HomeMy WebLinkAbout187303 07/07/2010 *f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CHECK AMOUNT: $289.23 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 PALATINE IL 60038 -0001 CHECK NUMBER: 187303 CHECK DATE: 7/7/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4238900 9278842886 201.05 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 601 5023990 9284132686 77.00 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 9284181089 11.18 OTHER EXPENSES GR19�Ir11TGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 N III GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9284181089 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 06/24/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 07/24/2010 AMOUNT DUE 11.18 SHIT' TO CARMEL WASTEWATER PO NUMBER: VBL JEFF COOPER 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CALLER: JEFF COOPER INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6135103829 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00033128 1 MB 0382 CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 033128 STE110 THANK YOU. CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CAI.I. 311 -842 -2497 9: 1 21111 1LO19 RADIAL BALL BEARING 1 11.18 11.18 MANUFACTURER 6206ZZC3/5C NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 0.45 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 11.18 DATE SHIPPED: 06124/2010 These items are sold for domestic_ c onsumption in the United States If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT PAY-S- ABLE IN U DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 11.18 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SAL €S POLICY 4. Manufacturer's Warranty. 1. Wholesale Only. For information cif a specific rrtanufaclurer's warranty, please contact the local Grainger branch or call W.W. Grainger, Inc. "Graingor sells products tar business use to ousiomerswith proper business identification, Customer Care at t- 888.36T -8649. which is required train all custrnmers prior to purchase. 5- Product Compliance and Suitability. 2. Prices. Jurisdictions have varying laws codes and regulations governing construction. installation, andlor use of Prices listed are will wale, do not mother freight, handling lees_ taxes, andim duties, and are subject to products for a particular purpose. Certain products may not be available for sale in all areas. Grainger does correction or change without nonce. Market sensitive commodity products will be priced according 10 Cufrent not guarm e p rtee, compliance or suitability of throducts it sells with any laws, codes, or regulations- nor market conditions. Cuthomprshoulil contact lilt local Grainger branch or cireck Online at *wtv.graingercoirl for does Grainger accept responsibility far construction, installation andlor use of a product. It is customer's current pricing, Export orders may be subject to other special pricing. Grainger reserves the right tc accept or responslbifity to review the prodnet appllcition and all applicable laws, codes and regulations for each relevant reject any r ie jurisdiction to be sure that the construction, installation, and /or use Involving the products are compliant. 3. Sales Tax. Customers are responsible for payonef t of all applicable stuns and local taxes, or for 11mviding a vaild sales tax D- PRODUCT INFORMATION exe ;nptioncerlifrcate. When placing an order, customer shall indicate which products are tax exempi. 1. Catalog/Website Information. 4. Payment and Credit Terms. Grainger reserves the night to correct publishing errors in its catalogs or any of its wabsites. Product daplctittns Graingol accepts cash, checks, money orders. Visa, MasterCard, and Amerloan Express. For customers with in the catalog or wetishes are for illustrative purposes only. Possession of, of access lo, any Grainger catalog. established Grainger credit, paymern lettrs an, net thirty (30) days [join the date of shipment or pick -up. All literature or wehsiles does not constitute the right to purchase products. croon extended by Grainger to rusigrner and the limits of SwIl credit, Is at Grainger'S sale diSrfOnoih. antl may 2. Product Substitution. be reduca6 or revoked by Grainger at any time, far any €cason. Grainger reserves the right to charge a Products (and country of oull may be substituted and may riot be Identical to catalog or vvebsite published convenfence fee for late payments. Grainger further reserves the right to charge cusfamar a late payment fee at descriptions andlor images the rate of one and one -half percent ft.alj of the amount due for each month or portion thereof that the 3- Occupational Safety and HoaltftAdministration "OSHA Hazardous Substance, anlonni due remains unpaid, of such amount as may he permitted under applicable law_ Anticipation and cash Material Safety Data Sheets (`MSDS') lot OSHA defined halardOU5 sultstances are prepared and supplied by discounts are riot Expom arders are subject to special export paymert leans and conditions. All the manufamurers. GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTTS AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY TO ANY payments must be made to U.S. (Ingalls. Grainger snail have the right of set-off and deduction far any sums CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUITABILITY OF owed by customer to Grainger. THE HECONINIENDATLDNS IN ANY MSDS, CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR USE OF ANY INFORMATION. AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT It customer fails to make Payment within thirty (30) days of Shipment or L ir,k-up, or fails to cgmpiy with 4- MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. G €aingars credit terms, or tails to supply adequate assurance of full performance to Grainger within a MSOS and a list of Proposition 65 products are availablec III at the local Grainger hrinch iii[ by contacting easonable time alto requested by Gr inrtarjstrchtime as specified in Grainger's request), Grainger may defer Grainger, Dept. BtL57, AIM' Environmental Health and Safety Cain_ 100 Grainger Parkway, Lake Forest, IL cnipments until such payment or conphartce is roads require rash in ad ace for any further shipat =ors 60045 -5201 US jiii) by calling Grainger's VISES Request Line at 1- 877 286 -98 or {iv) by logging on to demand im,r dime payment of all amounts then n ed, One pursue collection lrction (including without www.grainger corn and clicking out the'' Resources" tab It the tap of the page. lion anon, anon .ys` toss and coy and all other associated costs of collection), andlor may, at its option, 5. Important Notice to federal Cuslomors Re: Country of Origin. cancel all orally part of all unshipped order While all products listed on GSA Advantage!' weel the requirements of the, Trade Agreemeffs Am (`T'AA "l. as Cu&tome€ agree to assume responsibi[ity tor, and cull hereby uncnnrtitionally guarantees payment of, as implememeu by Federal Acquisition Regulations Part 25. Other products sold by Graingw man net meet ,troy ded her in, all purchases made by customer. ill Subsdiaoas and affiliates. Each of costumers subsidiaries the requirenjenks. At the time of punthase, Graingef will advise Customers with proper identification as an and .'filintes purchasing cram Grainger -ill be jot illy and severally liable for purchases with customer. and authorized schedule customer whether of not a product is 'TAA- compliant.' Any federal customer purchasing customer is also acting as agent ror such subsidiaries and affiliates, a non -TAA item will be joaking an `open market" purchase that is net covered by any Contract. Federal 5, Credit Balance_ customers are advised trial the open market purchases are NOT GSA schedule purchases. By putchhasing any Customer agrees that any credit balance(s) issued by Grainger wilf be applied to customers account within one product on the open market, the customer represents that it has authority tic make such purchase and has (1iyear of its'rssuance. IF CUSTOMER HAS NOT REQUESTED THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE (I I YEAR. ANY complied with all applicable procurement regulations. REMAINING CREDIT BALANCE 'WILL BE CANCELLED, AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER LIABILITY. 6. ARRA Orders. R is the customer's responsibility to advise Grainger whether this order is funded in any part by funds from or R. FREIGHT POLICY related to the American Reinvestrneni and Recovery Act ("ARRA") (Put), L. No, 111 -5) ;Le., Swunhic Funds[. Products are shipped E0.5 shipping point, with irgight costs and handling fees paid by Grainger and charged to Upon request, Grainger vJll provide country of origin information so that custorer fray detorrnine Compliance custam relgM c €.Orders o U.S. $1500 before tax and f i,including any backorders) are shipped freight free. C.O.D. with ally applicable requirennaots under ARRA Suction 1605 or any other applicable regulations. sh pmenis are o permitted Other forms and conditions may apply far additional height serd,ces l "Addltioml frelgbt Sear, s j ildurin witho Ifnmatmn, expedited same day delivery air freight, freight collect export E. GENERAL TERMS r o rs ta°.ardous materials t usip tirli carrier. shipments outside the cnnbgungr U.S" or other special handling 1, Limitation of Liability. hythr„ arier. Anyextrachanceserrurr; dlmAdditionalFreightServicesmusthesaidbycustamerFortsnrcharges GRAINGER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, L•NCIDENTAI_ SPECIAL, may be applied. Title and risk of Inss pass to customs, upon tender of shipment to the carrier, If the product is FXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. GRAINGER'S LIABILITY IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES IS LIMITED TO, AND damaged In €runsit, customers only recourse is fa NO a claim with the carrier. SHALL NOT EXCEED, THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRDDUCT THAT GIVES RISE TO ANY LIABILITY, 2, Farce Majeure. C. WARRANTY POLICY Grainger shill not be liable for any delay in, Or impairunent of peribrrnance resulting in whole Or in part from 1. Limited Warranty. any force majeum event. including but not binned to acts of God. labor disruptions, acts of war, acts of AIL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR. (l RESALE: OR in) USE furrorism (whether actual or threatened), governmental decrees or controls, insurrections, epidemics. IN BUSINESS, GOVERNMENTOR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE. GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS quarantines, shortages, communioatjon orpo tar failures, fire, accident, explosion, Zit liby to procure or ship AGAINST DEFECTS Ind MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PLLROL) OF ONL rl i product or obtain permits and licenses, inability to procure supplies or raw materials, severe weather YEAR AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER. UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. PROVIDED THAT conditions, cataStmphic events, or any other circumstance (A cause, beyond the reasonable control of Grainger GRAINGER ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD, GRAINGER In the conduct of its business. MAY, AT ITS OPTION: (I) REPAIR; fill REPLACE, OR (iii? REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER. 3. Grainger's Performance (if Services. CUSTOMER MUST RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED Customer will hold harmless and Indemnify Grainger, its officers. directors, employees, agents. subcontractors SERVICE LOCATION, AS DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER, SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID GRAINGER'S REPAIR, or representatives from and against any and all claims. including bodily injury, death, or damage to personal REPLACEMENT, OR REFUND OF AMOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT, SHALL BE CUSTOMER'S pmpertv, and at; Other losses, liabilities, obligations, demands, anions and expenses, vvLethgt direct of SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. indirect, known or unkirl absolute, or non €ingent, incurred by Grainger related to the performance of 2. Warranty Disclaimer. services for customer (Including without limitation, seOlorl casts, attorneys' fees, and any and all other a. NO WARRANT! OR AFFIRMATION OF FACT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN T HE expenses for defending any actions or threatened actions) arising out of. in whole Or in part, any act or LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENI' ABOVE, IS tatADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER, GRAINGER omission of Cus €omer, its employees, agents, subcontractors or representatives, DISCLAIMS ANY JARiLITY FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE, IMPROPER PRODUCT 4. Cancellation. SELECTION IMPROPER INSTAL- ATIOSI, PRODUCT MODIFICATION, MISRFRAIR OR MISAPPLICATION. All product order cancellations roust be approved by Grainger. and ray be subject to restocking fees and other GRAINGFR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS: fl) ARE MERCHANTABLE; charges. fO FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR i} DO NOT' AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S 5. Product Return. 1WELLECTUAL PROPFFEY RIGfifS, Product rellims must Inc made wi €hill one (t) year train date at purchase, unless CIIIII i indicaied 'Gi "Gf f, r,14K'sS NO WARRA "f' 1 1-S ',G II10 "A DEFiNE(l AS LUNSGMLFS IN THL L AGNUSON MESS Cu too er a liorJd call uhf, local Gr: rhrger bunch m an to viwtv.prainger.com, to; "ust w,fians. ,Rulurced product ?eJARRArtI a ,.DERAt TRADE CON DAIS 310N IMP iO'1E:MFNT ACT mss[ b in orig€nftl packaging, tmused urtdafhjaged, and n stfhaf iii ;cndnlo Proof of Furchase l5 r, lJoed n 3. Warranty Ptgdtfcl Rel ab cases, 3 'ctrnrjna any product, Customer shall: fir write o, c Ir the local G €a inger branch from which the ilucr w p t as purctased t'q 'n bite case of art gttel order, contact ran✓ grainger_cool and pravida the date R EXPORT SALES the original lovovi humbar, ln. stork nurnher anti a descnpbnn of the detect; or till) call Customer Care at Orders tot export sales are subject to the lerms randiGans found a[v.r ^rv+.graingeucam, and ,.art be accessed by 1- 986- 361 -8648, and provide fhb date, the original Invofee number, the stock member. and a description of the clicking on the "Terms of Sale" link. Cl Proof Of purchase is required in all cases. A FULL STATEMENT OF GRAINGER'S TERMS AN CONDITIONS IS AVAILABLE ON www. graingor.com AND IS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. VOUCHER 10.5735- WARRANT ALLOWED 351533 IN SUM OF GRAINGER INC DEPT. 804572097 PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9284181089 01- 7202 -06 $11.18 Voucher Total $11.18 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER INC Purchase Order No. DEPT. 804572097 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Due Date 6/30/2010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/30/2010 9284181089 $11.18 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have a udited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 s X Date Officer PAGE 1 OF 1 GRANGER 0 r 1 il/ GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052172 INVOICE NUMBER 9284132686 9210 CORPORATION DR, INVOICE DATE 06/24/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 07/24/2010 AMOUNT DUE 77.00 SHIP TO CARMEL WATER UTILITIES PO NUMBER: PLANT 5 3450 W 131ST ST CALLER: JAMES ALFORD WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 CUSTOMER PHONE. (317) 733 -2555 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6134888620 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00033167 1 MB 0382 CARMEL WATER UTILITIES 3450 W 131ST ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -8267 033167 THANK YOU! 'El NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABO111 THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUCJI CAU. 317 -842 -2497 •-e e 1GYN5 WIRE TAG,MANILA,PK 1000 1 77.00 77.00 MANUFACTURER 0760- 1530315 NUMBER OF PKGS_ 0 WEIGHT, 3.96 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 77.00 DATE SHEPPED: 06123/2010 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Slates, If exported, purchaser assurnes full resnonsibiiiiv for comnhanre with I JS exoorr mnbnIq GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS y A. SALES POLICY 4. Maautacturer's Warranty. I Wholesale Only. For Iniof €nation on a specific rnanufadurers wa €rant', contact the local G,ainger branch or call W.W, Grainger, Inc. (`Gralrnyer") sells products for business use to customers vvlth proper business ldfioflioficobon Customer Care at 1- 888 -361 -8649, which is squared from all customers prior to purchase. 5. Product Compliance and Suitability. 2, Prices. Lurisdiotions have varying laws, codes and regulations governing construction, installation, endtr use of Prices listed are wholesale, do not 'include freight handling fees, taxes, and,'or duties, and are subject to products for a particular purpose. Certain products may not be avallabla for sale in all areas. Grainger does coutfolino or change without duties Market sensitise commodity products will her priced according to current 1101 guarantee compliance or slfiiabil 'sly of The prgdooM it sells lV411 any Ltws, cozies or regulatimts, nor market conditions. CustomershoulicontactrhefocalGraingerhrancharcheekonlineatww w,graingeccomfor (Ices G44ger accept responsibility tut construction installation ond'or use of a prodina1. It is costumers current pricing. Export orders may be subject to olher special pricing. Grainger reserves the right to accept Or osponslbikly to revieevd the product application and all applicable layvs, our and rehlufatlons for each relevant rejact any order. JulkslicliDu to be sure thatthe construction. installation. and/or use involJou the pr0dncls are compliant, 3. Sales Tax. Customers alit responsible for payment of all applicable state and meal taxes, Or for providing it valid safes tax D. PRODUCT INFORMATION exer'nption certificate, Wb °n of aforg anu €der, customer shall Indicate which products are tax exempt. 1. Catalog/Well Information, 4. Payment and Credit Terms. Grainger reserves the right to correct puhishing errors In its Catalogs or any of Its taebsites. Product depictions Grainger accepts cash, checks. Insnay ciders, Visa, MasterCard, and An erlcan Express. For customers with in the catalog or rvltlb Ines are lorillustratbve purposes only. Possession of or access to, any Grainger catalog, established Grainger credit, nayment terms are her tlllriy i3u) stays from the dale of ShPfrent Or plek All literature of websltes does net Constitute The right to prlrchasc producto c[edil extended by GraingHr to GuStOmer, and the limns of such Ciedlt, Is at Grainger', sole discretion, and may 2. Product Substitution. be, reduced or revoked by Grainger at any time, for any reason. Grainger reserves me right it charge a Products fare country of origin) may he substituted and niav not be ilenflcal to catalog or vrebri pubLshed ranvenienca tea far late pavntents. Graingcr further reserves the right to charge customer a late payment tea at baser frions and/or images the rate of one and one earcent of the amount due for each month Or portion thereof that the 3. Occupatiunai Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA Hazardous Substance. amount due remains unpaid, or such amount as may be permitted under applicable law. Anticipation and cash Material Safety Data Sheets 1 MSDS "T for OSHA defined hnza1fd0us sabslances are p €epared and supplied by discounts are net allotted. Export orders are subject In sTaciai export payment terms and conditions. All the manufacturers. GRAINGER IvtAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIA31; AY 10 ANY payments mast be trade lei U S. dollars. GrI shalt have the right of set -off and dleducttora for any Burns CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUITABILITY OF owed by ct €stomer to Grainger. THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANY MSDS, CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR If customer tails to make paymerni within ihi�ty ;3 do 's of shlpmem or p ick up or tails to coon with USE OF ANY INFORMATION, AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT, p P Co 4. Ni and Proposition 65 Product Requests. Grainger's credit terms, or fails to supply adequate assurance of full perlormaoce to Grainger within a MSDS and a list of Proposition 65 products are a ailahlru {I) at the local Grainger branch, (ii) by contacting reasonable time after requested by Grainger (such time as specified in Grainger's request), Grainger may deter Grainger, Dept_ tiLLb7, Alto Environmental Health and Safety Dept„ 100 Grainger Parkxty, Lai e 'Farad. IL shipments until such payment Or compliance is made. require cash in advance for any further shipments, 60045 -5201 U.S,: (iii) by calling Grainger's MSDS Request i_h,te of 1 -8i i -286 9BF;8: or (iv? by lagging on Le demand immediate payment of all amounts ther oy,ed, Mert to pursue collection action (including without wvrra.grainger:onm and clicking on the "Resources' tall at t top of the page. limitation, attorneys' fees and any and all other associated casts of collection), and/or ufay, at its option. 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Re: Country 4t Origin. cancel all or any part Of an unshipped carter While all products I' €sled an GSA Ad meet the raqui en)ents of the'riade Agreements Act fAA" as Customer auueesJU assume responsibility for and customer herebv unconditionally guarantees payment of as Implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulations Part 25 other products saki by Grainger may net meat provided herein, all purchases made by customer, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Each of customer's subsidiaries the requirements. At the lime of purchase, Grainger will advise ausferners With proper identification as an and affiliates purchasing from Grainger will he jointly and severally liable for purchases with customer, and authorized schedule customer whether or not a product is `TAA- compliant." Any federal customer purchasing customer is also acting as agent for such subsidiaries and affiliates, a non-AA Item will be making an "open market" purchase that Is not covered by any contract. Federal 5. Credit Balance. customers are, advised that the open market purchases are NOT GSA schedule purchases. by purchasing any Customer agrees trial now credit balaul is) issued by Grainger will he applied to customer's account within one product on the open market the customer repro iChIS that it has authority to make such purchase and has r1) yourofitsissuancc. IFCUSTOMERHASNOTREOUESTEDTHECREDITBALANCEWITHINONE (1)YEAR,ANY compbad with all apelikiablep €ocurememtegLiholonS REMAINING CREDIT BALANCE WILL BE CANCELLED, AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER LIABILITY. 6- ARRA Orders. It is the customer's responsibility to advise Grainger whether this order is funded In any pall by funds from or B. FREIGHT POLICY reltdod to th0 American Reinvesmten€ ant€ Rowse v Act i "ARHA (Pub. L- No 111 (i.a., Stimulus Funds). Products are shipped ED R, shipping point with freight costs and handling fees paid by Grainger and charged to Upon request. Grainger will prrntle country of origin �nf0 €motion s> that rnsiorner ma de.termtine compliance custmner Orders over U.S, $1500 hcfore tax and freight Occluding any backnrders) ire shipped freight free. C.O.D. wort any applicable requlromonts under AREA Section 1605 or any other applicable regulations shipments are not permitted. Other terns and conditions may apply for addillooal freight services (`Additional E. GENERAL TERMS Freight Services'). including vii €hour limitation, expedited same day delivery, air freight, height collect, export orders, iiaic r lafs materials. ctictorrer's Cagier, shipments aul5ide the contiguous U.S„ or other special handling 1. Limitation of Liability. bythi; carrier Any extra chargesincurred lot Additicnaf Freight Servicesnlustbe Paid bycustomeL Fuel surcharges GRAINGER EXPRESSLY D €SCI_AIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR CONSEOLiENTIAL, INFIDFNTAL SPECIAL, may he applied. Title and risk of loss pass to customor upan tender of shipment to the carrier. It the product is EXEMPI ARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. GRAINGER'S LIABII,.ITY IN AIA CIRCUMSTANCES IS LIMITED TO, AND damaged in transit. customer's only rscudrse is to file a clan i with the carrier. SHALL NOT EXCEED, THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT THAT GIVES RISE 70 ANY LIABILITY. 2. Force Majeure. C. WARRANTY POLICY Grainger shall not be liable for any delay In, or Impairment of, performance resulting In whole or in parl from 1. Limited Warranty, any forte mnjeurd event, Including but not limited to acts of God, labor disntl do ns, ac'S of vsr, acts of ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR (i) RESALE. OR Cl) USE tenor €sm twit then actual or 1hrearen d) governmental decrees or controls Insurrections, eprdenucc, IN BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EUUIPMENT MANUFACTURE. GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS quarantines. shortages communication or power failures, fire accident_ explosion, inability to procure or ship AGAINST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNUER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) product or obtain perm45 'Ind he ors s inaLhuy o procure supplies or rave materials severe weather YEAR AFIEH THE GATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, PROVIDED THAT conditions, catastrophic evert,, or any other cecurnm3i co or cause beyond the reasonable control or Grainger GRAINGER ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD, GRAINGER in the conduct of its business, MAY. AT ITS OPTION: (it REPAIR, (n) REPLACE: OR (Ili) REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER, 3. Grainger's Performance of Services. CUSTOMER MUST RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED Customer will hold harmless and indemnify Grainger, its officers, directors, employees, agents, subcontractors SERVICE LOCATION. AS DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER, SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID, GRAINGER'S REPAIR. or represcr dues from and against any and all claims, Including bodily injury, death, or damage to personal REPLACEMENT, OR REFUND OF A'MOONTS PAIL) BY CUSTOMER F -0R THE PRODUC'L SHALL BE CUSTOMER'S property. and all other lasses liabilities, obligations, demands. actions and expenses whether direct or SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. ndirect, known ar unknown, absolute of contingent, incurred by Graing(;f related to The. performance of 2. Warranty Disclaimer. services for customer (including ve thout limitation, settiernent costs, attorneys' fees, and any and all other a. NO WARRANTY OR AFFIRMATION OF FACT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE exttensos for defending any actions or threatened actions) arising oat of, in whole or in part any act or LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENT ABOVE. IS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER. GRAINGER emission or customer, Its employees, agents, subcontractors of represuntatives. DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILI F{ FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE, IMPROPER PHODIJCT 4. Cancetla[ion. SELECTION, IMPROPER INSTALLATION, PRODUCT MODIFICATION 101SREPAIR OR MISAPPLICATION All product Ordercancelldhon; roust tea approval by Grainger, and may he suhlectt to resteckting fees anal other (,EAfNGER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY 'WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS: (i) ARE MERCHANTABI_Ei charges No) FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE On (iii) DO NOT AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S 5, Product Return. tN1E'c1_E7UAIPROPERTY RIGHTS. Picduct uclurns must be w'dhi4 ore (i) year -3ln date of ,.rrrchase_ a l ss otr�,I vlsc rlheareu 6BA!,AGER MAKES NO NVARRANt LS TO TI it SE ULLINEJ AS IN IHIL MAG h1USON -MOSS Gustmlrer slrorild call the local Grauuger it -rich, ar gu tr .:,,).quilrger -coot. re, ins7rr JioOS R,Prnrrd plc -iuc! SARRAN iy FEI)FRAL TRADE htCiiMISSION IMPROVEMENT ACT, mist be in orol p.f rkaging, unused, uridu m igee art(] it s neablr. cendiban. Proof of purcrn5r s requtree n 3. Warranty Product Return, NIL Cases. B ,ore re ormng any product custcn.er shall h; vide or call the local Grainger branch from whirl) the e n r�tncPd b in the a?sa of an intPrnet,order. contact www.graingecenm and provide the date. F. EXPORT SALES n, a• r oY ra calec are subject to the terms conditions found at avow.crainher.com. and can be accessed by VOUCHER 102021 WARRANT ALLOWED 35,1533 IN SUM OF GRAINGER, INC 4V DEPT 804572097 PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 0 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9284132686 01- 6200 -04 $77.00 Voucher Total $77.00 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, Find of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER, INC Purchase Order No. DEPT 804572097 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Due Date 6/2812010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 6/28/2010 9284132686 $77.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAZNGER. GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 INVOICE NUMBER 9278842886 401 S. WRIGHT ROAD INVOICE DATE 06/17/2010 JANESVILLE, WI 53546 DUE DATE 07/17/2010 AMOUNT DUE 201.05 SHIP TO MARK BAUMGART PO NUMBER: FOUNTAIN CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK REQUISITIONER: MARK BAUMGART 1 CIVIC SQ CALLER: MARK BAUMGART CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2443 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6134502365 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00033150 1 MB 0382 "I�I'�'ll CITY OF CARMEL /BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032 -2584 033150 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877 202 -2594 k�K ••D 2VMA1 GLOVE, LATEX, ALOE,6 MIL,S,PK 100 2 17.71 35.42 MANUFACTURER L931 2VMA2 GLOVE,LATEX,ALOE,6 MIL,M,PK 100 2 17.71 35.42 MANUFACTURER L932 2VMA3 GLOVE, LATEX,ALOE,6 MIL,L,PK 100 2 17.71 35.42 MANUFACTURER L933 2VMA4 GLOVE, LATEX, ALOE,6 MIL,XL,PK 100 2 17.71 35.42 MANUFACTURER L934 2TEL2 GLOVE, LATEX, NATURAL, 10 MIL,S,PK 50 1 19.79 19.79 MANUFACTURER UL -315 -S 2TEL4 GLOVE, LATEX, NATURAL,9 MIL,M,PK 50 1 19.79 19.79 MANUFACTURER UL -315 -M 2TEL5 GLOVE, LATEX, NATURAL,9 MIL,L,PK 50 1 19.79 19.79 MANUFACTURER UL -315 -L NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 19.69 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 201.05 DATE SHIPPED: 061172010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND HAZ -MAT TRACKING N0: 1Z5851880343973202 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Slates. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 209.05 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Manufacturer's Warranty 1. Wholesale Only. For information on a specific manufacturer's warranty, please contact the local Grainger branch or call W.W. Grainger, Inc. ('Grainger sells products for business use to customers with proper business identification, Customer Care at 1- 888 -361 -8649. which is required from all customers prior to purchase. 5. Product Compliance and Suitability. 2. Prices. Jurisdictions have varying laws, codes and regulations governing construction, installation, and /or use of Prices listed are wholesale, do not include freight, handling fees, taxes, and/or duties and are subject to products for a particular purpose. Certain products may not be available for sale in all areas. Grainger does correction or change without notice. Market sensitive commodity products will be priced according to current not guarantee compliance or suitability of the products it sells with any laws. codes or regulations, not market conditions. Customer should contact the local Grainger branch or check online at wwwz.graingef.com for does Grainger accept responsibility for construction, installation and /or use of a product. It is customer's current pricing, Export orders may be subject to other special pricing. Grainger reserves the right io accept or responsibility to review the product application and all applicable laws, codes and regulations for each relevant reject any order. jurisdiction to be sure that the construction, installation, and /or use involving the products are compliant 3. Sales Tax. Customers are responsible for payment of all applicable state and local taxes, or for providing a valid sales tax D. PRODUCT INFORMATION exemption certificate. When placing an order, customer shall indicate which products are tax exempt. 1. Catalog/Website Information. 4. Payment and Credit Terms. Grainger reserves the right to correct publishing offers in its catalogs or any of its websites. Product depictions Grainger accepts cash, checks. money orders, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. For customers with in the catalog or websites are for illustrative purposes only. Possession of, or access to, any Grainger catalog, established Grainger credit, payment terms are net thirty (30) days from the date of shipment or pick -up. All literature or websites does not constitute the right to purchase products. crei extended by Grainger to customer. and the limits of such credit, is at Grainger's sole discretion, and may 2. Product Substitution. be reduced or revoked by Grainger at any time. for any reason, Grainger reserves the fight to charge a Products (and country of origin) may be substituted and may not be identical to catalog or website published convenience fee for late payments. Grainger further reserves the right to charge customer a 1,116 payment fee at descriptions and/or images. the rate of one and one -half percent (1,5 of the amount due for each month or portion thereof that the 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration "OSHA Hazardous Substance. amount due remains unpaid, or such amount as may be permitted under applicable law Anticipation and cash Material Safety Data Sheets "MSDS for OSHA defined hazardous substances are prepared and supplied by discounts are not allowed. Export orders are subject to special export payment terms and conditions. All the manufacturers. GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY TO ANY payments must be made in U.S. dollars. Grainger shall have the right of set -off and deduction for any stuns CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUITABILITY OF owed by customer to Grainger. THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANY MSDS. CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR I f customer fails to make payment within thirty 1301 days of shipment or pick -up, or fails to comply with USE OF ANY INFORMATION, AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT. 4. Grainger's credit terms, or fails to supply adequate assurance of full performance to Grainger within a MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. reasonable time after requested by Grainger (such lime as specified in Grainger's request), Grainger may defer MSDS and a list of Proposition 65 products He available: fe at the local Grainger branch: (ill by contacting Grainger, Dept. B1157, Attn: Environmental Health and Safety Dept.. 100 Grainger Parkway, Lake Forest, IL shipments until such payment or compliance is made, require cash in advance for any further shipments. 60045 -5201 U.S.; (iii) by calling Grainger's MSDS Request Line at 1- 877 286 or liv) by logging on to demand immediate payment of all amounts then owed, elect to pursue collection action (including without �dww.grainger.corn and clicking on the Resources" tab at the top of the page. limitation, attorneys' fees and any and all other associated costs of collection), and/or may, at its option. 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Re: Country of Origin. cancel all or any part of an unshipped order. While all products listed on GSA Advantage"' meet the requirements of the Trade Agreements Act (`TAA as Cw,Lomef agrees to assume n7sprmsmiltty for and customer hereby unconditionally guarantees payment of, as implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulations Part 25, other products sold by Grainger may not meet piovfded herein, all purchases made by cusiomer its subsidianes and affiliates. Each of customers subsidiaries the requirements. At the time of pun:hase. Grainger will advise customers .vifh proper identification as an and affiliates purchasing from Grainger will be jointly and severally liable for purchases with customer, and authorized schedule customer whether or not a product is "TAA- compliant." Any federal customer purchasing customer is also acting as agent for such subsidiaries and affiliates. a non -TAA item will be making an "open market" purchase that is not covered by any contract Federal 5. Credit Balance. customers are advised that the open market purchases are NOT GSA schedule purchases. By purchasing any Customer agrees that any credit balance(s) issued by Grainger will be applied to customer's account within one product on the open market, the customer represents that it has authority to make such purchase and has (1) year of its issuance. IF CUSTOMER HAS NOT REQUESTED THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR. ANY complied with all applicable procurement regulations. REMAINING CREDIT BALANCE WILL BE CANCELLED, AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER LIABILITY. 6. ARRA Orders. It is the customer's responsibility to advise Grainger whether this order is funded in any part by funds from or B. FREIGHT POLICY related to the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (''ARRA (Pub. L. No. 111 -5) (i.e., Stimulus Funds), Products are shipped F.O.B. shipping point, with freight costs and handling tees paid by Grainger and charged to Upon request, Grainger will provide country of origin information so that customer may determine compliance customer. Orders over U.S. S1500 before tax: and freight (including any backorders) are shipped freight tree, C.O.D. with any applicable requirements under ARRA Section 1605 or any other applicable regulations. shipments are not permitted- Other terms and conditions may apply for additional freight services "Additional Freight Services including without limitation, expedited same day delivery, air freight, freight collect.. export E. GENERAL TERMS orders, hazardous materials, customer's carrier, shipments outside the contiguous U.S.., or other special handling 1. Limitation of Liability. by the carrier. Any extra charges incurred for Additional Freight Services must be paid by customer. Fuel surcharges GRAINGER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, may be. applied. Title and risk of loss pass to customer upon tender of shipment to the carrier. If the product is EXEMPLARY. OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. GRAINGER'S LIABILITY IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES IS LIMITED 10, AND damaged in transit, customer's only recourse is to file a claim with the carrier. SHALL NOT EXCEED, THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT THAT GIVES RISE TO ANY LIABILITY. 2. Force Majeure. C. WARRANTY POLICY Grainger shall not be liable for any delay in, or impairment of, performance resulting in whole or in part from 1. Limited Warranty. any force majeure event. Including but not limited to acts of God, labor disruptions, acts of war acts of ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR: (i) RESALE; OR (ii) USE terrorism (whether actual or threatened). governmental decrees or controls, insurrections, epidemics. IN BUSINESS. GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE. GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS quarantines, shortages. communication or power failures, fire. accident, explosion, friability to procure or ship AGAINST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) product or obtain permits and licenses, inability to procure supplies or raw materials, severe weather YEAR AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. PROVIDED THAT conditions. catastrophic events, or any other circumstance or cause beyond the reasonable control of Grainger GRAINGER ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD, GRAINGER in the conduct of its business. MAY, At PS OPTION: Iii REPAIR; (ii) REPLACE; OR (iii) REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER. 3. Grainger's Performance of Services. CUSTOMER tAUST RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED Customer will hold harmless and indemnify Grainger, its officers, directors, employees. agents, subcontractors SERVICE LOCATION. AS DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER, SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER'S REPAIR, or representatives from and against any and all claims, including bodily injury, death, or damage to personal REPLACEMENT, OR REFUND OF AMOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT, SHALL BE CUSTOMER'S property, and all other losses, liabilities, obligations, demands, actions and expenses. whether direct or SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY indirect, known or unknown, absolute or contingent, incurred by Grainger related to the performance of 2. Warranty Disclaimer, services lot customer (including without limitation. settlement costs, attorneys' fees. and any and all other a NO WARRANTY OR AFFIFMATION OF FACT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE expenses for defending any actions or threatened acllons) arising, out of, in whole or in part, any act or LIMITED WARRANTY STATEN11ENT ABOVE IS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER. GRAINGER omission of customer. its employees, agents.. subcontractors or representatives. DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE, IMPROPER PRODUCT 4. Cancellation. SELECTION. IMPROPER INSTALLATION. PRODUCT MODIFICATION, MISREPAIR OR MISAPPLICATION. All product order cancellations must be approved by Grainger and may be subject to restocking fees and other GRAINGER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS: (i) ARE MERCHANTABLE; charges. (ii) FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR (iii) DO NOT AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S 5. Product Return. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, Product returns must be made within one (1) year from date of purchase, unless otherwise indicated, It. GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES TO THOSE DEFINED AS CONSUMERS IN THE MAGNUSON -MOSS Customer should call the local Grainger branch, or go to www.grainge.r.com for instructions. Returned product WARRANTY- FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION IMPROVEMENT ACT. must be in original packaging. unused. undamaged, and in saleable condition. Proof of purchase is required in 3. Warranty Product Return. all cases. Before returning any product. customer shall; (if write or call the local Grainger branch from which the product v+as purchased: (ii) in the case of an internet order, contact www.9nainger.com and provide the date, F. EXPORT SALES the original invoice number, the stock number, and a description of the defect: or (iii) call Customer Care at Orders for export sales are subject to the terms conditions found at www.graingeccom, and can be accessed by 1- 888 -361 -8649, and provide the date. the original invoice number. the stock number, and a description of the clicking on the 'Terms of Sale" link. defect. Proof of purchase is required in all cases. A FULL STATEMENT OF GRAINGER'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS IS AVAILABLE ON www.grainger.com AND IS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. VOUCHER NO. WAR NO. Grainger ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF Dept. 854052008 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 $20 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT# /TITLE I AMOUNT Board Members 2201 9278842886 42- 389.00 $201.05 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except T hursd �y�,July 01, 2010 w Street Co misslcper Street Cor�Tttess nor Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by Stale Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/17/10 9278842886 $201.05 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer