HomeMy WebLinkAbout187830 07/21/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 CHECK AMOUNT: $2,827.09 PALATINE IL 60038 -0001 CHECK NUMBER: 187830 CHECK DATE: 7/21/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4235000 23671 869.16 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES 1125 4238000 23671 X66.69 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES 1125 4239000 9267784156 ,�-234.18 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIE 1093 4238000 9273834367 /445.87 SMALL TOOLS MINOR E 1093 4239099 9274420042 /31.41 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 2201 4350080 9286683801 X411.23 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 651 5023990 9288201289 .,205.90 OTHER EXPENSES 2201 4350080 9288583793 X137.64 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 1120 4237000 9289749914 X183.34 REPAIR PARTS 2201 4350080 9291228022 /15.33 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 2201 4350080 9293349123 ,,226.34 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS G RAZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 A a GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 INVOICE NUMBER 9273834375 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 06/11/2010 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 07/11/2010 AMOUNT DUE 869.16 SHIP TO e MAINT PO NUMBER: 23671 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC PROIECT /]OB: 23671 1427 E 116TH ST REQUISITIONER: M000336/339 CARMEL, IN 46032 CALLER: COURTNEY SCHLAEGEL CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 573 -4026 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133961233 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN SILL TO MDG2010 00029533 1 MB 0382 1111 I' i�' �I�I' I 'I'I� CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877- 202 -2594 i• i 0 P 738 4.57 3 0000 1 2TAF6 CABLE, 3 /B IN, L250FT,WLL2880LB,7X19,STEE 1 384.53 0 MANUFACTURER 2TAF6 000002 1DKK3 SLEEVE AND THIMBLE KIT,CBL SIZE 3/8 IN 4 7556 MANUFACTURER 1DKK3 000003 2ULX4 TURNBUCKLE,OVAL EYE,LEFT IN 4 55.98 223.92 MANUFACTURER 2ULX4 000004 IIY35 FLAT WASHER,USS,ZINC,FITS 1/2 IN,PK 130 1 14.81 14.81 MANUFACTURER 1IY35 000005 3XH15 PAINT,WHITE,I G 5 25.02 125.10 MANUFACTURER 2391402 000006 5CVN9 PAINT ROLL COVER,9IN X 3/41:N 3 15.08 45.24 MANUFACTURER R9LSP -2 Purchase Description P.O. c a r 1 P e) G G.L. Line D Line Descr Purchaser Date Date NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 135.51 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 869.16 DATE SHIPPED: 06/11/2010 CARRIER UPS GROUND TRACKING NO 1Z6533410330580885 1Z6533410330580894 IZ6533410330581893 1Z6533410330584836 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Slates If exported, purchaser assumes full respon sibility for com with U exp ort controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS_ PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 869. GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4, Manufacturer's Warranty, 1. Whoesale9nfy, fur fntannahon on it specific marularfarer "s warranty. phase cortact th:: local Grairgei branch or call W,Vd_ Grainger, Inc.- "Grainger)selisp10(fil sfortsfnessusetocurstomerSsallhproperhusinessidenlifina tien, Customer Care al 1- BBB 361-8699. which Is required from all customers prior to purchase. 5. Product Compliance and Suitability. 2, Prices. Jurisdictions have varying laws_ codes and regulations governing construction, installation, and/or use of Prices listed are x'holesale, de not Include freight, handling fees taxes. action duties, and are subject to P €oCots for a particular purpose. Ceiriam products may not bra available for sale in pit areas Grainger dues correction Dr of fznge widwut notice Market ser €sitwe c©rnrnndity products will bra priced according to current 1101 guararntea compliance or suitabillly of the prods is it soils ,wiih any laws cac'es or trgulufillm. nor market conditions. Customer should contact €ho local Grainger branch or check online at www.grainger.corn for [Ices Grainger arcept responsibility for construction, mstailation and'or use of a€ product- It is customers current piping. Eyport orders may be subject to n =her pe special P Grainger reserves file poll! to a responsibility to or respon to review the product applioaticn and all applicable laws, codes and regulations for aach relevant reject any order. jnrisdietion to be sure that the construll installation, anther use involving the products are cemp5ant. 3. Sales Tai, Customers are responsible lot payrumnl of elk app6cat;ld state and local taxes, or fur providing it valid sal tax D, PRODUCT INFORMATION exemption rfr iti;ate. When p €aping zip cider, customer shall indicate '0"1 products are Sax exempt. 1, CatalogMabsite Information, 4. Payment and Credit Terms. Grainger reserves the rightiocoirect publishing errors in its catalogs or any of it websites. Product depictions Grainger accepts cash, checks. money orders, Visa. MasterCard, and American express. For customers with lo the catalog or websites are far illustrative purposes only Possession of, or accassto, any Grainger catalog, established Grainger credit, payment terms are net thirty f3D1 days from the data of shipment or pick -up. All literature or websites does not constitute the right to purchase prol credit extended by Grainger to customer, and the fruits of such credit, is at Grainger's sole discretion. and may 2, Product Substitution. be reduced nr revoked by Grainger at any time, for any reason, Grainger reserves the right to charge a Prorircts (ono country of origin) may be substituted and may not be identical to ca or weoste publisred convenience fee for late payments. Graingerturther reserves the right to charge customer a late payment fee at dmcript ons and"or images. fie rate of one and one -hail percent 11.5 -si of the amount due for each month or portion thereof that the 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration "OSHA') Hazardous Substance. amount due remains unpaid, or such amount as may ba permitted under applicable law. Anticipation and cash Material Safety Data Sheets (°MSDS" t for OSHA defined hra'ardcus substances are prepared and sappbed by discounts are not allowed_ Expert orders are stlbjecT to special export payment terms and conditions. All the rianufarhirel GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIA3ILIT Y TO ANY paymerus must he made in U.S. dollars. Orairiger shall have the right of set -off and doduction for any sums CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY Of THE INFORMATION 0R TH,E SLITASK rTY OF owed by cusimner to Graingcc THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANY MSDS. CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RFSPONSIBi F FOR ANY RELIANCE ON Of? Itorslomer fails to make payment. within thlnty 1,.40) days of shipment or pick-up, or falls to comply with USES a 9Rfi AND FOR USEOR APPLICATION OFANY RODUCT 4. MSDS and Proposilion b 65 5 Prntluc! Requests. Cmrnrycr's credit terms, or fails to suppiv adequate assurance of full performance to Grainger .whin a MSDS and a list of Proposition 65 products are l:arlable: (I) at title local Granrget bram;b, (ill contacting reasonable time after requested by Granger (�ucF rri as specified in Grainger's reques €r Grainger may defer Grainger, Dept. 131157 Alto. E' 4onmanial Health a °,d Safer/ Pmt. 100 Grainier Pa,ilwav t ike Forest. IL shiumenis .rntd such fray -rent or compliance Is made, require cash In advance for ant.' f urther shipments 7,0045-5201 U S„ (iii) by calling Grainger MSDS Renuest Line at 1- 877 -286 -9860; or liv) by lagging on to demant it mnie4 ate payntenl al all ar o it y than fv er'_ ell ID pursue collection action Unc,uding k =athoul wv ;v.graingercam and chckino mn the "R seances" tab at Vic top of the page, li itanon. attoin_vs fees and any aid ai- other assn„ fated costs of collection] anchor ma al its option. 5. Important Notice to Federal Customurs Re: Country of Drigiii. cancel all oranyv pad at an unshipped order. wnpu all productl, iist.d on GSA Advarual l meet the requirements of the Trade Agreements ACI "TAA' as Customer agrees to asst €mc responsibiliry for, anal customer hereby unconditionally guarantees pavri l of, as implemented by Federal Arquisition Repulations Pali Z5, other products sold By Grainger may rtat rife[ provided horil all praChases made by "SlDmer, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Each of customer's subsidiaries the requirements. At the time of purchase Grainger vv l ativ:sa cusicirl wrtli proper identification as an and affiliates purchasing from Grainger will be poliy and severally liable for purchases with pnsfamm, and authorized schedule customer vrhether or not a pinto c is T�L1 wmpl;ant." Any lateral suatopr8r pwchasing customer is also acting as agent ter such subsidiaries and affiliates. a non- €AA item will no making an "open market purchase filial ot €act. al is not covered by any co Federal 5. Credit Balance. customers are advised that the open market purchases are NOT GSA schedule purchases_ By pmchawq any Cuslomoragrees that anyaredif balance {s) issued by Grainger will be applied to customer's accounty are product ou the opert market. the customer represents that it has authority to rime such purchase and has 1ly err otitsis; rvncra. IFI CUSTOMER HM NOT RFOJFSTED THE CREOIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE (1)YEAR.ANY purl with all applicable precurementregulancils MAIMING CRIED! f, BALANCE WILL BE Cy 'CLLLED, AND GRA[rlGLR SHALL HAVE NG IJJFITFIER LIABILITY 6, Al Orders. It is the customer's r_nsp(7n53irihty to ld r t„ G'aulger ,chat id'vliF JMe Is tt. step rl :ll4 pau 7_ lds frn.n or B. FREIGHT POLICY related to the Artmercan, Refnreshl)r1rt and ITfccvery Act ('ARRA' f- No c_ u mj4:s funds) Products are shipped FO H si pning p ^rn v:itti freight costs and handling fees pain by Gainger and ciharged to Upon request T rIIinger'will lel lde co,tn ri of origin, lnfomtarort sc foci •usto Tier m t dife mite rco)mrrlr, c, customer Orders cverU S- s1500 before tax. arid freight (rncludinq ary backorders) are shipped froighffree. C.O.D. 'with any applicable requirements under ARRA Section 1605 or any oihrr applicable r�goiatiras. shipments are not p rniilied. Other terms and conditions may apply lot additional freight services (`Additional E. GENERAL TERMS Freight Seivices`I, including without full expedited same day delivery, air freight, height collect. export of refs h 17ar(r r, s raijuals. cuqtorrars carrier, shipm€ nt s outtaila the contiguous U.S., or other special handling 1. Limitation of Liability. bytie arnwrAnyextachancesincurredfurAddi tional reiyhiSeli kes most be paid bycuchuri .Fuelsircharges GRAINGER EXPRESSLY DISCI-A1NIS ANY LIABILITY FOR CONSFOUlENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPEl may be applied- Title and risk of loss pass to Customer upon tender of shipment to the carrier. if the product Is EXEMPLARY -OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES_ GRAiNGER'S LIABILITY IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES IS LIMITED T0. AND damaged in transit, customer's only recourse is to file a claim with the carrier, SHALL NOT EXCEED. THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCTTHAT GIVES RISE TO ANY LIABILITY. 2. Force MaJeure. C. WARRANTY POLICY Grainger shah not he liable her any aeiay In, oh impairment ot, pertornanca resulting in whole or in part horn 1. Limited Warranty. any force maleure eieri including but not limited to acts of God, labor disrupluns aol of hear, act of ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR: (k) RESALE. OR (ii) USE terrorism (whctl cr al or threatened), governmental decrees or controls. rnsu,reclions. epldemics. N BLSiNESS. GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EOUIPMENT MANUFACTURE. GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS quarantines. shortages. Commnnlcalion or powerfailtl fire, accident, explosion, inabihTy to procure or ship AGAINST DEFECTS IN NIATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDLR NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF DNE (1) product or obtain permits and licenses .nabiiit to procure supplies or raw maranals, severe weather YEAR AT TER THE OATF OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER, UNLFSS OTN-RWISE STATED. PROVIDED THAT' conditions, catasLaphd events, or any other use circumstance or ca beyard the reasopable control of Grainger GRAINGER ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD, GRAINGER in the conduct of its business. MAY, AT 'TS OPTION (1) REPAIR. lest REPLACE; OR (iii) REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER 3. Grainger's Performance of Services- CUSTOMER fi iUST RETURT4 THE PRODUCT TG THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OP AUTHORIZED Customer will hold harmless and indemnify Grainger, its officers, directors, employees, agents, subcontractors SERVICE LOCATION, AS DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER, SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER'S REPAIR. Or representatives from and against any and all claims, including bodily injury. death, or damage to personal REPLACEMENT. OR REFUNND Of AMf)tR9TS PAID BYC"USTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT, SHALL BE CITSTOMER'S property, and at oilier losses. fal lilies, obligations, dl actions and expenses, vvhether direct or SOLE AND FXCLUSIVF REMEDY. indirel known or unknown, absnlula or (2onfinduNit incur €ed by Grainger related to the performance of 2. Warranty Disclaimer. services far customer (indudlnq without limitation. settlement costs. attorneys' fees, and any and all other a, NO WARRANTY OR AFFIRMATION OF FACT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE expenses for defending any actions or threatened actions) arising out of, in whole or in pat, any not or LIMITED WARRANTY S1AT'EMENT ABOVE ,S Fl OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER GRAINGER omission of customer, its employees. agents. subcontractors or rep esentahies. DISCLAIT,lS ANY LIABILITY FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MiSUSE, IMPROPER PRODUCT 4. Cancellation. SF: ECTIOF IMPROPER INSTALLATION PRODUCT MODIFICATION. MISREPAIR OR MISAPPLICATION. All product order cancellations roust be aplxowad by Grainger, and may ate subject to restcckina tees mui Darter GRAINGER E XPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS: 6) ARE MERCHANTABLE: charges. (10 Fil FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE: OR (iii) 00 NOT AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S 5, Product Return. INFLLLLCTGAL PROPERIV RIGHTS. Product retains m,;sf be made within me (T) year from date of purchase_ licleSs oth rsese inCrcatnd. b GRAINGER MAKES NU WARRAF:TIES TO THOSE DEFINED AS CONSUMERS IN THE MAGNUSON -MOSS Customer should call the local Grainger branch, or go i r g ,r,a9ni. for ri irl,cliuns Returned proton.[ WARRANTY FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION IMPROVFMFNT ACT. roust he in original packaging, utwsed, undano d. arid in saleable condition Proof of purcnuse Is required et 3. Warranty Product Return, all cases. Bore returning any pr duct customer shail; In vvift or cal the local Grainger branch from which the prefect mis purchased il in the case of an interne( order contact wme, grun ccom and prooid r the date. F. EXPORT SALES file original cuoicr nu i;nen, the stock number. and a desc €lption of the defect, f r €u) tail Customer Care at Orders for export sates are subject to ttte terms condihon, t,oursi ,it and cas be accessed by 1 -888- 361 -8699, andpravrde the date, the orlylnal invoke number: the stock nllmoec land adescription of [Tie clicking rn the °Towns of Sale' link. defect. Proof of purchase is renulred in all CaSeS- n cI :I eTa- rcnnen:7 nr eo,>>n:e eac -reonae n:n nnnrniTinn:c is .v r.�n nuk c nr,.....,,.. .,.z�,...e. nr,:n rc �nimnonQnrcn ov nrc�ncrrr:. GR AINER PAGE 1 OF 1 0 S GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 INVOICE NUMBER 9274420034 401 S. WRIGHT ROAD INVOICE DATE 06/11/2010 JANESVILLE, WI 53546 DUE DATE 07/11/2010 AMOUNT DUE 66.69 SHIP TO MAINT PO NUMBER: 23671 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC PROJECT /JOB: 23671 1427 E 116TH ST REQUISITIONER: M000336/339 CARMEL, IN 46032 CALLER: COURTNEY SCHIAEGEL CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 573 -4026 ORDER /DELIVERY 6133942429 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00029533 1 MB 0382 II IIrrIIrII .I "'I�I CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 THANK NK YOU 1 FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1 871 202 2594 000007 3RNL4 GLOVES,GENERAL UTILITY, BLACK, L, PR 1 22.23 22.23 MANUFACTURER CG15 -75 -010 000008 3RNL5 GLOVES,GENERAL UTILITY, BLACK, M, PR 2 22.23 44.46 MANUFACTURER CG15 -75 -009 Purchase Description ma i n4 )1 t iys P.O. 33 (..o l 1 n or F (a G.L. las y X38009 Line D S�1' 103 �C71 S Line Descr Purchase Date Approval Date NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT: 0.50 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 6669 DATE SHIPPED: 06/11/2010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Slates. If exported, purchaser assumes Lull responsibi!Ity for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT- PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 66.69 GR AZNGER., PAGE 1 OF 1 o l��j� GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 INVOICE NUMBER 9267784156 201 FREEDOM DRIVE INVOICE DATE 06/03/2010 ROANOKE,TX 76262 3320 Ira Rv DUE DATE 07/03/2010 AMOUNT DUE 234.18 SHIP TO MAINT.LV .1 PO NUMBER: 23616 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC PROJECT /JOB: 23616 1427 E 116TH ST REQUISITIONER: 23616 CARMEL, IN 46032 CALLER: COURTNEY SCHLAEGEL CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 573 -4026 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133186641 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034372 1 MB 0382 lllni,, Intl ilii, I. i, I l l nlilllllll l l l Illiliil CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 034372 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL I -877 -202 -2594 e e� e-e e 000003 4XFW1 DRC WIPERS,MEDIUM DUTY,WHITE,PK18 2 117.09 234.18 MANUFACTURER 20000 Purchase Description P.O.# a I _Po�T t LI o00 Lin U f Lin Descr 1 Purchaser Date Approval ate D l J NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT_ 42 50 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 234.18 DATE SHIPPED: 06/03/2010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO 17394E280339760983 1Z394E280339760992 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full res po n sibility for compliance wit US export controls l PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT_ PAYABLE IN U S DOLLARS I AMOUNT DUE 234.18 G RAINER. PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 INVOICE NUMBER 9273834367 5959 W, HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 06/11/2010 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 07/11/2010 AMOUNT DUE 445.87 SHIP TO FRED PO NUMBER: 23672 MONON CENTER PROJECT /JOB: 23672 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E REQUISITIONER: 23672 CARMEL, IN 46032 CALLER: FRED H. CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 573 -4026 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133961226 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00029533 1 MB 0382 II,�,III„�il,Illlllil. Iii, n, Il�lul�lllli�llln�lll��lllllli .Il CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877 -2C2 -2594 I'll 111911 11 1 1 1 1 l�'I ''I 111111jig l 8 P 0 000001 4TW45 WORKBENCH TOP,72X30IN 1 292.05 292.05 MANUFACTURER BB3072TA 000002 5W681 WORKBENCH LEG,PK2 1 57.42 57.42 1 MANUFACTURER ABL -30 000004 SW680 WORKBENCH LOWER SHELF,W 72 IN,D 15 IN 1 43.70 43.70 MANUFACTURER 5603 000005 5W673 WORKBENCH STANDARD RISER,WIDTH 72 IN 1 52.70 52.70 MANUFACTURER 5411 Purchase PAM R)V- Description W00 P)n')c.H P.O. L u� Q, or G.L.# O I GO Budget 5` Y To o Is Line Descr t �-t Purchaser Date i Approval Date NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT 177.10 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 445 87 DATE SHIPPED: 06111010 CARRIER: CENTRAL TRANSPORT These items are sold for domestic consumpfion in the United States If exported, purchaser assumes full responsi for compliance with US export controls PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U S. DOLLARS_ AMOUNT DUF 44S.8T (;RAZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 i GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 INVOICE NUMBER 9274420042 8211 BAVARIA ROAD INVOICE DATE 06/11/2010 MACEDONIA, OH 44056 -2259 DUE DATE 07/11/2010 3 AMOUNT DUE 31.41 SHIP TO FRED�� PO NUMBER: 23572 MONON CENTER PROJECT /JOB: 23672 1235 CENTRAL PARK DR E REQUISITIONER: 23672 CARMEL, IN 46032 CALLER: FRED H. CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 573 -4026 ""'•r ORDER /DELIVERY #:6133985793 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00029533 1 MB 0382 1111' Illulltllli' I' II'! I�' I�IIII "�I'IIlllulllll�lr'I CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS ADMINIST 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032 029533 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 .mo. FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1- 877 202 -2594 a 00003 5W6 77 WORKBENCH BACK AND 1 31.41 31.41 MANUFACTURER 5505 Purchase �p S POV, Description WDI2K P)-o'" P.O. 3�r f� r p G.L. I ()q] I--I- Bud et Lma-u 6t s Line Descr Purchaser Date Approval Date NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 14.00 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 31.41 DATE SHIPPED: 06/11/2010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 1 Z301 8W70301770709 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export con trols, PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS, PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT, PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 31.41 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 319510 Grainger Terms Dept 8475/7521 Date Due Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 6/11/10 9273834375 Maintenance supplies 23671 869.16 6/11110 9274420034 Maintenance supplies 23671 F 66.69 6/3110 9267784156 Maintenance supplies 23616 234.18 6111110 9273834367 Parts for work bench 23672 445.87 6/11/10 9274420042 Parts for work bench 23672 31.41 Total 1,647.31 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 319510 Grainger Allowed 20 Dept 847517521 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 In Sum of$ 1,647.31 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. NCCT#rFITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 23671 9273834375 4235000 869.16 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 23671 F 9274420034 4238000 66.69 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 9267784156 4239000 234.18 materials or services itemized thereon for 1093 9273834367 4238000 445.87 which charge is made were ordered and 1093 9274420042 4239000 31.41 received except 15 -Jul 2010 Signature 1,647.31 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund PAG�iOFi GRAaN ~N GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052008 INVOICE NUMBER 9291228022 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 07/06/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 462 56 10 17 DUE DATE 08/05/2010 AMOUNT DUE 15.33 SHIP TO CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT PO NUMBER: GROUNDS 3400 W 131 ST CALLER: MIKE WILLIAMSON WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 733 -2001 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6135877036 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00031815 1 MB 0382 CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 031815 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317 842 -2497 e a 1PGT6 LAMP, F9BX /827 /ECO,CFL,PLUG- IN,9W,BIAX 7 2.19 15.33 MANUFACTURER F9BX /827 /ECO NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT: 0.70 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 15.33 DATE SHIPPED: 07102!2010 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibilay for compliance witn US export c onirois PAYMFNT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. f AMOUNT DUE 15.33 GRAMSER® PAGE 1 OF 1 j j fr GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052008 INVOICE NUMBER 9293349123 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 07/08/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 08/07/2010 AMOUNT DUE 226.34 SHIP TO CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT PO NUMBER: TRUCK 57 3400 W 131 ST CALLER: BRAD HENDERSON WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 733 -2001 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6136237347 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034438 1 MB 0382 CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 034438 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317842 -2497 m lAO32 CORE /COIL BALLAST KIT 2 52.63 105.26 MANUFACTURER 71A8172 -001D 4V55p LAMP,MVR175 /U 12 10.09 121.08 MANUFACTURER MVR175 /U NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 19.70 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 226.34 DATE SHIPPED: 07/08/2010 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. It exported, purchaser assumes full respo nsibility for compliance with US export cont rols. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. I AMOUNT DUE 228.34 G RAZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 J1`e GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052008 INVOICE NUMBER 9286683801 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 06/29/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 07/29/2010 AMOUNT DUE 411.23 SHIP TO CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT PO NUMBER: TRUCK 57 3400 W 131 ST CALLER: BRAD HENDERSON WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 733 -2001 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6135441023 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034268 1 MB 0382 �iI�III�iiI��II�IiIIE�iII�I�il�ni�F�i�i��lll��r •Ilii•••�nlllti CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 034268 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT TH6 INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317 842 -2497 72V712 INS SCREWDRIVER SET,COMBO,6 PC 712 42.35 42.35 MANUFACTURER 32092 w LAMP,MVR250 /U,250 W 10.56 126.72 MANUFACTURER MVR250 /U 4V550 LAMP,MVR175 /U 24 10.09 242.16 MANUFACTURER MVR175 /U NUMBER OF PKGS- 0 WEIGHT. 11.00 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 411.23 DATE SHIPPED_ 06/29/2010 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with LIS export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN US DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 411.23 PAGE 1 OF I �AZNGER�� GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052008 INVOICE NUMBER 9288583793 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 06/30/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 07/30/2010 AMOUNT DUE 137.64 SHIP TO CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT PO NUMBER: TRUCK57 3400 W 131 ST CALLER: BRAD HENDERSON WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 733 -2001 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6135665213 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00033775 1 MB 0382 I II�I' l i" I I' I' I' �i' I� II' ��I� '���l CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 033775 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR A.00011ITI' CALL- 317- 842 -2497 6V749 LAMP, MXRIOO /U /MED 6 19.39 116.34 MANUFACTURER MXR100 /U /MED 2V658 LAMP,MVR400 /U,400 W 2 10.65 21.30 MANUFACTURER MVR400 /U NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 2.90 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 137.64 DATE SHIPPED: 06/30/2010 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Stales. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS. PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S DOLLARS I AMOUNT DUE 137.64 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Grainger IN SUM OF Dept. 854052008 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 $790.54 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# 1 Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TiTLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 9286683801 43- 500.80 $411.23 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 9288583793 43- 500.80 $137.64 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 2201 9291228022 43- 500.80 $15.33 materials or services itemized thereon for 2201 9293349123 43- 500.80 $226.34 which charge is made were ordered and received except l i Thy �sda f #y 15, 2010 Street Commissi pr Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by Stale Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 06/29/10 9286683801 $411.23 06/30/10 9288583793 $137.64 07/06/10 9291228022 $15.33 07/08/10 9293349123 $226.34 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer GRAZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 j GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 «ll INVOICE NUMBER 9288201289 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 06/30/2010 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 DUE DATE 07/30/2010 AMOUNT DUE 205.90 SHIP TO JEFF COOPER PO NUMBER: JEFF COOPER CARMEL WASTEWATER CALLER: JEFF COOPER 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CUSTOMER PHONE. (317) 571 -2634 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 ORDER /DELIVERY#: 6135595667 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00033722 1 MB 0382 CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 033722 THANK YOU! CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR AtIY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE UR ACCOUH f CAI 1- 1 871 -202 -2594 1VCD5 GRATING CLIP,SADDLE CLIP,STL,PK100 2 86.49 172.98 MANUFACTURER 1VCD5 1ME48 DRILLING SCREW,1 /414,1 112 L,PK51 4 8.23 32.92 MANUFACTURER 1ME48 NUMBER OF PKGS. 0 WEIGHT: 14.90 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 205.90 DATE SHIPPED: 06/30/2010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO 1Z6533410331808682 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States_ If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for com pliance wi US e controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS tNV010E NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 205 -9Q ;'VOUCHER 105805 WARRANT ALLOWED 351533 IN SUM OF GRAINGER INC DEPT. 804572097 PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9288201289 01- 7202 -06 5205.90 Voucher Total $205.90 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER INC Purchase Order No. DEPT. 804572097 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Due Date 7/8/2010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 7/8/2010 9288201289 $205.90 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC n 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer G RMIGER. PAGE 1'0F 1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 804510162 III INVOICE NUMBER 9289749914 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 07/01/2010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 07/31/2010 AMOUNT DUE 183.34 SHIP TO CARMEL FIRE DEPT PO NUMBER: BOB /063010 2 CIVIC SQ CALLER: BOB VANVOORST CARMEL, IN 46032 -7543 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 664 -0958 ORDER/DE LIVERY#: 6135729175 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00031436 1 MB 0382 I�I��� Illlil' I' �I�"' I I I I I III��I� II III I I IIII�� CARMEL FIRE DEPT 2 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032 -7543 031 436 THANK YOU FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317- 842 -2497 2W463 SWITCH, FOOT, SPST -NO 2 54.41 108.82 MANUFACTURER 632 -SC3 2WB09 SWITCH, FOOT,SPDT, 10 A 3 24.84 74.52 MANUFACTURER 491 -S NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT: 7.85 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 183.34 DATE SHIPPED 07/01/2010 These items are sold for domestic consumplion in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. f PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT PAYABLE IN U S. DOLLARS, E AMOUNT DUE 183.34 rtF�i ■wrm �inv in�m um a VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Grainger IN SUM OF Dept. 804510162 Palatine, IL 60038 $183,34 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #ITITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 9289749914 42- 370.00 $183.34 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 1111 19 2910 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 9289749914 $183.34 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer