HomeMy WebLinkAbout193107 12/22/2010 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CHECK AMOUNT: $1,548.88 s, CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 raw'tQ PALATINE IL 60038 -0001 CHECK NUMBER: 193107 CHECK DATE: 1212212010 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4239099 9375346740 69.21 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 651 5023990 9410578984 87.62 MATERIALS SUPPLIES 2201 4350080 9412273451 1,342.64 STREET LIGHT REPAIRS 1091 4239099 9414055559 49.41 OTHER MISCELLANOUS GRAINGER PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE l I IIN GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE NUMBER 9414055559 NILES, IL 60714 -4014 12/10/2010 www.grainger.com INVOICE DATE DUE DATE 01/09/2011 AMOUNT DUE $49.41 SHIP TO ATTN:JEFF CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC PO NUMBER 1091- 4239099 1411 E 116th St PROJECT NUMBER: 1091- 4239099 Carmel IN 46032 REQUISITIONED BY: 1091- 4239099 CALLER: SERRA GARSKE CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 DELIVERY NUMBER. 6150033491 r INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN t BILL TO CARMEL CLAY PARKS RECREATIONS I f F C 3 20 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! ors FEI NUMBER 36. 1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 877- 202 -2594 PO ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE ORDERED 1 4AAP9 Cool er ,Persona4,11,6Ot,Red,FlipLid 3 16.47 49.41 MANUFACTURER 4AAP9 Purchase Description PA.# PorF G.L.# 1091- LIO2,32 2C Budget Line Descr Purchaser 4 Date v Approval Z Date NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT: 10.500 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 49.41 HATE SHIPPED: 12/10/2010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 1Z6533410342770095 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS Nel 30 days PAY THIS INVOICE. NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $49.41 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 319510 Grainger Terms Dept 847517521 Date Due Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 12/10/10 9414055559 Coolers 49.41 Total 49.41 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20_ Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 319510 Grainger Allowed 20 Dept 847517521 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 In Sum of 49.41 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center PO# or INVOICE NO. %CCT#FFITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1091 9414055559 4239099 49.41 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 16 -Dec 2010 d Signature 49.41 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund PAGE 1 OF 1 GRAINGER. i r err GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052008 INVOICE NUMBER 9412273451 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 1210812010 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256 -1017 DUE DATE 01/07/2011 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 1,342.64 SHIP TO CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT PO NUMBER: TRUCK57 3400 W 131 ST CALLER: BRAD HENDERSON WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 733 -2001 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6149771341 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034659 1 MB 0382 II' I' I 'I��I'�'I��'lllll�lllllll�l'I CARMEL STREET DEPARTMENT 3400 W 131 ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 -0000 034659 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317 -842 -2497 -e e e e ,k ,k 4V550 L P 4V550 24 10.09 242.16 MANUFACTURER MVR175 /U 2V712 LAMP,MVR25o /U,250 W 24 10.56 253.44 MANUFACTURER MVR250 /U 4V604 LAMP ,LU100 /MED,100 W 12 19.05 228.60 MANUFACTURER LU100 /MED /ECO 2V713 LAMP, LU150 /MED,150 W 12 20.12 241.44 MANUFACTURER LU150 /MED /ECO 6V751 LAMP, MVR175 /U /MED 6 11.57 69.42 MANUFACTURER MVR175 /U /MED 1E694 LAMP,MVR70 /U /MED,70 W 6 19.39 116.34 MANUFACTURER MVR70 /U /MED 3LE31 BALLAST,HID CORE /COIL,MH,70W 2 95.62 191.24 MANUFACTURER 71A5292 -OOID I NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT. 33 00 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 1,342.64 DATE SHIPPED: 12/08/2010 These items are sold for domeslic consumption in the United States If exported, purchaser assumes full re sponsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYPM1LN T �T GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return. 7. Wholesale Only. Baton returning any product, ciisEolnei shall, it) write or call the focal Graimler branch frcn v,NcrL the product vyas WIN Gratnge r:. Mairlan') sells pr¢ducts for Oays jss use to cusfmnors ariih proper cosiness identification, purchased: (!I) in the case of an Internet order, contact vw _graincer.noan and prov[do. thp dadc. t e ofgnx,l III mute Mitch Is rega.red t oin;l11 eldmerf: prior to, pt[rhsse- number, the stock number. and a descnptlml Of the detect Or pin ,.all COslOrner Cale at I 880 8349. end provaie 2. Prices. the It the orig'ntai invoice number, the stock numbor, and a description cf the defacl. Proof of pdrenase is rtguued Pr-Les hsledutewholesale_ donot include freight, handling oos, ta,:os. aiid,lor duties, and are subject to correction or in all cases. ch nue ,Alio p dice. kla kel sensitive rnrnrl Products will be pris.0 ar;arding to current market ronditino 5. Manufacturers Warranty. Cusicnter c'tou.a colfact tire leaf Grainger branch or check solute a. wv.vr grai oorcon for current pricing. Extort For infrnmalron on a specdicmanulacto arc ivailLo ty, fri .,ant.rc: the local Gramger branch or call Cust9merCare orders may be Subject to otter special pricing. Grainger reserves the told to accept or reject ant order. at 1 -888- 381 -6649, 3. Sales Tax. 6. Praduel Camp €ianee and Suitability. Customers are respans'ble for payment pf a:I applicable state and local taxes, or for providing a wild sales lay.. Junsdlcnons have varyme laws. codes and regulations govemnig coostrucho.l insialsdion, andlcr use of products for s- rootion [f �a`c. What plao,ng an order, cuslomersball Indicate v melt Products life tax exempt. a particular purpose. Certain products ntay net be ava for sale in If areas. Grad njer dues net guarantee 4, Payment and Credit Terms, wripliaoce or suresility of the products it sells with any Jews codes or reordahois, nor noes Grainner accept Grainger accepts cash, checks_ Prone; Others Visa, Mas €orCsrd, and American Express. For customers vAm res pis nS@illty for construnion_i Islallaron and/cruse of a product tis cos onler 's espo l Ihility to revere the product estabr';hed Otarngoi rrecl f pay earl terms are net thlny (301 days from the date of shipment orpiek All credit application and all applicable laws. codes and regulahhts fici e ieevant lu1scictlon to be sate thatine consfruchgn extended by Grai[tger to customer, and the, limits of ss[rrl credit is it Grainger s sole discretlon, and mey he reduced installation andro[ use Ill P q the otodnr,ts are compliant. Ot revoked by Grainger at any time for any reason. Grainger reser :es the right to charge a convenience fee for late oayalents. Graingerfill roserreS the rich) to charge customer a late payment fee at the rare of one and one -half 0, PHOOOCT INFORMATION oerier,m IT I)2'.L) of the amount due foreach moat ar purloin thereof that the amount due remains unpn oI such 1. CatalogfNebslte Intermation, amount as on 3e permitted under applicable lay; Amtm and cash discounts are not ahovred. Export orders Grainger reserves the right to correct punishing criers in its cata egs or r! at its vaebsites. Productdeprct ors u', 9th are sLdarocl •D special expert pay[ueni lorros a-td conditions All payotenisntusthe made in U.S dollars. GLarFer catalog or websnes are for illustrative purposes only. Possession of, of access to an, Cramlita cafnloq lr_rt,ne or strait hod eslite rrohl. Of 5et -n41 and dedrehnn far env 'urns or+ed by Cismntei to Groliroer. If ccolonter fails Iii make ivebsltes does not cons ere the right to purehase urnduz €s payment wthin tl uty (30) days it snipnlecr it pirr, up or fails Id ca.Tp.y frith Grainefer's credit terms, or tails to 2. Product Substitution. SLIcoN adeq, rate tssarance of full perorma ice to£rainger withlna reasonable time a€ dr guested by Grainger (such Prodursls (and country of erlg'nl may be s0edituted and may not be iderl',eal io catalog of r- ebsile mrolishad ton GIs spe::lied in Graiil request), Grainger rnag defer shfpm.en +s until such paireifm or rmnbl grace is [tlnde, descriptions audio€ images require cash in autijlse o f an, further shipinnems, demand lm^tedione payn'eni of all amounts then cued. elect to 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration ("OSHA 'I Hazardous Substance. ov sue, codect[on coition {including vinfuril Iianitancir. anran.y; ties and any and all other wricoiated casts of N4anfial safety Data Sheets (10SDS rot OSHA dented twardous substances art prepared and supplied b_y the uollectieo). andior may. at Its opilon, cLI l all or any part of an unshipped order. manufacturers. GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY TO ANY CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUITABILITY OF THE Cusemer agrees to assume responsibility fur. art customer hereby uncur ditfcna4y guarantees payment or, as RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANY MSOS- CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR USE OF ANY ut ifuad 1Ye e- it. ali purchase mode try c[ stcnlai, its suhsidiaries and atrllates_ Each P1 customer's SObsIrllarIPS and INFORMATION, ANU roR USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT, ah 1 ;e5 pu Iasng Iran Gr uger "All he o-ntry and severe Ely liable for purchases vltl euslorticr, and customer is d. MSOS and Proposition 65 Product Requests also actin; as agent lot such subsidmrirs and affillatas, N45D5 and a list of Proposition 65 products are avahabte (i} at ire loaf Grain(jer branch; fi'r) oy contacang Gramger 5. Credit Balance. Dept. B1 .L57, Attn: E'nvironmenlal Heal €h and ,Safety Oept. III) Grainger Pa *kway, lake Forest. IL 60045 U S., Custemer agrees drat any credit balance(s) Issued by Grainger wall he applied to customer's account (Iii) by call'mg Grainger'' FASDS Request Line al '1 286 9880, or five by ioggin, On tr v nwd qr d er coal and within One I1 vaar of its Issuance. IF CUSTOMER HAS NOT REOUmS'TED THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE (1) clicking on the "Resources' tab at the lop of the p;aLre. Y I A R ANY REMAININ, CREDIT BALANCE WILL BE CANCELLED. AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVC NO FURTHER 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Re: Country of Origin. LiABILIi t While all products listed nn GSA Advantag !(T, meet the iequlreme ors iff In Tiede Agreements Act I, AA implemented oy Federal Acqulsihon Regulations Part 25, other products sold by Grainger cav not meet the B. FREIGHT POLICY regUirements. At the lime of purchase, Grainger ohil advise customers with proper Idenbhcation as an authorized Picas sued are FO B. origin, freight prepaid to desdnarbjr specified in the order Greaser charges a shipsiag and schedule customerrvhetheror nota product is "]AA- compliant' Any ederel cestoner purchasin; a non -TAA1 Irm -will handling fee (which includes imernaf handling and refalad ecsls) on each order which is applied at time of order and ba making art 'open market" purchase thatls not covered byaey contract. Federal customec;arc advised flat open relleciea en custol ie S iw2u,se Receipts fci shippinq and ftandl[ng charges will [ml be ternlshed. Grainger covers market purchases f ue NOT GSA Schedule port) a yes. By purchasing an r gir eruct otr trip open InarKe' the cltstnnler shipping and handling for standard grocrd ,;ehvery fur adders over 05 51500 before tax and freight pnciudutq any back represents flat it has authority to make sucn pc chase and has complied 11111i all aopl meta Proorrem t regulations. o der 1 CD D lament s are net purratted. 0I refil and conditions may apply for other than standard delivery 6. ARRA Orders. 01h.,r nigh, Serv:ees'l, inc :using vvrthmrt imitahon, expedited same day delivery, air freight. freight collect, export It is the coodru er rIspoilailolitv to advise Grairill'i rtltefher this aired funded ut anyatrt by fucds ft err or related order_ haaardous Iratena& customer's carrier. shipments outside the contiguous U.S.. or other special handling by the to the Amerman Reinvestment and Recovery Act ('ARRA' 1 carrier. Any chiirgi,., rinUriPJ for Other Freight Services nest he said oy custmnar Fee' sur(dharges may be applied Title (Pub, L. No 111 -5) (i.e., Stimulus Funds). Ulan request, Cr major vtll provide Lourtr of nngln inuormatilln so that and r[; k iii;:, "i ci; s_n cnsmnti.r upon tender of shipment to the car €ter. If Ito p[oducl is damaged in transit, customer's customer may de,ennine cuntP fan, :e vdth any apphcah i. gd7ementc under ARRA Secir i i3P15 or any blhe 9nIY recourse is to we 8 clamp ovild the carrier applicable regulations. C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERALTEHMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. force Minorite. ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTEO Bi' GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR (i) RESALE OR (ii) USE IN Grainger shall net be liable for any delay in, or impairment of. perfcunari resulting in whole er in part from any torte BUSINESS. GOVERNMEINT OR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE, GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS manure even I. includi ng but not limited to uri3 of God, labor disruptions, aces of war, acts of l,errorism whether actual AGAINST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND NIOGKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR or lhroaienedl, o_overnmental decrees or controls, insurrecaoes, epidemics, quarantines, shertanes, communication or AFT-.R THE DATE OF PUECHASE FROM GRAHNGER, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED_ PROVIDED THAT GRAINGER power failures, fire.. accidunt. explosion_ inability to closure or ship product or obtain prnnds and licensos- fossils" to ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR 'RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRA141Y PERIOD, GRAINGER MAY, AT FIS procure supplies or taw nederiais severe .Diif ier conditions, catastrophic event our any olhet rircumstri or cause OPTION. III REPAIR: ill) REPLACE, OR flip REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMERR, CUSTOMER MUST beyond the reasonable control of Grawlicrin the condur_i of its husiness- RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION. AS 2. Grainger's Performance nt Services. Jrc,GITAIED BY GRAHIGER, SHIPPING COS IS PREPNO. GRAINGER'S REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, OR REFUND OF Customer will hold harm ess and Indemnify Grainger, is offerers, director„ employees, agents, sn.;cosrtrar,tors or AUDJNFS PA P BY GLJcTO"AFft I THE PRODUCT, 5! BE CUSTOMER'S SOLE ANO EXCLUSIVE REMEDY renresentativesPom and againslany and afi daima iocludiag 6adihy In)ur} daa111, rr damageto pe,tson2lprapei[(, and all other losses. liabilities. obligations demands. actions and expenses, avhather bkl ioi or indirect known or uUFric,, 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. a bsolute Or contingent incurred by Gramger ?Idled to the ie[forman[:e s r `ces -o [,ustomar jIMILAing IrIlIDUI NO „r„ HRANT OR AFFIiM2T DPI C. FAC ^XI RE &S OR tt 1PLf:D. 01 HER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED hmitafion, setticrwrr: casts. attorneys fees. and err; and all ntrer oxperu-s for diferdi tq any action., or .neatened A'� AFrOV'c 16 1. r)r "�'..v UT'HOf's4' -ED BY GRAINGER. GGAIN6 P OISC1AIIAS ANY act'mns) arrsalgaut of, ill vlilolPo� u- pall ar a ..t o er ^w is9n t, ste _r, t, e�rblo ess L i as o r IAi7r.'1` rOH Ct!AIr,S RISING OU "Y tRfLjUCr v G'sE. UVIRROPER PROUOCI SELEC1IoN. IMPROPER rrpre'senlahve's INSTALLATION, FHOOUCI MODIFICATION. MISREPAIR OR MISAPPLICATION, GRAINGER EXPRESSLY 3. Cancellation. DISCLArr.1S ANY WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS. l0 AGE MERCHANTABLE. ill) FIT FOR A PAHTICULAR All product ordereanc llso cos must be approved by Grainger, and I II be subject to irsf,kIwj fee rP irmerchsoces P„RPOS GH (iii[ NOi ANDWILL NOT INFRINGE UPON' OTHER'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 4. Product Return. b GRAIN;E� +AAKES N© WARRANTIES TO THOSE DEFINED AS CONSUMERS IN THE MAGNUSON -MOSS Prii returns naust he rinade within cia; fi you from aide of burchasu unlis5 oil inci Customer si ld WARRANTY- FEDERAL TRADE COPAMISSION IMPROVEMENT ACT_ call the local Gr'ainyer branch, or to to wurw_grainger.com_ for instructions. Retained product [must be iu oriainat packaging_ [mused, undamaged, add in saleahlecclooltion. Proof cf purchase Is recd ret in all cases, 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. tPAIN0EP FXPRES$IY DISC[AHAS ANY L FOR CONSEOUENTIAL. INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY. F EXPORT SALES iii PUNITIVE DAt,P.GES GPAINGERS Lf.ABILIT'r IN ALL CIRCUTASTANCES IS LIMNED 10. AND SHALL NOT Orders torexpnrisalesare subject to theterrnsiondltibns icmld in dAvw.ijlange[, cant and call l,- access da;ebckmg EXCEED, THE Unit r-no rwr oonnnCT THAT GIVES RISE 10 Aii !.I ABILITY. on the Terms of Sale" link. y y VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Grainger IN SUM OF Dept. 854052008 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 $1,342.64 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT #!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 9412273451 43- 500.80 $1,342.64 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s) or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except j Thursday, December 16, 2010 'Z- Street Commissioner ��rCei ��rnm�S�oner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bili(s)) 12/08/10 9412213451 $1,342.64 i hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is {are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 2Q Clerk- Treasurer GRAINGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 �ltt�� GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 INVOICE NUMBER 9410578984 8211 BAVARIA ROAD INVOICE DATE 12/07/2010 MACEDONIA, OH 44056 -2259 DUE DATE 01/06/2011 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 87.62 SHIP TO CARMEL WASTEWATER PO NUMBER: KEVIN BUHMANN 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY CALLER: KEVIN BUHMANN INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46280 -2935 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571 -2634 ORDER /DELIVERY #:6149640290 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO MDG2010 00034109 1 MB 0382 Itnttlttl�r��lllliillltll��li�ilutlllltll�lll�tlllltfl CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 STE110 034109 THANK YOU! CARMEL, IN 46032 -2070 FEI NUMBER 36- 1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ,ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUN I CALL 1- 877202 -2594 a�a 2PCH8 ENCLOSURE HEATER, SILICONE,60W,60 /40 1 87.62 87.62 MANUFACTURER EHR00007 NUMBER OF PKGS: 0 WEIGHT: 0.31 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 87.62 DATE SHIPPED 121070010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO IZ3018W703095201 52 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Slates- If expoiled, purchaser assumes full responsibdily for compliance with US export controls. I PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS, PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT_ PAYABLE VA U.S, DOLLARS I AMOUNT DUE 87.62 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4, Warranty Product Return, 1- Wholesale Only. Before returning dray product, customer shall. (i) wnte or call the coal Grainger branch from which the product was W..W Grainger Inc. P'GiJinger'; soils products for business use to customers with proper business idenfificafion. purchased; (!I) in trio case of an internal order, contact wwworaingeraLm and provide the dale, the original invoice which is required Foal ail ru t n Lets I %u: r to pun:hase number the stock number and a description of the defect or filil call Customer Care at 1 888 601 8649, and provide 2. Prices, the date the original invoice number, the stock number, and a description of the defers Proof of purchase is required Pncot listed ar wholesale do not include freight, handling fees taxes: and/or duties. and are subject to correction of in all cases. chan!le :viinout notice. Market sensitive comrnoL�ty products will be priced aceerdntr to current market conditions. 5. Manufacturers Warranty. Cuetoinef should gouda the local Grainger Urair or check online at wvcw_gmmgercoal for ci Riming Export For information on a snacItic manulacturers vvarranl,y, please contact trip, local Giaingzi branch or call Cus uni Care colors May besublectto Other special pibilag. Grainger reserves the right de accept or reject aoy order an: 1 -886- 361 -5G49- 3. Sales Tax- 6. Product Compliance arid Suitability. Customers are responsible for payrllsht of all appncahle state and local faxes. or for providing a valid sales tax Jurisdictions have varying IAws, codes and regulations goveirlillg construction, installation and /or use of prOducls for exempacn certificate. When placing an order, custerner shall intricate which products are tax extinipt, a pamcatar purpose. Certain products may not be available for sale in all areas_ Grainger doss r iot guarantee 4. Payment and Credit Terms. eonBourn Or Suitaullu'r of file il products it sells vrdh arty lays, nodes or regulations, nor does Grainger accept ",singer accepts cash_ checks. money orders. Visa, MasterCard, and Ameecau Express. For customers faith rasponsihility #ar construclio-n, installation and%or use of a product. ti is customer's responsibility to review the p €cduct established oraingercredlf, payment terms ara ii thirty (30) days from the date of shipment or pick -up. All credo application and all appli; able Iao.,s, codes and regratlan for each rOlovanijurisdictionto be sure that tie construction. ex€erded by Grainger Is customer, andihe limits of such credit is at Grainger a sole discretion. and may he [educed installarlon- and/or use inYLlViag t10 products are compliant or revoked by Grainger at any Lima, for any reason. Gramgor reserves the right to charge a convenience lee for late paamects. Grainger fun ➢ter reserves the eight to charge customer a late payment fee at the rate of one and one -half 0- PRODUCT INFORMATION percent (1 112 .f the amoum due for each ni nth Or portion thereof cal the amountdce rernairls unpaid, or such 1. CalaloglWebsito Information. amount as try be permitted under applicable lawv_ Anticipation and cash discounts are not allowed. Export orders Grainger reserves the right to cerresl pubhshiag errofs in its catalpas or any of its weltsoes. Productdepictlons in the are subject to spacial oxporl payment terms and conditions. All paytnonts must I made in U.S dollars_ Grainger catalpa or websltes are for ilitatrative purposes only Possession of, or access to. any Grainger catalog, litemlura or shall have the right of set -otf and deduction for any sums dived by customer m Grainger. 11 customer falls In make websltes does not const5tule the right to purchase produi payment within thirty f30k days of shipment or pick -up. or fails to eampl_r with Goimfjer's credit terms, or tails to 2. Product Substitution. supply adequate assurance of lullpertor :carol to Grainger err €hloIt reasonable time after requested byGrainger (such Products find country of origin) may be substituted and may not be identical to catalog or wel published time es specified ]n Craingers request;. Grainger may deter shipments until seen payment or compliance is made, descriptions ;and/or tmami reggae cash rat advancelcr any furtherstatical demand Immediate payment of all anlomlts then awed, elect is 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration "OSHA' f Hazardous Substance. pursue call action (uichrd €rc without limitation, attorneys' fees and any add ah other associated casts of Material Sauey Cars Sheets {`MSDS) for OSHA defined hazardous substances are prepared and supplied Gy the c ^tf =cGen1. ant''Oi may, it r!; >nphon, cancel all drany pan of in unshipped order manufacturers. GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY T9 ANY CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF THE 1^JFORivIAT` :ON OR THE SUITABILITY OF THE G rs[nrner ag s tL assume respoesrl lit; far, and customer hereby unccndiuooally guarantees payment of as RECOMMENDATIONS MANY MSDS. CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR USE OF ANv Frowidel hereto. all pi.rcliasac made by r,.si.,tmrr, its sthaiowies andafirliteels Each (.It cusslomer's subsidiaries and INFORMATION, AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION OFANY PRODUCT atfihat,is purchasing t €our G €winger rilh be leiotly and severally liable for purchases with customer, and customer is 4_ MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests- 1160 act,00 as agent for such stvtsidiariesand affiliates_ MSDS and a list of Proposition 65 products are available (i) at the local Grainger branch, (ii) by contacting Grainger. a. Gr alBalance. Dept. BLL57, Ailn: Environmental Health and Safety Dept, 100 Grainger Patkway, Lake Forest. SL 60845 -5201 U S.; Customer agrees that any Uodd balance(sl issued by Grainger vaill be applied to customer's account aii) by calling Grainger's MSDS Request Line at 1-137Z-286-9860, or (iv) by legging on to :vvv;v,grainger.cotn and worm rue if year Li its issuance. IF CUSTOMER HAS NOT REQUESTED THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE it) clicking on the 'Resources tab at file top of the pace YEAR. ANY REMAINING CREDIT BALANCE WILL BE CANCELLED, AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER 5- Important Notice to Federal Customers Re: Country of Origin. I !TY_ While all eroducts listed on GSA Advantagel0 meet the requirements of the Trade Agreements Act (`TAA "l, as ifnplenlented Cy Federal Acqu'rsilion Reguiahons Part 25 Luber products sold by Graingar may not meet the B. FREIGHT POLICY requirements. Al Be lime of purchase. Grainge( will advise customers with proper !demiticetioo ac arc autnorized Pikes staters are F0.6- origin Light prerald to destirailon specified In Vie order. Gfainger charges a shipping and scheduleeustprner whether or not a plodder is "TAA- cempliarN," Any federalcusfomerpurchasiliganon -TAAltemwill narodfina fee trmich Includes internal Standli up and mialed! costs[ on each order which is applied at lute of order and be making an "open market" puft1a5e testis not covered by any corattict. Fedemtcustomersare advised Ihatthe open [e lecied on customer's lnvnica Receipis for shipping and handling chuges will not he furnished. Grainger covers nmarkel purchases are NOT GSA schedule putchases. By purchasing any product on the open market the customer shipping and handdmg [orstandalc ground delivery lot orders over US $1500 before tax and freight iutclurf any back represents that it has authority to nrakc such purchase and has compiled aertliak applicable procuranfent regulations. orders) C O.D shipments are not permitted. Other terms and conditions may apply for ethnr than slandaid delivery ARRA Orders. ('Other FrNight Ser !,es f, including wI the U€ IllmI red; P., expedited same day delivery air Irer IgIII freight collet'. expO 11 is Ifie c Last oter's Iasp One I ofliry I advise G tat geI viii e it) er IItIIs oroerts funded in any par' by funds [ran of related ce der s. hazardous Mats al 5, customers canter. shipments outside the cut IOne U.S., Or other special handling by the to the American Reinvestment and t3eco+ery Act "ARRW) r3 s A=1v el' rq c ;red for Cttro�'F €e�.ght Gervire5 tutus €ae paid by customer: Fuel su roha ly eS ntdy to applied. Title ['Pub. L. No. 111 5) (i Stimulus Funds). Uppn re(IU95t Grail�yer wtd IF Countr LI o¢gin infprmatipn s0 trio€ and IISk of less pass to stoical until lender Of slibmient to the call of If the product is hamaged in [rated. Cuslelneirs ensfiounrr niay deteindne eompleace with any 8pplicabi9 regnlrernenls rmdei' ARRA Seedier 1665 or any Uther onhv =ecli, is to fire a clalm with the carrier applicants regulations. C, WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure. ALL PPOD!iCTS S01 _D ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR ti) RESALE, OR (it) USE IN Gracipershall list beliable for any delay in, or hnpainlient at. performance resulhno in whelaorin part from any force BUS!" ESS. C04ERNMEN'T OR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFA�iURE. CRAG GER WARRANTS PRODUCTS rna'Ileere event including cut nor limited 10 acts of call, labor disruptions, arts of war, acts of lerrorisin (whether actual AGA:.NST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE F)R A PERIOD OF ONE (t) YEAR or threatened), governmental decrees or cann epidemics- ot&, in5drrei JQhs, epide quarantines, shortages, Cammunicatien or AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER, UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED, PROVIDED THAT GRAINGER payrer failures, fire, accident explosion. r inadJliry to procure or ship product or obtain permits and licenses, Inability to ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURINC THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD, GRAINGER MAY, AT ITS procure supplies or rate materials, severeweatherconddions catastrophic events, car any other circumstance or cause OPTION O REPAIR; iii) REPLACE, Oft (ill) REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER MUST beyond the reasonable control of Grainger 6t the conduct of Its busineAB- RE. ERIN TFiE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION. As 2. Oral of Performance of Services. DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER, SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID, GRAINGER'S REPAIR. REPLAC MENT, OR. REFUND OF Customer will hold harmless and indemnify Grainger, its Officers, directors, employees, agents, subcont ractors or AMOUNTS PAID By CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT, SHALL RE CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY represenlafivesircm and agar sting and all claims, including hardily Injury, death, or damage to personal property, and ell other losses. liabilities. obiigabons- demands. actions and expenses, wlletherdirect or indirect, known or unknown.. 2. WARRANTY UISCLAIMFR. absolote or ooniinyent, incurred by Gmmgei relater; to the performance of services for customer (inCludlag wait art a NO WARRANTY OR AFF1RIhATION OF FACT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED hirr abon, settlement costs, attorneys' lees, and any and at] other expenses for defending any actions or tiveatened AARRANTY STATEMENT ABOVE. iS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER GRAINGER DISCLAIMS ANY actions) arisic -q out of, in whsle oriII part, any act or omission of custome its employees. agenl cubcontracters or LIABILIT'i FOR CLAIMS ARiS'I3(', OUT Of PRODUCT sj SUSE. 1, PRODUCT SELICTION. IMPROPER ren;esentar[ves. RdS TALLz" IOV PRODUCT MODtFICAHON, MISREPAIR OR N1:3APPLCAii0N GRAINGER EXPRESSLY 3. Cancellahort. D SCtAMIS AN WARRANT; ITAT THE IROTI CTS; fit ARE MERCHANT.48 (il) `'IT FOR A PARTICULAR All pr.)d_a older carcePatcrs must be?pproved i/ Gra dq�r, and may ou, st1l..ct'n restnc':ing'eesand rlhercharges_ r',APDSE ;r;vi Dt};Jt 1' WILL NOT INI RINGt C?ON OTHERS INTEi "f UAt PROPI RIGHIG 4, Product Return. rrtTrrlN�,:.R 1 AAKE :n ii .,A', l- rRTT5 TO LOSF DE AS CCNSUMERS it-1 THE MAGNUSO."IMOSS P000r- areWrnsmaslsemrTI�an thm One (1) Vaal fro TAIITCfpurrh unressoiherrmsc Intl i'usnael!r8liould SVAR +AFJ3`r FEDERAL TRADE CONANI.YSION IMPROVEMENT ACT call the focal Grainger branc`r or ga td vd.ver.gr-tndereem. for instructions Returned PlOdugt oast so 1[i ill*llal packaging, arises, undamaged, and In snleable conditi ^,n. Proof of purchase is regunen ur all cases. 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIN!S ANY 1 ARILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL. h4CIDENTAL.. SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY. F. EXPORT SALES OR PLfaII.E DAMAGES, C.RAINGER'5 LIAOILI IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES IS LIMITED TO, AND SHALL NOT Orders( arexpoisalesartsub) ecitethehfrms conditions founoatwwer. grainger .cam, sad canhaaccessedbyclicking EXC_'ED, THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT iHAT GIVES RISE TO ANY LIABIl 1TY. on the 'Terms of Sale' link_ A FULL STATEMENT OF GRAINGER'S TERMS AND CONDITONS IS AVAILABLE ON www.grainger.com AND IS iNCORPORATL") BY REFERENCE. 316afi -9 /ln VOUCHER 106767 WARRANT ALLOWED 351533 IN SUM OF GRAINGER INC DEPT. 804572097 PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO INV ACCT AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9410578984 01- 7202 -06 $87.62 Voucher Total $87.62 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER INC Purchase Order No. DEPT. 804572097 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038 -0001 Due Date 12/15/2010 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12/15/201( 9410578984 $87.62 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 Date Officer To: Page 2 of 2 2010 -12 -13 11:52:42 CST 12489200682 From: CAROL POTVIN GR PAGE 1 OF 1 INVOICE 1 Il,i GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 804513497 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICENUMBER 9375346740 NILES, IL 60714-4014 10120/2010 INVOICE DATE DUE DATE 11119/2010 SHIP TO AMOUNT DUE $69.21 ATTN: ROBERT ROBINSON CARMEL POLICE DEPARTMENT PO NUMBER: PER ROBERT 3 CIVIC SQ CALLER ROBERT ROBINSON CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 CUSTOMERPHONE 3175712500 DELIVERY NUMBER: 6146632131 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CARMEL POLICE DEPARTMENT 3 CIVIC SO THANK YOU! CARMEL IN 46032 -2584 FB NUMBER 36.1180280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 877 202 2594 PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL I.I N E ORDERED 2UJY6 Measuring heel,3 F �ttSppoked,1000©Ft 1 69.21 69.21 MANUFACTURER# RR318N NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT: 4.300 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 69.21 DATE SHIPPED: 10/2 012 010 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 126533410339329319 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Stales. If exported, purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. Reprint C PAYMENT TERMSNet 30 days PAY THIS INVOICE. NO STATEMENT SENT. PAYABLEIN U.S. DOLLARS. AMOUNTDUE $69.27 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Grainger ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF Dept 804513497 Palatine, IL 60038 -0001 $69.21 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO# Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT# /TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 9375346740 42- 390.99 $69.21 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Chief of P Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No. 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No, Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 10/20/10 9375346740 measuring wheel for LAB $69.21 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 20 Clerk- Treasurer