HomeMy WebLinkAbout191636 11/10/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351221 Page 1 of 1 t. ONE CIVIC SQUARE FISHERS TIRE SERVICE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 7285 E 116TH ST CHECK AMOUNT: $fi00.90 FISHERS IN 46038 CHECK NUMBER: 191636 CHECK DATE: 11/10/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 171191 600.90 TRANSPORTATION EXPENS FISHERS T Y R E SV C I N C 7285 EAST 116TH ST y A p FISHERS, IN 46038 (317) 577 -0111 6000 10/22/10 10/22/10;, y '1 10:23 AM 01:07 PM a 5625 026453 171191 TERR: 5625 PAGE: 01 NONSIG: 905625 $ILL TO: CARMEL WASTE WATER TREATMENT 760 THIRD AVE SW SUITE 110 CARMEL, IN 46032 PHONE 1....... (317)716 -3905 EXT. VEH YEAR /MAKE. 03 FORD TRUCK PHONE 2....... VEHICLE MODEL. F350 1 TON SUPER DUT DATE REQUESTED 10/22/10 VEHICLE COLOR. TIME REQUESTED LICENSE /STATE. 64530 IN RETURN PARTS.. NO ODOMETR IN /OUT 066384 66384 SALESMAN...... 025 025 VEHICLE INFO.. UNIT #116 VEHICLE ID 1FTSW31P43EC28241 PRIOR INVOICE. 169866 P 0 NUMBER.... 512311 ACCOUNT COB TC CUST# TYPE /STATE 562502567 1 01 02567 1 IN SLSM TECH PRODUCT CODE BC QTY DESCRIPTION PARTS LBR /EXCISE LINE TOTAL r: 006 312- 004 -027 -0 G 4 LT265/75R16 E 123/120Q WRL DURATRAC TL 137.50 AID 550.00 GS NUMBER. G1030929 006 089 040 -103 R 4. TIRE INSTALLATION WITH RURCH IN•STORE y .00 .00 .00 06 6 025 040 -223 R 4 TIRE DISPOSAL CHARGE 1.50 .00 6.00 006 089 041 -263 R 4 NEW VALVE STEM 2.50 .00 10.00 006 089 044 -263, R 4 WHEEL BALANCE COMPUTER,SPIN 1.50 7.00 34.00 006 025 093 -502 R 1 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL. 66 .00 66 VISIT OUR WEB SITE: WWW.TIRECENTRALANDSERVICE.COM/ MANAGER:HENRY TI.LFORD .ASSISTANT MANAGER: TONY NOLTE COME IN AND MEET:YOUR NEW MANAGEMENT TEAM, HENRY AND TONY, -;WE= ARFI: YOU. HAVE A GOOD DAY. s COME IN AND MEET YOUR NEW TEAM;HENRY AND TONY WE;ARE HAPPY TOa SE HAVE A GOOD DAY. MMISC S TOTAL........ 572.66 R TOTAL........ 28.00 SHOP SUPPLIES. .24 CHARGED AMOUNT t. 600.90 SUB TOTAL.......... 600.90 TAXABLE AMOUNT .00 SALES TAX.......... .00 CUSTOMER AUTHORIZATION FOR TOTAL I N N/O X C E T O T A L �SEa 0 O 9 TREAD L /F..... 11/32 TREAD R /F..... 11/32 TREAD R /R....: 11/32 TREAD L /R..... 11/32 .BUYING PLAN... A OF- PAYMENTS. l.. PAY START DATE .12110110 DISCOUNT...... *NET* SEE REVERSE S D PC4E2TANT SAFETY InIARN.= N G 0 Q Pleas rs 7e'lla a lu yoas �s.F QR�1AT a ON business. Should you need additional assistance, call our CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE LINE 1 -800- 321 -2136 i SAFETY WARNING SERIOUS INJURYWAY RESUL Tire failure due to underinflaticin oveeloading llow owner's manual or tire; placard in vehicle, Explosion of tire 1 ring assembly dui to ihiprope'r rrlounting only specially trained 0rsons should mount tires. All custom wheel lug nuts must lie..re, ;torqued after 25 miles and checked periodically. GEMINI NATIONWIDE WARRANTY These warranties apply only to parts. and labor shit�v(n `on you'r`invoice there may be other components in,a system that are covered. AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES EXHAUST COMPONENTS {EXCLUDING MUFFLER) COOLING SYSTEM SERVICES STEERING AND SUSPENSION PARTS 'EXCLUDING Purls: '12 rr:c or 12,000 miles, whicheve3 Gooses Trst. DRIVE TRAIN COMPONENTS) a }or: 12 months or 12.000 miles, whichever comes first. Parts: 12 months or 12 10D .ties. whichever comes first. AIR SHOCKS Labor: 12 inonths or 12,OOli r'rill(3f :Ii It ;r1f ;VE ;r CE31 E:5 irS ALIGNMENT MACPHE.RSON STRUTS CARTRIDGES, SFIOCKS AND BRAKE SERVICES (EXCLUDING OVERHA(JL} A SSI4IVIPLIES, ENGINE TUNE UP Parts: Standard: 12 mOntlis or 12,000 miles, whichever comes firs Pfarts: '12 n3onths or 12,000 milcas, whichever corner fiat Parts: Lifelirne: Lifeline to the original purchaser, Labor: 12 rrranths or 12,ODt1 mile s. whichever domes first. Labor: 12 months or 12,000 miles, comes first. MUFFLER BELTS AND DOSES (COOLING SYSTEM) Parts: Standard: 12 months c,r 1 2.000 rniles, °ahiche v0 firs r cc ;mc .3rfs: Lifetime to 0* original pur&iaser, Parts: Lifetime Lifetime tE3the ar =c lnra3 purchaser. _ahor: 12 months or 12.0:90 miles, s-hichever conies first. Labor: 12 months or 12.000 miles, h;&,over come, first. BRAKE OVERHAUL (BRAKES SHOES'ANDJOk:iDISC PADS `Jt+HEEL BALANCE (AUTb tIRE<3 ONLY) WARRANTED LIFETIME) St;.3riaard: 12 month oe 1 rniles, 'whicfraver Come's fi la rts: 2� -=3 onths or 24,000 mites, whichever comes first, Lifetime: Life of the original tread at)Gr: 2$ months S rar 24,000 r11IieS .vItIC 1e,YP,r CQr11eS first:l' Lire of tread warran good for the life of M47 trp'ad of t'1e tire i've ho :bake Overhaul: disc and/or drum perfomaed as a package Includes: Not valid if tire is disrrlcrunled, Present this Invoice `or a free tare rotation and comps: ?er v heel balance Elisc -disc pads, resurface rotors: rebuild or replace hydreufic, calipers: evory 6 months or 6.0100 miles. grease se Of N!�ilippeEi), i1:i5 c:I :aiE:S� t?%d! "t�4V�irP.. (Vehicles requiring moun!ing w demounfrig of tires Eiue to special viheek (Drum -brake shoes, resurface dr [firs; new wheel cylinders, grease excluded,] seals (if equipped), associated= hardware- Any and ati other hrake service or repair is covered under the "C=rake "At_L PARTS ARE NIDN UNLESS OTHERWISE DESIGNATED. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS AND PARTS. EXCI...UDING TIRES, ARE WARRANTED FOR A MINIMUM OF 12 t�- 40NITI-iS OR 12,000 MILES. FOR COMPLETE WARRANTY DETAILS, SEE" THE SPECIFIC WARRANTY FOR TIRES AND THE' SPECIFIC; WARRANTY FOR AU TOMOTIVE REPAIRS AND PARI'S." WHO MAKES THIS WARRANTY This warranty is made: and will be serviced by the Gemi outlet who performed the repairs identified on the face of your repair invoice. This warranty will also be honored by any participating Gemini outlet, nationwide, if you require warranty service 25 or more milers from the location where the original service was performed, This warranty extends only to you, the original purchaser, and the motor v'e;hicie ide=ntifie=d on the o6ginat repair invoice. It applies only during warranty periods state=d above. Warranty authorization must be obtained from the Warranty Administrator prier to any w<rranty repair being pe=rformed. Phone 'I -800- 426 -0733. Warranty repair costs are covered up to the cost of the original repair, This warranty (toes not apply to vehicles used commercially. f, VOUCHER 106490 WARRANT ALLOWED 351221 IN SUM OF FISHERS TIRE SERVICE 7285 E. 116th Street Fishers, IN 46038 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 171191 01- 7502 -06 $600.90 Voucher Total $600.90 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 35.1221 FISHERS TIRE SERVICE Purchase Order No. 7285 E. 116th Street Terms Fishers, IN 46038 Due Date 11/1/2010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/1/2010 171191 $600.90 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer