HomeMy WebLinkAbout190490 09/29/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352369 Page 1 of 1 j ONE CIVIC SQUARE SUNBELT RENTALS INDIANA 46032 PO Box 409211 CHECK AMOUNT: $383.04 CARMEL ATLANTA GA 30384 -9211 CHECK NUMBER: 190490 CHECK DATE: 9/29/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AM DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 26774616001 383.04 CONT SVS -OTHER SUNBELT. Page 1 of 1 RENTAL6 Rernt To PC 387 Sunbelt Rentals, Inc 11220 ALLISONVILLE RD p0 Box.4:09211 FISHERS, IN 46038 -1839 Atlan #a GX 30 3 84 -921.1 317-572-1180 Job.stt�! RENTAL RET URN III Illlllllllllllllllllllllllfllll CARIVIEL WV1/TP 9609', HAZE L aELL PARKWAY, :I CARMEL,:IN .4.60 32. s. Invoice 26774616 Q0.1 2267 J 3'17,57: 2276 Invoice date 9/17/10 Date' out...: 9� 13110 :1. 35 :P.. M Customer 241'4518 bate'rn 9117/10 8 36 AM CITYIOF CARMEL<WATER SEWER Jab Loc 9609`HAZEL DELL' PARKWAY CARML. 760 3RD AVE S1N' Job No 1 CARMEL M.P. CI'VIEL !IU 46032 P O SUM11/IER TRACE AR ordered „By4UC1 =T .OE N ETDUE UPON RECEIPT QTY EQU IPMENT: Min Day.:; .Week -4 Week Amount 1. 1.00 3F CAMLOCK FEMALE X FPT 2.00 2.00 6.00 18.00 6.00 Billed from 9/13/10 thru 9/17/10 1.00 4 CAMLOCK FEMALE X FPT 4.00 4.00 10.00 31.00 10.00 3.00 30 ROPE AND KIT 8.00 8.00 20.00 61.00 60.00 1.00 6 X 10 SWR PLG W/ 4 FLOW THROUGH 41.00 41.00 105.00 310.00 105.00 1.00 8 X 12 SWR PLG W/ 4 FLOW THROUGH 61.00 61.00 155.00 460.00 155.00 RENTAL PROTECTION PLAN 47.04 Sub- total: 383.04 Total: 383.04 FINAL BILL: 9/13/10 01:35 PM THRU 9/17/10 08:36 AM. Inn SEP 17 2010 BY waxxasswwwwsaxawwwwxxexxwwwwaaxsxsswwwaaxxxaasssswxxxaaxx xaassssxxxxxxs *ssssssxa wraas +sax+ wxxasaaaxwwsxwwxxxx wxx x Rate your rental experience www.sunbeltrentals.com /survey 1. The total charges are an estimate based on the estimated rental period provided by Customer. 2. Customer assumes all risks associated with the Equipment during the Rental Period, including injury and damage to persons, property and the Equipment. 3. Customer is responsible for and shall only permit properly trained, authorized individuals, who are not impaired (under the influence of drugs or alcohol), to use the Equipment. 4. If the Equipment does not operate properly, is not suitable for Customer's intended use. does not have operating and safety instructions or Customer has any questions regarding use of the Equipment. Customer shall not use the Equipment. and shall contact Sunbelt immediately. 5. Misuse of the Equipment or using damaged or malfunctioning Equipment may result in serious bodily injury or death. 6. Customer has received, read, understands and agrees to the estimated charges herein and all the terms and conditions of this Contract. including the Release and Indemnification provision in Section 7. and the Environmental Fee in Section 14, which can also be found at www. sunbeltrentals .comlrentatcontract 7. Customer must call to request pickup of Equipment, retain Pick Up Number given by Sunbelt and is responsible for Equipment until actually retrieved by Sunbelt. 8, For operations in California: Customer is renting equipment registered under the California Air Resources Board ICARB) Portable Equipment Registration Program (PEAK The operator of this equipment is subject to the requirements of the PERP regulation and local Air Pollution Control District rules. Under the PERP Regulation, the renter is required to keep a copy of the rental agreement and GARB registration certificate. including operating conditions and notification requirements, with the equipment at all times. By signing this form, the renter acknowledges receipt of these documents. Customer is declining Rental Protection Plan (Customer