HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes SpecStdy 06-29-06of CA �VNONE y�A C i t y RTOMORROW o /NDIMAN CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE THURSDAY, JUNE 29 2006 Due to the July e Holiday, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Special Studies Committee met on Thursday, June 29, 2006. Members present: Leo Dierckman, Mark Rattermann, Madeleine Torres, Susan Westermeier, thereby constituting a quorum. Department Staff in attendance: Matt Griffin and David Littlejohn. The Special Studies Committee considered the following items: 1. Docket No. 06010025 DP /ADLS: Huntington National Bank The applicant seeks signage approval for a bank on an outlot at the Weston Point Retail Center. The site is located at 10925 North Michigan Road and is zoned B2 /Business. Filed by Brad Schneider of Professional Design Group for Huntington National Bank. Darcy Fallon, Civil Design, Indianapolis appeared before the Committee representing the applicant. Also in attendance: James Brooks, Advance Sign. James Brooks, Advance Sign Group, Columbus addressed the Committee and presented the details on the sign package for Huntington National Bank. The west (front) elevation and the south elevation were shown. The west elevation faces US 421; the south elevation faces Weston Pointe Drive. The petitioner is permitted a sign containing 35 square feet on each elevation; the sign package presented shows 33.6 square feet per elevation. There are also two directional signs at the rear of the property that are close to seven (7) square feet and the graphic area is 1.77 square feet. Department Comments, Matt Griffin: As a result of a discussion with the petitioner this morning, the previous sign plan was revised. The new signs that are proposed comply with the Ordinance. At this time, the Department is recommending approval. Mark Rattermann made formal motion to approve Docket No. 06010025 DP /ADLS, Huntington National Bank as revised and presented this evening, seconded by Susan Westermeier, APPROVED 4 -0. s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 2. Docket No. 06060010 ADLS Amend: Ami Gallery Photography Studio Porch /Signage The applicant seeks approval for a new sign and porch addition The site is located at 240 Main St. E and is zoned B -3 in the Old Town Overlay. Filed by Lois Wyant from Wyant Photography. Lois Wyant, 14490 Villa Eagle Creek Avenue, Zionsville 46077 appeared before the Committee requesting the addition of a porch to the property located at 240 East Main Street as well as a new sign. Department Comments. David Littlejohn: Both the sign and the porch addition comply with the Ordinance. The Department is recommending approval at this time. Mark Rattermann made formal motion to approve Docket No. 06060010 ADLS Amend, Ami Gallery Photography Studio, Porch /Signage, seconded by Susan Westermeier, APPROVED 4 -0. 3. Docket No. 06060012 ADLS Amend: Meridian Park Shoppes Building Color The applicant seeks approval to change the building facade color. The site is located at 12460 -12590 North Meridian Street and is zoned B -2. Filed by Milt Grissom for Crimmins Company. Milt Grissom, Cr immin s Company, 12220 North Meridian, Carmel appeared before the Committee representing the applicant. The applicant is requesting approval to update the building facade and color for the property located at 12460 -12590 North Meridian Street. The color is green. Susan Westermeier was in favor of the proposed color— thought it brightened the building. Department Comments, Matt Griffin: The change is a positive one and supported by the Department. Approval is being recommended. Madeleine Torres made formal motion to approve Docket No. 06060012 ADLS Amend, Meridian Park Shoppes, Building Color, seconded by Mark Rattermann, APPROVED 4 -0. 4. Docket No. 06060013 ADLS Amend: Hilton Garden Inn Signage The applicant seeks approval for a new sign face. The site is located at 13090 Pennsylvania St and is zoned B -2. Filed by Linda Poore for Hilton Garden Inn. Linda Poore, General Manager of the Hilton Garden Inn, 13090 Pennsylvania Street, appeared before the Committee requesting a change in the color of the sign face. The current signage is white as well as the building; the signage is almost invisible during the day. s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 The existing sign would remain the same: bronze during the day, white at night —what it is currently. Department Comments, David Littlejohn: Whenever the exterior of a building changes, such as color changes of the sign, the Committee is required to review the changes. The only change is the color of the sign and the Department is recommending approval. Leo Dierckman asked about a prior matter that existed on site financial payment to Summer Trace for a trailer stored on site. Linda Poore responded that Hilton had written the check and sending it to Summer Trace today via FedEx. Mark Rattermann made formal motion to approve Docket No. 06060013 ADLS Amend, Hilton Garden Inn Signage, seconded by Susan Westermeier, APPROVED 4 -0. 5. Docket No. 06060015 ADLS Amend: Brookshire Village Signage The applicant seeks approval for three new subdivision entry signs. The site is located at 126th St. Gray Rd. and is zoned R -2. Filed by Dixie Packard for the Brookshire Village Home Owners Association. Dixie Packard, 4787 Oxford Place, Brookshire Village, appeared before the Committee representing the Brookshire Village Homeowners Association in their effort to acquire three new entry signs. Copies of the existing signs were provided in the information packets as well as a rendering of the proposed signage. The existing lighting will be utilized. Department Comments, David Littlejohn: The existing signs are in the median and since the Homeowners Association does not own the median, the signs are considered off premise and the HOA would need a "Consent to Encroach" signed by the Board of Public Works as well as a variance for off premise signage. Conditioned upon the aforesaid approvals, the Department recommends approval. Mark Rattermann made formal motion to approve Docket No. 06060015 ADLS Amend, Brookshire Village Signage, seconded by Madeleine Torres, APPROVED 4 -0. 6. Docket No. 06040025 DP Amend /ADLS Amend: Parkwood Garage (Liberty Mutual Group) The applicant seeks Development Plan Amendment, Commitment Amendment, and Architectural Design, Lighting, and Signage Amendment approval for 7.81 acres, for the purpose of constructing a three -story parking garage, replacing some existing surface parking. The site is located at 350 East 96 Street and is zoned B6 /Business. The site is located within the US 31 Corridor Overlay. Filed by Paul Reis and Blaine Paul for Liberty Mutual and Duke Construction LP. s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 3 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 Blaine Paul, Duke Construction, 600 East 96 Street appeared before the Committee representing the applicant. Paul Reis, attorney was also present. At the time the building was originally constructed, it was designed as a corporate headquarters type of use. The business has progressed and the use of the building has changed to become more of a data center use with a lot of IT -type jobs in this facility. Therefore, there are more employees entering /exiting the site and more parking is required. Blaine Paul reported that general office use should be parked at approximately 4 spaces per thousand square feet of office space. Also, there is another classification in the zoning ordinance for what is indicated as office use more for a call center. This particular use is somewhere between the two uses specified. 1,008 parking stalls and 180,042 square feet of building area computes to 5.6 parking stalls per thousand. The additional parking spaces are certainly needed and the petitioner does not feel that he is "over- parked." The lighting as proposed for the top decks of the buildings and the rendering of the view from the street was shown. The elevations have been revised to locate the light poles on the top of the garage as seen from the east and north. Additionally, these have been added to the elevations for the south and west as well. Views were also shown from I -465. The landscaping proposed for removal was digitally removed from the photograph and trees digitally inserted on the north facade of the garage. What is shown is not the planting size but after 5 to 7 years maturity. Color and material samples of the garage on the existing structure were provided for comparison to ensure compatibility. Department Comments, Matt Griffin: A lot of concerns have been addressed. The only thing to mention that may still be an item is if there is a way to shield the lights from the right -of -way. Otherwise, the Department supports the project and the petitioner has done a good job in matching the colors of the existing building. Mark Rattermann commented that it is really unusual that the neighbors have not been in attendance. (Janet and Maynard Cox) Matt Griffin responded that technically, you could look at this as one building, since it is connected. As far as the neighbors, the Department has heard absolutely nothing on this. Mark Rattermann also asked about jobs associated with the increased parking. Blaine Paul confirmed that a lot of the jobs are already in the building —some of the adjacent parking structure is being utilized but about half of the increase in parking stalls is existing jobs and half are associated with new jobs. s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 4 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 In response to questions and comments from Mark Rattermann, Blaine Paul said that the petitioner is doing road improvements to 96 Street that will help with the western -bound movement on 96 Street. The increased traffic on site will most likely be off set by the improvements made to 96 Street. Blaine Paul offered a drawing showing those improvements. Paul Reis commented that offices also work on flex time, so everyone will not be entering and exiting the building in the same time slot. The petitioner stated that the landscaping plan had been approved and the petitioner is in the process of up- dating, removing, and thinning out. Mark Rattermann made formal motion to forward Docket No. 06040025 DP Amend /ADLS Amend, Parkwood Garage (Liberty Mutual Group) with a favorable recommendation, seconded by Susan Westermeier, Approved 4 -0. 7. Docket No. 06050001 Z: Legacy /East Carmel PUD Rezone The applicant seeks to rezone 509.234 acres from S -1 to Planned Unit Development for the purpose of creating a primarily residential, mixed -use development. The site is located north of 126 Street, south of 146 Street, and on either side of River Road. Filed by Steve Pittman and Paul Rioux of Pittman Properties. Steve Pittman, Pittman Partners appeared before the Committee representing the applicant. Also in attendance was Paul Rioux. Since the public hearing, Pittman Partners has worked with the Department and a group out of Aspen, Colorado, "Design Workshop," recommended by the Department and Brad Johnson at Ground Rules. This project will continue to be worked on and clarifications and revisions will be gone over at the August 1S t Committee meeting. At this time, a synopsis will be done and time provided for question/answer. The goal of this project is to provide a development to live, work, and play. The project will be opened up and actually look inviting from 146 Street to the north; no "big mound" will be built to close off the project from 146 Street and the neighborhood will be opened up with office and retail. Initially, the petitioner had talked about 100,000 square feet of office space and 110,000 square feet of retail —those numbers will probably go away and the project will not be limited to that as 146 Street is continually considered. The Staff has suggested pushing the buildings up to the 146 Street right -of -way or close to it. There would still need to be a separation from 146 Street in order to create a pedestrian environment that is friendly and safe. In addition to office and retail, the core area will contain a senior housing areaa multi generational community where a person coming out of college could rent an apartment, the parents with a family are still living in the home with a yard, and the grandparents might be in the senior housing area. s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 5 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 To the south is Prairie Trace Elementary School and the petitioner is exploring how they can tie into that and make the school a part of the community. It is a natural amenity. In the core area of office and retail, there are 40 foot and 50 foot wide lots that will be serviced by alleys. It is difficult to have a very attractive home with a garage at the front. The alley will allow the garages to be put at the rear of the homes. From there, the project transitions to a standard neighborhood with standard lot sizes with access from a front driveway. Steve Pittman said he had also met with the neighbors and have taken their comments into consideration in making the revisions. Trees will be preserved in the big empty nester component area. The neighbors have said that the empty nester is not affordable and the petitioner will continue to look at. The Legacy community has a lot of useable open space for recreation plus a lot of woodlands and tree preservation areas. There is also a 95 -acre strip to the east —all of that land will be conveyed to Connor Prairie and subject to the Carmel zoning ordinance. Charlie Frankenberger commented that of the 95 acres, 15 acres adjacent to River Road are not within the flood plain and they are developable. The 15 acres are treated in the PUD as zoned and exclusively governed by the S -1 District of Carmel zoning. The other 80 acres is designated as Open Space. Under the agreement between Earlham College and the Indiana Attorney General, the 80 acres can be counted toward open space in the PUD and has been designated as such. The land can be developed as permitted under the S -1 classification so long as it is not prohibited by flood plain. Steve Pittman went over the fiscal impact of the development as far as fees, etc. that the project will be paying —there would be sewer availability and sewer tap feesa little over $1.6 million; water availability and water tap would be a little over $2.1 million; the park impact fee would be a little under $1.7 million. Department Comments, Matt Griffin: Regarding the park area, Mike Hollibaugh has put together a letter than would request a list of uses—active recreation and passive recreation. Clarification: All of the acreage east of River Road is governed by this Ordinance, so if we come up with some plan that is other than S -1, is that what will be put into motion or is there something besides S -1 zoning if we wanted to do so? Charlie Frankenberger stated his understanding that after the City makes the request of the manner in which the 80 acres open space will be used, Legacy would go back to Earlham College and then respond to the City. The 80 acres open space would be unchanged by the PUD. Matt Griffin also stated that the Staff would not support buildings facing 146 Street, since it is not a pedestrian friendly place. The Department will continue to work with the petitioner and keep the Commission informed. Jud Scott, Vine and Branch, 4721 East 146 Street, appeared before the Committee said he liked the entire plan and has some personal ties with Earlham College. The development is keeping a huge block of woods entirely intact. There is a nice row of trees that will remain intactit is in s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 6 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 everyone's favor to preserve the trees. It is an interesting, dense wooded area and a great place for preservation. In response to Mark Rattermann's question regarding soil types, Jud Scott said that the soil is sandy and saving large blocks of trees is preferred as opposed to individual trees —you would be saving a whole community of trees. Leo asked about the traffic study and those intersections that will be impacted by this development. Matt Brown, Traffic Engineer, A F Engineering, 8365 Keystone Crossing, reported that the traffic study done in early June, 2006 looked at full build -out of the development, the intersection of River Road and 146 Street, and all of the access points along 146 Street. Currently, the intersection of River Road and 146 Street operates at a level of service `B" in the AM and level of service `B" in the PM hours. Adding traffic from the total development to this intersection would allow the intersection to operate at level of service "C" during the AM and "C" during the PM hours. There was a slight change going from `B" to "U--the ranges of delay increased in the AM by about two and one -half seconds and in the PM, a little less than six seconds. In terms of delay, not much impact and that is with the existing intersecting geometries today. We analyzed each of the access points —five total on 146 and four on River Road. We found that in the middle was the main access point; with full development, you would be pushing a signal warrant, but that would be many years out. As this is developed and we start to see traffic flow, warrants would have to be looked at. We also recommended turn lane treatments for the access points along 146 Street. Obviously, it is two lanes in the east -bound direction, and we are recommending a right turn lane to facilitate turning into the development. There is a two -way left turn lane that already exists, or at least room for one. There is also a median that could be removed creating openings for a left turn lane. The south and the north are the two most utilized right turn lanes; the left turn would most likely be a passing blister because the volumes do not warrant a dedicated left turn lane at the southern access as well as the northern access point. Leo asked about the round about at Prairie View —there was some concern with traffic.... Matt Brown said that the traffic levels going through the area, while not negligible are certainly a lot lower than anything along Hazel Dell. The traffic from the proposed development is not seen to solely impact that round about at all. No safety hazard or anything operational is seen. Madeleine Torres asked for confirmation that A F is not recommending any left turn lanes on River Road. Matt Brown responded that A F is recommending passing blisters at the south and the north entrance, according to the volumes of traffic. Obviously, left turn lanes are looked at as high volume flow and we would want to facilitate those. On roadways that carry somewhere between s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 7 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 two thousand and ten thousand vehicles, if we are looking at volumes of 20 to 25 vehicles turning left, it is typically better served by a passing blister. We are recommending a passing blister on the south and the north; the two middle ones would not carry a lot of left turns and would be best served by a passing blister. Mark Rattermann clarified the number of access points. In addition to River Road, there are five access points on 146 Street? And that is what is being proposed? And do those have to be approved by Hamilton County Highway? Matt Brown responded in the affirmative on all points. Mark Rattermannn commented that the round about at Prairie Trace is the largest one in Carmel and handles the traffic very well. It is almost two lanes all the way around and not striped at all. The concern is always where traffic will go and the concern here with this design is where traffic will go south out of the project. Matt Brown said they would exit the project and turn south onto Hazel Dell. Mark Rattermann, asked then if the connection would be at Cherry Tree? Matt Brown responded in the affirmative. At the intersection of Cherry Creek and Hazel Dell, there are two outbound lanes, one northbound right turn lane. There is no delay anticipated on the westbound approach because there are two lanes, and northbound, there is already a right turn lane. Matt Griffin referred to a copy of a report from Engineering outlining all projects anticipated needing improvement and who is responsible for those improvements. By next meeting, the report will be available for distribution. Steve Pittman responded that by the August first meeting, they should be in a position to be very detailed on roadway improvements to be made or the amount of money to be set aside for improvements as requested by the Engineering Department. Ted Bloneck, principal with Williams Creek Consulting, 919 North East Street, Indianapolis addressed the Committee. Natural Resource issues have been looked at and detailed in a report. Two wetland areas were discovered on site: one larger area approximately 5 acres, and a smaller area, perhaps one -half acre. Currently the layout avoids any impact on the larger wetlands area that will become part of the nature park. Regarding the smaller area—it is anticipated that it will be isolated and the Army Corps. has not yet released jurisdiction information. The assumption is that it will become an isolated wetland that will make it regulated only by the State. The size and lack of connection will likely make it exempt from regulation. Public Input: Rabi Surapaneni, 14052 Sourwood Lane, Haverstick Subdivision, did not think the proposed homes were compatible in size to homes in his Subdivision and therefore would be a negative s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 g ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 impact on property values. Mr. Surapaneni was also concerned about cut through traffic and the safety of the children in the area—Mr. Surapaneni thought perhaps a "dead -end" street would be a good thing in order to eliminate cut through traffic. Leo Dierckman responded that the Haverstick Subdivision may very well benefit from the connection because traffic will be able to get to Cherry Tree efficiently. The bulk of the traffic will probably travel north. Steve Pittman said they would continue to look at the product and lot size. The tree preservation issue has been resolved. Also, there is a concern with the lakes being able to hold water and we are looking at different ways of transferring and retaining water to follow low impact design guidelines that are environmentally friendly. Madeleine Torres asked if some of the points on the Department Report would be addressed this evening or the next Committee meeting—or is that still a work in progress? There is a laundry list from staff. Steve Pittman responded that his preference is to return in August to formally address all of the comments. Matt Griffin commented that the way the PUD is set up, it will function somewhat like the PUD for the Village of WestClay. Once the developer gets through this process, they will return for Secondary Plat at the TAC level. The non residential items will come before the Commission as ADLS review—non-public hearing, but the architectural layout can be seen. Mark Rattermann asked how deep the 80 acres went into the flood plain —one feet, two feet, ten feet? What is the law on the isolated wetlands? Ted Blonek thought the maximum was about eight (8) feet and it would not be built on. The "isolated wetlands" was a new ruling about a year ago. Mark Rattermann asked if the 15 -acre strip designated as S -1 was included in the overall density calculation and what is the overall density number? Charlie Frankenberger responded that the PUD specifies that the maximum density is 2.7 per acre, calculated to be 1,316 as the maximum number of units —this number does not include the assisted living units but does include apartment units. Mark Rattermann noted that the petitioner is including land in the PUD that belongs to someone else, it is assumed that he has legal permission to do so. Charlie Frankenberger responded in the affirmative, by way of formal agreement. Mark Rattermann referred Rabi Surapaneni to the Department Staff regarding connectivity of subdivisions—it is the policy of the City to promote connectivity on all subdivisions via s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 9 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 thoroughfare connections; the developer is complying. Mark also referred to previous comments made regarding "affordable housing." Steve Pittman said he had talked with one of the City Councilors and one of the things they wanted to see was affordable housing. An MLS study was done of the adjacent Centex neighborhood —the average selling price was below $200,000. The proposed neighborhood will be significantly more than that. Susan Westermeier said she was hoping the Legacy would be something different, eye- catching, something to make it stand out. It is a nice development, but like so many others. Steve Pittman said he had talked to a number of people in the neighborhood and they really liked the concept of commercial and being able to bike to a coffee shop. This is really an awesome, traditional neighborhood development on a large portion of the site that transitions to the Pulte and Centex neighborhoods. We will come back with some new ideas and concepts, but with 11 miles of trails, the open space, and amenity package of tennis courts and pools —this will be an awesome development. Madeleine Torres commented that 146 Street is a great place for retail and offices. Ideally, though, would you not want retail to front 146 Street? Steve Pittman said they were trying to create a "main street" feeling coming into the development with some neat, two -story office buildings and the retail component. As yet, it is uncertain how this would inner -act with 146 Street, but all of those things have to be considered. Madeleine Torres said that not everything needs to look like a village with buildings pulled up to the streetan office can look like an office and it is appropriate for some parts of the City, just not all of them Matt Griffin reported that this will be one cohesive project, but we do not want to see almost a strip of non residential along 146 Street everything else would be an after thought behind it. In this preliminary layout, the Department realizes that retail should be on 146 Street and if you can draw people into the project as well, it could be the best of both worlds. Docket No. 06050001 Z: Legacy /East Carmel PUD Rezone was continued to August 1, 2005. 8. Docket No. 05110020 DP /ADLS: Old Meridian Place CONT TO AUG. 1sT The applicant seeks to create 129 townhomes and a mix of office retail uses on 25 ac. The site is located at 12852 Old Meridian Street and is zoned OM /SFA. Filed by Jon Isaacs for Centex Homes. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM. Ramona Hancock, Secretary Leo Dierckman, Chairperson s:/ P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 10 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 s:/P1anCommission/ Minutes Committees/ SpecialStudiesCommittee /2006/2006june29 11 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417