HomeMy WebLinkAbout191659 11/10/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 115100 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DEBRA GRISHAM CHECK AMOUNT: $10,527.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 922 E GREYHOUND PASS CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 191659 CHECK DATE: 11/10/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4340000 10 -10 10,527.00 LEGAL FEES Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due Architect regarding same; Worked on Printer contract summary; worked on payroll outsourcing matters and tort claims matters. 10 -29 -10 Communications with M Wells and TSC $110 .4 44.00 regarding Founders Park Phase II contract/insurance matters. NATURE OF SERVICES TOTAL HOURS FEE TOTAL HOURS BILLED: 95.7 TOTAL DUE: $10,527.00 Signature: Purchase Description P.O.# Pore G.L. It Budget Line Descr LP()Y I N O V 0 3 20 10 Purchaser Approval Date BY:... Professional services Invoice FOR SERVICES RENDERED Date: 11/3/10 FROM 10/1/10 THROUGH 10/31/10 Name of Debra M. Grisham, Attorney at Law Provider: Address 922 East Greyhound Pass Zips: Carmel, Indiana 46032 Telephone No.: 317 -690 -1597 Fax Igo.: 317 -815 -8425 Project Name: General Park Legal and Business Services Invoice No: 1010 Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Description of Service Rate Worked Due 10 -4 -10 Worked on Professional Services Agreement $110 4.7 517.00 (PSA) with The Schneider Corporation (TSC) regarding the Monon Greenway Rehabilitation Study; Received and reviewed communication from ProLiance; Communications with insurance agent regarding Tort Claims matters; Finished and distributed draft of 9 -28 -10 Park Board meeting minutes; Reviewed the Purchasing Rules and Administrative Procedures regarding the Director's increased purchasing authority and otherwise prepared for Agenda and Project Status meeting. 10 -5 -10 Worked on Hagan -Burke Trail document review; $110 5.0 550.00 worked on Risk Tree policy matters; worked on contract documents for the Monon Mile Marker Project; Worked MCC Running Track to Fitness Access Control Points Project and discussed same with R Smith; worked on and distributed TSC PSA; worked on legal publication matters; updated and distributed Agenda and Project Status to J Miller and otherwise addressed matters resulting from Project Status meeting. 10 -6 -10 Worked on Summit Construction PSA for Owner $110 4.7 517.00 Representative (OR) Services and met with M Westermeier and R Smith regarding same as well as project timelines; Started draft of OR PSA Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due and communications with S Baker regarding same and other project matters. 10 -7 -10 Met with T Myers regarding Risk Tree policy $110 4,8 528.00 matters; Met with R Smith and worked on the Contract documents for the Central Park Eastside Project and communications to Architect regarding same; communications regarding the Hagan -Burke Trail document review; worked on Monon Mile Marker Project contract documents and prepared for 10 -12 -10 Park Board meeting. 10 -8 -10 Worked on Hagan -Burke Trail document review $110 2.3 253.00 and communications to D Littlejohn and D Haney regarding same; Worked on MCC Running Track to Fitness Access Control Points Project and worked on OR PSA and discussed same with R Smith; addressed payroll outsourcing issue. 10-11 -10 Addressed public works matters; worked on TSC $110 1.0 110.00 PSA; worked on Monon Mile Marker Project contract matters; worked on payroll outsourcing resolution in preparation of the 10 -12 -10 Park Board meeting. 10 -12 -10 Worked on public works matters and OR PSA; $110 4.8 528.00 worked on Conflict of Interest Disclosure (COID) inquiry and payroll outsourcing resolution; addressed contract processes; prepared for and attended Park Board meeting. 10 -13 -10 Worked on OR PSA summary; worked on COID $110 6.0 660.00 matters and communications with J Bailey regarding same; worked on and distributed first draft of TSC Staking Services Agreement and multiple communications with S Baker regarding same; addressed public works matters and worked on Monon Mile Marker Project contract documents; received MCC Running Track to Fitness Access Control Points Project permit. 10 -14 -10 Continued work on the TSC Staking Services $110 5.0 550.00 Agreement; continued work on Monon Mile Marker Project contract documents; prepared for the MCC Running Track to Fitness Access Control Points Project bid receipt; reviewed and updated Project list; worked on final TSC PSA Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due regarding Monon Rehabilitation Study; addressed Printer issues. 10 -15 -10 Continued review of Hagan -Burke Trail $110 4.5 495.00 documents and communicated with D Littlejohn regarding same; worked on Printer contract draft; worked on Monon Mile Marker Project contract matters; completed several contract summaries; worked on COID matters. 10 -18 -10 Reviewed and addressed issues resulting from, $110 6.2 682.00 several insurance certificates for various contracts; drafted minutes for 10 -12 -10 Park Board meeting; Prepared and attended Project Status meeting and prepared documents in accordance therewith. 10 -19 -10 Worked on and distributed OR PSA; worked on $110 6.0 660.00 and distributed Park Board meeting minutes; worked on contract summaries; worked on COID matters; communications with R Smith regarding Central Park. Eastside Project matters; worked on tort claims matters. 10 -20 -10 Worked on Central Park Eastside Project $110 6.6 726.00 matters; met and worked with R Smith on the MCC Running Track to Fitness Access Control Points Project and met with M Westermeier regarding same; worked on Founders Park Phase 11 Project matters, discussed same with M Westermeier and communications about same with M Krosschell; worked on tort claim matters; worked on documents in preparation for 10 -26 -10 Park Board meeting; worked on COID matters; received and reviewed Impact fee ordinance amendment proposal and status 10 -21 -10 Communications with Park Department staff and $110 4.4 484.00 Travelers Insurance adjuster regarding tort claims matters; communications with R Smith regarding current projects; communications with J Bailey regarding COID matters; worked on documents in preparation for 10 -26 -10 Park Board meeting; discussed issues regarding MCC Running Track to Fitness Project with M Westermeier; worked on bid documents for Central Park Eastside Project. Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due 10 -22 -10 Continued work on bid documents for Central $110 4.0 440.00 Park Eastside Project and communications with S Baker regarding same; communications with J Bailey and J Engledow regarding COID matters; worked on tort claims matters; worked on matters regarding the MCC Running Track to Fitness Project and communications to R Smith regarding same; updated and distributed agenda and project status to J Miller; worked on tort claims matters; worked on printer contract. 10 -25 -10 Worked on Founders Park Phase II Project $110 7.4 814.00 matters; worked on Central Park Eastside Project and communications with S Baker, appropriate Park Management staff and M Wells regarding same; worked on payroll services outsourcing matters and communications to B Bosma and Park Management regarding same; worked on Hagan -Burke Trail matters; worked on public access and purchasing authority matters and communicated with J Miller regarding same; communication to M Howard regarding Monon/146 Street pedestrian bridge project; worked on COID matters. 10 -26 -10 Worked on payroll outsourcing matters and $110 10.0 1,100.00 communications with B Bosma regarding same; worked on and completed contract for Seasonal Recreation Brochure Print Services; Worked on COID and tort claims matters; Met with R Smith regarding Central Park Eastside Project and MCC Track Control Points Project and otherwise prepared for and attended Parts Board Meeting. 10 -27 -10 Worked on payroll services outsourcing matters $110 5.2 572.00 and communications to B Bosma regarding same; worked on Hagan -Burke Trail matters; worked on OR PSA matters and conference call with S Baker and Summit Finance Officer regarding same; worked on Founders Park Phase II Project contract matters; worked on Central Park Eastside Project matters; worked on COLD matters. 10 -28 -10 Worked on COLD matters; worked on Founders $110 2.7 297.00 Park Phase 11 Project contract matters and communications with insurance agent and A ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 115100 Grisham, Debra Terms 922 East Greyhound Pass Date Due Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 1113!10 10 -10 legal Services for Oct'10 10,527.00 Total 10,527.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bN(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 115100 Grisham, Debra Allowed 20 922 East Greyhound Pass Carmel, IN 46032 In Sum of 10,527.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. CCT #/TITLI AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 10 -10 4340000 10,527.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 4 -Nov 2010 if Signature 10,527.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund