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CARMEL, IN 46032
Representing the Committee
Rick Ripma, Chairperson
Carol Schleif
Sally Shapiro
Representing the Department
Mike Hollibaugh
Adrienne Keeling
Angie Conn
Lisa Stewart
Of Counsel:
John Molitor
Rick Ripma, Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
Mr. Ripma reviewed the Docket Items for the meeting.
The Subdivision Committee will meet to consider the following items:
1. Docket No. 07080005 ADLS Amend: AT &T Signage
The applicant seeks approval for 1 new wall sign. The site is located at 900 E 96 St. It is
zoned PUD in Parkwood Crossing. Filed by Nancy Long of A -1 Expeditors.
Brent Bennett presented for the petitioner. Due to conversion of Cingular to A T T it is
necessary to reflect the new name with a new sign. Brent indicated that originally a logo
had been intended for the sign, but due to ordinance regulations, the sign will now just
have the A T T letters on the sign.
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Angie Conn indicated that the sign will be seen as black during the day and white at
night. The Department recommends approval of this item.
Carol Schleif made a motion to approve Docket No. 07080005 ADLS Amend: AT &T
Sally Shapiro seconded the motion
Approved 3 0
2. Docket No. 07080023 ADLS Amend: Sundown Gardens Signage
The applicant seeks approval for 1 new monument sign. The site is located at 13400 Old
Meridian St. It is zoned OM/MM. Filed by Todd Erb of Sundown Gardens.
Todd Erb presented for Sundown Gardens. This is a landscape and garden business.
They are petitioning for a new sign. The current sign is very tall and outdated. They are
going to go with a lower monument type sign. Mr. Erb showed on a visual the color
scheme used on the new sign. The sign will meet the required 60 degree angle for a two
directional sign.
Angie Conn, the petitioner has satisfied the Department's concern about the 60 degree
angle, so the Department recommends that the Committee send this forward with a
favorable recommendation.
Carol Schleif made motion to approve Docket No. 07080023 ADLS Amend: Sundown
Gardens Signage
Sally Shapiro seconded the motion.
Approved 3 -0
3. Docket No. 07080034 ADLS Amend: Springmill Medical Office Building Phase II—
The applicant seeks approval for 1 new wall sign. The site is located at 200 W. 103r St. It
is zoned B -3. Filed by Paul Reis of Bose, McKinney Evans, LLP.
Paul Reis of Bose, McKinney Evans presented for the petitioner. He was accompanied
by David George of Kite Realty Group, the developer of the current building and the
second phase to this building. Mr. Reis indicated that it is his belief everyone has received
an information booklet on this site. The site is located at 103r and Pennsylvania which
has a very large roundabout. This portion of this building will be owned by a different
development entity and will be developed exclusively for the Midwest Eye Institute. They
have submitted the site plan showing where the second wing will be added. It matches the
existing wing. Building elevations that show the wall signage for the IU Medical Group as
well as the Midwest Eye Institute have been included. The specifications for the sign are
under Tab 4. This sign is approximately 74.8 sq. ft., 90 sq. ft. is permitted.
Angie Conn indicated that the sign does comply with the sign ordinance, so the
Department recommends that the Committee approve this item.
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Carol Schleif made a motion to approve Docket No. 07080034 ADLS Amend:
Springmill Medical Office Building Phase II— Signage
Sally Shapiro seconded the motion.
Approved 3 -0
4. Docket No. 07050013 PP: Forestal Estates Minor Subdivision TABLED TO
OCT. 2
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 3 lots on 2.33 acres. The applicant also
seeks the following subdivision waiver request:
Docket No. 07050019 SW SCO Chapter 6.03.19 Access to Collector Roads
The site is located at the northeast corner of 141S St. and Ditch Rd. and is zoned S-
1 /Residence. Filed by Stacey Fouts of DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc.
5. Docket No. 07070010 PP: Trillium TABLED TO OCT. 2
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 57 residential lots on 32.447 acres. The
site is located at 2555 W 131S St. and is zoned S -2 /Residence. Filed by Dennis
Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth Assoc, Inc.
6. Docket No. 07070024 Z: SW Old Town C -2 Rezoning
The applicant seeks approval to rezone 57 parcels from R -2 /Residence, B -1 /Business, B-
2 /Business, B -3 /Business and I -1 /Industrial to C -2 /Old Town. The sites are located in Old
Town and along Third Avenue SW. Filed by the Department of Community Services.
Mike Hollibaugh presented for the Department. He reviewed information that can be
found in the information packets the Committee received. Aerial photographs are also
Carol Schleif, asked if Mike could give an update on what projects are in the works for
Carmel, i.e., in the Ameritech area.
Mike Hollibaugh, shared with the Committee some plans for the northern end of the
map. On the National City Bank side, bank officials and the CRC have been talking about
a project that would be a two -phase project, which would have the existing bank building
replaced by new multi -story building which would be similar to the one that exists across
the street on the southeast quadrant. A timeline has not been set. To the west, where the
VFW is the and Tuesday Morning is under discussion. Mr. Hollibaugh indicated that his
understanding is that Hearthview controls in various ways the entire block with the
exception of the VFW. Mike shared that Les Olds, Director of the Redevelopment
Committee has made contact with the VFW.
Adrienne Keeling continued the presentation. It is her understanding that the VFW's
main concern is the "grandfathering" status and would just like to be left alone, they
would like to remain where they are. They would like a letter from our Department,
which the Department is willing to provide to them that explain that we will not bother
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them if they want to remain as they are. The C2 does not affect them. Adrienne indicated
she could provide them with a letter.
Mike Hollibaugh, regarding the Main and Monon properties, Tom Lazzara is here and he
has been speaking with the CRC regarding an idea that would involve multiple story
buildings and would be mixed use in nature, which is consistent with C2 zoning. Along
Rangeline, the Indiana Design Center building, this is the underground parking which is
the City's portion of the project for that and is currently under construction. The fire
station and police garage and the old water works, is City owned property and is included
in this and Barrett /Stokley who owns AMLI Old Town is interested in expanding their
project, so we will include that and some of the surrounding properties.
Carol Schleif asked if the AMLI Old Town apartments want to continue. Mike
responded he is unsure of the specific project. It is his understanding that they are
speaking with Mr. Olds.
Les Olds, Executive Director of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission. He stated that
the CRC is looking at the possibility of tearing down the three garages behind AMLI and
building a 3 story structure with retail on the first floor, apartments on the second and
third floor and looking at building an elevated deck within the inside of that enclosure to
provide extra parking that will be needed. The developer would also look with favor to
expanding south, should the private property to the south, which consists of, one small
retail place and a truck repair shop that could be added to the same type of project with
retail and more apartments.
Sally Shapiro asked if the parking deck would only be for the apartments.
Les Olds responded that since they are taking out the garages we are losing cars, so the
thought was that by adding a second deck in there all the apartment dwellers could park
on the second deck and the first level would be public parking for the Old Town Arts
District. We would help support that as long as we got the public parking spaces. The
two parcels that Les was speaking about the small retail and the auto repair shop are on
the southwest corner of 1 st Street SW and I st Ave and these are not part of this rezone.
Any new project would need to come back through the Commission.
Rick Ripma asked about a small parcel on 1S Street SW Rick thought this parcel had
been taken on out, but it is still showing on the map.
Mike Hollibaugh indicated that the Department had been willing to take that out at the
last Plan Commission meeting. He indicated it was the hope of the Department that it
would facilitate moving the project on that night, so when that did not happen, it was
hoped that it could be an opportunity to talk it through, to see whether it made sense to
take it out. Mike has spoken with Sue Westermeier, her expressed reason for not
supporting moving it on was she felt things were being pulled out without any good
reason. Mike indicated the property owner was not pleased with that. We see this area as
transitional and on that same street you have the Historical Museum and the properties to
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the south are already converting to uses other than single family residential, including
Bub's Breakfast. It is not a pristine residential area, not that it is not worth fighting for,
but the fact that we are rezoning it to a more dense classification, does not necessarily
undermine it either.
Rick Ripma questioned why not just rezone the whole area?
Mike responded that they are working with one owner on a parcel. He also discussed
property behind the Monon and Main development, which also is not included in this
Carol Schleif asked what is being proposed there.
Tom Lazzara, One of the Owners and Managing Partner of Main and Monon spoke to
the Committee. Tom referred to a visual that the Committee has that reflects the corner of
Main and Monon which is to the west of Bazbeaux's and to the south of Bub's, as you
look to the left on the visual you are looking down the Monon. On the second sheet of
the rendering you will see the first floor space lay out and you will see the Monon and
West Main St. designated. On the drawing you will see 2 vacant lots, if you look to the
south of space 2 you will see the balance of the lot on the Monon. Mr. Lazzara spoke
about the remaining parcels. He indicated that there are 4 parcels, although he only
showing 3. He indicated on the visual the parcels that remain. The rendering is strictly a
proposal. Tom was quite clear to the Committee that this will be a commericial building.
We have been very concerned about parking in Carmel, so we purchased additional
parcels directly behind which you can see in your package, we have also purchased a
parcel across the street.
Tom clarified some confusion over the property west of Bub's. He is the sole owner of
that property. That is a completely different project and unrelated to this.
Tom discussed spot zoning; Bub's Breakfast was a residence up until it became Bub's
Breakfast. There is also a CPA on that street. A recent home was removed and
individuals planted flowers behind Bub's Breakfast and there are currently one or two
homes on the market in that area at much higher than residential prices. Main and Monon
paid considerably higher than residential pricing for the two parcels behind the building.
Carol Schleif asked if there will be enough parking.
Tom replied that yes they do have enough to meet the requirement,
Carol asked why they purchased the other two lots.
Tom indicated that he was aware of a problem in Broad Ripple and Zionsville and other
places where there have been buildings erected, tenants move in and then they move out
because of lack of parking. He hopes to attract a high end restaurant to that corner of
Main and Monon. He owns a liquor license and we feel there will be a requirement for
valet parking, so we do not plan a structure on those two back lots. We will also propose
at some point that we gain access to the back street out the back rather than causing
further congestion on Main Street. There might be ample opportunity to open up the back
street for an exit area.
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Rick Ripma asked if they had tried to buy the lot on the corner.
Tom responded that they have been in negotiations off and on with that parcel.
Tom indicated that he asked that these parcels be included. He asked the City, and asked
to be included in the CRC, that is why he included the additional lot, because he owned it.
It made sense, since these were the parcels that Main and Monon owns and eventually it
appears that this area will be transitional, considering you already have Bub's Breakfast,
the train station, and the CPA. Tom envisions in the long run that the residential will end
at the new street which is 3r street, the roundabout street and the west will remain
residential. Discussion was held relative to how many parking spots would be needed for
the restaurant, etc. Tom responded that he is not at that stage of planning yet.
Tom stated that this development is still in development.
Les Olds stepped into the conversation to inform the Committee that on the corner across
from Bazbeaux's which is referred to as the Hearthview Property, the CRC is planning to
build a 300 car parking structure on that corner as an infill surrounded by retail and living
units. 200 of those spaces is meant for public parking in the Arts District and across the
street at AMLI we are looking at another 100 parking spaces for the public, plus on street
parking. We are making a concentrated effort wherever we go to build parking, on street
parking and parking structures.
Sally Shapiro, asked if this is not spot zoning, what is the zoning of some of the other
places are surrounding it. It looks like spot zoning, even if you have a home business
The Committee discussed the feasibility of all lots being rezoned.
Tom Lazzara— indicated that even if the one lot is unable to be rezoned the other two lots
are important to his project.
Carol Schleif reviewed the purpose of the Comp Plan and how this should guide us in
terms of looking at continuity of neighborhoods. The massing of the buildings in this area,
while not gorgeous are consistent with the Plan. While this could stand to be updated, but
as far as the buildings along the street and creating a streetscape, to have half the buildings
turn into a parking lot. Carol feels that removing these homes is inconsistent with
maintaining a viable neighborhood. Carol referred to infill guidelines for Indianapolis; she
refers to that a lot of the time. However, they talk about principles of urban planning that
are common, where you take buildings and you take them down and put in parking, you
have a gap. This is an inconsistency with what is going on in that neighborhood. Carol
agrees that something else can be done there, but, she has a problem with this solution.
She suggests that another way be found, rather than destroying the neighborhood.
Tom believes that the duplex purchased next to his property on the Monon sold for over
$400,000 and I would suggest to you that this is not a residence, and that is not residential
pricing, so obviously this was purchased to do something with.
Carol this is fine if he can get another use for it. She has no concerns with this along the
Monon. The massing of that neighborhood has been established and even if we don't like
it, it is what it is, and I think tearing down two out of four buildings is she has major
problems with that.
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Les Olds indicated one of the residents of that little neighborhood come to see him, she
was speaking for herself and two other neighbors and their comment was, "how do we get
rezoned to C2" as an individual residence.
Sally Shapiro indicated that this is important, why was not a door to door done to ask
residents if they wanted to be in that, some of the comments was that it seemed so spotty
and there was not a good effort made to go to see if we could not do the whole thing.
Les stated he told the resident that she needed to gather her neighbors that are interested
in C2 and contact Mike Hollibaugh to express interest.
The Committee had a lengthy discussion regarding the possibility and strategies for
rezoning the entire area surrounding Monon and Main to C2. Monon and Main is a critical
area and the CRC is very interested in these properties for development. Discussion
revolved around massing, keeping the massing during transition, parking availability, with
the addition of underground parking. Also, the Committee asked for clarification on
whether neighbors need to be notified on zoning changes. It was important for Committee
members to understand why the whole area could not be done at one time. Mike
Hollibaugh indicated that it could be done without neighbors agreeing to the rezone,
however, the City does not like to do business that way. However developers are
reluctant to jump until zoning is clarified.
Mr. Olds indicated that discussion has been held with some property owners who would
like to keep their homes and he has suggested to them to start looking for infill lots in old
Carmel that they could identify as a possible relocation site. There is a possibility that if a
commercial developer would like to purchase their land, compensation toward moving the
home, buy contributing to the purchase of infill land or the actual moving of the home
could be negotiated.
Carol Schleif initiated conversation regarding the type of buildings that may be developed.
She indicated she was pleased with the Evan Lurie building and the way it steps back to
help with the human scale.
Les Olds indicated that in discussions with developers they are talking about stepping back
10 ft., 12 ft. and creating patios for the residential units above.
Les informed the Committee that the CRC has been talking with the VFW regarding their
building for about a year and half. Some ideas that have been discussed are possibly
incorporating them into the Hearthview project and building them a new VFW hall facility
on the first floor, if they would then surrender their property to the developer who will
then build on top of the VFW building two additional floors of residential and /or parking.
This subject then turned the discussion to the height requirements of C2 4 stories or 60 ft.
which means if you have mezzanines you can go up that high and still quality. Carol had
serious concerns regarding the height of some of these building. She shared a visual with
the Committee that she did showing how height would affect privacy and sun rights of
individuals living in the area. Carol continued to share with the group he renderings of
how buildings would look step backs. She feels this is critical when going from residential
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to commercial.
Adrienne Keeling brought to the attention of the Committee on a visual two small
parcels at the south end of the Indiana Design Center, she indicated those were
inadvertently left off of the public notice last month, so they have been advertised for
public hearing next month. If this docket number comes back as old business in
September, we will have public hearing for the 2nd parcel and will ask to suspend the rules
and send them along with the rest.
Carol Schleif made a motion to approve Docket No. 07070024 Z: SW Old Town C -2
With the conditions that the three lots on Is SW are removed and that the Redevelopment
Commission keep an eye on and do sections when projects come in to make sure that
privacy issues are not a problem and that sun rights are also taken care of
Sally Shapiro seconded the motion
Approved 3 -0
7. Docket No. 07050023 OA: Monon Trail Overlay Zone
The applicant seeks to adopt Chapter 231-1: Monon Trail Overlay Zone into the Carmel
Zoning Ordinance. Filed by the Carmel Department of Community Services
Adrienne Keeling presented for the Department. She informed the Committee that in their
packets are four items, two of which are the latest version of the overlay. One has red
lines the other does not, so it just depends on your viewing preference which one you
want to read. The other is a highlighted Use Table. The highlighted areas show zoning
districts that would fall in both the urban and natural areas of the Monon Overlay; and the
fourth document are excerpts of a study that we did to help us envision what a widened
Monon Trail would look like in the center section between City Center and Old Town.
The Trail is very crowded in this area and there has been some consensus that the Trail
will have to be widened in some manner or fashion in this area and so we commissioned a
study to look at various considerations of how the Trail could look. Since the last
committee meeting, I have received just a few comments and I believe everyone was
copied on Jay Dorman's response, that he did not have any issues with the version of the
Overlay. One of the outstanding issues was the question of uses along the trail and we can
talk about that.
Adrienne reviewed changes.
Purpose Intent and Authority no change
Application Procedure
Carol Schleif indicated she was curious about the DP part She has listed some
things that we keep asking for i.e. cross section drawings, aerials, overlays. We do
not receive these items in a consistent manner. Carol requested that we amend
Chapter 24. Adrienne indicated that this was possible, however, due to many
projects in the works, it will be a number of months. Carol will work on a rough
draft and send to Adrienne for review and revision.
Adrienne than reviewed Chapter 23 H.01 she indicated that on page 2 generally
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the sections highlighted in yellow have been changed, this represents the most
recent changes. This area represents the urban section, properties that abut the
Monon Greenway from 1 st street NW and properties that abut the Monon
Greenway from 146 street to Ist Street NW.
Carol Schleif indicated she would like to leave the option open to having 3
sections on the Monon. She suggested subdividing the urban section as outlined
above; we are going to need some differentiation between City Center part and
northern urban areas. Adrienne stated that the character differences are there
today and probably by virtue of the City Center project being so large, that no one
will be able to replicate it. However, Carol stressed building heights and set backs
should be reflected. Carol reviewed a visual with the Committee, showing the
proposed 12 ft. proposed Monon with a 2 ft. shoulder between them. What we
have now in the in the overlay is these volumes and as you can see is not very
natural, it is a huge volume. What we have now for building height and set back
and the feeling of what goes on in here is very different from the naturalistic.
Adrienne stated that she did not believe they were changing in the naturalistic
section of the heights. Carol indicated that 35 ft. is acceptable in R2 zoning.
Adrienne that can be done today, Carol yes but that is why it is important to
address this now, because the overlay will supersede what is there. The natural
area is not going to be changing very much, except how it is zoned. The zoning
allows much more that will be built. Carol shared what could be built with R2
zoning. There are many things listed for the natural area that we would not want
built there. Carol feels we should have a 50 ft setback from the right of way
because that is what is in keeping with what is there, it will keep vegetation and
when you take into consideration 20 or 30 feet of tractor space to get a building in
you would be trashing a lot of space. That is what is there in a natural area, but to
do this drawing made it clear why Village Green and a couple of other things
started happening. All they did was change the building set back and they are right
up on the Monon, so there was a lot of flak over that. That is the same situation
below 1 11 Carol reviewed typical houses and seeing what the actual set backs
were there. She indicated that the Committee needs to think about the set backs in
the natural area. Carol went through, the northern urban area, beginning at the
Civic Center Carol showed a drawing of what is proposed at the Civic Center
area. It is monumental, they are big buildings, so how they are spaced will
determine how human scale they will be. When the space between buildings gets
taller than it is wide it begins to feel uncomfortable and you are getting there with
this. She proposed that if you are not going to have any stepping back, then you
need to be a 150 ft. in order to keep human scale and that is a priority. Adrienne
asked if this meant between buildings Carol answered 100 ft. between buildings
with the Monon in between and that is if you go straight up to maintain human
scale. Carol indicated that 150 ft. is very wide and that is a point of discussion in
itself. However, realizing that that is a wide space, she started looking how it
would look if we step the building back, what does that do for us. Some of this
will depend on how tall the building is because, you can step back once or twice,
she indicated on her visual what this would do. Also, if you have a restaurant on
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the Monon you have to step back about 25 ft. because you need room for tables
and circulation and the other thing that does is start to differ your you get variety
in your building frontage. That is using the 66 ft. wide proposed section, that
would indicate that we should step some of those buildings back at the first or
second floor level.
Adrienne Keeling stated the right of way itself would be 66 ft and it is in many
places along the trail. We are also proposing an additional 12 ft. on either side, so
that would be 90 ft. from facade to facade so if we are proposing no more than 42
feet in height it would be only roughly be half the distance. Carol retorted that she
took this out of what the Department is proposing and I have to tell you unless
there is a step this is too tall and is not going to feel like the Monon, this is just too
tall. The four stories straight up, nobody is going to sit and read a book under a
tree next to that building. The Civic Center is very monumental, and hopefully the
buildings are spaced accordingly and the drawings appear to be gorgeous, but on
the Monon, it is a special spot and we need elbow room, so I just did these
drawings based on what is proposed and it tells me that these buildings need to set
back, whether it is at the first or second floor. Mike Hollibaugh discussed
whether to generalize like that; it doesn't have to be one story, two stories all the
way along the Monon. Carol stated that this is about human scale and when you
get into a space that is more vertical than horizontal, it is more of human scale
issues that can you build it. Carol This is centuries old Mike stated there are
century old places that are two story buildings that are some of the most loved
places on the planet Carol responded they are in very urban places Mike both
American and European cities have this. Carol responded this is in keeping with
the urban level we have here, downtown Indianapolis it is a different animal, but
the Monon is very special. When you get into a vertical space it is not what the
Monon is. I know its European, but that is not why the overlay came to be.
Adrienne reemphasized my only point is just be taking these dimensions its not
more vertical than it is horizontal, if you have 45 ft, 66 ft. plus 12 ft. between
building. Carol stated, I asked you to do a section and you did not do it, so I did
them. Those these are not the dimensions do not meet the overlay I had to go
in do this on a computer and match the overlay. If you go back over the pages it
does not match. Adrienne pointed out to Carol that we are only dealing with the
right of way Carol right of way, setbacks, those I used those numbers and she
feels they do not match.
Mike asked what is human scale again Carol in this case it tends to be wider than
it is tall and its more and it has to do with basic sighting of a building and I now
that is not what you guys learn in school but the success of a building and how you
feel inside a building and outside a building is critical to the success of the building,
and in this case it is critical to the success of the Monon. Mike responded that
understands what Carol is saying, he indicated he has a bit of a design background
as well, so I think you are generalizing much like an ordinance tends to generalize
and I do think that there are accommodations made for set backs, it is not at the
second floor level, I believe it is at the 3r floor level where set back is initiated in
the set back. Mike disagrees about what exactly what isn't human scale. Carol
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indicated on the visual how when you step back it opens up the space that is
exactly what you need, it gets your buildings close together but allows you not to
make people feel overwhelmed by the height of it. I hate to see us make mistakes
and realizing it later when we don't have to.
Carol went on to discuss the area from 126 street to Main street. She indicated
that the Monon does some funky things all the way up the range is 24 ft. to over
100 ft., a 102 at one spot. The majority of is plus or minus 100 ft. one spot is
down to 80, however that spot will be part of C2, so we will have some latitude to
do something about that. Carol reviewed other areas that will be in the C2. She
indicated another section that is 24 ft, which is like the natural section and it is
right next to C 1 which is very grand and monumental and at some point I think
when those final two properties bike shop and north of there when they finally join
the good group, that might be the time to make the Monon more consistent top to
bottom from the City Center all the way up to the bank. Carol what we need is a
100 ft. ride section you can see how open that is and not intimidating in any way.
If you start to go 3 4 stories you will again start to be a vertical space, though
100 ft. is a lot better than the 66ft that is proposed. How to get an open natural
human scale building and sidewalk is not rocket science, so is there any chance to
get 100 ft from Main on down to City Center. Carol would like to have this
could we have sort of like a thorough fare plan approach, when things are
redeveloped that is what the easements will try to be, like roads. Rick Ripma are
we not at 90 feet now Adrienne from building facade to building facade we are at
90 ft. Mike stated that although this sounds grand it is good to remember that this
is a pedestrian way, not a boulevard, not for automobiles, it is very pedestrian, the
wider it gets and then buildings can get taller to balance the space, but Mike
believes 90 ft. is very reasonable. The esplanade plan which lays out conceptual
cross sections, it was well thought through. The urban section is 66 ft. Adrienne
reviewed what the Department would be asking through the Thoroughfare Plan
process to get a consistent 66 ft. from top bottom 96 street to 146 street where
it's not having no less than 66 ft. 33 ft. half upon your development for all of it
the natural section is 12 ft. asphalt path and 2 ft. crushed stone on either side.
That was an attempt to regulate that in the zoning ordinance, we have taken that
out and we will put those details in the road design, even though it is really a trail,
we like to keep those in the thorough fare plan since those are typically public
property, not private property. So what we are proposing then is there is no
design or trail cross section in the ordinance itself, and that the 33ft half would be
the right of way and. Carol stated this is 90 ft. but much tighter in the natural area
than anything that is there. Adrienne, except in Old Town north of main they are
all 50 ft. going up 200 ft. There is 50 ft. from the right of way that is people's
back yards and side yards. That is what exists there now, so to bring it to 30 ft. is
half, which is a substantial change. Adrienne this is more than would be allowed
now, only 20 ft. would be allowed today.
Further discussion began with Carol stating that is what the zoning says but this is
an opportunity to make the natural part stay like it is which is natural. If you are
30 feet from the right of way that area can all get trampled when you do
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construction; back hoes and all that stuff just trash the area, that is why you have
to put up snow fences all the time and 20 or 30 feet, those guys will drive over
anything, so I really think 50 ft. and maintaining what is there is critical to keeping
the natural section going there. Carol referred back to Village Green, they are
right up to the Monon and when that gets built it we will wonder why they are so
close. We need to work on this some more. These sections are the heart of what
is going to keep the natural section natural and it is so critical, it is one of the very
first things you do when you are designing a building.
Judy Hagan, Parks Department asked for clarification on where the 30 ft. in the
natural area came from Adrienne indicated it was just an extra set back above
and beyond what would be required today. Judy so how was 30 ft. arrived at is
there anything magic about 30 ft. Judy indicated her goal is to not have the same
issues that occurred on 136 street and it is unclear until Cobblestone gets done,
whether we have successfully protected what we wanted to do there, because that
is just 15 ft. Their sidewalk is within the 15 ft., which is why Judy requested non
access easement to make sure they have to stay out of the trees like they promised.
The goal is to protect the natural vegetation that is there, is 30 ft. enough or do
we need 40 ft. Adrienne looked at the aerials after one of our CCAT meetings,
one of the requests was to see where does this right of way line where does the 33
ft. half fall into the tree line and the second part of that is how much further than
that does it need to be protected for the typical tree line. This may have been
where the 33 ft. came from. Carol you have to remembers that the tractors and
these guys don't care, they don't care, they go a straight line from one spot to
another and if there is a tree or something in the way, it is toast. You have to have
extra room, and I think when Village Green and Cobblestone go up, it will be more
obvious then. Adrienne we will have construction enforcement, just making sure
that these fences and boundary markers are in place from the beginning. Carol but
if you don't have enough room, fences won't matter. Judy we don't want to make
it necessarily that the natural cover keeps expanding in someone's yard. What you
are getting is a visual barrier, people on the trail don't feel that their backyards are
on view for everybody, but also for folks using the greenway aren't seeing laundry.
John Molitor indicated it was important to know where the 30 ft. came from.
Adrienne stated that she will review the process and let the Committee know and
will get the drawing from the aerial and will verify the dimensions.
Carol discussed the infill guidelines for Indy, she feels we could tweak and adopt
for Carmel.
Sally asked if there was any concern that the urban section only goes to 1S street
NW, shouldn't that be a little bit further north? Adrienne indicated that this was
discussed early on with Judy and others that we felt that it was ok to stop there
because currently north of there is residential. If it changes we can amend. Carol
if you widen the building set back to 50 ft, be big enough, so if we want to make it
more urban it would not be a right of way issue. Mike on the east side you have
road right of way that is a redevelopment there will back anyway.
Adrienne only change in the Plan Commission approval process was to clarify that
DP and ADLS would only be mandatory in the urban section, but then, in the
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natural section zoning M3 is the only class that would require an ADLS. Adrienne
indicated that she did not believe the Commission wanted to get into residential
development plan after the initial subdivision plat. Discussion was held on whether
the City wants to impose and ADLS requirement on residential subdivision.
Adrienne gave background overlays Adrienne reviewed the Use Table visual.
Carol asked about a couple of the permitted uses, i.e., mobile home court. Mike
responded that these are usually taken care by the cost of the land. Most
developers want to make the most for their money. Property values will dictate
what will be built I this area. Adrienne indicated that on page 3 of the visual you
will see the uses that are prohibited. Carol will prepare a list of uses she feels are
not appropriate and email it to Mike for distribution. Carol asked that something
be put in there for outdoor restaurants bump your building back 25 ft so that there
is enough room for tables and circulation? This would be only for outdoor seating
where the glass pulls away very transparent this would be acceptable
Carol began discussion of the IBC code on commercial buildings. If buildings are
closer than 30 feet you can't have windows, you need to have shutters; you need
to sprinkle your buildings along with other things to do. These are fire safety
issues. Building separation is always 30ft. This would affect property between
City Center and Old Town. Judy asked where there could be a conflict between
the IBC code and zoning requirements.
On page 3 on the bottom, this was called Trail Specifications and we are not
calling it Greenway Access Point only change is outlined on page 4 —looking for
a non access agreement. The term "Director" is used thorough out Judy
indicated that the access points have to be build to Park Board Standards so
which director is the decider. Adrienne indicated that the Access Points would be
build to Park Board standards, but the actual interval, where they make sense in a
project or how close, or how spread out they are would be more of the Plan
Commission/DOCS realm. Judy indicated that this is what they are trying to get
away from, with everybody making decisions without the larger context, so that
may be one you want to think about. We want to make sure there is a consistent
decision maker, so what don't have everybody putting their little gates in.
Adrienne will look into this.
Building orientation simple language one thought, since last meeting and the last
draft came was to possibly put a maximum building footprint along the trail, so we
are not getting really large Adrienne suggested 15,000 this would be the same
size as Walgreens. This would bring down the scale of buildings. Adrienne would
like to re -title this from Building Orientation to Building Orientation and Footprint
and then adding the maximum footprint A B indicating that a portion of the
building must face the Monon and that 15,000 sq. ft. would be the maximum
footprint. This would be carried into the natural area, but without restrictions on
having a building face the Monon. The facade set back is set at 12 ft. Carol
proposed 20 ft. C2 should be limited to 42 ft. At the AMLI building at Main and
Monon it is just over 40 ft. and 3 stories. Carol feels this is an awful building.
This is just a point of reference 42 ft. is ample on the greenway
John Molitor suggested that the department take anther look at the building height
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and see if 42 ft. is too tall —Carol thinks it should be 2 stories
This docket item will be continued to the October 2n meeting.
8. Docket No. 07020020 OA: US 31 421 Overlay Architectural Design Amendment
The applicant seeks to Amend the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 23B: US Highway 31
Corridor Overlay Zone and Chapter 23C: US Highway 421— Michigan Road Corridor
Overlay Zone, in order to amend the Architectural Design Requirements.
Filed by the Carmel Department of Community Services.
Adrienne Keeling presented for the Department. The latest ordinance is dated August 24,
2005. Similar to the last docket anything in this version that is highlighted in yellow represent
changes made since the last Committee meeting. Adrienne began with page 1, no additional
changes. Carol questioned about exhibits, the items that will go in Chapter 24, yet we talk
about site plans renderings and so forth as requirements, do these things come out
These would be special to the overlay. Anything listed in this chapter would be special to the
overlay, and then anything in Chapter 24 would be general requirements for everything.
Carol asked about fencing Carol showed a visual of a fence at Clay Terrace, she noted that
it is sagging;. Can we change fence requirements to be 26 ft. a unit of the metal fencing
instead of 6 feet? Discussion was held relative to any requirements for the replacement
and /or maintenance of cedar fences. All fences shall be properly maintained and repaired
as necessary. Carol stated that if folks thought they needed to replace their fence every 10
years, they may go for a more maintenance free type of fence. Rick Ripma stated that if the
intention of the fence is block view, a metal fence would not be serviceable. Carol indicated
you would have to have landscaping with it, are there any metal fences that you can't see
through. John Molitor indicated that this would require a person to be hired to enforce the
fence maintenance. It was determined this would not be feasible solution.
Discussion went on to discuss SR 421. Sally Shapiro brought up it is required along 421
between the out lot and the road itself that there should be two rows of trees, has that been
forgotten? Two rows of trees Adrienne indicated that there is a 30 ft. green belt buffer
requirement in that overlay and then on top of that if there are parking lots involved there is
parking lot perimeter landscaping required, but there is not anything in there that would
require that the planting be in two rows. It may be that was how it ended up. Sally the
northern end near Weston Pointe it is pretty sparse on trees up there and they are still doing
their out lots. John Molitor reviewed the ordinance it does not require two rows of trees, it
may appear that way due to the number of plantings that are required. Carol discussed how
when Kohl's and Home Depot came in it was not possible to screen enough to help the people
out who had to look at that, so she is proposing the step back. How can we get a very large
building with a flat facade to help conceal— i.e., larger trees, fence, if it is stepped don't
know what to do. We do have a footprint of 85,000 sq. ft. Adrienne asked from what
tolerance for visible from the residence. Is it visible from an upstairs window, is it visible from
the street, from the property line. Carol stated upstairs is fair game, but if it is visible from a
living room.
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Building heights for proposed buildings that are visible from the first floor residential
neighbors shall be no more that 1 '/2 stories or 18 ft. high on the elevation nearest the
residential neighborhood, but may step up one additional story every 25 ft. It should also say
if the site lines, if the back of the building is visible from the residential area. Adrienne, is a
step in the building going to do anything? Sally we require cornices, brickwork you
require detailing on all sides. Maybe we need a story is generally is usually 10 ft. Adrienne
you are not opposed to the height of the building, it is just the design. A one story screen
would work also, if we could get mature enough plantings, so that all you see is the top half.
Adrienne Carol will come up with a draft for Adrienne from what you drafted originally,
I thought your problem was with building height and if you are just trying to variation of the
facade in particular in the back portion. On the elevation facing the residential neighborhood.
Discussion was held regarding the how high the buildings should be allowed to go. Also,
neighboring areas, i.e., Pearson Ford were discussed and what their zoning is we should
have a maximum height what is the medical building 3 stories Adrienne will check plans
and get height we would not to prohibit this type of building, need to put in a transition
between commercial and residential. Building height max should be match medical building.
Adrienne please keep in mind that plan commission packets go out on Friday it is a
challenge. If the committee if we send this on with the Department Report. Building heights
for the proposed buildings that are visible from a residential neighborhoods shall be no more
than 1 story high on the elevation nearest to the residential area, but may step up an additional
story for every 20 ft. inward.
Carol under "K" suitability of building materials. Mike wants to hold off on the white LEED
controls, Carol asked if LEED will be coming out in its own package. Adrienne indicated that
the Department is working on overall policies right now, City wide that no only deal with
private construction, but with City policies. We are trying to get those in order and from
there, and then choosing things that will apply to the zoning ordinance in general. We don't
know yet if it is going to be it may be a Green Chapter or amendments to include items we
want. Carol we are calling out red brick what is the difference between calling for red
brick and asking for a white roof? Adrienne will make sure to carry over the fence
requirements to this also. Green space? This would be with LEED policies.
Regarding hotels we have looked into and we can take care of in the Chap. 31. In the US
31 Overlay that calls out retail uses, and in the past we have applied that to mean restaurants,
any kind of retail. However, it could be argued that our use table having restaurants and other
uses not under the retail category. Restaurants fall under the cultural and entertainment uses.
We have not had the problem before. John M. is there a problem with hotel. Hotels are a
separate use category full service hotels are not excluded from the overlay. If we want to
change Chap. 31, which has already been advertised for hearing, the Department would not be
comfortable we can do that Plan commission must see it. Anything that affects the zoning
ordinance must go through the Plan commission. It needs to be dealt with it at the Plan
Commission level.
Carol Schleif made a motion to approve Docket 07020020 OA US 31 and US 421
Architectural Design Amendments. With the following conditions:
Under US 31 Perimeter fence columns will be changed to 26 ft on center.
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Under US 421 changes include fence requirements the same as US 31; under building height
will include maximum 3 story building height for the overlay; wording to the effect of Building
heights for the proposed buildings that are visible from a residential neighborhoods shall be no
more than 1 story high on the elevation nearest to the residential area, but may step up an
additional story for every 20 ft. inward or first structural bay which ever is greater.
Sally Shapiro seconded the motion.
Approved 3 -0
9. TABLED TO OCT. 2: Docket No. 07010008 Z: 116 Guilford Rezone
11 ri Residenee. The site isYeeated at1441 S. Guilf6fd D.1 Filed by t he Cafmel Dep
Sally Shapiro motioned to adjourn the meeting
Carol Schleif seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
File: SUB- 2007- 0904.doc
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