Initials) Customer Signature Date Name Printed Delivered By Date www.sunbeltrentals.com RNrRer27tR­uv0100) ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS I. TERMS. Casnnner's renal of t is ennlitimmd u Costumer', e t with this Co intia. All of tlx leans burin n. RPP Coalitions. The Following CndN,o,' nntsl he wdsfieJ for tlx RPP to a p p ly: (A) Custmer acee de RPP; B F pot greemen PP r r rsorp rated iota this old .11 future on rails between Sunbeh aAJ CusAmrer upon Customer's Tcceipt of Sauhelta Equipnem Cu.amxr puys 14% of de g,,- rental charges As tlx fee for fix RPP; (C) Cusloner Fully cumplics with tlx en ls if III, wale, ill. amtracl,. Arty tefercnc in Cer, ner's purclaso order In nil C-on- d,unenl .ball be -AL "CU,amer" is Crnafact, (D) CMIL,it is ace-a is current at fix rime of fix Loss, deft, darage, or destruction of [Ix Equipnxnt; and (E) I& ix identified tin the fruit, sircof .sib include, any ,f its repre.entrai .gems, officer, II employee and Any- signing this. no of iBr Exclu.imu apply. Cnrnracl sit Jai behalf. "Equipx s de, nrcnt nnt' i equip ma s on yor s idenu ifirJ tire front side mrent, nngevixr with all rePlacmarcms, r;in addition®, Attachnlenf, .ad n' «.sonic, tl.,VAI Ad all furore Equipment rented. "Site Address" is Ihr n. RPP E.1anina" Cic amxr A".- the Exclusion risks, t .IIi.g nh,n if etry Exdu =ion occur,, tire RPP does NOT cover rhr lcation that Custaaxr rrpr -rat 11,V Equipment will be healed during d. Rental PeAnd.ud is identified ,n tlx from .idr Ix,n,r: loss, daeh, dan.ge or deumcliou resulting from .such Excusioa. "Eulusio.os^ AVJI am- hits, d.n. Jaa.ge m de,I -inn "Score" is tlrc Sunbeh store lucalimr identified tin dtc hour aide Ixrruf. "StradvI" is Smile][ Rentals, ha. and is afliliaar] of file EquipnmaU (A) due to ple-iu a -U., operia m, of Equipnxnt by person udxr du,u C -arrel or Custoaxt's couiptnics. (lien -rive officers, dirmlor,, cnnployers and .gents. authorimd -ploym a, Any dish.xst act by Customer; (e) due ro tlrc Equipmma's operation is a antler h-vi,ismn, with the filetun.•r's iastruw)na., or contrary to this Con.a, itxdudirng but not Iimitcll w the Equipatan exceeding rated Cus inker reua tlx Equipnxnt front SmnTelt pursuant [a this Contract. Cm,winer ,lull Pay Sunbelt tlx rental rates (including any capacity. being averhuda3, misuse. ahuse, txgligInce, iniproper servicing or lack ul'C -ronxr required maint.an.e; (C) due Inininnrmn nano, ov r Gaul side lm,-fi mad .11.1 charge` JcwriheJ fereio wlmu dun, return Ile Equipnen, to Suubelt us u, III, 6yaipax,u's collision, uverlunning, uF r,lliing uver or striking overhead ohjccn; (D) y u,eil h valxlali.m, required herein and rh otxrwise comply with this Conran. This Cuinruct is a true lease. The Equipnxnt (a) is and steal ren.ill the nahichous nrischirf, Jisappeam,ce, lass, theh nr wrongful conversion of Equipment Irol rep,ned by Custmner n, tlx poke, perunul pmyxr(y of Sad+elt and (h),lull tax beaff-d to any rnher Properly. within 48 tuma W Ji.o -y and ,ahswaliatrd by a wrinen pndice repot (prampdy dr r-W at Sunhclt); (E) occurring during Ileladiag, ud,adlog or Iruspat.tion of the Equipment; (F) due a, )had, wind, ,rural, eardAi -kV or outer ex,rra.l 2. PERMITTED U$[. Cus,oake, agree. IIu1 sunbelt has Ia, unnrol aver the ,r.mxr in which the EyoiPluxm is ,ryesxJ During tlx eau s; (G) due a, nuclear reuclinn, radialiun, rdiawctixc "Inatninmio I, exp,surr audha nnn:un itatiin with or from, RVm`J Period by Customer or Iu y third flury that Cusloner implicitly nr explicitly Nrmis. CUSr,nxT warrants Ilua: (a) Prior b, lurard- nuctials or any other cause: (H) due w seizure or destruction of Equipuxnl by order of Is- ruaxaral avlaanty: each a'. Cunouxr Ica ar will nefed due Equipment (,I eorfirn flat it is in gsad andi,iotn, Widnmr defect,, itelude, read:il le and (1) ae which are rmt being dangled III, RPP fee. '['HE EXCLUSIONS ARE RISKS ASSUMED BY dc-11 .1d oprralitrg std wfetp hstractio,w .,d Is sui.hde L" Cus,nrn nle c",t mmd use: (h) any uTarVur agent :n dx Six Add-, CUSTOMER AND ARE NOT COVERED BY THE RPP. k .mhori cd lo accept delivery of the Equipment lens] if CUSronxT requests, Cuts.mxr Audmrims Sanibel, n, I,.- the Gquipnrenr iii. Recovery of Equipnem. M-ilh wading Anything w In, ro,nra,y is oak. Cr. A-1, if lost or st,kn Equipnxnr i, later .a, the Sit. Sire Address withoa r.qui --a ,f written mxirIJ;'I,) C -ovaer ,lull iautmliaxly utility Sunbel, if the Equipax is Insl, recovered, Suut+c•It ret.ins Uwnerahip of [he Egtip.n.0 regardless of any ry a-m, ;mde by Cu" A nr Ca bon e", dafagcd, „oleo, nasa disahleJ, maifutx Irvird upon, th-a -d will seizure, itan h.idem ,.curs; (J) Cmnmxr has nnrpa ly with respect to -0, Equipnhcal, a me ;ill of which Payments are rmn- refahtktble. Cusner- agrees u+ prompgy ived from Sunbelt all infornudio a u needed ur rVquc,,J regarding 11. li erntian ,f d nx e Equipnt; (r) Suuhch k ran reslam.ibm return any�F- yuipnxm dot is recovered fner providing ,opera r odher [sitting uue's Cun,nrcr tI-if -fy .4u- in writing oral Sunbelt agree, pnrviJe ,.•h training (C."'Aer being responsible to obtain .II training filar Custonxr dcsires prior to the Equipnxnt'. use); (fl only Autla rued w. Subrogation. Sunbelt shall W suhruga,ed n, Cleaunxr's riglits n, recover agaimt any fer -stint or Vilify relating to any I s hdividtals shall te oil nPxnue Ihr Equipment ('tnhorized individuals' being da+se Who are properly trained to use de limit, d.a.ge or dcstrucli- w tlx Equipnxnt. Cast o im, shill -jar- with, Assign Smnbelt .11 claims and pr- d..riahtg Equhpmen, and alt em trot coder the I"fluenxe of drugs ,r aledtol or Ahum x impaired); (g) Ile Equipnxm's use ,tell be in A from such lass, tlxft, damage or desirocuon, exmule anal deliver no Sunbelt wIAL -r doeunueuts are required And take .II ucful numxr, in cumplia.ce with .I1 op- tiotul .Id .safety i.1-tiom Provided nu, in or with tle Equipnxnt Atd all FeJerel, rnher racessary steps m secure in Sunbelt such riglns. star, and local laws anti licenses, inwln7iue but 1111 limited In, OSHA, a revised; aid (h) t h e Equipaxm .[wit hr kep i n hsa all" r secure I0. RENTAL RATES. The load charge, specified I,, dti, CIA, r e: (A) esliunaxd, used up,,, Caiomrr', reya-ulatr of the ,enittaad Renm1 Pabd identified nn tlx Gnat side hereof (rental rates heyoid the rstiaaed Rental Pd any change): and (h) for 3. PROHIBITED USE. Cusw.re, sha oil„ ll ,her on cover up any &-l. or i-igni. oa the Fquipnxm or re,lrove mry aperaliunIll (1, Equilarm, A use for 'one shit[," being ,tut .,.Are da t 8 burs per Jay sad 40 Iwo. Per week ude,s ot]uerwise need. Weekly old o safety inrsutx,ia (b) assign its rights order ,his Contra: (e) move 11. Equipnxnt front the Site Address will A, Sunhel,'s 4 week rental are, shall not be prorated. Custuarcr is re,puasible for (i) all rental rams, fees. III, oal I- I-d on Custmmer's wri(m co.cenl: or fJl use tlx lt"if uent in A necligem, illegal, ulaudorized nr ahusivV n.mer, or in any publication (Print, of ,he Equipnxnt, including addif oral fens t- more n.a "one shift" use; (ii) delivery and pickup coasts ,I and front 0A, Scorn; (iii) aud o iovisual r elrrtmnic no r .Row• tlx use of the Equipnxnt by AnY a dwrin l individual (CuamhxT acktmwledging d.r the ainle-nee, repairs And r'golammrms r,1 the Equipntem as provided herein; Qv) A cleaning fen if required; (v) fees ilia Ins, keys; (vi) Equipnxnt may la: J Via us it used improperly or by murained prrtie,). hael used during fix Rental Period (Ca,(tnner troy either mtura the Equipnxnt fully furled or a fuel elu nIs, .ball be .,.w,-,I (de,igne d to cover Sunbelt's dim trial fuel er e, ,al indir- ,.is of reing d Equipmeta)); (vii) films far use of dyed diesel fuel in ,:r,.J Eyeipnem; 4. MAINTENANCE. Cusmner 11.11 pertUnn outite Ilainmt.tce na the Equipuxnl, 'including .tutu. €ttspecri,a. and aid (viii) an Enviruuneawl Fee (described below). Tire com,aietee charge for off road dlecel tuel it,,, its I let I, ,lam ..oh r fuel a e of fuel and ail IV-6, g-se, tiller, n. syAmak, water, fa¢crie,, crating edges, std deaniag in Ace On -with law'. the natmf- can's speed i'atioAS. AR ,All, I aainmrance or repairs nay ,Illy be perfora d by Souhelt, hat Smnbelf has III msp,mibilify during fl. Rental Period inspect nr prtunU any inenun.e or repairs late, Cast.... r,AI -A, A service .If I- PAYMENT. Cusamker .lull pry Alf-rail, due, wits -I airy ofhats, in full m the time of -14 Aides, Sunbelt aPPruvc, if Saltine], drxrntitxs dal r"if, tlx Equipoem are required, oilier flan Ordinary W- And T-, Customer small Pry [hr full Customer's e. ecuredl credit application (credi( cusnn i- must pry, upm sceipl of Sunh W, iaveice). Cuuonxr met uaairy Sad belt cast of rep.ir, at.[ real of the Equipmmnr moil t repairs are "mpleled. 'Ordinary Wear and Tear" A-11 Ironm1 demrior:nion ill writing tit any dispuled a nnur including credit nn rd charges, within 15 days after tlrc receipt of the inn ,'iunto. or Castor midared reaunuhte in tlx eyuipnaat neural inti tin Dore shill use, Sunbelt has I],, right I, enter aid inspect tlx Equipal, shill be deemed to lave I aMy wailed its right to dispute such all -1s. At S-1,11,", di -tien, any credit account with u whercvrr ,soled. Cu Omer has tlx auflwtily nil and hereby gram, Sale)) tle righ to enter the Physical 11- 11uu,t the Equip at it deliaqueal trd.- na be placed on a cash lusts, drp,sils Italy be required ad If. Eq x uipnxnt It ly la picked up without lot.,. Due fill the purpose set frolt herein. Sunbelt .shall he pt -ihle for repair's xeded becau if Ordixuy We., A,0 Trait. Customer lo due dilTaculty in lining a.ual dam.gr. Au. ,l by Ialr Payment, Cui,nxr agree, (it., A 'large eyed the lesser If 1.5% per agrees dart iePrir o, repl.k -nen, of nc� Equipm ne i, Cusamxr'a V.I.ive remedy lit Sunbelts breach of this C,aara, ooh ,r the n.ximum .etc pxnnided by law ,hall be asxesved on .11 Jrlityrxm hemm�m, until paid in full. Deposits nn, only Iu N,dwalnr adhrg SuubelC ,ervice commimx., 5u„1.In ,lull k.ve nos a if Cuuonxr Eteocles this Contra m stop if c required h, be returned dlnr .11 .mums are paid in full, C -111., agrees d.t if A credit card Is pre- ed py for largo.., nr n. Rental Period. c repo[", or rem rnher eq.ipnxn, to Cuuonxr until Cuuonxr or A,, agent has i such Equifa ea. Scalar- payneru, Cuuonxr autivai- Sumach to cl.rge the credit cud.11 a shown tin tlx rented c,turet .Id ,AI, -xyae sly .1d .greed to Pay fill .welt -11. nr,urred by C -niter, including but nor linAmd In, terns of ur d:muge to We Equip.min. 12. RETURN an OF EQUIPMENT, 'Rental Perini' convin,a- when the L- quiptrrcm is Jelisror •d Cuaaa e, or it. Site Address and 5. CUSTOMER LIABILITY. DURING THE RENTAL PERIOD, CUSTOMER ASSUMES ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH comivaues until If. Equipment I, rcrunxj ro it de Sue during ).oral hushes, hours provided Casual— bus ollrcrwksc tgdi d wide THE POSSESSION, CUSTODY AND OPERATION OF AND FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR. THE EQUIPMENT, this Contract. Sunbelt nay mrmin.le nil. Contract at any ten e, hot awry reusnm. At the etd ,f tlx Renal Period, flue Equip..,,, ball INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PERSONAL. INJURY, DEATH, RENTAL CHARGES, LOSSES, DAMAGES AND he r j.krue u, Sun .tim Sunbelt in the e cmdiriu recc n €I was isxd, des, OrJilary• We., -1 Tear Ad free tf.ry It.r ac natrrials and DESTRUCTION. INCLUDING TRANSPORT, LOADING AND UNLOADING. 'Inrcidam' is ti fine, cinmiun, tlxt1, .acident, eonurmi,ums. I'll. Rental Per6+J and this Comrael ,teal not ternni-b, and teat., cI.rgV, shall auninue 'n= it tined Sunbelt 'ro na"', Ions, hjur dead, or damage ho Person x' property, chaine w d top .try per entity that appears In have red :.a in confirms tun r11, Equipnxnt is returned in me the cmdi,inn required herein. If Sunbell Jelivd Equip-al e Equipnl a, C-c-r. C-h anter tnrinn aid, dx Equipnxnt. Alter uu Inc ident, Custmner shill la) immediamly Sunbelt, fine Police if a..rsary d 11.11 aothy Smdel[ too ore Equipment is ready n, be picked up ar nx Site Address and obtain .pick up a.hbe, from Sunbelt Cu. irwnr.... carriers: (b) secure kind mnihtain the Equipnxnt and the surrnwading Pr ®hires in fire condition existing an tlx evidetxiag such cull "Pick Up Number which Pick Up Number Cccaancr A-ld keep As pt If aF the call; pr -ided Cusloner lime of such Incident, unlit Sunheh ar i„ .gems in tiva,; (c) ironxdiaxly sulnnit ten Sunbelt copies A all pdice or other third is liable lie any hiss of nr ,hm.ge en if, Equip ten, until SuIlh:lt confirms dun 11,e Equipment I, returned in ilx condition Pa rty tepna; mod bit as aPa2imble, Jay Sunlrch, in addid,n m .ler sutns due herein ore retail ram fur Equipnem anti] Ile required Iterein. Cu.lonhci nary receive a credit for the 1.aaA Barges faan der date ,he Pick Up Number is gis,u, PnwidrJ Cuaulrxr mpan, are completed it Equipment replaced plus (i) lire nua t.d -r'a sug8V and li,, price tut tlx dam of the h., ('MSLP of 1ws otixrwise complied will. this Contract. No Pi=kups Lear I'll Suldays and Saturday pickups are dependent or, .p-if S,o,e In-. ,hr Its, nr destroyed Equipment ("k-A" hying when Equipmein's h+cation is unk-Avn, ,r Customer is uamhm to -o- [or A It Cusbmxr picked up Equipment, Catalan- '1.11 return Equipmern n, the same Store during than Sv,re', --al husiucss hoare. If Period it 3() dry.); or (it) the full ast of rrpain of dAu aged Equipnem- Accrued renal rI.rgV, shill he applied .,aims Clete Ale Equipment i, not returned by it. ealmated call If 11,V Rental Pori,.; pmltked A. the tom, side hee,L Custonxr agree, A, pry tlx .moan". Suuhrh stud, have the inntucdhatc right bar not obligation, to re'laint Any Equipnxnt 11-1-1 1 in any bxhdenal. applicable resat tae for dc• Equiramut.Vil :hr cad of ilx Rental N6,d, G. NO WARRANTIES. St be[, dales tat design or nu a the Equipaxar And i, ooh Ile agent ,f the pany(ics) darn da. 13, DEFAULT. Custmner d.11 be in det.dn if Ca-an- (A) fails tit pay Bunn, when Jue: (h/ hrraulles any pnlvi. ion ,d this Contract: SUNBELT DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, FXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPEC I' 'TO (0 heu A deb,, in A hwkruprcy fir -ding, or gales iota reeeivrr. hip; (d) plA,c the Equipls•ut .t risk if S.4, -h, in gy.d faith, TUE EQUIPMENT, ITS DURABILITY, CONDITION, MERCHANTABILITY. OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR dean i,.rlf immure; (e) faif, b, return Equipment imnxdiaely upar Sunl.ICs den a-1: or (1) is h, def under any ,11mr con ...I PURPOSE. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES ACCEPTANCE OF THE EQUIPMENT ON AN 'AS IS, WHERE IS' BASIS, with Sunbelt. If a Cwa,axr det'aull a.'urs, Sumbelt .hall lave, ion addition m at[ rigI uI I remedies A, law or in equity, tlx right to WITH FAULTS" AND WITHOUT ANY RECOURSE WHATSOEVER AGAINST SUNBELT. CUS'TOMF,R ASSUMF,S rep,,:..., dre Equip luau widout judicial process Prior Iaai- Cuuonarr .hall Pay all ,t S-1h 11'.s 'Ina, including rcaun.ble e,s„ ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EQUIPMENT AND RELEASES SUNBELT FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND of eu(Ieetion,'nun costs a,d ammey', fees, incurred in exercising any,f its doll, or reaneJie, herein. the a,r of (.Ise identificuliun DAMAC -S (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, PERSONAL INJURY, AND SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL W obtain Equipnxnt nr ill, failure u+ return Equipnem by fie ead of it. Rental Period may Ix ennsidered theft, suhj ,a r,mn-i DAMAGES) IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE EQUIPMENT, ITS OPERATION OR USE OR ANY DEFECT OR p- -rain r,1 J civil liability where penrhiied, Pur-ni In applic.bhr Nws, Sunbelt ,hull Amt h: liable due r, seizure of Equipment FAILURE THEREOFOR A BREACH OF SUNBELT'SORLIGATIONS HEREIN. by order of gck- anatald .stonily. CUSTOMER WAIVES ANY RIGHT OF ACTION AGAINST SUNBELT FOR SUCH REPOSSESSION. 7. RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION. T'O THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, CUSTOMER 14. ENVIRONMENTAL FEE. To pronnux A clrun and s..alnable cnviromnem, Sanhrl, takes v. o to connply with INDEMNIFIES. RELEASES. HOLDS SUNBELT HARMLESS AND AT SUNBELT'S REQUEST, DEFENDS SUNBELT federal .Id sae envir,nmeafl regid.fi,", well As with Sun ell s own policies. Suuhel[ also incurs r u w n ide r e ange of envintnnxulal (W ITN COUNSEL APPROVED BY SUNBELT), FROM AND AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, CLAIMS, LOSSES, rel.cd expuaw, (h,dn dire. eW iadi-J. These expenses amy inrludr -le JispsAl. consrruconk nudntaance nf'leaning frVilnit" DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES) HOWEVER ARISING OR acquisition of ntarc fbel efficient ryuipuenL labor costs, udmini,amion eons, nc,. To help do &.y the, .ta, odwr costs, Sunhdt INCURRED, RELATED TO ANY INCIDENT, ANY DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, INJURY TO. OR DEATH OF, ANY etargxc .n euvirn.mxn.I fee in c,aa- het with eern.in reunAls. The fee i, tax A tux or guvenmrenilly n.ndaxJ d.rgr. h is urn PERSON OR ANY CONTAMINATION OR ALLEGED CONTAMINATION, OR VIOLATION OF LAW OR REGULATION designated at ed hr, any Pmicular Asa: I, pi d in an escrow amount. R.1h r it is A lee dal Su th 1, -11- As revenue .nd uses ar its CAUSED BY OR CONNECTED WITH (i) THE USE, POSSESSION OR CONTROL OF THE EQUIPMENT DURING THE dimrefion. RENTAL PERIOD OR (ii) BREACH OF THIS CONTRACT, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED IN PART BY THE ACTIVE OR PASSIVE NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER FAULT OF ANY PARTY INDEMNIFIED HEREIN AND ANY OF THE FOREGOING 15. LIMITATION OF SUNBELT'S LIABILITY. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE RENTAL OF THE EQUIPMENT. ARISING OR IMPOSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE- ,DOCTRINE OP- STRICT OR ABSOLUTE LIABILITY. CUMOMF.R AGREES THAT SUNBELT'S LIABILITY UNDER THIS CONTRACT. INCLUDING ANY LIABILITY ARISING CUSTOMER'S INDEMNITY OBLIGATIONS SHALL SURVIVE THE EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF THIS FROM 5UNBELTSOR ANY THIRD PARTY'S COMPARATIVE, CONCURRENT, CONTRIBUTORY, PASSIVE OR ACIIVE CONTRACT. IF ANY PART OF THIS SECTION 15 DETERMINED INVALID BY A COURT OF COMPETENT NEGLIGENCE OR THAT ARISES AS A RESULT OF ANY STRICT OR ABSOLUTE LIABILITY. SHALL NOT EXCEED THE JURISDICTION. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT THIS CLAUSE SHALL BE ENFORCEABLE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT TOTAL RENTAL CHARGES PAID BY CUSTOMER UNDER 'rHls CONT'RAC'r. PERMITTED BY LAW, S. INSURANCE. During the Rental Period. Cuaener ,hall nuivain, at is own exN- tlx fu[lowing mininama 1. 16. JURY TRIAL WAIVER. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN ANY ACTION TO ENFORCE, OR INTERPRET •erage: la) general liability i,mttucr of tau less dvw $I,000,OIX] p:r ,.currnr:e, itcluding'overap fi,r Cuu"are co arxu[uA€ THIS CONTRACT. THE PARTIES HEREBY KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY AND 1NTEN'T[ONAL LY WAIVE ANY RIGHT liabilities herein such A, nhu rulea. std itdemnihina[.1 deuce routaimd in Seainn 7; (b) pr,T rfy ir--c ayinst 1-- by :J1 TO .4 TRIAL BY JURY, 71115 WAIVER BEING A MATERIAL INDUCEMENT TO ENTERING INTO THIS CONTRACT. 'kL, In if,, Eq.ip.ele, in hat at lea.., rgaul to Ile MSLP t,e,eof, odes, RPP is ele'ted .td Paid fi1r. ic), wnrker', onupelcunian iusurnnce s required by law; and (d) amuna,hBe liability k V (including nvuprelelsivr and eaili.,ioil c,scragc. 17. COMPLIANCE WITH EXPORT AND IMPORT LAWS. Cusmmcr agrees that re wad of tlx Equipneem Like e United honed ,Vhin Ic endorsement and uaiL -ke u.akril -ked nmw,ist .nveragrd in dx saa..no„ ,set ha unrll i,, suheeetiun. (a) Stama "U.S. is prohibited ceder III, O1ntm ca c,. If C.nnaAr drsirr, or uses Ihr Iranprr, AadArr Tcrakion of the Equipment if ilx Equipment I, to be used tun any roadway. Such Pdicies sl.l, be primary, no.- nintrat y, on an occurrence [.,i,, uunide of tlx U.S„ CA,swtrxr mug (a) r.aity Suuulelt prior w raking such ac,i (b) execs as .meadmrnt this Cotnraur. contain A waiver of subrogatimt, ,untie Sunbeh as An kidditiotal insured (including re ding An Additional insd udursenrem) and I- which an-rd-at i, cnrpxaad herein, and (c) ohtaiu Suobelf', c-al. Although pn,hibi,ed under this C,sutrcn if Cocwnuer payee, and pruvidr [or Sunbelt w receive at bast 30 days prior wrinen Iudice of any cancellation ul naerial clu lge. Any exp or -1-1. tlx Equipnxnt, Cuaaner agrees rt.. doe Equipnxnt is ribjm, w anal ain't comply with U,S. expos ununJ laws irsuratce Len excludes ham d r-ge ,r u-nans is A hrrach. Customer Au11 provide SunFVR with mrri3)c.es in out regulations, including but not limited to rhr Export Administration Regulmiunc. Cuslnnxr fi rd-agrees 0.1 h, is -mr.ihIc hors evidencing like coverage, required ahuve prior to any rental and any till, upm Sunbelt's request. To the extent Sallied carries any fa) Jemnnininng whethuuud nthruining if .x•,essury, expos nr re -exprcl limu.es or other n,uuunrizafins as reyuirrd Prior In exposing e, Sunbelt's insn.ltce will he colsid-d excess it mate, THE INSURANCE REQUIRED HEREIN DOES NOT e- cxprding III, Equipnxnt,, (h) ,Waiting any required dsruntematinn tanx.sary for return of the Equiptnent, and let eawriag r,1 RELIEVE CUSTOMER OF ITS RESPONSIBILITIES, INDEMNIFICATION OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS PROVIDED utant, iud tramfers n diversions of due Equipnnxn Oran. Refer to www.be,.d c.gov fur adhhrn.ri a I. HEREIN, OR FOR WHICH CUSTOMER MAY BE LIABLE BY LAW OR OTHERWISE. 18. MISCELLANEOUS. if this Contract identifies any Equipment our is la be P ]..,I by C."'an. Sunbelt sells and delive,s 9. RENTAL PROTECTION PLAN ("RPP If Customer has elmled file RPP ad tlrc Equipment ix lo stolen, dan uged or ouch Ff.ilnrxm r,1 Cast let aI an "AS IS, WHERE IS' basis, wish all faults nal without airy warranties (.her fi.11 ranmf VaTer destroyed, provided ilx Cutdkiuus Ar e satisfied sad an F.Il,iou does tan apply, den Cwwmer', repair a rrpha A-1 war rarities, if Any) in asideratiou tit Custon xt xr', y tayat to Suandt of it,, full purchase price of the EquiPlneut. Sunbelt te.ins mspaaibility in Se :n ctions 4d 5 is nudefied by tlx RPP and S -fich ,lull limit rhr .noun. Sunhd, collects from Custun cr fir due ride u, tlx Equip..,,, until Cusmmrr 1., paid ill onan full. Tin, Cr, together with an tl y nnn er n exmuxJ credit .ppli,.Gai, Eki. Pte in Its', dama rur ge o, dc.Itioo n, the f III-inag a s a (A) 10% of ill, nt fi r MSLP Equipme 'I'dm ne a secure .ISti.... the catic Agnomen f nhc parties regarding the Equip n mmeut and .y tan he madifieJ rxcVrA by written ameadnnenr signed he n (hang defined n under hick .d key wish only Customer I.ving dxrew): (b) 50% ul" the MSLP ,:.r Equipment by ilx parlirc. The ponies expcoly and irrevsxahly .gre,: (his Con-, 11.11 be gov ned by ,1t, law, III Su.h Carolina, wi[Iwm ,,l- fi-n .n u u,ed u lncation; lc) `0%,f Ihr net of repairs II r incidern.Ic accidcnral change u1 Equipnem le, 11. greater regard to any u nflicts of law Pria,iPley .nil (h), if Any pro tit ,Iris Contract is prohibited by ally law arch pro s I ,hull be nue' 1 nano. vI ,II of $5001: 10% Uf rhr MSLP; (d) 50% of tlx MSLP of destroyed Equipnxnt less ilx gIc.,Vr,f S5010 10% of MSLP: (e) cost, incfl'ec(ive w t .sent of such prohibition wida.t invdidalhig tlx renaming pa- kioo,. C." I'VI'.. obGg.ton. hramder sled, .s ,f S50 flu hx Par.ture repairs, if dispkiwhed by Sunheh (excludes bant filled tire,, demolition tires and lire repl- cleat, a ,he lermiaatom of ,hiss Cun-A. This Co, I-, and .II ,f Cusonxr', rights in ..d u, one Equip are sahardi-re wall tlx aire c.,., 01 rrPair AnaV. repIII -aw a being Cu inner'.. rc,p nsibiliry in ouch ewm,J: .,.1 l0 a thing for file renal clang,,, riglas, tide and interest ,f all p:runs (including Sunbelt'. lenders) who have rights ilk ill, Equipment. Headlugs arc lit umvenietae which wtwld otherwise accrue during tine periAd when dinged er destroyed Equipuxal is ]zing repaired or repl..ro by Sunbelt 1 ,n Ala f.lure by Smnbelt n, h •dsf uptu strict perlLroan.e if An Pro Ism of this Comrael 11.It Ito Ix construed as w of for Its du,lr1 Equipnxnr, :vier Sunbelt r s ilx plficr report. THE RPP IS NOT INSURANCE AND DOES NOT if. right demand x, 't NOa r tlrc far.-- C hatic, and tlx Peru signing this Cnntr.cl repre,ett own: (i) they bah h- PROTECT CUSTOMER FROM LIABILITY TO SUNBELT OR OTHERS ARISING OUT OF POSSESSION OR OPERATION full Aufiwrit w execule, dcliser and perhInn this Contract: :nil (ii) dfl, C.nnr.cr oxwi,.- a IcgA, valid and binding ,bllgatlaa w OF THE EQUIPMENT. INCLUDING INJURY OR DAMAGE TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY. Cusonxr, enf-c.blc in AcmrJan.e with its trans, When Cuantncr Is A buyer of Egaiptnem, they are Ixmhy wtified th:d Suul rlt I., assigakal its riijas (hut na its nhligari, in ilx agreente n to sell tlx axsct(s) descrihed herein m Sunbelt Reneds F!,I.oge, Joe., A qualified Inmrnadiary, m N,I Section 1031 excl.vge. RN'rRFT2T1RNT9 (Be, 04101110) VOUCHER 106262 WARRANT ALLOWED o 00352369 IN SUM OF SUNBELT RENTALS PO BOX 409211 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -9211 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 26774616001 01- 7360 -04 $383.04 Voucher Total $383.04 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00352369 SUNBELT RENTALS Purchase Order No. PO BOX 409211 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30384 -9211 Due Date 9/23/2010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/23/2010 2677461600' $383.04 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer