HomeMy WebLinkAbout189267 08/31/2010 i CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 033825 Page 1 of 1 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CDW GOVERNMENT INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 75 REMITTANCE DR CHECK AMOUNT: $36.24 SUITE 1515 CHECK NUMBER: 189267 CHICAGO IL 60675 -1515 CHECK DATE: 8/31/2010 DEPARTMENT A CCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOIC NUMB AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4237000 TMS7301 6.24 REPAIR PARTS 1192 4463201 TNF8575 30.00 HARDWARE I I NVOICE DATE �4. y x, INVOICE'NUMBER „y 4 i`;'RAYMEN7 TERMS` t,,,,„ -DUE DATE/ 08/10/10 TNF8575 Net 30 Days 09/09/10 -ORDER PATE t� a SHIP VIA :PURC,HASEn RDERAUMBER TM CUSTOMEW NUMBER 7' 08/10/10 FEDEX Ground 21643 11468741 s '.a ITEM NUMBER t> s �l]ESCRIPTION Y 'QTY QTY d; UNIT PRICE D S TOTAL r a 1 OR "tHIP 3 4 E n 1240909 STARTECH USB TO RS -232 ADAPTER 1 1 0 24.00 24.00 Manufacturer Part Number: ICUSB232PRO cCE A!Ic 18 1,ir) 1 4 C5 GO GREEN! CDW is happy to announce that paperless billing is now available! If you would like to start receiving your invoices as an emailed PDF, please email CDW at paperlessbilling @cdw.com. Please include your Customer number or an Invoice number in your email for faster processing. REDUCE PROCESSING COSTS AND ELIMINATE THE HASSLE OF PAPER CHECKS! Begin transmitting your payments electronically via ACH using CDW's bank and remittance information located at the top of the attached payment coupon. Email credit @cdw.com with any questions. AC,COUNT:MANAGEI3 ,1„ r 8HIPPINGAD,DRESS,. SUBTOTAL' $24.00 BART HECKMAN CITY OF CARMEL 312- 705 -9572 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES SHIPPING $6.00 1 CIVIC SO barthec @cdwg.com CARMEL IN 46032 -7569 SALES TAX $0.00 SALES ORDEWNUMBER VHM9983 AMOUNT DUE $30.00 Cage Code Number 1KH72 HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT? DUNS Number 02 615 7235 PLEASE EMAIL US AT credit @cdli i com ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified VISIT US ON THE INTERNET AT wwwx 0001:0001 CDW GOVERNMENT FEIN 36- 4230110 P I age 1 of 1 1, CLIt"lall! ll:,­­_�, I,, u-lll� i, n:hc nrmniacu uor '16, ""'Wo4 pud,,ed l (:­vTTL, T,ld lh� llh,id ffi-, .1' Ill, Rlan,I,,T,I,l S61, t, ANT, I, plo,h,si,g ill, o'l 1� Ill I, "t ,tv N-, "i-, al. "p-i"T"T, th, P,a,& 1,, th, -Y h, p;­ '1111 by Sell, "I it, A?Ell.l­ SELf 1 AND ITS AFFILI TrN W:REBY JiXPKESSL\ DISCLAIM ALL WA Rk,NTIFS F. ITI FFF ENPRE'S U9. 1.11PLITir, REI-A I FIT 1) VF LIDO"'! S, (Nr LUDINC. LIUI SOT LKLJITED 70. ANY A'AlULl OF TA LE, ACCURACY. MM'PANTABILITY OR F17NT.5) FOR PARTWI 1 LAR 1LRP ll ARRANTiI OF NONNF MNOEMENT, OR AN. WAR R MIJ FY RI:LAI INU IT) I INki) PARTY SERVIt. E5 THI U CO rAINITJ IN FIRS P -NRA6RAP S I ITS Sol AFVFCT T1 IF TFRSIS Or .AN MANI 1 S WARR 1S.l Y. "',"S'lo" I"e"li r Y Al It', I I T ldl.'l 'I' IF, 'l LIl I WIA 1113 I zbl ift LI 11 11 ln, I al tq'd "I IrTy P ­jy ril J,. T, it,' I ollile"I'd I pe .ly Tight, "'p- wn -d LIm.1 F-I Alf,,­; I,cy Ldi CIt n,. dl Til byah Jll by, y. ,kT,­1,djm,, I., !ill 1I.ft"I'l I I, Athh-, I,,, o bIfi,11 i il,, If T. r5 hi, Ai­,,n,,L IN ISIY ITATRII I I b lity ith rhii CLI11-11l IMI 11 11" 1 ill b,,;,[ The „I. 76- ,fS,I w el:hcl i., iih,n IS 'pe, n I REIV 01, .NT OF V.Of1K 1HA1 FX IPRES� L} AVI'll1l; SELLER'S 'AARRA, AM SUILIFC1 70 AP M ;'L (A LAW. SELLER MAKES SO J 11lC AND PR SNLY OTHER S"­­ FX0tPT AS S, -h III, y ti�t,lhnd w,,,,O p,id by (,,kI,.,, illI�J wj­ I I REP I Sf N(Al AAKRANflli, COMM104S OR LOVENATJl f I.NPRISS OR flN(tL1DN(; W41HOUl' LIMITATION. A 'N I XPRI 1S OR Is OR CONTI( 10s OF F1 N. 1: ss �Clk A PARTICULAR P_RPIISi. I rY, IUKASILITY, T I R.F. &C.Cl TRAT�Y OR NON iNFRJ y All ISINTI Ill 11 OF QIL MATED 7 T 111 P1 R POKINTAM OR NON-NAFORM 1 W ur r i[ SF.Rvfi:i S, lv(:Ij 113 NC BUT NOT LNOTTED 11 ANY WAR KA.\TY INLA 1 L46 W Tillk 1) P%K4 VAY 'A IRR. lk' 10 R1 I'Mr TO VIR `FRF0RST1`NfJ.'OT­ AnY IJARE'.P R OR sOrrwor. I JSVD IN PFWFORNJJ%G 5FR1 AY '1CFS AND N WA IONcERMING ME kFS11115 TO 14F 011 IKOM TIjf: SCRA1CPS. PITS I P.RPOSE DISC EA `1 l:91OSIIALLAHL 'Y l 71EI W FXPRJ SSARRAN"I'l ANDIAN1111 A t 0 R'l H IIER1 eA1LSl RqSFN­[1A S1VAT`N F1PRySCWIAT1%T i --f NLLEROROF 11SAIFILIAIE1 \N)' It EI'Ll SFNI AIIOE O IAR KAN I I' ON IMAAL�IA SFI.I.FiZ OR t lO (If IS NOT IS IIIIS A091.1.14I.N1 OR ILI A SfArf:mf Ni OFIVIWK E PRE WARRANTY 4,11 h, t.,1. ..d irin" IF 1,4 t, fo, .,I,! IT,, J:1,.L,,, fldy I` t", 'I't, 1 h,!! "'t"I I -ild it d,4 III, ."'d 'T""e'll't �Illd that 3". dan¢cJo ,n P"Wrt— SISELLER. FIS AMIJIVIN.AND 1S AN 1 111111 111ITLIHRI SUbllN ill%, 11 lNANI, Auf..' "Ri HEREBY KFLI i i ASUII M) SIIALLC;)NIIHOElr ll RFLEEI) ASl W:-M AII, I-WiLl Y IN CONNE "IFIN WfIll 0", R M IIAI ]It ORKUP I( IN (IF EA 1A ALI i SOFT XAKI ANI) j:rlS 1 S5!: 1 VS ALL 1 ISK LIT LOSS. DAMAGFOR CORTI OF DAIA All) S, I[ _rAA RI: 11 AX) R NIA) 7 1�0 HO I OR RVII L 11 YCi FROM I I IC SERI KJFS, TL, l, 71 tilli" I I I,,, 71" "f Pl."T11- illil-11­11 ­11 1, TIi;ifiirle. ht til t,d I, ih,l -,k,l I I ,l,,.f;,, S­T I"- I h ii, I ,T. "Iti"T It""I I th, T-Achilit, Fft IT, Set, c 1, U,lillft 1, 5,.: o[ D., it ill h, TI fifllfi1 IT, ".d,, it S­ w,, Ill, ­'L!lT ,j j j,j I "JI t pit y. C; IT, l,,L,d by Slill, I, Cu,. crfit I,y­,­ .,,I 1- (21 ,ln, fi,it-l• d­,h­h, ­,hl and a, v,uf, betted fil, `I­ p,­h,­­,f P,�O­Il ­dh, It— jLll. Any -de orp ,Iti, th-)f I-ld ilhim Ili' (21 p,,i,,d np­ n UN DER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND NOTWITI tSTANDINC T1 IE FAI LURE Or ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY RE NIT DY Sr.T FORT] I I IEKEIN. WILL SELLER. ITS AFFI OR ITS OR TI IF1 R SUPP LIERS. SUBCONTRACTORS OR AGENTS BE LIAR L C FOR (1) AN) INCIDENTAL. IND] RECT, S PFCIAL. PUNITIVE OR CON SEl AL DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LI NI IT[ D TO. LOSS O PROFITS. BUSINESS, REV END ES 0 K SAVINGS, EVEN IF SELLER I 1AS EFFN ADVISED OF T1 IF POSSIBI LM1 OF SUCI I DAMAGES OR IF SLICII DAMAGES AKE OTHERWISE FORESEEABLE. IN RACII CASE. ll'IIETT FR A CLAIM FOR ANY SUCH L IABILITY IS PREMISED UPON BREACH OF CONTRACT. WARRANTS', NEGLICIENCIt, STRICT LINVILIT'i' OR OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY: (13t ANY CL IRIS. DEMANDS OR ACTIONS AGAINST CUSTOMER BY ANY TI�IlIRI1 Cl IN) LOSS OR CLAi Nf ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH CUSTOMER'S FNIPLENIENTATRIN OF ANY CONCLUSIONS OR RECUkINIFE DATIONS M SELLER OR ITS RESULTING AFFILIATES BASED ON. RESULTING FRONT. ARISING OUT OF OR 07 E ISF RELATED TO TIM PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, OR (M ANY UNAVAILABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR USE OR ANY LOS DANIAWID OR COkRUPTED DATA OR SOFTWARE IN THE EV ENT OF AN Y LIABILITY INC9 IN R Fit BY SELLER OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES, ME ENTIRE LIABILITY OF SELLER AND ITS AFFILIATES FOR DAIMAOEWHATSOEVER S FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER WILL NOT EXCEED THE LESSER OF TIM DOLLAR TI DOLLAR AMOUNT PAID n)• CUS Ill FOR THE PRODUCT(SI GIVING RISE TO T11E CLAIM OR TI N S'F E SPECIFIC STiRVICES LWG RfTQ THE CLAIM QR. F,,11, pLe ,ipa- fl.tr it 3 he ­'t-Y .,I pray de IT,-, Ill, vn a oun .f' rnf Je na, d n .,h ply. III Atilt- I, I thud pall Ih,n nali, rdl,d C,l,fid,,iliol 1,,f 111ITI"I to lill p;,,Iy th, pl,fl, I I ..f thi, Ag-I,li 'd -11 "1 1,10 C-ild-1.1 W"l-fi he P Ti IS, 1� It", te, d- ill "l el­­ l, l, I hill, 11 LI,­, l, I'll l,T and i, di,,I,,,,d by a p.,­ lit ci,l,, -1, flli, Ag C., ­h III I "S P­ll'y h I i' ilh TIT, ASl Il -IM I,, L.d ­6 W­Ik. C rJ,,,Ii,l ,ill I -Nd, m ifi, ul. w hich, (III lc T,Lhh, If .,,h ktei IT n, :k, ­i, L,,g -Y g f,hI Ming Ili, h. -h err ,,y h ifil-igh, IT J-1 e It .,kJ IT-,ty, d I" Ih, d"ll-mg p,ey 'id, ITT III 1ppl�,Thl, I F­­Iml.. i� i,d,p­I",fl) 1 1 1 1 1 1 li, 1 I i Th 1 1 I I 'T= 1, 1, Cu tf Jennal lnlitr na It, LI-1, idl Llbd,bd it, -h hyffil d-IiiIhIr PW ll a I the ItTI.-I d.,,l p pl, riv fait,, T, pl-thil, 6,141- id,,Ifify 1,,M ill bi, E.,h N l g.- b I,, Ili Id th, IF,, parts, C,nfid I IT il't, fidl"u'l fl. IT r.6,T,[ fthel (31 y,,­ 4.11-,Ig it, d- it d­l ,,,d Ili, "I ill I Ill.ell- 11 1-11 411 PT11111101I .1 11 hIddi it, I." Clillid-W lfhkl kind h I, ­,l d,,,- Lf Di. =lu.NUre, of vil party'. p; II I (il the.. iiid­&", i. lh, P,rf lfffii­kg­, ,­t th. Lppli,,b1` ",7 "'l I I u, I,.- C th hi, de ipp1­1 S (j) II Ill bILIjIll­ 11g.1 .,h t,fid,ll,l 1,,f �I (I i I 11,dl,l h,Lmi, 1,,,h pill, -il ti i Ud-ml Ib r id- put, Fit .,y dear ,te, thl p.lp.,, ­.t­pI;e,d by thi, Apel­nt ,,d the %ti,n­I,A Will Upon L 11q.111 ill lt I'lly ffil Of- 'Illy I Ill IT I'LL, [,I C"Itfidl al:l,f ,atinn ofrha vfher by l-, P,­ il l"-d MIT d cT.1 j.. h, y STe ,,,l �;,y ..Ihloy, Ii, d -1 C -I ld-1, I d ..r paTy. b, P,fty ­11 It- i d tll lllllllillg party p1­TPL ItTill y d,, ,T ­Lke IF 0­ ­ti ­1 ill ­bl, IT IT. "t, 'I"'me very blIl Ippi.plil. li't fidl.,': l Ill, C-fid"lliM 10 L 1 to R,Is ':T -1,1" A- 0­1 :i"T, L I'dill'i", 16 i, T7,d TnT I I'll LIT: Itil lit I It 111, nJC 1 5, l.ly S., I I`jtllc I 'll,T!II'!, il&'lt :h,'l I T,' 1-111.11111IT; 11 hl, 11 11111T 11 "1 T111; .1 1. ,1 1 1 �i� R E, t, A ii ,l1, L, It I Wil I LtJS C IDC�l Ill KI SOL, 1 11, L 1 'IF Gll V 1 ,11' SI IT IN Vf:D I LTOJ L l i,r F N 13) 1.[N I j I Umhm; lt l, IT,- "'id", iiil!, 'I". am do, j h; "ib, ol �ell,! I" I'd "I C d! 1 ­fl� j F,�eh­ I 1�1.11m, 11 1" 4 j 11 It "Limi N­1LI:l",'T:,i_ l 1 110 j� FA-0 A, i4.;, I h L11,lL An d Iti 'I Til I'TtI.f T: 'O's '2Ic:A,b;ew;T ".y. 1-j" l L 0 .'ll T, h"­, it.",'! T_ t"im: ­t"', "j �,,Iig. 11, lh� 1, It IT "),j ['ITT h- 'I L"ll all, ll iii", 'u-7-11 Illd M: cill", It ri dlt,to i� .i 11.11 IT 1�L, 2il'i .ped h'ith filz "low',it", T,.Ll mil; 'i:1l,, 1"' i ILL" "i� l: -1 1 l i .el jl H'A v IT::; 1�­"T­i 'A LA 11 fl .iMl 1'� ;I cItlll el hL 11"6'1 'T 11 m, th l �hl A,,,, n, r!" N11 .,11, p,e, id,,d LLII, ,h i, govt ill h, gI I i "llitIg ­1 111111 -Ill IL-1 111lip, 11, 1-, (31 d,y,;Rl, t-ifitl p rag, I., p,,pLid by l,,m M,. ,d I, ti-ill y ft" ,0h i h, lit I Ally dd­ fidt- l, by ith,, puty le", gh, leldy ill .,,I ­,-la ply bT Ill-all IT-, TLh i,hl, VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 CDW Government IN SUM OF Sui�e' 1515 75 Remittance Drive Chicago, IL 60675 -1515 $30.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOCS Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1192 TNF8575 44- 632.01 $30.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, August 27, 2010 Director, OCS Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached involce(s) or bill(s)) 08/10/10 TNF8575 Adapter for David Littlejohn $30.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 ,20 Clerk- Treasurer INVOICE DATE INVOICE NUMBER :PAYMENT TERMS DUE DATE 08/06/10 TMS7301 Net 30 Days 09/05/10 ORDER DATE SHIP VIA PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER CUSTOMER, NUMBER 081061 1 UPS Ground (1- 2 day) GCO8062010 6676598 ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION T UNIT PRICE TOTAL Q7Y�. QYN qTY ORD I SHIP BIO 1 183031 BELKIN /CDW 6' USB 2.0 A/B CABLE WHIT 1 1 0 3.00 3.00 Manufacturer Part Number: F3U 1 33-06-CDW 2087080 TRIPP CAT5E CATS CABLE BLUE RJ45 6FT 1 1 0 3.00 3.00 Manufacturer Part Number: N002- 006 -BL GO GREEN! CDW is happy to announce that paperless billing is now available! If you would like to start receiving your invoices as an emailed PDF, please email CDW at paperlessbilling@cdw.com. Please include your Customer number or an Invoice number in your email for faster processing. REDUCE PROCESSING COSTS AND ELIMINATE THE HASSLE OF PAPER CHECKS! Begin transmitting your payments electronically via ACH using CDW's bank and remittance information located at the top of the attached payment coupon. Email credit @cdw.com with any questions. I ACCOUNT, MANAGER.' SHIPPING ADDRESS: SUBTOTAL' $6.00 BART HECKMAN CITY OF CARMEL FIRE DEPT 312 705 -9572 GARY CARTER SHIPPING $0.24 barthec @cdwg.com 2 CARMEL CIVIC SO CARMEL IN 46032 SALES TAX $0.00 SALES ORDER NUMBER'` VHB1275 AMOUNT DUE $6.24 Cage Code Number 1 KH72 HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT? DUNS Number 02- 615 -7235 PLEASE EMAIL US AT credit@cdwicom ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified VISIT US ON THE INTERNET AT www.cdwg.com 0001:0001 CDW GOVERNMENT FEIN 36- 4230110 Page 1 of 1 "'z"-, S EXPRES WAR RAI TIF� 1: 1 HER EA'PRI SS OR IMPLI I V. R LLA PEI) v) I'll 11 any ltalcuricals. perif—r phooqaqhs or other illa,a-i— ep-sming ths Prod.sts, That may be pi—ickd hy501, or it% A ff, holes. S, L PRODUCTS. INCLUDIN(j. BU 'C N LIMITED TO. ANY W 'AR RAN' TY Y OF T U1,11. ACCUPACY. NfERCT 1ANTARILITY OR If TNF.%S FOR A PAPTICULAR PURP05F. WARRANT Y OF Ni 5NIN Fit] NGENH7 OR A NY WAR RAN Rrl,,' M� G TO THIRD PA RTY SFRI'V FS UP, 'HE I ERIMS OF ANY %IANLT,N(TC PER'S WA RRAN I V. Cualoo— c,po—ly —ves ,,y chill. h.t! it To, I—, apinst Sell THE CLA \IEH CONTAINED IN THIS PARAGRAPH DOES NOT AFFLC1' I its A iffitairs h o, P,'a, habilh, or ofimne—at or; AII'd 'rA_ teem- t ,I rutypri'm .'ry"pla. trade are. o ether ineft"wal properly ri,,N, .—h a, 'Cl.ino") wtrh -P- I. so) ponin't and aUo wu un any C ogh: I— S,11— it, Affilin- pi- 1l —in 'i"m P!� C."o i, a And son" ak Wit a"[ e, ihs, nn ernplrn•ce in Seller 11 its Affiliates isTaul d u any oela",aT m, bdolffnf Self,, r Aftilitilea, that is not in 11,1, Ain. I S,11l, onnal, that in, Srrv .il I,. N,(oraa--d in a Ford and Ae,km,rrlik, too 4, and cs elus 1, and S61 tire li.hiiit, i,h re pear I" "i" '1, will I"L of the "it' ',pit,. A Svllr, h, either 0.) use it, --able i'l eNnm ro ne'e,( l or euuac to be h,p,rf, ome" —yl— all O"a -raphatel, w ith IN, —Ool—, hl nefinad amour, paid by C o r elated I -�u W 1, ton, roe S-- roa, io iih-.161 pre,e. id', m -0 —e, Co inuillel '61,'T i11 11.1imil o ri l l t i o f", lr I o f,h, ,ppli,,ble Svr -vs. EXCJ�PT AS SET FORTY HEREIN' OR IN ANY STATEM11 NI OF WORK THAT EXPRESSLY ANIE NDS SELIXR"S WARRANTY. AND SUBJELI 10 APPLICABLE LAW. SI LILER ]MAKES SO OrIff R, AND L XPIt XPItL SILY DISCLAIMSpiLT, OjtWlt RF[PRESFNITATIONS, VVAKRAN11F.S. CONDITIONS OR COVENA��I.S, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED OcLuDING WITHOUT 131111ATION, ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED IVARRANFUlSOR C S' ONUT11ONS OF FFINE� FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .M ERCHANTABILITY, DURAWLITY, TITLE. ACCURACY OR RIII-AIED1 U 1 PERFORMANCE OR NON PERFORMANCE OF HE SFRvJC.r.S. INC TUIYNG BUT IsYl L[Nil IED TO ANN' rA[ilRAN1VRIT-,r NG1C) FHTRD PARTY SLRV)LFS, ANY WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO TILE PERFORMANCE O W F ANY HARDWARE OR SOMARE USED IN PFRFQKMIN6 SERVICES AND ANY WARRANTY CONCFRNING THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE 5ERX'JCrS. THIS I )ISCLAMITH ANDEXCLUSION SlIAI-LAPPLY EVEN U 111 lz CXPRLSS WARRANI VAND LIMITED REMEDY SIT 1ALIPURPOSE IS At I UORIZED'I OM ART ANY REPRESEXIATIONOR WARRANTY ON BEHALF OF SELLER OR ANY OF ITS TTILIATESlliAl IS NOT IN toils ACREEMEN7 CIR IN A SIAITMENTOF WORK EXPRESSLY AMENDINC, SELLER WARRANT! C,,�,Inmor s hat l be —I—Thle fur daily hxl,-.p rd fl— peole"i. of its d- toad .fi— Na l" lo-, dag —P,ioo "a Cualm—lh,fll be solely responsible F- nel—ve (includi(including do (including but a, limited d to A located we located disk FIT, are! be Ja 'd or aunapoel during the mh-,—ee I S—i, L SI-1,1-f IT, I TS AFFILIAT AND ITS IS AND THEIR SUPPLIERS, NJIWONTRACIORS Ali) AGFN IS ARE, HEREBY irvi.rASED AND SHALL CON I IMTE'l 0 BE IU.LFASl;D I ROM AIJ� LIABILITY IN CONNEC NVI Till I I IT LOSS. DAMAGE OR (ORRUPTION OF DATA AN[) som% ATIF, AND CUb rcwlill ASSUMES ALL RISK OF LOSS DANrA(' r Olt CURRUPI;QN OF TIAI A AND SOFT, ARE IN ANY WAY RELATED TO OR RrCSULTIN(; FlIQM TH L' SERVIC F.S will i i p, ,,�,bl-' for and no habffl, A,11—alr s,it—n ayort, Affiliate, Inc dtih—y ,r in p,q 1 floor my h—rd Selk, in'l,,di", b� I li I P—j-, To,­jlaI,Toy. ran-, delays_ dela, do, to f­ L�, flila. C I'll. bill" PoL— acre lhlo, Imo l. lbsn,u.;,Vs o1c i la or", v artg.nev. Ar, ehippno, dan,—nr lonnPlo— d—, .,E; d by S'llit, Lid aSl-unolof W�,lk Drury ,liter d.-a-1 an, Po'n'!! in D', Lonrl I the right ,00lh, Uja,T ans, pr tong Pond-1, Tod S--i,e ffriq; u, -m, lading, but 'R. limited racket —duiolo, P-11111 di'll'una—lot, PIL1111 ulUnatr.11o Frill cha,g- For, h,b-ge, ,,it i ldl—S-111 All orders al-11fielt 11 Product 0,1olo, ,W Tlh, ROdho ,f P—onnel Perform the her Seller .,a That it ill he a ble I,, NIIIIJ orders, If Srr,— are net, Pelt! 6 n,, a t e a, t --W, ba,is, any -ime- p -ickd by Seller are f,,, pl-nine Pulpese, noly Cr edits Any credit issued b y SrIk,, 1. C—ante, fir, any reason m ust be used -thin (2)y— from the late rite, he robhl was Tesaiial and may only be used for fittla. Ptirchn— of Products tand2m, Services. Any ever fil .,pa, herrenfre, near! within the I.ul2) year period will a otwaraooadly,,xpi- 'Irl ],I,;!;" UNDERNOCIRCUMSTANCES AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY REMEDY SET FORTH HIZRJETN, WILL SELLER, ITS AFFILIATES OR M OR THEIR SUPPLIERS, SUBCONTRACTORS OR AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR: (A) ANY INCIDE AL. INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSE ULF DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS O PROFITS. B USINESS, REVENUES OR SAVINGS, EVEN IF SELLER I [AS BEEN ADVIS OFT HT POSSIBILIT]r�.SOF SUCH r)ANiA( OR IF SUCH DAMAGES ARE OTHERWISE FORESEEABLE, IN EACH CAST. WHETHER A CLAIM FOR ANY SUCH LIABILITY IS PREMISED UP ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER TIIEORY OF LIABILITY. (B) ANY CLAIMS, DEMANDS OR ACTIONS AGAINST CUSTOMER 13Y ANY THIRD PARTY; (C) ANY LOSS OR CLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH CUSTOMER'S IMPLEMENTATION OF ANY CONCLUSIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS BY SELLER OR ITS AFFILIATE'S BASED ON. RESULTING FROM, ARISING OUT OF OR OTHERWISE RE LATED TO THE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES; OR (D) ANY UNAVAILABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR USE OR ANY LOST, DAMAGED OR CORRUPTED DATA OR SOFTWARE IN THE EVENT OF ANY LIABILITY I NCURRED BY SELLER OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES. UIE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF SELLER AND ITS AFFILIATES FOR DAMAGES FROM ANY CAUSE \VIA C TSOEVER WILL NOT EXCEED THE LESSER OF; (A) TI DOLLAR AMOUNT PAID 13Y COSTUMER FOR THE PRODUCT(S) GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM OR THE SPECIFIC SERVICES GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM; OR (B) 550.000,00 C"'r, -Ol hn—'alio. Filers renes ollorrates that it my be necessary 1, provid 1, i.fino—ti- of, confidential not,, of —h Party, the Affiliates third Early (hereinafter ref—d to "C-fid—w infoonanom") 10 the the, party in the Perform—, or this Agreement and any Statement of \Nark. Confidential ffiria—licir nocurn, any "forans ti.. or data moral, doenonic or written farm w hich In. —wimil Party ko.., or has —,.a to krone, is porpriciary or olonfidenatil and w hich is disclosed by a party in c,n,w,o, with this Agnall-ra or 'N't, the ree—nig pony may have -es" to in eu It his Age--.,. otelldni, but no, limited to h., and e-difi-- lmfh Station— aW ,rk. Confidential hidurrellhon will hot include infoo—tion hich: (a) be,..,, keau— In the public lhoo,la no act flh-cori,log pan, (b) lart ao 1. theewin, Party, bere— tormarno.,hri -caimag party he, third party having th-i On in d,,,,,, and having no obligation of confidentiality to the disclosing g with —perl 10 the pplie.bli, information, or (e) i, iude"rJ,,,fiy d-ei.ped layiterar, ompl—cs or ,b to-,,, ol preq­mg Ferry h,, have not had such information. To the c ponakabir, Ccurvid,mial Information alonald be, clearly identified or Libeled —1, by the disclosing Tonoryin the Inner ofdiw i,,, or as Promptly thereafter., possible, however, fani.— s identify or label e ach C.nfid.a,.l Illf-malow, will not be ,,iderab, that such information n no. —lid —W or l.hk Friel, pa agrees so hold [he rnhrl,arnls C-liderti,l laftmerstlio—ofid—ol far, juaind of three (3) veers following [he date o f d,do— and to do,, in no—r, .11-1 as pont"IN, as it holds its Confidential h1bo—lom of like kind hot a use no l ess than ne—tuble deg .1's.— D— es ent"he other pnrol�, Confidential Ittfimmanom ill be restricted (t) a those ir,dwid.0s wharioe p.ni.ip.,i,g in the pr,F.—.-o of this Agreement or lh— applicable Sainanent of W-k and need. still. —h Confidential Johorrali.. for P.,— .1 or receiving 'he p rooluelts or this Agreement ur the appllcahle Statc„.cnl of Work,or(ii]mits busincss,lepvl and financial advisors, each ono confidential basis_ Each pally agrees nr to use any Confidential ln(nnn,tion oftheothcr party for any pupos other than th<business purposes Sery 'nousal"harrif by sites Agreement and applicable Sonenem ofW,k, Upon the milor, norplater of. pan', lor o ther Perry w ill ellbe—I.. or eltily nce destruction oNhe ColiGherai.1 lnformation of the .,he, Party. fla acerwing party is oN,ioad by lr 1 rode mo,g.l.tioa. or actiented i— ay,dwi.1 y, tod—ni,mi proceeding or by any luireplial.ry ranhomy, 1. disclose C—fidemi.l fartbanim, ,flhe the, parts, the receiving party .will gi,c the pony onompt notice of me noinest o that the disclosing Parry may ec an ppeop-le pre-1w, nodr, or s imilar protective are—ne and w ill use reasionothe effrars to obtain, confidential imemont efl!a, Confidential lt,rantrain- so di",-1. To 'I"'no Sell er's ,mum P"lily. Coon-, should em— C11W C It'l,nion, in to'c' Svc ocoll or 'o-I to CustomerRelalions a cdw.eo C--, ot"i -Iff, CIDW k6a.i,,n, of any P-L llhia n,,, (10) days o f o -In A- d-,. di,ploo, el e,alnn—y i.hedo, it eul C-11F .111v SITaimen, rw.lk r, The ,r b.111 h,,La, p—oj,, futate, I i"'Wrile, hot limnAd I.. lom no la'. m-ni I n'll ,,,I quil,ml, eta its) otiling fion—,,1ao ro it., Pro loel, he S—i—. T, in—p—lo—, ppl,11ioo f these frrnrs no s olidify 11 1. ill, .6hanot,hipa I,ih —1. 1 11-, Il on l", and cdition, "any S,,,, al of Work N,iel ["lli. 1, 1,, 11,11 -ren, penn,ia,d by uppli,ahl, In,. law ill, ifta, no'd pa,li Mh, -,e no, as I or 'Claim") WILL BE RESOLVED, UPON IIIL ELECTION OF ANY Ol SELLER CUSTOMER OR IHE UIIRD PARTIES INVOLVED, EXCLUSIVELY AND iNALLY BINDING �,;.so 11 1, le �T or SOL,', any 4 n, AfTli., 1RATIC AR131 Iferl'i-nno is 'bo", a will he "ohn-d pa,samo to the Rai—Whi, A111,11-1 Anhinanon Ass—fin.. Ifa,lb.1ai— p, lien h'.." Perry ill, -p— 1. Claim, nri,he, C. o, �N `PlI11 tuboria".. di— except as ron,id,d to, w flis obian To ai,ti aIT,, by a,areon I of1h, Pe ie, in- 1-1. Fl other C u .,are, vill It— I doe right ptric,,V mpr—ail k, or n,,olll, ofary of clawli na, P— nin, in, K�Ilhaaod,,,ary .oil "I” P n'Itals, in dini.- thi, iathimuit is 'tibjeel in the KoS,nni Arth—tro, Au (9 LLS C k§ I-lr Al l lIbILI16.1 'Ill alike Pbee Nio,cly in Ch—,, Any coon —iry -j,ri,diwuoa onorr dr an he l—ld end,ned by the roo ..oq,)� 1-1, p-Y-,I,,d will be,,, I, lofany rele—ow e—,lanch or,miuTd Uir ill be -ated's No-ih-ralia tit,, in, all n pens ir,a? to it,, ,all on faloo,, b, S'll u lo, S ill be clusi"ly iti—A n, than th-61, nu .1al NB_ 1J."n", S"N' n -ip o, 'Uh" to"t an T. or it irht bli,olon., -la -pie, ro the tale A P—A.- he pert, Ann LIT S­­ sego he r i, hh I,, it[ c-,—, Call l, ..I OS11611 It— Term. m I Co,dii hits, ur any of is rights or 014.1 In"i'l 'al a Inc """r, o' "T o lbe --n-, na -s,g I on.—I I.—S, C.nalili-1 M both 11—rial 'I"b—cos'llet-dc 1, b.l faidep—han, —me., and FA feomploy,rF,mpI,— W,lk ,07b- d-,,,d wa —enld o� aludifed h, party al— —1, -1—, --doolon or rn,djlic,tioo i, i, and! lfla,d b y Partnership To 11 aa� t-o ,I hi, Ag— 'It I 11`lll'lzl111111�1.1 deemed received by o 'on, o """'oe", be ir,shd, flrpi or fi,, the same inail 11"I d" 0" c l hn;—, I"nor"i lh—of n, 'Jo. Ibl, Ar-enn't, or the ppli-bl, Sr—,T, of Work Nl ir—eol ai ub, pd der,lb., Agoo-1.1 g i 1. 1 w rit in g and deemed received Toarehe earlier f.e—1 receipt rh— t3l) deyl le, mailing if if mailed passage ,e,.iJ by mail or air .1 le(1) an SUCK h ronce i t by w,,c, or fe-mile --no—on Any all", or fvilure by either party I e any o,fit or otainedy w ill nor —,idol. we, o f ,h.I parry to 11a,reefier enforce such right, VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 CDW -G._ IN SUM OF 75 Remittance Drive Chicago, IL 60675 $6.24 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 TMS7301 42- 370.00 $624 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except A UG 2a2010 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) TMS7301 $6.24 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11 -10 -1 .6 2a Clerk- Treasurer