HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-10-12-10 (Approved: /25 �D
Regular Meeting
October 12, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Miller J Kirsh M Westermeier
S Dillon M Klitzing
J Hagan A Kostrzewa
R Taylor D Grisham
J Ketterman (arrived 6:10) Susan Beaurain (MCC Staff)
W Franklin Lindsay Atkinson (MCC Staff)
P Knowles Lindsay Labas (MCC Staff)
J Engledow Kurtis Baumgartner (MCC Staff)
Hal Espey (videographer)
The regular meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:06 p.m.
on October 12, 2010 pursuant to notice. President Joe Miller asked Secretary Rich Taylor to call the roll. All
members were present as noted above. Others in attendance are noted above.
President Miller called the meeting to order and after the Pledge of Allegiance. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes
will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then
the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was moved to approve the minutes...etc.
(Engledow, Hackett)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e.
"(Engledow, Hackett 6 to 2, with 1 abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added
i.e. Engledow, Hackett C -Un)." Action taken without objection will be noted in brackets as well.
M Klitzing introduced Lindsay Atkinson who used power point to assist with her presentation of the Department's
Youth Teen -Tween programs for ages 6 -17.
Before Michael presented highlights of the monthly and year -to -date financial reports, he reported that an SBOA
ruling has caused Clay Township to transfer from its 1215 Fund, $750,000.00 into its 2002 COIT Fund #0254
which funds continue to be available for Park Board use. Using a power point, Michael focused on highlights of
the Department's financial health reflecting 101% MCC year -to -date cost recovery and 96% 12 month trailing cost
recovery. He and Mark agreed that current financials positively reflect steps taken in 2009, supporting their
opinion that it result from many factors on which they elaborated.
Michael next reported that management had received notice that the City of Carmel was considering budget cuts
in the personnel classification of the Park 101 budget consistent with budget cuts across the City budgets.
Specifically, he mentioned anticipated employer contribution reductions in the City's self funded health insurance
and workers compensation and elimination of retiree benefits and tuition reimbursement for a total net budget
reduction of $36,589, to which Park management has no objection.
A number of comments were made by several Board members including a request for a report on paid and
unpaid governmental entity use of the MCC, recognition that 8 of 17 Business Plan Recommendations have been
implemented with 2 more to be discussed tonight, appreciation of the balance between report creation and the
time it takes to create them and preparation of the 3` Quarter report for City and Township Elected Officials.
A. Standing Committees
1. Personnel Committee: S Dillon reported that at the start of last year, the Park Board changed the
Director evaluation process and reminded each of the committees to consider Mark's goals and
accomplishments and provide such information to the Personnel Committee as it prepares for the formal
2. Finance Committee: J Engledow reported that the Committee met on September 16` to discuss
employee benefits, time -clock issues and pass rate increases. The Committee is scheduled to meet on
Thursday, October 14 at 5:00 p.m. at the Administrative Offices.
3. Properties Committee: No report.
A. Minutes Rich Taylor
September 28, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Franklin C -Un.)
B. Financial Reports Jim Engledow
1. Receipt of August Pentamation Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Engledow, Hagan C -Un.)
2. Receipt of August Clay Township Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.)
C. Claims —Jim Engledow
1. Claim Sheet October 12, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.)
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet October 12, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un.)
D. Acceptance and /or Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa. Audrey read aloud the
extensive list of donors and sponsors, a copy of which is attached as Appendix A.
E. Consideration of 2011 Monon Community Center Rates Michael Klitzing
Michael reported that on September 16` the Finance Committee reviewed possible revisions to the MCC's pass
and rate structure consistent with the 2009 Business Plan and, after considering the MCC's year -to -date financial
performance, membership numbers, and the general state of the economy, the Committee agreed to recommend
no changes to the existing pass rates or structure in 2011. Michael next referenced a benchmark comparison of
the MCC's 2010/2011 rates with existing rates charged by the YMCA and JCC and recommended adoption of
Resolution B- 2010 -012 to establish for 2011, the pass rates for the MCC, with no increase from the 2010 rates.
After discussion, the Park Board waived the reading of Resolution B- 2010 -012 and entered it into action (Dillon,
Hagan C -Un.). The Board then approved Resolution B- 2010 -012 as presented. (Dillon, Ketterman C -Un.)
F. Consideration of Proposals for Printing Services and Printed Supplies Michael Klitzing
Michael reported that in accordance with the Park Board's Purchasing Rules, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was
issued to identify and select a sole source for the two printing components needed by the Department over the
next year: (1) the printing, binding, and mailing of the next three editions of the Seasonal Recreation Brochures,
excluding postage and (2) printing brochures, postcards, stationary, and general printed supplies. He recited the
selection criteria in no particular order of importance, to be price, demonstrated ability to provide the service and
product described in the specifications, the ability to provide the services and product in a timely manner, product
quality, past performance, financial stability and strength as reflected by past experience, reputation, references
or other evidence of financial responsibility, assistance in promoting its programs, services or facilities through
partnerships or sponsorships that are mutually beneficial to the Department and the selected vendor; and other
factors deemed appropriate by the Board in the context of the service and products to be provided by the vendor.
He next mentioned that the RFP reserved the Board's right to reject any and all proposals in whole or in part,
waive any requirements or formalities in the proposal process, and to select the proposal the Board determines, in
its sole discretion, to be the most advantageous to the Board, taking into consideration price and the other
evaluation factors previous indentified. He noted that of the 14 Vendors who obtained RFPs, 4 submitted
proposals and referenced the pricing summary prepared for the Park Board's consideration. Michael next
reported that after review of the proposals, the pricing variation between vendors from item to item made it too
difficult to identify an overall best vendor for both components and, equally difficult to identify a sole source that
would reduce the Department's costs for all printing needs. Faced with the need to drop the second component
and the lack of time to reissue a revised RFP, Staff validated that all 4 vendors would honor the pricing submitted
for Component #1 if a contract was awarded solely for that service. Michael next made four (4) recommendations:
(1) that the Board invoke its right to reject Component #2 in all proposals; (2) that the Board determine the
proposal submitted by Diversified Business Systems, Inc. to be non responsive because it failed to meet the
paper size specifications and failed to submit pricing for Component #2 as required; (3) that the Board accept the
proposal from and award a contract to UN Communications since it met all of the criteria at the lowest price for
Component #1 ($16,252 for a 72 page guide and $17,642 for an 80 page guide bringing the total price for printing
all three 2011 program guides not to exceed $52,926). After discussion, the Park Board determined that
Diversified Business Systems, Inc. proposal was non responsive for failure to quote the specified size paper and
for not providing pricing for Component #2 as required by the RFP. (Hagan, Taylor C -Un.) It next rejected
Component #2 from all proposals (Hagan, Engledow C -Un.) after which it accepted the most responsible and
responsive proposal for Component #1 from UN Communications and authorized the Director and the Park Board
Attorney to take all action necessary to complete the contracting process and authorize the President of the Park
Board to sign the contact. (Hagan, Ketterman C -Un.)
A. Tort Claims. See report attached as Appendix B.
B. General. See report attached as Appendix B.
In addition to his written report included in the Board Packet, Mark reported that
1. As regards item V (f), quotes were expected on October 14
2. As regards item V (g), the East Side development has hit a stumbling block with Vectren's objection to the
roundabout and parking lot location. The project team has scheduled a conference call to address the matter.
3. Website progress continues with data population with launching by December 1 of this year;
4. He learned that the Monon Trailhead gates had been removed and will discuss same with the Properties
1. Plan Commission —No report;
2. School Board P Knowles reported that the School Board has heard impressive reports on the schools and
had planned its first redistricting meeting for tonight.
1. J Engledow reported that his company had been asked to submit pricing for Founders Park, Phase II for
which he will be submitting for acceptance by the Park Board, a conflict of interest disclosure statement.
2. J Engledow complimented A Kostrzewa for her part in keeping things working.
3. P Knowles reported that she was impressed with all the things going on behind the scenes to keep the parks
working so well.
XII. ADJOURN The eeti Id'.urned at approximately 7:20 p.m. (Ketterman, Knowles without objection.)
Signature: 4 a1 It Date: /b
Signature: Date: IC Zf::,° 10