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Summary of Proposed Amendments Prepared for Plan Commission
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zone
1. Increase width of mandatory Greenbelt along U.S. 421 R -O -W from 30 to 45 feet.
2. Increase minimum width of foundation planting areas from 5 feet to 8 feet (and from
er 10 feet to 15 feet when adjoining a parking area located in the front yard adjoining
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3. Increase minimum width of planting areas for canopy trees (from 9 feet to 10 feet),
for ornamental trees (from 7 feet to 8 feet), and for shrubs (from 5 feet to 6 feet).
4. Increase minimum number of trees in mandatory Greenbelt from 4 to 6 (shade trees,
from 3 to 4; ornamental trees, from 1 to 2) per 100 linear feet.
5. Increase minimum number of trees to be planted within a parking lot from 18 to 24
trees per acre.
6. Increase minimum width of perimeter planting areas where parking areas are located
in the front yard facing U.S. 421 (from 6 feet to 8 feet); also, require approximately
35% more plantings in these areas as follows: shade trees (increase from 2 to 3),
ornamental trees (increase from 3 to 4), and shrubs (increase from 30 to 40), per 100
linear feet.
7. Increase size of a standard parking space from 180 square feet to 200 square feet (all
spaces to be 10 feet wide by 20 feet long).
8. Limit parking within front yard setbacks to only 1 row of parking (current maximum
is 2 rows).
9. Impose a 3 -year moratorium on the authorization of additional drive -thru facilities in
the Corridor (this will need to be monitored with respect to regional compliance with
EPA air quality standards).
10. Mandate that access from U.S. 421 to all tracts be via frontage roads or common
entrances (currently, the Plan Commission does not have to require this).
11. Require a new Development Plan or DP amendment to be submitted to the Plan
Commission whenever an existing building or development is expanded by more than
10% (currently, this is required only when expansions exceed 30
Chapter 23C: US Highway 421— Michigan Road Corridor Overlay Zone
Proposed Additional Amendment #1
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.8.2 Front Yard for Parcels with Frontage on U.S. 421 Right -of -way:
A. Minimum: thirty (30) forty -five (45) feet, measured from the U.S.
Highway 421 right -of -way. This measurement shall include the
mandatory thirty (30) forty -five (45) foot Greenbelt.
B. Maximum: one hundred twenty (120) feet, measured from the
U.S. Highway 421 right -of -way. This measurement shall include
the mandatory thirty (30) forty -five (45) foot Greenbelt.
23C.10.2 Areas to be Landscaped:
1. Greenbelt. The thirty (30) forty -five (45) foot Greenbelt shall be
composed of grass and landscape areas. The incorporation of
walkways and bikeways into the design is encouraged; however,
no parking lots, through roads, buildings, accessory structures, etc.
shall be established within this area.
7/20/2004 SCANNED
Proposed Additional Amendment #2
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.10.2 Areas to be Landscaped:
2. Foundation Plantings. Foundation plantings shall be included
along all sides of any building. The minimum width of the
planting area shall be five (5) eight (8) feet, except that when
adjoining a parking area located in the front yard adjoining U.S.
421, the minimum width shall be ten (10) fifteen (15) feet.
7/20/2004 `A\ x
Proposed Additional Amendment #3
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.10.3 Landscaping Standards
1. The interior dimensions, specifications and design of any planting
area or planting median shall be sufficient to protect the
landscaping materials planted therein and to provide for proper
growth. The following minimum interior widths for planting
areas shall be used:
a. Canopy Trees: Nine -(9) -Ten (10) feet;
b. Ornamental Trees: Seven (7) Eight (8) feet;
c. Shrubs (only): Fivc (5) Six (6) feet.
Proposed Additional Amendment #4
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.10.3 Landscaping Standards
3. Greenbelt. The primary landscaping materials used in the
Greenbelt shall be shade trees, ornamental trees, shrubs, ground
covers, grass, etc.
a. A minimum of throc (3) four (4) shade trees and one (1)
two (2) ornamental trees shall be provided per 100 linear
feet of Greenbelt.
7/20/2004 Y C r' '‘'ED
Proposed Additional Amendment #5
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.10.3 Landscaping Standards
5. Parking Lots.
a. Interior Landscaping. A minimum of one (1) shade trco
(18) trees per acrd ofparking.
(1) shade tree and five (5) shrubs shall be planted within
each parking lot for every six (6) spaces provided, or not
less than twenty -four (24) trees per acre of parking.
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Proposed Additional Amendment #6
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.10.3 Landscaping Standards
5. Parking Lots.
b. Parking Lot Perimeter Planting. Where parking areas are
located in the front yard, with frontage directly on U.S.
421, an six (6) eight (8) foot wide perimeter planting area
shall be provided along the front and sides of those areas.
1) The required planting unit for this area shall
include: two (2) three (3) shade trees, three (3) four
(4) ornamental trees, and thirty (30) forty (40)
shrubs per 100 linear feet.
2) The perimeter planting area shall be provided in
addition to the Greenbelt area.
Proposed Additional Amendment #7
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.1 1 Parking Requirements.
B. Space dimensions: 9'0" x 20'0" or 10'0" x 18'0 ",20'0 including 2'0" for
bumper overhang where appropriate.
Proposed Additional Amendment #8
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.11Parking Requirements.
F. Parking within front yard setbacks shall be discouraged and limited to a
maximum of two (2) one (1) rows of parking, subject to minimum
Greenbelt width, minimum bufferyard requirements and maximum
building setback standards.
7/20/2004 SCANNER,
Proposed Additional Amendment #9
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.11 Parking Requirements.
G. Stacking for drive -thru lanes shall be confined to the rear of the tract or
parcel with outlet from such lines also being to the rear of the building.
Lines for drive -thru facilities shall not be permitted along the front and
sides of structures within the Overlay Zone, nor permitted to spill onto
adjoining properties. The minimum number of vehicles required for
drive -thru lanes shall be as follows:
Bank teller lane 5 Teller or Window
Automated Teller Machine 3 Teller
Restaurant Drive -thru 10 Pick -up Window
Car Wash 5 Entrance
Gas Pump island 3 End of pump
Other To be determined by the Director
H. No additional drive -thru facilities shall be authorized within the Overlay
Zone from and after January 1, 2006. This paragraph shall expire on
December 31, 2008.
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Proposed Additional Amendment #10
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.13Access to Individual Tracts.
The purpose of this Section is to make the closing of all curb cuts along U.S.
Highway 421 possible by establishing a common access road to the rear parking
lots of all tracts within the Overlay Zone. Frontage roads and or common
entrances shared by several businesses and developments shall be encouraged and
may required at the discretion of the Commission. In those cases where tracts
can be accessed via connection to an arterial, collector, or adjoining parking lot,
curb cuts shall not be established on U.S. Highway 421. The Commission shall
encourage maximum distances between curb cuts to U.S. Highway 421 in
cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation. Bicycle and
pedestrian circulation to and through the site shall be coordinated with vehicular
access, Greenbelt design, and parking.
7/20/2004 -)Lid F
Proposed Additional Amendment #11
Concerning the U.S. Highway 421 Corridor Overlay Zone
23C.14.5 Conforming Uses. A DP shall be submitted to the Commission for
its approval when a legal non conforming use is changed to a conforming
use and when either:
1. Any new building is to be constructed; or
2. Any existing building or site development (including addition of
parking lot) is expanded by more than thirty percent (30 %).ten
percent (10
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