HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Carmel/Clay RWD/Wastewater Service Agreement Approved By a
The City of Carmel "Carmel through its Board of Public Works and the Clay
Township Regional Waste District (the "District through its Board of Trustees, enter this
Wastewater Service Agreement which is premised on the following recitals:
WHEREAS, Carmel and the District entered a Municipal Wastewater Service Agreement
dated June 10, 1983, which was amended by the First Amendment dated January 18, 1984 and
the Second Amendment dated November 18, 1987 and which was extended by the Extension
dated _November 6, 1989. The original Agreement together with both amendments and the
extension shall be referred to herein as the "Existing Agreement and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Existing Agreement the District has constructed, owns and
operates a wastewater collection system (the "District's Collection System serving throughout
the District's territorial boundaries and transports a portion of the wastewater collected to Carmel
for treatment; and
WHEREAS, Carmel has constructed, owns and operates a wastewater collection and
treatment system (the "Carmel System serving areas in and around the corporate limits of
Carmel; and
WHEREAS, for purposes of the treatment service provided by Carmel to the District
pursuant to the Existing Agreement, the District's Collection System is connected to the Carmel
System at the Headworks Building of Carmel's Wastewater Treatment Plant (the "Connection
Point and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Existing Agreement 3.0 Million Gallons Per Day (MGD) of
Carmel's sewage treatment facility capacity is reserved for the District; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the Existing Agreement either party may request renegotiation if
it believes that any term has become inequitable; and
WHEREAS, Carmel requested such renegotiation and the parties have negotiated in good
faith and agreed that the Existing Agreement should be superseded and replaced with this
NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
1. This Agreement supersedes and replaces in its entirety the Existing Agreement.
2. Carmel shall continue to reserve 3.08 Million Gallons Per Day (MGD) of Carmel's
sewage treatment facility capacity for the District.
3. Carmel agrees to accept, treat and process in a proper manner all wastewater, liquid
wastes and sewage transported from the District to the Carmel System subject to the conditions
hereinafter set forth in this Agreement.
4. Carmel agrees to maintain at its own expense at the Carmel treatment plant, the
necessary metering and sampling equipment and all appurtenant devices for properly measuring
and sampling the quantity and quality of wastewater delivered to the Carmel System by the
District. This meter shall be the meter which is used for purposes of computing the charges
owed by the District. As a back -up to this meter, the District agrees to maintain at its own
expense at the District's Lift Station #1, the necessary metering and sampling equipment and all
appurtenant devices for properly measuring and sampling the quantity and quality of wastewater
delivered to Carmel.
5. Calibration of all metering equipment shall be performed not less than once every
twelve (12) months or by request of either party. A meter registering not more than five percent
(5%) above or below the test result at full scale shall be deemed to be accurate. The previous
readings of any meter disclosed by test to be inaccurate shall be corrected for the two (2) months
previous to such test. If Carmel's meter should fail to register accurately for any period, the
amount of wastewater treated during such period shall be deemed to be the amount of
wastewater as measured by the District's back -up meter, provided the District's back -up meter
registered accurately during the period in question; otherwise it shall be deemed the amount of
wastewater treated in the corresponding period immediately prior to the failure.
6. The duly authorized representatives of both the District and Carmel shall have rights
of access during business hours to inspect and observe the operation of the meters provided for in
the preceding paragraphs hereof. The expense of operating and maintaining such meters shall be
paid by the party maintaining the meter in question. Each party shall keep any records or charts
from that party's meter, which records shall be subject to examination by the other party.
7. The District agrees to operate and maintain a sewage collection system, including
sewers and regulating stations and other structures, as may be required to deliver the flow of
wastewater, liquid wastes, and sewage from the District to Carmel. The District agrees to use all
necessary precautions and diligence to exclude from wastewater, liquid wastes and sewage
transported to Carmel, sand, gravel, street waste, grits, leaves, rags, paper, pickling liquor,
cyanide, coal tar, oil, grease, acids, dry cleaning fluids, and any other foreign materials and
industrial wastes which are objectionable, dangerous, and inhibitive to bacterial growth or which
for other reasons cannot readily be treated in the sewage treatment plant of Carmel or may be
injurious thereto or are prohibited by the Sewer Use Ordinance of Carmel, which may be
amended from time to time. Upon discovery that unacceptable substances or materials, as
defined by the Sewer Use Ordinance of Carmel (Ordinance S -40), as amended from time to time,
or waste or materials deemed unacceptable pursuant to rules and regulations duly formulated by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Indiana Department of Environmental
Management (IDEM), are being discharged by the District to Carmel, the District shall be
notified and the District shall forthwith take appropriate steps to insure that such unacceptable
materials are excluded from future discharges to Carmel. The District shall be liable for any
additional costs at the wastewater treatment plant in connection with such unacceptable materials
delivered from the District, including any fines or civil penalties as may be levied by the State of
Indiana or EPA for noncompliance with Carmel's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) permit. Upon discovery that any unacceptable substances or materials are
being discharged as set forth above:
(A) Either party shall immediately notify the other party of such unacceptable sewage
or materials, including the location, time or times, the nature of such unacceptable
sewage or waste, and such other information as may be available.
(B) Upon verbal notification and confirmation thereof in writing, the District shall
notify that user to immediately cease delivery of such materials and/or waste within
twenty -four (24) hours and continue all necessary monitoring to assure compliance with
this agreement.
(C) Carmel shall, in the event the District is unable to identify the location, time, and
source of such unacceptable sewage, cooperate with the District in locating such source.
The District will use its best efforts to correct or cut off the user delivering unacceptable
waste water, liquid waste, and sewage to the parties' sewer system.
(D) In the event that the user delivering such unacceptable sewage or materials
through the District's connection point to Carmel sewer system cannot be ascertained
within forty -eight (48) hours of first notice, then the District and Carmel shall authorize
an independent emergency investigation to be instigated forthwith in regard to the matter.
The District and Carmel shall fully cooperate with said emergency investigation to
ascertain the user delivering such unacceptable sewage or material and severity of
damage and necessary corrective actions.
(E) The parties shall determine and agree as to the severity of the damage caused to
Carmel's treatment facilities resulting from the discharge of such unacceptable sewage or
materials. If the parties are unable to reach such agreement, then either party may within
thirty (30) days after said negotiations fail, submit the matter to arbitration pursuant to
Paragraph 19 herein.
In addition to the expenses, civil penalties, damages, or fines for the damage to
the Carmel sewage system, the expense of such investigation or arbitration shall be borne
by the District. It is the intent of the parties hereto that any arbitrator selected pursuant
thereto shall have experience and expertise in the particular area of disagreement.
(F) In the event that the parties are unable to ascertain the user delivering such
unacceptable sewage or materials through the District interconnection points to Carmel,
then and in that event, if an emergency exists as to the continuing damage to Carmel's
treatment facilities resulting from the discharge of such unacceptable sewage or material,
Carmel may seek such equitable or injunctive relief as is necessary or appropriate in a
court of competent jurisdiction.
(G) In the event of a finding by a Court that a party has acted arbitrarily, capriciously
or in bad faith regarding the inability of the parties to resolve issues arising out of this
paragraph 7, then the party who has acted in bad faith arbitrarily or capriciously shall pay
the litigation expenses of the party who has not acted arbitrarily, capriciously or in bad
8. The District agrees at all times to have adopted and in effect a sewer use ordinance
which shall be compatible with the Carmel sewage use ordinance then in effect.
9. The District has or will enact an ordinance which prohibits the introduction of surface
water and ground water inflow into its sewage system and will otherwise enforce such
10. Carmel agrees to report to the District once each month, before the 15th day of each
month, the volume and characteristics of the discharge of sewage into the Carmel system during
the preceding calendar month. The characteristics measured or otherwise identified and reported
shall include, but not be limited to volume and any waste constituents identified in Carmel's rate
ordinance and/or sewer use ordinance. Sampling and analysis of the District's wastewater, liquid
wastes and sewage shall be conducted in a comprehensive way and in accordance with
acceptable engineering practice so as to reflect an accurate profile of the sewage to form the
basis for fair and equitable variable charges.
11. The District reserves the right to verify the reports submitted by Carmel and may
conduct such verifications, in accordance with acceptable engineering standards and shall have
rights of ingress and egress onto the premises of Carmel as necessary and required to examine
and verify documents and records subject of such report.
12. For the services rendered by Carmel to the District, the District shall pay the
following rates:
(A) Volumetric Rate. A volumetric rate as shall be established by the Carmel City
Council, subject to the limitations provided in this paragraph. At the commencement of
the Term of this Agreement, the volumetric rate shall be $984.18 per million gallons.
Through the period ending March 1, 2012, there shall be no change to this rate. After the
2 -year moratorium, and for the balance of the Term of the Agreement, the rate may be
changed subject to the District's right of appeal described in Paragraph 19(C) and subject
to the following: the presumptive rate change for the District shall be the same
percentage change as for Carmel residential customers (e.g., if after 2 years, Carmel
raises its inside -City residential rate five percent (5%) then the rate to the District would
increase five percent (5%); conversely, if the inside -City residential rate is lowered, the
District's rate would decrease by the same percentage). At Carmel's discretion, it could
propose a lesser increase if it believed a particular increase was related to a significant
collection system project as opposed to treatment.
(B) Minimum Charge. The District shall pay a minimum charge, which shall be
computed by applying the Volumetric Charge then in effect and based upon a minimum
usage of 1.75 M.G.D., calculated on a daily basis.
(C) Surcharge. The District shall be entitled to transport 1,124.2 million gallons of
wastewater, liquid wastes and sewage to Carmel each year at a peak rate of flow not to
exceed the following rates:
6.16 M.G.D. in any 3 -hour period
4.63 M.G.D. in any day
3.85 M.G.D. in any week
3.55 M.G.D. in any month
In the event the District shall transport wastewater, liquid wastes and sewage to the
Carmel plant in excess of these flows and in the event the Carmel plant has capacity
sufficient to accept such increased amount of sewage, then the District agrees to pay to
Carmel a surcharge for flow in excess of the applicable limit per the following rates:
Monthly $11,845 per MGD
Weekly $2,733 per MGD
Daily $389 per MGD
Three hour $49 per MGD
All daily, weekly, and monthly flows shall be on a common time period based on the
regular meter reading schedule as performed by the Carmel wastewater treatment plant
personnel. Alternatively, in the event the District requires additional capacity which is
not available at the Carmel plant, the District shall at its own expense fund the expansion
of the Carmel treatment facility as designed and constructed by Carmel, for modular
expansion of the treatment facilities. Both parties understand and agree that the payments
called for by paragraphs 12(A) and 12(B) of this Agreement are intended to compensate
and reimburse Carmel for services rendered in the treatment and disposal of wastewater,
liquid wastes and sewage from the District. Except for a reservation of capacity of the
sewage disposal plant for the benefit of the District as heretofore set forth herein, such
payments shall in no way entitle the District to any possessory nor proprietary rights in
the sewage treatment and disposal facility of Carmel. Carmel reserves the right to
operate and maintain such facility and shall have sole discretion as to the methods of
operation and the necessity for and nature and extent of improvements thereto.
13. In the event wastewater, liquid wastes and sewage is received by Carmel from the
District in excess of domestic loadings, BOD and suspended solids now established, then the
District shall pay to Carmel the rate per pound therefore as established in the Carmel rate
ordinance. In the event of future changes in the cost of treatment of suspended solids and BOD
based upon the studies in conformity with EPA requirements, then the District shall be subject to
any such increased or decreased charges for such excessive pollutants. In the event that future
charges are made for other pollutants received by Carmel and such charges are uniformly applied
throughout the region served by Carmel, then the District shall be subject to such charges.
14. The District may sell its reserved capacity in the Carmel sewage treatment facility
with ninety (90) days advance written notice and subject to the prior approval of Carmel, which
approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
15. In the event the District requires additional capacity in Carmel's sewage treatment
plant it may negotiate purchase of additional plant capacity temporarily or permanently from
Carmel or any other entity with reserved capacity in Carmel's sewage treatment plant. In the
event the District requires additional capacity and cannot acquire the same from another party,
the District shall at its own expense fund the expansion of the Carmel treatment facility as
designed and constructed by Carmel for modular expansion of treatment facilities. Carmel and
the District shall reach agreement as to the charges for treatment and disposal of the District's
wastewater, liquid wastes and sewage from the additional capacity.
16. The District's Lift Station No. 1 is connected directly to Carmel's wastewater
treatment facility via force main, and therefore has the potential to greatly affect the operation of
Carmel's treatment plant. In order to minimize negative impacts upon treatment plant
operations, the pumps and controls of the District Lift Station No. 1 shall be selected to operate
at varying delivery rates. Insofar as is practicable, the District Lift Station No. 1 shall be
designed and operated to deliver as uniform a flow as practicable in order to minimize hydraulic
17. The District agrees to comply with all applicable provisions of the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act, as amended by PL 95 -217 and PL 97 -117 and regulations promulgated
thereunder, including 40 CFR Parts 35 and 403, and Indiana statutes relating to pollution
abatement. Further, the District will implement any requirements of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency with respect to conditions and limitations of grants sought by Carmel that are
applicable to the District and being within the jurisdiction of Carmel.
18. The parties agree that in the event any provision of this Agreement is declared
unacceptable or unenforceable by any regulatory agency exercising its appropriate authority, the
remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the failing provision(s) shall
be amended by good faith negotiations between the parties to cure any such default. Moreover,
in the event any provision of this Agreement is declared unlawful or unenforceable by a Court of
competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and
19. Resolution of Disagreements.
(A) The parties recognize that this Agreement puts into operation a user charge
system and pollutant volume and loading restrictions, the application and results of which
can be determined only by experience. The parties hereby agree that if either party
believes the effect of this Agreement in any way is inequitable or unfair to its citizens,
such party may by thirty (30) days written notice, request re- negotiation of any part of
this Agreement and the other party will in good faith participate in such negotiations.
If the parties are unable to solve their problems by negotiations, each party shall within
thirty (30) days after said negotiations fail, name an independent engineer, accountant, or
other person not connected with either party, who has knowledge in the disputed areas.
The two named arbitrators shall name a third person to serve and the three arbitrators
shall determine the unresolved issues between the parties. The judgment or findings of a
majority of the arbitrators shall be binding upon the parties and a final determination of
all unresolved issues.
During this period of re- negotiation and /or arbitration, the District shall continue to meet
its financial obligations to Carmel in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement,
and Carmel shall continue to accept and treat the District's sewage.
The expense of such arbitration shall be borne jointly and equally by the disputing
parties. It is the intent of the parties hereto that any arbitrator selected pursuant hereto
shall have experience and expertise in the particular area of disagreement.
(B) Notwithstanding Paragraph 19(A), all disputes regarding charges computed under
paragraph 11 shall be resolved ultimately by (i) a Court of competent jurisdiction or, (ii)
if the parties mutually agree, by arbitration pursuant to Paragraph 19(A) hereof.
(C) If District's rates are to be increased, Carmel will provide ninety (90) days
advance written notice of any proposed increase. A verified statement detailing the
treatment expense and calculation of the rate shall be provided to the District. In
addition, the District shall have the opportunity to examine the books and records of
Carmel pertaining to the costs. If District disputes the presumptive across- the -board
increase on the basis that it believes the increase is caused by a significant collection
system project as opposed to increases in the cost of treatment, the District has the right
to appeal the rate increase (i) by filing a petition pursuant to I.C. 36 -9 -23 -26.1 initiating a
proceeding before a court of competent jurisdiction, or (ii) if the parties mutually agree,
by arbitration. Carmel shall have the right to proceed with such increase even if disputed
but shall refund disputed payment within fifteen (15) days of any decision favorable to
the District together with interest at a rate equal to the maximum Rural Development rate
in effect at the resolution of such dispute.
20. The Term of this Agreement shall commence as of the date last executed and shall
expire January 1, 2021. At that time, the term will automatically extend to January 1, 2031,
unless prior to December 31, 2018, either party has provided written notice to the other of an
intent not to extend the term.
21. Any notice given in accordance with this Agreement shall be deemed to have been
duly given or delivered on the date the same is personally delivered to the recipient or received
by the recipient as evidenced by a return receipt. Notice required or given as provided in this
Agreement shall be provided to the following:
To Carmel:
Utilities Director
760 Third Avenue Southwest
Carmel, Indiana 46032
With a copy to:
City Attorney
One Civic Squre, Third Floor
Carmel, Indiana 46032
To the District:
22. Neither this Agreement, nor any of the acts of the parties hereunder, shall be deemed
to create a joint venture, partnership or other arrangement by which one party might be deemed
to be the agent of or vicariously liable for the acts of the other party, and each party agrees to
indemnify and hold the other harmless from any loss, damage or liability of such other party
arising vicariously because of the acts of the party.
23. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Indiana.
24. No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless contained
in a written document executed by Carmel and the District.
25. Failure of a party hereto to insist upon strict performance of the provisions of this
Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent default or breach of the same or
similar nature.
26. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the District has caused this Agreement to be signed in its
name by its Board of Trustees and attested by the Secretary thereof; and Carmel has caused this
Agreement to be signed in its name by its Board of Public Works and attested by the
Clerk/Treasurer of the City of Carmel.
By: By: it Al //A
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Its Board of Public Works
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Its Board of Trustees
INDS01 NKK 1183671v7
James Brainard, Presiding Officer
Mary Aim Burke, Member
Lori Watson, Member
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC Clerk- Treasurer
Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared James
Brainard, Mary Ann Burke, and Lori Watson, by me known to be the Members of the City of
Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety, and Diana L. Cordray, Clerk- Treasure of the City of
Carmel, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing "Agreement" on behalf of the City of
Carmel, Indiana.
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this day of 2010.
My Commission Expires: Printed Name
My County of Residence: