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188032 07/21/2010
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350596 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE RIETH -RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO INC i= t CHECK AMOUNT: $768,859.48 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po eox 276 oN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 CHECK NUMBER: 188032 CHECK DATE: 7/21/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 920 R4470304 19808 15 768,859.48 116TH BASE BID CITY OF CARMEL PROJECT N©. 07 -08C Keystone Parkway and 116th Street /Carmel Drive Progress Estimate Summary Sheet Ft Signature Page Progress Estimate No 15 Partial X Final Earned to date 1 Previous payments 18,222,676.1 Earnings this estimate 768,859.48 Retainage i Amount due Contractor 768,8 CONTRACTOR: DATE: 7 h a It o Rieth -Riley Constr ion Co., Inc. Phone: (317) 634 -5561 1751 West Minnesota Street P.Q. Box 276 Fax: (317) 631 -6423 Indianapolis, IN 46206 CONSULTANT: DATE: 7/ Ia AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. Phone: (317) 547 -5580 7260 Shadeland Station Fax: (317) 543 -0270 Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 -3957 a APPROVED BY: L�+ DATE:�(9 (o CITY OF CARMEL Construction Pay Estimate Report City of Carmel 7/1012010 12:54 PM FieldManager 4.5a Contract: _07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street/Carmel Drive Estimate Estimate Entered Estimate Managing No. Date By Type Office 15 7/9/2010 Melissa L Walker MONTHLY American Structurepoint, Inc. All Contract Construction Prime Contractor Work Completed Started Date Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. 1751 West Minnesota Street P.O. Box 276 Indianapolis IN 46206 Comments Item Usage Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Item Description Unit Item Code Ln. L No. Typ No. Quantity Item Price Dollar Amount Construction Engineering LS _0001 0001 0005 00 000 0.050 93,900.00 $4,695.00 Excavation, Common CYD _0008 0007 0035 00 000 24,870.000 11.00 $273,570.00 Structure Backfill, Type 1 CYD 0307 0017 0085 00 000 244.000 18.50 $4,514.00 Compacted Aggregate, No. 53, TON 0021 0019 0095 00 000 284.140 20.89 $5,935.68 Base Subbase for PCCP CYD _0308 0020 0100 00 000 6.500 42.82 $278.33 HMA Intermediate, Type A TON _0317 0028 0140 00 000 179.280 62.37 $11,181,69 PCCP, 4 in. SYD _0332 0043 0215 00 000 16.400 41.60 $682.24 D -1 Contraction Joint LFT _0333 0044 0220 00 000 12.000 10.48 $125.76 Concrete Imprinting SFT _0335 0046 0230 00 000 148.000 4.50 $666.00 Curb Ramp, Concrete, G SYD _0349 0063 0315 00 000 20.300 123.71 $2,511.31 Sidewalk, Concrete, 4 in. SYD _0357 0071 0355 00 000 198.600 42.35 $8,410,71 Curb, Integral, Concrete LFT _0358 0072 0360 00 000 121500 31.90 $3,939.65 Cut Wall, H SFT _0386 0104 0520 00 000 3,292.000 48.00 $158,016.00 Cut Wall, I SFT _0387 0105 0525 00 000 3,543.000 49.00 $173,607.00 Pipe, Circular, 12 in. LFT _0395 0113 0565 00 000 3.500 32.00 $112.00 Pipe, Circular, 15 in. LFT _0396 0114 0570 00 000 445.000 40.00 $17,800.00 Video Inspection for Pipe LFT _0402 0120 0600 00 000 1,716.000 2.00 $3,432.00 Aggregate for Underdrains CYD _0406 0124 0620 00 000 24.900 32.00 $796.80 Geotextiles for Underdrain SYD _0407 0125 0625 00 000 791.000 1.00 $791.00 A2000 6 in. PVC, Perforated LFT _0408 0126 0630 00 000 56.500 5.10 $288.15 Inlet, E7 EACH _0415 0133 0665 00 000 1.000 1,400.00 $1,400.00 Manhole, C4 EACH _0420 0138 0690 00 000 1.000 1,700.00 $1,700.00 Leveling Pad, Concrete LFT _0061 0153 0765 00 000 430.000 74.75 $32,142.50 Maintaining Traffic LS _0065 0167 0835 00 000 0.050 187,473.64 $9,373.68 Contract ID: -08 Estimate: 15 Page 1 of 4 Construction Pay Estimate Report 7/10/2010 12:54 PM City of Carmel Fieldlvanager 4.5a Item Usage Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Item Description Unit Item Code Ln. Line No. Type No. Quantity Item Price Dollar Amount Wire, No. 4 Copper, In Plastic LFT 0462 0189 0945 00 000 154.000 7.25 $1,116.50 Duct, In Steel Conduit, 4 11C Handhole, Lighting EACH _0463 0190 0950 00 000 6.000 925.00 $5,550.00 Light Standard Foundation, 3 ft. EACH _0464 0191 0955 00 000 2.000 990.00 $1,980.00 DIAx8ft. Connector Kit, Unfused EACH _0470 0197 0985 00 000 7.000 31.00 $217.00 Connector Kit, Fused EACH _0471 0198 0990 00 000 7.000 31.00 $217.00 Multiple Compression Fitting, EACH 0472 0199 0995 00 000 3.000 12.00 $36.00 Non Waterproofed Multiple Compression Fitting, EACH 0473 0200 1000 00 000 12.000 15.00 $180.00 Waterproofed T Insulation Link, Nonwaterpmofed EACH _0474 0201 1005 00 000 2.000 11.00 $22.00 Insulation Link, Waterproofed EACH _0475 0202 1010 00 000 16.000 15.00 $240.00 Pole Circuit Cable, 1 C No. 10 LFT _0477 0204 1020 00 000 454.000 0.50 $227.00 Stranded Copper Cable Interduct LFT _0478 0205 1025 00 000 75.000 14.00 $1,050.00 Handhole EACH _0479 0206 1030 00 000 1.000 925.00 $925.00 Decorative Light Pole Assembty, EACH _0480 0207 1035 00 000 1.000 2,600.00 $2,600.00 Remove and Reset Luminaire, Roadway, Metal EACH _0481 0208 1040 00 000 1.000 1,375.00 $1,375.00 Halide, 250 Watt, Port Huron Luminaire, Roadway, Metal EACH _0482 0209 1045 00 000 6.000 875.00 $5,250.00 Halide, 250 Watt, Mongoose Light Pole, 30 ft. E.M.H. 1.5 ft. EACH _0485 0212 1060 00 000 6.000 1,700.00 $10,200.00 Mast Arm, Breakaway Base Light Pale, 30 ft. E.M.H. 8 ft. Mast EACH _0486 0213 1065 00 000 1.000 6,800.00 $6,800.00 Arm, Transformer Base, Decorative Pole Street Name Sign, Bridge EACH _0539 0279 1395 00 000 2.000 697.00 $1,394.00 Mounted, Decorative Construction Engineering LS _0001 0283 1415 00 000 0.100 6,336.03 $633.60 Excavation, Dry CYD _0524 0285 1425 00 000 112.000 51.00 $5,712.00 Dynamic Pile Load Test EACH _0527 0294 1470 00 000 1.000 6,000.00 $6,000.00 Test Pile EACH _0529 0296 1480 00 000 1.000 1,000.00 $1,000.00 Curb and Gutter, Type II LFT _0545 0323 1585 00 000 43.500 12.37 $538.10 PCCP, 10 in. SYD _0551 0329 1611 CO 001 26.000 38.53 '$1,001.78 Subtotal for Category 1: $770,234. Subtotal for Project 07 -08C: $770,234.48 Total Estimated Item Payment: $770,2 34.48 Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate: 15 Page 2 of 4 Construction Pay Estimate Report City of Carmel 7110/2010 12;54 PM FieldManager 4.5a Stockpile Summary Project: 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Category: 1, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street Prop. Project Item Mod. Line Line No. Type No. Stockpile Type Price Payment Qty. D ollar Amount Cumulative Qty. 0208 1040 00 000 LGT2 $1.00 1,375.000 1,375.00 9,625.000 Subtotal for Category 1: 1,375.00 Summary for Project 07 -08C: 1,375.00 Total Estimated Material Allowance: 1,375.00 Time Charges Site Site Description Site Method Days Charged Uq. Damages 00 Overall Contract Site Completion Date 28 $0 Total Liquidated Damages: $0 Pre Voucher Summary Stockpile Pr oject Voucher No. Item Payment Adjustment Dollar Amount 07 -08C, Keystone Parkway at 116th Street 0015 $770,234.48 1,375.00 $768,859.48 Voucher Total: $768,859.48 Summary Current Voucher Total: $768,859.48 Earnings to date: $18,991,535.66 Current Retainage: $0.00 Retainage to date: $999,999.99 Current Liquidated Damages: $0.00 Liquidated Damages to date: $0.00 Current Adjustments: $0.00 Adjustments to date: $267,569.01 Total Estimated Payment: $768,859.48 Net Earnings to date: $17,723,966.66 Payments to date: $16,955,10 Net Earnings this period: $768,859.48 Contract ID: _07 -0BC Estimate: 15 Page 3 of 4 Construction Pay Estimate Report 7/10/2010 12:54 PM City of Carmel FieldManager 4.5a Estimate Certification t 71i2 110 RPR American Structurepoint, Inc. (Date) Rie h -WCns ction Co (Date) 1 1 6 7 lip City of Carmel (D te) Contract ID: _07 -08C Estimate: 15 Page 4 of 4 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No, 201 (Rev, 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER .CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee R i eth -R iley Constr C o., Inc. Purchase Order No. _1 1751 West Minnesota Str P.O. Sox 2 Terms T fndianapolis IN 4620 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 07/ 12/10 Pay Ap 15 Keystone Reconstruction Project $768,859.48 Key stone P arkway 116th St/Carm D rive Interchange Const ruction Project 07 -08 R etainage H eld. -0- To tal $768 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bills(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. ALLOWED 20 1751 West Minnesota Street, P.O. Box 276 IN THE SUM OF Indianapolis IN 46206 768,859.48 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Rieth -Riley Construction Co., Inc. PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members DEPT.# 19808 Pay Ap 15 4470304 $768,859.48 1 hereby certify that the attched invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 19 -Jul 20 10 Total $768,859A8 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Cit En claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Title