HomeMy WebLinkAbout188817 08/18/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 115100 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DEBRA GRISHAM 0 CHECK AMOUNT: $10,417.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 922 E GREYHOUND PASS CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 188817 CHECK DATE: 8/18/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4340000 7 -10 10,417.00 LEGAL FEES Professional Services Invoice FOR SERVICES RENDERED Date: 814110 FROM 711110 THROUGH 7/31/10 Name of Debra M. Grisham, Attorney at Law Provider. Address 922 East Greyhound Pass Zip: Carmel, Indiana 46032 Telephone No.: 317 -690 -1597 Fax No.: 317 -815 -8425 Project Name: General Park Legal and Business Services Invoice No: 7 -10 Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Description of Service Rate Worked Due 7 -1 -10 Central Park: communications with G Calpino $110 5.3 583.00 regarding Professional Service Agreement (PSA); worked on collections matters; worked on matters regarding Durham bus transportation contract breach; worked on Inlow Park repair matters; Met with M Westermeier to discuss use of AIA or Carmel bid documents. 7 -2 -10 Central Park: continued communications with G $110 6.4 704.00 Calpino regarding PSA and thereafter worked on contract draft and related matters; continued work on Inlow Park repair matters; worked on review of proposed Patch Ordinance regarding Impact Fee Ordinance changes; Prepared for Monday's agenda and project status meeting; communications with M Westermeier and R Smith regarding Cafe Bid Project;. 7-6-10 Worked on PSA with PROS regarding $110 6.7 704.00 maintenance management plan; reviewed Integrity Concrete contract and advised regarding such; worked on matters related to Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project; reviewed and advised regarding applicable public access law; worked on proposed impact fee ordinance changes and communications with J Hagan and M Westermeier regarding such; worked on tort claims matters; prepared for and attended Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due agenda and project status meeting; worked on JJR PSA and related matters. 7 -7 -09 Continued work on JJR PSA; worked on $110 6.3 693.00 Interlocal matters; worked on matters related to Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project. 7 -8 -10 Completed and distributed draft of JJR PSA; $110 4.5 495.00 worked on Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project and discussed same with M Westermeier; worked on documents in preparation for 7 -13 -10 Park Board meeting. 7 -9 -10 Worked on documents for 7 -13 -10 Park Board $110 2.0 220.00 meeting packet; worked on matters related to Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project; worked on tort claims matters. 7 -11 -10 Worked on matters related to Cafe to Fitness $110 .5 55.00 Conversion Project. 7 -12 -10 Continued Preparation for Park Board meeting; $110 5.5 605.00 communications with S Baker regarding Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project and communications with M Westermeier regarding same; worked on tort claims matters; worked on bus transportation contract matters; prepared for 7 -13 -10 Executive Session. 7 -13 -10 Worked on bus transportation contract matters; $110 7.2 792.00 worked on tort claim matters; worked on matters related to ProLiance contract; prepared for and attended Park Board meeting and Executive Session. 7 -14 -10 Prepared for conference call regarding bus $110 3.5 385.00 transportation contracts; worked on purchasing processes; worked on Founder's Park development timeline; met with S Dillon regarding Interlocal matters; addressed matters related to ProLiance Contract. 7 -15 -10 Participated in conference call regarding bus $110 3.2 363.00 transportation contracts; worked on matters related to Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project; worked on tort claims matters; worked on Interlocal matters; started preparation for Agenda and project status meeting. Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due 7 -19 -10 Worked on JJR PSA contract; worked on 7 -13 -10 $110 6.3 693.00 minutes; finished preparation for and attended Agenda and project status meeting; met with M Westermeier regarding various park matters; worked on tort claims matters; addressed matters related to ProLiance Contract; communications with J Miller regarding Interlocal matters. 7 -20 -10 Worked on documents in preparation for 7 -27 -10 $110 7.2 792.00 Board packet; worked on impact fee increase matters; attended Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project bid opening; worked on matters related to the Interlocal; met with M Westermeier and M Klitzing regarding various park matters; worked on tort claims matters; worked on matters related to JJR PSA. 7 -21 -10 Prepared for and met with M Klitzing regarding $110 3.0 330.00 food supply contract change request and addressed follow up; worked on matters related to Interlocal matters. 7 -23 -10 Worked on Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project $110 4.4 484.00 bid award issues and Owner's Representative contract matters; worked on tort claim matters; communications regarding impact fee increase matters; prepared for 7 -27 -20 Park Board meeting; reviewed bond issuance private use restrictions. 7 -26 -10 Worked on matters related to Cafe to Fitness $110 4.3 473.00 Conversion Project; worked on Properties Committee matters; worked on insurance matters; worked on West Park RFQ matters including purchasing research; prepared for 7 -27- 10 Park Board meeting. 7 -27 -10 Worked on Inlow Park Matters; worked on West $110 6.7 737.00 Park Trail repair project and met with T Myers regarding same; communications regarding food supply contract; prepared for and attended Park Board meeting. 7 -28 -10 Worked on Cafe to Fitness Conversion contract $110 4.0 440.00 matters and communications with R Smith regarding same; worked on claims matters; Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due worked on PSA for geotechnical work; reviewed documents received at 7 -27 -10 Park Board meeting; worked on Personnel and Finance Committee matters; communications regarding Impact Fee increase matters. 7 -29 -10 Completed and distributed PSA for geotechnical $110 4.2 462.00 work; worked on 7 -27 -10 minutes; worked on tort claims matters; reviewed and advised OR regarding Cafe to Fitness conversion Project contracts; communications regarding Impact Fee increase matters. 7- 30-10 Discussed contract process with A Kostrzewa; $110 3.5 385.00 continued work on matters related to Board governance and 7 -27 -10 minutes; worked on West Park Trail Repair project. NATURE OF SERVICES D94., L HOURS FEE TOTAL HOURS LLED: TOTAL DUE: $10.417.00 Signature: Purchaft I_f-Cn L SERVICES JULIO Po.• park+ a.t_# II,S '4 5 40000 Bud L -G(IL FMS Purchaser pets p ate___ 9 P 4 AUG U t{ 1010 BY :..J. -1 v......... ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 115100 Grisham, Debra Terms 922 East Greyhound Pass Date Due Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 814110 7 -10 Legal Services for Jull0 10,417.00 Total 10,417.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No, 11 5100 Grisham, Debra Allowed 20 922 East Greyhound Pass Carmel, IN 46032 In Sum of 10,417.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 -General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. kCCT#/ AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 7 -10 4340000 10,417.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 12 -Aug 2010 Signature 10,417.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund