HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-08-24-10 (Approved: 9 —Is/ /a
August 24, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center East
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Miller (6:20) S Dillon M Westermeier
R Taylor J Hagan M Klitzing
J Kirsh A Kostrzewa
J Ketterman D Grisham
P Knowles Susan Beaurain
J Engledow Kurtis Baumgartner
W Franklin Art Small
Hal Espey (Videographer)
The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at
approximately 6:18 p.m. on August 24, 2010 pursuant to notice. Treasurer J Engledow in the absence of
President J Miller, asked R Taylor to call the roll. Park Board members present in addition to Mr. Engledow
and Mr. Taylor were J Kirsh, J Ketterman, P Knowles and W Franklin. J Miller arrived after the start of the
meeting at the time noted above. J Hagan and S Dillon were absent. Others in attendance are noted above.
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, J Engledow called the meeting to order which started after the
pledge of allegiance.
NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who
made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was
moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hagan). "When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the
results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; 6 to 2, with one abstaining). When the motion was
carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; C -Un)."
M Klitzing reported that the Park Board packet includes standard reports, some of which were not available
due to the late receipt of the information which did not significantly change what he had reported at the last
meeting. He noted that the MCC Cost Recovery continues to be at 102
A. Minutes —Rich Taylor
1. August 10, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Kirsh C-
B. Claims Jim Engledow'
1. Claim Sheet August 24, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un);
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet August 24, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Franklin C-
C. Consideration of Payout of Sick Leave Balances Jim Engledow
Jim, as Chair of the Finance Committee, reported that the Committee entertained the question about
how to handle the buyback of unused sick leave over 300 hours, currently sitting in the Sick Leave
Banks of Mark Westermeier, Director (448.5 hours), Michael Klitzing, Assistant Director (302 hours),
Audrey Kostrzewa, Business Services Division Manager (285.25 hours) and Terry Myers, Park
Operations Division Manager (55 hours). He explained that as the current policy allows the Director the
discretion to "buy back" balances in excess of 300 hours and as both the Director and Assistant Director
are eligible for buy backs, it was deemed appropriate to defer the decision to the Park Board. It was
noted that eligible City of Carmel employees, as approved by the Board of Public Works and Safety,
received a 50% payout for balances in excess of 300 hours. At the 50 buy out rate, the estimated
expense to the Department would be $24,455.45, a sum that is available using very conservative
projections. The sick leave buy -out was reviewed and endorsed by the Finance Committee at its
meeting on 8/12/10. After discussion, the Park Board approved the excess sick leave bank balances as
of 6/30/10 for eligible employees at a buy back rate of 50 (Engledow, Taylor, C -Un.)
D. Consideration of Quotes for the West Park Repair Project Mark Westermeier
Mark described the routine repairs needed at West Park shown on the map included in a handout that
had been distributed prior to the meeting with the revised Agenda. He reported that only 1 of 6
contractors responded on time to the Department's request for quotes pursuant to Indiana Code 36 -1-
12-4.9 and the Park Purchasing Rules. He reported that on Thursday, August 19, 2010, only 1 quote, a
copy of which was also in the handout, was received by the 1:00 p.m. deadline form Globe Asphalt
Paving Co., Inc. "Globe in the amount of $32,900.00. Mark recommended that the Park Board award a
contract for the West Park Repair Project to Globe in the amount of $32,900.00. After discussion
including the City of Carmel recommendation of adding Globe to the vendor list, and use of the Clay
Township Park Capital Fund 1215, the Park Board accepted the quote for the West Park Repair Project
from Globe Asphalt Paving Co., Inc. in the amount of $32,900.00 to be paid from the Clay Township
1215 Fund budgeted for maintenance expenditures, authorized the Director of the Park Department to
take all action necessary to complete the contracting process and authorized the President or Vice
President to sign the contract as presented. (Kirsh, Ketterman C -Un.)
J Miller. confirmed with those present a preference that the Park Board hold 2 workshops, 1 on
Saturday, September 18, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. (the location to be determined) and 1 after the first of the
year after the membership of the Board is confirmed. Joe noted that the main topic would be the
Business Plan implementation and asked that members provide to him suggestions of additional topics
of interest for workshop discussion.
J Kirsh mentioned that parking is a serious issue.
In answer to J Ketterman's question about asked about the website status, Mark reported that a
decision would be made shortly to continue with the website consultant or change, explaining that there
were issues regarding the use of a particular online shopping cart type registration program. He added
that he had not wanted to implement any changes until that matter had been resolved.
In answer to J Ketterman's question about registration activity, Michael reported that all program
registrations are going well.
J Engledow reported that the September Finance Committee meeting would need to be rescheduled.
J Miller announced his appointment of J Kirsch to the Finance Committee.
P Knowles reported that Carmel Clay Schools enrollment on the west side is full, raising the
redistricting issue.
The Mee s adjourne• a.proximately 6:50 p.m. (Ketterman, Engledow C -Un.)
Signature: AteIA Date: 0,-/H 1
Signature: Date: