HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-11-23-10 (Approved: J /'7 /Q
November 23, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Miller S Dillon M Westermeier
W Franklin J Hagan A Kostrzewa
J Kirsh R Taylor M Klitzing
J Ketterman S Beaurain
P Knowles D Grisham
J Engledow Hal Espey (Videographer)
Mike Dotas (BBI)
The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at
approximately 6:07 p.m. on November 23, 2010 pursuant to notice. President J Miller, asked J Kirsh in R
Taylor's absence, to call the roll. Park Board members present in addition to Mr. Miller and Mr. Kirsh were J
Engledow, J Ketterman, P Knowles, W Franklin. S Dillon, J Hagan and R Taylor were absent. Others in
attendance are noted above.
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, Mr. Miller called the meeting to order which started after the
pledge of allegiance.
NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who
made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was
moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hagan). "When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the
results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; 6 to 2, with one abstaining). When the motion was
carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; C -Un)."
STAFF REPORTS After Michael mentioned that the reports presented and discussed at the last meeting were
included in this meeting's board packet, he played the radio advertisements that will air in November and
December on the radio stations listed on a sheet distributed at the meeting (attached as Appendix A).
Next, Mark showed the Board 3 separate extensive inch -thick environmental permit applications which
had been filed for the Central Park Eastside Development Project, reflecting the complexity and time
consuming nature of only part of the Project. Michael next requested, and the Board agreed, to add to
its agenda as Action Item F, Consideration of Agreement for Janitorial Services at the Monon
Community Center (the "MCC (Ketterman, Franklin C -Un.)
A. Minutes —Jim Engledow for Rich Taylor
1. November 9, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. (Kirsh,
Ketterman C -Un.)
B. Claims Jim Engledow
1. Claim Sheet November 23, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Kirsh C -Un); and
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet November 23, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Franklin
C -Un.)
C. Consideration of several amendments of the Park By -Laws Joe Miller
President Miller introduced his proposal to (1) eliminate the use of a Nominating Committee to present a
slate for annual officer elections and 2) delete the language the standing committee chairmanships
currently required of those elected as Treasurer and Vice President. He stated that while these
provisions had been in the By -Laws for the duration of his service on the Board, it was his opinion that
an open nomination process to all members at the annual meeting held on the second Tuesday of
January of each year, would allow a more inviting and open process. He explained that the second
proposed change would allow the President to nominate the standing committee chairs to be ratified by
the Board which, in his opinion, freed up a member with particular experience /interest to be elected to
either office without the added burden of committee chairmanship duties. After a duly seconded motion
was made and ultimately passed (Engledow, Knowles, C -Un) to follow the process in Section 7.1 and
consider the amendment to the By -Laws as proposed at the next regular meeting of the Park Board,
currently scheduled for December 14, 2010, the Board discussed the proposed changes set forth on the
cover sheet (attached as Appendix B). Most of the discussion centered on the concern that use of an
open nomination process could in fact sacrifice candid discussion and sufficient time to consider a
nomination and the proposal to use a hybrid of some sort seemed to gain consensus. D Grisham noted
that she identified a change to Section 6.3 that would be necessary should the Nominating Committee
be eliminated form Article IV and read aloud the pertinent language and change. The discussion
concluded shortly after J Ketterman noted that it was her understanding that those members not in
attendance were not in favor of the proposed change to the officer nomination process, and J Miller
agreed that it would be important to hold the discussion with the entire Board at the next meeting.
D. Consideration of Resolution No. B- 2010 -015 regarding Outside Payroll Services and Bank
Account M Klitzing.
Michael explained that as all involved prepare to outsource the Park Department's payroll services,
Clerk- Treasurer Diana L. Cordray and a Paycor representative have agreed that a bank account should
be established for the purpose of paying Park employees' through the third party payroll service
provider. He explained the process and flow of the money (prior to the biweekly payroll, the Clerk
Treasurer's Office will transfer Park funds into the bank account in the amount of the payroll which
Paycor will ACH into each employee's bank account and submit tax and benefit related expenses to the
appropriate entities). He next explained that because tax payments from multiple sources are not
allowed under the same Employee Identification Number (EIN), a new EIN was obtained in the name of
the Park Board and a bank account is being set up at Fifth Third Bank, the bank selected by the Clerk
Treasurer, in the name of the Park Board in order to match the EIN. Most recently, the Bank requested
a Park Board resolution identifying the authorized signer on the account. As the Interlocal Cooperation
Agreement delegates to the Fiscal Officer of the City, the responsibility to disburse Park Board funds,
Resolution B- 2010 -015 identifies Clerk- Treasurer, Diana L. Cordray, as the authorized Person and
Signature on the bank account. After the Park Board waived the reading of Resolution B- 2010 -015 and
entered it into action (Ketterman, Engledow, C -Un), discussion ensued and included confirmation that
the authorized Person and Signature on such bank account would need to be changed upon the
occurrence of a change with regard to Clerk- 'Treasurer Cordray's duties as currently set forth in the
Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. Discussion concluded with the Park Board's approval of Resolution
B- 2010 -015 as presented. Ketterman, Franklin C -Un.)
E. Consideration of an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with The Schneider
Corporation for the Monon Greenway Rehabilitation Study added to the Agenda as noted above
in Staff Reports Mark Westermeier
Mark explained that pursuant to his $25,000.00 purchasing authority, he had approved and executed an
Agreement with The Schneider Corporation to evaluate existing conditions on The Monon Greenway
and produce a report with recommendations for repair with cost estimates broken into phases for a Fee
of $18,500.00 plus Reimbursables not to exceed $1,000.00. With a focus on comprehensive trail
planning, Mark determined that it would be timely and fiscally responsible to have Schneider include in
its review and report, an assessment of the trails at Meadowlark Park and Flowing Well Park. The
additional scope increased the original fee to $26,900.00 plus Reimbursables not to exceed $2,000.00,
which exceeds Mark's authority and is therefore before the Park Board for consideration. After
discussion, the Park Board agreed with Mark's recommendation and approved as presented, the First
Amendment to that certain document entitled 'Agreement for Professional Services' approved and
executed by Mark Westermeier on October 14, 2010 with The Schneider Corporation, to increase the
scope of services to include the study and evaluation of the trail amenities at Meadowlark Park and
Flowing Well Park as set forth therein and authorized the Park Board President or Vice President to
execute the same. (Franklin, Knowles, C -Un.)
F. Consideration of Agreement for Janitorial Services at the Monon Community Center Michael
Michael reported that consistent with the adopted MCC Business Plan, Department staff issued A
Request for Proposals "RFP for Janitorial Services at the MCC to explore the feasibility of outsourcing
overnight deep cleaning services (that occur between 10 pm after the MCC closes to the public) and 5
am (before the MCC opens). Four vendors participated in a mandatory walk- through and three
submitted proposals. After reviewing the proposals, staff identified the proposal from BBI Holdings in
Indiana, LLC, dba Bonus Building Care "BBI as the most responsive and responsible. After
referencing the distributed summary of pricing and the estimated maximum savings for outsourcing
janitorial services (attached as Appendix C), Michael next reported that BBI, the only vendor to include
in its proposal all cleaning supplies, uses green friendly materials, consistent with the current
Department practices and while it will use the Department's existing equipment where feasible, it will
furnish any additional equipment necessary to perform the services. He confirmed that BBI references
were extremely positive and validated, similar to the proposals received, that BBI pricing was
significantly less than received from other companies. He reported that Department Staff met with BBI
to review the proposal and ensure that the scope of services meets and properly addresses the needs of
the MCC, and that BBI has signed a services agreement (with an initial 1 year term with renewable 1
year terms) that was approved by the Park Board attorney and which is present and available for review.
As regards Department staff, Michael confirmed that part -time Porters (daytime cleaning crews) will
continue to perform spot cleanings necessary to maintain the appearance of the MCC during business
hours. After discussion, the Park Board approved the, Agreement for Janitorial Services with BBI as
presented at a cost not to exceed $8,400 per month and authorized the President of the Park Board to
sign the same. (Engledow, Ketterman, C -Un)
M Westermeier suggested, and the Park Board agreed, that based on the December 2010 and
January 2011 meeting schedules and the Clerk- Treasurer's claims payment schedule, that it would
be best to move the Park Board's regular meeting scheduled to occur on December 28 to
Tuesday, December 21 at the same time and place.
J Miller confirmed that the Board retreat and orientation would be scheduled for Saturday, January
15, 2011 to start at 8:30 and conclude around12:30.
J Miller confirmed his understanding of the 2011 expiring member appointments and the Board
discussed acknowledgment of same.
Mark answered J Ketterman's request for website status by reporting that it is in its final stage of
readiness and to facilitate its success, it will be launched in a way so that it is not overwhelming but
ready for full utilization to register for programs offered in the Spring- Summer Recreation Brochure.
J Engledow reported that he had talked with Walker [Walker Information Services], about a survey
targeted for Mid January to follow up the 2009 Survey that Walker conducted.
W Franklin reported that she had enjoyed her walk on the Hagan -Burke Trail and asked for trail
details which Mark supplied.
The Meetin? djourne at approximately 6:15 p.m. (Kirsh, Knowles) without objection.
Signature: V Date: `Z `M
Signature: ter► It' 1. Date: