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Cl of Carmel
FEBRUARY 16, 2010
6 PM Carmel City Hall
Council Chambers, 2nd Floor,
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Members Present: Leo Dierckman, Jay Dorman, Brad Grabow, Heather Irizarry, Nick
Kestner, Kevin "Woody" Rider, Rick Ripma
Members Absent: Judy Hagan, Steve Stromquist, Madeleine Torres, Sue Westermeier
DOCS Staff Present: Director Michael Hollibaugh, Angie Conn, and Legal Counsel John
Also Present: Ramona Hancock, Plan Commission Secretary
The Minutes of the January 21, 2010 meeting were approved as submitted.
Director Michael Holllibaugh reminded the Commission of the up- coming Plan Commission Workshop on
Saturday, February 20 at the Monon Center.
H. Public Hearings
TA BLED MAR Docket No. 1.1.111 Definitio
The Vplieant seeks to amend Chapter 4.! Definitions ef the Stibdivisien Control
O r di nanee i n er to a dd d f er P re li m i nary P P lat.
1. Old Business
1 -3. Docket No. 09110035 PP: Reading Tree Park Primary Plat
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 4 lots on 6.44 acres and seeks these
subdivision waiver approvals:
Docket No. 09110036 SW SCO 6.05.01: 50 -ft minimum lot frontage at the road r/w
Docket No. 09110037 SW SCO 6.05.07: when adjacent to, dwelling must face a
The site is located adjacent to the Monon Greenway, at 212 W 136th Street. It is zoned R-
S /PlanComtnission/ MinutesI PlanCommissionMinutes /PClvfinutes2010 /PC2010 -feb16 1
ONE CIVIC SQU CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417
I /Residence, partially within the US 31 Overlay Zone, Filed by Greg Ilko of CrossRoad
Engineers, PC for Reading Tree Park, LLC.
NOTE: Rick Ripma recused himself from all discussion and voting on Docket No. 09110035 PP
Reading Tree Park Primary Plat, Docket No. 09110036 SW, and Docket No. 09110037 SW.
Present for Petitioner: Justin Moffett, Reading Tree Park, 1132 South Range Line Road, Carmel.
Greenspace /buffer area has been increased, specifically along 136 Street
Landscape Plan has been approved by Scott Brewer
FEMA map change in 2009 used inappropriate topo data
As of today, the site is even more useable than originally thought
It is anticipated that Lot #1 will be fully useable
Committee Report, Brad Grabow:
Committee vote was 3 -0 unanimous in favor of the petition
There is compliance with the US 31 corridor Orverlay
The property does not quite reach US 31- no true frontage on US 31
Petitioner offered a commitment to cooperate /encourage a number of environmental issues such
as'solar panels, wind turbines however, these are no design standards in place and there needs
to be better definition from the City --some issue technical, some aesthetics
Dept Report, Angie Conn:
All Primary Plat issues resolved
Dept recommends favorable consideration by Commission
Motion: Jay Dorman "To approve Docket No. 09110035 PP, Reading Tree Park Primary Plat and also
include Waivers No. 09110036 SW and 09110037 SW for approval." The motion was seconded by
Woody Rider, Approved six in favor, none opposed, Rick Ripma recused.
J. New Business
K. Adjournment 6:10 PM
Leo Dierckman, President
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ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARL 184INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417