HomeMy WebLinkAbout190062 09/14/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351502 Page 1 of 1 Q ONE CIVIC SQUARE MACALLISTER MACHINERY CARMEL INDIANA 46032 P.O. BOX 660200 CHECK AMOUNT: $959.61 j* INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 -0200 CHECK NUMBER: 190062 CHECK DATE: 911 512 01 0 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 WC040100113 49.50 TRANSPORTATION EXPENS 651 5023990 WC040100115 155.12 TRANSPORTATION EXPENS 1093 4350000 WC040101657 755.00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS M .t'i Engine Power MacAllister 7575 E. 30th Street PO Box 1941 Indianapolis, IN 46206 W (317) 860-4401 Please Remit All Payments to: SERVICE INVOICE MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc. PO Box 660200 Invoice Number WC040101657 Indianapolis, IN 46266-0200 1174560 CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC ADMIN OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 Irnmiee Date:: �Date', Page.; 20AUG2010 19066 05JUL2010 2 M a ke S e ri a l --.Ni:x ab 9 6 6r. R T M;�Cl�_i :A T N er: �z:�- I !�M t ea in ONAN E NE RATOR F060 93 8729 136. Quan tity lw.t: PArtN N19.: I Deqqrip i: rc,e:::: Extend 6 d ri6e IG07576 Take oil sample to check for wear materials inside engine. F/R ALL 530.00 SEGMENT 02 TOTAL 530.00 T EXEMPTION LICENSE GOVT OFFICE ow t z qnv W? Id-e Purchase Descriptlain P.Q. PorF G.L 0 Bud rra Unevescir L&O Purchaser Datq AUG 2 4 Appro MacAllister Machinery's service labor is warranted to the customer for a period of 180 days from the date of work, to include defects in workmanship performed by MacAllister Machinery employees. This warranty would include the replacement of parts and labor, damaged by that defect in workmanship. Any failures caused by defect of parts, whether replaced new at the time of our work, or re-used, will be covered by the original manufacturer's warranties, if any. Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking charge. All items marked with an asterisk have been declared non-refundable by the manufacturer and are not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must be made within 5 days, [TERMS: 1.5% PER MONTH (18%l PER ANNUMI WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE Please Pay THIRTY (30) DAYS. This Amount $755.00 N-5 2 CORPORATE OFFICE: 7515 E. 30th Street, PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 545-2151 Fax: (317) 860-3310 MacAllister Engine Power 7575 E. 30th Street PO Box 1941 El Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 860-4401 Please Remit All Payments to: SERVICE INVOICE MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc. PO Box 660200 invoice Number WC040101657 Indianapolis, IN 46266-0200 1174560 CARMEL CLAY PARKS REC ADMIN OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 f Pucbase: Ntmiier. Doc Date Ship a 20AUG2010 19066 05JUL2010 �M d P (3 Met -in M ac. quipinen ss�Nulmrber seriiadi;�Numb' 'r�- ,E k ONAN LNERATOR F060938729 136. r. D escrip tion "flnit Price ded Price IG07576 "INDIANAPOLIS TRUCK SHOP HOURS ARE MONDAY 6:00 AM THROUGH SATURDAY AT 3:30 PM. WE OFFER: *CAT ENGINE SERVICE *CATERPILLAR REBATES *CUSTOM PM PROGRAMS *DYNO TEST *COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS *BRAKES AND SUSPENSION ATS #350992RE DUE AUG 2009/2010/2011 INSPECT TRANSFER SWITCH Transfer Switch Inspection (Annual Service) Preventative Maintenance of Transfer Switch. Service is to Clean Lube Check for proper Torque of Contactors. F/R ALL 225.00 SEGMENT 01 TOTAL 225.00 T PERFORM PM 2 PM Level 2 (57-Point Inspection Annual Service) Preventative Maintenance Inspection of Generator Engine to check for Proper Operation. Change Engine Oil Filters, This service includes the Fuel Filter change. MacAllister Machinery's service labor is warranted to the customer for a period of 180 days from the date of work, to include defects in workmanship performed by MacAllister Machinery employees. This warrant would include the replacement of parts and labor, damaged by that defect in workmanship. Any failures caused by defect of parts, whether replaced new at the time of our work, or re-used, will be covered b the original manufacturer's warranties, it any. Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking charge. All items marked with an asterisk I*) have been declared non-refundable by the manufacturer and are not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must he made within 5 days, 1.5% PER MONTH (18%) PER ANNUMl WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE THIRTY t30) DAYS. CONT' D INV— CORPORATE OFFICE: 7515 E. 30th Street, PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 545-21 Fax: (317) 860-3310 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must sho kind of service. its, price er o nitd, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour. Payee Purchase Order No Terms 00351502 MacAllister Machinery Co., Inc. P.O. Box 660200 Indianapolis, IN 46266 -0200 Invoice Description PO Amount Invoice (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Date Number 23880 755.00 8120110 WC040101657 Generator repairs Total 755.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IG 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer a Voucher No. Warrant No, 00351502 MacAllister Machinery Co., Inc. Allowed 20 P.O. Box 660200 Indianapolis, IN 46266 -0200 In Sum of 755.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1093 WC040101657 4350000 755.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 12 -Aug 2010 Signature 755.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Engine Power MacAllister 7575 E. 30th Street PO Box 1941 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 860-4401 Please Remit All Payments to: SERVICE INVOICE MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc PO Box 660200 Invoice Number WC040100113 Indianapolis, IN 46266-0200 1175490 CITY OF CARMEL WATER WASTE WATER UTILITIES 760 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032 .Invoice,., te J) oo, -Date Sla Yxa 29JUN2010 CAMEL WTP 19MAY2010 Equipment Machine. 1D 'ding -�':�N.umber:::::::�:�::: k S Number; IC15 PKGG I -CATOOOOOTC5E02477- 1.0 8109-2 Pri Xt y:J::;:: cr D _PSCX.1P Xon IT93158 "INDIANAPOLIS TRUCK SHOP HOURS ARE MONDAY 6:00 AM THROUGH SATURDAY AT 3:30 PM. WE OFFER: *CAT ENGINE SERVICE *CATERPILLAR REBATES *CUSTOM PM PROGRAMS *DYNO TEST *COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH *AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS *BRAKES AND SUSPENSION PREDELIVERY TRAVEL TO/FROM TOTAL LABOR SEG. 01 198.00 LESS 100t-LABOR 198.00_* 98.00 MILEAGE 294.00 TOTAL MISC CHGS SEG. 01 294.00 LESS 100%-MISC 294.00-* SEGMENT 01 TOTAL .00 T REPAIR FUEL TANK 2 IR-0749 FILTER AS FU S 17.03 34.06 MacAllister Machinery's service labor is warranted to the customer for a period of 180 days from the date of work, to include defects in workmanship performed by MacAllister Machinery employees, This warranty would include the replacement Of Parts and labor, damaged by that defect in workmanship. Any failures caused by defect of parts, whether replaced new at the time of our work, or re-used, will be covered by the original manufacturer's warranties. if any. Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking charge. All items marked with an asterisk have been declared non-refundable by the manufacturer and are not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must be made within 5 days. TERM 1.5% PER MONTH (18%) PER ANNUM) WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE THIRTY (30) DAYS. CONT'D INV PS CORPORATE OFFICE: 7515 E. 30th Street, PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 545-2151 Fax: (317) 860-3310 MacAllister 7575 E. 30th Street PO Box 1941 M Engine Power Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 860-4401 Please Remit All Payments to: SERVICE INVOICE MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc PO Box 660200 Invoice Number WC040100113 Indianapolis, IN 46266-0200 1175490 CITY OF CARMEL WATER WASTE WATER UTILITIES 760 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032 page 29JUN2010 CAMEL WTP 19MAY2010 2 N umber e seti-41;:Numb lCaterpillar IC15 PKGG I *CATOOOOOTC5EO2477* 1.0 1 8109-2 wliq. 1­.UnjtL:� Pr i c e XY e sci�iJ5 t i x ended,...Pti64�-w:: Unit, j IT93158 2 133-5673 ELEMENT-FILT S 40.94 81.88 2 326-1641 FILTER AS S 36.65 73.30 TOTAL PARTS SEG. 02 189.24 LESS 100%-PARTS 189.24-* TOTAL LABOR SEG. 02 891.00 LESS 100%-LABOR 891.00-* OT LABOR DIFFERENTIAL 49.50 SEGMENT 02 TOTAL 49.50 T REPAIR BATTERY CHARGER TOTAL LABOR SEG. 03 396.00 LESS 100%-LABOR 396.00-* SEGMENT 03 TOTAL .00 T REPAIR MACHINE ENCLOSURE MacAllister Machinery's service labor is warranted to the customer for a period of 180 days from the date of work, to include defects in workmanship performed by MacAllister Machinery employees. This warranty would Include the replacement of parts and labor, damaged by that defect in workmanship. Any failures caused by defect of parts, whether replaced now at the time of our work, or re-used, will be covered by the original manufacturer's warranties, if any. Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking charge. All items marked with an asterisk J•) have been declared non-refundable by the manufacturer and are not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must be made within 5 days. TERMS: 1.5% PER MONTH (18%) PER ANNUM) WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE THIRTY (30) DAYS. CONT'D INI 1. 2 CORPORATE OFFICE: 7515 E. 30th Street, PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 545-2151 Fax: (317) 860-3310 MacAllister Engine Power 7575 E. 30th Street PO Box 1941 M Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 860-4401 Please Remit All Payments to: SERVICE INVOICE MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc. PO Box 660200 Invoice Number WCO340100113 Indianapolis, IN 46266-0200 1175490 CITY OF CARMEL WATER WASTE WATER UTILITIES 760 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032 Invoice hi V ia. �:i te S p::Via..... p age 29JUN2010 CAMEL WTP 19MAY2010 3 Mak di Equipment N umber 'f�:�::':;�i;�;: ID.: S erial :'I, �M ter.;�:Rea in mc. ..Xi: Mete Caterpil C15 PKGG ICATOOOOOTC5E02477 1- 1.0 8109-2 Quantity Part!N7unbt3r. N%R Description �P.rice Ektendqd�` I)t IT93158 3 511-2471 CEMENT S 7.05 21.15 TOTAL PARTS SEG. 04 21.15 LESS 100%-PARTS 21.15-* TOTAL LABOR SEG. 04 396.00 LESS 100X -LABOR 396.00-* 3.00 ENCLOSURE CAULK 24.18 TOTAL MISC CHGS SEG. 04 24.18 LESS 100%-MISC 24.18-* SEGMENT 04 TOTAL .00 T MAC-SOLD GENSET STD WRTY COVERED REPAIRS 2,409.57 TAX EXEMPTION LICENSE 0031201550 020 MacAllister machinery's service labor is warranted to the customer for a period of 180 days from the date of work, to include defects in workmanship performed by MacAllister Machinery employees. This warranty would include the replacement of parts and labor, damaged by that defect in workmanship. Any failures caused by defect of parts, whether replaced new at the time of our work, or re-used, will be covered by the original manufacturer's Warranties, if any. Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking charge. All items marked with an asterisk 0) have been declared non- refundable by the manufacturer and are not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must be made within 5 days. TERMS: 1.5% PER MONTH (18%) PER ANNUM) WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE Please Pay THIRTY (30) DAYS. This Amount $49.50 3 CORPORATE OFFICE: 7515 E. 30th Street, PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 545-2151 Fax: (317) 860-3310 Engine Power MacAllister 7575 E. 30th Street PO Box 1941 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: {317} 860-4401 'Please Remit All Payments to: SERVICE INVOICE MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc PO Box 660200 Invoice Number WC040100115 Indianapolis, IN 46266-0200 1175490 CITY OF CARMEL WATER WASTE WATER UTILITIES 760 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032 Irnro M ate M Ship lialille 1��111.11nllbe F. Mr. q. A Page 29JUN2010 96TH AND HAZELL DEL 24MAY2010 T. E, Meter Reading s S Eq u i pment Model erial, lCaterpillar C27 ODWBO2634 42.0 .:::�.r TT Quantity Part,Number R Unit Price Eztendedi Price. IT93185 *INDIANAPOLIS TRUCK SHOP HOURS ARE MONDAY 6:00 AM THROUGH SATURDAY AT 3:30 PH. WE OFFER: CAT ENGINE SERVICE *CATERPILLAR REBATES *CUSTOM PH PROGRAMS *DYNO TEST COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH *AIR CONDITIONING REPAIRS *BRAKES AND SUSPENSION TRAVEL TO/FROM TOTAL LABOR SEG. 01 99.00 LESS 100%-LABOR 99.00-* SEGMENT 01 TOTAL .00 T I CHANGE ENGINE OIL CORRECTION: CHANGE OIL AN FILTERS I 1R-0755 FILTER A S 51.41 51.41 1 133-5673 ELEMENT-FILT S 40.94 40.94 1 OIL SAMPLE WHITE CAP S 12.99 12.99 18 2487518 15W40 DEO 1/GAL S 16.00 288.00 TOTAL PARTS SEG. 02 393.34 MacAllister Machinery's service labor is warranted to the customer for a period of 180 days from the date of work, to include defects in workmanship performed by MacAllister Machinery employees. This warranty would include the replacement of parts and labor, damaged by that defect in Workmanship. Any failures caused by defect of parts, whether replaced new at the time of our work, or re-used, will be covered by the original manufacturer's warranties, if any. Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking charge. All items marked with an asterisk have been declared non-refundable by the manufacturer and are not acceptabl for credit. Items not Shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must be made within 5 days. TERMS* 1.5% PER MONTH (18%) PER ANNUM) WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE THIRTY (30) DAYS. CONT'D W-n CORPORATE OFFICE: 7515 E. 30th Street, PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 545-2151 Fax: (317) 860-3310 Engine Power MacAllister t 7575 E. 30th Street PO Box 1941 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 860-4401 Please Remit All Payments to: SERVICE INVOICE MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc PO Box 660200 Invoice Number WC040100115 Indianapolis, IN 46266-0200 1175490 CITY OF CARMEL WATER WASTE WATER UTILITIES 760 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032 Invoi O rde r 29JUN2010 96TH AND HAZELL DEL 24MAY2010 2 :::�­.Meter:, Reading Zquij� Caterpil C27 ODWBO2634 42. o Pric Unit .Price Eactendd`` Quariiity Part; Number.::.: D esc p IT93185 LESS 100%-PARTS 393.34-* TOTAL LABOR SEG. 02 198.00 LESS 100%-LABOR 198.00-* SEGMENT 02 TOTAL .00 T CHANGE FUEL FILTER CHAGED FUEL FILTER 2 IR-1808 FILTER AS-LU S 28.06 56.12 TOTAL PARTS SEG. 03 56.12 TOTAL LABOR SEG. 03 99.00 SEGMENT 03 TOTAL 155.12 T MAC-SOLD GENSET STD WRTY COVERED REPAIRS 690.34 MacAllister Machinery's service labor is warranted to the customer for a period of 180 da from the data of work, to include defects in workmanship performed by MacAllister Machinery employees. This warranty would include the replacement of parts and labor, damaged b that defect in workmanship. Any failures caused by defect of parts, whether replaced new at the time of our work, or re -used, will be Covered by the original manufacturer's warranties. if any, Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking charge. All items marked with an asterisk have been declared non-refundable by the manufacturer and are not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must be made within 5 days, TERMS: 1.596 PER MONTH (18%) PER ANNUM) WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE THIRTY (30) DAYS. CONT'D I IW-PS 2 CORPORATE OFFICE: 7515 E. 301h Street, PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 545-21 Fax: (317) 860-3310 Engine Power MacAllister 7575 E. 30th Street PO Box 1941 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 860-4401 Please Remit All Payments to: SERVICE INVOICE MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc PO Box 660200 Invoice Number WC040100115 Indianapolis, IN 46266-0200 1175490 CITY OF CARMEL WATER WASTE WATER UTILITIES 760 3RD AVE SW CARMEL IN 46032 age:" ice Data 96TH AND HAZELL DEL 24MAY2010 3 E qu ipm e n t :14 iai' :J fe ri a M(j a d ing Red N umb er' C27 ODWBO2634 42. Machine ID Quantity Part;; N/R D.9scrip.tion:..._.:_::-.:: Uni IT93185 TAX EXEMPTION LICENSE 0031201550 020 MacAllister Machiner service labor is warranted to the customer for a period of 180 da from the date of work, to include defects in workmanship performed b MacAllister Machiner emplo This warrant would include the replacement of parts and labor, damaged by that defect in workmanship. An failures caused b defect of parts, whether replaced now at the time of our work, or Fe-used, will be covered b the ori manufacturer's Warranties, if an Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restockin char All items marked with an asterisk have been declared non-refundable b the manufacturer and are not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shorta must be made within 5 da TERM 1.5% PER MONTH (18%) PER ANNUM) WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE Please Pay THIRTY (30) DAYS. This Amount $155.12 INV PS 3 CORPORATE OFFICE: 7515 E. 301h Street, PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 Ph: (317) 545-21 Fax: (317) 860-3310 VOUCHER 106193,, WARRANT ALLOWED 3:51502 IN SUM OF MACALLISTER MACHINE CO., INC. PO BOX 660200 Indianapolis, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code WC04010011 01- 7502 -06 $49.50 w cogolloo o 5 01. 1 55,'�L Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351502 MACALLISTER MACHINE CO., INC. Purchase Order No. PO BOX 660200 Terms Indianapolis, IN 46266 Due Date 9/8/2010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/8/2010 WC0401001 $49.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date ffic