HomeMy WebLinkAbout189581 09/08/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 159000 Page 1 of 1 t ONE CIVIC SQUARE IPL CHECK AMOUNT: $614.32 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 110 LroN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206 CHECK NUMBER: 189581 CHECK DATE: 9/8/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4348000 81.61 1174571 2201 4348000 78.31 1230630 2201 4348000 13.59 1257158 2201 4348000 95.00 1263280 2201 4348000 51.85 1302810 2201 4348000 104.11 1409082 2201 4348000 32.27 1441315 2201 4348000 71.69 1441913 2201 4348000 28.18 1490928 2201 4348000 57.71 1490929 CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary $81.61 09/21/2010 1174571 $167.86 $0.00 $81.61 1 $81.61 ,ceount Acttulty 08/0512010 Payment Thank You 86.72 08/13/2010 Payment Thank You -81.14 Mete,red1lan(ric 'and Qther�rvi�+�s Service Address: i D# 571599 11600 TOWNE RD CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 36.16 Number Use From To Days Prey Pros Mult Usage 0110224 P 07/29/10 08/27/10 29 67410 67671 1 261 Next Reading Date 09/28/10 Service Address: ID# 592195 1351 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 11.38 Number Use From To Days Prey Pres Ault Usage 0170843 P 07/28/10 08/27/10 30 00000 00000 1 Next Reading Date 09/28/10 Questions: Call 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.261.8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: Mon 7 a.m. 7 p.m.; Tues Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m. 08/30/2010 Walk -In Office Hours: Mon Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m.; Page 1 of 2 Tues Thurs 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday PAE.�S Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED pN RECYCLED PAPER ny ipL INDIANAPOLIS POVVER& LIGHT CO�WPANY P.O. Box 110Indianapolis, |N48206-U110 317.261.8222 1PLpower.com snrwoe Address: STREET ugnT |o#xuo*m 11598 o|Ton no oxnusL|w4omou na+o so Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter woouino aizz Reading Charges 34.07 Number Use From To Days Prev pras nuz+ Usage mvvorz p or/cp/zo oo/ur/zv up oropo 07629 z uop max+ Reading Date ovveu/zo '��:/':�::::::::����:''x,m�°m,��mm:"'x��.um"ew�^.'::'��:::::::':::':::':::':::. :::::v::::::'::'::�::':::'�nmm��:��'a~��*�.m,''v:"'*��/".*���:":"*.:'.".......:. Total Number of Services o Previous Balance $167.86 Total Services eizzeu o Payment Thank You '167.86 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric and Other Services 81.61 mun+h cazz us at 261 .8222 if we can be of more Total Account e�*nce $81.61 assistance. ancu. A downed power line is very dangerous. Remember: stay away, keep others away (including pets) and immediately report the situation to |PL by calling 261.8111. BILL DATE Account 1174571 08m0m010 Page ucvo 9 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary $78.31 09/21/2010 1230630 f. $140.69 -$140.69 $0.00 $78.31 $78.31 Account.Actf t y 08/13/2010 Payment- Thank You -69.20 08/13/2010 Payn.ent Thank You -71.49 fVleter ®d..ELectriC: and. Q.then Sewfces..:..: Service Address: STREET LIGHT FOR ROUNDABOUT ID##652009 11599 N ILLINOIS ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 78.31 Number Use From To Days Prev Pros Mult Usage 0175406 P 07/30/10 08/30/10 31 43057 43755 1 698 Next Reading Date 09/29/10 m o n n orma an a us o ccnt�nt i 3063Q ............p.....rta..._t..f... i.................... tf.............. st_t t..A Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $140.69 month. Call us at 261.8222 if we can be of more Payment Thank You 140.69 assistance. Metered Electric and Other Services 78.31 Total Account Balance $78.31 Questions: Call 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.261.8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: Mon 7 a.m. 7 p.m.; Tues Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m. 08/30/2010 Walk -In Office Hours: Mon Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m.; Tues Thurs 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER an ES Automated assistance available 24 hours a da company y CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary $13.59 09/21/2010 1257158 $28.23 $28.23 $0.00 $13.59 $13.59 A,ccoun'# A�ti�r ty. 08/13/2010 Payment Thank You -13.94 08!1312010 Payment Thank You -14.29 s ets red Alec #Iric._and'Qt et Services Service Address: ID##661934 10400 N GRAY RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 13.59 Number Use From To Days Prev Pros Mult Usage 0184638 P 07/30/10 08/27/10 28 01182 01295 1 23 Next Reading Date 09/29/10 �IYttlttan (117�Qtttlatltl ,�7tti5 f9..GCOIIE3t«' Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $28.23 month. Call us at 261.8222 if we can be of more Payment Thank You -28.23 assistance. Metered Electric and Other Services 13.59 Total Account Balance $13.59 Questions: Call 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.261.8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: Mon 7 a.m. 7 p.m.; Tues Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m. 08/30/2010 iDL Walk -In Office Hours: Mon Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m.; Tues Tours 8 a.m. 5 P.M. C]osed Saturday and Sunday PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER J .nAEs Automated assistance available 24 hours a day company CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary $95.00 09/21/2010 1263280 $184.11 -$184.11 $0.00 $95.00 $95.00 2:::� :::A'C' doUhCA 0A I 08/1 3/2010 Payment Thank You -91.00 08/1312010 Payment Thank You -93.11 &EI00011d dotharseevc a Service Address: DECORATIVE LIGHTING ID# 676376 1149 1/2 W 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 36.92 Number Use From To Days Prev Pros Mult Usage 0200837 P 07/29/10 08/27/10 29 08228 08497 1 269 Next Reading Date 09/28/10 Service Address: STREET LIGHTS AT ROUNDABOUT ID# 658921 10590 IN GRAY RD CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 58.08 Number Use From To Days Prev Pros Mult Usage 0181180 P 07/30/10 08/30/10 31 24659 25146 1 487 Next Reading Date 09/29/10 �n o, m Aidid: 6C.1263280 ImPollUnt.: :-w I f r.. AID 111 "St 3 of. cdou Total Number of Services 2 Previous Balance $184.11 Total Services Billed 2 Payment Thank You -184.11 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Metered Electric and Other Services 95.00 month. Call us at 261.8222 if we can be of more Total Account Balance $95.00 assistance. Questions: Call 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.261.8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: Mon 7 a.m. 7 p.m.; Tues Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m. 08/30/2010 IDL Walk-In Office Hours: Mon Fri 7 a.m. 6 P.M.; Tues Thurs 8 a.m. 5 P.M. Closed Saturday and Sunday 9 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER an AES Automated assistance available 24 hours a day company CITY OF CowwsL ~~......g ~~u..~..~_..y CAR[NEL STREET DEPARTMENT $51.85 09/21/2010 1302810 08h3m010 Payment Thank You 48u3 08n3/2010 Payment Thank You -48.26 |||�|X||0��|||||||||||||��X�XU|��|KUU|||UU|||||U|||||||�|X||||||||UUU||������'||�:����||�������|������||||U��||�|8||||||||||||||||||||||X|||||||��||��||UNX||||U|||||||||�||||�� m'�m:m||m/�mnmm|m|mmommmmm/::mm:'mm'm|||/m|||mm|::mN8�8�0��:�U������n���0�N���U����N���m||mm'mm'mmm�||m�|':mmm:'m/x|mm/�|� Service Address: TRAFFIC SIGNAL |o#nnsoon 9601 apn/wG MILL RD INDIANAPOLIS |m*nom Rate on Secondary Service(Small) na+=r nu+ar Reading oizz Reading Charges 51.85 Number Use From To Days Prev pros nuz+ Usage ozuo*pz p or/au/zo vo/av,m oz zsuo* 15656 z oue Next Reading Date uv/cp/zv Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $96.29 mun+o Call us at 261.8222 if we can be of more Payment Thank �suo assis�onca av�on an Metered Electric and Other Services 51.85 Total Account Balance $51.85 Questions: Co|| 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.201.8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: Mon 7u.m.'7 p.m.; Tuao'Fri 7o.m.'8 p.m. 08m0/2010 VVa|k'|n Office Hours: Mon Fri 7 a.m. 0 p.m.; I P L Tues'Thuru 8 a.m. '6 P.M. C|ooed Su1urdayund Sunday pn/wrsonwncc,cLsnp^psn ��mkomnaNedassistance available 24 hours aday "v o|Tvopcxnwo- ��^UU^ ��Uon0���� �m8�N������M�� Billing $104.11 09/21/2010 1409082 08n3x2010 Payment Thank You *3.35 08/13/20 10 Payment Thank You -107.94 other s mic i§ Service Address: ww CORNER oF 1noT*sTmLAnssnoxsDRIVE |o#nonuu1 10614vvLAnsanoRson CxnmsL|wun000 Rate ss Secondary oer"ico,nmazz/ wa+er Meter Reading eizz Reading Charges 104.11 Number use From To Days prev Pros muz+ Usage ocouzsm p 07/30v10 oovuo/zo oz 22407 23374 z 967 we^+ Reading ma+o up/op/zo XX|||||U||U|||UU|�|U m�||��n�mmmm|��|m||k������n�:�/nW�������xm:::mmm::xxmm::::':::'::'v :::'|/:::::'m|''::::'Umo������x��'�0082:0�U||U|UN�N�N�| Thank you for the opn",+""i+v to serve you this Previous Balance $201.29 mun+x cazz u� a+ u�z meee �v we can uo u� more a���^ Payment Thank -201.29 assis� "vm�n,' vn v Metered Electric and Other Services 10*11 Total Account Balance $104.11 Questions: Call 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.261.0222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: Mon 7o.m. '7 p.m.; Tueu'Fri 7 a.m. '8 p.m. oommoom Walk-in a|k'|n Office Hours: on Fri 7 a.m. 0 p.m.; Tuen'Thura8a.m.'5p.m. I Closed Saturday and Sunday PRINTED ow RECYCLED mpsn �"m�' Automated assistance available 24 hours aday CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary CARMEL STREET DEPT $71.69 09/21/2010 1441913 $163.27 -$163.27 $0.00 $71.69 1 $71.69 ccotlti Activit 0 811 3/201 0 Payment Thank You -79.07 08/13/2010 Payment Thank You -84.20 Met r�d..Eiectrlc nd...Qthel Ser�tC s Service Address: SALT BARN ID #684021 4915 E 106TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 71.69 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage 0209935 P 07/29/10 08/30/10 32 08826 09455 1 629 Next Reading Date 09/29/10 lmpartant.lnigr:.matign:: Status ol.:Account 14419 3.... Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $163.27 month. Call us at 261.8222 if we can be of more Payment Thank You 163.27 assistance. Metered Electric and Other Services 71.69 Total Account Balance $71.69 Questions: Call 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.261.8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: Mon 7 a.m. 7 p.m.; Tues Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m. 08/30/2010 Walk -In Office Hours: Mon Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m.; ID Closed Tues Thurs 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday ®PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER a ompany Automated assistance available 24 hours a day CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary $61.75 09/21/2010 1490929 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $61.75 $61.75 0 Mitered :Electric and;Qther.:SnrlCs Service Address: CABINET 106TH AND SPRINGMILL RD ID #662493 10600 SPRINGMILL RD CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 57.71 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage Tax 4.04 0185052 P 07/30/10 08/30/10 31 24030 24513 1 483 Subtotal 61.75 Next Reading Date 09/29/10 I'm...portant #.nfarlmatlon:....:.... Status o Accdunt Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $0.00 month. Call us at 261.8222 if we can be of more Metered Electric and Other Services 57.71 assistance. Indiana State Tax 4.04 Total Account Balance $61.75 A downed power line is very dangerous. Remember: stay away, keep others away (including pets) and immediately report the situation to IPL by calling 261.8111. Questions: Call 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.261.8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: Mon 7 a.m. 7 p.m.; Tues Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m. 08/30/2010 Walk -In Office Hours: Mon Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m.; IDL Tues Thurs 8 a.m. 5 P.M. Closed Saturday and Sunday PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER �o m Automated assistance available 24 hours a day CITY OF CARMEL Silling Summary $34.53 09/20/2010 1441315 ®o s o ®o $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $34.53 $34.53 Met er. ®d Iectr!c nd 04 ces Service Address: ID##590860 10600 TCWNE RD CARMEL IN 46032 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 32.27 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage Tax 2.26 0993707 P 07/29/10 08/27/10 29 8624 8844 1 220 Subtotal 34.53 Next Reading Date 09/28/10 l.m..p atu nrWnt.lntorriation.. Sts o><Accnunt.144T:3IS Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $0.00 month. Call us at 261.8222 if we can be of more Metered Electric and Other Services 32.27 assistance. Indiana State Tax 2.26 Total Account Balance $34.53 Online payment from your bank account is one of many convenient payment options available at IPLpower.com. Avoid the hassles of writing a check and finding a stamp. Just click and pay! Questions: Call 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.261.8222 BILL DATE Telephone ;-lours: Mon 7 a.m. 7 p.m.; Tues Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m. 08/27/2010 Walk -In Office Hours: Mon Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m.; I Tues Thurs 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER comp ny Automated assistance available 24 hours a day CITY OF CARMEL Billing Summary $30.15 09/20/2010 1490928 �o $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $30.15 1 $30.15 w grad Electrpc' nd other., 116 Service Address: METERED STREET LIGHT ID #633237 9600 DITCH RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46260 Rate SS Secondary Service(Small) Meter Meter Reading Bill Reading Charges 28.18 Number Use From To Days Prev Pres Mult Usage Tax 1.97 0165627 P 07/29/10 08/27/10 29 18137 18314 1 177 Subtotal 30.15 Next Reading Date 09/28/10 1±mp rte t.. ntormat�on.' 5011111 :of Accaiu0...14909 Thank you for the opportunity to serve you this Previous Balance $0.00 month. Call us at 261.8222 if we can be of more assistance. Metered Electric and Other Services 28.18 Indiana State Tax 1.97 Total Account Balance $30.15 Questions: Call 317.261.8222 Toll Free: 888.261.8222 BILL DATE Telephone Hours: Mon 7 a.m. 7 p.m.; Tues Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m. 08/2712010 Walk -In Office Hours: Mon R Fri 7 a.m. 6 p.m.; 1 Tues Thurs 8 a.m. 5 p.m. Closed Saturday and Sunday anAE5 Automated assistance available 24 hours a day PRINTED ONRECYC�EDPAPER company VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IPALCO IN SUM OF P. O. Box 110 Indianapolis, IN 46206 -0110 $614.32 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# 1 Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 43- 480.00 $614.32 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, September 07, 201 C s L Street Comm pner Street Comrrjoioner Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 09/07/10 $614.32 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer