HomeMy WebLinkAbout191775 11/10/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 233463 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE ON RAMP f% CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 859 CONNER ST CHECK AMOUNT: $2,882.40 o NOBLESVILLE IN 46060 CHECK NUMBER: 191775 CHECK DATE: 11/1012010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT P O NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4238000 147426 149.90 SMALL TOOLS MINOR E 1125 4341955 23029 147585 1,495.00 SERVER MAINT 1081 4341955 147644 37.50 INFO SYS MAINT /CONTRA 1091 4341955 147644 937.50 INFO SYS MAINT /CONTRA 1125 4341955 147644 262.50 INFO SYS MAINT /CONTRA O ,,,,1 INVOICE 859 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 317.774.2100 Account 7483 www. ori.net Invoice# 147426 t a� Invoice Date 10107/2010 Carmel Clay Parks Recreation Attn: Audrey Kostrzewa 37. ...ao< 1411 East 116th Street Carmel IN 46032 Line No. Qty Item Description Unit Price Amount 1 2.00 Logitec WebCam $74.95 $149.90 Description tJ� P.O.# PorF 2 0 201 G.L. Budget DescrU BY: Purchaser Date Approval ate r{ p On -Line Data Backup Service starting 10lmo. Safe Secure!!! Product Total $149.90 Tax Total $0.00 Shipping $0.00 Invoice Total $149.90 O INVOICE M A 859 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Account 7483 317.774.2100 Invoice 147585 www. oi i.net Invoice Date 11/01/2010 On -Line Data Backup Service starting 10tmo. Safe Secure!! Carmel Clay Parks Recreation Attn: Audrey Kostrzewa 1411 East 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 Service Dates Service Amount 1110112010 thru 11/30/2010 Dedicated T1 Connection Ground (MONONO2) 350.00 11/02/2010 thru 12/01/2010 Dedicated I/P Address ( 10.00 11101/2010 thru 11/30/2010 SQL Server Hosting 50MB Storage (carmelclayparks.com) 25.00 11/01/2010 thru 11/30/2010 Spam Virus Filtering Service (carmelclayparks.com) 30.00 11/01/2010 thru 11/30/2010 Co- Location Rack Space Charge (208.72.110.x) 1 50.00 11/01/2010 thru 11/30/2010 Co- Location Bandwidth 128Kbps ( 150.00 11/01/2010 thru 11/30/2010 Co- Location Server Maintenance ( 75.00 11/01 /2010 thru 11/30/2010 BACKUP SERVICES 275gb .STORE.CARMELCLAYPARKS.COM) 125.00 11/01/2010 thru 11/30/2010 Dedicated T1 Connection Ground (carmel clay parks) 400.00 11/01 /2010 thru 11/30/2010 ORI Zoom DSL 6000 Business Class (317.574.1207) 55.00 11/01/2010 thru 11/30/2010 BACKUP SERVICES 175gb .exchOl.carmelclayparks.com) 90.00 11/01/2010 thru 11130/2010 BACKUP SERVICES 10.00 (EXCHANGE_PLUG -I N @EXCHOl .CARM EI_CLAYAPRKS.COM) 11/01/2010 thru 11/30/2010 BACKUP SERVICES 25gb .aoserver.carmelclayparks.com) 15.00 11/01/2010 thru 11/30/2010 BACKUP SERVICES (SQL_PLUG_IN @AOSERVER_ADMINAPP) 10.00 11/01/2010 thru 11/30/2010 Domain Name System Entry (sharepoint.carmelclayparks.com 0.00 Please Detach and Return this portion with your payment. Thank You! Current Invoice Past Due Invoices Due Date Last Payment Last Payment Date Total Due (Please pay before due date to prevent service interruptions) Purchase MONTHLY S �RVEP, Description P.O. P r F y es G� O CT G.L.# 105- l-1 1 9 2010 Budget Line Descr Kkrj� 1 CWU[ ei Purchaser Date BY. Approval Date ON- RAMP INVOICE Total Current Charges: 1495.00 Purchase Descriptlan P.O. It Pore a.L. 0 Budget Une Descr, Purchaser pate Approval pate ON-RAMP INVOICE 859 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Account 7483 317.774.2100 Invoice 147644 www. ori.net Invoice Date 10/20/2010 On -Line Data Backup Service starting 101mo. Safe Secure!!! Carmel Clay Parks Recreation Attn: Audrey Kostrzewa 1411 East 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 Service Dates Service Amount 10/15/2010 748301 Services Rendered for the period ending. Project 748301 337.50 Please see attached Time Sheet. Associate OFFLABOR 10/15/2010 748301 Services Rendered for the period ending. Project 748301 900.00 Please see attached Time Sheet. Associate SMLLABOR Purchase 7 Cl2 r� Descdptlonl �r� e Descr f; �r� O 12010 t Date e f 5�J as bO Total Current Charges: 1237.50 10/20/2010 On -Ramp Indiana Inc Page 1 859 Conner St Noblesville, IN 46060 Billed Unbilled Time Records for: 748301 Project Name Carmel Parks General Consulting and Re Customer Name'. Carmel Clay Parks Recreation Date Assoc Seq Time Time Worked Init No Descr iption of Work Performe Spent Charges 10105/2010 SML 3 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 fo C C reset fitness door rectrac frozen 10/05/2010 SML 4 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 /0 -C zebra card printer lindsay 10/05/2010 SML 5 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 ffI C- Firness Desk new camera install 10/06/2010 SML 1 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 sharepoint update items 10/08/2010 JAB 1 Remote Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 c v Revoked access, redirected mail, and reset credentials for two users ahughey and jogle per Audrey Kostrzewa 10111/2010 SML 1 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 rnCIL Folder permission add Kurtis Baumgartner to those who have access to this folder on the shared drive. 10111/2010 SML 2 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50~' of Joelle Ogle's email to CHARLES IMAN instead of Jennifer Brown 10/11/2010 SML On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50+ Jeffs phone reset password on vm 10/11/2010 SML On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 GC Audrey Hughey remove from mailing lists groups 10/15/2010 SML 2 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 fy� C CCPR -load dvr software on kurtis computer 10/15/2010 SML 3 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 C kid zone replace keyboard and update adobe flash for pbs kids site. 10/15/2010 SML 4 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 CCPR voice mail off line netech. reboot domain controller ccpr01 unity and Call manager servers 10/15/2010 SML On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50✓ ccpr video boards not working reboot all equipment. 10/15/2010 SML 6 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 ccpr look at bms lock up issue with jim looks ok 10/2012010 On -Ramp Indiana Inc Page 2 859 Conner St Noblesville, IN 46060 Billed Unbilled Time Records for: 748301 Project Name Carmel Parks General Consulting and Re Customer Name Carmel Clay Parks Recreation Date Assoc Seq Time Time Worked Init No Description of Work Pe rformed Spent Charges 10/15/2010 SML 7 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 (nL�, Carrie check computer clean up profile. 10/15/2010 SML 8 On -Site Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 ccpr kittie's no sound from computer email has error message about archive file not found. 10/15/2010 SML On. -Sitee Services Performed 0.50 $37.50 GNl CCPR reboot server02 and rtserver ak said black screen 10/15/2010 SML 10 On -Site Services Performed 4.00 $300.00 1 Windows updates on all computers MCC microsoft released 52 updates this week. Install CCPR Font per Ilabas. 10/15/2010 JAB 1 On -Site Services Performed 4.00 $300.00 In G Windows updates on admin computers MCC. Mandy. Case Total 16.50 $1237.50 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 233463 On -Ramp Indiana Terms 859 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 1017110 147426. Webcam 149.90 1111110 147585 Monthly Server maintenance Nov'l0 23029 1,495.00 10120110 147644 IT Services 1011 10/15/10 262.50 10/20/10 147644 IT Services 1011 10/15/10 37.50 10/20/10 147644 IT Services 10/1 10/15/10 937.50 Total 2,882.40 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 233463 On -Ramp Indiana Allowed 20 859 Conner Street Noblesville, IN 46060 In Sum of 2,882.40 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund/108 ESE/ 109 Monon Center PO# or INVOICE NO. ACCT #/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1093 147426 4238000 149.90 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 23029 147585 4341955 1,495.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1125 147644 4341955 262.50 materials or services itemized thereon for 1081 -99 147644 4341955 37.50 which charge is made were ordered and 1091 147644 4341955 937.50 received except 4 -Nov 2010 Signature 2,882.40 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund