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Traffic Operations Analysis March 2008
rahs Ortatioll WILLIAM J. FEHRISAPI-1, FRESIDENT STEVEN J. .E1-11:116A&H, VICE PRESIDENT March 25,, 2008 0,0,11.00ihgeS:OV,ItleS, Oreaiing Order Since 1966 Mikelifolli44gh Director City oft_aritel - Piarthing,iand Zoning One Square. _ 'Cannel, IN 46032 Mr. R011ibaugh, TRANSPORTATION:ENGINEERING;STUDIESI • TRAETICATACTANALySES STREET DESIGN . •171IGHWAYDESIGN •`TRAFIC ENGINEERING s PARKING LOTTOESIGN ',TRANSPORTATION PLANNING STUDIES CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CONSTRLiCTION'OSSEEiiATilON REGISTRATION INDIANA ILLINOIS IOWA KENTUCKY MICHIGAN OHIO As .you.recitiested thave,comparect theitripgeneratecl. by a:business hotel to a standard hotel with conference room, restaurant, anchcocictail lounges. The table below shows the difference inthe trip generated. USE .,, ,. ;SIZE: AM 1*-AX 11, AlP,EAK" — --- -7 -- _ .... .. Hotel , .108'kMS' ' . 72 ' 70 . ..1348inos:.Hbtet ... , tog Rims' ' ! ' Ga - GI As,yon can see the trips gerierated.are -irety similar with hotel. Stightlyhigher. However, this Would not cause e reeornmendations..Or conclusion to 'change in the report: If yoti.haVe,atty queStionS.pledSe call. Sincerely,, A&F Efigifiedtitig Steven J. Fehribdch President 83,65 KEYSTONE CROSING, SUITE 201 — INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46240 TELEPHONE 317) 202-0864 FACSIMILE (31j71 20270908 t Il [l 1 0 0 i N I 3 MIDWESTERN HOSPITALITY GROUP PROPOSED BUSINESS HOTEL s GARMEL, INDIANA A�F ENGINEERING T irssportation Engmecrir.g acre cc, FIGURE 1 AREA MAP .4 CARMEL 0001122 1 1 (� Z�� CC:a 1 W -L W a)) 1 Z-& 1 � Z-� Iu- oc I ft°4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r TRJIFFIC OPEmrIofr.fs 4vit vs,s PROPOSED BUSINESS HOTEL PRO MED DRIVE & 130" STREET CARMEL, INDIANA PREPARED FOR COOTS, HENKE & WHEELER, P.C. MARCH 2008 RECEIVED kith ! 4 2OQ4 DOCS CARMEL 0001115 *ALF ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Servtccs ar b. 11114 COPYRIGHT Namur HOSMNITY Game ~POSED MOM - Pao ,EDDIM This Analysis and the ideas, designs, concepts and data contained herein are the exclusive intellectual property of A &F Engineering Co., LLC. and are not to be used or reproduced in whole or in part, without the written consent of A &F Engineering Co., LLC. ©2008, A &F Engineering Co., LLC. ZH2007417101-G.,1,-1 foliday Inn\Re -Wnte 2 -5- O8 STOA rewrilc.doc CARMEL 0001116 *AO ENGINEERING Transportation 'Engineering Services orr 1.. A. MUMMY NOSPRAWY BROW PROPOSED Bunters, Ilona -Pao NED Dam TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES II CERTIFICATION 1I1 INTRODI.CTION 1 PURPOSE 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT STUDY AREA 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE ABIITTING STREET SYSTEM 2 TRAFFIC DATA 3 PEAK HOUR 3 GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 6 TABLE 1 - GENERATED TRIPS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 6 INTERNAL TRIPS 6 PASS -BY TRIPS 6 ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBI ITION OF GENERATED TRIPS 6 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GENERATED TRIPS ADDED TO THE STREET SYSTEM 7 DESCRIPTION OF NEAR -BY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 7 TABLE 2 - NEAR -BY DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION 7 CAPACITY ANALYSIS 10 DESCRIPTION OF LEVELS OF SERVICE 10 CAPACITY ANALYSES SCENARIOS 1 I TABLE 3 - LEVEL OF SERV IC'E SUMMARY: 136" � STREET & 010 MERIDIAN ROAD 15 TABLE 4 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY: 136Th STREET & PR() MED DRIVE 15 TABLE 5 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY: PRO MED DRIVE & ACCESS DRIVE 16 EXISTING SLIBJE.CT SITE ZONING 17 TABLE 6 - GENERATED TRIPS FOR PROPOSED. DEVELOPMENT 17 CONCLUSIONS 17 RECOMMENDATIONS 20 UST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1: AREA MAP 4 FIGURE 2: EXISTING INTERSECTION GEOMETRICS 5 FIGURE 3: ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENERATED NON PASS -BY TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 8 FIGURE. 4: GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. 9 FIGURE 5: EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES 12 FIGURE 6: SUM OF EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES & GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FROM "VILLAGE GREEN ", "ARDEN" & THE TRADITIONS ON THE MONON . TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENTS 13 FIGURE 7: SUM OF EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES, FUTURE TRAFFIC VOLUMES FROM "VILLAGE GREEN', "ARDEN" & "THE TRADITIONS ON THE MOWN" TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENTS & GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED HOTEL. DEVELOPMENT 14 I1 CARMEL 0001117 *ALF ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services PROPOSED swam myna - Pow MEP DIM CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS has been prepared by me and under my immediate supervision and that i have experience and training in the field of traffic and transportation engineering. A&F ENGINEERING CO., INC. R. Matt Brown, P.E. Indiana Registration 10200056 III CARMEL 0001118 1 *AI& ENGINEERING srlXOSn►rAWYGear Transportation Engineering Services Ham -Pao lital Mar INTROOUCnON This TRAFFIC' OPERATIONS ANALYSIS, prepared at the request of the Coots, Henke & Wheeler, on behalf of Midwest Hospitality Group, is for a proposed hotel that will be constructed on the northeast corner of Pro Med Drive and 136th Street in Carmel. Indiana PURPOSE 1 The purpose of this analysis is to determine what effect traffic generated by the proposed development, when fully occupied, will have on the existing adjacent roadway system. This 1 analysis will identify any roadway deficiencies that may exist today or that may occur when this site is developed. 1 Conclusions will be reached that will determine if the roadway system can accommodate the 1 anticipated traffic volumes or will determine the modifications that will be required to the systern if it is determined there will be deficiencies in the system resulting from the increased traffic volumes. 1 Recommendations will be made that will address the conclusions resulting from this analysis. 1 These recommendations will address feasible roadway system improvements which will ' accommodate the proposed development traffic volumes such that there will be safe ingress and egress, to and from the proposed development, with minimal interference to traffic on the public street system. SCOPE OF Worm 1 The scope of work for this analysis is: I First, to obtain peak hour turning movement traffic volume counts at the following intersections: • 136th Street & Old Meridian Street • 136th Street & Pro Med Drive 1 • Pro Med Drive & Behavior Corp. Access Drive ISecond, to estimate the number of new trips that will be generated by the proposed development. Third. to assign the generated traffic volumes to the driveways and/or roadways that will provide taccess to the proposed development. ' Fourth. to distribute the generated traffic volumes from the proposed development onto the public roadway system and intersections identified in the study area. 1 1 CARMEL 0001119 Vs Ail ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services 04. bus NU Maws, HOSPITAUTYGiWir ~POW) &SAM Nom - Pao MED DIME Fifth, to prepare a capacity analysis and level of service analysis for each intersection included in the study area considering each of the following scenarios: Scenario 1: Existing Traffic Volumes - Based on existing roadway conditions and traffic volumes. Scenario 2 - Existing Traffic Volumes - Traffic Generated by Near -By Townhouse Developments - New traffic volumes that will be generated by the development an occu pancy of near -by townhomes added to the existing traffic volumes. Scenario 3 - Existing Traffic Volumes ± Traffic Generated by Near -By Townhouse Developments 1- Proposed Hotel Development Traffic - New traffic volumes at wine generated by the proposed hotel added to the existing traffic volumes and the traffic volumes generated by the future townhomes that are to be constructed and occupied near the study area. Finally, to prepare a TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS documenting all data. analyses. conclusions and recommendations to provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic through the study area. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED DELELOPMENT The proposed development will include a business hotel that will have direct access to Pro Med Drive. Figure 1 is an area map showing the proposed site. STUDY AREA The study area defined for this analysis will include the following intersections: • 136t Street & Old Meridian Street • 136t Street & Pro Med Drive • Pro Med Drive & Access Drive Figure 1 shows the site layout and the location of each study intersection. DESCRIPTION OF THE ABUTTING STREET SYSTEM The proposed development will be served by the public roadway system that includes 136th Street. Old Meridian Street and Pro Med Drive. 136T" STREET— is an east/west two -lane roadway that runs through Carmel connecting Old Meridian Street and Keystone Avenue. OLD MERIDIAN STREET — runs diagonally in a northeasterly direction from a southern point along US 31 to a northern point along US 31. CARMEL 0001120 A&F ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services • ars,..« MIDWEST IkAWIirurr GICKIP RIOPCSID &SPIESS Hem - Pao +ED Dom PRO MED DRIVE — is a dead end roadway that serves as a connection to 136th Street for several office buildings. 136th Street & Old Meridian Street — This "T" intersection is stop controlled with 136t Street stopping for Old Meridian Street. This intersection is likely to be reconstructed and reconfigured as part of the Indiana Department of Transportation US 31 reconstruction project. This project will likely occur between 2010 and 2018: however, detailed time frames and geometric illustrations have yet to be determined for this location. Figure 2 illustrates the existing conditions at this intersection. 136th Street & Pro Med Drive — This "T" intersection is stop controlled with Pro Med Drive stopping for 136th Street. Figure 2 illustrates the existing geometries at this intersection. TRAFFIC DATA Peak hour manual turning movement traffic volume counts were made by A &F Engineering Co., LLC at each of the existing study intersections in November 2007 and February 20087\ The counts include an hourly total of all "through" traffic and all "turning" traffic at the intersection. These counts are summarized on Figure 5 for the peak hours and computer printouts of all data collected for the counts are included in the Appendix. PEAK HOUR Based on the existing traffic volumes that were collected for this analysis, the adjacent street peak hours vary between the intersections. Therefore, the actual peak hour at each intersection will be used for this analysis to represent the maximum traffic volumes at each intersection. CARMEL 0001121 PM Peak S3 -Ex +TH +Proposed 6: Pro Med Drive & Access Drive 3/512008 Nt Lane Configurations 4. 5 A 'i I 4. Volume (reM) 40 22 15 0 59 0 51 0 1 0 0 27 Sign Control Free Free Stop Stop Grade 0% 0% 0% 094 Peak Hour Factor 0 92 0 85 0 75 0 85 0 85 0 92 0 59 0 92 n 59 0.92 0 92 0 92 Hourly tow rate (vph) 43 26 20 0 69 0 86 0 2 0 0 29 Pedestrians Lane Width h (ft) 'J'ralking Speed i;ftisi Percent Blockage Right turn Flare (veh't Median type None None Median storage veh ) UPerew siorlet (ftl pX. platoon unblocked vC, conflicting volume 69 46 222 192 36 194 202 69 vC i . stage 1 conf vol vC2, stage 2 conf vol v0u. unblocked vol 69 46 222 192 36 194 202 69 tC, single (s) 4.1 4.1 7.1 6.5 6.2 7.1 6.5 6.2 1C. 2 stage {s) tF (s) 2.2 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.3 3.5 4.0 3.3 pu queue free ";, 97 100 88 100 100 100 100 97 chi capacity (velVh) 1531 1575 701 683 1042 748 674 993 Volume Total 89 0 69 86 2 29 Volume Left Volume Right cSH Volume to Capacity Queue Length 95th {ft) Control Delay (s) Lane LOS Approach Delay (s) Approach LOS 43 0 0 66 0 0 20 0 0 0 2 29 1531 1700 1700 701 1042 993 0.03 0.00 0.04 0.12 0.00 0.03 2 0 0 10 0 2 3.7 0.0 0.0 10.9 8.5 8.7 A 6 A A 3.7 0.0 10.8 8.7 6 A Average Delay Intersection Capacity Utilization Analysis Period (min) 5.6 27.1% 15 ICU Level of Service A Baseline %user name% c ..ncnro - - Reoc.rt CARMEL 0001169 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MIR /1#044F ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services rrm.e.rirr WNW 1198 7. sneer Plionwrn &Si/WBS/bIFL - Pie NED Dint- GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The estimate of traffic to be generated by the proposed development is a function of the development size and of the character of the land use. Trip Generation' report was used to calculate the number of trips that will be generated by the proposed development. This report is a compilation of trip data for various land uses as collected by transportation professionals throughout the United States in order to establish the average number of trips generated by various land uses. Table 1 is a summary of the trips that will be generated by the proposed development. TABLE 1 - GENERATED TRIPS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION GENERATED TRIPS ITE AM AM PM PM LAND USE CODE SIZE ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT Business Hotel 312 108 Rooms 37 26 40 27 INTERNAL TRIPS An internal trip results when a trip is made between two or more land uses without traversing the external public roadway system. The proposed development will he a single land use only. Therefore, internal trip reductions are not applicable. PASS -BY TRIPS Pass -by trips are trips already on the roadway system that are captured by a land use. Depending on the location and type, hotels do typically generate a variable percentage of pass -by trips. However, for the purposes of this analysis, pass -by trips have been assumed negligible in order to maximize the number of trips analyzed in this study. ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENERATED TRIPS The study methodology used to determine the traffic volumes from the proposed development that will be added to the street system is defined as follows: 1. The volume of traffic that will enter and exit the proposed development must be assigned to the various access points and to the public street system. Using the traffic volume data collected for this analysis, traffic to and from the development has been assigned to the proposed driveways and to the public street system that will be serving the site. Trip Generation, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Seventh Edition, 2003. 6 CARMEL 0001124 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti.A.F ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services o...ro_ Sr. OW rNOSPIrwrr apar QED BLINVESS Ham Min Dam- 2. To determine the volumes of traffic that will be added to the public roadway system. the generated traffic must be distributed by direction to the public roadways at their intersection with the driveways. For the proposed development, the distribution was based on the location of the development with respect to the surrounding public roadway system the existing traffic patterns and the assignment of generated traffic. The assignment and distribution of generated traffic volumes for the proposed development is shown on Figure 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GENERATED TRIPS ADDED TO THE STREET SYSTEM Generated traffic volumes that can be expected from the proposed development have been prepared at each of the study area intersections. The peak hour generated traffic volumes for the proposed development are shown on Figure 4. These volumes are based on the previously discussed trip generation data, assignment of generated traffic, and distribution of generated traffic. DESCRIPTION OF NEAR -BY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Three separate townhome developments have been approved over the past three years within, or near the study area defined for this analysis. These developments will add future traffic to the study intersections considered within this study. As such, it is imperative that these future volumes be considered so that accurate traffic forecasts are analyzed. The following table summarizes development information pertaining to each of these projects. This information is based on past traffic studies conducted by A &F Engineering, information gathered from the developers of each project and a field review conducted in March 2008 at each location. TABLE 2 — NEAR -BY DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT APPROX. FULL BUILD OUT SIZE APPROX. % OCCUPIED Village Green 48 Dwelling Units 0. % Arden 90 Dwelling Units 0 % Traditions on the Monon 135 Dwelling Untis 60 % Based on previous trip assignment, distribution and generation calculations performed by A &F Engineering in previously submitted traffic studies, the total impact of these developments has been calculated at each of the study intersections. Figure A located in the Appendix summarizes these peak hour traffic volumes at each of the study intersections. 7 CARMEL 0001125 SAaF ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services P1OPOSED SWAM MOIER -Pl 0 NED Deaf CAPACITY ANALYSIS The "efficiency" of an intersection is based on its ability. to accommodate the traffic volumes that approach the intersection. It is defined by the Level-of-Service (LOS) of the intersection. The LOS is determined by a series of calculations commonly called a "capacity analysis ". input data into a capacity analysis include traffic volumes, intersection geometry. number and use of lanes and, in the case of signalized intersections. traffic signal timing. To determine the LOS at each of the study intersections, a capacity analysis has been made using the recognized computer program Synchro`. This program allows multiple intersections to be analyzed and optimized using the capacity calculation methods outlined within the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)3. DESCRIPTION OF LEVELS OF SERVICE The following list shows the delays related to the levels of service for stop sign controlled intersections. Level of Service Control Delay (seconds /vehicleI A Less than or equal to 10 B Between 10.1 and 15 C Between 15.1 and 25 D Between 25.1 and 35 E Between 35.1 and 50 F greater than 50 z Synchro 7. 0, Trafficware. 2006. 3 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Transportation Research Board, National Research Council. Washington, DC, 2000. 10 CAR M E L 0001128 tistAAF ENGINEERING Transporcicion Engineering Services MI *i1srHvirrrrcW Game Plto►A4to Minim MOM - PRO AfFD Dear CAPACITY ANALYSIS SCENARIOS To evaluate the proposed development's effect on the public street system, the traffic volumes from each of the various parts must be added together to form a series of scenarios that can be analyzed. The analysis of these scenarios determines the adequacy of the existing roadway system. From the analysis, recommendations can be made to improve the public street system so it will accommodate the increased traffic volumes. An analysis has been made for the AM peak hour and PM peak hour for each of the study intersections for each of the following scenarios: SCENARIO 1: Existing Traffic Volumes - These are the existing traffic volumes that were collected at the study. intersections. Figure 5 is a summary of these traffic volurnes at the study intersections for the peak hours. SCENARIO 2: Existing Traffic Volumes + Traffic Generated by ,year -By Townhouse Developments - Figure 6 is a summary of these traffic volumes at the study intersections for the peak hours. SCENARIO 3: Existing Traffic Volumes + Traffic Generated by Near -By Development + Proposed Hotel Development Traffic - Figure 7 is a summary of these traffic volumes at the study intersections for the peak hours. The requested analyses have been completed and the computer solutions showing the level of service results are included in the Appendix. The tables that are included in this report are a summary of the results of the level of service analyses and are identified as follows: Table 3 — l 36`h Street & Old Meridian Street Table 4 — 136th Street & Pro Med Drive Table 5 — Pro Med Drive & Access Drive 11 CAR M E L 0001129 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i *A F ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering 5ervccs Omm Sir ti tio»ESrrrm67rr,�cm &o r PAD Mess /Own - Poo Alto ORM TABLE 3 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY: 136TH STREET & OLD MERIDIAN ROAD AM PEAK HOUR ROADWAY MOVEMENT SCENARIO 1 2 3 Old Meridian Street Southbound Left -Tum Old Meridian Street Southbound Left-Turn A A A 136th Street Westbound Approach F 1' F PM PEAK HOUR ROADWAY MOVEMENT SCENARIO 1 2 3 Old Meridian Street Southbound Left -Tum B C C 136'h Street _ Westbound Approach F F F DESCRIPTION OE SCENARIOS: SCENARIO 1: Existing Traffic Volumes with Existing Intersection Geometries and Control SCENARIO 2: Sum of Existing Traffic Volumes and Generated Traffic Volumes from Near -By Townhome Developments with Existing Intersection Geometries and Control SCENARIO 3: Sum of Existing Traffic Volumes. Generated Traffic Volumes from Near -By Townhome Developments and Generated Traffic Volumes from Proposed Hotel Development with Proposed Intersection Conditions* * The proposed intersection conditions include the addition of an exclusive right -turn lane along the 1361 Street approach in order to create separate left and right -turn lanes. TABLE 4 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY: 136141 STREET & PRO MED DRIVE AM PEAK HOUR ROADWAY MOVEMENT SCENARIO 1 ? 3 136th Street Westbound Left -Turn A A A Pro Med Drive Northbound Approach _ B C C PM PEAK HOUR ROADWAY MOVEMENT SCENARIO 1 2 3 136th Street Westbound Left -Turn A A A Pro Med Drive Northbound Approach B _ Ii C DESCRIPTION OF SCENARIOS: SCENARIO 1: Existing Traffic Volumes with Existing Intersection Geometries and Control SCENARIO 2: Sum of Existing Traffic Volumes and Generated Traffic Volumes from Near -By Townhome Developments with Existing intersection Geometries and Control SCENARIO 3: Sum of Existing Traffic Volumes, Generated Traffic Volumes from Near -By Townhome Developments and Generated Traffic Volumes from Proposed Hotel Development with Existing Intersection Geometries and Control 15 CARMEL 0001133 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 *14F ENGINEERING Trznsportit on Engineering Services Mormortsr ITY&I r ' PROPOSED BI SSIESn NOM - Pao MED Mar TABLE 5 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY: PRO MED DRIVE & ACCESS DRIVE AM PEAK HOUR ROADWAY MOVEMENT SCENARIO l &2 3 Pro Med Drive Northbound Lefi -Turn A A Southbound Lefi -Turn n/a A Access Drive Eastbound Approach A B Westbound Approach n/a A PM PEAK HOUR ROADWAY MOVEMENT SCENARIO 1 &2 3 Pro Med Drive Northbound Left-Turn A A Southbound Lefi -Turn n/a A Access Drive Eastbound Approach A [3 Westbound Approach n/a A DESCRIPTION OF SCENARIOS: SCENARIO 1: Existing Traffic Volumes with Existing Intersection Geometries and Control SCENARIO 2: Sum of Existing Traffic Volumes and Generated Traffic Volumes from Near -Br Townhome Developments with Existing Intersection Geometries and Control SCENARIO 3: Sum of Existing Traffic Volumes. Generated Traffic Volumes from Near -By Townhome Developments and Generated Traffic Volumes from Proposed Hotel Development with Proposed Intersection Conditions* * The proposed intersection geometries include the addition of an access drive to serve the proposed hotel. This new drive should align with the existing Behavior Corp. drive and should be constructed to include one inbound lane and one outbound lane. This intersection should remain stop controlled with the access drives stopping for Pro Med Drive. CARMEL 0001134 *A&F ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services 04.11.= 111111 owrsr HoePrr tJrr € m PROPOSED Ss Hors - Piro Mw DIM EXISTING SUBJECT SITE ZONING The subject site is currently zoned B-6 by the City of Carmel. Under this zoning. a medical office land use would be permitted. It is estimated that approximately 37,500 square feet of medical office could be constructed on this site under the current zoning plan. A trip generation comparison has been conducted in order to illustrate the trip generation difference between the proposed business hotel and the medical office building that could be constructed on this site. Table 5 outlines the trip differential between the two land uses. TABLE 6 - GENERATED TRIPS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION LAND USE Business Hotel 1TE CODE 312 Medical Office 720 SIZE 108 Rooms 37.500 SF TRIP DIFFERENCI.'. % DIFFERENCE WEEKDAY GENERATED TRIPS 24 -HOUR ENTER +EXIT 785 1355 570 72.6% AM PEAK HR ENTER + EXIT 63 94 31 PM PEAK HR ENTER +EXIT 67 140 73 49.2% 109.0% CONCLUSIONS The conclusions that follow are based on existing traffic volume data. trip generation, assignment and distribution of generated traffic. capacity analyses with the resulting levels of service that have been prepared at the study intersections and the field review conducted at the site. These conclusions apply only to the AM peak hour and PM peak hour that were addressed in this analysis. These peak hours are when the largest volumes of traffic will occur. Therefore, if the resulting level of service is adequate during these time periods. it can generally be assumed that the remaining 22 hours will have levels of service that are equal to or better than the peak hour, since the existing street traffic volumes will be less during the other 22 hours. TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON It has been determined that a 37,500 square foot medial office building could be constructed on the subject site under the current B -6 zoning. A trip generation comparison outlined in this report between the proposed business hotel and a medical office shows that there is a substation daily and peak hour trip differential between the traffic volumes that would be generated by these two land uses. Based on ITE trip generation data. generated traffic for the medical office would be approximately 75% higher over a typical weekday and peak hour generated trips would be approximately 75% and 100% greater during the AM peak hour and PM peak hour respectively. 17 CAR M E L 0001135 *Aar ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services c- -iw Mulmoikammurramw 1 immmD Nom - Mro Mw OWw Thus, it can be concluded that the trips generated by a medical office on this site would have a substantially greater negative impact on the public roadway system than the generated traffic associated with the proposed hotel. CAPACITY ANALYSIS 1. 1 36T11 STREET & OLD MERIDIAN STREET Existing (Scenario 1) - A level of service review for each of the intersection approaches. with the existing traffic volumes and existing intersection conditions, has shown that the westbound approach along 136th Street experiences delays and operates below an acceptable level of service during the AM and PM peak hours due to the amount of through traffic along Old Meridian Street, the resulting lack of available gaps in the traffic stream and the volume of left- turning traffic from 136th Street. All other approaches at this intersection operate at or above acceptable levels of service during the peak hours. Existing + Near -By Townhomes (Scenario 2) - A level of service review for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and future traffic volumes generated by the complete development of three near -by twnhome projects has shown that the westbound approach along 136th Street will continue to operate below acceptable levels of service during the peak hours. All other approaches at this location will continue to operate at or above acceptable levels of service during the peak hours. Existing + Near -By Townhomes + Proposed Hotel Development (Scenario 3) - When the traffic volumes from the proposed hotel are added to the Scenario 2 traffic volumes, the westbound approach along 136'h Street will continue to operate below acceptable levels of service during the peak hours while all other approaches at this location will continue to operate at or above acceptable levels of service. The addition of a westbound right -tum lane along 136th Street at this location would partially mitigate the delays expected at this intersection due to the addition of future traffic volumes. 2. 136TH STREET & PRO MED DRIVE Existing (Scenario 1) - A level of service review for each of the intersection approaches. with the existing traffic volumes and existing intersection conditions, has shown that all 18 CAR M E L 0001136 iii*AIJF ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services OW Imo IW DIMMEST HOSPRAL fr Gazer PROPOSED BILAIRVESS MOM - PRO MisD Dam approaches at this intersection operate at acceptable levels during the AM peak hour and PM peak hour. Existing + Near -By Townhomes (Scenario . 2) - A level of service review for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and future traffic volumes generated by the complete development of three near -by townhome projects has shown that all approaches at this intersection will continue to operate at acceptable levels during the AM peak hour and PM peak hour. Existing T Near -By Townhomes r Proposed Hotel Development (Scenario 3) - When the traffic volumes from the proposed hotel are added to the Scenario 2 traffic volumes, all approaches at this intersection will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service during the peak hours with the existing intersection geometries and control. 3. PRO MED DRIVE & ACCESS DRIVE Existing (Scenario 1) - A level of service review for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and existing intersection conditions, has shown that all approaches at this intersection operate at acceptable levels during the AM peak hour and PM peak hour. Existing Near -By Townhomes (Scenario 2) - A level of service review for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and future traffic volumes generated by the complete development of three near -by townhome projects has shown that all approaches at this intersection will continue to operate at acceptable levels during the AM peak hour and PM peak hour. Existing + Near -By Townhomes + Proposed Hotel Development (Scenario 3) - When the traffic volumes from the proposed hotel are added to the Scenario 2 traffic volumes, all approaches at this intersection will continue to operate at acceptable levels of service during the peak hours with the intersection conditions outlined in the Recommendations portion of this report. 19 CARMEL 0001137 ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services NEWEST HOSPITALITY &low PROPOSED BuSRESS 1107Ft - Aso MED 1 w RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analysis and the resulting conclusions, the following recommendations are made to ensure that the roadway system will accommodate the increased traffic volumes due to the proposed development. 136T" STREET & OLD MERIDIAN STREET This intersection currently experiences delays during the peak hours along the westbound approach. These delays are a result of the amount of through traffic along Old Meridian Street, the lack of available gaps in the through traffic stream and the volumes of existing traffic turning left from 136th Street onto Old Meridian Street. These delays will continue as traffic is added to this approach by the development of vacant land along 136`h Street. Analysis has shown that additional lane improvements at this intersection will not significantly affect the peak hour operations at this location but peak hour delays can be partially mitigated through the addition of an exclusive right - turn lane along 136'" Street at this intersection. 136"1 STREET & PRO MED DRIVE This intersection will operate at acceptable levels of service during the peak hours with the projected traffic volumes and the existing intersection geometries. Therefore, no improvements are recommended at this location. PRO MED DRIVE & ACCESS DRIVE The proposed recommended intersection geometries include the addition of an access drive to serve the proposed business hotel. This new drive should align with the existing Behavior Corp. drive and should be constructed to include one inbound lane and one outbound lane. This intersection should remain stop controlled with the access drives stopping for Pro Med Drive. ADDITIONAL ALTERNATIVE The 136th Street approach at Old Meridian Street currently operates at level of service F during the peak hours when increased periods of delay are experienced. This delay is primarily due to the amount of through traffic along Old Meridian Street and the amount of left - turning traffic from 136`" Street onto Old Meridian. As left- turning traffic increases at this intersection, peak hour delay will continue to increase. As recommended in this report, the creation of a separate left -turn lane and right -turn lane along the 136th Street approach will help mitigate this condition to some degree. However, intersection lane improvements beyond those recommended will not 20 CAR M E L 0001138 *ALF ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services WREST sr NaSPn wTY GROW PROPOSED BusPES6 Ik - Poo MEDDm improve the intersections performance. Furthermore. the addition of a traffic signal at this location is not recommended due to the proximity of the US 31/01d Meridian Street intersection. Given these unique circumstances, an access control alternative was examined. This alternative would limit the intersection of 136th Street/Old Meridian to right- infright -out access only, thus eliminating the Ieft-turn movements from Old Meridian and 136th Street. As identified earlier. the left-turn movements at this location are the prime reason this intersection operates with delay during the peak hours. The elimination of these movements would substantially enhance existing and future operations at this location. This alternative is particularly appealing due to the installation of the roundabout at Old Meridian and Guilford. The addition of this roundabout would allow the prohibited left turning traffic from Old Meridian to 136th Street to safely "U- turn" at the roundabout and become right -turn traffic onto 136`h Street. Thus, this traffic could still access 136`h Street from Old Meridian Street without the need for an extreme route deviation. On the other hand, left - turning traffic from 136th Street to Old Meridian would not be provided a secondary alternative and thus, this traffic would be significantly diverted to other critical public intersections. Capacity analyses results have shown that if the access restriction was implemented. the intersection of 136th Street and Old Meridian Street would operate at acceptable levels of service under all traffic scenarios analyzed in this study. However, because this option would create secondary traffic impacts on other near -by intersections, this alternative is not specifically recommended as part of the proposed hotel project but is illustrated as a potential mitigation measure that could be used quite effectively until 1NDOT reconstructs this intersection as part of the US 31 interstate project. 21 CARMEL 0001139 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TR4FFIC OPERI llOtilS ANAL YS /S APPENDIX TABLE OF CONTENTS ADDITIONAL FIGURES 1 136" STREET & OLD MERIDIAN STREET 3 136Th STREET & PRO MED DRIVE 12 PRO MED DRIVE & ACCESS DRIVE 21 i A&F ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services Creating Order Since 1966 8365 keystone Crossing' Bouleiard, Suite 201 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Phone: (317) 202 -0864 Fat: (317) 202 -0908 CAR M E L 0001140 urA&F ENGINEERING Transportation Engineering Services MImfST ffospffAurr &sow ~WM BUSMEN II M -Pao MED ORM- ADDITIONAL FIGURES CARMEL 0001141 pAaF ENGINEERING Transpariation Engineering Services owrs. Mil PROPOSED &seem Nora - PioMED4a1'F 13(" STREET & PRO MED DRIVE INTERSECTION DATA TRAFFIC VOLUME COUNTS CAPACITY ANALYSIS 12 CAR M E L 0001152 PA&F ENGINEERING nnsporunon Engineering Services Car lbw r. arN�mrmrGame ~POSED MINES Mara -Pan MED Dof PRO MED DRIVE & ACCESS DRIVE INTERSECTION DATA TRAFFIC VOLUME COUNTS CAPACITY ANALYSIS 2 t CARMEL 0001161