HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-11-09-10 (Approved:
Regular Meeting
November 9, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Miller J Hagan M Westermeier
S Dillon J Engledow M Klitzing
J Kirsh A Kostrzewa
R Taylor D Grisham
J Ketterman (arrived 6:10) Susan Beaurain(MCC Staff)
W Franklin Casey Lazzara (MCC Banquet
P Knowles Coordinator)
Hal Espey (videographer)
The regular meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:08 p.m.
on November 9, 2010 pursuant to notice. President Joe Miller asked Secretary Rich Taylor to call the roll. Other
than Mr. Miller and Mr. Taylor, other members present included S Dillon, J Kirsh, J, Ketterman, W Franklin and P
Knowles. J Hagan and J Engledow were absent. Others in attendance are noted above.
President Miller called the meeting to order after the Pledge of Allegiance. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will
state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the
one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, It was moved to approve the minutes... etc.
(Engledow, Hackett)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e.
"(Engledow, Hackett 6 to 2, with 1 abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added
i.e. "(Engledow, Hackett C -Un)." Action taken without objection will be noted in brackets as well.
M Klitzing introduced Casey Lazzara, the MCC Banquet Coordinator, provided by the Ritz Charles, who used
power point to assist with her presentation of the MCC Banquet offerings, use, past, current and future bookings,
projections and marketing mediums. Highlights included the growth in banquets and rentals since the Ritz
Charles became the MCC exclusive caterer, the Eco Chic event held earlier this year and the announcement of
an inaugural special event to showcase the MCC.
Noting that timing required the electronic distribution of the standard reports, Michael presented highlights via
power point and reported the following: A total $10.6 Million in reserves is within the various park funds; ESE is
experiencing steady growth, with revenues up by $220,000+ from the same point last year; the MCC continues on
its positive track with an $800,000+ increase from the same point last year and the MCC year -to -date cost
recovery continues over 100 %for the month of October.
A. Standing Committees
1. Personnel Committee: S Dillon reported that the Personnel Committee met prior to the start of the Park
Board meeting to review the status of the 2010 goals set for Director Mark Westermeier. Noting receipt of
the Finance Committee's similar review, the Committee is waiting only on the Properties Committee. The
Personnel Committee will meet later in November to set goals for 2011 to be reported to the Park Board
in December and, due to the expected member turnover on the Park Board for next year, a
recommendation will be sent to the 2011 Committees for final recommendation to and finalization by, the
Park Board. Sue emphasized the goal to evaluate Mark objectively and asked anyone with any subjective
comments to provide them to her to be shared in the actual formal evaluation. J Miller confirmed that he
and the Personnel Committee Chair will sign a formal evaluation form. Sue next reported that the
Committee considered and agreed to join the Finance Committee in its endorsement of the
recommendations contained in the Paid Time Off Report prepared by Michael. After discussion, the Park
Board agreed to add consideration of this matter to the Agenda as Action Item F (Taylor, Kirsh C -Un.)
2. Finance Committee: In the absence of Committee Chair J Engledow, J Miller and R Taylor reported that
during the November 4, 2010 meeting, the Committee reviewed financials, endorsed the recommenda-
tions contained in the Paid Time Off Report, reviewed and determined the Director's 2010 goals to have
been met except for the Corporate Program growth which was deferred to 2011 due to the decision to
participate in a Butler University Senior Class project by which students review the policy, research
alternatives and provide a recommendation.
3. Properties Committee: S Dillon reported that the Properties Committee will meet in November at a time
to be determined.
A. Minutes Rich Taylor
October 26, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Franklin C -Un.)
B. Financial Reports Rich Taylor for Jim Engledow
1. Receipt of Pentamation Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Taylor, Ketterman C -Un.)
2. Receipt of Clay Township Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Taylor, Franklin C -Un.)
C. Claims Rich Taylor for Jim Engledow
1. Claim Sheet November 9, 2010 was approved as presented. (Taylor, Ketterman C -Un.)
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet November 9, 2010 was approved as presented. (Taylor, Franklin C -Un.)
D. Acceptance and/or Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa. No report
E. Ratification of Change Order No. 3 for Myers Construction Management, Inc. regarding the MCC Cafe to
Fitness Conversion Project Mark Westermeier
Mark reported that upon the recommendation of Roger Smith of Summit Construction Company, Inc., the Owner's
Representative "OR Management Staff approved a $495.00 change order request for the items listed on the
covers sheet. He explained that even with this increase, the total contract price remained lower than the original
contract award. After discussion, the Park Board ratified Management Staff's approval of the Contract Change
Order No. 3 (Three) dated October 29, 2010 as presented to increase the Contract Price in Myers Construction
Management Inc., Contract by an additional sum of $495.00 and authorized the Owner's Representative, the Park
Board Attorney and the Park Board officers to take all necessary and appropriate action to effect such Contract
Change Order including the preparation and execution of attending documents.(Franklin, Knowles C -Un.)
F. Consideration of the Paid Time Off Report Recommendations in Draft 1.1 dated September 15, 2010
Mark Westermeier and Michael Klitzing (Added Action Item occurred upon the conclusion of the Personnel
Committee Report.)
Referring to the Report distributed to the Park Board in September, reviewed and recommended by both the
Finance and Personnel Committees, and noting the availability of more copies at the meeting, M Klitzing
described the recommendation and policy highlights: (a) the policy is aligned with private sector benefits; (b)
current employees will be grandfathered in the current system as the a current payout is not fiscally feasible and
avoids morale issues; (c) expected long -term service improvement (d) expected savings of $75,000±
(representing 525 days that will not be paid for time off) over 5 years after implementation. The Report is
attached as Appendix A. After discussion, the Park Board approved the Recommendations set forth in the Paid
Time Off Report in Draft 1.1, dated September 15, 2010. (Taylor, Kirsh C -Un.)
A. Tort Claims. Deb reported that she had received a tort claim notice involving an injury at the outdoor deep
water pool which she is in the process of investigating.
B. General. Deb reported as follows:
1. Central Park Track Control Points Project contracts were executed.
2. Central Park Eastside Project: Pre -Bid Conference held earlier today on which Mark will elaborate.
3. Hagan -Burke Trail Management Agreement has been revised and sent to the City Attorney earlier today.
4. The Founders Park Phase 11 construction contract was executed.
5. The Park Board received through an email sent to Mark Westermeier on November 4, 2010, from
attorneys representing the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission (CRC), notice of a November 17t
Public Hearing (6:30 in Council Chambers at City Hall) regarding an amendment to the declaratory
resolution and economic development plan for the Old Meridian Economic Development Area. Barnes
and Thornburg attorney Bruce Donaldson explained to her that (a) the amendment involves a Browning
development at Old Meridian and Main Street with the Spine Center as the marquee piece; (b) this area is
already in a TIF area created years ago and that this resolution separates the Browning project as its own
TIF Project for stand -alone financing purposes and (c) taxes from this project will be go into both the
smaller Browning TIF bucket and the larger TIF bucket. Deb explained that the CRC is required to file a
copy of the notice in the office of the plan commission, BZA, BPW, Park Board and DOCS as well as
others. The Park Board has been asked to acknowledge receipt of the notice as required by IC 36 -7 -14-
17. No other action has been requested.
In addition to his written report included in the Board Packet, Mark reported that
1. As regards item II (a), a preconstruction meeting was held.
2. To ensure a clear pre bid conference for the Central Park East Side Development Project, Mark approved an
add service to the JJR, LLC Professional Services Agreement to mark trees for a sum not to exceed $10,000
but expected to come in closer to half that sum. The trees needed to be marked to show how the canopy is to
be cleared along the creek for bank stabilization and in some other areas to encourage understory growth.
He added that the conference was well attended with another walk- through scheduled for Friday morning.
3. Mark distributed the Hoosier Conservation magazine noting a photo of the Central Park bridge on page 9.
4. Commending the cooperation and efforts of the Clerk- Treasurer, Mark noted that the payroll service
outsourcing is moving forward.
1. J Miller noted that Saturday, January 15 from 8:30 to around noon seemed to get the best response for
attendance at a Board meeting and orientation. While the agenda had not been set, Mr. Miller stated that he
expected to include a review of applicable laws as well as discussion regarding 2011 Goal setting.
2. J Miller also mentioned that he planned to introduce at the next Park Board meeting, a change to the Park
Board's By -Laws to eliminate (a) use of the Nominating Committee for annual Officer nominations and (b) the
automatic requirement that certain officers chair certain committees (Treasurer for the Finance Committee
and Vice President for the Personnel Committee).
3. S Dillon noted her position in favor of retaining the use of the Nominating Committee.
4. In response to a request, Michael reported that during his attendance at the NRPA conference held last
month in Minneapolis, Minnesota, he heard much about the current economic impact which for him,
highlighted Carmel Clay's fortunate position to have and be able to foster, a sustainable park system. While
there, he obtained his CAPRA certification. Mark added that less than 100 park systems in the USA are
currently CAPRA accredited. He noted that submission of an application for a Park System -wide certification
starts the two year completion timeframe which is very involved, focusing heavily on documentation required
from Carmel and Clay Township as well as the Park Board. He reported that the presenter at a session on
creating revenue shared that his park system had achieved 37% cost recovery. He also mentioned that he is
looking into the viability of a time clock product about which he learned during the conference.
5. Mark announced that he will be a presenter at the Illinois Park and Recreation Conference next year and
plans to focus on multifaceted sustainability.
1.PIan Commission -No report;
2.School Board P Knowles reported that the School Board established priorities for the 2011 Indiana
legislative session, discussed the different pay incentives to increase the substitute pool and held a
workshop involving goal setting as well as strategic planning and thinking.
S Dillon reported that the Carmel Clay Park Foundation implementation committee has been working diligently to
jumpstart the foundation, born from a Greenspace name change. Citing its goal to raise money for Carmel /Clay
Parks, she reported that committee members benefitted last week from a meeting with Legacy Fund
representatives and the director of the Indy Parks Foundation.
XII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:20 p.m. (Ketterman, Knowles without objection.)
Signature: �e-A`ax.,'.k Date: I i 2 7 610
Signature: VI 1 11 1 1 Date: i 33 020 d