Date: June 20, 2007
Place: Department of Community Services Conference Room
3rd Floor Carmel City Hall
Docket No. 07040024 SP: Westmont, Section 1
The applicant seeks approval to plat 41 lots on 48.32 acres. The site is located at 2000 W
136th St. and is zoned S1 /Residence, pending rezone to PUD /Planned Unit
Development. Filed by Steve Broermann of Platinum Properties, LLC.
Presented by Steve Broermann of Platinum Properties, LLC, he was accompanied by Ed
Fleming of Stoeppelwerth Associates.
Mr. Broermann gave an overview of the project. We are here with Westmont Section 1,
41 lots on approximately 48 %2 acres. We are happy to take your comments and questions
and if we do not have the answer we will get back to you.
David Lucus Hamilton Co. Highway Dept. this is outside the Highway Department's
Angie Conn DOCS, sent a review letter, the Department may have more comments later
regarding changes made.
Steve Broermann updated the Committee on some minor changes that were added, i.e., a
splitter island at the intersection of Irsay and Sorgi. These street names will be changing.
After receiving everyone's comments, the plans will be reviewed and corrected and resent.
Chuck Shupperd Vectren Energy, we have gas at 136"' street on the north side.
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
Steve Broermann asked if Engineering would like to see plans showing the splitter
island, prior to review and then they could be incorporated into the review. Nick indicated
that this would be acceptable.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, asked what type of builders will be building in the
development and if there are any square footage requirements. Steve replied these will be
custom builders and he will get the square footage requirements to Shirley. It is in the
PUD. Steve indicated to Shirley that they would like to move dirt this year, install utilities
over the winter, and get paved in the spring.
Shirley asked that she be sent a CAD drawing.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD still doing the review on this project. He was told the Crook
property is no longer part of the project. Ryan questioned about the easement to pull
sewer from Saddle Creek. Platinum Properties has been in contact with the property
owners and are working on the easement, it is not finalized, but negotiations seem to being
going well and the details are being worked out.
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David Littlejohn -DOGS sent a letter in May indicating that Prince George Drive
sidewalk needs to connect to the Saddle Brook sidewalk. Also ADA compliance
crosswalks are required. David also requested that the newly identified bike trail be
identified on the plans.
Christine Barton- Holmes -DOGS, no comments at this time.
172 East Carmel Drive Pet Angel Memorial Center Crematorium
The applicant seeks the following special use approval:
Docket No. 07050005 SU Chapter 19 of the ZO special use /crematorium
The site is located at 172 East Carmel Drive and is zoned 138 /integrated
office /commercial. Filed by Coleen Ellis, Pet Angel Memorial Center.
Coleen Ellis, President of Pet Angel Memorial Center presented. Coleen indicated that Pet
Angel is looking to expand their business by installing a retort (oven) on their property.
David Lucus no jurisdiction over this project.
Angie Conn DOCS, no comments at this time.
Chuck Shupperd Vectren Energy indicated that the meter may need to be upgraded.
Nick Redden- Engineering no comments.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy taking over an empty spaces gave card for business
service in the event that an upgrade is necessary.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, no comment.
David Littlejohn -DOGS, no comment.
Christine Barton- Holmes -DOGS brought to Coleen's attention that the date on the
public notice sign was incorrect. Coleen will rectify this when she returns to the office.
9:25 a.m. Docket No. 07050012 DP /ADLS: House Investments Office
The applicant seeks site plan/design approval for an office building. The site is
located 10250 N Illinois St. and is zoned B- 1/Business.
Filed by Mike Hoff of Weihe Engineers, Inc.
Jim Shinaver of Nelson and Frankenberger presented for the petitioner. He was
accompanied by Doug Sylvester of House Investments, Jim Anderson of Anderson Corp.
and Mike Hoff of Weihe Engineers, Inc.
He indicated that the petitioner is seeking ADLS /DP approval. This project consists of
approximately 1.87 acres. It is located south of 106"' Street, west of Meridian and east of
the Reserve at Spring Mill. The current zoning is B I business, and we are proposing to
construct an office building which is permitted by the underlying zoning and not seeking
any rezone.
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David Lucas, Hamilton County Highway Department No jurisdiction over this
Angie Conn DOCS, sent a review letter, no further comments at this time.
Chuck Shupperd Vectren Energy, inquired if gas would be used for this building. The
petitioner responded yes they would be having gas heat. There are gas lines in the area and
at some point Vectren will determine which the gas hook up will be routed.
Chuck requested contact information.
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, has requested the Auto CAD file for this project. This
project is very close to IPL territory and this has not been included in Shirley's land base.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, has sent a letter to Mike regarding conversations about the
sewer lateral. Next submittal should contain a sewer application
David Littlejohn -DOGS, sent a letter out regarding bike parking, the need for a 10 ft.
path on Illinois street, ADA compliant, connect all internal sidewalks.
Jim Shinaver no comment letter as yet from Scott Brewer. Jim suggested that a short
meeting be held with Scott to review the landscape plans.
9:35 a.m. Docket No. 07050013 PP: Forestal Estates Minor Subdivision
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 3 lots on 2.33 acres.
The applicant also seeks the following subdivision waiver request:
Docket No. 07050019 SW SCO Chapter 6.03.19 Access to Collector Roads
The site is located at the northeast corner of 141 St. and Ditch Rd. and is zoned S-
1 /Residence. Filed by Stacey Fouts of DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc.
Docket No. 07050014 SP: Forestal Estates Minor Subdivision
The applicant seeks secondary plat approval for 3 lots on 2.33 acres. The site is located
at the northeast corner of 141 St. and Ditch Rd. and is zoned S- 1 /Residence.
Filed by Stacey Fouts of DeBoy Land Development Services, Inc.
Colin Patterson of DeBoy Land Development Services presented. He was accompanied
by Stacy Fouts also of DeBoy Land Development Services.
This is a minor subdivision on 2.33 acres. Plans have been developed for a retention area
and perimeter landscaping.
David Lucas, Hamilton County Highway Department no jurisdiction
Angie Conn DOCS, Sent a review letter
Chuck Shupperd Vectren Energy, Vectren has gas on 141 street and Ditch Road so
each lot can serviced individually.
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Nick Redden- Engineering We received these plans late Friday afternoon, so we are still
reviewing the plans and we will get our comments to you as soon as we are able.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, asked what type of homes will be built here. She also
indicated that this is not what Duke Energy would refer to as a subdivision. Shirley will
also need to receive a CAD drawing.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, is still reviewing the project. He did not notice any plan or
profile on the laterals. An application is also needed. Ryan questioned if easements have
been procured to bring in the sewers.
Colin responded that they currently have a 10 -15 ft. and they need to be made a bit bigger
Ryan will take a look when the next plans come in.
David Littlejohn -DOGS, sent a letter indicating the need for a 1Oft path along 141S street
and Ditch Road to be 1 foot from the right away, ADA compliant ramps, etc.
Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor's Office sent a comment letter, if Colin or
Stacy have any questions, please give him a call.
9:50 a.m. Docket No. 07050016 Z: 116th Street Crossing PUD
The applicant seeks approval to rezone 63.66 acres from S -1 /Residence to PUD /Planned
Unit Development for an office /retail/hotel/residential development. The site is located
at the southeast corner of 116 St. and Spring Mill Rd. Filed by Jennifer Burk, Duke
Realty Limited Partnership.
Charlie Frankenberger of Nelson and Frankenberger presented for the petitioner, Duke
Realty. He was accompanied by Blaine Paul of Duke Realty. We are requesting changing
the zoning of approximately 63 acres, located south of 116 street on either side of the
future Illinois St. extension. Aerial photographs were distributed to the Committee. A
mixed used development if being proposed, it will include as proposed office, retail and
hotel uses. Originally it was thought that this project would go to the Plan Commission in
July, but now will go in August. Plans are currently being revised and consequently we
were not able to include in the packets the defmitive land plan and PUD ordinance, but
knowing that TAC is concerning primarily with grading, utilities and drainage we thought
we could have a meaningful dialog and input without specific plans.
David Lucas, Hamilton County Highway Department no jurisdiction over this project
Angie Conn DOCS has sent a review letter, no additional comments at this time.
Chuck Shupperd Vectren Energy, no issue with rezone
Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, sent info letter, you can move
forward on drainage and keep in contact with the surveyor's office.
Blaine Paul asked Greg about comment 95. He wanted to clarify that plans were to be
submitted to both the City of Carmel and Hamilton County. Greg responded that this was
Nick Redden- Engineering no comments on the rezone. Nick asked if this would come
back through as a DP Angie replied this would be coming back as an ADLS
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Charlie discussed that there will be many more opportunities to discuss this project as we
go through the process, will be going through Plan Commission/Committee, etc., so he
indicated that the project could come back through TAC or they could meet with folks
Blaine Paul spoke about storm drainage on this development looking at implementing a
low- impact development concepts and alternative storm water management practices. We
think given the topography and the existing infrastructure there are a lot of opportunities
for creative storm water practices. Questioned if the City's storm water ordinance allowed
these practices, but would like some guidance.
Nick indicated that Blaine needs to speak with Amanda Foley in Engineering.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy believes this in IPL territory. Some of this may be in
Duke territory, but she will not know until the plans are complete.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, only comment is we do have an 18 inch interceptor sewer
along Springmill, and would request that your extension would be off that sewer. We you
make your next set of plans for submittal, please include a sewer application as early as
possible. If the development changes the new plans can be submitted.
David Littlejohn -DOCS, Sent a review letter no further comments at this time.
10:20 a.m. Docket No. 07060003 TAC: Opus Landmark at Meridian Generator
The applicant seeks approval to construct a generator building.
The site is located at 12911 N Meridian, and is zoned B-2/Business within the US 31
Overlay. Filed by Chris Laystrom of Woolpert, Inc. for Opus North Corp.
Jason Rusk presented for the petitioner. He was accompanied by Chris Laystrom of
Woolpert, Inc. who is the site developer.
Angie Conn DOCS, no additional comments at this time
Chuck Shupperd Vectren Energy, our gas facility is on the east side of the south most
part. Chuck questioned discussion on the location of the meter and line. Will determine
when final plans have been submitted.
Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, no concerns with this project.
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, did not receive plans, and did not receive any emails.
Shirley gave her card for future communication.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, not in our service area.
David Littlejohn -DOGS, no comments at this time.
ItlhI -17
10:30 a.m. Docket No. 07060004 TAC: Midwest ISO 701 Building
Docket No. 07060005 TAC: Midwest ISO 720 Building
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The applicant seeks approval for 2 chillers, entry gates/bollards /guard house /revised
landscaping, and deleted mechanical building. The site is located at 701 720 City
Center Dr. and is zoned M- 3/Manufacturing. Filed by Fred Simmons, Simmons
Architects, LLC.
Fred Simmons of Simmons Architects, LLC, presented for the petitioner. He was
accompanied by Robyn French of Midwest ISO.
There are two different parts to the plan. On the existing building we are converting a
portion of the building to a data center which required 2 new chillers; the location is shown
on the site plan. A chiller is essentially a big metal box 8 ft. square /8 ft. tall. It will be
hidden by landscaping that is surrounding those two chillers.
The second component is related to the second building, the 720 building. The purpose
of the revision is the elimination of the mechanical building. We have converted that into a
parking facility and landscaping. We have added landscaping to the westerly boundary
with some large boulders to prevent entry from that location. Also proposed is a guard
house /gates and/or hydraulic bollers. Spoke with Scott Brewer and he did not have any
problem with project. Also the police and Hamilton county surveyor's office have
indicated that they did not have any issues either.
Angie Conn DOCS, no comments at this time
Chuck Shupperd Vectren Energy, no comments at this time.
Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, no comments at this time on this
projects. Greg asked about the detention pond. American Consulting will be sending a
revised drawing and calculations tomorrow.
Nick Redden- Engineering No comments at this time.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, questioned if the large boulders are also being installed
on City Center Drive. Mr. Simmons indicated that they are only being installed on the
westerly side. Shirley indicated on a visual where Duke is planning to install new cable for
the new building along with west end of City Center Drive, landscaping could be an issue.
It will have to be a conduit system. We have been asked to hug the perimeter right where
the landscaping is going placing our cable
It is on ISO property please get as close to the curb line as possible because we are
mounding that as well.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, no comments
David Littlejohn -DOGS, no comments
10:40 a.m. Docket No. 07060006 TAC: Village of West Clay, Sec 3004, Blk D Penthouse A
The applicant seeks approval for a penthouse building and a detached parking garage.
The site is located north of Horseferry Rd on Bird Cage Walk and is zoned PUD /Planned
Unit Development. Filed Brandon Burke of The Schneider Corporation.
Brandon Burke of the Schneider Corporation presented for the petitioner. He was
accompanied by John Mosele of John Mosele Architects and Kevin Krolik of the Brenwick
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Brandon Burke discussed the plans for Penthouse A. Penthouse A building is located in
section 3004, block D, consisting of approximately 23500 sq. the first floor will consist of
office space and 3 two garages and 2 one car garages and second and third floor will
contain 2 residential units each and the 4"' floor will be one residential unit each. Located
behind the main building will be a separate garage facility and it will be a one story with
overhead storage and will house 2 2 car garages and 2 1 car garages. The building will
be sprinkled.
Angie Conn DOCS, sent a review letter and would like to have copies of the building
Chuck Shupperd Vectren Energy, we have gas to the north of this project and to the
south. We just have to determine which is the best route to take and place the meter.
Scott Brewer DOCS, indicated he has spoken to Brandon regarding the tress. Brandon
responded that currently there are only 2 street trees, there will be additional landscaping
with more detail, they will send to Scott.
Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor's Office has sent a letter, will need an outlet
Nick Redden- Engineering We are still reviewing the plans and we will get our
comments to you as soon as we are able.
Shirley Hunter Duke Energy, do not see electrical transformer on plans.
Brandon indicated they are still reviewing the location.
Shirley indicated that services will most likely be under the garages. She also indicated
that there will have to be serious discussion. Shirley, requested an autocad service
requests and number of meters. When will you break ground. Brandon late September
discussion of layout if any revision Shirley must be made aware of them. They
providing temp power to Copeland bldg.
Ryan Hartman CTRWD, sent an email concerning plan profile and laterals, they are
not been received.
David Littlejohn -DOGS, no comments at this time.
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