 9267496751 Maintenance supplies 23616 22.23 6/3/10 9267496769 Maintenance supplies Total 488.55 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 319510 Grainger Allowed 20 Dept 847517521 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 In Sum of 488.55 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. %CCT#fTlTLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 9267496751 4237000 291.92 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 9267496751 4239000 174.40 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 9267496769 4239000 22.23 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 17 -Jun 2010 Signature 488.55 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund GRAWG PAGE 1 OF 1 11 �jt GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9248374333 1819 W. 16TH ST. INVOICE DATE 05/10/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46202 -2032 DUE DATE 06/09/2010 AMOUNT DUE 74.76 SHIP TO CARMEL WASTEWATER PO NUMBER: LARRY SCHIMMEL 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CALLER: LARRY SCHIMMEL INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6131000809 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00031620 1 MB 0382 I�linl�illi�ilrlr�l�lliliilll�llll�llu���lllll��lfli�lllitt� CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE 110 THANK YOU! CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEI NUMBE=R 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317- 632 -8341 •o BEEBE o e a•e e 1D234 CIRCUIT BREAKER,20 A 7 10.68 74.76 MANUFACTURER Q0120 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 2.10 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 74.76 DATE SHIPPED: 05/10/2010 TRACKING NO LARRY SCHIMMEL These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Slates_ If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for complia with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO-STATEMENT SENT. PAY GRAZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9248374341 1819 W. 16TH ST. INVOICE DATE 05/10/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46202 2032 DUE DATE 06/09/2010 AMOUNT DUE 355.41 SHIP TO CARMEL WASTEWATER PO NUMBER: LARRY SCHIMMEL 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CALLER: LARRY SCHIMMEL INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6131009467 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00031620 1 MB 0382 Ilnlul� lint i n I�I�Irllllllulll luf l l�l I�Ilnll CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 031620 THANK YOU! CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 e FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317 632 -8341 J o-e o 5A539 CIRCUIT BREAKER,100 A i 227.25 ?27 25 MANUFACTURER Q03100 1D234 CIRCUIT BREAKER,20 A 12 10.68 128.16 MANUFACTURER Q0120 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 465 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 355 -41 DATE SHIPPED 05/10/2010 TRACKING NO'. LARRY SCHIMMEL These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US exp controls. PAYMENT TERMS,NET 30-DAYS. -°AY 7HIS.INVOIC€ NO STATEMENT-SENT.. IN U.S.- DOLLARS. AMOUNT -DUE 3J�S.41 L G RAZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 j/d GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9249545477 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 05/11/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 1017 DUE DATE 06/10/2010 AMOUNT DUE 454.50 SHIP TO CARMEL WASTEWATER PO NUMBER: LARRY SCHIMMEL 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CALLER: LARRY SCHIMMEL INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6131110332 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00033706 1 MB 0382 I II I..��. III. I IIuI II II IIII I I II I Ill II I �II�I CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 033706 THANK YOU! CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT i'HIS INVOICE OR ACOCUNI CALL 317 -842 -2497 e 2VJ58 TIMER, ELECTRONIC,7 DAY,SPST,100- 240V,15A 2 227.25 454.50 MANUFACTURER 2VJ58 NUMBER OF PI 0 WEIGHT 1.20 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 454.50 DATE SHIPPED. 1112010 These items are sold far domestic consumption in the United Slates. It exported, purchaser assumes full respon sibility for compl w ith US e xport conircis. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMFl SFHT PAYABLE IN U.S DOLLARS._ PAGE 1 OF GRAZNGER. 6 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052008 INVOICE NUMBER 9265152885 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 06/01/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 1017 DUE DATE 0710112010 AMOUNT DUE 190.50 SHIP TO CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT PO NUMBER: TRUCK 57 3400 W 131 ST CALLER: BRAD HENDERSON WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 733 -2001 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6132889631 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00031505 1 MB 0382 ���lil�lf11. i,i, I -fife 1111dIllI- IIil��illlul CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 031505 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QIJESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317- 842 -2497 M ain c ri e 7 76V751 LAMP,MVR175 /U /MED 6 11.57 69.42 MANUFACTURER MVR175 /U /MED 0 LAMP,MVR175 /U 12 10.09 121.08 MANUFACTURER MVR175 /U NUMBER OF PKGS_ 0 WEIGHT: 3.30 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 190.50 DATE SHIPPED. 06/012010 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Stales If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30'OAYS. NAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT PAYABLE iN U S DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 190.50 PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAZNGEE. /III GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052008 INVOICE NUMBER 9266151571 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 06/02/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 07/02/2010 AMOUNT DUE 148.05 SHIP TO CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT PO NUMBER: REFLECTING POND 3400 W 131 ST CALLER: RAPHAEL BURK WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 733 -2001 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133091329 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034887 1 MB 0382 �II111' �I" I����Ill�l�ll�lr�ll��ll�l #IIIII�I��I�I�II��'I�1��1 CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 034887 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317 842 -2497 e e e ••o e 71TDT2 PSC BLOWER, 115 VOLTS 1 148.05 148.05 MANUFACTURER 1TDT2 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 13.30 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 148.05 DATE SHIPPED: 06102/2010 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls, PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS J AMOUNT DUE 148.05 GRAINGER, PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052008 INVOICE NUMBER 9266151563 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 06/02/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 07/02/2010 AMOUNT DUE 82.31 SHIP TO CARMELSTREET DEPARTMENT PO NUMBER: STREET 3400 W 131 ST CALLER: RAPHAEL BURK WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 733 -2001 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133091327 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034887 1 MB 0382 11 11 IIItl1 111 CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317- 842 -2497 5T256 BOOT,HIP,SZ 10,PR 1 82.31 82.31 MANUFACTURER 5T256 NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT 755 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 82.31 DATE SHIPPED: 06/02/2010 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Slates_ If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compl with US exp ert co ntrols. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS I AMOUNT DUE 82.31 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Grainger IN SUM OF Dept. 854052008 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 $1,305.53 'ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 9248374341 43- 501.00 $355.41 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 9248374333 43 501.00 $74.76 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 2201 9249545477 43 501.00 $454.50 materials or services itemized thereon for 2201 9265152885 43- 500.80 $190.50 2201 9266151571 42- 370.00 $148.05 'Which charge is made were ordered and 2201 9266151563 43 560.01 $82.31 received except Y hurs�da, June 17, 2010 Street Commissioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bili(s)) 05/10/10 9248374341 $355.41 05/10/10 9248374333 $74.76 05/11 A 0 9249545477 $454.50 06101/10 9265152885 $190.50 06/02/10 9266151571 $148.05 06/02/10 9266151563 $82.31 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer GR AINGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 !lIII GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9271271752 5959 W, HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 06/08/2010 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 07/08/2010 AMOUNT DUE 124.07 SHIP TO CARMEL WASTEWATER PO NUMBER: JEFF COOPER 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CALLER: JEFF COOPER INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133634245 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034912 1 MB 0382 III�IIIIIII�II�II�III��IIIIIII�I�IILII���II�LII��I CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 034912 THANK YOU! CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEI NUMBER 36- 1150260 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1 -871- 202 -2594 e 4GB66 MECHANICS DRILL SET,29 PC,HSS,135 DEG 1 124.07 124.07 MANUFACTURER C21162 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT 2 95 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 124.07 DATE SHIPPED: 06/0$12010 CARRIER. UPS GROUND TRACKING NO iZ6533410330353228 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for complian with U export controls. PAYMENI TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT, PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS, AMOUNT DUE 124.07 ...T IS PORTION AN PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAZNGERe GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9267725258 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 06/04/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 07/04/2010 AMOUNT DUE 15.24 SHIP TO CARMEL WASTEWATER PO NUMBER: JEFF COOPER 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CALLER: JEFF COOPER INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133240106 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00031103 1 MB 0382 I��I�I�III' I' I�I������I�II�I��II1�1��111�1111��11�11�1 'llll� CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 031103 THANK YOU! CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317 842 -2497 7 5X520 BLIND RIVET, 1/8 DIA,0.400 L,PK 500 1 15.24 15.24 MANUFACTURER AB4 -4A NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 0.50 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 15.24 DATE SHIPPED: 06/04/2010 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibilit for compliance with US export cont PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 15.24 f GRAZNGER PAGE 1 OF 0 1, II GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9267725266 8211 BAVARIA ROAD INVOICE DATE 06/04/2010 MACEDONIA, OF 44056 -2259 DUE DATE 07/04/2010 AMOUNT DUE 948.23 SHIP TO KEVIN BUHMANN PO NUMBER: 512183 CARMEL WASTEWATER CALLER: KEVIN BUHMANN 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 ORDER /DELIVERY 6133260726 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00031103 1 MB 0382 ���Iil�lll��llllllllilll���- Ill."-11F'- IIIIwI 1'. CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 THANK YOU CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1.877- 202 -2594 1H571 CONTACT KIT 1 339.98 339.98 MANUFACTURER 9998SL4 1H527 MOTOR STARTER,NON REV,NEMA SZ2,120VAC 1 551.25 551.25 MANUFACTURER 8536SD01VOZS 1H628 THERMAL UNIT,1345.0 3 19.00 57.00 MANUFACTURER B45.0 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT. 7.17 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 948.23 DATE SHIPPED 061042010 CARRIER_ UPS GROUND TRACKING NO 1Z3018W70301411365 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. it exported, purchaser assumes full responsib for compliance with US export control PAYtv1ENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT PAYABLE IN U S DOLLARS f AMOUNT DUE 948.23 C R14IGER,. PAGE 1 OF 1 �lIII GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9267104843 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 06/03/2010 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 07/03/2010 AMOUNT DUE 128.40 SHIP TO CARMEL WASTEWATER PO NUMBER. JEFF 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CALLER: JEFF COOPER INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133160417 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034371 1 MB 0382 �i�llilll} i�lli l., ullll li i ull IIIIII 1 �11, 1 1 1 111 CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 034371 THANK YOU! CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEI NUMBER 36- 11502BO FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT GALL 1- 877 202 -2594 7B w o ,k,k 4WE17 BAND SAW BLADE,7 Fr. 9 IN L,3/4 W,TPI 14 3 42.80 128.40 MANUFACTURER ZWEFRI4MAT NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT: 2.40 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 12840 DATE SHIPPED 0610312010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: IZ6533410329994673 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export co ntrols. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U S_ DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 128.40 VOUCHER 105647 WARRANT ALLOWED 35'1:'533 IN SUM OF GRAINGER ING DEPT. 804572097 PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9267104843 01- 7202 -06 $128.40 2(,7725�5� d I- �2v2.c Is.2�{ �tz� rz�� o�.��o3.oL r24.n7 Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER INC Purchase Order No. DEPT. 804572097 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Due Date 6/14/2010 .Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/14/2010 9267104843 $128.40 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer 3 D 1 "DGRAINGER., PAGE 1 O F 1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 l7 INVOICE NUMBER 9271523483 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 06/09/2010 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 07/09/2010 AMOUNT DUE 659.62 SHIP TO CITY OF CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WO PO NUMBER: 032526479 ONE CIVIC SQUARE REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES CARMEL, IN 46032 CALLER: JEFF BARNES CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2448 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133632106 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034551 1 MB 0382 I° IIIIIIIIIIiIIIIII�i��l�ullllill�lliIl�ll�lillllllllll CITY OF CARMEL /BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ 03 4 S 51 f CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU. FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877 -202 -2594 .1 000001 5PA16 SIDE WALLS,WHITE,PK 2 4 60.12 240.48 MANUFACTURER 262152 000002 5NY99 CANOPY SHELTER 2 158.18 316.36 MANUFACTURER FSSHST10WH 000003 5PA15 WEIGHTED BAG SET,4 PC 2 51.39 102.78 MANUFACTURER INAWB400 n U JUN 21 2010 By NUMBER OF PKGS. 0 WEIGHT: 148.98 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 65962 DATE SHIPPED: 06/09/2010 CARRIER UPS GROUND TRACKING NO. 1Z6533410330369444 1Z6533410330371986 1/6533410330371995 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 659.62 5 PAGE i OF 1 GRAZNGER. GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 INVOICE NUMBER 9270872527 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 06/08/2010 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 07/08/2010 AMOUNT DUE 938.96 SHIP TO CITY OF CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WO PO NUMBER: 032514033 ONE CIVIC SQUARE REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES CARMEL, IN 46032 CALLER: JEFF BARNES CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2448 ORDER /DELIVERY #;6133530760 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034913 1 MB 0382 I���I�III��li ll��l�l�lli�l' �II'!" '�!I'llllllll��'�1�I1�1�11� CITY OF CARMEL /BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC 5Q CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 034913 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1 -877- 202 -2594 P'1 0 000001 71X977 PLUG,5 15 NEMA 8 28.13 225.04 MANUFACTURER HBL14W47 000002 CONNECTOR,5 -15 NEMA 8 47.39 379.12 MANUFACTURER HBL15W47 000003 2W378 CORD, PORTABLE,250FT 1 334.80 334.80 MANUFACTURER 02725.85.01 D Q JUN 21 2010 sY NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 63,40 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 93896 DATE SHIPPED: 06/08/2010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 126533410330314592 lZ6533410330316812 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States If exported, purchaser assumes full esponsibility for compliance with US export controls y PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS, PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT, PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS_ AMOUNT DUE 93$•96 VOUCHER NO, WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Grainger IN SUM OF DEPT. 854052545 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 $1,598.58 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Administration PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1205 I 9270872527 I 43-501-001 $938.96 i hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1205 9271523483 63 u $659.62 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, June 21, 2010 Director, Administration Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No, Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 07/08/10 9270872527 $938.96 07/09/10 9271523483 $659.62 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer