HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-09-14-10 (Approved: 9-d (f- l O
Regular Meeting
September 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Miller M Westermeier
S Dillon M Klitzing
J Hagan A Kostrzewa
R Taylor D Grisham
J Kirsh Ben Johnson
W Franklin Susan Beaurain(MC Division Manager)
P Knowles Gregg Calpino (JJR, LLC)
J Engledow Mark O'Leary
J Ketterman Laura Verden
Dave Wolmutt
Hal Espey (videographer)
The regular meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:05 p.m.
on September 14, 2010 pursuant to notice. President Joe Miller asked Secretary Rich Taylor to call the roll. All
members were present as noted above. Others in attendance are noted above.
President Miller called the meeting to order and after the Pledge of Allegiance, noted that Gregg Calpino was
present to update the Board on the Central Park East Project. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the
motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the one who
seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was moved to approve the minutes... etc. (Engledow,
Hackett)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow,
Hackett 6 to 2, with 1 abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e.
"(Engledow, Hackett C -Un)." Action taken without objection will be noted in brackets as well.
A. Presentation by Gregg Calpino of JJR, LLC regarding the Central Park East Project:
Mr. Calpino used power point to present and report that the due diligence had been completed, preliminary
engineering documents had been delivered to staff for review and meetings were scheduled this week to
determine among other things, how work should be assembled in a fall and spring bid package to provide the
best economic result. Gregg next (a) described how completion of the preliminary work changed some trail
configurations, shelter locations and features that preserve wetlands and highlight the park's hydrology, (b)
identified restoration and solar lighting opportunities, (c) reported placement of site furnishings at trail
intersections and a change from a pedestrian bridge to an overlook on the interurban, (d) explained the
reserved meadow spaces near shelters for education /team building /fitness course component (e) presented
examples of and requested feedback on handicap accessible treehouse structures, artistic solar power features
and secured, outdoor meeting spaces. Mark O'Leary presented the site's watershed history, its current status
and suggested resolutions which include vegetative management, debris removal, in- stream treatments, toe
treatments and bank /slope treatments. The consensus of the Board was to pursue the treehouse and solar
powered panels.
B. Other: None.
Michael Klitzing introduced Ben Johnson who presented an overview of the Extended School Enrichment
Program "ESE He reported steady registration increases since the 2006 -07 school year, positive feedback
from the parent/guardian surveys and introduced implementation of the Youth Program Quality Assessment and
Improvement Project (the "YPQA the goal of which is to establish an improvement plan for each site, the details
of which are captured on the handout attached as Appendix A. Ben explained that the YPQA provides a method
by which all 11 ESE sites will be internally evaluated this September on the quality of youth programs and
identification of staff training needs. 6 of the 11 sites will be externally assessed this October. Once this process
has been completed, he will report back to the Board. After discussion, P Knowles agreed to request that this
report be placed on a School Board agenda.
Michael reported that the standard monthly reports were included in the Board packet reflecting a steady financial
position with year to date revenues up and expenses down. He highlighted the Monon Community Center net
revenues at $737,000.00 which he attributed to a combination of factors including focused management by Susan
Beaurain and her staff, significant marketing campaign, rate increases without anticipated attrition, use of
centralized purchasing, refinement of personnel scheduling and good weather.
A. Standing Committees
1. Personnel Committee: No report.
2. Finance Committee: J Engledow reported that the Committee met on August 12 to discuss financials
and the lack of an effective timeclock system. He reported that the Committee will meet on Thursday,
August 16 at 5:00 p.m. at the Administrative Offices to review among other things the 2011 MCC rates
and best business practices.
3. Properties Committee: S Dillon reported that the Committee met on August 10 during which it heard a
proposal by the Carmel City arborist to remove at the City's expense, invasive plants growing along the
Monon Greenway which the Committee supported and agreed that his initial focus should be at the south
end of the greenway. The Committee also met at 5:00 p.m. this evening.
A. Minutes Rich Taylor
August 24, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Kirsh C -Un.) At this
point, the Board agreed to clarify in these minutes the comment reported by Michael during the August 24
meeting regarding the cost recovery to be that, during the 7 month period from January through July of 2010,the
MCC had a year to date cost recovery of 102 (Taylor, Kirsh C -Un.)
B. Financial Reports Jim Engledow
1. Receipt of July Pentamation Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Engledow, Franklin C -Un.)
2. Receipt of July Clay Township Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Engledow, Kirsh C -Un.)
C. Claims —Jim Engledow
1. Claim Sheet September 14, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.) M Klitzing
explained that a portion of the money fro the Flowing Well Improvements came from the General Fund and the
balance from donations placed into the Gift Fund for that purpose.
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet September 14, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.) M
Klitzing explained that the Irish claim was a carryover from a previous invoice for capital improvements.
D. Acceptance and /or Acknowledgement of Monies received Audrey Kostrzewa. None.
E. Central Park East Project
1. Affirmation or Appointment of Common Construction Wage Committee members: After Mark
reported the need to determine the common construction wage for the Central Park East Project, and confirmed
that the March 23, 2010 appointment is sufficient for Steve Pittman (Taxpayer Appointee) and Tim Tolson
(Industry Representative) to continue to serve they have indicated their availability and willingness to continue to
serve in their respective appointed capacities, the Park Board affirmed its March 23, 2010 appointments to the
Common Construction Wage Committee for the Central Park East Project scheduled for September 28, 2010.
(Ketterman, Hagan C -Un.)
2. Consideration of Owner's Representative Contract: The Park Board authorized the negotiation of a
professional services agreement with Summit either as an amendment to its current agreement or as a new a
separate agreement with the understanding that the specific terms will be presented to the Park Board at a future
meeting prior to the execution of a contract or amendment. (Dillon, Ketterman, C -Un.)
3. Authorization to bid Central Park East Project: After Mark recommended that the Park Board
authorize the bidding of the project, Gregg Calpino described the project as a 4 Million± project contained in the
previously delivered Preliminary Engineering documents which he proposed to bid in 2 packages with Phase I
consisting of mostly horizontal improvements not requiring a permit. He stated that some vertical components
would make sense to build with the trails so as not to compromise the initial construction later. Once the Park
Board members understood that the Fall timeline was an artificial timeline based on what staff and JJR believed
the Park Board wanted and after Gregg confirmed that a 2 week delay in authorization would not compromise the
project nor stop JJR from proceeding with its tasks, R Taylor and J Engledow rescinded their motions to
authorize the issuance of bidding documents and receipt of bids on the Central Park East Project to allow the
Park Board an opportunity to better understand the project details.
F. Authorization to quote the Central Park MCC Running Track to Fitness Center Access Control Point
Project Mark Westermeier
After Mark explained that the plans complete and ready for quote, the Park Board authorized the Director and the
Park Board Attorney to take all necessary and appropriate action to issue quote documents and receive qoutes
for the Cent Park MCC Running Track to Fitness Center Access Control Point Project (Engledow, Franklin C -Un
without J Kirsh who temporarily left the meeting room, noted from this point until his return as "wlout J Kirsh
G. Founders Park Phase II Project Mark Westermeier
1. Consideration of an Agreement with the City of Carmel regarding Construction of the Founders
Park Entrance from Hazel Dell Parkway: Mark reported that Mike McBride, the City Engineer, had notified him
that the proposal was not in the best interests of all parties. Accordingly, mark withdrew this item from the
2. Authorization to bid the Founders Park Phase II Project: After Mark recommended that the Park Board
authorize the bidding of the project to be paid from the Impact Fee Fund and the 1215 COIT Fund, the Park Board
authorized the Director, The Schneider Corporation and the Park Board Attorney to take all necessary and
appropriate action to issue bid documents and received bids for the Founders Park Phase II Project. (Franklin,
Ketterman C -Un without J Kirsh.)
H. Consideration of Hagan -Burke Trail Management Agreement Mark Westermeier
Mark reported that he had addressed the agreement status with the Properties Committee prior to the Park Board
meeting where he and Deb reported that she had not received all documents necessary to complete a due
diligence review of all covenants, conditions ad restrictions on the parcels comprising the trail with which the Park
Board would be expected to comply. S Dillon, Chair of the Properties Committee reported that the Properties
Committee recommended that this matter be postponed to allow review completion. After discussion the Park
Board postponed this agenda item definitely until September 28, 2010. (Dillon, Hagan C -Un.)
I. Consideration of outsourcing the Payroll function for the Park Department Mark Westermeier
After Mark recommended that the Park Board authorize management staff to obtain proposal for a payroll service
that meet the Departments needs and all applicable legal requirement for implementation on or about January, 1,
2011, J Engledow, Chair of the Finance Committee, suggested that the Finance Committee consider this first for
a recommendation to the Park Board, the Park Board authorized the Park Department Director and the Finance
Committee to seek proposals for a payroll service that meets the Department's needs and all applicable legal
requirement for implementation on or about January 1, 2011. (Engledow, Taylor C -Un.)
A. Tort Claims. See report attached as Appendix B.
B. General. See report attached as Appendix B.
In addition to his written report included in the Board Packet, Mark reported that
1. As regards item VII (a), the 146 Street pedestrian bride at the Monon Greenway was delayed due to utility
relocation issues and that Deb is working with the County Attorney on the proper documentation.
2. The collection ordinance requested by the Park Board will be recommended fro adoption at the Council's next
3. The new website should go live by the end of November of this year.
1. J Ketterman asked about using signs to direct those who have used the cafe space to other locations once
the work on the cafe conversion begins;
2. Mark confirmed that the bridge cannot be used at night due to the East Building security issues;
3. Michael explained that a Butler University Senior Class Project involved assessment of the current CCPR
corporate pass program, gather research, and present a detailed proposal at the semester's end; with the
laying of the distribution lines along Westfield Boulevard.
4. J Hagan reported that a class of Rose Hulman students will be working on a bridge concept to span the
White River at Hazel Landing Park. S. Dillon noted that the Board has a bridge design incorporated into
existing plans for the park. Judy clarified that the purpose of the Rose Hulman exercise is to see what
creative ideas may be incorporated.
1. Plan Commission J Hagan reported that the Impact Fee Advisory Committee had met and agreed to
recommend to the Plan Commission on September 21, 2010, approval of the Impact Fee Resolution;
2. School Board P Knowles reported that the School Board is working on (a) a legislative funding program
(b) budget approval and (c) the first of 3 redistricting 101 meetings were scheduled tonight, and September
16 and 20
1. W Franklin mentioned that her sister, an Ohio park department employee, had told her that of 17 parks, all
but 4 have been closed due to funding problems.
2. J Engledow recommended that all experience the Hagan- Burke Trail.
XII. ADJOURNMENT The m- ing adjourned at approximately 8:25 p.m. (Dillon, Taylor without objection.)
Signature: ,"AIKA Date: Qt 7 -?5 f eD
Signature: 1 ,i� Date: 4 --Q.S-'-ro