HomeMy WebLinkAbout192427 12/07/2010 f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350432 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE EMBROIDERY PLUS r' CHECK AMOUNT: $16,011.25 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 5514 W. WASHINGTON STREET INDIANAPOLIS IN 46241 CHECK NUMBER: 192427 CHECK DATE: 12/7/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4356001 24137 112592 4,031.00 1120 4356001 112593 435.00 UNIFORMS 1120 4356001 24131 112594 8,388.00 1120 4356001 112595 3,010.50 UNIFORMS 1120 4356001 112596 68.75 UNIFORMS 1120 4356001 112597 78.00 UNIFORMS 03/27/2010 16:00 3172432444 DOC PAGE 06 Embroidery Plus invoice 5514 W Washington St Indianapolis, IN 46241 Dote Invoice 11/30/2010 112597 Bill To CARmF-L FaE DEPT. 2 CIVIC SQ. cARWL, N 46032 P.O. No. terms Project Net 30 Item Qty Description Rate Amount S 6 420230 Large (maintenance) 6.75 40-50T SWEATSKRTS 3 0260 Large 14-00 42.00T MCOUM 9 X,50 4,50 A-50 Sales Tax 0.00% 0-00 Tot, t—a $78.00 03/27/2010 16:00 3172432444 DOC PAGE 07 Embroidery Plus Invoice 5 514 W Washington St IndianapoUs, IN 46241 Date Invoice# 11130/2010 112596 Bill To CARMEL FIRE DEPT, 2 CMC sq. CARLMEL, IN 46032 P.O. No- Terms Project Net 30 Item Qty Description Rate Amount T�Sl3IR7 S 11 #20230 XI, fkefightm 6.75 74,25T DISCOUNT 11 X'50 -5.50 -5-50 Sales Tax 0,00 Total $69.75 03/27/2010 16:00 3172432444 DOC PAGE 02 Embroidery Plus Invoice 5514 W Washington St Indianapolis, YN 46241 Date Invoice 11/30/2010 112593 IBM To CAF,NEL TIRE 2 civic SQ- CARhEl, IN 46032 P.O. No. Terms Project Net 30 Item city Descripbon Rate Amount COATS 3 J-4athcy I -XXL 2- XXL tall 145.00 435.00T Sales Tax 0,00 Total $435.00 03/27/2010 16 :00 3172432444 DOC PAGE 04 Embroidery Plus Invoice 5514 W Washington St ludianapolis, IN 46241 Date Invoice I, 1/30/2010 112595 Bill To CARMEL. FIRE DEPT. 2 C1'VTC $Q. C„yltWL, IN 46032 P.Q. No, Terms Project Net 30 Item Qty Description Rate Amount r T -SHIRTS 378 1120230 med x1 screen printed 6.75 2,551.50T T -S I 75 xx1 8.50 637.50T T- SHIRTS 6 xxxl 8 -50 51,OOT DISCOUNT 459 x 50 229.50 4229.50 Sales Tax 0.00/0 0.00 Total $3,010.50 03/27/2010 16:00 3172432444 DOC PAGE 03 Embroidery Plus Invoice 5514 W Wasbington St Indianapolis, IN 46241 Date Invoice 11/30/2010 112592 Bill To CARMEL FIRE DEPT. 2 CMC SQ. CARUML, IN 46032 P.Q. No. Terms Project Net 30 Item Qty Description Rate Amount 236 OF260 Sma. 1 1 )G.arge 14.[}0 3,304-OOT SVVFATSHRTS 54 XXLarge 15-00 810.00T SWEATSIRKYS 4 XX7KL 16-00 64,OOT DISCOUNT 294 x 50 -147M -147.00 Sales Tax 0.00% 0,00 Total $4,031.00 03/27/2010 16:00 3172432444 DOC PAGE 05 Embroidery Plus I nvo i ce 5514 W Washington St Indianapolis, IN 44241 Date Invoice 11/30/2010 112594 Bill To CARMEL FME D EFT. _...M..._ 2 CIVIC SQ. CAl2WL, IN 46032 P.O. No. terms Project Net 30 Item Qty Description Rate Amount SHIRTS 288 S -XL Tact Squad White aiad Navy polos 24.00 6,912.00T SHIRTS 72 XXL 8t X)DM 25.50 1,836 -OOT DISCOUNT 360 x 1.00 360.00 360 -00 Sales Tax 0.00% 0.00 Total $8,388-00 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Embroidery Plus IN SUM OF 5514 West Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46241 $16,011.25 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO# Dept INVOICE NO. ACCT /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 24160 112593 43- 560.01 $435.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 24160 112597 43 560.01 $78.00 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 24160 112595 43- 560.01 $3,010.50 24131 1 12594 43- 560.01 $8,388.00 materials or services itemized thereon for 24160 112596 43- 560.01 $68.75 which charge is made were ordered and 24137 112592 43- 560.01 $4,031.00 received except DEC 6 2090 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 112593 $435.00 112597 $78.00 112595 $3,010.50 112594 $8,388.00 112596 $68.75 112592 $4,031.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer