HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegacy Photography & Design/Comm Rel/ADDITIONAL SERVICES $1800 I CITY OF CARMEL JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR August 27, 2010 Ms. Amy Legg, Principal Legacy Photography Design 8923 South Street Fishers, IN 46038 Re: Additional Services #1 Purchase Order #5412 Per Contract #0707.04.06 Dear Amy: As we discussed, the City of Carmel has a need for additional professional services and pursuant to our current contract with Legacy Photography Design, Inc., dated July 7, 2004, we have requested and received from you the proposed scope of services and fee estimates for the following work tasks: Additional Services #1 Purchase Order #5412 See Attachment "A" City of Carmel Professional Design Services FEE TOTAL for Additional Services #1 is not to exceed $1,800 Please be advised that "Additional Services" performed on City contracts must be billed separately from the original contract and other additional services. More importantly, the invoice must reference the appropriate Additional Services and P.O. shown above. Invoices received without the Additional Service referenced will be returned for proper identification. Thank you for your continued assistance in providing the City of Carmel with your professional, quality services. If you should have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Revi wed approved by: Nancy S Heck 1 y Director of Community Relations Steve Eng lkin� Director of Administration Copy: Clerk- Treasurer's Office ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2401, FAX 317.844.3498 EMAIL jbrainard ©Carmei.in.gov Legacy 1 E7.4 photography o design August 23, 2010 Nancy Heck Director of Community Relations City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Additional Services on Contract #0707.04.06 Dear Nancy: Legacy Photography Design is pleased to be providing professional photography and design services for the City of Carmel. I have been requested to provide additional services beyond the initial contract pursuant to section 5.1 of contract #0707.04.06. The additional services hourly rates will remain the same as stated in the original contract. These additional services are outlined on the attached document (Additional Services Attachment A) and will not exceed $1,800.00. Sincerely, ‘40747 Amy Legg Legacy Photography and Design, inc. 317 570 -4575 317.570.4575 8923 South Street Fishers, IN 46038 Legacy F photography o design Exhibit A August 23, 2010 Legacy Photography Design, Inc. 9903 Woods Edge Drive Fishers, IN 46038 Contract Services Exhibit A Amy Legg will provide photography or graphic design services for the City of Carmel and other services as requested at a rate of sixty dollars ($60.00) per hour. Amount not to exceed $1,800.00. Thank you; Amy Legg Legacy Photography and Design, inc. 317 570 -4575 317.570.4575 8923 South Street Fishers, IN 46038