HomeMy WebLinkAbout191851 11/10/2010 a F CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00352369 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE SUNBELT RENTALS CHECK AMOUNT: $2,324.48 1, CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 409211 ATLANTA GA 30384 -9211 CHECK NUMBER: 191851 QOM CHECK DATE: 11110/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 26859825001 2,302.98 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 27414458000 21.50 OTHER EXPENSES INVOICE END ALL PAYMENTS TO: SUNBELT RENTALS 26859825 -001 PO BOX 409211 S EL ATLANTA, GA 30384 -9211 0 poi 182286 RENTALS QM9 10/11/10 PAGE 1 of 1 INVOICE TO RECEIVED BY CONTRACT NO. lDz 3206 3316 FAUCETT, JOE 26859825 CITY OF CARMEL PURCHASE ORDER NO. 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 LAKES IiInI�IInIIuiull�ul�I�ilililililnlulullluu��IIiI�I�I JOB NO. 1 CITY OF CARMEL A JOB ADDRESS BRANCH CITY OF CARMEL INDIANAPOLIS P P PC387 RANGELINE AND MAIN 11220 ALLISONVILLE RD CARMEL, IN 46033 FISHERS, IN 46038 -1839 317- 575 -0841 317- 572 -1180 QTY EQUIPMENT Min Day Week 4 Week Amount 1 6" X 8" INCREASER BAUER 7.00 7.00 18.00 55.00 55.00 1 8" X 6" REDUCER BAUER 12.00 12.00 31.00 92.00 92.00. 2 8" BAUER BALL X FLANGE 7.00 7.00 18.00 55.00 110.00 2 8" BAUER SOCKET X FLANGE 7.00 7.00 18.00 55.00 110.00 4 6" X 50' DISCHARGE HOSE 20.00 20.00 51.00 155.00 620.00 2 ROAD RAMPS 12'X 8" 51.00 51.00 130.00 385.00 770.00 SALES ITEMS: Qty Item number Unit Price 1 AFTERHOURS EA 300.000 300.00 2361XXX000 EMERG. RESPONSE OPENING CHARG 1 RENTAL PROTECTION PLAN EA 245.98 BILLED FOR FOUR WEEKS 9118110 THRU 10115110. I EgWpment Service. GusrrsMeed. 2 ,302.98 REMIT TO: NET DUE UPON RECEIPT SUNBELT RENTALS Invoices not paid within 30 days may be subject 2,302.98 PO BOX 409211 to a I %z% per month charge. ATLANTA, GA 30384 -9211 4 WEEK BILL VQUCHER 106530 WARRANT ALLOWED 00352369 IN SUM OF SUNBELT RENTALS PO BOX 409211 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -9211 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 26859825001 01- 1420 -00 $2,302.98 Voucher Total $2,302.98 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00352369 SUNBELT RENTALS Purchase Order No. PO BOX 409211 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30384 -9211 Due Date 11/512010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/5/2010 2685982500' $2,302.98 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have a udited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer SUMBELTO Page 1 of 1 RENTALs PC 394 Remit Ta 11120 ALLISONVILLE RD Sunbelt Rentals, Inc FISHERS, IN 46038 -1837 P� BQx 40921 "i 317- 849 -21 19 flan 30.3$4 9211 Job Sjte SALES QUOTE II ii JJ II II II++ CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARlVIEL,.IU 46032 C# .3'17 �v71 2494 J# 3:17 575 0841 nuplee_ 27414.458 Q00 X 1: Syste 10/28/1 Q Gust Omer 18 286 m date CITYOF CARMEL /1 (quote date',: 10f280 >:1f? 27.Alul T CIVIC SQUARE ,Job L0 r,:, 1 CIVJC SQIJ.ARE, s✓ARMEL CARM£L IN' 46032 Jot: No 1 ClY OF CARM',EL P.O.# NlR I€L, RA Qrdered 8y::' MAS,SING NDY Uf�ON RiCEfP.T. QtyItem number Unit Pricq �lindurft 1 1240 BLACK BEAUTY MEDIUM SAND EA 21.500 21.50 BB1240 Sub- total: 21.50 Total: 21.50 •ww +wrarsay.. raw +r +w +ww +warty raw +wwww +wwwwwaaaw +ww raw +www +aa +ra +rx +w +wwtt Rate your rental experience www.sunbeltrentals.com /survey DO ES NOTWORK MULTIPLE SHIFfS OR' 5 0 Nil 6C� 'F6 1. The total.charges are an estimate based on the estimated rental period provided by Customer. 2. Customer assumes all risks associated with the Equipment during the Rental Period, including injury and damage to persons, pproperty and the Equipment. 3. Customer is responsible tar and shall only permit properly trained, authorized individuals, who are not impaired (under the influence of drugs or alcohol), to use the Equipment. 4. It the Equipment does not operate properly, is not suitable for Customer's intended use, does not have operating and safety instructions or Customer has any questions regarding use of the Equipment. Customer shall not use the Equipment and shall contact Sunbelt immediately. 5. Misuse of the Equipment or using damaged or malfunctioning Equipment may result in serious bodily injury or death. 6. Customer has received, reed, understands and agrees to the estimated charges herein and all the terms and conditions of this Contract, including the Release and indemnification provision in Section 7. and the Environmental Fee in Section 14, which can also be found at www. sunbeltrentals .com /rentalcontract 7. Customer must call to request pickup of Equipment, retain Pick Up Number given by Sunbelt and is responsible for Equipment until actually retrieved by Sunbelt. 8. For operations in California: Customer is renting equipment registered under the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Portable Equipment Registration Program (PERP). The operator of this equipment is subject to the requirements of the PERP regulation and local Air Pollution Control District rules. Under the PERP Regulation, the renter is required to keep a copy of the rental agreement and CARB registration certificate, including operating conditions and notification requirements, with the equipment at all times. By signing this form, the renter acknowledges receipt of these documents. Customer is declining Rental Protection Plan (Customer Initials) RANDY MASSINGILL CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE NAME PRINTED DELIVERED BY DATE www.sunbeltrentals.com'• INVOICE (11- 04!91JID ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. TERMS. Customer's rental of Equipment is condhioned upon Cusomer'-a agreement with this Contract. All of the tenors Iterein i. RPP Conditions. The following "Cosalitiotu' must to satisfied for ilte APP to apply: (A) Cusrnmer --fife due RPP; (B) rccrporated into this and all future contracts bat.,,en Sunbelt ad Customer upon Customer's receipt of Surdeh's Equip I Customer pays I4% of the gross enrol charges as the fee for the RPP; (C) Customer fully c,ntplies with the ter ass of flu' ne order those contracts: Any reference in Customer's purchase order or other Customer document shall be void. `Customer" is Comract; (D) Ccatonrer's.—if is current at the lime of the loss, [heft, damage or destrtxriou )I the Equipnrent, ad (E) identified on doe from side hcrwf .d includes any of iu representatives, agents, officers or employees and i tryute signing this norm of the Exdudore apply. Contract on their behalf. 'Equipment" is the equipment ­11- services identified on the hone aide hereof, together with all rep[a,totcnts, repairs, addid.a, attachments ad accessories thereto and .11 future Equipment ranted. "Sire Address" is the u. RPP Exaluci.n. Cuu.nx, assumes the Exclusion risks, meaning that if anry Exclusion -curs, doe RPP does NOT cover the 4-ii on that Custonner represents dre Equip will Ix located during dx Rental Period and is identified on the from side hereof, loss, theft, damage or destruction resulting from .It Exclusion. 'Exclusions" ,hall mean lass, dhefr, damage nr ckstrucriou "Score" is dre Sunbelt store Iceation identified on (le from side lawoof. "Sunbelt" I, Sunbelt Renwls, Inc, end its affil'wted of the Equipmcm; (A) due to Possession ar loor operation of Equipmen, by p .son odxr dwn Customer nr Customer', companies, their respective officers, directors, asnployees and agents. tonbrrifed ennPloyee or any dishonest act by Customer, (B) due u, the Equipment's oprrmiuu in. name, i[com isr-I with it. I facturer's ina rutimss, or wnuary to this Contract, including bur not limited 1. the Equipment exceeding rated C.. tutus the Equipment from Sunbelt pursuant to this C.ntrxc,. Cosner shell pay Sunbelt the rental rues (including any capacity, being overloaded, misuse, abuse, mgBgenee, improper servicing or lack of Cuatrmier required rnainteoance; (C) due minimum rental on the to., side loranO and the, emerges described herein when due, r atvrn the Equipnrent to Sunbelt as in the Equipnrent', collision, ove..un.hg, upset, ro[Bmg ova or spiking overhand ubjeet,; (D) caused by vautlzlmnn required herein aud et erwise comply with this Contract. This Comract is. True lease. The Equipme,. (a) is and slalt amain the malicious mi.hiaf, disappear..., Imp, tad wmtgfuk ennve,eiou of Equipnrent reposed by Customer to due police Personal property of Sunbelt ad (b) shall ad be affixed ro any other property, within 48 lours of di,eover and huwntared by a written pulice repair (promptly delivered to Sunrxh); (E) emring during rheloadinrg, unloading p nspo,ouiaiI ,f the Equipment, (F) due m Fluxed, wind, storm, earthquake .n other exronul 2. PERMITTED USE. Cus[o.er agrees that Sunbelt tuns ta, control over the manner in which We Equipment is operated dung the s; (G) due m murk.. r...ricam radiation, radiate ive conwrtitatirnr, exp ore anchor comamurmion with or drum Rental Pcri,d by Customer or any third party t Cwtourcr implicitly or explicitly permits. Customer warrants char, (a) prior to hazardous at merials or any other (H) due to -I.,. nr destrucrion of Equipment by order of gov oo.utal auffi-ny; each use, Custonxr has or will hope. the Equip imu to cmrfirm tor, it is in gad condition, without defects, includes readable and HI access<ies, which are not being clurged the RPP fee. THE EXCLUSIONS ARE RISKS ASSUMFD BY decals and operating and safety Instructimrs and is suitable for Customer's haeuded use; (b) any apparent .gem at the Sue Add... CUSTOMER AND ARE NOT COVERED BY THE RPP, is authorized to accept delivery of the Equipmenr (ad if CusRmrer requests, Customer adaorims Sunbelt to (rave the Equipment iii. Recovery of Equipmem. Notwithstanding anything to dre conmwry in this Con I­,, if lost m stole. Equfpmam Is lam, at the Site Addrec, without requirement of wrimen re FUh (a) Customer shall immediately notify Sundial, if the Equipmcm is Its[, reciave,acl, Sunbelt rewire ownership of the Equipment regardles, of any payments nude by Customer or Customer's damaged, stolen, mule, disabled. malfourtionirg, levied upon, threatened with seizure, or if an Incident occurs; (d) Customer loss insurance comparry with respect W aeh Equipdnent, all of which Paynema are oon. efwdable. Customer agrees w promptly eceived from Sunbeh all inforowrion leaked or requested regrading the operaritm of due Fquipmem; (e) Swnlelt is not responsible return any Equipment thou is recovered. for providing operator or other uaining unless Customer speeifically requests in writing arc! Sunbelt agrees to provide such rrainiug (Crammer being responsible to obtain all tnunin.g that Customer desires prior ro it. Equipment's use): (t) only awhorized iv. Subrogation. Sunbeh shall be suhrotuicd to Customer's rights to recover against any person or entity relating n, any bus, iddividuals shall use ad operate the Equipment "authu,ized individuals' being those who are propefly trained to use the theft, damage or dot. -.ion to the Fquipnent. Customer shall ecroperae with, assign Sanibel, all claims ad proceeds arising Equipment and wlsf are wt under the iNluetse of dngs or alcohol or oderwise impaired): (g) the Equipmem's use skald in in a from such hxs then, damage ur destruction, execute ad deliver to Sunbelt whatever d-ummul, arc required and take all c areful irauiren, in c upliwme with ell operational ltd surety, instructions provided tut, in o. with the Equipment and all Faiktal, utter -..,y amps to secure in Swtbelt such rights. State to local I.ws and licenses, including but riot finoted to, OSHA, as revised; and (Ito) tee Equipment shall be kept in a secme 1 -uiau. i0. RENTAL RATES. That total ctrarges spx•ified in this C,,a, are: (a) estimated haacd up Customer's o,presenmti,n of the triturated Rend Peril idemir -I out th, front side hereof (feuud rams beyond the estimated Rental Perid pray change); coal (h) for 3. PROHIBITED USE. Cus,omer shall boat (a) titer rover up any decals or hnaigui. on [he Equipnrent or .nova any nspariffocal the Equipment's use for "are shift," being nn more drain 8 hours Per day and 40 hours per week unless.herwiae noted. Weekly and or -safety ueuomfl us; (h) assign its rights coder thls Contract, (c) move the Equipment foam the Site Address without Suwheli s 4 week rental rates shall a. he prorated. Cuaome, is responsible fur (i) all rental rates, fees, licences and taxes based o I Cwmnxr', wain.. dawn[: or (d) use the Equiprem in It negligent, illegal, onauthorized or abusive nor, any puhlierri (print, us,, f due Equipment, including aJdition 1 fees for more dau 'one shift" use; (ii) ddivery and pickup costs to and from tlx Shure; (iii) audiovisual or 6-cfonic) -r allow the use of tae Equipment by any unauthorized individual (Crammer acknowledging that dre mainteama, repairs and replacements to the Equipmeo ..s provided herein; (1e) a cleaning fee if required; (v) fees fn fur keys; (vi) Equdpne. may be daegenus if used improperly by dm[rained Parties). fuel u d during the Rental Period (Custune, nay aid., return the Equipment fully fueled or a fuel charge shall he assessed (designed I. cover Suobeh's direct .d idirecm nuts of refueling rho Equip nrent)); (vii) fins bar use of dyed diesel fuel in nn -road Equipment; 4. MAINTENANCE. Customer shall perform rnu[irne nnaimerance on the Equipment, including routine inapeetitm, and ssl (viii) au Envif.memel Fee (described below). The convenience charge for off mad diesel fuel does not include scare motor fuel muimerosae of fuel ed nil levels, grease, Etter,, cooling system, water, b uerie,, atu irug edges, coal cleating in accordance with ,axes. de nontfacmmr's apnificario. All odic, mairammee o, rapaus may early be pert mad by Sunbelt but S.delt has ix ,espnuihiliry during doe Rental Per I inspect or perform any taimemare, or repairs unless Cusumer requests It ser,•i,e call. I I. PAYMENT. Cu toner shall Pay amounts due, without any off c in full at the time of anal, aides, Sunbelt approve. If Scathe I detnrmitaa that iod s to the Equipment are required, other can Ordinary Wear and Text, Cusromrr shall pay the foil Customer's a ecuted eredir application (credit cusmnmrs must pay, upon receipt of S.ubeh's invoice). Customer n uv, artily Sunbelt edut of mlairs and rental of the Equipment wail the repairs are completed. 'Ordinary Wear ad Tear' rear,.. ,ormd deteriuouian in writing of any disputed amounts, including credit wad Barges within 15 day, after ale receipt of the imvoieelaoul-'r o, Cuuoner na;de-J reasrrmble th e it, e quipmenr rental ind use. Sunbelt for ow shift Sunbelt has the right to enter and impva the Equipment shall be deemed m la utve �re -bly waived its right to dispute such amounts. At Sunbelt's discretion, any credit uccouut with a wkxrever fixated. Custor has the amh.iry Ro ltd hereby grams Swmhelr the right fi n ewer the physical Location of the Equipment delinyuem halaee may he placed on a cosh basis, deposits may he acquired ac. the Equipment may he picked up widunn notice. Due for the f urptses se me I f rth herein. Sunbelt stall be responsible for repairs needed because of Ordiary wear and Tear. Customer in the difficulty in fixing actual damages ca 1 by Jae payment. Customer agrees that a service charge equal to dos, lesser of 1.5% per agrees that repair or replxceutem of the Equipment is Customer's exclusive ramad for Sund,elt'a hreach of this Contract. month nr the maximum rate permitted by law ,hall be assessed tun ell delinquent ace.ums, until Paid in full_ Deposits are only Notwithstanding Sudeh's service commitment. Southall shall base w, obligation if Courtin., breaches this Comract to stop the required to Be returned after all anaunrs are paid in bull. Cua,imr agrees cat if a credit wad is presented to pay tie charge, or u, Kemal Period, co,wneme repairs rem other equipment to Caatomer wail Custoner or its ago. has inspected such Equipment guaramea payment. Ctpmme, audia6zes Sunbelt to charge he credit card a6 amounts shown on due meal contract aid wb,.queudy and agreed m pay for sha=h arsw. incurred by Customer, including but not limited to, has of or damage to the Equipnxnt. 12. RETURN OF EQUIPMENT. Renal Period' commences when the Equipment is delivered to Can-me, or [hc. Site Address and 5. CUSTOMER LIABILITY. DURING THE RENTAL PERIOD, CUSTOMER ASSUMES ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH continues until the Equipment I, returned,, the Stone during waral husim.s hours provided Cramer has oth.wise complied with THE POSSESSION, CUSTODY AND OPERATION OF AND FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR, THE EQUIPMENT, this Comet. Saiubeh may terminate this C..... any titre, for any rearm. AI the oral of to Reaul Period. [he Equipneu, shall INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, RENTAL CHARGES, LOSSES, DAMAGES AND be returued to Sunbelt in he scone condition it was received, less Ordinary Wear oral Tea .,.I free of any IazvrJwa naremials ltd DESTRUCTION, INCLUDING TRANSPORT, LOADING AND UNLOADING. "[acid..' is IV fire, citation, thefl. accident, emmaminams. The Rental Period ad this Contact slall not terminate ad renal charge, shall n nit Sumbelr casualty loss, injury, m on, ury death o, damage w person or property, clitinxv] by any person, or efroy appears to have occurred .n m c Eq curred in 5rs at [Ix uiptem is rrwrred in e I]. edition required herein. if Sunbeh delivered the Equipment to Cuwu Castor-, with if. Equipment. After an Incident, Cwtorer daH (a) inrnrediuely notify S.rbelt, the police, if me ry cord shall axify Suabelt iha the Equipment is ready h, be picked up am the Site Address wd obtain a pick up nunrh foams Sunbelt Customers 'mnsunamxe carriers; (b) some and i aintahh he Equipment aal it. surroa ding premises in the condition eximiug at the evidencing such call ('Pia Up Number which Pick Up Number Customer should keep as proof of do c.d; Provided Cu.al,i e of amb Incident, until Suubelr of its agents iuvasipuae (c) imnrditmLy submit to Sohelt copies if.[[ prliee or other third runcias liable for any fns of or damage to We Equip ant cavil Sunbelt confirms But de Equipment is rued in de condition pa,p• rep+rrs; and (d) as applicable, pay Sunoheh, in addition to d scan er s due 1-min the rI-] Equip-. e for Equip. cavil the required herein. herein. Customer may receive a credit for the rental charges from the date [hNumber Ili- Pick Up Nu is given, provided Cwtnier repairs air completed o, Equipment eplacd plus (i) dx mamnf nue suggested list price on do, date of the loss "MSLP of has .herwise complied with (hi., Comract, No pickups occur on Sundays and Saturday pickups are dopedeut specific Stare Iasur,. de het nr desrrnyed Equipment {'tact^ (wing when Equipment's loemiou is ..known, or Customer is usable n, recover for If Custorner picked up Equipnxnt, Customer stall remra Equipment m dx ,one Stun. during flat Swre's carnal business hours. If Period of 70 days); or (ii) the full c,st of repairs or' damaged Equipment. Accrued rental charges shall not lie applied against Obese the Equipment is not returned by to estinated end of the Rental Period specified on the front side hereof, Cusiouter agrees t. Pay the unarm',' Sunbelt shat) I., the tai ediare right, hu[ nm obligatiou, to re,ho m arty Equipment involved ho any lncidam. applicable ,enrol rate for the Equipment umil the cal of the Rental Peril, 6. NO WARRANTIES. Sunbelt dais not design ar manufacture the Equipmcm and i, not toe agent of the mnny(ies) chat do. 13. DEFAULT. Camone, ..hall be in default if Cu ,uoer: fail, to dray sums -hem due; (h) b,r he., any provision .f this Comract; SUNBELT DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO (c) ber.ue,. drbc.r I.. hankrupey proceeding, or goes into receivership; (d) places dre Equipment ri,k if Sowell. in gad faith, THE EQUIPMENT, ITS DURABILITY, CONDITION, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR deems itself itssescm (e) fail., 1. remra Equipment immediately rpm Sunbelt's de -IIJ: or (r) is in default owlet airy other contract PURPOSE. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES ACCEPTANCE OF THE EQUIPMENT ON AN 'AS IS, WHERE IS" BASIS, with Sunbelt. If a Cast— defauh «curs, Sunbelt shah( lava, in addition hr all rlgla, coal rrnrediea at law or to equity, die ri)n uI WITH "ALL FAULTS" AND WITHOUT ANY RECOURSE WHATSOEVER AGAINST SUNBELT. CUSTOMER ASSUMES repossess the Equip-. without judicial p,-., or prior .wise. Customer shall pay all of Sunbelt's cost, imxdding reasanaMe cost, ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EQUIPMENT AND RELEASES SUNBELT FROM ALL LIABILITIES AND of collection, court costs and anoremy'a fees, incurred in asuctaing any of Jr. rights- o rnedie.c Ixrein. The use of false i,eivir -owo DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, PERSONAL INJURY, AND SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL to obtain Equipnenl or [he failure to r am Equipment by the end of fix Rental Period nay be conxirkred trot, subject to arimidud DAMAGES) IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE EQUIPMENT, ITS OPERATION OR USE OR ANY DEFECT OR prosecution ad civil liability whc,e pennitmd, pm,-,,, m applicable law,, Swmbeft ,ball mot be liahle due to seizure of Equipnxnt FAILURE T14EREOF OR A BREACH OF SUNBELT'S OBLIGATIONS HEREIN. by over of gowrnmenwl authordry. CUSTOMER WAIVES ANY RIGHT OF ACTION AGAINST SUNBELT FOR SUCH REPOSSESSION. 7. RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, CUSTOMER 14. ENVIRONMENTAL FEE. To promote .clean ad sustainable envirnnm or, Sunbelt takes va n t amply with INDEMNIFIES, RELEASES, HOLDS SUNBELT HARMLESS AND AT SUNBELT'S REQUEST, DEFENDS SUNBELT federal ad state envirodwfental mgulatiotrs, as well as with Sunhh's own p,licies. Sunbelt also intros d u n wide ratgeof emn•iromhmeural 1 W ITH COUNSEL APPROVED BY SUNBELT), FROM AND AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, CLAIMS, LOSSES, .elated pare,, (hudm direet xral indil.L). Tle,e exprtrses ray inclose waste di,po,al, mnatrucrdas nanvea.cr .f cleaning ladides. DAMAGES, AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES AND EXPENSES) HOWEVER ARISING OR acquisition of more fuel efficient equipment, I.hn costs, administration c <nsts, etc. To help defray these and ,,her ants, Sunbelt INCURRED, RELATED TO ANY INCIDENT. ANY DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, INJURY TO, OR DEATH OF. ANY 'W's.a w, ca"ironmaatal fee in coraxatiou with 'H certain mewls. e fee is nor a tx a or guverumemally nvundnred clot ge,. It is I.,, PERSON OR ANY CONTAMINATION OR ALLEGED CONTAMINATION, OR VIOLATION OF LAW OR REGULATION drs'gfatd for any Particular use or placed ire an escrow xcu Rather, it is a fee dal Sunbelt ­11­ as and uses a, its CAUSED BY OR CONNECTED WITH (i) THE USE, POSSESSION OR CONTROL OF THE EQUIPMENT DURING THE diccrerinn. RENTAL PERIOD OR (ii) BREACH OF THIS CONTRACT, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED IN PART BY THE ACTIVE. OR PASSNE NEGLIGENCE OR OT D HER FAULT OF ANY PARTY INDEMNIFIED HEREIN AND ANY OF THE FOREGOING 15. LIMITATION OF SUNBELT'S LIABILITY. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE RENTAL OF THE EQUIPMENT, ARLSINC, OR iM POSED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DOCTRINE OF STRICT OR ABSOLUTE LIABILITY, CUSTOMER AGREES THAT SUN'BELT'S LIABILITY UNDER THIS CONTRACT, INCLUDING ANY LIABILITY' ARISING C USTOSIER'S INDEMNITY OBLIGATIONS SHALL SURVIVE THE EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION OF THiS FROM SUNBELT'S OR ANY THIRD PARTY'S COMPARA'T'IVE, CONCURRENT', CONTRIBUTORY, PASSIVE OR AC'rlVF CONTRACT, IF ANY PART OF THIS SFC'TION IS DETERMINED INVALID BY A COURT OF COMPETENT NEGLIGENCE OR THAT ARISES AS A RESULT OF ANY STRICT OR ABSOLUTE LIABILITY, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE: JURISDICTION, CUSTOMER AGREES THAT THIS CLAUSE SHALL BE ENFORCEARLE TO'THE FULLEST EXTENT TOTAL RENTAL CHARGES PAID BY CUSTOMER UNDER THIS CONTRACT. PERMITTED BY LAW. CE.. During are Reurel Period, Cnstnner stall rtainwin, en its ,w expense, the fulkowitg miuiinum inswaisc 16, JURY TRIAL WAIVER. TO THE EXTENT PERNIMED BY LAW, IN ANY ACTION TO ENFORCE OR INTERPRET 8. INSURAN coverage, (a) CF. D liability itsseratwx ef,J less that s usai per al I,, w. ex p e hg ro ful fin Customer's cunuactrd THIS CONTRACT, THE PARTIES HERESY KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVE ANY RIGHT liabilities heeefn -If ar tfe release cod inxlenwifica[iou elndr,x -oust" in Section 7; (bey property inmrarce against bus by all TO A TRIAL BY JURY, THIS WAIVER BEING A MATERIAL INDUCEMENT TO ENTERING IN'i'0 THIS CONTRACT. risk fin the Equipment, i r least equal to the MSLP demnf, odes, RPP i elected .al laid far; (c) worker's upenrarion iusurame w, n rN.i,.d by our and (dl a.,na6d, liability imur...a (iaquditg compmhemi- and colmou coverage, 17. COMPLIANCE WITH EXPORT AND IMPORT LAWS. Cuaomar agrees that re oval If tine Equipment tram to Vuited "'d vehicle endorsement and mdaurafod- insu m red mnlo,Eu coverage), in the sae amnv eas .set fir ruder th of suhsectioro (a) States ('U.S. is prohibited this Contract. If Customer desd,es or c.-, I. nauspor, andf- operation of the Egwpurenn and (b), if ,e Eq.fimmn, is w be used on any rsadw.y, Such police, ,Iafl be Primary, m-,co citatu n, an an ocewnwxe basis, "oudde of the U.S., C-,—, must avify Suuheh Fria 1,, taking such action, mxl (b) execute cut ;in dmmut I, chi. C„uu a I. cunmdn i w r of subrogsfwun no rc St belt as en additional ircvmd (including an additional insured endorsement) and loss wfieh a tuoloeot is ieorpnuted hnahn, and (al ohwlu Smlxb, a .om =n;. Ainhnug:, pmLlhin,d uder Ibis Coutran, if pay e,, amt 1) vide I- Sunhlt to r eive at iras, 30 days prior writs=n ironer of any uI cellmitm rmvermil dos ge. Any expurn or re -pons the Equipment, C-1-a- agrees char the Equipment is ,uhjen and nuw comply with U.S. eery.,, annul I." I. ,ce flat -hudes boom damage or o ,om. is x breach. Customer shall provide Sunbelt with eerthfcates of Instant— ad regulmious, ircldirg but our limited to the Expert Adminki,ioin t Regulai.ns. Cuauner further .1; a that it i­ .,p, lie: evidecing 11, roverges req.f ed aN,- prior to airy reuwl ad any time up,n Su[thelt's request. To the extent Sunbelt carries .dry (a) demo ituhC wledoer and buirf g if .necessary, expo,, or re -expo, licehue, or other aurh.ni.d.., as requim,l prior to exr arum e, S.ubeli urmce s ion will be considered ac.s insurtince. THE INSURANCE REQUIRED HEREIN DOES NOT expvting the Equipment, (b) ol,taining any required doxumemation ne,:a,.,y for return of the Equipment add (c) en,uritg dos., RELIEVE CUSTOMER OF ITS RESPONSIBILITIES, INDEMNIFICATION OR OTHER OBLIGATIONS PROVIDED uramhu,iecd nansferaordkvemdonsot the Equiptumor ,cur. RrfeY to wwm,bis.dm,guv f- intioroari,n_ HEREIN, OR FOR WHICH CUSTOMER MAY BE LIABLE BY LAW OR OTHERWISE. 18. MISCELLANEOUS, if dais C.mr.,, idenmffics .dry Equipneut t ism be Purclu d bi Coroner, Sunbelt sells sod deliver, 9. RENTAL PROTECTION PLAN ('RPP If Cuaton., has elected the RPP ad the Equipment is hut, smlan, damaged nr such Equipmcm m Customer on an "AS 1S, WHERE 1S' basis, with all faults and witunut warranties (.der tau ma ralacmrer de,troynL provided dre Conditions are .cai,fcsl ad an Exclusion dues mot apply, then C.111-I's repair Ili replacement ramie,, if any) do consideration for Cm,t, a,er's Payment to Sunbelt of the full pu e o rchase price, the EquipuncnL Sunbelt reuo responsibility in Sectiou, a and 5 is modified by to RPP and Souteh Aw)1 limit die annum Sunbelt collect, from Cusiomsr for the ride n, the Equipmenr until Cuwnn u has paid iu Full. This Contract, together with any Customer cxccut l credit appli,mi ,u, Equipment Loss, danage, or de,tra:tima to the following a ,ants: (a) 10% of the MSLP for Equipment srnlen from a .r,tilmes the entire agreenxtn of to Parties regarding the Equipnrent and nay -1 he nmtdifed except by written au- shotoL signed laaGen (being defined as caka lock aid key with only Ciaamnner havidg accesa tkxmto); (h) 50% it the MSLP die Equipment by the parries. Tale Parries expressly and irrevc •ahLy agree: oo this Comract shall be gosronxd by the how, of south Caroloo, u•idxdw srnlen from an w turd hcatio I: le) 50% of the cost ,f ,cpai,s for inx-identd ..aide damage to Equipment less the greme, regard [u any conrlicn A law Principles; a (h), if tiny provision of mhi,. Contract is prulnifimed by city law, ,elm providi.n sill he I or ID% of the MSLP; Of 50% of the MSLP of destroyed Fquipmeut lac. the g mater of $500 ur 10% of MSLP; (a) costs iaelTectivw to the extent of such pr,hil,itiom, without in,lidming the remaiming provi_,va. Customer _s .blijudoos here .Ic, shall s of $50 lit tine pmzemre remi- i£ di'mIcled by S-licl, Iculudes I-., tilled tires, leuwlitio. trice and Lire repl.-mem, survive doe termirarion if This C.mract. This Contract and ell ,f Cumonrer's rights in and m rite Equipmrut cue sulcordi ate to all dre emu, eusr of repair and/or replacement haimng Customer's r ,saisihitiry in such events); and (f) hing for de rental charge, rgJu ,ride and inmost of all pre.., (including Sunbelt's I-d whoa I., right, in the Equip rot"'. Headiugs are r<„ convenience which would o,I-wis,, accrue doing the p,i,al when damaged sot desnuyed Equipment is being repaired m replaced by Sunbeh or, .dy. Any failure by Swnbe9t m insist npmr strict perf,nance of any provision of dais Contract shall ro, he cnnspued as a waist, o If for Itnr or 'toter, Equipment, afar Surdsnl, r-ei the p lia report. THE RPP IS NOT INSURANCE AND DOES NOT do, right to deiced and F- frtm.me io the futwe. Cuil -wr and dic Anson signing this Comnaet represent dos[: they loch lase PROTECT CUSTOMER FROM LIABILITY TO SUNBELT OR OTHERS ARISING OUT OF POSSESSION OR OPERATION full authority it e-te" deliver and perlurm this Contract: and (h) chi, Contract constimres a legal, valid oral hiding obligation of OF THE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING INJURY OR DAMAGE TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY. Cu,aner, enforce.bk in accordance with its tents- When Customer is a Foyer of Fquipnxnt, they arc hcrchy rodllcd [hat Sunbeh Jas assigned its rights (hut col its obligatlom) in the agreement to sill Ife a,set4s} described heroin to Suubclt Romtal, Exchange. Inc.. .qualified imermdiary, as part of Section 1071 exchange. RNTOUTPITlRNY9 (Rev 04101110) M+OUCHER 106466 WARRANT ALLOWED 00352369 IN SUM OF SUNBELT RENTALS PO BOX 409211 ATLANTA, GA 30384 -9211 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 27414458000 01- 7200 -02 $21.50 I Voucher Total $21.50 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 00352369 SUNBELT RENTALS Purchase Order No. PO BOX 409211 Terms ATLANTA, GA 30384 -9211 Due Date 11/1/2010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoicb(s) or bill(s)) Amount 11/1/2010 2741445800( $21.50 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer