HomeMy WebLinkAbout192643 12/10/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 115100 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DEBRA GRISHAM CHECK AMOUNT: $10,066.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 922 E GREYHOUND PASS CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 192643 CHECK DATE: 12/10/2010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4340000 11 -10 10,065.00 LEGAL FEES Professional services Invoice FOR SERVICES RENDERED Date: 12/8/10 FROM 11/1/10 THROUGH 11/30/10 Name of Debra M. Grisham, Attorney at Law Provider: Address 922 East Greyhound Pass Zip: Carmel, Indiana 46032 Telephone No.: 317 -690 -1597 Fax No.: 317 -815 -8425 Project Name: General Park Legal and Business Services Invoice No: 11 -10 Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Description of Service Rate Worked Due 11 -1 -10 Worked on Tort Claims matters; Received and $110 5.0 550.00 reviewed Change Order for MCC Running Track to Fitness Control Points Project and communications with R Smith and M Klitzing regarding same; Worked on Founders Park Phase II contract requirements; Worked on Central Park Eastside Project General Conditions (GC) amendment language and communications to R Smith regarding same; Addressed Inlow Project Retainage Request; Worked on Hagan Burke Trail matters and prepared for 11 -2 -10 agenda and project update meeting. 11 -2 -10 Reviewed Inlow Park file for document $110 4.7 517.00 completion and followed up with appropriate parties regarding Certificate of Substantial Completion (CSC); Worked on tort claims matters; addressed payroll outsourcing matters; met with T Myers regarding Hagan -Burke Trail Maintenance report; Attended Agenda and Project Update Meeting. 11 -3 -10 Reviewed last draft of Dad's Club Management $110 3.4 374.00 Agreement re Founders Park fields and revised; Worked on Founders Park Phase II Project contractor insurance compliance matters; Prepared cover sheets and worked on other documentation including minutes and agenda for Service Description of Service Hourly Flours Amount Date Rate Worked Due 11 -8 -10 Park Board meeting packet; Updated project list for delivery to J Miller. 11 -4 -10 Worked on Inlow Park matters; worked on tort $110 3.6 396.00 claims matters; Worked on Central Park Eastside Project matters; Continued work on Founders Park Phase II Project contractor insurance compliance matters and distributed draft of 10- 26-10 minutes. 11 -8 -10 Worked on Hagan -Burke Trail Management $110 5.0 550.00 Agreement; reviewed and addressed public records request; Reviewed, researched and addressed public hearing notice regarding Carmel Redevelopment Commission (CRC) projects; Continued work on Founders Park contract matters and tort claims; Worked on Central Park Eastside Project General Conditions matters; Addressed MCC Cafe to Fitness Project matters; Communications with M Westermeier regarding the Monon Greenway /146 Street Pedestrian Bridge Project. 11 -9 -10 Completed and distributed revised Hagan -Burke $110 8.4 924.00 Trail Management Agreement; Prepared Founders Park Contract Summary Sheet; Addressed Personnel Committee matters; Worked on Central Park Eastside Project matters; Reviewed J Miller communications and drafted proposed By-Laws amendments for J Miller's review; Prepared for and attended Personnel Committee and Park Board meetings. 11 -10 -10 Worked on post Park Board meeting tasks $110 4.5 495.00 including confirmation of receipt for CRC hearing notice; worked on and distributed the Owners Representative Professional Services Agreement draft (OR PSA). 11 -11 -10 Worked on OR PSA matters; Received, $110 2.2 242.00 distributed, reviewed and commented on City of Carmel ESE and MCC Funding Ordinance; Met with M Westermeier and M Klitzing regarding various park matters including the funding ordinance and Walker survey contract; Addressed Central Park Eastside Project bid matters. Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due 11 -12 -10 Continued work on OR PSA contract; prepared $110 6.6 726.00 comments for distribution to appropriate persons and fielded questions regarding City of Carmel ESE and MCC Funding Ordinance; Worked on Central Park Eastside Project Addenda matters; started work on 11 -8 -10 minutes; Addressed purchasing matters. 11 -15 -10 Continued work on Central Park Eastside Project $110 7.4 814.00 matters and communications with S Baker regarding same; Started draft of amendment to The Schneider Corporation (TSC) Monon Rehabilitation Study PSA to include Flowing Weil Park and Meadowlark Park trails and amenities; Prepared for and attended Agenda and Project Update meeting; Prepared for and attended Properties Committee meeting. 11 -16 -10 Continued work on Central Park Eastside Project $110 6.0 660.00 matters; continued work on and distributed amendment to the TSC Monon Rehabilitation Study PSA Amendment; Prepared documents for 11 -23 -10 Park Board meeting; Distributed OR PSA. 11 -17 -10 Communications with S Baker, T Myers and M $110 5.1 561.00 Wells regarding Central Park Eastside Project matters; Received and reviewed proposal and draft contract for nighttime janitorial services and revised and distributed agreement draft; Worked on tort claims matters; Updated and distributed project list to J Miller; Worked on TSC PSA amendment for Monon Rehab Study; Prepared documents for 11 -23 -10 Park Board meeting packet and communications with J Miller regarding same. 11 -18 -10 Continued work on Park Board meeting packet $110 3.1 341.00 documents; Communications with S Dillon regarding Personnel Committee matters; Worked on contract summary sheets; Worked on various matters regarding the Central Park Eastside Project including insurance and communications with S Baker, M Wells and M Westermeier regarding same. 11 -19 -10 Prepared for and participated in conference call $110 4.0 440.00 with S Baker and M Westermeier regarding Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due Central Park Eastside Project matters; Reviewed Central Park Track to Fitness Control Points Project contracts and communications to R Smith regarding same; Worked on minutes for the Personnel Committee and the Properties Committee; Communications with M Wells regarding insurance matters. 11 -22 -10 Continued work on Central Park Eastside Project $110 5.0 550.00 addenda and insurance matters; Communications with J Miller regarding board matters; Worked on OR PSA matters and communications with M Wells regarding same; Addressed changes to administrative documents regarding increased purchasing authority for Director; Communications with J Miller regarding janitorial services. 11 -23 -10 Worked on Founders Park Dad's Club $110 6.7 737.00 Management Agreement draft; Worked on Central Park Track to Fitness Control Points Project contract matters; Reviewed and otherwise worked on addenda for the Central Park Eastside Project; Communications with S Baker regarding OR PSA and further communications with M Wells regarding same; worked on contract summary sheets; Prepared for and attended Park Board Meeting; Returned to park office to distribute executed contract documents to appropriate parties. 11 -24 -10 Worked on OR PSA matters and communications $110 2.0 220.00 with S Baker and M Wells regarding same; Worked on Central Park Track to Fitness Control Points Project contract summary sheets. 11 -29 -10 Worked on Central Park Eastside insurance $110 4.0 440.00 matters; Drafted 11 -23 -10 minutes; Worked on personnel matters. 11 -30 -10 Discussed Walker Research contract matters $110 4.8 528.00 with M Klitzing and revised contract regarding same; Prepared for and participated in conference call with M Wells and S Baker regarding Park Board insurance requirements for the Central Park Eastside Project and distributed language for review; Further communications with Mike Wells regarding insurance matters; Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due Reviewed outside counsel invoices and communications with B Bosma regarding same; Worked on contract summary sheet for nighttime janitorial services agreement; Completed and distributed 11 -23 -10 minutes. NATURE OF SERVICES TOTAL HOURS FEE TOTAL HOURS BILLED 91.5 TOTAL DUE: $10,065.00 Signature: Purchase ��1D Description DEC 0 8 2 010 P.O.# porF L/ iii s. �3 Boa Budg LEC�s44 FF.�s Une Descr Purchaser Date._.._ Date Approval lr �Zl ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No, 115100 Grisham, Debra Terms 922 East Greyhound Pass Date Due Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 12/8110 11 -10 Le al Services for Nov'10 10,065.00 Total 10,065.00 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 115100 Grisham, Debra Allowed 2.0 922 East Greyhound Pass Carmel, IN 46032 In Sum of 10,065.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 101 General Fund PO# or INVOICE NO. CCT#ITITLI AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1125 11 -10 4340000 10,065.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or biil(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 9 -Dec 2010 Signature 10,065.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund