Date: August 15, 2007
Place: Department of Community Services Conference Room
3rd Floor Carmel City Hall
Time: 9:00 AM
9:00 a.m. Total Renal Care
The applicant seeks the following special use approval:
Docket No. 07070021 SU Appendix A: Use Table Dialysis medical clinic
in a retail commercial office building
The site is located at 160 -184 East Carmel Drive and is zoned B8 /commercial retail.
Filed by Steve Lieb for Total Renal Care, Inc.:10 a.m. 1005 East 106th Street Fischer
The applicant seeks the following use variance:
Lacy Cripe of Davita presented. She was accompanied by Dave Schrader and Lisa
Hauf of Davita.
The petitioner wishes to put a dialysis facility in to benefit the renal patients in the area.
This will provide outpatient dialysis care to people with chronic kidney disease.
Nick Redden- Engineering We have no comment on the special use.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy is not sure of the power needs of the building since it is
an existing building.
Dave Schrader indicated that Duke Energy has already been contacted regarding power
needs. They will install a new 600 amp service.
Jerry Liston, County Surveyor's Office no comment on the special use.
Scott Brewer DOCS, no comment.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, no comment at this time.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD this is out of our service area.
David Littlejohn -DOCS no comment
Angie Conn DOCS no comment
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS the notice for the one property owner will need a
waiver at the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Docket No. 07070025 UV Appendix A Use Table Office uses in the R3 District
The site is located at 1005 East 106th Street and is zoned R3 /Residential.
Filed by Brandon Fischer, owner.
presented. This property exists in the Home Place business district.
Nick Redden- Engineering, no comment
David Lucus emailed comments out yesterday did sent an email this morning a
correction in the comments letter. No further comments at this time.
Brandon Fisher questioned whether it is 50 or 55 feet for the right of way.
David informed Mr. Fisher that Hamilton County Thoroughfare Plan was revised in April
and at that point 106 street did became a 55ft
Judy Hagan -Parks Department no park issues
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, distributed a card for Shawn South the engineer for the
Jerry Liston, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office it should be noted that this
property is within the Home Place Regulated Drain Watershed, so, if you should make
any improvements on site, there may be further comments at that time.
Scott Brewer DOCS, spoke on the phone earlier. Scott would like to have planting
schedule and types of plants.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, no comments at this time.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, asked if there would any special waste, the petitioner
indicated there will not be any.
David Littlejohn -DOCS sent a letter regarding the path and the bicycle parking.
Brandon asked if the asphalt path or you could make a contribution to Non Reverting
Thoroughfare Fund. David explained that if you are not going to install it at development
then the contribution would be required.
Brandon clarified that if he installed the path, it would just be a sidewalk through his
property that did not connect. David affirmed that this was true; however, if Brandon
wished to make the contribution he would be required to submit an engineer's estimate.
David also reviewed the bicycle parking requirements, including that the bike rack must
be secured in a concrete slab.
Angie Conn DOCS, no comments
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS, had no comments
9:20 a.m. Uptown Partners, LLC Guilford Road
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
Docket No. 07070044 UV Section 18.01 Permitted uses in the B7 District
Docket No. 07070045 V Section 18.04.02 Minimum front yard
Docket No. 07070046 V Section 18.04.03 Minimum side yard
Docket No. 07070047 V Section 18.04.04 Minimum side yard aggregate
Docket No. 07070048 V Section 18.04.05 Minimum rear yard
Docket No. 07070049 V Section 18.04.06 Minimum lot width
Docket No. 07070050 V Section 18.04.07 Minimum lot size
Docket No. 07070051 V Section 18.04.09 Maximum lot coverage
Docket No. 07070052 V Section 18.06.02 Areas to be landscaped
The site is located at 531 South Guilford Road and is zoned 137 /Commercial
Filed by Jim Shinaver of Nelson Frankenberger for Uptown Partners, LLC.
Docket No. 07070059 DP /ADLS: 531 S Guilford Rd
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for 33 single family homes on 6
The site is located at 531 S Guilford Rd. and is zoned B -7 /Business.
Filed by Justin Moffett of Uptown Partners, LLC.
Jim Shinaver presented for the petitioner. He was accompanied by Jim Shields and
Eric Carter of Weihe Engineering.
This is a residential project that is in an area that is zoned B7 commercial; we are
seeking a use variance to permit single family, detached housing. The site is located at
531. S. Guilford Rd. Just west of our development is an apartment complex and just
south and adjacent to us is a condominium development.
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
David Lucas, Hamilton County Highway Dept. No comment.
Judy Hagan, Parks Representative, no comment.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, indicated she noticed areas that do not have utility
easements. Eric Carter indicated that the plans are still in the beginning stage and will
be more complete when the project returns to TAC.
Shirley indicated that Duke has no problems with the rezone.
Jerry Liston, Count Surveyor's Office, indicated that Greg Hoyes sent out a letter and
asked if they had any questions. Eric replied that they had spoken with Greg about
some issues and drainage concerns to the north. We have also met with Gary Duncan
about these drainage issues.
Scott Brewer DOCS, just reviewed plans yesterday and sent an email last night to
Eric. Eric responded to Scott's question about an easement. Eric responded that the
easement along the south end where we are showing the 15 ft. temporary and the 40ft
right of way these are pre- existing, and we will be requesting release of those from the
City. Eric outline the tree preservation area will be in the common area in the center
where we have the trees, between units 11 33. This was not identified as preservation
Scott indicated that as the plans change he will have more comments.
Jim Shinaver indicated that he thought it would be helpful to have Scott walk the site with
Cheryl ?last name) as he did at the Cobblestone development. Jim will suggest this to
Justin Moffitt.
Scott discussed the buffer on the east side, which appears to be taken out. Scott
indicated to the group that neighbors can become upset if they lose their buffer between
Eric indicated that they do have a 10 ft. buffer in from the road, around the perimeter and
the open space is 21 after construction. It is our client's intent to maintain that buffer
and not have buildings right at the back for that very reason.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, indicated he had met with Jim Shinaver last
week to discuss the project. Chris asked that he be kept up to date on any changes.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, out of his jurisdiction.
David Littlejohn -DOCS has sent a letter to Justin Moffitt and mentioned that the City
will require 5 ft. sidewalk on each side of the interior streets, connections to the exterior
path on both sides of the street and ADA compliant ramps.
Eric on the main entry blvd. we are proposing a sidewalk on the north side, but not on
both sides of the main blvd. it is one of the questions. This is not the typical residential
David indicated that if you are not going to put in a sidewalk on both side you would
need a waiver or a variance.
Angie indicated it would be a subdivision waiver.
David also requested in his letter to Justin to make as many connections on the interior
sidewalks as possible.
David reviewed on a visual where connections could be made. Discussion was held on
possible connections as the plans progress.
Angie Conn DOCS, sent a review letter, no other comments at this time.
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS will be sending a review. She discussed the detention
area, it appears to just be a box of water and the City would like to see it as more of
amenity, just have walks go around the water and make it look more natural. The City
also asked that trees be preserved as much as possible and the use of pervious pavers
would be encouraged. Christine indicated that it appears that the sign encroaches into
the right of way; this would need to be moved back and put into a dedicated easement.
Regarding the house design, the City would like to see setback averaging, and
staggering the houses a few feet on the lots and adding porches on some, so that there
is less regimentation, particularly on Guilford. On the site plan submitted to the BZA
please add the variance to the plan.
Eric responded that the pond /amenity feature, on the plan that was submitted did not
accurately represent what our vision is. It is our plan to do a retaining /block wall 3 -4 ft.
high all around with a handrail, similar to the Monon setting.
The staggering issue, it is a really tight situation with the footprints. Some staggering
may be possible.
Eric also indicated that the brick sign is pre- existing. New signage and possible
variances will be discussed at a later time.
9:35 a.m. Docket No. 07070038 PP: Patel Estates
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 2 lots on 5.04 acres. The site is located at
13300 Six Points Rd. and is zoned S -1 /Residence. Filed by Mukkaish Patail.
Docket No. 07070039 SP: Patel Estates
The applicant seeks secondary plat approval for 2 lots on 5.04 acres. The site is located
at 13300 Six Points Rd. and is zoned S -1 /Residence. Filed by Mukkaish Patail.
Mukkaish Patail presented. He was accompanied by his sister (no name given).
We would like at primary plat. This will be to have two lots for homes for the Mr. Patail
and one for his sister.
Nick Redden- Engineering, We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
David Lucas, Hamilton County Highway Department, no comment.
Judy Hagen, Parks Representative, no comment.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, handed her card and a request for service application to
the Patails.
Jerry Liston, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, this project does fall within the O.F.
Henry regulated drain watershed, however, given the size of it there are no
requirements from our office.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, no comments at this time.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, asked about sanitary sewer, etc.
Mr. Patail indicated that they will be having well /septic services.
David Littlejohn -DOCS sent a letter regarding 10 ft. asphalt path will be required
around Six Points Rd.
Angie Conn DOCS, sent a review letter and has no additional comments.
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS, had no comments at this time.
Scott Brewer DOCS, indicated that if the petitioners have any landscape problems,
please feel free to contact him.
9:45 a.m. Docket No. 07070040 PP: Chesterton Woods Subdivision
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 14 lots on 9 acres. The applicant also
Seeks the following subdivision waiver approvals:
Docket No. 0707041 SW SCO Chapter 6.05.01 minimum lot width of 50 -ft
Docket No. 0707042 SW SCO Chapter 6.03.15 street curvature radius
Docket No. 0707043 SW SCO Chapter 7.05.07 percent of woodland clearing
The site is located at 2405 E 99th Street, near Haverstick Rd. and is zoned S-
2 /Residence -ROSO.
Filed by Matt Skelton of Baker Daniels LLP for 56th Development, LLC.
Matt Skelton presented for the petitioner, 56 Development. He was accompanied by
Mario Guerra of SEA Group, Mark Humphrey, Builder, Jud Scott or Vine Branch.
We are proposing a primary plat for Chesterton Woods. It is approximately 9 acres in
size. It is located at 2405 E. 99 Street. We are proposing 14 custom home lots, one of
which includes an existing house which is in the SW corner of the property today. We
have requested three waivers, but at this time we may only need 2 waivers. The fifty ft.
road frontage has been addressed by redesign. So we are only concerning ourselves
with percent of woodland clearing and street curvature radius waivers.
We have had preliminary discussions with the Engineering Department regarding the
curvature radius, and the wooded area waiver; we are not sure how much of a waiver we
are requesting yet. We have had a woodland analysis completed which I will leave with
you today.
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
David Lucus Hamilton Co. Highway Dept., no comment.
Judy Hagan, Parks Representative, no park issues.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, we typically wait until the secondary plat for request for
Jerry Liston, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, this project does not currently fall
into a regulating drain watershed, but according to Greg Hoyes letter, it appears that the
outlet is going into a roadside ditch. Just to make you aware back in 1981, when this
property was in the County's jurisdiction, there was a petition by the Chesterton property
owners asking for drainage help, and plans were prepared for that. Those plans would
give that development an outlet, but due to the cost at the time, the property owners
remonstrated against it.
Matt Skelton asked if the cost would have been borne by the property owners.
Jerry indicated that this would be the case. The petitioned the county drainage board for
that, and when they found out the cost there was a heavy remonstrance to it. Please
coordinate with Carmel and try to get a decent outlet. The area south of your proposed
development has a history of drainage problems back to the 1970's.
Mark Humphrey responded that yesterday, they had a vac truck; there was a dry well
just south of the project. We were curious to see if it was tied into any outlet. It was dry
vac'd out down to the stones and it is just a standard dry well. We are now reviewing
our options as to where our outlet is going to go, and if we can coordinate we will take
care of the problem just south of our property. We will take a look at the plans that were
previously prepared and see if this can happen and we may speak to someone in the
planning of the Aramore project and see if we can utilize coordination to get this properly
drained. We do know that north or the project is not an option, it is higher ground and
heavily wooded. We feel confident we can resolve our outlet issue and possibly take
care of what is going into the southern piece below.
Scott Brewer— DOCS, Just received the plans yesterday and have received more
updated plans this morning. Scott indicated it looks like the site is 100% mature woods
Jud Scott corrected Scott by indicating that the area is 100% wooded, but it is his
opinion that they are interspersed with primarily young woodlands.
Scott indicated that the plans do not look like there are any preservation areas, except
what lots are wooded, but know tree preservation areas associated with it. In fact, the
whole common area is a drainage utility easement. The site plan that Scott received
was reviewed.
Matt Skelton indicated that they do have a plan that shows preservation of the existing
tree areas, we will come up with individual standards for each of the lots, not only
preservation, but to maximize the aesthetic quality of each of the lots. On the second
page of the site plan, it shows the areas that we are proposing to have that special
treatment. If there is tweaking to be done, we can do that.
Scott stressed that the underlying area is one that at any time can be ripped up for
sewer or drainage easement doesn't have to be preserved.
Matt indicated they will work with you on this.
Scott requested more time to look through the plans, and will have further comments
after his review.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, did not notice any fire hydrants marked on the
plans and asked if this had been finalized. The site plan was reviewed, and hydrants
pointed out on the visual. There is a 16" water main south of 991h St. We are just
connecting a loop around our street.
Chris responded that the petitioner needs to have steamer connections on large
diameter discharge and blue reflecting devices are installed at the hydrant locations.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, one main issue is that you are planning to tie into a
temporary lift station at Walden Pond... We are looking into this, but may request that
the flow go east instead of west so that we can that lift station off line. We do have
capacity going west, but we would like to get as many lift stations off line as possible.
Out master plan shows us taking that master plan to the east toward Keystone.
David Littlejohn -DOCS sent a letter to Matt mentioning 5 ft. sidewalks on each side of
internal streets, connectivity around the site, the preference of an asphalt path instead of
crushed stone and ADA compliant ramps.
Matt indicated it would be best to have a meeting with himself, Jud, Scott, Scott Brewer
and David to review the plan and come up with the best solution regarding material for
the path.
Angie Conn DOCS, sent a letter and has no additional comments at this time
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS, had no comments at this time.
9:55 a.m. Docket No. 07070037 Z: Dixie Highway Addition, lot 5 pt
The applicant seeks approval to rezone 0.41 acres from R -3 /Residence to B -1 /Business
within the Home Place Business District. The site is located at 10696 N Collage Ave.
Filed by E. Davis Coots of Coots, Henke Wheeler, and P.C.
Even though the petitioner is not able to attend the meeting, the Committee will review
their comments.
Nick Redden- Engineering, no comment on the rezone.
David Lucus Hamilton Co. Highway Dept. sent an email comment letter.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, no comments.
Jerry Liston, County Surveyor's Office no information received on this. There is a
regulated drain. Greg will make further comments when he returns from vacation.
Scott Brewer DOCS, no comments.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, no comments
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, no issues with rezone.
David Littlejohn -DOCS, no comments.
Angie Conn —DOCS No comments
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS, had no comments.
10:05 a.m. Docket No. 06090037 PP: Lakeland Subdivision.
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 5 lots on 10 acres. The applicant also
the following waivers:
Docket No. 07070055 SW SCO 8.09 sidewalks on both sides of street
Docket No. 07070056 SW SCO 6.03.03 6.03.04 stub street to adjacent parcels
Docket No. 07070057 SW SCO 6.03.07 cul -de -sac length
The site is located 12650 Clay Center Road and is zoned S1 /Residence. Filed by
Michael DeBoy of DeBoy Land Development Services for Browning Investments.
Brent White of Bayland Developer presented. He was accompanied by Stacy Fouts of
DeBoy Land Development Services and Michael Bush of Browning Investments.
This is a 10 acre parcel that will be broken into 5 lots. The common area will be the
retention. The road is approximately 1200 linear feet with a cul -de -sac at the end of it.
These will be estate houses.
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
David Lucus Hamilton Co. Highway Dept., no comment.
Judy Hagan, Parks Representative, no park issues.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, this will be reviewed at the secondary plat.
Jerry Liston, County Surveyor's Office, indicated that Greg Hoyes has sent a letter.
Scott Brewer DOCS, have not had a chance to read a letter. There are species
indicated on the plan that we do not allow to be planted, i.e., Bradford pears, red maples.
He will send a comment letter soon.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, spoke with Mike DeBoy yesterday. You need
to construct the timber bridge to accommodate our heaviest fire apparatus 70- 75,000
lbs. You need to make sure the fire hydrants meet the newly adopted City of Carmel for
STORTZ connections, and also make sure that blue reflectors are installed in roadway in
front of the hydrants.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, prior to next meeting we will require plan profile sheets,
actual tie in to the Claridge Farms, as well as sewer applications.
David Littlejohn -DOCS sent out a letter mentioning the need for a 10 ft. asphalt path
along Clay Center Road, and ADA compliant ramps at all crosswalks, and have 5ft
sidewalks on each side of the internal streets.
Angie Conn DOCS, sent a review letter and has no additional comments.
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS, had no comments at this time.
10:20 a.m. Docket No. 07070058 PP: The Legacy (Residential Phase 1)
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 126 lots on 83.34 acres. The site is located
at the 6600 block of E. 146th St. and is zoned PUD /Planned Unit Development.
Filed by Ed Fleming of Stoeppelwerth Assoc. for Platinum Properties, LLC.
Tim Walter of Platinum Properties and Ed Fleming of Stoeppelwerth Assoc.
We are here to discuss the primary plat for Residential Phase 1, The Legacy.
They are standard 100 ft. lots, with custom homes.
Nick Redden- Engineering, we are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
David Lucus Hamilton Co. Highway Dept., the highway department is taking a good,
hard look at this project as it affects 146 street as a primary arterial. To try to get a feel
for what type of entrances we want to see all along the frontage. We do not have any
decisions made at this time on the entrance on 146 street. When the decision is made,
it will be shared with all the Committee members.
Judy Hagan, Parks Representative, there are no park issues
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, no comments.
Jerry Liston, County Surveyor's Office, still working out some issues with drains that
need to be reconstructed. In Greg's letter, item 5, there was thought of 18 tile outlet on
the Warner drain, and an investigation has found that to be a 12 inch. We need to make
you aware that there may not be the capacity there that we thought. Still determining
how far we want to go with reconstruction.
Scott Brewer DOCS, has not an opportunity to review, but does not see any problems
at this time, but will send a review letter.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, I have spoken with City Engineering in regards
to some concerns that I have, i.e. having fire apparatus turn around on the dead end
streets. In the past we have discouraged the use of the hammerhead type of turnaround
devices. I will confer further with Engineering and then perhaps a meeting can be
scheduled to discuss these issues. Chris asked if the petitioner had done any plotting
calculations for fire apparatus. The petitioner indicated they had not, but they would be
happy to do so and get back with Chris.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, this is out of our service area.
David Littlejohn -DOCS, sent a letter asking if you have any questions, please feel free
to contact David.
Tim asked regarding Item #2 regarding path to walking path
David indicated on a visual his vision for the paths.
Tim indicated that they have had feedback that custom home buyers do not want paths
along side or in back of their homes.
David indicated that the plan for this neighborhood was for it to be as sustainable as
possible, and walk ability and bike ability through the whole site is essential.
Tim indicated that they will consider that. He also had a question regarding #3; consider
connecting to the bike promenade between lots 91 and 92. He indicated that there is a
tree line, but they will look at and get comments back to David. Also Item 5, to provide
sidewalks for lots 101, 101, 102 and 103.
Discussion was held regarding the location of the sidewalks.
Angie Conn DOCS, sent a review letter and has no further comment at this time.
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS, has no comments at this time.
10:30 a.m. Docket No. 07070060 DP /ADLS: Old Meridian Shoppes at Providence,
Phase 2
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for 1 mixed -use building on 2.5 acres.
The site is located at the northeast corner of Old Meridian St. and Carmel Dr and is
zoned OM -V /Old Meridian Village. Filed by Matthew Griffin of Buckingham Co
Jim Shinaver presented for the petitioner. He was accompanied by Matt Griffin of
Buckingham Company and Rich Kelly of EMHT
This is an extension of what has been developed at this location previously.
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
Judy Hagan, Parks Representative, no park issues
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, indicated that Shawn South will be handling this project.
She noted that on utility plans if shows 2 transformers. I believe the connection is on
Georgetown Lane, do not see utility easement on property The petitioner will contact
Shawn South on location of transformers. Also need CAD drawings.
Jerry Liston, County Surveyor's Office Greg sent a letter. The only thing needed is
an outlet permit.
Scott Brewer DOCS indicated the landscape plan looks good. Scott distributed
information on silva -cell, this takes the place of structural soil and is about the same
price, but provides more root volume. This is a new technology. For the cost of the
material they will fly out a consultant, and show you how to install the product.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, spoke with Mr. Reynolds, requested that we
keep fire department connections, etc. in the same locations as the other buildings.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, no comments
David Littlejohn -DOCS, I sent a letter.
Angie Conn, DOCS, I have sent a letter, and have no additional comments at this time.
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS had no comments at this time.
10:45 a.m. Docket No. 07080001 TAC: Opus Landmark at Meridian Bldg 1
The applicant seeks approval for an amended parking lot configuration.
The site is located at 12911 N Meridian, and is zoned B -2 /Business within the US 31
Overlay. Filed by Graham Lewis of Cripe Architects Engineers for Opus North Corp.
Graham Lewis presented. This set of plans has parking improvement for Building 1 and
a drive entrance improvement also for Bldg. 1. Also a pedestrian connection on the
north side that connects to the hotel on the north side.
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
Judy Hagan, Parks Representative, no park issues.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, no conflicts.
Jerry Liston, County Surveyor's Office, Discussion was held relative to the overflow
outlet and drain size. Jerry will have a permits inspector return to the site for further
investigation of the pipe.
Scott Brewer DOCS, Have comments on some of the species that were chosen.
Scott has not had the opportunity to send an email yet, he will send this off to Cripe
Sherry Wilson.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, no comments at this time.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, no within the service area.
David Littlejohn -DOCS, I sent a letter indicating the need bike parking to meet the City
Angie Conn, DOCS, I have sent a review letter and no further comments at this time.
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS had no comments at this time.
10:55 a.m. Docket No. 07080003 TAC: Parkwood Crossing West, Bldg B
The applicant seeks to construct an office building, previously approved per petition 37-
01 ADLS. The site is located at 250 West 96th Street and is zoned PUD.
Filed by Jon Sheidler of Woolpert, Inc. for Duke Realty, LP.
Blaine Paul presented, he is substituting for Aaron Reynolds. He was accompanied by
Jon Sheidler of Woolpert, Inc.
This development was started approximately 5 years ago. The first building and park
deck are currently under construction. We hope to start the second building and parking
deck later this year. It is a 5 story office building, 185,000 sq. ft.
Jon Scheidler we are not adding anything extra to the master plan at the site. No
unexpected changes from the master plan. These buildings will mirror each other. We
just have some inlets and storm sewers to tie in to the existing underground detention
system. There were some upgrades done to meet the current standards. The main
access will continue to be as constructed in phase 1. Utilities will be brought in from 96
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
Judy Hagan, Parks Representative, no park issues.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, this is IPL service area.
Jerry Liston, County Surveyor's Office Greg Hoyes has reviewed this and sent a
letter. All we need it is an outlet application.
Scott Brewer DOCS, suggested that a separate meeting be held. After reviewing
both the original plans and the current submission, he saw some significant differences,
so he thought a separate meeting would be more appropriate.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department no comments at this time.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD still reviewing the plans and will get a comment letter out to.
David Littlejohn -DOCS, I sent a letter indicating the need for a 10 ft. asphalt path, 5 ft.
sidewalks on both sides of interior sidewalks, ADA compliant ramps, and bike parking to
meet the City Ordinance.
Angie Conn, DOCS, I have sent a review letter and have no additional comments.
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS had no comments at this time.
11:05 a.m. Docket No. 07080004 ADLS Amend: Smart Car
The applicant seeks approval for exterior building remodel and site changes.
The site is located at 4000 E 96th St. and is zoned B -3 /Business.
Filed by Mark Tworek of MCG, LLC.
Mark Tworek of Baxter Set Engineering and MCG, LLC. Presented.
Last year we renovated this building for a pre -owned vehicle facility. However,
approximately a month ago MCG was awarded one of 52 dealerships in the United
States of Smart Car. Smart Car has a prototype building, and they did the plans, which
do include making the building black. We are currently renovating the back of the
building, which will be the pre -owned and the front will become the Smart Car. The only
change from previously is the portal entry was detached from the building, but will now
be attached. Mark distributed a visual with the new entry. There is a water problem in
the northwest corner, in the drainage ditch. The dock in the rear of the building will be
removed and concrete swale will be put in. Front changes will include landscaping,
Smart Car facings, increasing pole lights.
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
Judy Hagan, Parks Representative, no park issues.
Jerry Liston, county Surveyor's Office no comment.
Scott Brewer DOCS, have not gotten a letter out as yet. Please send updated plans.
Chris Ellison, Carmel Fire Department, no comments at this time.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, no comments, outside service.
David Littlejohn -DOCS, I sent a letter indicating the need bike parking to meet the City
Ordinance. Please end revised plans showing the bike parking.
Angie Conn, DOCS, I have sent review letter no further comments.
Christine Barton Holmes -DOCS, questioned about having an all black building and
heat absorption, will any renovations off set that.
Tom indicated that they will be installing a white Duralast roof and where metal is going
on it will be reinsulated.