HomeMy WebLinkAbout190713 10/13/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 068025 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CROSSROAD ENGINEERS, PC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3417 S SHERMAN DR CHECK AMOUNT: $48,485.77 BEECH GROVE IN 46107 CHECK NUMBER: 190713 CHECK DATE: 10/13/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2200 4350900 21786 10639 737.50 126 AUMAN ENG /ROW 2200 4340100 21793A 10642 2,079.80 ON CALL CONSULTING 1205 R4462862 21816 10643 5,750.12 CONST INSP -HAZEL DELL 202 4340100 21808 10644 26,592.33 HAZEL DELL ARPA PROJE 206 4340100 27437 10658 530.00 ASA #11 -ON CALL REVIE 203 R4462200 21810 10688 1,599.60 106TH PATH CONS INSPE 202 4350900 27442 10696 1,750.00 ASA #16 /106TH PATH SU 206 R4340100 21791 10697 4,250.00 HAVERSTICK DRAINAGE P 206 4340100 21824 10698 3,000.00 HAVERSTICE DRAINAGE I 202 4340100 21779 10699 737.50 HAZEL DELL IMPROVEMEN 601 5023990 9253 762.50 CONT SVS- ENGINEERING 601 5023990 9322 682.50 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 9422 13.92 CONT SVS- ENGINEERING Cross Road Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317 -780 -1555 City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9422 John Duffy Date 08/05/2009 760 3rd Avenue Page number 1 of 2 Suite 110 Carmel, 1N 46032 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENT/WATER MAIN RELOCATIONS For services performed June 27 through July 31, 2009 PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! Keystone Parkway Professional Fees Billed �J Hours Rate Amount Director 7.50 125.00 937.50 Project Manager 108.50 105.00 11,392.50 CADD Technician 28.00 70.00 1,960.00 KEYSTONE MAIN ST WATER RELOC KEYSTONE MAIN Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 518.00 0.48 248.64 Consultant Billed Units Rate Amount Misc Consultant 1.00 1,531.75 1,531.75 Vac Truck Phase subtotal 16,070.39 total 16,070.39 Guilford Road Sidepat>h Reimbursables 1 Billed Units Rat A mount Miles 29.00 0.48 13.92 Phase subtotal 13:92 total 13.92 1 City of Carmel Water, V17astewa #erUtilities Invoice number' 9422 Invoice date: 08/05/2009 ./of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9422 Date 08/05/2009 Page number 2 of 2 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENT/WATER MAIN 3 RELOCATIONS 106th Ditch Intersection Improvement Professional Fees Billed n Hours Rate Amount Director 1 4.00 125.00 500.00 Project Manager 36.50 105.00 3,832.50 CADD Technician 5.00 70.00 350.00 Survey Manager 5.00 95.00 475.00 Field Man 21.00 60.00 1,260.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount. Miles 412.00 0.48 197.76 Phase subtotal 6,615.26 total 6,615.26 106th Shelborne Road Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 4.50 105.00 472.50 Phase subtotal 472.50 total 472.50 Invoice total 23,172.07 Tha u! Chip C r s E. f l President .L.'3 Y qw.�Y e"y City of Carmel IN#er^Waste ter tltilit spay_ Invoice number 9422 Invoice date: 08/05/2009 VOUCHER 102964 WARRANT ALLOWED 08025 IN SUM OF `CROSSROAD ENGINEERS, PC 3417 S. Sherman Dr. BEECH GROVE, IN 46107 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9422 01- 6310 -08 $13.92 Voucher Total $13.92 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 68025 CROSSROAD ENGINEERS, PC Purchase Order No. 3417 S. Sherman Dr. Terms BEECH GROVE, IN 46107 Due Date 10/512010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or.bill(s)) Amount 10/5/2010 9422 $13.92 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date O cer CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46907 317 -780 -1 555 City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9253 John Duffy Date 06/03/2009 760 3rd Avenue Page number 1 of 5 Suite 110 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENTIWATER MAIN Carmel, IN 46032 RELOCATIONS For services performed May 2 through May 29, 2009 PRO MPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! Westfield Blvd 96th to 106th r �f Reimbursables I K awl O Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 18.00 0.48 8.64 Phase subtotal 8.64 total 8.64 131st- Springmill to Ditch Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount CADD Technician j/ 4.00 70.00 280.00 AS BUILT PLANS Phase subtotal 280.00 total 280.00 Oid Meridian Water Main Extension Relocations As- Builts Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount CADD Technician 2.50 70.00 175.00 n ti, Phase subtotal 175.00 total 175.00 126th Street- Shelborne to Towne Rd r -1 1—.__ ,r,__._..._.__ 1 Y� n co n �e a te• na n� »nno City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9253 Date 06/03/2009 Page number 2 of 5 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENT/WATER MAIN RELOCATIONS (Continued) 426th Street- Shelborne to Towne Rd Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 2.00 105.00 210.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 57.00 0.48 27.36 Phase subtotal 237.36 total 237.36 Keystone Parkway Professional Fees �3 Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 6.50 125.00 812.50 Project Manager 40.00 105.00 4,200.00 CARD Technician 60.50 70.00 4,235.00 KEYSTONEAND 126TH ST. RELOCATION AS BUILT 5 HRS TO KEYSTONE 126TH WATER AS- BUILTS 3 FIRS TO 116TH KEYSTONE WATER PLANS 126TH AS BUILTS 116TH KEYSTONE WATER PLANS Survey Manager 0.50 95.00 47.50 Crew Chief 12.00 80.00 960.00 Field Man 11.00 60.00 660.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 275.00 0.48 132.00 Phase subtotal 11,047.00 total 11,047.00 Keystone Parkway Construction Administration Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 1.50 125.00 187.50 Project Manager 35.00 105.00 3,675.00 Citv of Carmel Wafer Wastewater I Ifilitiac Invnira numhar 9253 Invoice date: 06103/2009 Ciiy of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9253 Date 06/03/2009 Page number 3 of 5 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENT/WATER MAIN (Continued) Keystone Parkway Construction Administration Reimbursables Billed Rate Amount Miles 0.48 194.40 Phase subtotal' 4,056.90 total 4,056.90 136th Street Springmill to Oak Ridge As- Builts Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount CADD Technician J 1.00 70.00 70.00 Phase subtotal 70.00 total 70.00 1 -465 US 431 to 1 -69 Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 0.50 125.00 62.50 Project Manager N 9.00 105.00 945.00 Phase subtotal 1,007.50 total 1 ,007.50 Shefborne Rd 121st to 131st Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 5.00 125.00 625.00 Project Manager 51.00 105.00 5,355.00 CADD Technician �L 13.50 70.00 945.00 Survey Manager' 1.50 95.00 142.50 Crew Chief 4.50 80.00 360.00 Field Man 4.00 60.00 240.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 69.00 .0.48 33.12 Citv of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number: 9253 Invoice date: 06/03/2009 City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9253 Date 06/03/2009 Page number 4 of 5 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENT/WATER MAIN RELOCATIONS (Continued) Phase subtotal 7,700.62 total 7,700.62 1st Ave SW Drainage Street Improvements Professional Fees t Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 0.50 125.00 62.50 Crew Chief i 5.00 80.00 400.00 Field Man 5,00 60.00 300.00 Pit se subtotal 762.50 total 762.50 106th Ditch Intersection Improvement Professional Fees Billed `U Hours Rate Amount Director Ga 1.00 125.00 125.00 Project Manager 16.50 105.00 1,732.50 F Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 67.00 0.48 32.16 Phase subtotal 1,889.66 total 1,889.66 96th Street Commerce Drive Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Project Manager ��5�' 1.00 105.00 105.00 Survey Manager C? 0.50 95.00 47.50 Survey Crew 4.00 140.00 560.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 20.00 0.48 9.60 Phase subtotal 722.10 City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9253 Date 06/03/2009 Page number 5 of 5 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENTIWATER MAIN RELOCATIONS total 722.10 River Road Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Survey Manager 0.50 95.00 47.50 Survey Crew 3.00 140.00 420.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 27.00 0.48 12.96 Phase subtotal 480.46 total 480.46 Invoice total 25;437.74 .s" r T You! Chip Cha s, P. E. r President r U U, Citv of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number: 9253 Invoice date: 06/03/2009 In C OUCHER 142963 WARRANT ALLOWED 68025 IN SUM OF CROSSROAD ENGINEERS, PC 3417 S. Sherman Dr. BEECH GROVE, IN 46107 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9253 01- 6310 -08 $762.50 Voucher Total $762.50 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 68025 CROSSROAD ENGINEERS, PC Purchase Order No. 3417 S. Sherman Dr. Terms BEECH GROVE, IN 46107 Due Date 10/5/2010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/5/2010 9253 $762.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date fficer W CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317 -780 -1555 City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9322 John Duffy Date 07/01/2009 760 3rd Avenue Page number 1 of 4 Suite 110 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENT/WATER MAIN Carmel, IN 46032 RELOCATIONS For services performed May 30 through June 26, 2009 PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! General Management Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Project Manager 4.00 105.00 420.00 Field check Illinois St Ph 2 pathway with. John Duffy. Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 58.00 0.48 27 -84 Phase subtotal 447.84 total 447.84 116th College to Rangeline Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 0.50 125.00 62.50 CADD Technician 10.00 70.00 700.00 116th Monon As -bolts 116th Monon As- builts Survey Manager 1.00 95.00 95.00 Phase subtotal 857.50 total 857.50 Old Meridian Water Main Extension Relocations As- Builts Professional Fees City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9322 Date 07101 /2009 Page number 2 of 4 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENTMATER MAIN RELOCATIONS (Continued) Old Meridian Water Main Extension Relocations As- Builts Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount CADD Technician 0.50 70.00 35.00 Phase subtotal 35.00 total 35.00 Keystone Parkway Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 4.00 125.00 500.00 Project Manager 80.00 105.00 8,400.00 CADD Technician 4.00 70.00 280.00 KEYSTONE MAIN ST- PRELIM WATER RELOCATION PLANS Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 252.00 0.48 120.96 Consultant V Billed Units Rate Amount Misc Consultant 7,526.02 Phase subtotal 16,826.98 total 16;826.98 Keystone Parkway Construction Administration Professional Fees Billed Hours Fate Amount Director O y`,�� 0.50 125.00 62.50 Project Manager 9.00 105.00 945.00 Reimbursables V Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 217.00 0.48 104.16 Phase subtotal 1,111.66 total 1,1 1 1.66 City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number: 9322 invoice date: 07/01/2009 City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 91�zz Date 07/01/2009 Page number 3 of 4 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENTANATER MAIN RELOCATIONS I -465 US 431 to 1 -69 Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 0.50 125.00 62.50 Project Manager 11.50 105.00 1,207.50 u J Cons It ant Billed Units Rate Amount Misc. Consultant 1,466.08 Phase subtotal 2,736.08 total 2,736.08 Shelborne Rd 121st to 131st Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amoun Director 0.50 125.00 62.50 Project Manager 6.00 105.00 630.00 CADD Technician 2.50 .70.00 175.00 PLOTTING TESTHOLES Survey Manager 0.50 95.00 47.50 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 71.00 0.48 34.08 Consultant Billed Units Rate Amou Misc Consultant 1,563.85 Phase subtotal 2,512.93 total 2,512.93 1C) 0 West 146th Street Improvements Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Project Manager. 6.50 105.00 682.50 Phase subtotal 682.50 City of Carmel Water Wastewater UtiRies Invoice number: 9322 Invoice date: 07/01/2009 City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number 9322 Date 07/01/2009 Page number 4 of 4 Project: ROAD IMPROVEMENT/WATER MAIN RELOCATIONS total 682.50 106th Ditch Intersection Improvement Professional. Fees Billed H ours �J Hours Rate A mount Director 1.50 125.00 187.50 Project Manager 32.00 105.00 3,360.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 153.00 0.48 73.44 Phase subtotal 3,620.94 total 3,620.94 96th Street Commerce Drive Consultant Billed Units Rate Amount Misc Consultant 781.92 l Phase subtotal 781.92 tota 1 781.92 River Road Consultant 0 Billed Units Rate Am Misc Consultant 781.92 Phase subtotal 781.92 total '.781.92 Invoice total 30,395.27 Th Y u! V, P ha s, P. E. f President City of Carmel Water Wastewater Utilities Invoice number: 9322 Invoice date: 07/01/2009 HER 102962 WARRANT ALLOWED Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER IN SUM OF CITY OF CARMEL SROAD ENGINEERS, PC 3. Sherman Dr. An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where H GROVE, IN 46107 performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Carmel Water Utility Payee 68025 CCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR CROSSROAD ENGINEERS, PC Purchase Order No. 3417 S. Sherman Dr. Terms BEECH GROVE, IN 46107 Due Date 10/5!2010 Board members Invoice Invoice Description INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/5/2010 9322 $682.50 9322 01- 6310 -08 $682.50 I 1 h t i W I Voucher Total $682.50 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 tribution ledger classification if id under vehicle highway fund Date icer e CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317 -780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10643 Michael McBride, City Engineer Date 10/01/2010 1 Civic Square Page number 1 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: HAZEL DELL PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS 4 J For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 PROMPT P O F INVOICE IS APP These services were provided in accordance with our contract # approved March 3, 2010 and Additional Services 9 PO #21816 Local Inspection Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 14.00 125.00 1,750.00 Resident Project Engineer 35.00 95.00 3,325.00 Asst. Resident Project Engineer 6.00 85.00 510.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 344.00 0.48 165.12 Phase subtotal 5,750.12 total 5,750.12 Invoice total 5,750.12 Th n Y u! C ip t President City of Carmel Invoice number: 10643 Invoice date: 10/0112010 1 V CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317- 780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10658 Michael McBride, City Engineer Date 10/01/2010 1 Civic Square Page number 1 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: CITY OF CARMEL ON CALL PLAN REVIEW For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 PROMPT PA YMENT OF INVO I APPRE These services were provided in accordance with our contract #0319.97.02 dated March 19, 1997 including the Additional Services Amendment #11 P.O. #27437: General Plan Review Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Senior Project Manager 1.50 115.00 172.50 Project Engineer 1.50 85.00 127.50 Lake City Bank Parkwood West Phase subtotal 300.00 total 300.00 116th Centre Apartments Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Senior Project Manager 2.00 115.00 230.00 Phase subtotal 230.00 total 230.00 Invoice total 530.00 Than You! ip h rl s, P. l r 4 Presiden City of Carmel Invoice number: 10658 Invoice date 10/01/2010 R7.177 i CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317 780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10688 Michael McBride, City Engineer Date 10/01/2010 1 Civic Square Page number 1 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: 106TH STREET PATH KEYSTONE TO WESTFIELD For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! These services were provided in accordance with our contract # approved March 3, 2010 and Additional Services 6: PO #21810: Inspection Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 2.50 125.00 312.50 Project Engineer 0.50 85.00 42.50 Resident Project Engineer 13.00 95.00 1,235.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 20.00 0.48 9.60 Phase subtotal 1,599.60 total 1,599.60 Invoice total 1,599.60 Th ou! l C ip Char E. l President City of Carmel Invoice number: 10688 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317 -780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10697 Gary Duncan Date 10/01/2010 One Civic Square Page number 1 of 2 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: HAVERSTICK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! These services were provided in accordance with our contract # approved March 3, 2010 and Additional Services #3:� P.O. #21791 IMn Haverstick Coachman Survey Amount Contract Amount 5,500.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 5,500.00 Current Billed 0.00 Haverstick Coachman Design Permitting Amount Contract Amount 12,500.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 12,500.00 Current Billed 1,250.00 Haverstick Coachman Bidding Amount Contract Amount 2,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2,000.00 Current Billed 1,000.00 Haverstick Coachman Construction Administration Amount Contract. Amount 4,000.00 Percent Complete 0.00 Total Billed 0.00 Current Billed 0.00 Lexington Lane Survey Amount Contract Amount 2,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 Lexington Lane Design Permitting Amount Contract Amount 5,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 5,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 City of Carmel Invoice number: 10697 Invoice date: 1 0101 /201 0 City of Carmel Invoice number 10697 Date 10/01/2010 Page number 2 of 2 Project: HAVERSTICK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Lexington Lane Bidding Amount Contract Amount 1,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 1,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 Lexington Lane Construction Adminstration Amount Contract Amount 2,500.00 Percent Complete 0.00 Total Billed 0.00 Current Billed 0.00 106th St at 106th Place Survey Amount Contract Amount 2,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 106th St at 106th Place Design Permitting Amount Contract Amount 5,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 5,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 106th St at 106th Place Bidding Amount Contract Amount 1,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 1,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 106th St at 106th Place Construction Administration Amount Contract Amount 2,500.00 Percent Complete 0.00 Total Billed 0.00 Current Billed 0.00 Total 4,250.00 Invoice total 4,250.00 Th ou! Chip Ch, J President City of Carmel Invoice number: 10697 Invoice date: 10101/2010 bo w to I M CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317 780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10696 Michael McBride, City Engineer Date 10/01/2010 1 Civic Square Page number 1 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: 106TH STREET PEDESTRIAN PATH- GRAY TO HAZEL DELL O 01 For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! t� These services were provided in accordance with our contract #0319.97.02 dated March 19, 1997 including the Additional Services Amendment #16 P.O. #27442: Topographic Survey Amount Contract Amount 6,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 6,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 Preliminary Phase Amount Contract Amount 500.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 500.00 Current Billed 0.00 Design Construction Drawings Amount Contract Amount 8,500.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 8,500.00 Current Billed 0.00 Regulatory Submittals Bidding Phase Amount Contract Amount 3,500.00 Percent Complete 50.00 Total Billed 1,750.00 Current Billed 1,750.00 Total 1,750.00 Invoice total 1,750.00 kno City of Carmel Invoice number: 10696 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317- 780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10698 Gary Duncan Date 10/01/2010 One Civic Square Page number 1 of 2 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: HAVERSTICK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 20 0\ PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! These services were provided in accordance with our contract #0319.97.02 dated March 19, 1997 including the Additional Services Amendment #10 P.O. #21824: Lakeshore Drive East Lakeview Drive Survey Amount Contract Amount 2,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 Lakeshore Drive East Lakeview Drive Design /Permitting Amount Contract Amount 5,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 5,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 Lakeshore Drive East Lakeview Drive Bidding Amount Contract Amount 1,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 1,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 Lakeshore Drive East Lakeview Drive Construction Admin. Amount Contract Amount 2,500.00 Percent Complete 0.00 Total Billed 0.00 Current Billed 0.00 Stratford Place N. of 106th Street Survey Amount Contract Amount 2,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 Stratford Place N. of 106th Street Design /Permitting Amount Contract Amount 5,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 5,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 Stratford Place N. of 106th Street Bidding Amount Contract Amount 1,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 1,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 City of Carmel Invoice number: 10698 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 City of Carmel Invoice number 10698 Date 10/01/2010 Page number 2 of 2 Project: HAVERSTICK DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Stratford Place N. of 106th Street Construction Admin. Amount Contract Amount 2,500.00 Percent Complete 0.00 Total Billed 0.00 Current Billed 0.00 106th Place N. of 106th Street Survey Amount Contract Amount 2,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 106th Place N. of 106th Street Design /Permitting Amount Contract Amount 5,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 5,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 106th Place N. of 106th Street Bidding Amount Contract Amount 1,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 1,000.00 Current Billed 500.00 106th Place N. of 106th Street Construction Admin. Amount Contract Amount 2,500.00 Percent Complete 0.00 Total Billed 0.00 Current Billed 0.00 Total 3,000.00 Invoice total 3,000.00 Tha u! Ch Ghar f President 1 City of Carmel Invoice number: 10698 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 AL CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317 780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10644 Michael McBride, City Engineer Date 10/01/2010 1 Civic Square Page number 1 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: HAZEL DELL PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! These services were provided in accordance with our LPA- Consulting contract dated March 17, 2010: Des No.: 0901163 ARRA Inspection /T Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 42.00 143.76 6,037.92 Assistant Project Inspector 192.00 39.93 7,666.56 Resident Project Representative 197.50 61.98 12,241.05 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 1,617.00 0.40 646.80 Phase subtotal 26,592.33 total 26,592.33 Invoice total 26,592.33 Tha u! a Chip Char President City of Carmel Invoice number: 10644 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements ARRA Inspection Date Range from: 8/28/2010 to 9/2412010 Work In Progress Employee /Activity Total Billed WIP Total Billable Deferred Hold Non Billable Writeoff Adam Knous 41.50 41.50 Billable Time 41.50 41.50 Date Total Billed WIP Total Bill Deferred Hold Non Billable Writeoff 9/15/2010 8.00 8.00 9115/2010 4.50 4.50 9/21/2010 6.00 6.00 9/21/2010 1.50 1.50 9/23/2010 8.00 8.00 9/23/2010 4.00 4.00 9/24/2010 8.00 8.00 9124/2010 1.50 1.50 Andrew J. Wolf 197.50 197.50 Billable Time 197.50 197.50 Date Total Billed WIP Total Billable Deferred Hold Non Billable Writeoff 8/30/2010 10.00 10.00 8/31/2010 9.00 9.00 9/1/2010 10.00 10.00 9/2/2010 9.00 9.00 9/3/2010 9.00 9.00 9/7/2010 10.00 10.00 918/2010 1200 12.00 9/9/2010 10.00 10.00 9110/2010 10.00 10.00 9111/2010 4.00 4.00 9/13/2010 10.00 10.00 9/14/2010 11.00 11.00 911512010 11.00 11.00 9/16/2010 11.00 11.00 9/17/2010 11.50 11.50 9/18/2010 1.00 1,00 9/20/2010 10.00 10.00 9/21/2010 9.00 9.00 9/22/2010 9.00 9.00 9/23/2010 11.00 11.00 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements ARRA Inspection Date Range from: 8/28/2010 to 9/24/2010 Work In Progress EmployeelActivity Total Billed WIP Total Billable Deferred Hold Non Billable Writeoff� 9/24/2010 10.00 10.00 Nicholas LaGuardia 150.50 150.50 Billable Time 150.50 150.50 Date Total Billed WIP Total Billable Deferred Hold Non Billable Writeoff 8/28/2010 8.00 8.00 8130/2010 8.00 8.00 8130/2010 2.50 2.50 8/31/2010 8.00 8.00 8131/2010 2.50 2.50 9/1/2010 8.00 8.00 9/1/2010 1.00 1.00 9/2/2010 8.00 8.00 9/2/2010 1.00 1.00 9/3/2010 8.00 8.00 9/7/2010 10.50 10.50 9/8/2010 11.50 11.50 9/9/2010 11.00 11.00 9110/2010 7.00 7.00 9/10/2010 3.00 3.00 9/11/2010 1.00 1.00 9/13/2010 8.00 8.00 9/13/2010 3.00 3.00 9/14/2010 8.00 8.00 9/14/2010 3.00 3.00 9/15/2010 8.00 8.00 9/15/2010 3.00 3.00 9/16/2010 8.00 8.00 9/16/2010 2.50 2.50 9/17/2010 8.00 8.00 Trent E. Newport 42.00 42.00 Billable Time 42.00 42.00 Date Total Billed WIP Tota B illa b l e D e f erred Hold Non Billable W riteoff 8/30/2010 2.00 2.00 8/31/2010 2.00 2.00 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements ARRA Inspection Date Range from: 8/28/2010 to 9/24/2010 Work In Progress Employee /Activity T B illed WIP Total Billable Deferre Hold Non Billable Writeoff 9/1/2010 2.00 2.00 9/2/2010 2.00 2.00 913/2010 2.00 2.00 9/7/2010 2.00 2.00 9/8/2010 2.00 2.00 9/9/2010 2.00 2.00 9/10/2010 1.00 1.00 9/13/2010 2.00 2.00 9/14/2010 2.00 2.00 9/15/2010 2.00 2.00 9/16/2010 2.00 2.00 9117/2010 2.00 2.00 9/20/2010 4.00 4.00 9/21 /2010 4.00 4.00 9/22/2010 4.00 4.00 9/23/2010 3.00 3.00 Total 431.50 431.50 Hazel Dell ARRA a ARRA Inspection 646.80 1,617.00 Nicholas LaGuardia 181.20 453.00 08/28/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 12.40 Home Office to Jobsite 31.00 124300 -124312 08/30/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 10.80 Home Office to Jobsite 27.00 124589 -124601 08/31/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 15.60 dome Office to Jobsite 39.00 124620 -124632 09/01/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 13.20 Home Office to Jobsite 33.00 124663 -124675 09/02/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 10.00 Home Office to Jobsite 25.00 124699 -124711 09/03/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 11.20 Home Office to Jobsite 28.00 124726 -124738 09/07/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 12.40 Home Office to Jobsite 31.00 125480 -1 25495 09/08/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 13.60 Home Office to Jobsite 34.00 125516 -1 25528 09/09/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 16.00 Home Office to Jobsite 40.00 125570- 125582 09/10/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 5.60 Home Office to Jobsite 14.00 125618 125630 09/11/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.80 Home office to jobsite to 12.00 Home office 125633 125645 09/11/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 0.40 Home office to jobsite to 1.00 Home office 125645 125646 09/13/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.80 Home office to jobsite to 12.00 Home office 125691- 125703 09/13/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 6.40 Home office to jobsite to 16.00 Home office 125703- 125719 09/14/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.80 Home office to jobsite to 12.00 Home office 125721- 125733 09/14/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 Home office to jobsite to 10.00 Home office 125733 125743 09/15/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage Mao 10.40 Home office to jobsite to 26.00 Home office 125758 125784 09/15/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.80 Home office to jobsite to 12.00 Home office 125746 125758 09/16/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.80 Home office to jobsite to 12.00 Home office 125790- 125802_ 09/16/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 8.00 Home office to jobsite to 20.00 Home office 125802- 125822 09/17/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.80 Home office to jobsite to 12.00 Home office 125826- 125838 09/17/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 2.40 Home office to jobsite to 6.00 Home office 125838- 125844 Andrew J. Wolf 347.60 869.00 08/30/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 8.40 58179 to 58189 21.00 home office to jobsite 58189 to 58200 jobsite to jobsite 08/31/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 7.60 58208 to 58218 19.00 home office to jobsite 58218 to 58227 jobsite to jobsite 09/01/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 11.20 58242 to 58252 28.00 home office to jobsite 58252 to 58270 jobsite to jobsite 09/02/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 11.60 58275 to 58285 29.00 home office to jobsite 58285 to 58304 jobsite to jobsite 09/03/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 16.80 58330 to 58340 4100 home office to jobsite 58340 to 58372 jobsite to jobsite 09/07/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 16.80 58476 to 58486 42.00 home office to jobsite 58486 to 58518 jobsite to jobsite LB C`:5 09/08/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 31.20 58543 to 58553 78.00 home office to jobsite 58553 to 58621 jobsite to jobsite 09/09/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 28.80 58648 to 58658 72.00 home office to jobsite 58658 to 58720 job to jobsite 09/10/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 27.20 58725 to 58735 68.00 home office to jobsite 58735 to 58793 jobsite to jobsite 09/11/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 58802 to 58812 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/11/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 8.00 58812 to 58832 jobsite to 20.00 jobsite 09/13/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 58855 to 58865 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/13/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 11.20 58865 to 58893 jobsite to 28.00 jobsite 09/14/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 58883 to 58893 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/14/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 6.40 58893 to 58909 jobsite to 16.00 jobsite 09/15/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 58923 to 58933 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/15/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 10.40 58933 to 58959 jobsite to 26.00 jobsite 09/16/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 6.40 58982 to 58998 jobsite to 16.00 jobsite 09/16/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 58972 to 58982 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/17/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 59035 to 59045 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/17/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 16.80 59045 to 59087 jobsite to 42.00 jobsite 09/18/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 59252 to 59262 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/18/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 2.00 59262 to 59267 jobsite to 5.00 jobsite 09/20/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 22.40 59291 to 59347 jobsite to 56.00 jobsite C F1) a 09/20/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 59281 to 59291 home office 1.0.00 to jobsite 09/21/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 59362 to 59372 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/21/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 5.60 59372 to 59386 jobsite to 14.00 jobsite 09/22/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 59401 to 59411 home office 10.00 to job 09/22/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 5.60 59411 to 59425 jobsite to 14.00 jobsite 09/23/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 20.80 59465 to 59517 jobsite to 52.00 jobsite 09/23/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 59455 to 59465 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/24/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 4.00 59543 to 59553 home office 10.00 to jobsite 09/24/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 24.40 59553 to 59614 jobsite to 61.00 jobsite 65.60 164.00 08/31110 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 20.40 Office to Jobsite to Office 51.00 19221 to 19272 09/14/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 20.40 Office to Jobsite to Office 51.00 20668 to 20719 09/23/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 24.80 Office to Jobsite to Office 62.00 20995 to 21057 Adam Knous 52.40 131.00 09/15/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 15.60 Home office to jobsite to 39.00 Home office Mileage Start: 43222 Milage End: 43261 09/21/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 7.20 Home office to jobsite to 18.00 Home office Milage Start; 43645 Milage End: 43663 09/23/10 Hazel Dell Parkway Improvements Mileage 11.20 Home office to jobsite to 28.00 Home office Milage Start: 43705 Mila End: 43733 09/24110 Hazel Deli Parkway Improvements Mileage 18.40 Home office to jobsite to 46.00 Home office Milage Start: 43733 Milage End: 43779 646.80 1,617.00 L Cross Road Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317 -780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10639 Michael McBride, City Engineer Date 10/01/2010 1 Civic Square Page number 1 of 2 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: 126TH /NAPPANEEIOSWEGO WALK PROJECT For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! These services were provided in accordance with our contract # approved March 3, 2010 and Additional Service Amendment #1, P.O. #21786: Exhibit Drawing Units Amount Contract Amount 1.00 400.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 1.00 400.00 Current Billed 0.00 0.00 Legal Descriptions Units Amount Contract Amount 2.00 900.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2.00 900.00 Current Billed 0.00 0.00 R/W Staking Units Amount Contract Amount 1.00 400.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 1.00 400.00 Current Billed 0.00 0.00 Document Recordation Units Amount Contract Amount 1.00 50.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 1.00 50.00 Current Billed 1.00 50.00 Total 1.00 50.00 Buying Consultant Billed Units Rate Amount Associated Right of Way Services 0.50 1,375.00 687.50 Remaining 50% Buying Larsen Parcel 1 Phase subtotal 687.50 total 687.50 City of Carmel Invoice number: 10639 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 City of Carmel Invoice number 10639 Date 10/01/2010 Page number 2 of 2 Project: 126TH /NAP PANE E /OSWEGO WALK PROJECT Invoice total 737.50 Th ou! hip r es Preside t City of Carmel Invoice number: 10639 Invoice date. 10/01/2010 Associated .Right -of -Way Services, Inc. INVOICE NO. 10 -066 INVOICE STATEMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DATE: September 27, 2010 TO: CrossRoad Engineers, PC Mrs. Jill Newport 3417 S. Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 SERVICES: Buying/ Negotiations PROJECT: Auman Newark Neighborhood Improvements: Phase 1 126"' Street Sidewalk Drainage Improvements Carmel, IN PARCEL: Parcel 1 Larsen Secured. $1,250.00 remaining 50% $625.00 $625.00 TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT: $625.00 Associated Right -of -Way Services, Inc. Federal I.D. 351966008 BY: Lawrence M. Ballantyne President 1311 N. Arlington Aslenue, Suite 209 Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 Phone: (317) 322 -0489 CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317- 780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10642 Michael McBride, City Engineer Date 10/01/2010 1 Civic Square Page number 1 of 2 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: CITY OF CARMEL ON CALL CONSULTING SERVICES For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 PR P OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! These services were provided in accordance with our contract # approved March 3, 2010 and Additional Services #4: r 17. 4 CA PO #217931 Guilford Carmel Drive RAB application Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Director 2.00 125.00 250.00 Project Manager 12.00 105.00 1,260.00 Assistant Project Engineer 5.00 75.00 375.00 Phase subtotal 1,885.00 total 1,885.00 Monon Farms Left Turn Lane Professional Fees Billed Hours Rate Amount Resident Project Engineer 2.00 95.00 190.00 Reimbursables Billed Units Rate Amount Miles 10.00 0.48 4.80 Phase subtotal 194.80 total 194.80 Invoice total 2,079.80 City of Carmel Invoice number: 10642 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 City of Carmel Invoice number 10642 Date 10/01/2010 Page number 2 of 2 Project: CITY OF CARMEL ON CALL CONSULTING SERVICES Tha Y Ip Cha E. President City of Carmel Invoice number 10642 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 e CrossRoad Engineers, PC 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 317- 780 -1555 City of Carmel Invoice number 10699 Michael McBride, City Engineer Date 10/01/2010 1 Civic Square Page number 1 of 2 Carmel, IN 46032 Project: HAZEL DELL PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS For services performed August 1 through August 27, 2010 21 PROMPT PAYMENT OF INVOICE IS APPRECIATED!! These services were provided in accordance with our contract # approved March 3, 2010: Task #1 ARRA Funding Amount Contract Amount 22,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 22,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 Survey Amount Contract Amount 30,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 30,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 Road Design Amount Contract Amount 146,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 146,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 Local Re -Bid Amount Contract Amount 6,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 6,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 Permit Applications Amount Contract Amount 4,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 4,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 Bid Documents Amount Contract Amount 6,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 6,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 City of Carmel Invoice number: 10699 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 City of Carmel Invoice number 10699 Date 10/01/2010 Page number 2 of 2 Project: HAZEL DELL PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS Plats Descriptions Units Amount Contract Amount 2.00 1,000.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2.00 1,000.00 Current Billed 0.00 0.00 Document Recordation Units Amount Contract Amount 2.00 100.00 Percent Complete 50.00 Total Billed 1.00 50.00 Current Billed 1.00 50.00 RIW Management Units Amount Contract Amount 2.00 1,300.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2.00 1,300.00 Current Billed 0.00 0.00 R/W Staking Units Amount Contract Amount 2.00 600.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Billed 2.00 600.00 Current Billed 0.00 0.00 Tot 1.00 50.00 ROW Services Consultant Billed Units Rate Amount Associated Right of Way Services 0.50 1,375.00 687.50 Remaining 50% Buying Avian Glen Phase subtotal 687.50 total 687.50 Invoice total 737.50 Tha Y u! p Cha s r President City of Carmel Invoice number: 10699 Invoice date: 10/01/2010 Associated Right -of -Tay Services, Inc. INVOICE NO. 10 -063 INVOICE STATEMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DATE: September 27, 2010 TO: CrossRoad Engineers, PC Mrs. Jill Newport 3417 S. Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 SERVICES: Buying/ Negotiations PROJECT: Hazel Dell Parkway 131 Street to Cherry Creek Blvd. Carmel, IN PARCEL: Parcel 2 Avian Glen Secured $1,250.00 final 50% $625.00 $625.00 TOTAL INVOICE AMOUNT: 5625.00 Associated Right- of-Way Services, Inc. Federal I.D. 4 351966008 BY: Lawrence M. Ballantyne President 1311 N. Arlington Avenue, Suite 209 Indianapolis, Indiana 46219 Phone: (317) 322 -0489 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Crossroad Engineers Purchase Order No. 3417 S. Sherman Dr. Terms Beech Grove, IN 46107 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 10/01/10 10643 Hazel Dell 131st Cherry Tree Inspection $5,750.12 10/01/10 10658 On Call Plan Review $530.00 10/01/10 10688 106th St. Path; Keystone Westfield $1,599.60 10/01/10 10697 Haverstick Drainage phase 1 $4,250.00 10/01/10 10696 106th St. Path Design; Gray -Hazel Dell $1,750.00 10/01/10 10698 Haverstick Drainage phase II $3,000.00 10/01/10 10644 Hazel Dell ARRA Inspection $26,59243 10/01/10 10639 126th /Auman ROW Services $737.50 10/01/10 10642 On Call Consulting $2,079.80 TGTOT7 T_ 10699 Hazel Dell ARRA Design Total $737.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited swinu"nce with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6. 20 Clerk- Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Crossroad Engineers IN SUM OF 3417 S. Sherman Dr Beech Grove, IN 46107 $47,02'6.85 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Engineering Board Members PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT V4 18645 12MR4462862 $5,750. 12 T I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and 27 4 4 2 10696 282 599 $1,758.86 received except qjAna 10644 2QL2 494 21786 nr,3q 2209-509 21793A 1 n642 9900 !92 0:ZQ fin Io1�l 20 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund