HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-09-28-10 (Approved: /02
September 28, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Miller S Dillon M Westermeier
R Taylor A Kostrzewa
J Kirsh (arrived 6:03) Susan Beaurain
J Ketterman D Grisham
P Knowles Hal Espey (Videographer)
J Engledow
W Franklin
J Hagan (arrived 6:10)
The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at
approximately 6:00 p.m. on September 28, 2010 pursuant to notice. President J Miller, asked R Taylor to
call the roll. Park Board members present in addition to Mr. Miller and Mr. Taylor were J Engledow, J
Ketterman, P Knowles and W Franklin. J Kirsh and J Hagan arrived after the start of the meeting at the time
noted above. S Dillon was absent. Others in attendance are noted above.
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, Mr. Miller called the meeting to order which started after the
pledge of allegiance.
NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who
made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was
moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hagan). "When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the
results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; 6 to 2, with one abstaining). When the motion was
carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; C -Un)."
A. Minutes —Rich Taylor
1. September 14, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor,
Engledow C -Un.)
2. September 18, 2010 Governance Workshop Minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor,
Ketterman C -Un.)
B. Claims Jim Engledow
1. Claim Sheet September 28, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un);
2. Park Impact Fee Claim was approved as presented Engledow, Taylor C -Un.); and
3. Clay Township Claim Sheet September 28, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Taylor C-
C. Central Park East Project Mark Westermeier
1. Consideration of Owner's Representative Contract:
Mark reviewed the Park Board's longstanding relationship with Summit Construction Co., Inc. "Summit
starting with its role as the Owner's Representative "OR during the initial Central Park Project and then
for later Central Park Projects, currently serving as the OR for the MCC Cafe to Fitness Conversion and
the Track Control Points Project. Mark referred to Summit's proposal included in the board packet and
mentioned his support for the estimated hours, the hourly rate of $100 and the cap. He also mentioned
that he had walked the grounds with Steve Baker and Roger Smith to describe the scope of work and
that Steve in particular had worked with Mark and JJR on bidding strategies, all of which is anticipated to
lower the overall project cost. After endorsement of Summit in this role, the Park Board authorized the
Park Board Attorney, the Park Department Director and the Park Board President to negotiate an
agreement whereby Summit Construction Co., Inc. serves as the Park Board's Owner's Representative
to assist management with the Central Park East Project at $100.00 per hour for office staff and $85.00
per hour for a Construction Administrator not to exceed a sum of 279,700.00 and authorize the Park
Board President, Vice President or Treasurer to execute such agreement. (Ketterman, Franklin C -Un.)
2. Authorization to bid Central Park East Protect
Mark distributed a 1 page overview illustration and a cost estimate for 13 components of the Project
which did not yet reflect deferral of the tree house, downsizing of shelters to a maximum occupancy of
30 and boardwalk and concrete alternatives. See Appendix A for the handout. Mark explained that
Boardwalk would be used primarily for ADA accessibility grade transitions, preservation of wildflowers,
wetlands and water flow. After much discussion, the Park Board authorized the Director and Park Board
Attorney to take all necessary and appropriate action to issue bid documents and receive bids for the
Central Park East Project. (Franklin, Kirsh C -Un.)
D. Consideration of Hagan Burke Trail Management Agreement Mark Westermeier
Mark and Deb addressed the status of the due diligence review and expressed confidence in the ability
to work out a management agreement for this trail, including the possibility of obtaining a current as -built
survey. After much discussion, including a request to bring the agreement back to the Park Board in the
event that something unusual were to be included, the Park Board authorized the Park Department
Director, the Park Board Attorney and the Park Board President to negotiate with the City of Carmel any
and all necessary and appropriate revisions to the Management Agreement presented in the Board
packet on September 14, 2010 and authorized the Park Board President or Vice President to execute
the same, to be followed by a report to the Park Board. (Engledow, Kirsh C -Un.)
E. Consideration of Quotes for the Carmel Monon Mile Marker Project Mark Westermeier
Mark described the routine public safety operations of adding mile markers and inlays. He reported that
4 of 12 contractors responded on time to the Department's request for quotes pursuant to Indiana Code
36- 1- 12 -4.9 and the Park Purchasing Rules and referenced the quotes contained in the board packet.
He next mentioned that as Indianapolis had indicated its willingness to switch its numbering system,
currently starting at 96 Street with 0, so that Carmel could continue it sequential numbers northward, he
wanted to confirm a commitment and therefore, the numbering system, before he would notice the
contractors to proceed. Mark recommended that the Park Board award 2 contracts for the Carmel
Monon Mile Marker Project, 1 to Hagerman and 1 to Globe Asphalt Paving Company for the best overall
economic price. After discussion, including the timing of repaving the entire length of the Monon
Greenway not sooner than 2012 during which time, information will have been gathered as to how well
the public was served by this project for upgrades at that time, the Park Board agreed to award two (2)
separate contracts for the Carmel Monon Mile Marker Project, one (1) for Part I and one (1) for Part II
rather than award a single contract for the entire project since to do so will result in overall cost savings
to the Park Board. (Ketterman, Hagan C -Un). It next accepted from, and awarded a contract to
Hagerman, Inc. for Part 1- Precast Mile Markers in the amount of Eighteen Thousand Seven Hundred
Ten and no /100's ($18,710.00) and authorized the Park Board Attorney and the Park Department
Director to take all action necessary to complete the contracting process including the initiation of a letter
of intent authorizing the spending of administrative funds to be incurred during the finalization of the
contract and authorized the President or Vice President to sign the contract upon completion of the Park
Board Attorney's review. (Franklin, Knowles C -Un.) The Park Board next accepted from, and awarded a
contract to Globe Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. for Part II- Thermoplastic Inlays in the amount of Four
Thousand Two Hundred Ninety and no /100's Dollars ($4,290.00) and authorized the Park Board
Attorney and the Park Department Director to take all action necessary to complete the contracting
process including the initiation of a letter of intent authorizing the spending of administrative funds to be
incurred during the finalization of the contract and authorized the President or Vice President to sign the
contract upon completion of the Park Board Attorney's review. (Knowles, Kirsh C -Un without J Kirsh who
left the room prior to the vote.)
F. Consideration of Change Order No. 2 regarding the MCC Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project
Mark Westermeier presented Change Order No. 2, reporting that Change Order No. 1 had resulted in a
deduct from the Project $1,604.00] and the second an increase +$680.00] resulting in a total contract
price for Myers Construction Management, Inc. [$84,576.00] that is less than that originally awarded
[$85, 500.00]. After Mark recommended approval, the Park Board approved Contract Change Order No.
2 (Two) as presented to increase the Contract Price in the Contact with Myers Construction
Management Inc., by an additional sum of $680.00 and authorized the Owner's Representative, the Park
Board Attorney and the Park Board officers to take all necessary and appropriate action to effect such
Contract Change Order including the preparation and execution of attending documents. (Engledow,
Hagan C -Un without J Kirsh.)
J Engledow mentioned that all members should have received from Michael [Klitzing] the document
regarding consideration of a rate increase from Michael and asked them to review it before the next
J Hagan asked whether the cafe cabinets will be reused to which Mark answered that they will be
J Engledow thanked Mark for the one page diagram of the Central Park East Project.
J Hagan mentioned the news story regarding IMA security changes and noted her observation of the
brown sign on US 31 for the MCC and asked whether the MCC was on the list for Super Bowl 2012
venues. After Mark replied that currently, it was not, several members encouraged pursuit of that
J Kirsh mentioned that there were some broken mile markers on an Indy section of the Monon Trail to
which Mark advised that he attributed that to deferred maintenance.
The Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:00 p.m. (Ketterman, Hagan C -Un.)
Signature: Date: C 2 1c
Signature: fi �a
9 I'' Date: